Temple of The Roguelike Forums
Announcements => Traditional Roguelikes (Turn Based) => Topic started by: RogueEmpire on November 11, 2017, 04:25:39 AM
About Rogue Empire
Rogue Empire is an RPG/Roguelike I am developing with a lot of passion and my own savings. The game is still not finished but already has dozens of hours of game-play!
You can get its early access here: https://portal-entertainment.itch.io/rogue-empire (https://portal-entertainment.itch.io/rogue-empire)
You can also see videos and get more info, follow the different social channels at my game page: https://www.roguempire.com/ (https://www.roguempire.com/)
To be honest I am not sure why I never shared my game here. I remember at some point I thought its not good enough... silly me from the past I guess S:
Now lets see the things you can expect so far:
- 7 races and 4 classes to choose from, including kittens ;)
- A cool leveling system that borrows concepts of TCG's (Trading Card Games)!
- Exciting boss fights with fun and cool mechanics!
- A world map to explore. Moving in the world map make you explore locations, triggering events and encounters.
- Many dungeons to crawl in!
- Enjoy 6 environments: Dungeon, Grasslands, Lava, Jungle, Dessert, Ice.
- Gather soul essence during your several adventures and unlock new content/perks.
- A lot of cool and dynamic music!
So... what do you think guys? ;D
Also I will follow this with the latest change log, in case anyone is interested in seeing what I have been doing this last weeks ;)
Full change log for version 0.8.7 here (https://portal-entertainment.itch.io/rogue-empire/devlog/17288/version-087-released)!
- Added the game intro video.
- Added new world map events.
- Added a new dungeon to the main campaign.
- Added partial storytelling to the main campaign.
- Improved closed dungeon generation to make more interesting levels.
- Added destructible barrels and boxes.
- Added Loot Chests. Most are locked, but some can be open.
- Added 4 new soul essence perks.
- Old save games now might load and are flagged as (unsupported/old).
- Added several more music tracks.
- Town now protected by guards.
- Added 6 new enemies and 1 new boss.
- The world in the main campaign now slowly transforms into shadows!
v0.9.0 8)
IMPORTANT: Current saves should work, but I can not guarantee it.
So, without further ado here are all the changes introduced into 0.9.0 from 0.8.9 ( I might have missed some, if so I apologize). In bold are the more important features added. I am sure there will be bugs but as allways I will try to solve them as fast as posible!
New Features
A new campaign (Bonus experimental Feature): The Challenge Dungeon!
Champions are here!:
Most levels have 1 Champion noted by small skull icon. They will be crated when a new level is generated (meaning old levels you already explored won't have them).
Any champions have a greater HP pool, give more xp and (on average) relatively better and more loot (unless it is not a loot giving monster, e.g. a wolf champion wont give loot) in contrast to its lesser brethren.
In addition, champions can have 1 of several base builds with different effects: more speed, tanky, more stats, avg, more damage, increased mana pool.
Champions also have 1, 2 or 3 (depending on difficulty) additional spells drawn from a pool that varies on the enemy type, e.g. an archer has a specific pool of possible extra abilities and in a similar way a fire oriented caster will have specific possible extra abilities.
Added resistance gear.
Upgraded food system and balanced game accordingly. More info Here.
Random dungeons are now created when loading the world map for the first time. This dungeons are different in length and style. Initial dungeon level/danger roughly depends on distance from the initial player spawning position. Random dungeon ends spawn 3 champions and have several guaranteed chest rewards as well as gold.
Added the "unending" dungeon to the game. Finished the current content with your character? Dive in!
Dungeons have now 2 additional skins: stone and shadow forming.
Added swap actions capabilities to the action bar.
Separated resistance into sub categories and re balanced it.
Added randomize race and class buttons when starting a new game.
Shape shifted druids now have unique attack animations.
'D'drop hot key has been added to the inventory.
Swap weapon key (default W) now also works on the inventory.
Added several new monsters.
Several enemies now have a disarm ability. Different weapon types have different chances of being disarmed when you have them (smaller weapons like daggers are harder to disarm for example).
Added wind shield spell (gives chance to make ranged physical attacks miss).
Added toggle to enable or disable battle texts on top of character.
Quests can now be tracked in the world map (if you have information about them) to make it easy to go where you need. Note: Because this adds information current main quests in the dawn of shadows campaign might not reflect the real progress of the quest.
Added option to limit game's frame rate.
Bug Fixes
Fixed mushroom warrior issue what growing from the magician's summon.
Encounters should now properly always have a path to an exit.
Worked on improving memory management. Hopefully this improves crashes some people seem to have.
Merchants restock properly.
Dragging items of the action bar now wont drag the screen.
Action bar should now properly reflect stacking items pickups and drops.
Demoralizing shout now shows its energy cost.
Assassin: Volley of knives now prioritizes enemies over objects. If no enemies are nearby objects are hit.
Triggering an event on the world map now stops any movement of the character.
Damage and to hit values for weapons now added to description if enchanted for easier comparison.
Armor tool tip now shows its weight.
Achievement achieved in one computer should now show on another computer inside the game if steam cloud is enabled.
Soul essence should correctly sync with cloud saves. Automatic migration mill save your current soul essence into the new system. If you have essence and perks in different computers log on each and open the essence window after a successful steam cloud synchronization. Underlined text is important!
Better tier ammo should now properly have better stats.
Ammo should properly weight.
Fixed bug where saving a game in bear form would lower hp to maximum amount of humanoid form hp when loading the game.
I think I fixed all issues with the action bar.
Improved inventory performance.
Fixed beta build bug where levels would regenerate under certain conditions.
Fixed bug where enemies would not attack the character if on an open chest.
Improved in game log sizes, memory management and cpu use.
Dropping items in the inventory now auto selects the nearest item next to the one dropped.
Fixed graphical bug where an interrupting event in the world map would not update graphical position of character.
Wind shield status effect now is properly shown and enables the removal of the spell.
Improved door placement.
Balance Changes
Starting staff for mages now has a base range of 2.
Balance: Druid's bear aspect effects where reduced (bonus hp is now 35% and shrugged improvements are now every 10 levels instead of 8).
Balance: Druid's
Balance: Druid's spell learning handicap got reduced from 50% to 75% handicap.
Balance: Warrior's
Balance: Warrior's
Balance: Warrior's
Balance: Warrior's
Balance: Warrior's
Balance: Warrior's
Balance: Hard difficulty is now a little harder!
Balance: Trying to learn high level spells from low lvl high handicapped learning items should be more difficult!
Balance: Spell dodging is now more difficult with the spell's level.
Balance: Mage Lightning Mastery shock bonus reduced to 40% and damage increase added of 30% for lightning spells.
Balance: Mage Freeze Mastery now also increases freeze spells damage by 30%.
Balance: Increased boss damage slightly.
Balance: Increased boss hp slightly.
Balance: Naga's racial critical rating increase reduced from 60% to 40% and cold vulnerability also reduced from 50% to 40%.
Balance: General physical critical rating formula adjusted to have a little more diminishing returns from critical rating.
Balance: General magical critical rating formula reduced chance to do critical hits.
Balance: Daggers have a +100% additive critical damage bonus. Short Swords have a +50% additive critical damage bonus.
Balance: ammo's weight reduced by 60%.
Balance: With the new resistance gear, none physical resistance rating growth by attributes was reduced by 75%.
Balance: Warrior's
Balance: Enemies got theirs hit points increased by 20%-30% and their regeneration decreased by 50%
Balance: Item drop rate increased by ~15%.
Balance: Low tier enemies now upgrade their weapons (doing more damage) after certain amount of levels when they appear on later dungeons.
Balance: Assassin's stealth is now weight dependent instead of armor mitigation dependent. This is triggered after going over the 70% armor ratio. The idea is give the chance make a heavy armored assassin but with less consumables because of weight vs a less armored assassin with more consumables/situational tricks.
Crossbows and muskets have had their energy use reduced by 35%.
Some skills now are more strategically used by the AI. Also some other beneficial skills will be cast on friends too. I will extend this to more and more abilities as I have time.
Reduced food drops as they are to plentiful with the new healthiness system.
Energy used when learning a spell and not successful now is down from 5000 to 1000.
Troll's slowness was removed.
Troll's regeneration was reduced from +100% to +50%
Troll's gain a new starting passive where they have 30% more hp when compared to other races.
The time to start a continual action by holding down the same key has been multiplied by 4 to avoid issues when hitting a single key once.
Added new logo to main title screen.
Permanent effect potions are now called elixirs.
Replaced world map energy spend message and integrated the approximate time spend exploring the tile to have a more user friendly way of understanding the concept.
Renamed keys to reflect what they open.
Movement should be a little smother.
Inventory and merchant windows default behaviors on click where changed to double
click to avoid accidents.
Swapped the +to hit and + to damage in the item name to put it in the orders that games of the genre and d&d have.
Added better disarm and focus blow status effect icons.
Added new dungeon decorations.
Bug Fixes:
Druids no longer can equip ranged weapons by drag & drop.
Drag & Drop now works with ammo too.
Drag & Drop should be properly working with the main and offset weapon slots now.
Disabled auto explore on world map.
Improved auto explore to better stop at incoming enemies.
Barrels && crates can't be missed anymore!
Kicking a chest no longer changes its lock type.
Fixed lightning impact sounds.
Character information screen tool tips should now be sharper and bigger.
Improved tool tips of spell books, wands and scrolls to be much more readable.
Improved descriptions of spell books, wands and scrolls to fit better its description by removing unnecessary text.
Volume sliders should now correctly turn music/sounds of when all the way down.
Game should be more OBS friendlier.
Game input no longer freezes when weight is more than twice of the characters max weight he can carry.
Added text warning when really overburdened.
Fixed inconsistency between picking up using the pickup key would not count towards the prepared bonus.
Fixed bug where dropping several stacks items would not remove all of them in the inventory.
Doubled the time for the game to recognize the start of a screen drag (from 0.15s to 0.3 s) to avoid for the character to not move to a tile on slow clicks.
Fixed the dawn of shadows main quest text.
Added a tool tip when starting any campaign explaining it and its current content.
Summons should correctly loose cohesion (max hp) now.
Fixed problem with using mana stones from the inventory without drilling down into its subcategory.
Balance changes:
Balance: Staff enhancements mage abilities now recover mana, The amount is equal to the staff usage mana cost. Can stack with other staff enhancements.
Balance: Different staffs now have different mana usage costs.
Balance: Warrior's Str and Con per level dices reduced slightly.
Balance: Spike traps damage reduced slightly.
Balance: Increased mage initial hp dices and level up dices.
Balance: Reduced third Shadow Boss() regeneration a little more.
Balance: Increased third Shadow Boss() regular damage a little more to compensate.
Balance: Green goo starts now with a much lower damage absorption but improves it faster over levels. Mainly to easy Eghoss' entry to the main dungeon.
Balance: Dwarf sturdiness now improves ever 12 levels instead of every 20 levels.
New Features / Additions:
Quality of life: Right click now cancels a cast/targeting action.
Leader board entry now clarifies it's in game time.
Feature Request: In game cursor can now be toggled of from the Setting Configuration Menu. This probably need some additional testing.
Feature Request: Holding down a movement key, pickup key or wait key will repeatedly trigger the same action.
Labeled more complex classes during its selection to let new players know it should not be their first choice.
The small forgotten dungeon no longer has a dead end.
Bug Fixes:
Fixed issue with sound sliders on main menu not working.
Fixed issue where some enemies just wont die and where frozen in place.
Unlimited food on inventory exploit fixed.
Assassin dagger affinity would freeze game fixed.
Fixed graphical FX issue with third Shadow Boss() of the Dawn of Shadows Campaign.
Fixed action bar bug where it would shift and remove a slot.
Fixed achievements not showing on steam.
Fixed several typos.
Fixed tool tip for pickaxe.
Fixed missing information about the steel crossbow requiring Bolts.
Twitch integration now properly recognizes channels with uppercase
Comparing items while shopping now properly closes the window when interacting with other merchant actions.
Fixed tutorial window for kick message. Increased window size slightly for better legibility.
Removed inventory item tool tip.
Fixed bug where camera distance would reset to default when closing the settings menu for the first time in the session.
Fixed sound issue with lightning shock spell and iced effect.
Reduced the overall amount of souls in eghoss' campaign by half to try to ease the processing power it uses on older computers.
Third Shadow Boss() of the Dawn of Shadows Campaign has its regeneration reduced by 50%
Increased slightly the barrel and crates item drop chance.
Increased the amount of special rooms generated per level by 15%.
Within the special rooms probabilities trapped rooms where decreased and zoo/swarm rooms where increased.
Food consumption on standard difficulty is reduced by 20%. On easy its reduced by 40%. On Hard difficulty its increased by 5%. I will monitor this changes to see how it affects game play. Also this will be changed once I implement a new food system I have in mind (from some input from you guys).
Looking at targets to get more information now costs no energy and won't make you loose any turn.
Feature request: You can now zoom in much closer and zoom out much further away.
Feature Request: Added a toggle to disable shakiness on certain eventful levels.
New Feature: Merchants now restock items for modest price ;).
looks pretty cool. Does it run on xp by chance?
New Features
Reworked the entire Leaderboards:
Each difficulty and game type (Eghoss, Dawn of Shadows, Challenge dungeon) have their own category/Leaderboard.
Global Leaderboards are a thing! 30 spots for each category at the moment!
Each records show your rank, the soul essence amount (these count as points), the name you used for the record, a small description of your character (name, gender, race, level, location).
If you stream in twitch, a small icon with a link to your channel will be show up.
If played in timed mode another icon will appear.
Leaderboards are now accessible from the title screen/main menu.
Because of new abilities added for all classes, you now get to pick new ones every 2 levels instead of every 3. :D
Merchant window has now proper keyboard support.
Level Up window has now proper keyboard support.
Button cursor on windows can now be toggle on and off from the settings window.
Added 6 new active ability that can be learned by all classes.
Added 2 new passive ability that can be learned by all classes.
When in a dungeon a small icon next to the dungeon name will hint at the relative difficulty of the dungeon when compared to your character.
In the world map you will have an idea of the dungeons difficulty by glancing at the small icons next to their entrance. On hovering a popup will give you more info.
Soul Essence perks now display an icon when they unlock new options when acquired.
Added 26 new Soul Essence perks.
Balance Changes
Kick mechanic changed to be a 1 time damage with a guaranteed success. The damage is dependent on the dungeon level and the kicker strength.
All merchants now start with an additional 2500 gold in their pockets.
Buffed moon-crystal shields across the board. This only affects newly generated shields.
Naga wizard lightning bolt spell level reduced.
The detect traps enchantment spell now auto casts on yourself as it was to confusing before.
Assassin and Hunter dodge improving abilities where changed from a multiplicative amount to dodge rating to a flat amount to dodge chance.
Class signature attributes (for example intelligence and spell power for mages) are now guaranteed to have at least a +1 point increase during level up.
All characters and enemies have had its constitution influence on hp increased as well as its signature damage stats influences (str, sp, agl have an increased influence on damage done). This is made so stat increases are more influential.
Most of the poison attacks/abilities from enemies and traps have been buffed to balance out the constitution changes and also make them more of a thread. As part of this change most poisons have a longer duration.
Negative/bad item enchantments where removed from the game (does not affect items already acquired in a current game).
Item modifier formula adjusted so you seem more enchanted items on more dangerous dungeons.
Increased item drop amount across the board. Changed weight of type of items dropped accordingly for balancing purposes.
Bug Fixes
Fixed bug that would prevent to switch the camera shaking option.
Fixed bug where sometimes buttons in the action bar would disabled for use till the game is restarted.
Fixed bug where range weapons would no longer be harder to dodge.
Fixed a bug where character, inventory spell and talent screens button remapping would not work properly.
Fixed a bug where water splash spell would not scale with spell power.
Fixed infamous ring of satiation freeze. Added some safeguard code to hopefully prevent similar situations in the future.
Fixed several typos.
Fixed the location of several 1 way portals in the Dawn of Shadows campaign.
Both spell and abilities windows have a small informative text when not showing a specific spell/ability.
Level 100, 50 and 25 achievements where shifted to be level 50, 40 and 25 respectively.
Portals generated by bosses now will be attempted to be created around them and not under them to avoid being in the same location as the loot dropped by the boss.
Redid keyboard UI navigation.
Moved the rings subcategory in the inventory from "other" to "armors" as it made more sense when using it.
Enchanted gear now stands out when picking it up and when looking at them in the inventory. More to come.
If for any reason your character end up on a none traversable tile, you will now be able to get back to a valid tile.
Changed a little the UI coloring scheme.
As always feel free to pop up at discord and discuss with me about whatever you want!
Cheers and happy crawling!
New Features
General game play additions:
Added +16 new “regular” enemies.
Added 4 type of shadow pylons to the game. These are destructible structures that buff nearby enemies.
Added a new ability to the hunter’s deck:
Added Barricades that impede your movement till destroyed. If in corridors this can cut off an escape or give you some time to engage an enemy coming at you. In the case of outdoor environments something similar comes in the form off Vine Walls.
Dungeons now have fenced walls characters can see through. These walls let through ranged and spell attacks! Dungeon forming algorithm tries to put these in interesting spots.
Resting inside a closed (or even better a locked) room highly reduces the chance of getting spotted and interrupted by an enemy.
Added the spell
Added the spell
Added the spell
Added the spell
The Green blob enemy is now... more unique.
The Blue blob enemy is also... more unique.
Added potions of unfreeze and quelch fire. "Warning: only use when intended ;)"
Archer enemy type AI was improved: Enemy will try to figure out where is the best place to shoot at you as well as try to get at least 1 shoot at you before you can engage in melee. Range characters should not notice much difference, except the enemy will try to get in firing range instead of running away if out ranged.
Quality Of Life Additions
Hitting the level change key binding when cycling(tabbing) through exits now navigates your character to the corresponding exit.
Improved auto explore. Locked doors you can pass by should be now ignored.
Added the option to skip leaderboards when dying.
Battle texts now have 3 modes: Disabled, classic (Similar to what was now but a little faster and less obstructive) and modern (very compact but also gives more information revealing the direction of attacks).
In game log text was improved.
Level up screen now shows the amount of current stats you have for easy comparison.
Level up gold focus option now shows the exact amount you will be getting (which is rolled when you level up.
Restore from previous backup tool: This is mainly a just in case tool that I hope you won’t need to use. The tool enables you to restore a game to a previous state (a previous level you were exploring). This is done when loading a game using the wrench icon. Important to know is this operation cannot be undone so don't use it unless you are sure your game is broken.
Games now can be saved in a compressed mode which is enabled by default (you can change this in settings). It is recommended you run with this mode as saving uses a fraction of the space it used to and will sync much faster in steam.
Graphical related improvements
Updated the game's font to be mono spaced.
Improved the grass and ruins theme tile set.
When dying you now see your character shatter and its soul fly away. ;)
Critical hits now have a specific special effect to them.
Dawn of Shadows Campaign: You can now complete the main game. Balance might be off. If you do beat it let me know what you thing of the ending you achieved and if the message I tried to transmit made any sense ;).
The with its boss encounter is now accessible in the Dawn of Shadows Campaign.
Added a the lava/hot tile set skin for a late game dungeon of the Dawn of Shadows campaign.
Added 11 new story sections for the main campaign with its unique beautiful illustrations.
Added a new mid game "town" to the world map with specific merchants.
Added a late game "town".
A total of more than 30 new dungeon levels where added to the Dawn of Shadows campaign
Added a new boss that acts as the .
Added several new random encounters on the world map.
Added the final? boss of the Dawn of Shadows (main) campaign.
Added multiple endings to the Dawn of Shadows (main) campaign.
IMPORTANT: Ongoing games won’t have access to all new areas mainly because the worl map as a whole changed a little.
Challenge Dungeon
Added a new type of stacked challenge to the challenge dungeon: .
1 new stacking option to the challenge dungeon. This is:
Balance Changes
Changed xp formula to make leveling more spread out. Changed dungeons in the campaigns accordingly. This will affect ongoing games.
Some type of champions (high dmg ones and high speed ones) will only appear later in the game.
Rats in crates and barrels no longer have a first strike on you.
Rooms where a character enters a dungeon by regular means (e.g. stairs, two way portals) shall generate much less enemies.
Armor penalties for casters and stealth users are now based on the equipped weight. UI was updated to show your current equipped weight.
Some enemies have had their mana pool increased.
Reduced disarm duration from 4 to 3 turns.
Enemies do not aggro at each other over friendly AOE fire anymore.
Reduced fast champion archetype speed and damage as these where able to one shot unprepared travelers to easily.
Range attacks now can fire through other entities towards the target. How ever doing so comes with a penalty to the to hit rating modifier in the case of ranged weapons.
Made challenge dungeon slightly bigger and with more enemies to compensate for the previous patch level slowing at start.
By popular demand, you will now see a status effect icon when somewhere on the current the magician merchant shows up!
You can no longer get robbed by resting.
Dodge chance now depends on the attacker's perception and fate. In general dodged has been reduced on higher levels to avoid constant dodging. Also make perception more valuable in general.
Low level champions now won't have new abilities only stat increases.
Higher level champions will have more hp.
Low tier enemies eventually can level up spells if encountered in high level dungeons.
On higher level dungeons low tier enemies will drop less powerful items. On the other hand high tier enemies will drop more powerful items.
Item prices where re balanced.
Restocking from the same merchant appearance increases in cost with every restock.
Chests have higher chances to be unlocked in low tier dungeons. The opposite is true for higher tier dungeons.
Player summons now get destroyed when exiting a level.
The amount maximum summons a summoner can maintain in a level now depends on the square root of the summoner's level. This can be change with an ability for the mage.
Ring of speed modifiers where reduced. This change only affects new rings found.
Buffed up human druid starting weapon.
Because of their high hp pool bosses got their hp regeneration reduced to 1/3.
Hunters now start with the "create ammo I" skill.
Nature regeneration duration improved greatly for lower levels of the spell.
Bug Fixes
Fixed a bug where some holes would crash the game by making the character fall off the screen on the next level.
Added some improvement to memory allocation within each rendering frame in hopes to help with the memory issue some are having.
You should no longer go swimming in the world map.
The game should be in general more stable.
Fixed auto explore when sometimes it would freeze having all reachable areas explored.
Volley of Knifes now correctly targets crates and barrels when they are the only target available.
Fixed freeze issue when hitting enter to using potions from the inventory.
Armor effects for spell casters and characters with stealth are now shown immediately when loading a game.
Fixed issue where flare shot was making a stealthed character unstealthed indefinitely in the area of the flare shot.
Fixed bug where the mage's
Eghoss campaign final boss
Just being out of sight is not enough to start resting.
Fixed bug where sometime enrage would not trigger for enemies.
Fixed achievement issue that prevented them to show on steam.
Fixed sound issue with frost traps.
Spawning to a new dungeon level should now properly avoid a place where the character would be surrounded.
Fixed issue where AI would cast wind shield on barrels.
Fixed issue where champions where getting too much additional damage.
Fixed several typos.
Armor effects for characters with stealth is shown always regardless of if the character is currently in stealth.
The game should be running in borderless window mode now.
Most off view abilities should be executed instantly now.
Resting is disallowed on world map now.
Frame rate default is now 30 fps.
Game disk size reduced around 30%.
Memory usage reduced around 70%.
Map transition speed improved by around 10% to 60% depending on your hardware.
Game performance improved considerably.
Im playing Rogue Empire, it's classic dungeon crawler RPG - roguelike style game in fantasy world.
Has some unique features like you draw a pool of cards which represent your talents every few levels, enabling you to create your unique playstyle on top of your class and race abilities.
You can choose Warrior, Assassin, Druid and Wizard at this point of game development, but there will be more.
Available on steam or through website roguelike RPG (https://www.roguempire.com) - Rogue Empires official website.
New content and updates, fixes. Game is evolving and has decent shape at this moment.
Also, you can check its official release video for a brief presentation: