Temple of The Roguelike Forums

Game Discussion => 7DRLs => Topic started by: Darren Grey on March 13, 2018, 12:01:42 AM

Title: [7DRL 2018][Success] Time To Die
Post by: Darren Grey on March 13, 2018, 12:01:42 AM
Woo, I love making 7DRLs! :D This year I made a game about time manipulation, with the main aim being to have time mechanics that are simple and effective enough to use regularly in a tactical way. And altogether I'm very happy with how it came out.

Time To Die (https://darrengrey.itch.io/time-to-die) is a game about a time cop travelling through epochs to clean up weird anomalies in time. You shoot bullets and place bombs to hit enemies in their direction-based weak points, and you can pause and rewind time at will. Clever use of time manipulation is required, with some enemies needing to be hit from multiple directions simultaneously to be defeated.

Available for Windows, Mac and Linux. Any feedback welcome! So far people have founded it a little confusing and difficult, but I'm used to that each year :P


Title: Re: [7DRL 2018][Success] Time To Die
Post by: Darren Grey on March 19, 2018, 01:23:30 PM
I made a little update to the game to make it more obvious that the glowing points on enemies are weakpoints, not shields. I also made a video to help show off some of the time manipulation mechanics and how to exploit them effectively:
