« on: October 05, 2012, 02:05:37 PM »
Guess I'll do it myself :p
what am I getting myself into? (basically a newbie programmer. I haven't programmed since apple 2e and that was basic)
I guess I should write out a manifest of some kind.
Its gonna be random, have permideath (or an option in the settings for permideath, or some quasi not as harsh form), it's going to have a bones file (fav feature), I want eather an option to toggle between ascii and a tile graphic version, or a front loder that wil allow the player to decide. I've always loved overland maps so going to include a random one the player starts in. This part is the hard sell. As the hero goes down the dungeon, i sometimes randomly want a new passage to randomly open up that leads to a different random overland area and dungeon (with an option before world generation allowing the user to define how far that goes or allow the program to decide. Need to cap it internally to keep it from getting huge beyond huge). To compliment that feature I plan to include a really complex monster interaction ai and an item that monsters pick up, can not let go, and allows a monster to climb up and down the dungeon (what i am really aiming for is the ability for monsters to give each other items, form alliances, start trading with the monsters down the way til they can pay the high level assassin to go kill the player as an example. or just march an army to the player.) I will actively strive to include a multiplayer option (pretty much designed for it. more like I will include a single player plot) with a pvp option or condition (let player two hire the assassin to go kill player 1 while he gets an army ready on level 12)
Boiled all the way down, i want to play against someone and be able to use a wide wide array of tactics to get rid of him or her.
oh ya. and its gonna be for android phones. Going to try to get something barebones ready soon with self benchmarks on certain features. Don't care if everyone sees the source code. I'll more then likely follow a step by step and hack in the features I gotta have. It's gonna be a bear to build but no one is likely to build anything too close to it. and last yes going to incude wacky descriptions and such. Might do some advanced writing on that part.
Oh and before I forget I plan to use graphics from onemonk.com following his wishes on how his art is reproduced.
time to go. going to be echoed at "as the coffee drips" my blog.