Temple of The Roguelike Forums

Development => Programming => Topic started by: Skeletor on March 26, 2019, 05:13:01 PM

Title: Android Studio - anyone tried developing a rogueli(k/t)e with it?
Post by: Skeletor on March 26, 2019, 05:13:01 PM
I've been hearing great things about Android Studio and looks like one can build games for Android quite easily.. was wondering if anyone tried developing a roguelite / roguelike with it.
Title: Re: Android Studio - anyone tried developing a rogueli(k/t)e with it?
Post by: Krice on March 27, 2019, 11:24:17 AM
Never tried it, but I was reading the manual and it seems to be a lot like XCode. It even requires at least 8Gb memory, I only have 4 in both my computers (Mac Mini and PC). XCode is actually a hilarious experience in that 4Gb Mini, because it can't update itself, it's just too large for that system. Android Studio is using Kotlin as built-in language, it actually does look like an interesting language by itself, it's thought to be "like java, but better". Just like C#/java/D/etc. was thought to be better than C++. However, it does not look easy as a whole. But I might be wrong.
Title: Re: Android Studio - anyone tried developing a rogueli(k/t)e with it?
Post by: Slash on March 29, 2019, 09:32:12 PM
I've been hearing great things about Android Studio and looks like one can build games for Android quite easily.. was wondering if anyone tried developing a roguelite / roguelike with it.

I did a pretty small 7DRL for it, targetting Android Smartwatches. It downloads a crazy amount of dependencies, but last time I checked it was the "official" and more supported way to create native Android apps, so once that was done, and if you are familiar with IntelliJ it just works well.


Then again I don't recall what it uses for graphics. For something more elaborate than this small app, I would probably use libgdx or similar.

Makes me want to go back and develop in Java, but only for a little bit.
Title: Re: Android Studio - anyone tried developing a rogueli(k/t)e with it?
Post by: Skeletor on April 09, 2019, 02:52:18 AM
Thanks guys.

Slashie, how long did it took you to make RoK with AndroidStudio?
Title: Re: Android Studio - anyone tried developing a rogueli(k/t)e with it?
Post by: Slash on June 13, 2019, 07:36:41 PM
Well it was a 7DRL so, seven days :)

I think I released an update afterward to support also Android phones, but it didn't take much more.