Temple of The Roguelike Forums
Websites => Off-topic (Locked) => Topic started by: dalilahkael on January 03, 2018, 07:31:12 AM
Linux is a decent, stable OS since it depends on Unix (which was utilized to make the Mac OS) and it's not exceptionally vulnerable to infections but rather it's not bolstered by different applications/amusements.
Windows is OK but since it's so prominent it's extremely defenseless to a wide range of malware, however, it is exceptionally all around bolstered by different applications/programming.
I'd suggest you utilize Windows for your fundamental OS and utilize a Linux OS for playing on/surfing (I utilize Ubuntu and XP and Vista).
I think it's mostly a question of taste and habit what each individual prefers. I go with Linux all the way, personally.
As always,
Its a spammer.
Oops, sorry, didn’t see the signature :P This thread eligible for deletion, I guess.
As always,
It's just as intelligent as real Linux users. If Linux really was that great everyone would use it, it's not that hard to understand. It's sad that Windows 10 is the best we can do.
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I think if most people use Windows well and efficiently, then the choice is obvious. When someone asks me where to order a qualified essay, I always recommend the nursing essay writing service https://essays-service.com/high-quality-nursing-essay-writing.html.
I feel like we all have different preferences and mine will be Windows since I've been using it for years now. Also, Windows is an operating system that I use on my laptop at work. I do digital marketing for an online shop called petstreetmall. Feel free to browse the website and tell me your thoughts about the design and the deals. There's an extensive list of pet supplies to choose from and an up to 30% discount on products like dog crates, rabbit cage (https://www.petstreetmall.com/Rabbit-Cages/57.html), cat litter box and more.