Temple of The Roguelike Forums
Game Discussion => Traditional Roguelikes (Turn-based) => Topic started by: teoleo on August 01, 2022, 09:21:15 AM
Some roguelike have this option, but i don't remember the name of the option and the roguelike...
someone can help me?
This is an option in several roguelikes.
Hmmm this sounds interesting, but I cannot recall any roguelike that does this,
Is it just an inverted model like you are escaping or climbing a tower?
Or do you really start in the hardest levels and they start getting easier? (?)
I remember that Steamband start you on the bottom level, but in the sense of "inverted model", ie. monsters get harder and harder towards the surface. Starting on the hardest level is certainly an interesting idea. The player would probably have to start out with a lot of power that dwindle with time (maybe relying on consumables a lot, starting with a full inventory with hardly any way to get more, or some kind of exhaustion clock).
As always,