Temple of The Roguelike Forums

Announcements => Traditional Roguelikes (Turn Based) => Topic started by: infidel on November 20, 2019, 07:21:06 PM

Title: Parasite v0.7.1
Post by: infidel on November 20, 2019, 07:21:06 PM
Hey, everyone.

I've been working off an on on a medium-sized roguelike set in a modern day for a couple years now. The gameplay is survival horror-themed: you play as this parasitic creature that can only survive while sitting on top of a host that is large enough to feed it with energy (i.e. a human or a dog). You can gain knowledge, evolve and grow stuff on hosts. Eventually the midgame opens up that is focused on piecing together the events that happened before the game start while staying below the radar and then the game goes into the endgame phase, the point of which I'll keep a secret :)


Features include:

Now available on Steam:
https://store.steampowered.com/app/1920320/Parasite/ (https://store.steampowered.com/app/1920320/Parasite/)

You can play the web version and purchase the game here: https://starinfidel.itch.io/parasite (https://starinfidel.itch.io/parasite)
The web version contains all of the code and content except most of the music due to engine limitations. If you purchase the game on itch.io, you also gain access to Windows binaries which have better sound quality and all of the music. Also if you're into the ASCII, there's a completely free version, too, at http://www.in-fi-del.net/parasite-06/ (http://www.in-fi-del.net/parasite-06/). Github with the code is here: https://github.com/infidel-/parasite (https://github.com/infidel-/parasite)

The game is still in development but fully completable (has been for quite some time). I've just released a new version which adds the music, sound effects and ambience, allows mouse clicking the HUD elements and options window, adds a new habitat growth and does some gameplay fixes and changes. You can read the dev blog post at https://starinfidel.itch.io/parasite/devlog/110553/v06-released (https://starinfidel.itch.io/parasite/devlog/110553/v06-released)


Here are some free keys for the game:
itch.io/get-9AdgLtAK8Egu (http://itch.io/get-9AdgLtAK8Egu)
itch.io/get-aFNs5SHZTDRN (http://itch.io/get-aFNs5SHZTDRN)
itch.io/get-FNnLkk7cPMTp (http://itch.io/get-FNnLkk7cPMTp)
itch.io/get-efndUt6uMkcY (http://itch.io/get-efndUt6uMkcY)
itch.io/get-JFqunCQLsqsM (http://itch.io/get-JFqunCQLsqsM)
Title: Re: Parasite v0.6
Post by: Tzan on November 20, 2019, 09:32:32 PM
I tried the web version.
Pressing alt6 to see that screen works fine.
But when you press 1 to set evolution direction, it switches pages to Goals.
I found that I have to press and release Alt, like it is a mode switch.

So Alt 6, then Alt, then 1 will set evolution direction
Not sure if this is intended but its not natural.
Title: Re: Parasite v0.6
Post by: infidel on November 21, 2019, 09:41:03 AM
I tried the web version.
Pressing alt6 to see that screen works fine.
But when you press 1 to set evolution direction, it switches pages to Goals.
I found that I have to press and release Alt, like it is a mode switch.

So Alt 6, then Alt, then 1 will set evolution direction
Not sure if this is intended but its not natural.

No, it's definitely not. Alt should be a modifier key. What's your browser and OS? Just pressing and releasing Alt will open the menu in Chrome and lose the focus (you should see the CLICK TO CONTINUE string). Been some time since I've checked the Firefox behavior.
Title: Re: Parasite v0.6
Post by: Tzan on November 21, 2019, 06:56:31 PM
Firefox 61.0.2 (64bit)  :)
Win 10

There is Firefox 70.0.1 but I doubt that will change things.

In FF with no game running, pressing Alt highlights "File" in the drop down menu bar at the top left.
Then a down arrow key will open the drop down.
Title: Re: Parasite v0.6
Post by: infidel on November 25, 2019, 05:55:25 PM
Firefox 61.0.2 (64bit)  :)
Win 10

There is Firefox 70.0.1 but I doubt that will change things.

In FF with no game running, pressing Alt highlights "File" in the drop down menu bar at the top left.
Then a down arrow key will open the drop down.

I've downloaded a fresh Firefox Portable and I can't replicate that. Holding Alt while pressing 1-8 correctly switches between windows for me. Perhaps there's some program interfering? Like Autohotkey or something else.
Title: Re: Parasite v0.6
Post by: Tzan on November 28, 2019, 01:43:47 AM
Pressing alt6 to see that screen works fine.
But when you press 1 to set evolution direction, it switches pages to Goals.

Switching windows is fine.
The problem is picking the evolution direction then switches the window
and doesn't set evolution

I dont have any hotkey programs.

Dont worry about it.

The game seems very difficult. I always get killed before getting a second upgrade.
Title: Re: Parasite v0.6
Post by: infidel on November 28, 2019, 01:57:08 PM
The game seems very difficult. I always get killed before getting a second upgrade.

Usually it's a sign of the player not being careful enough. Are your hosts dying? If so, then their bodies will be found unless they die in the sewers. Also I need to lower the society knowledge limit that doesn't let the player leave the starting area, it's a bit grindy.
Title: Re: Parasite v0.6
Post by: infidel on April 02, 2022, 10:07:43 PM
Hey, I've remembered I have an account and thread here :)

I've released the game on Steam Early Access with a lot of changes and the updated UI. I've just released the first bugfix release.

https://store.steampowered.com/app/1920320/Parasite/ (https://store.steampowered.com/app/1920320/Parasite/)

List of changes from the last version years ago (v0.7):

Latest version (v0.7.1):

