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Messages - Eben

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Traditional Roguelikes (Turn-based) / Re: Retro RPG Puzzle [Android]
« on: March 13, 2015, 05:28:36 AM »
Uses Lorc's tiles and requires no special permissions?! Guess I know what I'm trying out on the train tomorrow :D

Programming / Re: Shadowcast Java algorithm
« on: February 11, 2015, 05:21:29 AM »
Another option to get around the lack of symmetry with any FoV algorithm and that works with destructible/modifiable terrain quite well is to calculate the player's FoV using the maximum sight distance of all the mobs on the level and the player.  If the player's sight distance is shorter than the max, a fast calculation of the player's actual FoV can be done by iterating through the lit cells in the main FoV and checking the distance.  Likewise for mobs within the main FoV, whose sight distance is shorter than max, do a distance check to determine if they can see the player. 

If your game requires that the mob ai take into account other mobs that are visible, instead of doing a full FoV, just do an axis aligned bounding box check (simple point in rect test) and if in the box, do a distance check, and then if in range, check the direct los using bresenham, anti-aliasing or supercover line algorithm to check each intervening square.

This is definitely the way to go if space is limited and/or during-play calculation speed isn't a problem (which it probably wouldn't be).

Where's the button to give Omnivore win points? :)

Programming / Re: Shadowcast Java algorithm
« on: February 10, 2015, 03:45:14 AM »
The problem is that shadowcasting isn't symmetric. Which means that not every tile that can be seen from a given space will necessarily be able to see that given space in return.

This lack of symmetry is pretty common in most FOV systems. I've found that shadowcasting is performant enough that if you have a dungeon without changing walls, you can run it for every single tile in the dungeon and take the max lit value from pairs of tiles. So for any two tiles if even one can see the other, they're both marked as visible to that one.

This strategy does take up quite a bit of memory, but for normal rogue sized dungeons it's not a big deal.

This post is old, but since it was referring to my code I figured I should mention what's going on.

Programming / Re: curses library for JVM
« on: February 10, 2015, 03:40:29 AM »
This post happened in the middle of me moving so I missed it.

As the author of SquidLib, I'm glad you found it without me directing you towards it :)

If you have any questions, comments, suggestions, or whatever, I'm happy to help out!

Here you all go, hope you enjoy!

As always, I'm open to suggestions for new features.

Temple of the Roguelike / Re: I miss the old RogueTemple theme
« on: February 10, 2015, 03:27:51 AM »
I think everything should stay exactly the way it is, including the fact that only super awesome cool people can have avatars.


Development Process & non-technical / Re: Dungeon generator protoype
« on: February 09, 2015, 01:06:19 AM »
Looks great!

Off-topic (Locked) / Re: Gamergate
« on: October 20, 2014, 07:10:30 PM »
There is a roguelike where you can choose a girl as pet. I think it was a japanese roguelike.


Programming / Re: Loops on dungeon-type levels
« on: October 18, 2014, 07:45:55 PM »
I just recently adapted the rot.js Rogue style generator into SquidLib and it does what you're looking for:

The Roguebasin / no 7dRL medal this year?
« on: October 18, 2014, 02:00:17 AM »
Is there not one or do I just not know where it is?

The roguebasin link should be

Programming / Re: Theory about popularity of languages
« on: September 17, 2014, 08:11:29 PM »
Quote from: Eben
I haven't used IntelliJ IDEA since I don't want to pay for something that is unlikely to offer more than NetBeans does.
There is a free Community Edition of IDEA which is similar to Express Edition of MSVS. As far as I can tell, commercial version of IDEA targets enterprise audience and its additional features are of little use to indie developer.
I've seen that and need to try it just to see what feature set it has. I should also make a lib setup video for SquidLib like I did for Eclipse and NetBeans. The part of it that I'm skeptical about is it providing enterprise support at that cost that NetBeans doesn't provide for free. Although as many enterprise things, it might be the phone-in live person support that's the selling point.

Quote from: koiwai
Modern graphical interfaces of OSX and Windows are simply not designed for developers, so they install IDEs <...> They try to hide the real paths of the files and substitute them with GUI dialogs and conceptual "Documents", "Pictures", etc.
It's true that Windows and OSX are designed for general use rather than development use, but even on linux a good IDE makes a huge difference to working on any non-trivial project.

Programming / Re: Theory about popularity of languages
« on: September 16, 2014, 08:22:58 PM »
On a related note – and probably making a fool of myself in light of my previous comments  8) I'm considering starting with Java to write something for Android devices. Would Eclipse IDE be a good place to start? I don't know Java or C/C++ from before, the only language I've learned to any noticeable extent being Python.

I use Eclipse; it's OK.  There are some things I don't like about it but that's mainly because I'm more used to Visual Studio, if I had used it first I probably wouldn't be too bothered.  I've also tried out NetBeans in the past for Java, but settled on Eclipse I think mainly because it seemed more stable and the android emulation tools were slightly more advanced, although this was a couple of years ago so that opinion may be out of date.

Eclipse used to be the clear winner against NetBeans for Android development, but that's mostly changed these days. Mostly because the Eclipse team hasn't really been improving their support as well as the NetBeans team. However if you want to do anything graphical on android, use Unity with JavaScript and you'll be up and running quickly.

I haven't used IntelliJ IDEA since I don't want to pay for something that is unlikely to offer more than NetBeans does. I say that based on NetBeans giving me the same feature set as Visual Studio Ultimate, and it's hard for me to imagine any IDE giving more features than VSU.

Programming / Re: Theory about popularity of languages
« on: September 15, 2014, 08:41:37 PM »
I have a lot of experience using IDEs and using plain text editors, sometimes without even copy-paste or undo functions. For anything that's going to be over a couple thousand lines of coded an IDE is waaaaaay better for me.

One of the key things is that the IDEs I use, NetBeans and Visual Studio, come with a full selection of debugging tools, refactoring tools, and profiling tools. This allows me to find and fix problems and keep my source code clean as requirements inevitably change.

For me the primary reason to use a language of your choice once experienced is to pick the one you are most comfortable solving certain kinds of problems with. While I usually pick Java due to my experience, I'll use JavaScript if duck typing is important for a project or C++ / C# if tying directly to hardware is important.

The primary reason to pick a new language should be what libraries are available and what the support system for it is like. Which is why C++, C#, Java, JavaScript, and Python are all excellent choices. Other languages, like Go, might be excellent in their core functionality but without a large support system it can be really tough to avoid implementing the wheel all over again.

Side note: unlike other languages, I learned Java first in an IDE and found that it giving me hints about my code as I worked and code completion suggestion for the standard library I learned enough that when I moved to a terrible plain text editor for a robots project I had no problem rough coding. For me at least, learning in an IDE first enhanced my learning abilities rather than stunting them.

Off-topic (Locked) / Re: Individual research on crowdfunded games [SURVEY]
« on: September 13, 2014, 08:24:41 PM »
The single game questionnaires are probably better than the comparison.

It seems like some of your choices are things like comparing limes and kiwi fruit because they're both green. It's more of a coincidence or partial factor in them rather than something that makes them comparable. Which is fine if the only question is which is more green. But if the question is which one tastes better the answer gets all muddied up in situational dependencies.

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