Temple of The Roguelike Forums
Announcements => Other Announcements => Topic started by: Slash on March 06, 2010, 01:38:08 PM
If you don't have access to usenet and dont want to use google groups (http://groups.google.com/group/rec.games.roguelike.development/topics), and you want to participate on the 7DRL Challenge, just post here your announcement as a reply, and I will let the world know about it!
uh? what project?
Oh, how specific do I have to be? It's called GUNFIST: Station Escape, it's a scifi realtime action roguelike ripping off intellivision style graphics. It's pretty experimental and way too big. But aren't most this way? But I just took the bar exam and have time while waiting for results, so need a new project.
Is that enough specifics?
I see you have posted already at usenet... good luck!
This is a team effort - I will be doing the game programming, Landon is doing the rendering/graphics programming and Wblackall will be composing the background music.
We will be using Landon's OpenGL GLSL rendering engine and a bunch of code from previous roguelikes I have made, as well as generous portions of Jeff Lund's Jade Roguelike Engine and anything that we can pillage and pilfer from RogueBasin and other dark corners of the internet.
Started on Sun, 07 Mar 2010 10:32.
I've an announcement of rather the opposite variety: I must drop out of this 7DRL challenge. March 6 crept up on me before I laid out a plan, the next college term has started, and there are a handful of other projects vying for my attention.
the next college term has started, and there are a handful of other projects vying for my attention.
Doesn't sound convincing. Maybe you just failed?
Fine. I failed. Turns out socket programming isn't particularly simple.
Better luck next year! also, the hardest part is choosing an accurate scope (that's what the people against 7DRLs just dont get :) )
Okay I'm done. It's not that good, but it's as far as I want to go with it. How do I submit it? Here is the file. http://www.megaupload.com/?d=E51290SX
I am having trouble with the google site. Probably I'm an idiot.
Okay I'm done. It's not that good, but it's as far as I want to go with it. How do I submit it? Here is the file. http://www.megaupload.com/?d=E51290SX
Gunfist is nice and fun to play, but it has some bugs; the robot sometimes get stuck in a wall.. and the last game I played the old man wasn't generated so the portal was impossible to open.
Good work BTW, I like old style graphics/sounds.
I'm not sure where I'm supposed to say I'm done, but here is a link to links to my game. Jellies (http://www.bay12games.com/forum/index.php?topic=50657.0)
The display was meant for fonts that are twice as tall as they are wide.
AHHHH Bugs. I am aware of that getting stuck bug. I spent the majority of my time trying to fix it. Too no avail! I was trying for the movement one gets in the Super Nes and GBA Zelda games, but if you walk at an angle into an angled wall you sometimes get stuck.
I'm hoping to use this engine for a fantasy based roguelike, so I'll fix the bug then.
As for the oldman/civilian not showing up...never happened to me. I'm sure it will at some point. Sorry.
Hey I played the Jelly game. It was pretty cool. It seemed to work just fine. Need to play more to figure it out, but initial impression was good.
I had my girlfriend play the jelly game yesterday so once RL week is over I've got a list of interface improvements to make.
Count is up to 44 by my reckoning... still need to properly check that they're all working games though.