Temple of The Roguelike Forums
Websites => Off-topic (Locked) => Topic started by: ido on April 21, 2010, 11:15:40 AM
Hi all!
After a few months of unemployment- sending my resume to all game companies in Vienna (there are not that many of them after Rockstar Vienna closed shop and several others followed their footsteps), being interviewed at a couple of them and even a very short and ultimately fruitless hands-on experience with one of the least reputable of the bunch - it seems like the best opportunity thus far has manifested itself a couple of days ago!
In a little less than a week I will interview with a promising up-and-coming development house focusing on Nintendo DS/DSi and online games.
Wish me luck!
Good luck with that :)
Jobs in the game development business seem to be hard. I hope you find a good job that you can enjoy.
Fantastic and good luck! I shall guard the land of unemployment well enough so you can rule well and true in the land of employment. 8)
Let us know of the future projects when you can.
Thanks, although I haven't actually gotten the job yet.
We'll see how it goes next Tuesday.
Good luck, man!
May you have the strength and cunning to defy luck, ido!
I shall guard the land of unemployment well enough so you can rule well and true in the land of employment. 8)
Fear not, Brian, for the land of unemployment holds great riches for the daring.
First meeting went well, I think my chances are good :)
That's good to know. I hope the job will leave some time for private projects, though. Well even if not, it still can be an interesting job, that should be alright, too :)
I hope so too.
They said they don't have crunch time and mostly keep to 40 hours a week.
We spent most of the interview talking about random dungeon generation - the project they need people for is a flash based, up-to-4-players-multiplayer online diablo-like, which sounds interesting enough .
Ido I truly hope you get the job. You'll have to keep me posted as to the truth of European development: here in the states we are told Europe never crunches and they all get August off :)
We spent most of the interview talking about random dungeon generation - the project they need people for is a flash based, up-to-4-players-multiplayer online diablo-like, which sounds interesting enough .
Sounds great -- wish you lots of good luck!
here in the states we are told Europe never crunches and they all get August off
Well. This is not true. :D
The down side is definitely the pay (which is lower than other offers I got from companies outside of the games industry and lower than my previous job as well).
But I expected as much.
here in the states we are told Europe never crunches and they all get August off
Well. This is not true. :D
Close enough in Austria (for general programming jobs anyway) - over time is usually payed and you get 5 weeks (25 work days) vacation per year, which a lot of people take in the form of a big (~3 weeks) vacation in summer and a few short (long weekend-ish) ones during the year.
Well again. Of course I can't speak for programming jobs, but only for over time in academic fields ... as scientific assistant you're not allowed to have over time, but of course you always have over time. But because it's forbidden, it is unpaid.
Starting new job in T minus 12 days.
Great :) Maybe you can now and then give us some insight in professional approaches to game making, that'd be very cool.
Fantastic. Soon, you may well enter into the brave new frontier centered around people arguing Flash vs HTML5 from the sidelines! :P
Awesome! Keep us informed!