Temple of The Roguelike Forums
Announcements => Traditional Roguelikes (Turn Based) => Topic started by: Vanguard on April 01, 2010, 08:33:00 PM
The new version is out. (http://www.bay12games.com/dwarves/)
I haven't tried it yet, but the new site looks nice.
Edit: Really? No replies?
Or is everyone too busy playing it?
[dweller interrupted reading - new df version seen]
Whoa! I did expect that it will be very soon, as everything has been green in development branch.
Going to play.
[dweller interrupted reading - new df version seen]
Fenrir cancels browse forum: Interrupted by incorrect Dwarf-Fortress message syntax
Fenrir has become enraged!
I think green in the right color. It has been more than a year since I last played Dwarf Fortress.
Edit: Really? No replies?
Dwarf Fortress must be a great game, and I have lots of respect for its devs. It is, however, way to complex for me to get into it :-/
So you've never tried it?
EDIT: Stupid question. "Dwarf Fortress must be a great game" Of course you haven't.
Have you looked at the tutorials an the wiki? Despite all the people whining about the UI, it's not really that difficult. I got along just fine without any tutorials.
Many people are waiting for the bigfixed/optimization merged version to come---as some people's FPS and mem issues have rendered it unplayable until such things get worked out.
I hope Capnduck does another Youtube beginner's guide as a great many new things are at work in the game now.
So you've never tried it?
EDIT: Stupid question. "Dwarf Fortress must be a great game" Of course you haven't.
I have tried it and from what I saw, I assume that it _must_ be a great game, but I can not definitly state such an opinion without having played it for a longer time. And some memory and speed issue with my computer hinder me to do so.
whining about the UI
Well, what can I say, the Interface IS rubbish. It's a great game with plenty of options and I love it but the interface couldn't be any more useless. Comments about the UI are not whining, they're valid concerns. I'm strictly talking Fortress Mode here.
Sadly you can't improve the interface with the current crowd around, even mentioning things like organized menustructure and context sensitivity will make them want to tear a whole universe of new behinds. I guess they like DF as niche as it is.
Fenrir cancels browse forum: Interrupted by incorrect Dwarf-Fortress message syntax
Fenrir has become enraged!
Nah... I has been too excited to check if syntax is correct. I hope you don't throw tantrum now.
About interface. I haven't played it for very long time, but I remember that when exiting menu I should press escape button and that irritates me very very much. Also I can't unpause when inside menu. Is this bug, or feature? I am running linux so maybe wine is what I should blame.
Well, what can I say, the Interface IS rubbish.
Yeah, I've never seen anyone as bad at making UIs as Tarn is. It does make the game much worse than it could be. I have a friend who doesn't play DF anymore because he doesn't like putting up with the interface.
Sadly you can't improve the interface with the current crowd around, even mentioning things like organized menustructure and context sensitivity will make them want to tear a whole universe of new behinds.
The Dwarf Fortress forums are weird. The fans there don't tolerate complaining about anything Toady does. Find a new bug? They'll start talking about how great it is. Decide that you don't intend to donate any more cash? They'll donate twice as much just to spite you. These are people who decided that the best way to show their dissatisfaction with Toady's slow release schedule was to throw thousands of dollars at him (http://www.bay12games.com/forum/index.php?topic=44201.0).
It's unfortunate, because even though DF definitely has strong points, it also have serious problems where Tarn desperately needs criticism, but never receives it because his army of sycophants shout it down as quickly as they can.
Also I can't unpause when inside menu.
The game has always paused within menus. It'd be nice if that was optional, but it's not.
These are people who decided that the best way to show their dissatisfaction with Toady's slow release schedule was to throw thousands of dollars at him (http://www.bay12games.com/forum/index.php?topic=44201.0).
hilarious :D
I'm not saying the UI couldn't be better, but it seems to bother some people MUCH more than others. I'm one of those people who isn't really bothered, and would rather see new features and bugfixes rather than have Toady work on improving the UI.
Fenrir begins to scratch behind his left ear with a hind foot.
Of course, I am weird.
I set up equal sized armies of dwarves with steel long swords and dwarves with adamantine long swords against each other in arena mode. The ones using steel swords won every time.
Edit: Yeah. I just did an otherwise symmetrical battle of 100 steel dwarves vs 100 adamantine dwarves. Not only did the ones with steel long swords win, but there were like 20 of them left standing (though they did all end up bleeding to death eventually). The new material system is borked.
Edit 2: With unskilled dwarves, steel long swords always win. With grandmaster swordsdwarves, the adamantine swords win.
I read the DF dev logs off of Planet Roguelike, and my mind always boggles with the number of things that he has to keep straight...he must have a switch statement 1000 light-years long ;D.
Slade two-handed swords make every other weapon look like a bad joke.
Story time!
I started an adventurer (elf with a focus on swords) and set out to find random monsters to kill off. First I went to the human village to see if they were enemies of my civilization. They were friendly, and no one wanted to join my team, so I left off into the far wilderness. I killed about 7 yetis and sasquatches while looking for something - anything interesting, and those would be my character's only kills for a while.
I traveled around for a bit, and finally found a cave. I go in, and there's a dragon waiting near the entrance. I tried talking to him because hey, maybe there are friendly dragons in the new version. Everything else I met so far was friendly. The game actually did open a chat window, but he didn't respond to anything I said, but I assumed that since he did that, that meant he was friendly. I go out into the open of his cave, and only then do I get the whole introduction of all the people he killed before me, and he attacks. I run deeper into the cave because I had a speed of 1700 or something. Unfortunately it wasn't a very deep cave, and the back chamber had nothing but a few trinkets lying around, and a pair of giant rats. The rats were friendly to me since I was an elf. The dragon comes storming into the room, blasts the rats to smithereens, and turns his attention to me, but I run past him and grab all the little knickknacks I find along the way, and get out of the area.
I explore some more and check out the dwarf and goblin civilizations. They're both friendly. I went back to the human town and sold all of my dragon treasures for the best sword they had for sale. I bought a breastplate too, but I forgot that the game doesn't let elves wear metal armor for some reason, so that did me no good. I tried to find a safer cave or a hostile town or something, but there wasn't anything. That cave was the only place I was going to get a fight, so I decided that I would rather go down in a literal blaze of glory than just wander around fighting yetis forever.
I head back to the dragon's cave, and he's waiting outside for me. I run for a tree for cover, and he shoot fire at me, which I completely block with my crappy wooden shield (the new material system is working great, Tarn!). I jump out at him from behind the tree, and we start fighting.
Now, I fully expected to get completely trampled by this thing. I have seven kills to my name, and I never do any of that metagaming stuff like throwing rocks, practicing stealth, or choking zombies for hours to get super stats.
Anyway, I run up to him and he charges at me, and I get knocked over, but not hurt, and I stand up and start stabbing at him, and to my surprise, the sword I bought actually works pretty well, cutting through tendons and nerves all over the place when I expected to be banging it uselessly against his scales.
So I beat on him for a while. He never touches me. With each hit he gets slower and weaker. Soon enough, he's a mess collapsed on the ground. Red injuries all over, lying there gargling with all limbs broken in extreme pain and with heavy bleeding.
At this point the fight reached the stage every fight reaches in the new version of Dwarf Fortress - where one side has clearly won, but the other refuses to die, so you lean on the directional arrow on the keyboard to keep attacking them a few hundred times to finish the job. Finally, the dragon bleeds out. Every part of my body was still in the white. I came in thinking I'd get a one sided fight, and I got it, but not in the way I expected.
I then tucked the dragon's 19,000+ kilogram corpse into my backpack and walked back (completely unhindered by the weight) to the village where I retired.
If Toady needs criticism so badly, email or message him privately on the forums so that his diehard fans have no chance to object. I only play in Adventure mode, the complexity of dwarf mode continues to scare me off. There are things that could be improved about the game, and if you have constructive criticisms it would be better if they could get heard.
Is it really that bad there? I used to be one of those diehard fans; I don't know if the fact that I haven't played the game in a long time has changed that. Back when I was a denizen of those forums, I didn't see any bug reports get derided by the locals.
I didn't see any bug reports get derided by the locals.
They don't so much complain about bug reports as they seem to like most of the game's bugs.
There are some suggestions they're outright hostile to though. suggestions that the interface should be improved (because the game isn't feature complete and it would need to be redone) or that it's bad to simulate things like having adamantine weapons give 5x damage and instead its molar mass and score on the mohs scale should be used for that purpose instead. I'm not really sure why they don't like that one.
If Toady needs criticism so badly, email or message him privately on the forums so that his diehard fans have no chance to object. I only play in Adventure mode, the complexity of dwarf mode continues to scare me off. There are things that could be improved about the game, and if you have constructive criticisms it would be better if they could get heard.
Oh he knows these problems exist, he's just not going to stop doing whatever he wants to do when he has an army of sycophants telling him to keep doing what he's doing. If he had to maintain some sort of standard of quality to get his donations we would see improvements, but I already posted the thread earlier here where people showed their displeasure with his behavior by giving him all of their money.
So this thread is about someone complaining about a release that is clearly stated to be somewhat buggy of a game that is clearly stated to be incomplete being buggy and incomplete?
Also insulting people who have different opinion about what said game's deleveloper should fix first.
about DF:
I like DF, but I'm not currently playing because I'm waiting for fixes to military.