Temple of The Roguelike Forums
Game Discussion => Early Dev => Topic started by: huw2k8 on December 29, 2016, 08:11:05 PM
Hey guys, I have shared it here before so I thought I'd leave it a while but I've made many new developments on my game Warsim its an old project of mine and though it's still in development it's achieved everything I first envisioned for it and more!
It features a heavily procedurally generated world as you try to rule the Kingdom of Aslona, a once great land now plagued by rebellion, a united horde of bandits, two strong kingdoms of goblins and five randomly generated independent kingdoms with randomly generated races as well as countless other side factions, I have always loved randomly generated content and so the game is chock full of it.
* Over 15 quadrillion randomly generated faces!
* Randomly generated kingdoms with random flags, laws, rulers and relations that you can fight, or befriend
* Massive world exploration zone
* Randomly generated buildings and architecture
* Arena gambling, tournaments and grand champion fights
* Player Moddability, add your own jokes, faces, flags, names, races ect
* near infinite hireable companions such as jesters, generals, spymasters ect
* Thousands of random in game events and encounters to keep things interesting
* Tons of cheats and extra features stuffed into the game
* Millions of possible factions and wild and active gameworld
* and so much more!
**Some Screenshots**
* [Here's a playthrough someone did for me that shows off the game quite well](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PsUn895-_9s)
It's a free download in the sidebar on www.reddit.com/r/WarsimRpg I am massively open to feedback, I have a tendency to add things that are suggested by players into the game and will respond to pretty much all the comments I get! Happy to answer any questions you guys have!
*Hey guys, first off happy new year, secondly while not including anything groundbreaking this is the most items in one update ever, just in time for the new year! I've added tons of new race modifications, tons of new faces, a few new races, tons of changes and modifications to the game, there are now natural disasters, better slavery, mercenary information and **THE ABILITY TO ADD YOUR OWN RACES INTO THE GAME THROUGH A SPECIAL IN GAME TOOL**, have fun!*
**Major new features**
* Added tons of chins to human face generator tons of new faces (Was 3.2 quadrillion NOW 10.1 Quadrillion possible faces)
* Added tons of Mutant faces (Was 657 trillion Now 2 Quadrillion)
* Added more troll head tops creating tons of new troll faces (was 912 million, now 6.6 billion)
* Added Ability to add your own races to the game from the extras menu!
* Added Godlings Race to the game (credit u/reddish_kangaroo)
* Added Cthuul Race to the game (credit u/reddish_kangaroo)
* Added Description of merc units proficiency to merc screen (credit u/Muramas)
* Added Independent units to the troop count screen (credit u/Muramas)
* Added independent vassals send you half of their peasant recruits each turn
* Added 1 in 75 chance of natural disaster each year (10 different kinds) (credit u/reddish_kangaroo)
* Added kingdoms can now be either pro slavery, anti slavery, or not have slavery but not care about it
* Added kingdoms will not trade or ally with those who have slaves or slave soldiers (credit u/Crayolaclock)
* Fixed Jesters face turning yellow after joke told
* Fixed Major event report ruler dies of old age bug
* Fixed Major event report bandit leader dies of old age bug
* Fixed 3 broken spacing building tiles
* Fixed friend of the fearful artifact hall spacing bug
* Fixed buying land from independents only works for mercantile kingdoms, costs (150k / kingdoms land), requires no soldiers
* Fixed throne encounter text spacing bug
* Fixed magic farm using the wrong area code bug (credit u/Muramas)
* Fixed throne room not working with ascii free version of game (credit u/Muramas)
* Fixed shallowrock mine extra miners bug (credit u/crayolaclock)
* Fixed mercs minimum battlescore from 1 to 30
* Fixed throne room variables not being saved
* Fixed coin thrown in well but have no gold message not showing up
**New races and race modifications**
* Added Two-Headed races have two heads in face generator!
* Added random Cthuul face generator to generators (credit u/reddish_kangaroo)
* Added 21 x Demigod faces! (was 1679616 now 35271936!)
* Added Eldritch race prefix (credit u/PJvG) (Doomed, Evil)
* Added Holy race prefix (credit u/PJvG) (Enlightened, Good)
* Added Unholy race prefix (credit u/PJvG)
* Added Undead race prefix (credit u/PJvG)
* Added Resurrected race prefix (credit u/PJvG)
* Added Invisible (always) race prefix (credit u/PJvG)
* Added Invisible (at will) race prefix (credit u/PJvG)
* Added Resurrected race prefix (credit u/PJvG)
* Added Scaly race prefix (credit u/PJvG)
* Added Infected race prefix (credit u/PJvG)
* Added Purging race prefix (credit u/PJvG)
* Added Primordial race prefix (credit u/PJvG)
* Added Solar race prefix (credit u/reddish_kangaroo)
* Added Lunar race prefix (credit u/reddish_kangaroo)
* Added Infernal race prefix (credit u/reddish_kangaroo)
* Added Terestrial race prefix (credit u/reddish_kangaroo)
* Added Chaotic race prefix
* Added barely functional twoheaded race prefix
**Throne Room Encounters**
* Added three new responses for the rebel plotter throne room encounter
* Fixed rebel plotter encounter being too common
* Added Chaos Orb discovered rare throne room encounter
* Added Visited by the wagon man throne room encounter (rare)
* Added 7 variants of soldier wants to join your army throne room encounter
* Added Farmers family were killed by bandits throne room encounter
* Added Farmers prized chicken was killed by rebels throne room encounter
* Added Farmers son was killed fighting rebels throne room encounter
* Added Farmer wants to do his duty throne room encounter
* Added Farmer wants to fight for the country encounter
* Added Farmers farm was burned by bandits throne room encounter
* Added Farmers land was ruined by bandits throne room encounter
* Added Farmers children were eaten by goblins throne room encounter
* Buffed Throne room visitors quantity
* Decreased amount of throne room visitors who leave each turn
* Made nervous rebel encounter 4x rarer
**Everything Else**
* Added 5 building tiles
* Added 12 Variant the world is full of mystery screens
* Nerfed vassilisation requirement to 4x troops instead of 5x
* Added special message to independent diplomacy screen if all kingdoms are vassals
* Added Basket of Magical fruit throne room encounter
Little update today, been a little busy starting work again after the new year but there should be some more bigger and better updates on the horizon, like coming soon! This update has a few more faces, some bug fixes and slave tweaks!
* Added more human headbands and hair (3 quadrillion more human faces!)
* Reworked godling race
* Added ability to choose which races are in your world
* Added Slaves freed stat to stats screen
* fixed -1 years bug in stats screen
* Added ability to disable animation
* Added colour to buildings in independent diplomacy
* Added NAME's Domain Faction name
* Added slaves included in harvest report
* Fixed crops fail not being reported
* Fixed peasants overworked not showing in kingdom report screen
* Added slave deaths from overworked included in reports
* Added Man asks for wedding blessing throne room encounter
* Added general banditry throne room encounter
* Added road robber throne room encounter
* Added egg theif throne room encounter
* Added guard murderer throne room encounter
* Added anarchist throne room encounter
* Added peasant killer throne room encounter
Massive Update today, the main additions are most new encounters, but also a few new cool features, happy to answer any questions!
* Added outskirts bandit throne room encounter
* Added Bad Jester throne room encounter (credit u/GrimyDime)
* Made rebel plotter encounter slighly rarer
* Made all bandit captured encounters slightly more common
* Added Goblin accuses you of being a bad king throne room encounter (credit u/PJvG)
* Added Pee Pee Goblin throne room encounter (credit u/PJvG)
* Made slave agitiator encounter slightly rarer
* Added escaped slave throne room encounter (credit u/reddish_kangaroo)
* Made hello townsman encounter 3x rarer
* Added stray cat throne room encounter (credit u/PJvG)
* Added farmers cattle killed throne room encounter (credit u/PJvG)
* Added Coin of fate encounter to the throne room
* Fixed rihhm village using smallhaven data
* village champions are from rihhm and smallhaven in grand tourney
* Added dynamic 256 encounter insulting man throne room encounter (credit u/PJvG)
* Added crazy man, talking procedurally generated gibberish. (credit u/PJvG)
* Added Gamesmaster and sudden death dice game to throne room
* Fixed only able to select one random race instead of 5
* Added Two women both claim a baby throne room encounter
* Added mother of a dead soldier alms throne room encounter
* Added new name to human names (my name)(the best name)
* Fixed soldiers text instead of knights
* Fixed arena upgrade screen accessible without owning arena
* Fixed ability to watch animal fights without beast cages unlocked
* Updated loading screen to show independent lord generation
* Fixed succesfully defending a battle showing the wrong figure for your losses
* Added special hidden cheat code
* Person giving you praise and compliments throne encounter (credit u/PJvG)
* Added dynamic independent lord loyalty description
* Added Bad General throne room encounter (credit u/GrimyDime)
* Added Ex-slave, please destroy slaver fort throne room encounter
* Added rich ex-slave, ill pay to destroy slaver fort throne room encounter
* Added slavers looking for hire throne room encounter
* Added cursed man throne room encounter
* Added clanlands kingdom type to game (great cheif and warlords)
* Added system that sets certain kingdom types to certain civilisation levels (ie a bunch of savage goblins wont be a dutchy, it will mostly likely be a clan)
* Added 8 new roof tiles
* Added 2 flag parts
* Added 25 new name suffixes
* Added basis for independent kingdom system types (totalitarian, central, feudal ect)
* Added Void Army to the game
* Fixed gifting land to independent but no lord for it
* Coded independent lords do not return when their land is gained back
Hey guys, little update today, fixed the bug you've all reported where loading a save crashed the game, sorry about that one, and added some cool little things. While there aren't many things in the list, a lot of them are pretty hefty, new resurrecting races, a new race, and a large overhaul of the way independent lords work, with more in the pipeline, hope you guys enjoy!
* Added Half-Demon Race to the game (red humans)
* Fixed the save game crash bug
* Fixed Duchy typo (credit /u/Darkseh)
* Added 8 new roof tiles
* Added sleeping with skeletons throne room encounter
* Added new building tile
* Added ability to ask independent lords about their system of nobility
* Added ability to view lords stats
* Fixed choice2 lands bug
* Added hidden nobility talk easter egg
* Added resurrection test cheat (388)
* Added resurrection race prefix (50% chance when killed they will resurrect in battle)
* Added 20 new name suffixes
Todays update while not a huge one has a few cool new features in it, aside from a few bug fixes and tweaks, we have a new staff member which can be gained only though the throne room, the games master allows you to play coin flip and sudden death at anytime from your staff screen, though I will be adding more games in future so let me know if you have any ideas, also the ability to attack and own the mystery slaver in the east, just one of many tweaks to the exploration screen we'll be seeing soon, also finally a new random race suffix called Wasting whereby the race will slowly lose it's lands, hopefully plenty to keep you guys going!
**New Features**
* Added ability to attack mystery slaver
* Added ability to earn income from mystery slaver
* Added ability to hire Traveling Game Masters as staff
* Added new staff member Game Master
* Added Wasting race suffix (random chance for lands to go barren each year)
(credit u/reddish_kangaroo)
* Fixed gift lands beyond lands bug (credit to Madkiwi)
* Fixed unable to imprizon changeling
* Fixed 'an training ground' text bug
* Fixed 'Bookk' text bug
* Fixed shrine of harvest description
* Fixed barracks upgrade bug
* Fixed crazy man throne room encounter text
* Fixed praise encounter text spacing bug
* Fixed greenskin mining company encounter even after mine bought
* changed resurrection text
* Updated upgrade descriptions
* Added ability to buy shallowrock mine through throne room encounter
* Added face colour for staff members
Hey, just dropping by to tell you that this looks really cool. Hopefully I'll find the time to play it and make some comments.
Decent update today, I've made an effort to try and clear through all of my warsim notes and get through my backlog of feature ideas/plans and to do's so the majority of these additions are a part of that, biggest features are mad races which will randomly love and hate everyone including you, some changes to exploration screen places, you can now buy and own and destroy the scorpion pit, and if you run of ore in shallowrock mine, fear not, you can now prospect for more ore, you can also see who destroyed the Krut, Erak and rebels!
**New Features**
* Added mad race prefix that makes their relationship with everyone change each turn massively (credit u/reddish_kangaroo)
* Added so that chaotic, psychotic and warped races also have the mad trait
* Added ability to buy scorpion fighting pit
* Added ability to destroy scorpion fighting pit
* Added the ability to prospect within shallowrock mine for more ore
* Added Krut death screen
* Added rebel death screen
* Added erak death screen
**Throne Room Encounters**
* Added Distant cousin throne room encounter (credit u/PJvG)
* Added buy monfort mine throne room encounter (dynamic price)
* Added slave soldier requests freedom throne room encounter
* Added Diplomat wants to quit throne room encounter
* Added Spymaster wants to quit throne room encounter
* Added general wants to quit throne room encounter
* Added man attacked shopkeeper throne room encounter
* Added Void Visitor throne room encounter
* Added Diplomat payrise throne room encounter
* Added spymaster throne room encounter
* Added general throne room encounter
* Added Demon Warder throne room encounter
* Fixed armoury building descriptions
* Fixed massive bug that made all units from foreign kingdoms incredibly weak
* Fixed sleeping with skeletons encounter killing a rebel
* Fixed hiring indepedent troops not dividng by land
* Added building description to explorers guild
* coloured title text for choosing difficulty
* Added graphic to choosing game mode (5 graphics total)
* Added 6 new tile sets for buildings
* Added 2 new roof tiles
* Added Dwarf joke to jesters and joke tellers
* Added 5 new name suffixes
* Lowered battlescore hire minimum from 2500 to 2000
* Added 5 new flavour texts to arena fight
Cheers lord mork! means a lot :)
Getting close to the 6.6.6. update now! should be fun, this update has quite a few cool little features in it! hope you all enjoy
* Ability to ask indepednent lords how long they've been lords
* Added swamp toll to the farthest area of the west
* Added ability to pay bandits to attack an enemy as long as truced
* Added arena owned income (based on tons of factors, very dynamic)
* Added about section for merc leader to merc screen
* Added independent soldiers and knights to arena
* Added rare chance of mercenaries to the arena
* Fixed text bug in asking independents to attack people
* Fixed so so text bug for demonic shield artifact
* Fixed lord generation error
* Fixed bandit diplomacy skipping each time you speak to them
* Fixed assessment of merc troops screen being its own screen
* Fixed ability to spam for troops beyond -1 relation (credit u/reporttimies)
* Fixed game not recognising being at war with independent in diplomacy screen if you caused it in diplomacy
* Fixed duplicate the in arena entry text
* Fixed overlapping lines in arena text
* Added 24 new ents names
* Added colour to merc groups intro screen
* Updated troop overview to show troop names not soldiers peasants knights
* Added colour to faces of bandit rulers
* Added generals face colour to attack screen
* Added limit of how low land price can go to 2500
* Added new flag part
* Reworked troop aid system to give dynamic amount of troops instead of just 10
* Military aid is now made up of the population of the country who aids you
* Added 390 set your gold cheat code
* [Asking a lord how long he has been appointed](http://i.imgur.com/mLG6h9P.png)
* [Arena Income](http://i.imgur.com/bPsR6Xb.png)
* [New Merc Menu](http://i.imgur.com/XJFcAVi.png)
* [Merc Leader Screen](http://i.imgur.com/e4oDVw0.png)
* [Bandits Work for you](http://i.imgur.com/9cejjFi.png)
* [New Lord Menu](http://i.imgur.com/OY3v3qH.png)
As always, let me know what you think, always open to feedback and comments!
Not the longest list of things on the changelog today, but definitely a game changing update, today the Militia is now a full faction, and flags have been reworked to be a little bit more dynamic! Also Warsim has just surpassed 100'000 lines of code, it's getting huge!
* Added militia as a faction
* Added new advanced flag system
* Added circular flag types
* Added half-shade flag types
* Added three other flag types
* Added green flags for all goblin tribes (always circular flags)
* Fixed 2500 Gold land showing up even when unavail
* Fixed spacing of staff quiting throne room encounter text
* Fixed prospecting have no text for not finding anything
* Fixed skirmish issue
* Made Xenophobia slightly rarer
* Made militia unit price vary
* Made Militia aggression level vary
* Added so militia defend Aslona
* Added generals head appears when choosing to attack
* Nerfed Starting Peasant Militia numbers
* Randomised turnly militia joiners instead of fixed number
* Added five new name suffixes
* http://i.imgur.com/zjtBLT3.png
* http://i.imgur.com/m1aLO6H.png
* http://i.imgur.com/kuS7S1Z.png
* http://i.imgur.com/O9MNr4j.png
* http://i.imgur.com/JySEymX.png
Hey guys, been quite a while but here it is, in all it's glory, the 6.6.6 update that has been long overdue, There are many big features in this update some that aren't just demon related, but we'll get to them later, firstly, the demon horde is now going to slaughter you... they were nerfed in the past, not anymore, now they are tougher than ever... sorry.
Also the arena ain't cheap anymore, it makes a whole heap of profit so only makes sense its the most expensive thing you can buy, aside from that lots of new exploration areas in the south, new encounters, Monfort mine can now be captured by factions, you can also demand tribute from them, the demon realm has been overhauled and is way better and has a really really cool animation in it,
* Added a new feature where when you destroy the 5 kingdoms you can explore and discover a new continent finding 5 new kingdoms that are significantly more powerful than the last!
* Demon horde significantly buffed (ie... you are screwed)
* Made arena way more expensive (2.5million with upgrades at 1m and 2.5m)
* Added new cheat 88 well built (+10k units to army)
* Added Old Ruined Demonic Totem to the South Exploration
* Added Four Dynamic Randomly generated Demon Totems to the South
* Added monfort Mine prospecting
* Added insulting demon worshipper throne room encounter
* Added demon worship headgear to demon warder throne room encounter
* Added pledge of the knight throne room encounter
* Band of warriors throne room encounter
* Added Demon worshipper become demon random event
* Added Demon Hunter kills 3 demons random event
* Added dynamic aslona knight quest random event
* Added rare camp assurak powerful ritual random event
* Made bandits steal more from you
* Added band of peasants joined Assurak demon worshipers random event
* Added ability for factions to capture and hold monfort mine
* Nerfed number of throne room visitors per turn
* Added monfort mine tribute
* Added demon realm overhaul
* Added Ability to sell and buy units from the militia in the diplomacy screen
* Fixed uncapitalised artifact hall bug
* Fixed spymaster payrise throne room encounter bug
* Fixed General payrise throne room encounter bug
* Fixed diplomat payrise throne room encounter bug
* Fixed gibbering monk game freeze bug
* Fixed mad/chaotic/warped races don't randomly change relation with aslona
* Fixed arena not giving any income
* Fixed missing colored diplomat face when asking about faction relations
* Fixed independent kingdoms not recognising certain relation changes and remaining at war with you
* Fixed Aeromancer unit name bug
* Fixed no income from brawl pits
* Fixed no income from animal pit
* Fixed no income from magic theatre
* Fixed no income from scorpion pit
* Fixed no income from mystery slaver
* Fixed ability to enter -number and break the system
* Fixed line spacing issue in diplomacy main screen
* Added colour to hiring staff screens
* Added Demon Flag Colour in diplomacy
* Added Krut Flag Colour in diplomacy
* Added Erak Flag Colour in diplomacy
* Added Deserter Flag Colour in diplomacy
* Added two new name suffixes
* Added 8 new flag parts for circular flags
* Updated Ancient Southern Ruins Ascii Art
* Added 20 New Demon Names to the Generator
* Updated Camp Assurak Ascii Art
* Added 6 new building tilesets
* Updated monfort mine tribute dialogue to show mine master
* Coloured monfort mine ascii image
* Updated text of foriegn noble random event
* Coloured scroll white in diplomacy main screen
* Added colour to the laws screen graphic
* Added demon decay graphic
* Added colour for brawl pit
* Updated and coloured graphic for Slavers fort
* Added new different graphics for owned and unowned slavers fort
* Rearranged diplomacy screen faction list
* Demonic Doings http://i.imgur.com/ff4hJnj.png
* New Friends http://i.imgur.com/3A3xrzs.png
* Demon Worship http://i.imgur.com/1kvQdqC.png
* Demonic Realm http://i.imgur.com/ukxHc0z.png
Little update today guys, a few little things added, I've had a go at adding crowns into the game, they only appear some of the time and they aren't always lining up so great at the moment but they will eventually all have their own stats and additions and shall be kept from king to king in the kingdoms their from, Also some new changes in exploration, you can now destroy the combat academy, the great gar-gallock has his own face, and fort Gorthmek is now way more advanced that before, you wont just gain 25 troops per turn anymore, now your troop gain will be based on the skill of the ruler of the fort and much like the militia you will be able to get assistance from the fortress during battle making owning forts worthwhile!
* Added Crowns to the game (work in progress)
* Added Face to Gar-Gallock
* Added Ability to destroy the combat academy
* Made peasants come after soldiers in battle
* Added ability for fort gorthmek to send troops to assist you in battle
* Set fort gorthmek troop limit to be battlescore of fort ruler
* Set fort gorthmek recruitment to be based on rulers battlescore
* Fixed grim prefix worth text bug (credit u/Fury222222)
* Fixed grim prefix save breaker (credit u/Fury222222)
* Fixed the diplomatic actions screen
* Fixed bandit warlord dissapearing bug (stops bandits collapsing)
* Fixed Game crash in ascii free version of game on militia screen (credit firefly82)
* Fixed game being stuck when visiting faction owned monfort mine
* Updated demon music credits
* Added new colouration to compass graphic
* Added colours to thickblood tavern
* Reduced the public opinion needed to hire bandits from thickblood
* Updated Combat Academy graphic after aslona takeover
* Added colours to combat academy
* Added colours to the black market
* Added colour to fort gorthmek graphic
* Added four new name suffixes
* Gar-Gallocks New Face http://i.cubeupload.com/mucEHW.png
* Ruins of the Combat Academy http://i.cubeupload.com/RARmw9.png
* Rules of Gorthmek http://i.cubeupload.com/5hjulL.png
* Gorthmek Assistance http://i.cubeupload.com/QKjkaE.png
* Ghost Crown http://i.cubeupload.com/bLQ9RB.png
* Crown #2 http://i.cubeupload.com/1kIuYx.png
* Crown #3 http://i.cubeupload.com/R7jdZD.png
Hey guys, added quite a few things in this update, the demon realm has a new theme song, there are now 4 new versions of the sudden death dice game, one of them hidden, not sure if anyone likes the game but these new versions are also quite fun! also the thickblood tavern has been fixed up a little more and you can upgrade fort gorthmek, also fixed a few annoying bugs and added a lot more kingdom types.
* Updated demonic realm theme song with new song
* Added northern sudden death game to thickblood tavern
* Added ability to hire bandits in owned thickblood tavern
* Added Brawls to owned thickblood tavern
* Added sudden death to black market
* Added sudden death tent to upgraded black market (with 4 variations of the game)
* 6Added secret version of sudden death9 hidden in sudden death tent
* Added ability to read information on fort gorthmek
* Added ability to upgrade fort gorthmek (higher troop cap and recruitment level)
* Fixed duplicate line in north page 2
* Fixed Vassilisation limit being too high
* Fixed Consortium as king consort not historical ruler of consortium
* Fixed animationless demon head not having colour
* Fixed independent troops not multiplied by continent level
* Fixed independent gold not multiplied by continent level
* Fixed bug where 3rd kingdoms peasants could never die
* Fixed fort gorthmek rules not saved each time game is reloaded
* Added colour to strength stone
* Added colour to fort ruin in the near north
* Added colour to ascii art and coloured lines to black bank
* Added colour to mystic hut
* Added colour to mercenary outposts
* Added colour to the harvest stone
* Increased max black bank loan from 10000 gold to 1000000 gold
* Increased default vassiliation requirments
* Added No refusal of bandit hire if you own the tavern
* Added Northern sudden death game to owned thickblood tavern
* Added Shogunate Kingdom type (credit u/dystainment)
* Added Imamate Kingdom type (credit u/CraveBoon)
* Added count to county (credit u/milleuros)
* Added Theocracy Kingdom type (credit u/krateng)
* Added Archbishopric kingdom type (credit u/krateng)
* Added Confederacy kingdom type (credit u/krateng)
* Added Viceroyalty kingdom type (credit u/krateng)
* Added Order kingdom type (credit u/krateng)
* Added City kingdom type ruled by Lord-Mayor (credit u/mickdude2)
* Added Imperator of the empire (credit u/thewinterking)
* Added regency kingdom type (Credit u/thewinterking)
* Added Blood clan kingdom type
* Added Triachy kingdom type (credit u/thewinterking)
* Added Margraviate kingdom type (credit u/krateng)
* Added republic kingdom type (credit /u/krateng)
* buffed mystic hut reward
* Added tax collected in the black market for sudden death tent if market is upgraded
Hey guys, todays update adds a heap of new human names that are randomly generated, tons of new faces, and lots of work in the exploration screen, there is now a new law you can enact to make the militia recruit more, a new screen in independent kingdoms where you can view the crown closer, and you can now fully use the thickblood tavern with its dynamic graphic and upgrades, also beware the old stone!
* 1 in 4 human name now have -son surnames instead of heroic prefixes
* Made peasants last unit in battle
* Added kings crown to every king screen
* Added special crown screen to kingdom information
* Added militia subsidisation law
* Added ability to upgrade thickblood taverns decor, size and ale cellar
* Added ability to make income from the tavern
* Added 466 trillion new human faces (466'235'226'479'880)
* Added the Old Stone to the Far North (creates undead hordes)
* Fixed kingdom type called 'M' error
* Fixed northern sudden death in thickblood tavern kicking player out
* Fixed slavers fort text bug
* Fixed thickblood flag bug
* Fixed Explorers stone line spacing issue
* Fixed options are available text bug
* Fixed duplicate line in outlaws screen
* Fixed Destroyed strength stone graphic sizing issue
* Fixed far north text error
* Fixed sizing issue of harvest stone and doomstone
* Added destroyed slavers fort graphic
* Added dynamic thickblood tavern graphic
* Coloured doomstone graphic
* Coloured ruined doomstone graphic
* Coloured Animal pit graphic
* Coloured Old Northern Ruin Graphic
* Coloured Explorers stone in far north
* Coloured Far North Compass screen
* Added animation settings saved and remembered
* Updated music credits.txt
* Added 5 new name suffixes
* Moved all refugee camps to their own diplomacy screen instead of separate
Hey guys, todays update has been a little bit delayed but it includes some pretty big new additions, including the ability to hold meetings in your throne room and ask for help from your staff, you also now receive general taxes on top of the more specific ones, and requesting alliances isn't so easy, plus you start the game with a random bit of gold in the bank and you can now see easier who is at war with you, which has made things scary!
* **Added special throne room meeting ability**
* Added Dynamic code for alliance requests
* Added 23 Quadrillion human faces
* Added General Taxes
* Fixed kingdom crowns are not save bug
* Fixed game master spacing bug in staff screen
* Added 5 flag parts
* Added game will begin with a random amount of gold in the bank
* Added if bandits don't hate you at start of game automatic truce (to prevent them raiding you)
* Added three new name suffixes
* Goblin celebration now makes public opinion go up by 1 per turn
* Added chance of public opinion dropping from taxes
* Added at war shows on all factions not just independents and rebels (if valid)
Really nice strategy game roguelite
but is it just me or the bandits rob too much gold and because of that I can't progress game?
Edit: Sorry but it looks like it's fixed in the newest update
Hey guys, todays update has been slow cause I've been insanely busy with things at the moment and have been doing a ton of overtime at work, I have added a few cool things this time around, hats which rarely appear on human heads, a more interesting ending chance for some kingdoms instead of a just a final battle and a new race that was suggested a while back which is essentially slime people, that aside I've fixed a few bugs, made easy mode a little easier and added a few new throne room encounters
* Added four hidden hats that have a 1 in 200 chance of appearing on a human head
* Added ability for good independent kingdoms to surrender on last land
* Added ability for evil independent kingdoms to destroy their last land
* Added Abominations race (credit u/reddish_kangaroo)
* Fixed game master spacing
* Fixed blood cheif text bug (credit u/sirmokmk2)
* Fixed arena subsidy loophole (credit Gorglomux)
* Fixed extra variable unable to load game bug
* Fixed Greenskin mass suicide bug (credit Nookrium)
* Added child changling wizard throne room encounter
* Added lone mercenary throne room encounter
* Added Small debt soldier throne room encounter
* Added Fee serving soldier throne room encounter
* Added rumour spreading soldier throne room encounter
* Added 4 new name suffixes
* Added 5 new crowns
* Added 28 Abomination Names
* Added Abomination Face Generator (36288000 faces)
* Buffed Easy Mode Starting Advantages
* Changed intro screens for choosing game mode
* Rework race selection graphic
* http://i.imgur.com/RaT1yKg.png
* http://i.imgur.com/wNTeXFW.png
* http://i.imgur.com/Umy0mqC.png
* http://i.imgur.com/mvmh9DS.png
* http://i.imgur.com/Q47UvZh.png
* http://i.imgur.com/63jSs2t.png
* http://i.imgur.com/G4MbO0E.png
Massive update today with a lot of new and experimental features, but first an announcement!
Warsim is now in the Voting process on steam greenlight, if it succeeds warsim will be on steam and this will be huge for me, a dream come true! Regardless I'd like to thank all of you for your constant support and advice with development of the game
Todays update features more restrictions on throne room encounters, you wont have people flock to join you if you are evil, Also as the game starts you can do the crowning ceremony which gives one of five random possible starts to the game, are you the son of a mad king, or are you a bandit warlord? each start has it's own differences. I've also added some new exploratonal changes to the watchtower, bluetrii farm and the tower of histories as well as tons of fixes and a special law called Alms for the poor which increases public opinion every turn and stops those pesky 'spare some gold for food' encounters
* Updated all throne room encounters to be restricted based on public opinion
* Added Crowning ceremony to the game
* Added Chance to start the game as a bandit usurper
* Added chance to start the game as son of a mad king
* Added chance to start the game as gambling king
* Added Ability to ask watchtower if they've seen anything (with 12 responses)
* Added Ability to destroy the watchtower
* Added ability to attack Bluetrii farm
* Added Orb random explore event
* Added Dance of the Changeling
* Added Alms for the poor law which increases public opinion and stops encounters from starving and poor people
* Added History of the West to the tower of histories
* Added History of the Midlands to the tower of histories
* Added History of the Ancient Lands to the tower of histories
* Fixed normal mode roof spacing
* Fixed courtroom advice text spacing
* Fixed text of named chicken encounter
* Fixed courtroom joke text spacing
* Fixed tower of histories souther land text bug
* Fixed eastern ruins showing as southern ruins tower of histories text bug
* Fixed tribal goblin cheif throne room text bug
* Added Bad Public opinion bandits in court
* Added Bad Public opinion bandits for hire
* Added no boy coin if bad public opinion
* Added knight passing through only if public opinion is 50 or higher
* Buffed chance of passing knight joining you
* Added Assassin throne room encounter (credit u/PJvG)
* Added Tyranny confronatation throne room encounter
* Added not yet coded tag to darkdale
* Added Colour to the watchtower
* Added Colour to the Gift Tree
* Added colour to mercenary leader faces
* Added colour to all intro screens
* Updated the Bluetrii farm graphic
* Added new description for Bluetrii farm
* Updated changling texts
* Added Slave revolt general advice text
* Updated 10 advice texts to be more advisory and less gossipy
* Added Bandit theivery advice text
* Added Demon gate advice text
* Added mixed approach advice text
* Added black market ownership advice text
* Added united near north advice text
* Made hag encounter rare
* Added General face to attacks
* Added spymaster dialogue to spymaster reports before battle
* Added something that shows how much a small coffer of gold is when given
This update is pretty much entirely focused on adding more variation to the throne room, I've noticed it can get a little bit tedious over time and I'm trying to make it a little more random, some of the more notable additions include, Fort Gorthmek can assist in defending your kingdom instead of attacking with you, Phenor can offer you a truce if you are evil enough and not just tier 2 troops from independent kingdoms want to join you, other will come too!
* Added Fort Gorthmek Defence assistance
* Added Bandit Truce from Phenor for evil kings encounter
* Fixed 'an militia' text bug (credit Dracoselene89)
* Fixed guards bring forward Ascii free bug (credit Dracoselene89)
* Fixed gold coin for goblin no coin given
* Fixed foreign messenger text spacing bug
* Fixed mad king text errors
* Added Bribe to stop forceful tribute throne room encounter
* Added soldier threatens farmer throne room encounter
* Added burned farmhouse throne room encounter
* Added farmers door throne room encounter
* Added Goblin choke to death throne room encounter
* Added Goblin coin puker to throne room encounter
* Added explorer rips up map throne room encounter
* Added betterment of the realm throne room encounter
* Added Extra noble work throne room encounter
* Added Bandit farm raid cut throne room encounter
* Added Bandit caravan raid cut throne room encounter
* Added Bandit stored gold throne room encounter
* Added Bandit Village raid throne room encounter
* Added Bandit stash throne room encounter
* Added stolen food throne room encounter
* Added village crops throne room encounter
* Added rotten grain throne room encounter
* Added old mans family throne room encounter
* Added starving throne room encounter
* Added independent peasant wants to join
* Added independent knight wants to join
* Added dynamic independent joining reason
* Added three new name suffixes
* Made townsman saying hello rarer
Not the biggest update today but lots of cool things added, you can now play rock paper shears with your game master if he has a higher skill than 100 making training a game master more worth while, also you can interact more with shallowrock mine and finally the mountain of Saaroth in the Wild North has been added with quite an interesting little questline, that aside the HUGE bug that caused games to crash when viewing lords has been fixed! and several other things have been changed/fixed, enjoy! :) Also if you haven't already and you like the game please vote for us on greenlight!
* Added cheat code 380 to set a number of lands (credit Dalen Lewin)
* Added 'Rock Paper Shears' game that can be played by gamesmaster once trained
beyond 100 skill
* Added ability to request tribute from shallowrock mine
* Added ability to speak to leader of shallowrock mine (dynamic responses)
* Added The Mountain of Saaroth to the Wild North
* Added Battle with wildermen at Saaroth
* Fixed vassilisation bug
* Fixed burn 100 peasants alliance if you dont bug (credit Mata)
* Fixed Old man in staving bug (credit Mata)
* Fixed mercenary leader screen colour issue
* Fixed destroy slavers fort spacing
* Fixed destroy slavers fort text colour
* Fixed massive lords crash bug
* Fixed brawlers pit text colour
* Added dynamic 7 new responses from Demon Worshipper
* Made goblin slave figure based on lands
* Added 10 new name suffixes
* Added 5 new crowns
Yikes, it's been almost two weeks without an update! sorry guys, I've been working my ass off with so many different things I feel like I'm going to explode, I've added a few new things to the game, a new place called the Songmakers hut which create random poems, and added the ability to become a demon lord at the start of the game as a random chance, this will be a bit of a different playthrough, as you will have demon support but you will be hated by the masses, also I've added some more public opinion related changes and some general new editions
* Added Public order limit on pay rise encounter
* Added lower public order means less throne room visitors (dynamic)
* Fixed goblin scourge law not working
* Made goblin slaves stack each turn
* Added a max level to amount of goblin slaves that can be had
* Added ability to free the mad king
* Fixed gameover screen
* Added Songmakers hut to Songwood in the west
* Added 2 New name suffixes
* Added 8 New building tiles
* Added 2 new flag parts
* Added demonic band encounter
* Blocked anti-demon assistance if you are the demon king
* Added ability to be a demon king
* Added ability to build demonic totems
* Added demon overlord support
* Added demon overlord summoning
* Added council giving demon support
* Added law ability to declare yourself the demon king
Might seem like a little update today but most of these are big features, tons of new laws exclusively for evil leaders as well as the ability o make your kingdom a slave kingdom, new saves made in this version of the game should be fine! Thanks to all the people who informed me of the 2 extra variables bug!
* Fixed the 2 extra variables save bug
* Nervous rebel encounter is rare if rebellion is winning
* Added penniless monk encounter to throne room
* Added ability to make Aslona a slave kingdom
* Added Pillaging Law for evil kingdoms
* Added Curfew Law for evil kingdoms
* Added Breathing Tax for evil kingdoms
* Added Walking Tax for evil kingdoms
* Modified Slave Kingdom encounters to throne room
* Fixed Kingdom Loadout codes not working
* Fixed Land Tax bug
This is an announcement of the first mod for Warsim, and with this mod being announced many new features are going to be put in place to allow for better moddability, the game of thrones mod features the following.
* Play as Stannis Baratheon fighting against other kingdoms such as the Ironborn, The North, The Westerlands, The Riverlands and Dorne
* Mercenary Groups such as the Second Sons and the Grass Sea Kalassar
* Reworked unit trees, and flags
* Bandits like the Brotherhood without Banners
* Locations from the game in each kingdom such as the Iron Throne, Castermere, Pyke and Winterfell
* A Full game of thrones soundtrack
* And much more...
Download the game (https://www.dropbox.com/s/wiz2iyngew50yb1/Game%20of%20thrones%20Mod.zip?dl=1)
all credit goes to Truecraig of the Audiogames forums who made the game, head over if you wish to thank him for his work! :)
Hey guys, there are a few new features in this update, this update is mostly focused on bugfixes, making Denland nicer and making the game a little more moddable! the gibbering monk is much more fun in this edition! :)
* Added ability to disable debug menu
* Added ability to stop mercenary groups disbanding
* Added ability to change kingdom flag colour in debug mode
* Added Demon Decay to the magic theatre
* Added lots of flavour text to throwing a coin in the well
* Removed old gibbering monk graphic and added face
* Added lots of new gibbering monk reactions
* Added graphic for each gibbering monk action
* Added ability to ask guards for their opinion during most throne room arrests
* **Fixed demon overlord kills you for speaking to him**
* Fixed ruined wagon mag post colour
* Fixed Harlaw goblins text bug
* Fixed Harlaw tribute after they are killed or bought out
* Fixed Smallhaven tribute paid even after village ruined
* Fixed the knights training loophole (credit u/reclawyx_sabre)
* Fixed Farmer joining bandit version of Aslona when hurt by bandits
* Fixed Refugee recruitment minus gold bug (credit u/reclawyx_sabre)
* Fixed gibbering monk laugh loudly text bug
* Fixed Watchtower exit bug
* Coloured western compass
* Coloured magic theatre
* Coloured the magic well
* Coloured Small haven
* Coloured wagon mans post
* Coloured great stone of denland
* Changed demon overlord text order
* Updated debug menu
* Limited the max slavers to 80 (credit u/reclawyx_sabre)
* Modified Magic Theatre Prices
* Updated Gibbering monk menu
Hey guys, todays update focuses a little more on the west, adding a new area, some fixes and a lot of colouration where there wasn't any, Also now trade posts can be a thing in procedural building generation and when you attack an independent kingdom it shows you some buildings, also I've added new pacifist races who will not attack anyone, only defend!
* Added special graphic when attacking an independent kingdom
* Added the Great High-Trees of Songwood to the west exploration
* Added Pacifist Races who do not attack anyone
* Added Harmless Races who do not attack anyone
* Added trade post building to possible independent buildings (+gold per turn)
* Fixed Demonic laws bug (Credit Bashue)
* Fixed Evil laws bug (Credit Bashue)
* Fixed Demon totem bug (Credit Bashue)
* Fixed ascii free version face showing up bug
* Fixed songwood graveyard visitable before discovered bug
* Fixed 6 broken spacing tiles
* Coloured Hlok Mine
* Coloured Songwood Graveyard
* Coloured Songmakers Hut
* Coloured Lava Pit
* Coloured the four demon totems in the south
* Coloured Order of roses citadel
* Added 4 new tilesets
* Updated holy order layout
This update might not look big but it includes several major new additions, such as massive overhaul of the vampire face generator, now you will notice much more variation in their faces, elven faces have been improved a little bit too!
The biggest editions of the update are the random face generator that can mash up faces of all creatures to create total messed up faces, and also the new lines of dialogue recorded for the demon overlord, when you defeat him in his realm and can ask him questions this new update adds voiced lines for him, the first character in the game to ever have a voice! Check it out
* MASSIVE VAMPIRE FACE OVERHAUL (2565x as many faces as before!) (was 190'080 faces now 487'555'200!)
* Added over 4 million new elven faces (4'384'800)
* Added Random Face generator (creates monstrosities with 6'086'012'052'314'203'966'656 total possibilities!!!) 6 sextillion!
* Added 15 lines of recorded dialogue for the demonic overlord in the demon realm
* Fixed my the text bug
* Added stray demon throne room encounter
* Added peasant wants soldier to help defend his farm (credit u/muramas)
* Added random outcome bandit raid encounter
* Added old man wants to see you before he dies (credit u/PJvG)
* Updated dialogue for who made you demonic
* Coloured old northern carving
* Added 12 new roof tiles
I look forward to the future of this topic over in the full on Announcements board after you get in The Big News---congrats! ;) 8)