Temple of The Roguelike Forums

Development => Design => Topic started by: TysonJLaFollette on August 02, 2019, 01:29:07 AM

Title: Describe the perfect roguelike font!
Post by: TysonJLaFollette on August 02, 2019, 01:29:07 AM
I want to make some command line games, one of which is a roguelike. This means I've been rummaging through fonts online, and considering making my own, or contributing to an existing font project. So my question to you is: as a player and developer, what makes the perfect roguelike font?

I would LOVE a font that includes the 'Geometric Shapes' and 'Game Symbols' Unicode charts.

What about you?
Title: Re: Describe the perfect roguelike font!
Post by: Troubler on August 08, 2019, 03:48:08 AM
I like low resolution fonts myself.
Usually it is hard to judge which font would be best without seeing it in action.
In theory a good roguelike font should be no taller than it is wide, but sometimes it just doesn't look right.
Title: Re: Describe the perfect roguelike font!
Post by: Krice on August 10, 2019, 09:18:17 AM
Simple, easy to "read". Sans-type fonts without the "serif" endings are easier in my mind. Also I think the font should have more height than width which is probably a preference learned from past. In my text based roguelike Teemu the size is (in current development version) 13 x 17 pixels so it's only slightly taller than it's wide. In that pixelated context the font lines are 2 pixels wide so the font is I guess "bold" type which I think is better for a roguelike than having a thin font. If you have a ttf type engine and you can switch fonts easily then you should try out different fonts, no matter how bad they might look in examples.