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Messages - MJG

Pages: [1]
Traditional Roguelikes (Turn Based) / Re: Pixel Dungeon
« on: January 21, 2013, 02:36:35 PM »
I've been playing this game for the past week or so, and really enjoying it. I'm someone who tends to find discussion/analysis/etc of the roguelike genre more fun than actually playing them most of the the time, so kudos for winning me over  8)

Quote from: Rynn
There was a bug I encountered the first time I played. I died for the first time, and immediately tapped the skull that dropped. That made my guy reappear and take a few steps. After that, he was frozen in place, while gnoll scouts zoomed around at super speed. I thought I'd broken the game at first, and it took me a minute to realize I was dead and that I had to tap the gear button to bring up the menu to start a new game...
That's the third report about this bug, but I still can't reproduce it  :( Ok, I'll keep trying...
The actual reason I'm posting is because I just had this happen to me. If it's any help, I'll note that I was killed because I was poisoned, and the last action I took was tapping the clock/wait icon. I was on the second level, no enemies were in the room, and I don't think I had any other status effects on me at the time. Not sure if any of that actually matters for this bug, but more information couldn't hurt I figure.

Other Announcements / Re: How much would you pay for a roguelike? (USD)
« on: September 02, 2011, 05:25:46 PM »
My up front limit is probably about $10. There are many games worth more than that, but I don't know that until I've actually sat down and played them for awhile. I've been burnt a few times too many on mediocre games at $15+ to be willing to take that risk any more.

If there actually is some way for me to sink my teeth into the game up front for free though - either an extended demo, or the game itself is free with the author just asking for donations - then I'll generally go up to $25 after the fact. More than that can and has happened, but that's really the exception, not the rule.

One thing I'll note is that this isn't really specific to roguelikes, but how I handle indie games in general. I wouldn't treat roguelikes any better or worse than others when it comes to my money.

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