Temple of The Roguelike Forums
Websites => The Roguebasin => Topic started by: 12string on February 23, 2022, 01:10:52 AM
I found a copy of Lord of Rage and Death. It runs just fine in DOSBox, and wow I haven't seen that title screen in about 20 years! I added text and images to RogueBasin's article on the game mentioning that the game was thought to be lost and a link to a GitHub page with the source code. I'd like to bring this game back, but wondering if anyone would be interested helping getting the compiled version onto that GitHub page. I don't really understand the GitHub flow of pages. I quite like RogueBasin, and I have previously contributed to the Avanor and Ultima Ratio Regum pages. Thanks for reading, 12String.
I doubt anybody would be interested in compiling a release. Usually, the person hosting the source code compiles it himself and then offers it as a downloadable release himself.
The code is so old that I wonder if it will compile easily on a modern system. It might take some work to do it.
For an experienced developer, this is actually a simple task