Temple of The Roguelike Forums
Announcements => Non Traditional Roguelikes (Action / Real-time) => Topic started by: getter77 on September 16, 2016, 12:35:12 AM
https://madguy.itch.io/streets-of-rogue Win/Mac/Linux
Streets of Rogue is a rogue-lite about player choice, freedom, and anarchic fun. The game takes inspiration from fast-paced top-down rogue-lites like Binding of Isaac and Nuclear Throne, and adds free-form, experimentation-driven, emergent gameplay elements of RPGs like Deus Ex.
Rather than taking place in a dungeon, the game is set in a functioning, procedurally generated city, where complex AI informs denizens from all walks of life, who are just trying to get by in their daily activities.
In order to progress, the player will need to accomplish specific mission goals in any way they see fit through use of their special character traits, items, and the environment.
Will you play as a soldier who shoots first and asks questions later?
A stealthy scientist who uses chloroform and tranquilizer darts to silently take down the opposition?
A genial bartender who can talk his way past the most intimidating of guards?
Or how about a hyper-intelligent gorilla, rescuing other caged gorillas to form a small mobilized gorilla army?
The Mighty Feature-List
Play the game YOUR way! Don't want to kill anybody? That's cool! Want to hack computers? Got ya covered!
Random world generation and TOTALLY EXTREME gameplay variety means you can play for 600 hours and not get bored! Seriously though, go outside!!!
Super-advanced artificial intelligence that won't put up with your crap! Outsmart these virtual humans and feel superior to your computer!
Play as over 40 types of characters (in the final version)! Bartender, scientist, hacker, gorilla — hey, your job is probably in there too!
Stupidly huge number of items (in the final version)! Shrink rays, hypnotizing devices, boomboxes, bear traps, food processors.. Oh, and guns too.
2-Player cooperative mode lets you brutalize goons AND loneliness!
Lead a gang, free slaves, drink beer, gib ghosts, become a vampire, shrink people and stomp on them. The most insanely varied game ever made.
When’s the final version coming out?
The current planned release date is August 2017.
How much will it cost?
Likely in the $12-$15 range.
How long will the game be in free alpha?
I can’t say for sure, but likely awhile.
What platforms will the game be on?
Windows, Mac, Linux, Xbox One, and PS4.
When is the next build coming out?
It varies. I’m going to try and keep it between 2 weeks and a month in the immediate future.
How can I stay informed about the game?
Sign up for the mailing list. Also, if you load up the game, there’s a widget at the top-right corner of the Main Menu that will notify you about updates to my devlog, and new builds that are released.
How long has the game been in development?
Since December of 2013. Full-time development began in March of 2015.
What engine are you using?
Unity 5. The game began development on Construct 2, but I ported it to Unity about 9 months in.
Will the game ever have online multiplayer?
Possibly. I can’t make any promises, though.
How about 4-player split-screen coop?
Probably not, given how chaotic that would probably be. But you never know.
Mod support?
I’d like to have some sort of mod support at some point. It might not happen for the game’s ship date, but hopefully I’ll find some time in the future.
When will the game have music?
Hopefully in the near future.
In what languages will the game be available?
To be decided.
Will the game have unlocks?
Ya. The game will have a Home Base where you’ll be able to unlock things, skip levels, activate mutators, etc., similar to the home bases in Enter the Gungeon and Crypt of the Necrodancer.
Where can I report bugs?
You can send them through the in-game feedback form (click Feedback on the main menu), send them directly to my email, or post them in the #bug-reports channel of my Discord.
Do you take suggestions?
Yes, I’m planning on making a lot of content for Streets of Rogue, so suggestions for character classes, items, environmental objects, status effects, game mutators, secrets, etc. are always welcome, and actually have a decent chance of ending up in the game. Send them through the routes mentioned in the previous question.
Can I make YouTube videos or stream the game?
Yes, there are no embargoes in place.
Did you make Burger Joint?
Why is your online handle “Madguy”?
My initials are M.A.D. Also, literally been using it for 2 decades.
Alpha 12 ARRP'ish
I’ve been working pretty hard on Alpha 12 since I got back from PAX last week, and as a result, it includes no less than 108 bug fixes and 38 other gameplay and balance changes.
A big THANK YOU to everyone who’s been sending me their bugs and suggestions. A huge chunk of the changes that went into this build are the direct result of your feedback. I may not respond to everything I get in my inbox, but rest assured that your contributions are having a major impact. If you sent me something, there’s a very good chance that it’s been addressed somewhere in this changelog.
Suspicious (Thief)
Other Additions and Changes
Killer Robot bleeds yellow blood
Red background for equipped items is more prominent
UI / Controls
Dev Notes removed from title screen
Tooltips for consumables now tell players how long the status effect will last
Cursor Text tells you when a chest is empty
The Take All button automatically closes the chest
Level numbers like 1-1 replaced with names in several spots
Included text to make it more obvious what some of the Stats screen information actually means
Feedback window can now be scrolled
Sound plays when trying to change hair/skin color etc. on a character where this is not possible
Sound plays when entering and exiting Cardboard Box
Doctor can use thrown weapons
Bumping into people as Assassin no longer removes Invisibility
Added a bit of time to the slow motion period after split screen occurs
Player cannot hire people to join their party after dismissing them
NPCs with the Resurrection status effect no longer drop items when they die
Vampire sucks blood faster than before
Player movement speed slowed down when biting people or operating objects
Slaves are now capable of buying their own freedom
Shapeshifter keeps their traits when switching bodies, except for Naked and Diminutive
Thief does not lunge forward as much when using Stealing Glove
Slave Helmet Remover can be used by the player on themselves
If an owned slave wanders too far from their Slavemasters, their Slave Helmet will explode
Shopkeeper, Bartender and Drug Dealer appear Missions Screen map
Interacting with empty chests will prompt the player character to tell you that they’re empty
Ammo Dispenser refill price takes into account the number of bullets you have left
It is now possible to complete multiple actions on the computer without the interaction stopping
Money is not given as a mission reward as frequently
Slave Helmet explodes when an owned Slave attempts to remove it
Shapeshifter loses health if the person they are possessing is killed
Comedian has a lower chance to make people hostile with unsuccessful jokes
Comedian has a chance for people to become followers after telling a successful joke
Artificial Intelligence
Cops no longer attack you if they see a property owner chasing you – only if they see an attack occur, as per the “Law of the Land” sign on Floor 1-2
Slightly more difficult to get Aligned people to turn against you
Friends of the person you turned on are more cognizant of what has happened
Followers leash back to you from a shorter distance if engaged in combat
If Killer Robot has no weapon, he will try to punch you
Bug Fixes
UI / Controls
Fix for environment objects staying highlighted if the mouse was highlighting them when the player entered the Missions screen or Main Menu
Fix for touch screen users not being able to click buttons with mouse
Fix for control rebinding menu not appearing
Fix for people’s health bars appearing to be full after being depossessed by Shapeshifter
Status effects that the player cannot keep between levels are removed from the side of the screen when player completes the level
Fix for armor-based starting items not appearing on the Character Select screen
Fix for slowdown remaining after scrolling weapons and then immediately entering the main menu
Fix for “Guilty” text appearing in weird spots when viewing all objects’ information with space bar
Fix for button weirdness when interacting with windows from the inside with Thief
Possible fix for a person’s name remaining on the screen if they are killed while a player is interacting with them
Right-clicking on Missions screen no longer attempts to teleport the player
Fix for names of objects appearing permanently next to gamepad target
Fix for inventory disappearing on entering new levels when auto-sort is turned off
Possible fix for Missions Screen getting stuck in certain 2-player circumstances
Fix for sign text not closing if sign is destroyed while player 2 is viewing
Fixed issues with skill bar and related text not displaying properly after Esc was pressed
Fix for traits sometimes appearing in slightly the wrong spot for Shapeshifter
Fix for NPC health bar sometimes going haywire after rescuing people on Rescur missions
Tooltips appear when moving the cursor over “mission slot boxes” for objects and people
Dark background appears behind cursor text on Missions screen when using gamepad
Shapeshifter’s face in the upper-left corner looks correct when possessing people
Fix for hair not appearing properly on Character Select if the player starts bald and switches styles
Fix for only 5 items being capable of appearing under Starting Items on Character Select screen
Possible fix for floors not appearing when certain video recording software is turned on
Fix for being able to see the Assassin’s face when changing hair type
Flamethrower fire no longer appears to clip through walls, and also looks a bit better
Short character select animation only plays if player clicks slot with character in it
Cardboard box no longer appears tiny when placed over Shapeshifter
Fix for people sometimes holding their guns weird when dancing
Fix for hats not initially appearing when new people are spawned into the game
Playfield Objects
Fix for Laser Emitter immediately blowing up when the player commanded followers to attack it
No longer possible to use the Clone Machine to clone certain items like Possession Stone
Fix for Generator counting down negative numbers after being destroyed using Wrench
No longer possible to trigger lasers with melee weapons from behind walls
Fix for the player sometimes not being able to pick up items if there were a lot of items on the ground
Wrestler has Codpiece initially equipped as intended
Fix for Key and Safe Combination sometimes not working
Possible fix for Quick Escape Teleporter teleporting the player outside the level
Fix for armor not being equipped properly when received from NPCs
Possible fix for items turning into random glitchy graphics when playing as Wrestler
Player faces proper direction after exiting Cardboard Box
Status Effects / Traits / Special Abilities
Gorilla exits Cardboard Box when using Primal Lunge, Cop during Arrest, and Wrestler during Toss
No longer possible to receive “Ghost” status effect twice
Killer Robot can no longer be handcuffed
Fix for Assassin being able to keep Camouflage permanently if it was on when exiting level
Special Ability recharge stops after a person exits the level
Can no longer Backstab dead bodies
“Clumsiness Accepted” now allows you to break windows without repercussions. But not doors.
If Shapeshifter possesses another Shapeshifter, that Shapeshifter cannot possess another person
People with Resurrection will not stay frozen if they die after being frozen
Fix for game potentially locking up when entering elevator if player was about to lose status effect
Possible fix for Camouflage not working in some cases after player was teleported
Fix for Camouflage not working if a Security Camera was viewing the player prior to being destroyed
Fix for people not noticing the player when they stopped being invisible if they were standing still
Fix for issues occurring if certain things like death happened while Gorilla or Jock were charging their special abilities
No longer possible to Bite, Possess, Handcuff, Chloroform or Steal from people through shelves and doors
As Wrestler, no longer possible to pick up objects from behind walls
Fix for players always facing to the right after being Frozen
Fix for armor not being equipped properly when possessing people wearing armor
Slave Helmet is automatically equipped and unequipped when possessing/depossessing Slave
No longer possible for the Jock to charge into ghosts
Gorillas are capable of using Primal Lunge while holding thrown weapons
Player does not receive as many skill points for knocking out innocents
Fix for Game Over appearing if a player died directly after the other person exited the level
Fix for Game Over appearing if a player was teleporting while the other player died
Fix for level completing if a player was teleporting while the other player exited the level
Fix for game ending if a player dies while the other is falling into a hole
Gas no longer affects Holograms and playfield objects
Player can no longer gain skill points for killing people with Resurrection status effect
No longer possible for shopkeeper to ask the other player for his Key and Safe Combination
Player can no longer lose health while in the process of teleporting
Possible fix for players being teleported over Flame Grates and other dangers
Attempted fix for people going through walls and not breaking them
Fix for player sometimes being unable to teleport after failing Rescue quest
Fix for cases where player wasn’t able to move after being resurrected
Fix for controls locking when player trips on banana peel or crashes into wall as Jock while under cardboard box
Fix for player sometimes not doing proper amount of damage to aligned people who had turned hostile toward them
Fix for cases where player wouldn’t gain skill points for freeing prisoners
Missions complete properly if the player is dead while it completes, but is about to Resurrect
No longer possible to “Dismiss” slaves or people who you are rescuing for a mission
Mission status takes into account when people are dead but have Resurrection status effect
Doctor receives mission rewards properly now, instead of banana peels
Artificial Intelligence
Fix for followers not returning to follow you if you told them to attack something and they couldn’t find a path
Fix for slave ownership not transferring properly when possessing Slavemaster
Fix for people sometimes not recognizing when they have been broken out of prison
Slavemasters react properly when speaking to their owned Slaves
Fix for people getting angry at invisible people when they knock other people through walls and objects
Aligned NPCs can no longer turn on each other by accidentally hitting each other
Cops can never become “Guilty”
“Alerted” sound and animation no longer triggers every time people get up after being tripped
Non-owners in quest-oriented buildings are no longer considered “Guilty”
Fix for other cases on quests where people who were supposed to be Guilty were Innocent
Non-residents of an area who you dismiss from your party will always do “wander” behavior
People react appropriately when you enter their property and talk to them from behind
No longer able to distract people from property damage by having the other player talk to them
Fix for cases where AI wouldn’t realize that you had caused property damage
People no longer immediately stop searching for you when you turn invisible
Killer Robot no longer continues moving after being tripped by Banana Peel
Fix for Slaves not having the “Follow Me” option when possessing their Slavemaster
Level Generation
Fix for random objects appearing at the bottom left corner of the level
Possible fix for player spawning outside of the map
Corrected a small sound issue when using Gorilla’s Primal Lunge
Fix for Flamethrower and Ghost Gibber sound effects continuing after player was teleported
Gorillas no longer speak English when they get annoyed at you
Corrected misspelling in Tech Expert description
Fix for “Death By” appearing incorrectly on stats when killed by Turret or Fire Spewer
Fixed other cases where wrong “Death By” message was appearing
“Killer” text on stats screen no longer appears if you killed yourself with explosions or other means
Slaves owned by the player say correct line of dialogue upon interaction
One of the most promising recent projects really striking out there of late! 8)
Alpha 13 8) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=G7iEhuQkNnY
New build is out! Plenty of new stuff to check out, including Twitch integration! If you’re a Twitch streamer, your viewers can now vote on disasters that occur throughout the game (do you want to face a riot, or a killer robot?), traits that the player receives at the end of levels, and certain quest rewards. More stuff coming – as always, I’m open to your ideas.
I’ll be at TwitchCon all weekend, so if you’re there, stop by Taco Bell’s “Feed the Beta” booth and say hey, cuz that’s where I’ll be set up. I’ll also be on TwitchCon’s Indie Stage at 2:15 PST Saturday and 3:45 PST Sunday if you wanna see me in full-on hype mode.
Big Features
Twitch Integration
Can be turned on from the Settings screen. Twitch viewers can vote on which Traits the player receives at the end of levels, specific quest rewards that the player receives, and which disaster occurs on every third level (riot, killer robot, etc.). Any of these can be turned on or off.
Slum Dweller (as playable) - A “blank slate”
Investment Banker - Get your Patrick Bateman on
Assassin (as NPC) - Shows up if you owe money and don’t pay it back.
Addict (Investment Banker) - You’re addicted to drugs… all of them. Take any status-effect-causing drug on a regular basis to avoid withdrawal effects.
Moocher (Investment Banker) - Borrow money from Drug Dealer, Shopkeeper, and Bartender
Super Studious (Slum Dweller) - Gain lots of extra skill points
Jack of Extra Trades (Slum Dweller) - More traits to choose from when you level up
Potential to Not Suck (Slum Dweller) - A random stat gains a point every other level-up, starting with level 2
Camera Shy (Vampire) - Invisible to Security Cameras
Floats Like Butterfly - More mobility when performing melee attacks
Durabilitacious - Melee weapons take longer to break
G-P-Yesss - Map is entirely filled at the beginning of levels
Nimble Fingers - Your “(Doing something)…” bar fills much more quickly
Studious - Gain extra skill points
I’m Outtie - Gain speed when health is low
Don’t Make Me Angry - Inflict more damage on enemies when health is low
Disturbing Facial Expressions - Enemies are more likely to run away during battle
Infectious Spirit - Followers gain extra health
Kneecapper - Chance to cause Slow when hitting enemies
Promise I’ll Return It! - People do not become angry when you steal their property
Blends In Nicely - Distance at which people can see you is reduced
Butterfinger-er - Chance to knock an enemy’s weapon out of their hands when they are blocking
Status Effects
Withdrawal (Investment Banker) - Ohhhhhh the pain. The pain is unbearable. You know what will make it all better? DRUGS!
Feelin’ Alright (Investment Banker) - Life is good when you’re on drugs! Until you’re not on drugs! Then it’s terrible!
Cyanide - Ow.
Debt - You’d better pay this back, or face potentially deadly consequences! Also, interest.
Shuriken - People generally dislike when you plant these in their faces.
EMP Grenade - Shuts down electronics of all varieties.
Dizzy Grenade - Named for the popular European egg-based video game hero. Coincidentally, also causes dizziness.
Hiring Voucher - Hire someone without paying them. This voucher ensures that the Resistance will compensate them later. Provided they feel like it. Spoiler: They won’t.
Cyanide Pill - Maybe don’t eat this. Seriously.
Kill Ammunizer - As a reward for killing people your guns will receive ammunition to ensure that the cycle of violence continues!
Kill Healthenizer - Killing people heals you a bit. But it won’t heal your tortured soul!
Blindenizer - Creates a blinding flash that reduces people’s vision significantly (if temporarily), ensuring a dark future ravaged by stubbed toes.
Paralyzer Trap - Paralyzes people temporarily.
Water Pistol - Who says water pistols are just for water? Combine this with anything that causes Status Effects. Good times.
Leafblower - Causes extreme noise pollution, aggravating bedroom programmers the world over. But in this game, it creates a huge gust of wind.
Goodie Dispenser - Gives you a random treat.
Thief occasionally says “Yoink!” when pickpocketing
Other Additions and Changes
UI / Controls
Added “All Go Here”/”All Stand Guard” commands for when the player has multiple followers
Not as easy to accidentally cancel out of handcuffing someone with the right mouse button
Character Select screen shows the number of starting items the player will receive
Player movement is only slowed down when biting or arresting, they will have full mobility when “operating” in other ways
Made adjustments to Character Select screen to accommodate more Stats information
Quick Escape Teleporter does not fire when player is possessing another agent with Shapeshifter
Ammo Processor notifies the player if they try to use it with no guns in their inventory
Fix for people not being killed by explosions when the player is far away
If Vampire becomes full while biting someone, the victim becomes Dizzy
Armor durability is taken into account when selling items
People can no longer melee attack other people through bars
No longer possible for items to be knocked through bars (they can be thrown through them still)
Safes are unlocked when a computer in the area is destroyed
When serving cocktails to people as Bartender, the drink takes 5 seconds to take effect
Keys and Safe Combinations for a door/safe are removed from the game if the door or safe is opened through other means. The same goes for Slave Helmet Remotes.
Fires are destroyed when they injure people a couple of times.
Grenades take less time to explode.
People with Computer Illiterate can’t interact with Security Cams
Artificial Intelligence
Added gang behavior for roving bands of Assassins
Bug Fixes
UI / Controls
Fix for cursor text background staying on the screen after drag-dropping an item
Fix for target sometimes remaining on the screen after player’s death in coop
Fix for target sometimes flying over from a far-off location after player is revived
“Throw limit” target that appears when a thrown item is equipped and using keyboard, no longer appears when player is using Hypnotizer, Laptop, etc.
Fix for “Follow Me” choice sometimes appearing multiple times when talking to people
Fix for “Follow Me” choice sometimes not appearing after you told someone to Stand Guard
“Stole Items” stat appears properly at the end of the game
Context buttons on other people are ordered in a more consistent way
Giving people items from a stack no longer gives them an entire stack of items, creating dupes
Fix for cursor always appearing red when combining an item with an item in the toolbar
People’s “mouseover box” is correctly sized when person is a Giant or Shrunk
Giants are highlighted properly when the player mouses over them
People’s State Indicators (exclamation marks, etc.) appear in the proper position when the person is a Giant
Adjusted health bar position for Giants
When player starts the game with armor, its slot is placed to the right of the Special Ability slot
Attempted fix for rare issue where opening Missions screen can break the game
Fix for issue where player 2 could press A or RT to press one of player 1’s context buttons while player 1 hovered the mouse over the button
Fix for player 2 cursor text not appearing on Missions Screen when player 1 is using keyboard and mouse
Fix for people holding melee weapons incorrectly while dancing
Fix for tiny issue where character highlighting (from mouse cursor) lagged by a frame
Fix for Flamethrower fire sometimes appearing enormous when playing as Giant
Ghost Gibber stream does not increase or decrease in size when Shrunk or Giant
Playfield Objects
Fix for sometimes being able to destroy a single Laser Emitter, and not have the Laser be tripped
No longer possible to emit gas from vents while gas was already spewing
Clone machine can no longer be used to get more agents than a player’s limit
Flaming barrels tossed by Wrestler cause people to become angry when they walk into the fire
Fix for Four-Leaf Clovers actually increasing the chance of the owner’s opponent to score a crit
Fix for cigarettes not hurting you when you smoke them
Haterator no longer causes people to attack objects – only other people
Ammo Processor can’t be used on important items like Key and Safe Combination
Quick Escape Teleporter does not go off when reviving the other player
Friend Phone can no longer be used to get more agents than a player’s limit beyond 1 extra
Fix for instances where Flamethrower and Fire Spewer hitbox could continue past the point where the fire was blocked by a wall
Land Mines explode when triggered by a nearby explosion or a melee attack
Incendiary damage on items only occurs if the item is flashing red
Fix for syringes being sold in stacks at Sell-O-Matic rather than individually
Can no longer use Hypnotizer and Haterator on dead people.
For for items dropping from player’s body in coop mode if player died immediately after consuming
Status Effects / Traits / Special Abilities
Fix for random walls breaking when Wrestler throws objects at people
No longer possible to bite, possess, etc. through windows
Thief can no longer steal from people when their back is against the wall
Backstab no longer works on people whose backs are against walls
People who are sleeping can no longer be Backstabbed
Comedian can no longer recruit the following types of people with jokes: Ghosts, questgivers, owned slaves, people who are already employed, and non-humans
“Longer Status Effects” no longer causes certain items to give 15,000-second status effects
Fix for screwy-ness occurring if a Wrestler died while holding an object
When various things are teleported into the game world, they will not be teleported through windows and bars when they were not supposed to be in buildings
Game is better at determining when people who can’t speak the same language should be able to interact with one another
Gorillas (and anyone else who can’t speak English) won’t speak English, unless you have a translator or are of their species
Player only receives skill points for freeing prisoners if they aren’t blown up in the process
Shrunk and Diminutive people have the same size environment hitbox as normal-sized people to prevent them from slipping past objects they’re not supposed to
When slaves blow up due to their slavemaster being too far away, other nearby people are killed properly. The same goes for when the Slave Helmet is blown up while lying on the ground.
Fix for owned slaves blowing up when the player teleported away
Potential fix for people going through walls and not breaking them
Stats / Unlocks
Player receives Skill Points for knocking people into holes
Fixed exploit where players could get “Found Cool Stuff” multiple times by picking up objects in chests individually instead of using Take All
Kills from Slave Helmet explosions are always attributed to the slave’s owner
Player receives Skill Points for killing Slaves
Mission fails when a Mission Item (or the person carrying it) falls down a hole
Artificial Intelligence
Fix for people sometimes attempting to sleep in nonexistent beds
No longer possible to get Slum Dweller into a state where they can’t Cause a Ruckus
Can no longer trick people who wouldn’t normally Attack or Stand Guard for you into doing these things by saying All Attack or All Stand Guard to other followers
Internal fix for “noises” that direct the AI to their location sticking around forever in some instances
People who you release from prison won’t immediately follow you if you’ve reached your follower limit
Fix for Cops getting angry when you knock around items that you’ve placed on the ground
Level Generation
Another attempted fix for player spawning outside of the map
Fix for sound effect not playing when Electro Touch is used on people
Fix for sound effect not playing when certain types of projectiles hit windows
Fix for wrong person saying “I’m too weak to do that” when reviving other player
Followers no longer sometimes say “E_CantCome” when you try to bring them to the next level
Limited Invisibility is now correctly known as Camouflage
Corrected Backstab description – 10x damage only works when using Camouflage, not normal Invisibility
Fix for oversight on people’s vision distances that should improve performance a bit
Upgraded to Unity 5.4.1f1
Wow, this game is actually pretty impressive. Enough content right now it's definitely worth messing around with. Haven't gotten too far, so I dunno how many levels there are, but definitely looks like it's one to watch.
Alpha 14
It’s October, which means I’ve added some obligatory Halloween-themed content to Streets of Rogue, in the form of the Werewolf character. Consider your spine tingled and your pants soiled.
It has recently come to my attention that Streets of Rogue has gained a lot of popularity in China. Hacked versions of the game have popped up, featuring a new logo and translated text – which I think is pretty frigging impressive! But, I also wanted to offer people a more “legit” means of translating the game. While I plan to have official translations in the completed version of Streets of Rogue next year, Alpha 14 allows anyone to translate the game to other languages. For instructions on how this works, check out the file in your Streets of Rogue directory: “/StreetsOfRogue_Data/Localization/How To Make Translations.txt”.
The “huge new feature” mentioned in last update’s video is in the works, which is why this update is a bit smaller than usual. STAY TUNED, KIDS.
Big Features
Fan Translation Support
Support for fan translations to other languages has been added.
Werewolf - Rip and tear to your heart’s content, but be sure to get out of harm’s way before the effect runs off!
Special Abilities
Werewolf Transformation
Sharp Lunge
Bloodlust (Werewolf) - Gibbing people restores your health
Sausage Fingers (Werewolf) - Can’t use weapons
Pea-Brained (Werewolf) - Can’t interact with objects or use items
Status Effects
Crazy-Dizzy - Works like Dizzy, but being attacked doesn’t remove the effect
Other Additions and Changes
Yet another attempt at minimizing times when people are knocked through walls without them breaking
Items thrown with the gamepad without aiming are always thrown their maximum distance
Security Cameras don’t become alert when the player is under a Cardboard Box
Dizzy now removes Withdrawal from Investment Banker
Soldier starts with Kill Ammunizer
Clone Machine has a 3 item limit
Drug Dealer sells more varied items
Artificial Intelligence
When possessing Slavemasters as Shapeshifter, owned Slaves will join your party
Don’t Trigger Floor Hazards is now called Graceful
Good Trader is now called Shrewd Negotiator
Bad Trader is now called Sucker
Lunges (Gorilla, Werewolf) knock people back further
When using Lunges (Werewolf, Gorilla), game does extra prediction to figure out who you were trying to target
Bug Fixes
UI / Controls
No longer possible to interact with things while performing a melee attack or throw
Fix for longer level names not always fitting on the Missions screen
Projectile weapon ammo count appears red when the weapon is at 25% capacity
Pressing LT on the gamepad now cancels hacker’s special ability
Fix for status effect display moving to odd location on the screen if the player opened a Shop or Chest while having more than one status effect.
Fix for cursor text background appearing when it shouldn’t when dropping items
Fix for cops getting angry if you stole from trash cans by clicking specific items instead of Take All
oAuth field text is now blocked so that viewers can’t see it
Fix for player’s head being missing after Depossessing from Gorilla
Fix for the wrong hair/facial hair/hair color/skin color appearing on recently Depossessed person
Playfield Objects
Goodie Machine context buttons close properly after hacker lowers the price
Player does not lose a Hacking Tool every time they do something new on a Computer
Checking email on computers does not cost you a Hacking Tool
Dynamite is affected by incendiary damage
Ammo Stealer can no longer be used on the player
Water Pistol no longer appears to have 12 ammo initially despite not being filled
Water Pistol can no longer be cloned
Fix for armor breaking repeatedly but never disappearing after being given to an NPC follower
Fix for Food Processor being able to turn important items into food
Key is not destroyed if a door is opened, but not unlocked
Keys and Safe Combinations are destroyed if the corresponding Door or Safe is destroyed
Key is not destroyed if a door is opened/destroyed, but is not a prison door
Status Effects / Traits / Special Abilities
Fix for being able to do 1 damage to Aligned people when they are Invincible
Kneecapper can no longer be used by the player on themselves with AoE weapons
Fix for Kneecapper having effect that “Don’t Make Me Angry” was supposed to have
When depossessing as Shapeshifter, Slow and Fast remain active as they should
Fix for Slum Dweller’s health not being restored properly during level-up when gaining Endurance due to “Potential to Not Suck”
Fix for stats being able to go past 4 as a result of “Potential to Not Suck”
Fix for two players being able to simultaneously arrest the same person
Fix for Vampire victims not becoming Dizzy if Vampire walked away mid-snack
People can no longer be knocked out while Invincible
Fix for debt not being reset properly between games
Fix for “I’m Outtie” causing ghost player to run at extremely high speeds
Fix for dizzy stars appearing at times when they weren’t supposed to
Fix for Confused not carrying over between levels
Confused people will no longer walk around while Frozen
When Possessing, the Shapeshifter only switches weapons if the possessed person is unable to use the currently wielded weapon, or if the possessed person had a weapon and the Shapeshifter did not
Fix for “Charge” and “Lunge” being cancelled during freeze frames
Fix for issue where killing someone on a Retrieve mission after bribing them for the item would cause the mission to fail
Fix for issue that could prevent “Find Bombs” mission from being completed if bombs fell in holes
In “Bombs Falling” levels, fixed issue where bombs could spawn near a player who had already exited the level
Artificial Intelligence
Fix for people ignoring your other party members when factoring ‘threaten’ percentage, and determining whether to keep fighting you
Made internal adjustments to support long pieces of text fitting in small spaces, for when languages other than English are being used
Fix for Hiring Voucher button having error text
Fix for Gorilla not speaking English when talking to you while being rescued
Alpha 15
Following the most grueling 2.5-month crunch of Streets of Rogue’s entire development / my entire lifetime, 4-player online multiplayer coop is finally, like, a real thing! Kinda!
Let me explain! I don’t consider the current iteration of Multiplayer stable enough to be included with the primary release build. There’s still a lot of bugs to be fixed, and connection issues are semi-rampant with the matchmaking system I have in place right now. Still, it’s functional enough that you should be able to get in there and have some GOOD, CLEAN FUN. That’s right, don’t go on and harass people and such. Edgelording is soooo 2015.
Back to what I was saying - You can play Streets of Rogue multiplayer by downloading the new Development Build of the game. I will be updating this build more frequently (and with less fanfare) than I do the normal alpha updates. The Development Build sends information and error reports up to the cloud where I can make use of it to fix bugs. It’s potentially less stable than the normal builds, and performs slightly worse. But if you want to help with the game’s development, this is what you should be using.
Also of note, Streets of Rogue FINALLY has MUSIC, thanks to the lovely and talented Craig Barnes. You can get the entire soundtrack on his bandcamp site for cheap right now. New tracks will be added throughout the game’s development, and the price might end up higher too, so be sure to get in on this early!
Since multiplayer has been essentially my only focus, there haven’t been many changes to the base game since Alpha 14. But, don’t expect a 2-month wait between builds again – Adding multiplayer support was no joke. Seriously, my brain is mush. Here’s the full changelog:
Big Features
‘Nuff said. Only available in the Development Build.
It’s really catchy, ‘90s hip-hop and jock jam inspired stuff.
Other Additions and Changes
UI / Controls
Main Menu button added
Text spacing changed in a few spots to better accommodate translations
Bug Fixes
UI / Controls
Fix for Accept and Complete buttons not working when clicked
Controller vibration is now functional on Mac and Linux
Playfield Objects
Fix for generator flashing repeatedly and never exploding (literally dozens of people emailed me about this one, holy crap)
Fix for weapons not being unequipped after being sold, given away, etc.
Status Effects / Traits / Special Abilities
Fix for Shapeshifter not being able to interact with things after death and resurrection when lighting was set to None
Now on Early Access, with the last early edition apparently still there on itch for the time being: STILL! 8)
New features for the Steam version:
Online Multiplayer
4-Player Local Coop Support
Home Base
Daily Runs
Steam Achievements
Game is saved when the player quits
Cloud Saves
Steam Big Picture virtual keyboard support
Introduction, Tutorial, and story stuff
Support for 7 new languages: Chinese (simplified), Korean, German, Spanish, Portuguese, French and Russian
Alpha 20f
Lots of fixes -- Notably, 21:9 support has been added (edit: won't be available until next build unless you force it, see here), and a bunch of the multiplayer disconnect issues (where a person's avatar did not leave the game after they were disconnected) may be cleared up now.
UI / Controls
Gamepad targeting movement (i.e. using hacking tools, telling people who to attack, etc.) slowed down a bit
Added failsafe for people getting very far in Endless and not having any more traits to pick
Fix for people getting very far in endless and banana peels appearing as rewards
Potential fix for Twitch vote staying on the screen after it has completed
If the player chooses Industrial through the Mysterious Elevator and dies, they will start at 2-1.
Fix for Unlocks not working in Home Base if Sandbox mutator is activated
Fix for stackable items sometimes changing position in the inventory when a new item of that type was picked up
Fixed ability to duplicate items when the player’s inventory is full
Added better 21:9 Widescreen support so you can actually see the whole interface (edit: won't be available until next build unless you force it)
Added simple command line parameters for fullscreen and windowed: +fullscreen and +windowed
When blood is disabled, players who are gibbed will simply disappear in a puff of smoke
Fix for characters sometimes appearing weird in Daily Run after the player had done a normal run
Fix for Shapeshifter being able to use weapons after possessing people who weren’t capable of using them, and subsequent weapon wheel weirdness
Gave Killer Robot some potential drops. These are just temporary, I’ll change this later!
Status Effects / Traits / Special Abilities
Fix for Werewolf sometimes losing his transform ability after dying in multiplayer
Fix for players not punching when affected by Rage Poison
Fix for characters getting stuck inside walls
Stats / Unlocks
Fix for “Time Limit + Time Bonuses” not appearing on Mutators menu
Level timer begins when level has finished loading entirely
Artificial Intelligence
Fixed Killer Robot not punching if he loses his ammo
Level Generation
Fixed rare freeze when spawning Killer Robot
Character Select screen no longer shows E_ in circumstances where the player will not start off with any items due to mutators that they’ve applied
Added text to indicate more clearly that Save and Quit exists
Sandbox text indicates that you can’t unlock things in this mode.
Localization files updated
Fixed issue where player could teleport to the beginning of the level after destroying the generator, allowing them to get stuck
Added another method of checking for disconnects. This will hopefully alleviate issues where someone disconnects and their character remains in the game.
Added 60 second timeout when host exits level. After completion, everyone will be teleported to the elevator.
If someone remains on the character select screen for too long when other people have finished the level, the straggler will be kicked from the game.
Clients quitting manually and kicked players are forced out of the game more quickly and using a modified algorithm
When kicking, no longer necessary to use proper capitalization in the player’s name
Fixed some instances where player could enter the game as a horrific purple lollipop monster thing
Fixed last build's addition of "miniature health pack"
UI / Controls
Potential fix for some players not being able to use gamepads past the title screen
Potential fix for some players not seeing gamepad button icons properly within in-game instruction texts
Fix for being able to scroll “details” text in local coop scrolling menus out of its box by using the d-pad
Now possible to use d-pad on scrolling menus in local coop
Fix for being able to accidentally return to home base if ‘Q’ was pressed after dying as Shapeshifter in while in someone else’s body
Fixed characters appearing with wrong heads on Character Select after achieving new unlocks
Status Effects / Traits / Special Abilities
Fix for “Addict” trait not appearing for Investment Banker on Character Select
Players who are knocked out are revived in 10 seconds, and no longer need someone else to revive them
Stats / Unlocks
If the player triggers achievements while Steam is not online, they will be triggered when the player goes online and starts the game
Added limit of 50 nuggets that the player may possess at any time
Level Generation
Possible fix for game occasionally getting stuck at 100% on loading screen
Fixed being able to break the tutorial by hitting bouncer into lasers
Fixed yet another tutorial exploit where you could get an extra Wall Bypasser if you used the first one in just the right spot
Level Generation
Possible fix for game occasionally getting stuck at 100% on loading screen
Fixed being able to break the tutorial by hitting bouncer into lasers
Fixed yet another tutorial exploit where you could get an extra Wall Bypasser if you used the first one in just the right spot
Added Region setting to make it easier for people to find games
Fixed clients not being able to bring party members between levels during online play
Fixed player 4 not being able to bring party members between levels during local play
Fix for not being able to create or join games after pressing Esc while on the Loading screen
Fixed some instances where client could connect and choose a character, only for it to say “Waiting for host to select a character” when he already had
Fix for scenario where clients could screw up the host’s game if they quit at the exact right time while the level was changing
When clients quit manually, they are removed from the server immediately
EDIT: Forgot to include this:
We had mistakenly listed the game as supporting Portuguese, when in actuality we are supporting Brazilian Portuguese (pt-br). Changes have been made in-game, in Steam Achievements, and on the store page to reflect this. Localization files updated as well.
Fixed text size for various languages in a few spots[/list
Changed appearance of Health Pack so that the Red Cross won’t throw a fit (also I accidentally introduced a bug where it appears super tiny. Will fix it next build)
UI / Controls
Added “Online” option to Home Base “Co-Op” character
Nugget display appears at the corner of menus to make your nugget count more obvious
Devlog button now links to Steam news
Level Generation
Tutorial is now accessible through a more obviously placed character in the Home Base
Wrestler now appears properly in the Home Base
Fixed tutorial exploit that allowed the shopkeeper to open the locked door
Stats / Unlocks
Now possible to unlocks Assassin if you anger someone (just not make them hostile)
Reduced number of drinks to unlock Bartender to 10
UI / Controls
Fix for game sometimes freezing if you unlocked something while simultaneously completing a mission
Fix for unlock notifications sometimes staying on the screen permanently if activated at the end of a level
Unlock notifications are non-skippable to prevent people from missing them
/teleport can no longer be used in the Home Base
Fix for user’s Fan Translations setting not being saved properly
No longer possible to receive certain items that have not been properly programmed for multiplayer
Status Effects / Traits / Special Abilities
Fix for players being able to keep some status effects permanently between levels if exiting with 1 second left
Stats / Unlocks
Fix for one of the Unlock items not actually being unlockable
Fix for clients not being able to unlock certain end-of-level unlocks in multiplayer mode
Fix for some end-of-level unlocks not triggering when completing the final level
Artificial Intelligence
Fixed other people being “Aligned” or “Hostile” toward the player in Home Base
Fixed Chinese text appearing too small in certain spots
“Rewarded” text now appears in the appropriate language
Alpha 20h
Today's update includes a brand new Mutator called "Rogue Vision". When enabled, the camera will only display objects and people that are within your character's field of vision, much like a traditional roguelike. It changes up the gameplay in a pretty significant way -- let me know what you think of it, and how it can be improved
UI / Controls
Now possible to click multiplayer browser headings to sort by their value
Small fixes to timing when quest completion notification appears
Fix for game not being paused while “Mission Complete” notification was on the screen after completing optional missions
Fix for characters sometimes appearing with gorilla head after playing Daily Run
Chicken nugget appears less potato-like and more chicken nugget-like
Status Effects / Traits / Special Abilities
Fix for game freeze that could occur when exiting levels as Investment Banker
Fix for Giantizer not allowing players to knock down walls if they used it while standing next to a steel door
Fixed syringe giving NPCs 2 status effects when given directly to them
Fixed difficulties going through east/west-facing windows
“Hidden Bombs” disaster does not occur in Sandbox mode since it is essentially a mission
Fix for banana peels appearing as Optional mission rewards
Fix for instructions sometimes not appearing directly after killing Shopkeeper
Added “Rogue Vision” mutator: You can only see people within your character’s line of sight
In “Everyone Hates You”, people who are normally aligned with you remain aligned
Killer Robot does not run out of ammo during Rocket Chaos mutator
Fixed “New character every level” not giving people access to all characters during Daily Runs
Level Generation
Time-based disasters such as Radiation or “Find Bombs” will not spawn when the player has activated a time-based mutator
Updated localization files with some new text
Twitch integration can be used in multiplayer games
Updated NAT Traversal plugin
Fix for clients not being able to properly give items to NPCs
Fixed NPC text sometimes appearing in the wrong language when playing with someone from a different territory
Fix for pick-uppable items not flashing on client
UI / Controls
Potential fix for game starting with black screen and “New Text”
Potential fix for game occasionally freezing when displaying “Quest Completed” messages
Added more controller calibration options so players can set dead zone, sensitivity, etc.
Players can now rebind the Attack and Special Ability buttons on the gamepad (RT and LT).
Ultrawide resolutions should appear in the graphics settings now if your monitor supports them (let me know if they don’t)
More interface changes to accommodate Ultrawide users
Playfield Objects
Fix for issue where characters could disappear and then reappear at the very corner of the map, introduced along with last update’s “people can’t get stuck in walls” fix
Fixed NPCs taking damage while in Elevator during Radiation levels
Stats / Unlocks
Fix for “Time Limit + Time Bonuses” not unlocking
Artificial Intelligence
Fix for some instances where characters could appear stuck between an object and the wall
Level Generation
Fix for Rescue missions appearing more often than they were intended to
Another potential fix for “Freeze at 100%”
Quick-Health button will always use health items during “Low Health” mutator
No longer possible to use the Item Teleporter while in ghost form in Sandbox mode
Fix for end-of-level time limits being shorter than stated in the text (example: “You have 30 seconds to exit the level” only gave the player 10 seconds.)
Fix for “Everyone Hates You” mutator not affecting clients
Players are required to enter password when invited to password-protected matches
Fix for clients being able to close host’s menus
Improvements to how canceling during load works as client
Set up the basis for retrieving multiplayer game ping on matchmaking screen (still needs testing before I add to the UI)
Fixed clients not receiving skill points for stealing items from chests
Alpha 22
The bulk of today’s update deals with new content for the Industrial levels. Admittedly, I bit off a little more than I could chew. Basically, I started working on a whole bunch of new content at once, and wasn’t able to finish all of it before this week’s update. There have been some significant updates to the Industrial levels, but I’m by no means finished with them. At the very least, this should give you a clearer idea of the direction I want to go with this part of the game. I’m still open very to suggestions if you’ve got ‘em. Also, please report any new bugs you find with the new content, because I'm sure there are a bunch...
I’ll be starting work on the Park levels very soon. They’re essentially the game’s version of the grassy/outdoor theme. The next bi-weekly update might be a fairly minor one, because I’ll be knee-deep in prepping these new levels. It might be a couple of updates before they’re officially “open for business”. Taking suggestions now!
There are still a bunch of modifications I want to make based on the feedback from the previous update. I only had time to buff the Vampire a bit for this update.
Alpha 22
Factory floor
Status Effects
Wet (serves no purpose yet)
Electrocuted (can't do this yet)
Items Added
Gas Mask
Oil Container
Items Modified
Cigarette Lighter can be used to set oil on fire
Fix for Killer Robot sometimes getting “non-infinite” version of Rocket Launcher
Objects Added
Saw Blade
Mine Cart
Conveyor Belt
Tubes that spew objects onto conveyor belts
Objects spewed from tubes
Continuous Crusher Trap
Overclocked Generator
Non-trapdoor-based holes
Slime Barrel
Slime Puddle
Fire Hydrant
Indoor flame grates
Permanently flaming flame grates
Permanently spewing gas vents
Oil spilled on ground
Water spilled on ground (with “expanding puddles”)
Water projectile
Objects Modified
Crusher does damage as soon as it hits people, rather than having to traps people between it and the wall
Crusher does 30 damage instead of 40
Changed collider size of Crusher
Fixed issue where Crusher would get screwy on clients if they went far away and came back
Floor trap switches are no longer found in Industrial
Vampire’s victims no longer get “tapped out”. Vampire gains 1 health for every 3 health he drains from his victim. Victim also emits a louder noise for other people to hear.
Fix for player’s death method being classified as “Fell in Hole” if this occurred after they died
Level Generation
Added new Industrial objects into existing buildings
Industrial factories tend to be filled with Workers and Goons
Some factories will permanently spawn gas
NPCs will wear Gas Masks when necessary, if factory is permanently spawning gas
Mine Cart tracks may now appear in the middle of levels
Industrial factories no longer have Floor Switch traps
Oil appears on the ground at random spots in Industrial levels
Artificial Intelligence
NPCs are better at avoiding traps and holes
Things I started but didn't finish yet
Moving Fire Spewers
Fireball Spitter
Pipes on walls that spew gas when shot
Fireball projectile
Robots that aren't trying to murder you
New buildings and "level chunks"
A bunch of other little Industrial modifications
UI / Controls
Game does not go into slow-motion mode when remotely hacking
When hacking certain objects that allow for multiple commands, the contextual buttons do not disappear after entering a command
Auto-aim is slightly smarter
Fix for issue where it was possible for players to get stuck in walls after returning from ghost form
Fix for not being able to place some stackable items into toolbar slots
Cops and other character classes that are walking around levels randomly have a chance to carry guns and other more powerful weapons. This chance is increased as the player progresses in the game.
Hackers start with 2 Time Bombs instead of 3
Investment Banker starts with $300 instead of $500
Playfield Objects
Destroying Gravestones has a chance of spawning an angry Ghost
When Wrestler throws certain types of objects, they will inflict status effects upon the person they hit
Objects thrown by Wrestler have a chance of dizzying the person they hit
Stove spawns a fire when destroyed
When hacked, Refrigerator is capable of breaking through walls
Refrigerator plays proper sound effect when smacking into people after being hacked
Doors armed with Detonators can now be hacked to disarm them
Sell-O-Matic and Portable Sell-O-Matic prices for weapons and armor now take durability and ammo into account
Player receives 100 skill points for “Found Cool Stuff” instead of 200
Safes no longer have a chance of containing a tiny amount of money
Winning chances on slot machine are capped at a certain point when using things like the hacking ability and Four-Leaf Clovers in conjunction with one another.
Added item “Fud”, which is a new type of food item
Food Processor only produces Fud
Resurrection Shampoo’s value has been increased from $100 to $200
Armor Durability Spray’s price increased from $50 to $100
Cyanide Pill’s price increased from $50 to $150
Kill Ammunizer only restores ammo for 1 of the weapons in your inventory, selected at random
Kill Ammunizer and Kill Profiter show status text when giving the player ammo and money
Water Pistol holds 8 shots instead of 12
Water Pistol cannot be refilled through Ammo Dispenser or Kill Ammunizer
EMP Grenades cause Killer Robot to become temporarily Paralyzed
Doctor is capable of using Tranquilizer Gun and Leafblower, but can no longer use throwable weapons that inflict damage
Portable Sell-O-Matic gives slightly worse deals than normal Sell-O-Matic
NPCs have a lower chance of carrying items that are not weapons or money
Chest Objects have a lower chance of containing multiple items
Throwing Rocks does damage to people now
Investment Banker can no longer use Cigarettes to prevent withdrawal from taking hold -- they’re just not strong enough!
Fix for some NPCs having an item called “E_”
Status Effects / Traits / Special Abilities
Vampire’s bite adds 3 health per suck instead of 2. Damage per suck is still 4.
Vampire’s bite may do a max damage of 20 to a person (+15 health to vampire) before that person is “tapped out”.
Skinny Nerdlinger now causes certain guns to cause knockback to the player when fired
Tank-Like cancels out all gun knockback
Shapeshifter “Possess” ability now has a 10 second cooldown after exiting someone’s body
Fix for Shapeshifter not being able to possess sleeping people
Shapeshifter now has “Antisocial” trait
If Shapeshifter possesses someone in front of a Neutral NPC, that NPC will become Annoyed
Werewolf is no longer required to gib people for Bloodlust to activate, he only needs to kill them
Werewolf’s Lunge ability no longer has a charge-up period
Added “Unstoppable-ish” trait for Werewolf, which works similar to Tank-Like, but bullets do not cause knockback
Added “Ultimate Butterfinger-er” trait for Werewolf, which knocks weapons out of people’s hands every time a collision occurs
Size of Werewolf’s claws increased
Comedian’s audience has a lower chance of becoming hostile and attacking the Comedian when a joke fails
Comedian’s audience has a small chance of becoming Aligned instead of Loyal when a joke is successful
Backstabs can only be performed if the victim is not already in combat
Added “Master of Disaster” trait for Jock, which gives him a small amount of XP for each object or wall that he destroys
Thief receives 15 skill points for pickpocketing instead of 10
Investment Banker’s “Withdrawal” stops taking health from the player at 20 HP (10 with the Low Health mutator) instead of 5
Radiation blasts occur every 20 seconds instead of every 15 seconds
Falling bombs produce a more obvious lighting effect to help players better avoid their radius
In Rogue Vision, fences are always visible, so doors next to fences won’t appear to be floating in a void
When Low Health mutator is activated, hazard damage from crusher traps, holes, acid, and poison is halved to alleviate the chance of cheap deaths
In Low Health mode, health items only give the player half the health they normally do.
Fix for Crusher sometimes appearing at inappropriate times with Rogue Vision turned on
In Rogue Vision, fix for out-of-view NPCs’ flashing outlines appearing when using Hypnotizer and other methods where NPCs are being targeted
Fix for bullet particles sometimes remaining on-screen for clients in multiplayer Rogue Vision mode
Level Generation
Player is more likely to see 1 of each type of “vending machine” per level (Sell-O-Matic, Ammo Dispenser, etc.), with fewer duplicates
Artificial Intelligence
When a cop starts arresting someone, interactions between that person and other players will cease
Ghosts deal with solid walls a bit better
Cops now only attack people who they’ve witnessed attack someone else, instead of just attacking both people. However, if they see two people fighting, they will still attack both of them.
If cops witness a property owner attacking someone, they will always side with the property owner and attack the other person.
People employed by Werewolf do not run away when player turns into Werewolf
Releasing people from prison makes them Loyal toward the player
After rescuing someone for an optional mission and bringing them to a questgiver, they will remain Loyal to you
Fix for some of the German translation not appearing properly
“Acid” is now known as “Sulfuric Acid” to avoid confusion with the drug of the same name
Mutators are cleared when the player enters the Tutorial
Fix for Shapeshifter clients losing their extra traits when depossessing
Alpha 23
As I mentioned in the previous update, this week's update is relatively minor. It's mostly bugfixes relating to the Industrial content that I added in Alpha 22.
Most of my time has been spent on programming for the upcoming Level 3, the "Park" area. Bodies of water are now possible in the game, and swimming is working quite nicely. I want these levels to have a much more open, less claustrophobic feel to them, to give players a nice mid-game change of pace before the more city-oriented Levels 4 and 5.
I can't promise that Level 3 will be playable in the May 11th update, but definitely the one after that. In the meantime, I'm still taking suggestions for the Industrial and Park areas. And as always, let me know if anything is horribly broken in this build, so that I can hotfix it!
Alpha 23
Fix for NPCs sometimes not coming from one level to the next
Traits / Status Effects
Players can no longer move by attacking when Paralyzed
Reduced Shapeshifter’s Depossess cooldown from 10 to 5
Noise created when Vampire bites someone is softer, essentially reverting one of the changes from the previous version.
Rocket Launchers have a much lower monetary value when Rocket Launcher Chaos is activated
It is easier to find Cigarette Lighters
Fix for “E_” items dropping from NPCs when “No Melee Weapons” and “No Guns” mutators are activated
Saw Blades, Crushers, Mine Carts and Refrigerators no longer harm ghosts
It should no longer be possible for Floor Switches, Saw Blades, etc. to spawn outside buildings
Fix for Ghost not being able to pass through extended Crusher
Fix for sound effect of Crusher extending sometimes not playing
Fix for Mine Cart tracks not always appearing
Fix for Saw Blade light continuing to appear after the object is destroyed
Fixed issue where Crusher could continue operating after its wall was destroyed
Fixed Fire Spewer not functioning on client side during multiplayer games
Saw Blades no longer appear at extremely narrow gaps, since the AI won’t be able to deal with it well
Increased hitbox size on Mine Cart
If important items are knocked into incinerators, they will be teleported out
Fixed issue where players could be teleported on top of Flame Grates
Water from Fire Hydrant doesn’t knock the player back as far, preventing situations where the player can get stuck
Toilet causes water explosion when destroyed
Robot no longer has the good sense to stop moving when there is danger ahead, such as a mine cart about to go by
NPCs will no longer try to use the Oil Container as a weapon
Robot can no longer take damage from certain status effects such as Cyanide
Fix for a number of instances where “trap” objects could be positioned improperly
Fixed instances where Objects were placed in spots where they could be accidentally set on fire by conveyor belt objects
Added Camera Speed option to prevent camera from following target
Fix for Gamepad 3 and Gamepad 4 buttons on Control Settings screen not working properly when clicked with mouse
Fix for multiplayer client sometimes not being able to hack or otherwise target in a similar manner when using the gamepad
When using hacking target with gamepad, frame rate does not affect movement speed
Fix for certain types of bullets not always having correct lighting
NPCs are better about knowing when to flee burning buildings
NPCs don’t stop at mine cart tracks when fleeing
Stove removed from Tutorial, since it can now burn the walls down
Rocks do not do damage during the tutorial, since the player was able to kill the Tutorial Giver
Fix for players dying after other players had entered elevator, and entering the next level as a non-ghost with 0 health
Fix for some instances of “purple worm E_ man” appearing, particularly in Home Base
Updated Unity engine to 5.6.0f3 from 5.5.2f1, and fixed a bunch of new bugs stemming from the upgrade, most of which were related to the physics, UI and animation systems. The engine upgrade could mean a few things. From Unity’s patch notes:
“Improved stability when running on less-than-reliable network conditions”.
“The internal 2D contact processing system has been completely rewritten providing a more robust and reliable reporting of contacts, ensuring correct Enter, Stay & Exit callback state under all conditions.” This could hopefully reduce or eliminate cases where characters are hit through walls without breaking them.
Particle effect performance is apparently improved.
Updated 2D Toolkit plugin to 2.5.8
Updated Rewired plugin to
Alpha 24
Yayy, the first iteration of the Park level has finally been added to the game! Bear in mind, it's still very much a work in progress, and and I have more new elements in the works. Not sure people will find the balance of this level in its current state (too easy/hard?), but I'm sure I'll find out soon! If you have suggestions for stuff you'd like me to add, feel free to post them in this thread. And as always, let me know if anything is buggy/broken!
Alpha 24
Park Levels 3-1, 3-2, and 3-3 added
3 New tracks added (mp3s are available to soundtrack owners)
Floor 3-1 Ace of La Boots
Floor 3-2 Do the Gorilla
Floor 3-3 Don't Stop Movin'! Like Really! Killer Robot is After You!
Level Generation
Lots of small and large changes made to level generation for Park levels.
Lamps and Trash Cans are now placed at random instead of being tied to specific level chunks
Fix for some issues where objects could be spawned in narrow passages that blocked the player’s path
Fixed a couple instances where fire pits could block the player from achieving objectives
Water Bodies
Frozen Water Bodies
Building Types
Military Outpost
Hedge Maze
Cannibal NPC
Soldiers may now appear as NPCs
Free-roaming Gorillas
Wall Types
Small Boulder
Water Pump (needs art)
Barbed Wire Fence
Fixed issue where Overclocked Generator could not be destroyed after being hit with EMP Grenade
Added measures to prevent certain things like Fire from damaging the player multiple times within a short timespan
Active Bear Traps may appear in the environment
Fix for a change in the previous build, where Rocket Launcher was supposed to have a lower monetary value in Rocket Launcher Chaos, but this instead occurred in Everyone Hates You
Park President
Unlock Elevator Access (Park)
Fix for dark bar sometimes appearing over Win screen
Fix for human eyes appearing on gorilla faces
Status Effects
"Slow" reduced from 30 seconds to 20 seconds
Artificial Intelligence
Lots of modifications to allow the AI to deal with new terrain types and objects
Non-owners will no longer try to walk through owned property, even if the walls have been destroyed
Game now pauses when minimized
Alpha 25
By popular demand, the Cannibal is now a playable character. For the first time ever in Streets of Rogue, you can enjoy the perks of eating dead bodies. Rejoice. I've also added a bunch of fixes and changes to the Park area. Expect more in the future. But for now.....
....For the next couple of updates, I'll be switching gears to straight-up bug-fixing. Over the past couple of months since the game was released into Early Access, I've been primarily focused on addressing major issues and adding additional content. However, players have been doing an excellent job of reporting bugs to me -- so good, in fact, that if you were to print out my bug list, it would stretch across the United States and back 3 times. That is a lie. But it's still pretty huge.
Alpha 25
Cannibal is now a playable character
Soldier now has proper “Joined” dialogue instead of saying “E_Joined”
Fix for “E_HireAsProtectionVoucher” appearing when hiring Soldier with Hiring Voucher
Cannibal no longer has trait “E_Dumb”
Ambient lighting added to Lakes
Fix for shadows being visible in Rogue Vision after characters jumped out of water while out of sight
Fix for shadows being visible in Rogue Vision while characters were underwater
Fix for light appearing on NPCs hidden in Bushes in Rogue Vision when playing as client
Fix for weapons appearing behind people’s hair
Fix for player’s name appearing as “Player (Player)” after Level 1
Bars and Barbed Wire Fences appear on Minimap
Fix for minimap not appearing when first starting online multiplayer games
Glass Walls
Building Types
Playfield Objects
Killer Plant
Well (throwing money in doesn't do anything... yet)
Barbecue (can't cook things... yet)
Player can hide in Bushes by pressing Interact
Player Ghosts float over water
Ghosts’ movement is not affected by ice or water
Characters are better at determining which direction to jump when entering and exiting water
Status effects added to water bodies last 60 seconds instead of 90
Computers in certain buildings can be used to poison all water bodies in the level
No longer possible to teleport directly next to chests in the middle of hedge mazes, or other objects in the middle of outdoor “buildings” for that matter
NPC vision is blocked by Boulders and Trees
Trash Cans can no longer spawn in front of Doors and Windows (thanks to the 300 people who notified me about this)
Fix for not being able to destroy Bush with Flamethrower as multiplayer client
Fixed collider size on small boulders
Keys for new building types no longer say “Key (E_…)”
Bear Trap does 15 damage instead of 20
Fix for melee hits sometimes not registering
Added Unlock for Cannibal
Added Achievement for Cannibal
“Destroy All” mission type added
Level Generation
Water bodies spawning near factories may be poisoned with random status effects
Water bodies spawning near factories may have Slime Barrels nearby
Fix for Water Pump spawning on top of other objects
Fixed bug where Graveyards and Hideouts could not appear in Park levels
Changes to level generation algorithm that allow me to better control the frequency of certain building types
Elevators can no longer spawn in the middle of Lakes
Level generation attempts to force each type of Vending Machine (Ammo Dispenser, Sell-O-Matic, etc.) to appear at least once per level
Artificial Intelligence
Fix for party members not wanting to follow the player through Water
NPCs are better at navigating owned outdoor “buildings” like Hedge Mazes and Caves
NPCs in a “wander” state now pause for a longer period of time after reaching their destination to allow the player a bit of time to react if they were attempting to sneak by them or something
Player can no longer command party members to attack Boulders, since they are (nearly) indestructible
Fix for NPCs continuing to avoid pathing through certain objects after they had been destroyed
Cannibals hiding in Bushes only pop out if the player is within their line of sight
NPCs no longer immediately become angry if the player shoots an owned fireproof object with the Flamethrower
Fix for Home Base Elevator to higher floors not being usable
Updated to Unity 5.6.1f1
Updated Rewired plugin to
Alpha 27
It's been a busy couple of weeks in the real world, but I managed to add a pretty sizeable number of bugfixes. Not much else to say about this update, I'll let the changelog speak for itself.
The next update (June 29) will be the last primarily-bugfix-oriented update that I do for the time being. After that, it'll be back to features and content...
Alpha 27
Fix for objects sometimes flashing after being destroyed as if the player could still interact with them
Character select screen animation plays properly when the random character button is pressed
UI / Controls
Windows appear as a shade of grey on the minimap instead of not appearing at all
Fix for context buttons disappearing when the player is talking to an Investment Banker, and he loses health due to Withdrawal
Fix for controls not appearing at the start of the game in 3-player and 4-player co-op mode
Fix for menus not scrolling properly with gamepad on 4:3 resolutions
Fix for issue where player would attack if they clicked to drop an item while the inventory was closed
Player can hold the Extra Info button while interface elements like the Inventory are visible
Fix for gamepad players not being able to press the Stats button while viewing Missions
Player markers disappear from the minimap when a player exits the level
Fix for levels completing in coop mode if one player finished a level, and another player ended the game from the Main Menu
Comedian starts with Team-Building Expert
Fix for issue where ending the game and returning to Home Base while
Possessing someone as Shapeshifter would cause you to spawn as the possessed character
Fix for characters appearing in the Home Base with the wrong skin and hair if the player’s game ended, then they selected a character, changed their mind, and went to the Home Base
Fix for player being able to have an Assassin mask over a Slum Dweller head if they started the Tutorial as an Assassin
Fix for issue in online multiplayer where if a person selected a character in the Home Base and backed out, then closed the Character Select, mousing over that player would show the other players “E_”
Werewolf no longer speaks English when attempting to interact with Elevators
Fix for Cannibal’s face getting fixed when Possessed by Shapeshifter
Slaves no longer blow up if a slave owner client in multiplayer games brings the slave to the next level and teleports
Playfield Objects
Fix for fires not always starting properly when wooden walls were hit with the Flamethrower from the south
Fix for issue where windows could not be destroyed by extremely powerful melee attacks if they had already been shattered
Goodie Dispenser can only dispense 3 goodies, which should fix the “Hacker getting infinite cash” exploit
Players cannot be teleported onto Slime Puddles
Fix for Slot Machine sometimes not dispensing money properly
Potential fix for people being teleported a few steps back when walking through destroyed windows
Fix for Vending Machines sometimes facing toward a wall instead of away from it
Turret, Security Camera and Fire Spewer no longer block people’s paths with collision detection
Another attempted fix for issue where players could be teleported on top of Flame Grates and Mine Cart tracks
Bulletproof Vest no longer protects from Flamethrower and Fire Spewer
When purchasing Loadout items, the player is given the same amount of the item that they receive when the item is given as a quest reward
Hypnotizer, Haterator, etc. can no longer be used on Hologram
If the player throws the last item in a stack, fists are now selected instead of weapon types
Status Effects / Traits / Special Abilities
Cyanide gibs people again due to popular demand, despite making no sense. Whatever.
Fix for bug introduced in Alpha 26 where Kneecapper chance to activate was set to 98%
“No In-Fighting” does not work on NPCs who need to be neutralized for a mission
Fix for instances where “No In-Fighting” would be active on an NPC who hates the player
“No In-Fighting” now applies to NPCs who are Loyal or Submissive, in addition to Aligned
Fix for Backstab not gibbing people when Bloody Mess is active
Fix for Thief not being able to steal items from people when they had a full inventory, but the item was stackable
Players with the “Loud” trait no longer make noise when they are Ghosts
NPCs will not laugh at Comedian’s jokes if they are already Hostile
Assassin’s Camouflage is not immediately removed mid-swing when hitting dead bodies
Fix for player becoming visible if hiding in Bush when Camouflage wore off
Antisocial trait actually works as stated, and prevents the player from attaining party members much of the time
Fix for players not receiving health boost on level-up if they are teleporting
Fix for Thief being able to move while Paralyzed by using Sticky Glove
Vampires and Cannibals no longer continue to devour their prey after they have been killed themselves
Fixed cases where players were able to be damaged after finishing a level
Auto-Aim no longer targets NPCs who are hidden in bushes
Fix for “picking up” sound not always playing the next time something is picked up after Thief uses the Sticky Glove
Fix for issue where during slow motion, people would often be teleported out of a wall before the wall was triggered to be broken
Fixed issue where player could hire someone and teleport to automatically complete Neutralize missions
Player can teleport again if Killer Robot is killed
Level Generation
Gravestones should no longer spawn in the middle of Lakes
Potential fix for Park loading getting stuck at 87%
Fix for cases where trash barrels and vending machines could spawn in tight spaces and block the player’s path
Artificial Intelligence
Cannibals cannot be triggered out of hiding by Ghosts
Fix for AI not pathing properly around Slime Puddles
Cops get angry at the Thief for using the Sticky Glove on someone
NPCs who start in an “idle” state will always return to their original position after being lured away
Fix for NPCs laughing at a Comedian’s jokes if they have teleported halfway across the map
Fix for issue where player would kill someone, later gain a follower who was aligned with the dead person, and then the follower would be angry at the player upon seeing the dead person
NPCs are better at determining when to get out of the way of dangerous traps like Fire Spewers when they are in the trap’s direct path
NPCs stop at Fire Spewers slightly before they start spewing
NPC followers are especially better at not stepping in a trap’s direct path in their efforts to follow the player closely
Cannibals are triggered to pop out of bushes by any Hostile person, rather than just specifically “any player”
Party members who are following the player will walk toward the player’s position when he is not in their line of sight
If a person A is hostile toward person B and person B is Loyal to the player, person A will only become hostile toward the player if person B is in the player’s party
If a person becomes Loyal to the player, other people who are loyal to the player will only become loyal to that person if they are a member of the player’s party
It is now possible to command people who are Loyal to you to attack other people who are Loyal to you
Prisoners who start the game in Prisons or Police Stations are marked as Guilty if they escape
Fix for Slaves and Gorillas not following clients in multiplayer games through 2 consecutive elevators
Fix for Slaves not having full list of commands for Slavemaster clients who brought the Slave to the next level
Fix for NPCs in a multiplayer client’s party not having the correct relationship to the client when brought to the next level
Fixed “Death By” not appearing properly when players were Stomped, Chaaarged, or Electro Touched
Fix for incorrect text appearing when attempting to hire more Soldiers than you’re allowed to
Changed Park sign text slightly to indicate more clearly that Cannibals are hostile toward outsiders specifically
Invisible box for status effect text at the side of the screen has been extended to accommodate languages with really lengthy text
Fix for “Accept Mission” chat announcement not appearing when host accepted the mission
Fix for issue where items could be retrieved from chests twice if client retrieved the item first
Fix for Suicide message not appearing in the chatlog when the host ends the game
Fix for all chests on the client side that contained money, containing exactly $5 instead of the correct server-side amount
Updated Rewired plugin to
Updated 2D Toolkit plugin to
Fixed issue with Player 2’s lighting not appearing properly in 3-player or 4-player local coop mode
Fix for Bushes having bright lighting on client in multiplayer mode
Fix for stars continuing to appear above the head of a knocked-out person after the Cannibal has eaten that person
Dizzy stars disappear properly if a person is teleported when they are active
UI / Controls
Fixed issue with Player 2’s buff display not appearing properly in 3-player or 4-player local coop mode
Fixed issue where highlighted characters could remain highlighted permanently if the player entered the Main Menu or Missions Screen while they were highlighted
Fix for “targeting” cursor (used when hacking, using hypnotizer, etc.) remaining onscreen after player has died and will soon be resurrected in some way
Changing filters in server browser scrolls to the top of the browser list
Poisoned lakes can no longer cause “Paralyzed”
Killer Robot can no longer be gibbed
No longer possible to “ice gib” frozen players who have the Resurrect status effect
Playfield Objects
Another (hopefully fool-proof) fix for players being warping on top of holes after falling in the first time, causing a falling loop
Fix for Gravestones not spawning Ghosts or counting towards Vampire unlock when thrown by Wrestler
Fix for Crushers sometimes being able to damage the player from the other side of walls
Fixed issue where Crusher was harming the player when it began extending, rather than when it actually hit the player
Fire Hydrant’s water spray does not push characters back so hard that they can’t walk against the current
Goodie Dispensers no longer gives Guns and Melee items when the “No Guns/No Melee Weapons” mutators are active
Fix for Loadout items not appearing in-game when player takes Elevator to higher levels
Player can no longer quit the game after choosing a loadout item, and take it into the Daily Run
Cube of Lampey functions properly when Wrestler throws Lamps
Cube of Lampey no longer spawns items 100% of the time
Silencer and Accuracy Mod can no longer be used on Oil Container
Important items such as the Possession Stone can no longer be stolen from a player’s inventory
Fixed instances where kill profiting devices like Kill Ammunizer could be triggered more than once from the same person
Kill Ammunizer must restore at least 1 ammo to a gun. There were instances where it would restore 0.
Ammo Processor can no longer be used on Water Pistol
EMP Grenade does 100 damage to Killer Robot in addition to Paralyzing him
EMP Grenades can be used to disarm Door Detonators
Fix for thrown items bouncing for a frame or two after they are supposed to be destroyed
Bear Traps in the Park level have a more visible light
Fix for music notes appearing on random items after Boombox was destroyed
Boombox no longer continues to play music if it falls into a hole
Fix for player being able to drop the Cardboard Box while hidden under it
For for issue where if the player was wearing Hard Hat and Codpiece and removed one of them, they would lose “Resist Damage (Small)”
Syringes are identified when the player gives the Syringe to a follower and they use it
Tranquilizer Gun, Shrink Ray, Freeze Ray etc. can be used to trigger switches and other trigger-able things, just as normal bullets do
Bracelet of Strength effect “Strength +1” replaced by “Strength (Small)”, which also fixes an issue where strength from Bracelet would be added to player’s base strength at the start of new levels
Fix for equippable items sometimes not giving traits to the player if they were added to the inventory while another item of the same type existed
Fix for Mixed Drinks not working properly with Water Pistol
Player armor is not depleted when attacking other players while “damage other players” is turned off
Player is prevented from using Health items when their health is already full
Player can no longer be teleported onto Bear Traps and other dangerous items
When ““No Guns/No Melee Weapons” mutators are active, player will no longer see gun and melee related items, like Silencer and Ammo Stealer
Fix for certain guns like Flamethrower and Water Pistol still appearing when “No Guns” was active
Potential fix for NPCs dropping “E_” item sometimes, particularly when “No Guns” and “No Melee” were active
Status Effects / Traits / Special Abilities
Electro Touch no longer damages Ghosts
Electro Touch does 3x damage when the victim is underwater
Cannibal cannot eat bodies while they are on fire
Chloroform can no longer be used on Killer Robot
Fix for Jock being able to move normally while in his “pre-charge, revving up” state
Fix for Jock taking damage from non-hazardous objects while charging
Fix for Jock taking excess damage from hazardous objects while charging
Fix for Jock stopping his charge when near water bodies
Fix for Jock sometimes jumping in the wrong direction when charging into bodies of water
Fix for objects’ Destroy function getting called multiple times when Jock charged into the objects, resulting in weirdness
Jock’s charge attack can destroy Bushes now
Fix for player losing status effects tied to wearable items after dying and resurrecting
Cyanide no longer gibs people
Fix for issue where player would retain super-fast speed when using “I’m Outtie” trait and depossessing as Shapeshifter, or returning to human form as Werewolf
Fixed player not gaining “I’m Outtie” benefits immediately when entering Werewolf state or Possessing someone
Kneecapper cannot cause Slow when the player causes harm to themselves
Kneecapper does not cause Slow on other players when “Damage other players” is turned off
Status effect-causing bullets do not work on other players when “Damage other players” is turned off
Shapeshifter possessing an un-transformed Werewolf cannot transform into a real Werewolf, this was causing a bunch of bugs and would have been a pain to program properly. Saving for later.
Shapeshifter cannot possess a transformed Werewolf
Shapeshifter is more clear about why they can’t possess certain people
Regenerate Health When Low will not continue restoring health if the player’s health has reached its max, for example with the Low Health For All mutator
Being Knocked Out does not result in an immediate Game Over
When Shapeshifter levels up while Possessing someone, their original body is given the Full Health bonus
Fix for “No Effect!” being spammed when Killer Robot jumped into a poisoned lake
As Shapeshifter, players can no longer Possess a person who is being Arrested or Bitten
Ghost can no longer squash people who are Shrunk
Fix for NPCs sometimes not attacking objects when their AI dictates it
Sticky Glove can no longer be used to deflect melee attacks
Auto-Aim no longer attempts to target certain objects
Fixed issue where Flamethrower and Fire Spewer could break windows when aiming in the direction of the window, rather than the fire actually hitting it
Fix for Flamethrower/Fire Spewer damage and knockback being higher than it was supposed to be at times
Fix for looping weapon sound effects continuing to play if the gun was firing directly before the player was teleported
Sound effect plays when you try to equip a weapon that is out of ammo, or if the character is unable to equip weapons of that type
Fix for player death sound effect playing a second time if the player was gibbed after being killed
Stats / Unlocks
Fix for “Death By” and … reading as “E_” if a ghost progressed to the next level, and then a Game Over occurred
Fix for owners of buildings with bombs in “Find Bombs” missions not being flagged as Guilty
Fix for item “E_” sometimes appearing as mission reward when No Guns and No Melee mutators were active
With New Character Every Level, players will not get repeats until all unlocked agents have been used
Fix for issue in Daily Run where starting character could vary in New
Character Every Level when the game was restarted after death
Potential fix for game freezing at times when Investment Banker cleared a floor on New Character Every Level
Artificial Intelligence
Ghosts no longer follow Comedian when they like his jokes
Potential fix for NPCs being rescued for missions following Ghost players
Two people can no longer sleep in the same bed (apparently this is a more puritanical city than one might expect)
Cops do not get angry when you attack dead bodies
Fixed NPCs refusing to path over conveyor belts in any circumstance
Fixed issues NPCs were having pathing past Crushers
Fixed NPCs not avoiding Flame Grates in their pathing
NPCs will not enter a Flee state after walking onto a Conveyor Belt
Fix for NPCs having a tendency to walk too close to Killer Plants
Fix for NPCs not pathfinding around certain obstacles properly in multiplayer mode
Added note in Laptop description letting players know they can move while hacking
Changed Strict Cannibal text to make more clear that you can still drink alcohol
Modified “No In-Fighting” description to indicate that it only applies to melee and bullet attacks
Fix for Shopkeeper not being able to revive other players
Added Gameplay Settings menu option “Delete Save Data”
Alpha 28
Everyone's favorite cuddly leather-bound scoundrel is now playable! Use your taser on random people and strap an exploding helmet to their head while they're incapacitated, linked to your handy remote control! That'll keep your new conquests in line! Unless they decide to mutiny. Which does happen. So watch out.
I'm also starting something called "Fortnight Discussions". With each bi-weekly update of the game, I'll post a thread in the discussion forum asking for feedback on some specific feature. The first of these can be found here: Difficulty Levels
Alpha 28
New Features and Content
Added support for Alienware Alien FX, which causes Alienware keyboards to light up in flashy ways during gameplay. This can be turned off in Gameplay Settings.
Slavemaster is now a playable character
Special Ability "Enslave" added
Taser item added
Status effect “Electrocuted” added
Trait "Ideological Clash" added
Trait "Poor Hand-Eye Coordination" added
New Korean translations added
Player always stops pointing their gun when the “Operating...” bar is present
Fix for player identifier circle appearing in the incorrect position if the player was Shrunk or Diminutive while underwater
When Shapeshifter possesses someone, their eyes become red
Fix for geyser of blood appearing on multiplayer client when Cannibal ate someone
Fix for knocked-out people on multiplayer client not always having their eyes closed
Fix for dizzy stars sometimes not appearing over the heads of knocked-out people on multiplayer client
Fix for dizzy stars animations sometimes appearing ‘out of sync’
Fix for sleep Z’s not appearing on multiplayer client
Fix for bullets being nearly invisible in Werewolf mode
UI / Controls
Player’s character type now appears on Stats screen
Fix for an NPC’s map marker disappearing after they teleport
Fix for Context Buttons interface getting glitchy when there were too many buttons
Fix for incorrect item slots flashing when an item is equipped when the “use item on object” interface is present
Fix for “Mission Complete” notification appearing a bit too quickly when objects were destroyed for a mission
Made it less easy to accidentally cancel out of handcuffing someone if you were spamming right-click
When selecting Object Context Buttons, pressing Up on the first button brings you to the bottom of the list and vice versa
Inventory slot “cost” text moved slightly up so as not to obscure the image as much
Fix for inventory items sometimes disappearing when assigning toolbar slots with Auto-Sort Inventory set to Off
Fixed incorrect character being initially selected in Character Select in multiplayer mode when Shapeshifter player died while Possessing another character
Playfield Objects
Fix for vertical-facing Bars/Fence appearing weird sometimes
Fix for Gas clouds being able to affect people from behind walls if the person hugged the wall
Hacker can’t clone a person by hacking the Clone machine if they have reached their follower limit
Turret does not shoot at Vampire when Security Cam detects someone
When hacking Cameras and Turrets, the interface now indicates the current setting to the player (i.e. whether turret is targeting owners or non-owners)
Fixed bug where Wrestler picks up a weird looking item and tosses “E_TossItem”
Fixed some important bugs relating to the instantiating of items when there were more than 50 items in existence. This may fix some random problems
Fixed issues relating to equipped items at the beginning of levels causing various bugs
Fix for issue where Shopkeeper purchasing a weapon directly from an NPC’s hands would cause the weapon to appear equipped in the inventory without actually being equipped
Fix for Slave Helmet sometimes not exploding when they Slave went too far out of range of its Slavemaster
Slave Helmet does not blow up immediately after its wearer dies, it takes a second now
Slave Helmet cannot blow up while the wearer is falling into a hole
Slave Helmet no longer drops to the ground after a Slave is freed
Slave Helmet produces Normal sized explosion instead of Big one
Slave Helmet Remote now blows up multiple owned Slaves at once
Slave Helmet Remote cannot be dropped when in the possession of Slavemaster
Fix for Gorilla not being able to use Oil Container
Oil Container does not disappear from the player’s inventory when it runs out
Cigarettes and Cigarette Lighter are available as loadouts and from the Item Teleporter
Doctor can now throw Banana Peels
Ammo Processor and Kill Ammunizer can no longer be used on Oil Container
Fix for player exiting Cardboard Box when walking over dead bodies
Fix for head-based armor not being properly equipped on NPCs brought to the next level
Status Effects / Traits / Special Abilities
Fix for issue introduced in Alpha 27 where player would not receive health bonus for gaining a level if the level was gained after the floor was finished
No longer possible to gain extra health from leveling up while dead or a ghost
Fix for player being able to transform into Werewolf immediately after returning to human form if the Special Ability button was pressed quickly enough
Fix for player being able to Possess a person a second time after leaving their body if the Special Ability button was pressed quickly enough
Jock stops Charging when teleported
Fix for client being Tranquilized and countdown numbers not appearing for host or other clients
Fix for issue where, if a Shapeshifter who was Possessing someone was knocked out and then killed before they woke up, they would not Depossess properly, and would become a ghost instead
Fix for Gorilla being able to do multiple lunges without charging if the Special Ability button was pressed at the exact right time
Fix for Shapeshifter becoming a normal-sized human after Depossessing while Shrunk or Giant
Player does not lose most status effects when knocked out. Rather, they are only paused.
Fix for Jock falling down immediately if a wall was behind him when beginning a Charge
Doctor’s Chloroform cooldown reduced from 10 seconds to 5
Fix for “can’t do” sound effect sometimes playing when cycling to Fist
General Gameplay
Fix for Shapeshifter player disappearing after possessing a Slave and falling into a hole
NPCs can no longer bump Cannibals out of their hiding spots if they walk on top of their position
Stats / Unlocks
Fixed issue where if the Shapeshifter entered the elevator while possessing a person, that person would be counted as an “angered” person in Stats
Alerted stat does not increase when the Rage poison is used on someone
Fix for missions being failed if the NPC holding the item teleported
Fix for Cop losing XP for killing hostile NPCs in Everyone Hates You
In Low Health mutator, players now only need 10 health to revive a teammate rather than 20
Fix for sleep Z’s in Rogue Vision not disappearing when a not-in-vision NPC got up and started walking around
Level Generation
Fix for Trash Barrels and Vending Machines occasionally blocking the player’s path when a wall was nearby diagonally
Fix for Air Conditioners sometimes spawning directly next to each other and blocking the player’s path
Artificial Intelligence
Fix for prisoners sometimes walking back to prison after escaping
Fix for Cops not becoming Hostile after seeing the player Tranquilize someone or shoot them with a Water Pistol
If you own a Slave that is Aligned with someone else, that other person will become hostile toward you
Slaves no longer refuse to obey your “Attack” commands on the grounds that they “would get killed”
Fix for NPCs sometimes not attacking the player if they became Hostile while they were Loyal towards the player
Fix for non-partied NPCs sometimes following invisible players
Fix for NPCs not giving the player normal interaction options after being rescued for a mission
Fix for NPCs not being able to sell items to the player after being possessed by Shapeshifter
Fix for NPCs sometimes running into walls after being Depossessed from Shapeshifter. Might have fixed some other cases of this occurring as well
Fix for party members who become hostile towards the player sometimes appearing again on the next floor
Fixed cases where a Hostile person would not attack the player if they became Hostile when the player was extremely close
Fixed cases where a party member would become hostile toward another player but not attack them
Cops do not care about crimes committed by friendly/loyal people
Fix for NPCs being able to hear certain crimes while having the “Hearing Blocked” status effect
When commanding groups of people at the same time (“All Attack”, etc.), only those that speak your language will obey
If a person A is hostile toward person B and person B is Aligned to the person C, person A will only become hostile toward the person C if person B is in person C’s party. In the previous update, this only applied to Loyal people and not Aligned people. Also, the employment rule is now only necessary if person B or C is a player, and not if both are NPCs
NPCs who are Loyal toward the player don’t mind the player committing small crimes toward them, like stealing their stuff.
NPCs that you are rescuing for a mission will not go out of their way to attack Turrets, Fire Spewers, etc. due to the probability of them getting themselves killed.
Fix for Prisoners sometimes running into their cell doors when the prison wall has been destroyed
No longer possible for someone to quit your party due to low health, and then join again with full health if their health was within a certain small range.
Not being able to hire NPCs with low health now extends to all classes, whereas before this only applied to gangsters
Party members will take a bit more damage before they decide they’re too hurt to continue
Fix for NPCS being rescued for missions not always obeying Attack commands properly
Fix for NPCs standing still when being told to Stand Guard behind a locked door
Fix for endgame stats screen not stating the cause of death properly when a Jock charged into a wall killed himself
Fix for Stats screen sometimes showing the player’s killer as “E_ObjectAgent” when player was killed by Generator explosion
Changed G-P-Yessss description slightly to be more clear
Werewolf no longer says human dialogue when attempting and failing to teleport
Fix for NPCs not being interactable on client after certain status effects
Fix for clients sometimes not receiving skill points or mission credit for killing NPCs
Fix for issue where it was sometimes possible for client to interact with NPCs if they were being arrested or being bitten
Potential fix for issue where people’s save data could be deleted on rare occasion. At worst, there’s now a rare chance that a save could fail, but this shouldn’t affect your existing data.
Lots of preparation for incoming new batch of sound effects
Alpha 29 ZOMBIE
Well, it was only a matter of time. Obviously, Zombies were going to appear in this game at some point, seeing as this has not only been the #1 most requested character class, but also.. I mean, this IS an indie Steam game in the 2010s. Right there alone, that guarantees a 30-40% chance of zombies showing up somewhere.
And yes, they're playable.
This has been a pretty interesting class to develop. Originally, I made it so that if you died as a zombie, you'd inhabit one of the other living zombies and keep playing. So essentially, the zombie horde became more important than your individual zombie. But, once the zombie infection grew large enough, it became pretty much impossible to lose the game, since you'd have so many chances to respawn. Since I've already coded this feature, I'd like to find some other use for it down the line. I hate wasting perfectly good code :p
In its current form, I'm sure y'all will find plenty of bugs and balance issues with the Zombie. So make sure to let me know!
Speaking of feedback: There's a new Fortnight Discussion!
NPC Special Abilities - What do you want to see?
Alpha 29
New Features and Content
New playable character: Zombie
Trait “Zombify” added
Trait “Fair Game” added
Trait “Class Solidarity” added (also added to Trait Unlocks)
Special Ability “Zombie Phlegm” added
Status Effect “DNA Connection” added
Fix for sleep Z’s not disappearing when NPCs were afflicted with various status effects while sleeping
Fix for dizzy stars appearing if a knocked-out person falls into a hole
UI / Controls
Fix for players being returned to “Enter Password” menu if they pressed Esc after being invited to a game through Steam
Fix for AlienFX setting going from Off to On at certain times without user consent
Fix for camera sometimes not following the player when they canceled out of various “operating” bars
Fix for the camera not focusing on player when Arresting/Enslaving as multiplayer client
Game can no longer go into slow motion when players are on the Character Select screen due to background activity like explosions
If the player is holding Extra Info and someone dies, their info will disappear
When determining what interactable objects should be highlighted, the game will de-prioritize certain less important objects like Bushes
Fix for players having difficulty interacting with certain objects (particularly doors) when other players were standing right next to them
If the player is standing near an object with a full inventory, and an item is on the ground, they will interact with the object instead of the item
Playfield Objects
Fix for players not receiving credit and Destruction bonus for destroying Generators
Bullets no longer hit wall-based Pipes
Fix for throwable objects being able to pass through certain Park-based objects where this was not intended
Explosions set oil spills on fire
Read Email context button on Computers has been moved to the bottom of the list
Noise indicator appears over objects hacked with Laptop to further indicate the noise created
Fire does not cause as much knockback, to prevent situations where a player would bounce into a nearby wall and back into the fire
Context buttons for using Wrench on Generator now indicates that durability will be lost
Fix for objects like Red Barrels not exploding on multiplayer client when client threw items at them
Fix for thrown items on multiplayer client not triggering Fire Hydrant spray
Fix for multiplayer bug where a client’s equipped weapons and armor would not appear properly to other players when a new level was first entered
Certain items, such as the rock and shuriken, will be thrown a bit of extra distance to avoid situations where the player clicks on an enemy and it is thrown to their feet
Doctor can use Taser, it’s now flagged as non-violent
Fix for audio and music notes appearing multiple times for Boombox if the multiplayer client went far away and came back
Fix for weapons purchased out of people’s hands by Shopkeeper not being unequipped by the weapon-holder, creating a duplicate weapon in your inventory
Chainsaw can no longer be found in the game (it’s not ready yet, it shouldn’t be appearing)
Fix for Slavemaster being able to attain multiple undroppable Tasers
Fix for Slavemaster not being able to combine weapon add-ons with Taser
Pouring oil causes a small noise
People will get angry if they see you spilling oil on the ground or lighting it on fire
Fix for Slavemaster not receiving Taser when No Guns mutator is active
Slave Helmet blows up properly when Slave has Resurrection status effect
Slave Helmet causes correct-sized explosion when Slaves venture too far away from their Slavemaster
Fix for Slavemaster being able to give Taser to party members
If Doctor misses with their Chloroform Hankie, cooldown will not trigger
Fix for multiplayer client not always receiving credit for killing someone with a Banana Peel
Status Effects / Traits / Special Abilities
Fix for player continuing to Arrest/Enslave people after they have been killed
Fix for player continuing to interact with nonexistent objects and people if they were destroying quickly while the player was “operating” them
G-P-Yesssss is no longer available on multiplayer client. I will make it available again once I find a fix for issue where it was not working properly
Potential fix for Jock sometimes getting stuck in a Charge animation when next to Steel and Border walls
Fix for Comedian not being able to add people to his party with Joke if they were already Loyal
Fix for Cannibalize icon appearing while the player was a Ghost
Fix for “No In-Fighting” not always working properly in all cases with NPCs
Fix for “No In-Fighting” working between players in multiplayer but displaying faked hits
Fix for player being super-fast if they were resurrected when they had the trait “I’m Outtie”
Fix for Wrestler sometimes not being able to pick up certain mission-related objects
Vampires in multiplayer games get proper credit for killing other players with Bite
When Resurrecting through use of Resurrection Shampoo, people receive a minimum of 25 health
Certain traits will no longer appear as level-up choices under certain circumstances.
Bloody Mess does not appear for Cannibal
Medical Professional does not appear for Vampire
Studious no longer appears for Slum Dweller
Durabilitacious no longer appears with “No Melee” mutator
Hard to Shoot and Big Bullets no longer appear with “No Guns” mutator
Butterfinger-er no longer appears with “No Melee” and “No Guns” mutators both activated
Friend of the Common Folk no longer appears with “Everyone Hates You” mutator
Let me know if you can think of any others like this!
Players will auto-aim at objects again, but only if they are meant to be destroyed for a mission
Fix for some cases where Giantized players were able to hit and destroy walls from behind Steel walls
Fix for Shrunk players being able to shoot bullets through north/south-facing walls
Sound effect plays upon pressing “Complete” button on Missions screen
General Gameplay
Fix for player not being able to teleport in Graveyards and other outdoor buildings
Stats / Unlocks
Fix for Comedian unlock not always triggering for multiplayer clients
Fix for “Break Out” not always appearing over prisoners’ heads during Prison Break missions
After breaking people out of prison for missions, their character-specific minimap indicators (like Drug Dealer or Shopkeeper) will appear properly
Fix for certain objects being marked as targets on “Destroy All” missions when it was not actually necessary for the player to destroy them
Fix for Rescue missions immediately failing if a player entered a multiplayer game with a character that the prisoner hates
Fix for Rescue missions immediately failing if the player Possessed someone with the Shapeshifter who was Hostile toward the Prisoner
Level Generation
Fix for Bars/Fences/Barbed Wire still occasionally not facing the correct direction on multiplayer client
Artificial Intelligence
Fix for NPCs getting stuck when pathing past Fire Spewers
Fix for rescued people sometimes not joining player’s party if they had no room for more people
Fix for people sometimes not being scared of Werewolf and Killer Robot when they should have been
Fix for Slaves technically remaining in the player’s party when Slavemaster is Depossessed by Shapeshifter
When Slavemaster is Depossessed, Slaves will follow him rather than running back to their home immediately and likely blowing up
Slaves do not become Annoyed when Slavemaster is Possessed
If Shapeshifter Possesses a Slavemaster and dies as the Slavemaster, Slaves will not become angry at the Shapeshifter
Fix for Slaves becoming Hostile toward the player, and Slavemaster becoming Hostile toward Slaves following Depossession
When Shapeshifter Depossesses, nearby people who see the Depossession will return to their initial relationship with the Depossessed person
Ghosts are excluded from Ideological Clash
Fix for NPCs continuing to dance or sleep while being bitten by Vampire
Fix for questgivers not having their normal context menu actions available after the player completes a Rescue mission for them
Fix for followers saying “I can’t exactly get there” at inappropriate times
Fix for rescued NPCs returning to their prison cells after the mission is complete
When a Slavemaster captures multiple Slaves, those Slaves will become Loyal to one another
Fix for NPCs who are Loyal or Aligned with the player becoming Hostile toward the player’s newly enslaved party members
If the player Neutralizes a Slavemaster, his former Slaves will become Loyal to the player
Fix for NPCs who join a player’s party sometimes having the wrong alignment toward other followers and party members
Fix for NPCs continuing to talk after being Electrocuted
No longer possible to make followers attack broken windows, which would cause them to attack forever since the windows can’t be broken a second time
Fix for non-owners of buildings not running away from fires in their building
Fix for follower NPCs not following the player or properly taking orders after dying and resurrecting
NPCs no longer yell things at inanimate objects when attempting to destroy them
Fix for NPCs being stopped in their tracks by stationary Saw Blades
NPCs who are Loyal to the player will offer Keys, Safe Combinations and Mission Objective items
In Radiation levels, people always run back to their original position (as opposed to walking) if they finish their current activity and they are outside
Potential fix for NPCs sometimes trying to look at Shelves through walls
If the player gets a Slavemaster to join their party through some means, his Slaves will follow him instead of standing in their original locations
If a party member has to leave due to being injured, the player can still give them items for healing purposes so they can re-hire if they wish
If a player is a Cop or has the status effect “Above the Law”, rescuing a Prisoner for a mission will not result in other Cops attacking that Prisoner
NPCs take “No In-Fighting” into account when deciding to attack when it would normally hit the player
Party members of Player A will not be scared by Player B if Player B is a Werewolf/Zombie
Quitting the game from the title screen no longer states that your progress will be saved
“Resume Game” replaced with “Resume Save” on title screen
Scientist says something different when you ask him to identify a Syringe
Fix for Windows occasionally being missing
Experimented with Unity 5.6.2f1, reverted back to 5.6.1f1 due to crashes and Linux instability. Will be looking into Unity 2017.1.0 for a near-future update.
All tracks updated to 320 kbps versions (these were previously 192 kbps)
Updated NAT Traversal plugin to 1.54
Alpha 30 Character Creation
Yeaaaa, that's right, it's FINALLY possible to create your very own characters! Just click on the bottom slots in the Character Select screen to get started!
This is still very much a work in progress, so there are a few caveats:
- Saved characters may be deleted next build (August 10)
- Unlocks are disabled while playing as user-created characters.. for now.
- User-created characters do not work in multiplayer mode.
- Many abilities and traits are not available right now.
- Point values were added very hastily and might end up getting changed a lot. Not a whole lot of balancing has been done.
There's also a new Fortnight Discussion up right now:
What is the final challenge/boss/whatever?
Alpha 30
New Feature
Character Creation
Zombies have correct eye sprite after being arrested and killed
UI / Controls
Fix for NPC icons remaining on the minimap after they are transformed into Zombies
In 2-player local coop, switched color of split-screen transition effect from white to black so that it would appear less jarring
Players can now rebind many controls that were not available for rebinding before
Controller rebinding can be done from the initial setup screen before the game begins for the first time
Fix for thrown items sometimes dropping beneath the player instead of actually being thrown
Status Effects / Traits / Special Abilities
Jock no longer loses 5 Health when using his Charge ability
Fix for error occurring when Jock landed on the ground after charging into a wall, preventing sound effect
Flesh Feast cannot be used on Killer Robot
Player cannot receive “Big Bullets” when they are unable to use guns
Player cannot receive “Durabilitacious” when they are unable to use melee weapons
Zombies are seen as “Guilty” by Cops
Fix for players not falling into holes if they were running at extremely high speeds due to “I’m Outtie”
Can no longer receive missions where you need to kill someone of the same class when you have the Class Solidarity trait
Level Generation
Adjusted positioning of various Tubes in Factories to avoid instances where the objects they spew out miss the conveyor belt
Artificial Intelligence
Cops get angry when the player hits Fire Hydrants and makes them spew water
Cops no longer try to whack Fire Hydrants to death when they get sprayed
Ghosts and non-party-member Zombies are less careful when walking into dangerous situations
Fix for Cops not being initially Hostile toward Shapeshifters
Jock has (temporary) dialogue in Home Base
Optimizations made to Zombie
Stuff you might have missed in Alpha 29's many hotfix builds
Fix for multiplayer having major issues with level transitions
Proper support for generic USB gamepads
Alpha 31
So first off: I released a version of Alpha 31 earlier today, prematurely. If you ran this version, all of your unlock progress may have been deleted. I'm very sorry about this, and I'll be taking more precautions in the future to make sure this sort of thing doesn't happen again. If your progress got deleted, send me an email (my email can be found at the bottom of streetsofrogue.com) and I'll send you a file with everything unlocked.
Pretty much every major thing that was wrong with the previous iteration of Character Creation has been fixed. Check the list below for the full details.
I’ve also started work on Floor 4 - Downtown. It won’t be done for another couple of update cycles (likely September 7th), so the next update (August 24th) will probably be on the light side. If you want to help out with this new area, you can discuss ideas in this week’s Fortnight Discussion.
I’ve also started work on porting the game to consoles. So yeah, that’s a thing now.
Alpha 31
Character Creation (and related gameplay)
Custom characters can be used in multiplayer mode, as long as it’s not a non-password-protected internet game
Character data is now stored in the My Documents folder (or Mac/Linux equivalent)
It is now possible to change a character’s eye type and color, and add an accessory
Many balance changes made to point values
Character Creation interface has been prettied up
Added “Clear Slot” button
New selectable traits: Unstoppable-ish, Ultimate Butterfinger-er, Sausage Fingers, Scientist Slayer, Specist, Diminutive, Naked, Blahd Basher, Crepe Crusher, Zombify, Flesh Feast, Fair Game, Serve Drinks, Charismatic, Malodorous, Addict
New selectable items: Drink Mixer, Slave Helmet Remote, Steroids, Codpiece, Bacon Cheeseburger, Banana, Whiskey, First Aid Kit, Rock, Combat Helmet, Freeze Ray, Ghost Blaster, Shuriken, Axe, Translator
New selectable abilities: Enslave, Sharp Lunge
Traits and Abilities are now capable of canceling out other traits and abilities
Trait, Ability and Item descriptions may contain “Recommended” text to indicate other things that go along them
Custom characters can get Achievements and Unlocks.
No longer necessary to switch to Sandbox mode when using characters that exceed the point limit. However, players will be unable to get Achievements and Unlocks.
Placed caps on the number of Traits and Items that can be selected before the player exceeds limitations
Button added to allow alphabetical sorting in addition to point value sorting
Sorting takes “locked” status into account
Some missing items added to starting item selection
Gamepad button prompts only appear when using a gamepad
Error message will appear if you try to give your character a name that is already taken by an existing character
Deleted characters are immediately removed from the Character Select screen
Fix for facial hair appearing as the wrong color in the big character select image
Pressing Start on the gamepad to save the game while inputting a character name will now save that name properly
Assorted fixes for gamepad navigation in character creation screen
Fixed more cases where “E_” text was appearing when performing certain formerly character-specific abilities
Fix for new custom characters sometimes starting with the wrong hair, skin color, etc.
Fix for custom characters who got zombified resurrecting with incorrect body type
Fix for custom characters with “The Law” not being able to see whether a person was guilty or innocent
Fix for custom characters with “The Law” not being aligned with Cops
Fix for Taser not being available to custom characters when No Guns mutator was active
Fixed bug where the last button on the Traits and Items lists was not appearing
Fix for “Killer” on Stats screen reading “E_Custom” at times
Fix for NPC custom characters not having wolf heads, robot heads, etc.
Fix for player not being able to change the color of wolf heads, robot heads, etc.
Fix for original head appearing behind wolf heads, robot heads, etc.
Fix for larger body types not being sized correctly on the Character Creation screen
Fixed timing of certain Character Creation screen sound effects
Around 100 new sound effects
Fix for fan translations not appearing properly when turned on until after the game was restarted
Fix for accessories like Sunglasses sometimes appearing over hair when they weren’t supposed to
UI / Controls
Fix for pressing space to select random characters on Character Select working weird in Home Base with more than 1 player active
Status Effects / Traits / Special Abilities
Fix for Arresting animation not completing properly when arresting Slaves
Studious and Super Studious do not take effect when the player loses XP
Turf Warrior has been replaced with one trait for each gang: Blahd Basher and Crepe Crusher
Sandbox mutator now allows you to do missions, but does not require them in order to get to the next level
Fix for appearances of “purple worm man thing”
Updated Unity engine from 5.6.1f1 to 2017.1.0p2
Updated 2D Toolkit plugin from to
Updated Rewired plugin from to
Updated Steamworks dot net from 9.0.0 to 10.0.0
Prep work for Downtown levels
Prep work for console versions
Alpha 31b
Fixed issue where character select wasn't working properly and people's unlocks were getting deleted
Alpha 32
I have been furiously optimizing Streets of Rogue over the past week or so. While performance issues haven’t been a major problem in the game (save for a few trouble sections), it had been about a year and a half since the last time the game got an optimization pass. If you’re running the game on a low- to mid-range PC, you may notice fewer frame drops in this build. For everyone else, the game will feel just a tad bit snappier. There’s still a lot more optimization to be done as well.
A big part of the reason for these optimizations is that I’m currently working on console versions of the game, and unfortunately, consoles don’t have quite the horsepower of a modern PC. So, my code needs to be in impeccable shape for the game to run at a decent clip. While Streets of Rogue might not look like the sort of game that should have big requirements, there’s actually a lot being processed on the CPU at any given time. Fancy AI doesn’t come cheap!
So what consoles is the game coming to, and when? Can’t say right now, but it may happen before the end of the year if all goes well!
What about Level 4??
And what of Level 4? Well, I was hoping to have it done for the September 7th build release, but that may not happen. There’s a lot on my plate right now given some recent developments regarding the console versions. But I would still like to have it out in mid-September. Can’t make any promises, but I think that should be doable.
The game will be playable at PAX West next week at the tinyBuild booth. Stop by and say hello to those fine folks, and be sure to bug them about Hello Neighbor's release date, I hear they love that! Sadly I won’t be able to make it this year. I’ll be out of town for a wedding for 5 days during Labor Day weekend.
Community Stuff
This week’s Fortnight Discussion deals with the long-awated “Big Quests”...
Also, check out the Wiki Editor of the Month competition!, and while you're at it, go make some edits to the wiki[streetsofrogue.gamepedia.com]!
Alpha 32
Loads and loads of performance tweaks
Load times are slightly faster
Fix for players clipping through walls and objects vertically after teleporting while in the water
UI / Controls
Fix for Traits on Load Character screen not being separated by line
Fix for players 2, 3 and 4 not having the correct character selected when entering Character Select screen after death while playing as a custom character
Fix for error if player plays as a custom character, dies, clears the custom character slot, then closes and re-opens the menu
Fix for Shopkeeper appearing to be equipped with weapons on multiplayer client when he is actually empty-handed
Status Effects / Traits / Special Abilities
Fix for Bloodlust, Zombify, Camera Shy, Crepe Crusher, Blahd Basher and potentially others not triggering properly sometimes for multiplayer clients past the level where they joined the game
Unstoppable-Ish cancels out Tank-Like and Skinny Nerdlinger during Character Creation
Fix for “jump out of water” sound effect playing if the player teleports while in the water
Fix for explosions from first laser not hitting the player if he stood in the exact right spot
Player can now eat the Banana to advance the “quick-use health” part of the tutorial
Prep work for Downtown levels
Prep work for console versions
Created new Free version of the game
Created new Show version of the game for PAX
Alpha 33
Yep, I’m still hard at work optimizing every little detail of Streets of Rogue, and there’s still quite a bit more to do. I didn’t expect the process to take quite as long as it’s taking, but apparently there were a lot more spots in the game where I was doing things in a… less than satisfactory way. It’ll be worth the extra effort, since it means the game will be mounted on a much more solid base. Like I mentioned last update, most modern PC users won’t see a huge difference -- these changes will primarily benefit players on older hardware, and the upcoming console ports of the game.
Today’s update has some noticeable improvements for frame drops in the Industrial areas, and there’s still more to come. There are also a number of bug fixes, mostly for things that I broke during optimization. Please keep me posted on anything else that I may have broken!
Also, apologies for last update’s speculation about the release of the “Level 4 - Downtown” content, I’m going to keep my lips sealed about that until the time comes. New content will be my top priority following the current batch of performance improvements. You can still contribute suggestions for Downtown in this thread.
This week’s Fortnight Discussion: “ProTips”. I know you’ve got some. Let’s have ‘em.
Also, a reminder to check out the Wiki Editor of the Month competition!
Alpha 33
Whole bunch of large and small improvements that hopefully did not break too much
Fix for split-screen camera sometimes showing weird artifacts on Medium lighting mode
Fix for players appearing as purple worm man thing when switching to local multiplayer mode from Home Base
UI / Controls
Fix for “Other players can revive you” messages not appearing in four-player local mode
Fix for certain interface elements appearing in incorrect positions during camera zooms
Fix for dialogue box appearing on top of main menu when the game is paused
Fix for not being able to properly Bribe cops, which in turn made the Cop character impossible to unlock
Playfield Objects
Switches and Laser Emitters cannot be set on fire
Fix for cases in multiplayer games where people would refuse to equip or shoot certain weapons on the server due to traits like Stubby Fingers, though they were equipped on the client
Status Effects / Traits / Special Abilities
Fix for game freezing if the player killed themselves while having the Bloodlust trait
Fix for Bloodlust restoring someone’s health after their death
Fix for Bloodlust triggering when the player punched dead bodies that were burnt from fire
Fix for bodies not turning into zombies if they were afflicted with Zombiism and then knocked out and killed
Fix for opponents sometimes immediately punching the player after the player had just initiated combat
Fix for opponents being too aggressive toward the player prior to actually hitting the player for the first time
Fix for opponents consistently being too aggressive toward multiplayer clients
Fix for opponents phasing through walls often as multiplayer client
Fix for Werewolf Transformation sound effects not playing
Sound effects added to menus in a couple spots
Fix for game going haywire when falling down holes and dying while Possessing another person
Possibly a bunch of other fixes for possessing other people
Fix for players being able to continue the game in coop mode if they were falling into a hole after the game had ended due to Suicide or finishing all the levels
Level Generation
Fixed a couple of instances where pits were placed in such a way that people would have difficulty pathing around them
Artificial Intelligence
Improved pathfinding, people less likely to get stuck walking into walls
Fixed issue where people would not pay attention to noises after too many noises had been created during that level
Fix for combat not occurring properly between NPCs when they were off-camera
Fix for people not fleeing clients properly when they were out of range of the host
People will not walk through red lasers in most situations
Alpha 34
As you may be aware, I’ve spent the past month or so doing heavy optimization work on Streets of Rogue. Welp, my work is mostly complete for now! As a result of these efforts, the game performs an average of 75% to 100% faster than it did previously! Not bad, eh? There are still some trouble spots that need attention, not to mention the load times could be improved -- but for the time being, I’m very pleased with the results.
This also means that I finally get to start working on content again, so starting this weekend, Level 4 development will be in full swing. Expect to see an early, unfinished version of my work in the next update.
This week’s Fortnight Discussion: “Ideas for a Mobile Version”. No, I’m not planning on creating a mobile version anytime soon. For all I can say at this point, it may never happen! But, I do get asked about Android/iOS a lot, and I’m curious to hear what sort of changes would need to be made for this version to not suck.
Alpha 34
Many, many improvements
Fix for possessed characters in multiplayer sometimes having white eyes
UI / Controls
Fix for being able to press Esc and quit the game on the loading screen when not in online
multiplayer mode
Fix for character select interface not being transparent after death in multiplayer games
Fix for character select screen appearing briefly (barely noticeable) while black “curtains” open at the start of multiplayer games
Fix for lakes that appear to be poisoned sometimes not giving proper effects to the player
Fix for items sometimes going all teleport-y crazy after falling into an incinerator
Fix for items sometimes going nuts when near the edges of water
Fix for item sprite appearing at wrong position on Y axis after exiting water
Fixed issue where commanding people to attack an object wouldn’t work properly if the player went outside a certain range of the object
Fix for no sound playing when Tranquilizer darts and Water Pistol shots hit wall
Fix for player jumping in and out of water too frequently when landing on the edge of the water body
Artificial Intelligence
People become hostile toward someone who freezes their friend
Fix for people sometimes getting stuck at the edge of holes
People are better at figuring out when to pause for Fire Spewers
Alpha 35
Level 4 is finally here! Well, partially! As of right now, Downtown is still very much in development. Actually, none of the game’s levels are really “finished” by any stretch, but Downtown especially! A bunch of the new Downtown content that I’ve been working on isn’t ready for public consumption yet, so I’ll be pushing out more of this content over the next couple of updates. You can play through 4-1 right now to get a little taste of what’s in store. Expect it to become more fleshed out and varied from the other levels in the weeks to come. Let me know what you think of the new stuff in this thread.
This week’s Fortnight Discussion: Altars and Sacrifices. A roguelike stable, Altars have just recently made their way into Streets of Rogue. But… how should they actually work??
Alpha 35
New Stuff
Game is now playable through 4-1
Lots of new wall and floor art for Downtown levels
New Track “Floor 4-1 Hit Me With Your Best Rock”. The mp3 has been added to soundtrack owners’ libraries. More tracks will be coming when 4-2 and 4-3 are added.
Unlock Elevator Access - Downtown
Downtown Diva (you can’t actually achieve this yet, since it requires you to complete Level 4-3 which does not currently exist)
Non-Playable Characters
Dance Club
City Park
Police Box
Alarm Button
Metal Detector
Everything Else
Bunch of improvements (yep, I’m still at it)
Fix for weapons not appearing in the player’s hands when a saved game is loaded (only fixed for games saved in Alpha 35)
Potential fix for pink sprite appearing in place of crushers
Fix for Taser bullets sometimes appearing the wrong color
Yet another attempted fix for generators not always disappearing after exploding
Attempted fix for people sometimes appearing weird on multiplayer client
Fix for frozen people (from Freeze Ray) playing walk animation sometimes
UI / Controls
Fix for local coop players’ UI sometimes appearing at the wrong zoom level
Fix for people not always being tracked properly on the minimap on multiplayer client
Playfield Objects
Fix for multiplayer clients not causing Fire Hydrants to spray on the first hit
Fix for Haterator not working properly
Fix for Ammo Stealer not removing a person’s ammo when used from the multiplayer client
Sounds from a level can no longer play after the level has ended and the screen has faded out
People should fly through walls without breaking them less often
Fix for people and objects not being visible in Rogue Vision after accepting a mission
Updated Rewired plugin from to
Alpha 36 Expanded Downtown
Like the title says, this build has a bunch of new additions to the Downtown level, including a first pass at an Arena. I’ll likely do more with that later, it’s a little on the bare-bones side at the moment. Anyways, the changelog should speak for itself! As usual, let me know what you think of the new stuff in this thread.
This week’s Fortnight Discussion: Disasters! Streets of Rogue needs more of them. But… what?
Alpha 36
New Stuff
Game is now playable through 4-2
New Track “Floor 4-2 Groove is in the Blood-Pumping Organ of an Animate Being”, also added to soundtrack owners’ libraries
Building Types
Music Hall
Movie Theater
New blue laser emitter type that acts as a Metal Detector (actually it detects any weapon in your inventory)
Movie Screen
New Conveyor Belt type for Malls with slightly different functionality
Added trait “Upper-Crusty”
Everything Else
Many Spanish translation fixes
Initial scripting for Arena fights implemented
Classes within Malls have the ability to sell the player things that they previously did not
Bouncer gives the player the ability to drop their weapons in front of Metal Detector Laser Emitters
Comedians can tell jokes to Music Hall patrons
Thief can pop out of Manholes and pickpocket the player. Other characters may pop out as well...
Fix for “Falling into hole” animation of multiplayer clients not playing properly for host
Fix for players appearing to float permanently if they died in a body of water and returned as a ghost
Fix for Supercops, cloned NPCs, etc. not displaying particle effect or sound effect when spawned on multiplayer client
Glass walls are slightly more transparent
UI / Controls
Fix for instances on multiplayer client where optional mission objectives would not be indicated on the minimap
Fix for the mouse collider box attached to NPCs hidden in objects like Bushes sometimes blocking the object, despite the NPC being invisible
Fix for player not being able to hide “combine” target after right-clicking a Combine item in the toolbar while the inventory was closed
Playfield Objects
Fix for being able to knock on certain doors where this should not have been possible
Fix for Manholes sometimes appearing on top of people rather than beneath them
Fix for Hole not always appearing on multiplayer client when Well is destroyed
Crushers shouldn’t go through walls as much, if at all
Fix for multiplayer client not being able to make offering from Altar
When players are mugged by Mobsters, they can get their money and items back by killing the Mobster
Status Effects / Traits / Special Abilities
Players can now pickpocket other players in online games
Fix for player not being able to teleport while swimming in Canals
Level Generation
Minor fixes to placement of certain outdoor walls
Fix for instances where multiplayer missions could not be completed from the multiplayer client
Supercop, Mobster and Upper-Cruster can no longer appear on “New Character Every Level”
Artificial Intelligence
People are now capable of sitting in chairs
People have the ability to “own” an entire building where different rooms have different owners as well -- such as the owner of a Hotel
People are better at getting their bearings in regards to pathfinding after being knocked back
Fix for NPCs not always being able to see multiplayer clients when host was not in the vicinity
Fix for NPCs in certain buildings getting hostile toward the player upon seeing them when the rest of the building would only become Annoyed
Fix for people hidden in objects like Bushes becoming visible when Ghost players bump into them
Mobsters no longer ask players who Can’t Speak English for money
Updated Unity engine from 2017.1.0p2 to 2017.2.0f3
Updated 2D Toolkit plugin from to
Updated Rewired plugin from to
Bunch of physics modifications to keep things running smoothly on the new version of Unity
Some multiplayer modifications for the new version of Unity
Extra multiplayer cleanup, got rid of a bunch of internal errors
Surprise Halloween Update~
As a li’l surprise for Halloween: The Zombie disaster has finally been added to the game! From now until Halloween, the first couple of “Level Disasters” you see in the game (you know, the ones that happen every 3 levels) will be full-on Zombie apocalypses.
Also, if you play the game between now and Halloween, the playable Zombie character will be automatically unlocked for you! And yes, you’ll even get the achievement! For doing LITERALLY NOTHING!
Alpha 37
This will be the last update that I’ll be dedicating to Downtown for the time being. At some point, I’ll circle back around to it, much like I plan on doing for the other levels. For the next update, I’ll be switching gears to focus on bug fixes and balance. Not particularly glamorous, but it’s been awhile since I did any real housekeeping, and I’ve amassed a rather enormous pile of bugs to fix thanks in large part to reports from you fine folks.
For those that enjoyed last week’s Zombie disaster: Yes, the Zombie disaster will still appear in-game randomly. Also, check out the new “Zombies Ate My Game Balance” mutator, which adds zombies to every level.
This week’s Fortnight Discussion: Clerks. They’re a new character in the game. How should they function?
Alpha 37
New Stuff
Game is now playable through 4-3
New Track “Floor 4-3 Heavy Wheezing on the Dancefloor”, also added to soundtrack owners’ libraries
Zombies Ate My Game Balance
Non-Playable Characters
Holes may appear in place of Canals sometimes
Ice Rink
Power Box
Turntables functionality
Downtown Diva achievement can be earned
Everything Else
Updated Simplified Chinese translations
Added a Fan Translation fix for languages that use special characters such as Japanese to prevent characters from appearing too small in certain spots on the interface. To implement the fix, see the updated “How To Make Translations.txt” file.
Upper-Crusters may travel with their own personal Slaves
It is now possible to offer Slaves to Mobsters when they mug you
Fix for Slaves blowing up after falling down a hole
Fix for “Sign Up to Fight” button sometimes appearing multiple times on multiplayer client
Fix for Arrested people having the wrong head sprite
Fixed cases where NPCs might not animate properly if they were on the screen when the game was started
NPCs point their guns directly at their opponent rather than simply pointing in the direction they’re facing
Changed graphics for Train slightly
Fix for instances where a person could remain highlighted white after being attacked and flashing
Fix for cases where Bridges across canals appeared to be facing the wrong direction on multiplayer client
City Park transition tiles (i.e. parks within Downtown) have been modified to be more organic
Playfield Objects
Potential fix for objects sometimes becoming non-interactable on multiplayer client
Fix for Manholes spawning too close to the level entrance
Lamps can be affected by EMP Grenades
Fix for not being able to use Alarm Buttons when you have other people in your party
Fix for Alarm Button dialogue not appearing on multiplayer client
Metal Detector turns off when Arena battle starts
Fix for Alarm Button not causing Supercop to spawn when destroyed by fire
Fix for Saw Blade continuing to make noise after being shut down
Fix for objects taking a second to be destroyed on multiplayer client when shot by shotgun
Fix for EMP Grenade making certain objects non-functional when they were not classified as being electronic
Jock NPCs no longer carry nonexistent “Baseball” item
Fix for “Remove w/Slave Helmet Remover” button appearing twice if player has more than one
Fix for thrown items being capable of hitting people hidden in Bushes or Manholes
Rogue Vision is now included in the pool of potential Daily Run mutators
Fix for player being able to choose “Create A Mutator” button
Level Generation
Office Drone has been replaced with Clerk in a bunch of spots
Buildings can potentially have two Bouncers now
Power Boxes may appear in random spots on levels, typically guarded by police
Jukeboxes have been added to certain buildings
Artificial Intelligence
Added Ice Skating behavior
Fix for police getting angry if player attacks Zombies
Zombies no longer wait outside of doors when their opponent is on the other side like other NPCs do, because they are stupid zombies
All store owners and Guards in Mall get annoyed with Suspicious or Malodorous characters
People at the Arena cheer during fights, and when a fight is over
Fix for Supercops not investigating the player’s location upon spawning if they were too far away from the player
NPCs are less likely to walk directly on Train and Mine Cart Tracks, particularly when they are not in combat
Cops and Supercops are now Loyal to Upper-Crusters
Mobsters will not bug the player for money if they are fighting other people
Mobsters will not bug the player for money if they use the Alarm Button to call a Supercop
NPCs no longer stop for a split second if the player interacts with them but the NPC does not have context buttons
If the player interacts with someone traveling in a gang (i.e. Mobsters), the other gang members will stop and wait for the interaction to finish
If a Slave has one owner and that owner begins to flee, the Slave will follow to avoid having their helmet blow up due to the distance
Fix for NPCs not being more careful about accidentally shooting their allies in the back
Fix for NPCs not getting angry if the player used the Shotgun on owned objects
Created new Free version of the game for itch.io and GameJolt
Did a bunch of work on a “Chinese Government Approved” Chinese version of the game
Alpha 38
New Features
Added four-player split-screen mode. Must be turned on from the Gameplay Settings menu.
Updated localization for all territories - LOTS of new translations
Fix for certain text on the main menu not appearing properly when Fan Translations were activated
Arena fights can no longer be started when the power in the building is out
Status effect-causing lakes will no longer contain Acid unless the player has put it there
Fix for players being able to teleport into bathroom of Arcade
Hologram can no longer be hit by Train and Mine Cart
Fix for Shapeshifter being headless after Depossessing Gorillas
Fix for Oil Spills sometimes appearing beneath rugs or other floors
Fix for Burnt or Frozen people not always appearing that way of the burning or freezing occurred off-screen
Fix for NPCs often facing the wrong direction while pointing their guns on multiplayer client
Fix for Flamethrower particles appearing to go too far past Glass Walls after hitting them
Falling bombs have a shadow sprite
UI / Controls
When someone disappears for whatever reason, their word bubble text disappears as well
When playing as Zombie, the player will not know who is Hostile by mousing over them until the person actually sees them and becomes Hostile
Fix for Wrestler’s “Toss” icon (and potentially some others) appearing when the player is a Ghost
Player can no longer attempt to Quick-Teleport while in the Home Base
Fix for Scroll Bar not appearing on character stats in-game
Future free versions of the game will no longer state that the game will be saved when quitting
Fix for “Can’t Teleport To Yourself” text on map screen not displaying properly in offline games
Fix for top-of-screen UI elements not disappearing when the player enters the Main Menu
Fix for icons not appearing on the minimap if someone other than Player 1 opened it first
Fix for issue where gamepad players could shoot a gun and then move faster than normal by rotating the right analog stick while the gun was remained un-holstered
Fix for Player 2 UI appearing on Player 1’s screen in split-screen coop
Fix for camera initially being in the wrong spot after switching the 2-player camera from Full to Split in the Settings menu
Fix for Clock not moving out of the way of minimap in 3- or 4-player mode
Minimap appears in 2-player split-screen mode
Minimap appears in bottom-right corner during 3-player Full-Screen mode
Players can teleport in 3- and 4-player mode
Fix for RT and LT button icons not appearing properly at the start of the game
Playfield Objects
Fix for part of Crusher remaining after being destroyed by huge Explosion
Fix for certain cases where Fire Spewer would not fire
Changed Tree collider slightly to avoid player clipping situations
Killer Plants no longer snap at Ghosts
Fix for Killer Plant bites not always registering
Fix for Killer Plant, Fire and Explosion sometimes knocking people in the wrong direction
Fix for Ghost Gibber stream going through Glass Walls
Fix for Gas Mask not always working properly
EMP Grenade can be used to remove Slave Helmet
EMP Explosions affect objects behind walls
Fix for people with Pacifist trait not being able to equip Oil Container
Fix for client player in online matches dropping duplicates of “undroppable” starting items items like Taser and Slave Helmet Remote on death
Fix for Taser not working properly if chosen as a starting item and also chosen as a loadout item
Status Effects / Traits / Special Abilities
Flesh Feast now allows people to gain health when using weapons other than Fist
NPCs who are infected with Zombiism before death will stay dead a bit longer before turning into Zombies
Fix for Wrestler not getting kill credit when inflicting status effects on NPCs with thrown objects (i.e. Toilet poisoning someone)
Fix for Wrestler not receiving credit for repercussions of destroying a computer by throwing it
Fix for Wrestler not always equipping correct weapon after throwing an object
Custom characters cannot go into Withdrawal in the Home Base
No longer possible to create a character with both Suspicious and Charismatic
Fix for being able to choose Skinny Nerdlinger and Unstoppable-ish at the same time for custom characters
Inanimate objects can no longer gain status effects
Fix for people losing Frozen status effect when they gain health, this should only occur when they lose health
If a player Possesses someone, a safeguard has been added so they cannot immediately Depossess by accident through spamming the Possession Stone object
People who are Frozen while in combat can be Backstabbed now
Fix for issues occurring if player attempted to perform various Special Abilities while starting to Teleport
When the player unlocks a new trait or traits, those traits are normally the first available when the player gains a level. As of this update, those traits will not appear if they are useless to the player’s current chosen character
Fix for NPCs having difficulty navigating around Fire Spewers and certain other objects
Players lose Above The Law and Upper Crusty if they buy when Possessing someone and then Depossess
Fix for NPCs who have Resurrect and are knocked out not resurrecting if they are killed on the ground
Fix for issue where NPCs who were knocked out and resurrected would not become attack the person who had knocked them out if they had not been previously hostile
Fix for Lunge, Zombie Spit and Charge attack issue where player could continue holding down the Special Ability button past the point where the attack had concluded, which would cause weird movement
Fix for occasional internal errors when bullets hit walls when the player was extremely close to the wall
Fix for Equip sound effect not playing when the only available weapon is Fist and the player uses the scroll wheel to choose Fist repeatedly
Fix for players being able to teleport into the bounds of Hedge Mazes
Fix for not being able to teleport from Dirt floor tiles
NPC party members will no longer teleport alongside the player when the player has commanded them to perform a certain action
Player can teleport while rescuing an NPC if that NPC has been commanded to perform an action
Stats / Unlocks
Fix for Destruction stat not increasing when the player destroys walls using a melee attack
Fix for player gaining an extra Destruction point for throwing objects with Toss ability
Player receives credit for killing people by knocking them into hazards
Player receives credit for Leafblowering dangerous items like Bear Traps into people
Fix for being able to teleport during the Find Bombs disaster, and not being able to teleport when it’s over
Level Generation
Removed ‘Holes in place of canals’. I dunno, I don’t love it.
Artificial Intelligence
Fix for NPCs continuing to sleep in beds or sit in chairs after the Wrestler had picked up the object
NPCs will no longer accept health items from the player when their health is full
Ghost no longer stops to avoid obstacles like Train
Zombified Slaves do not become Mutinous
Upper Crusters will not attempt to run and find an Alarm Button while enslaved
If Supercops are enslaved and set free, they will not continue searching for the person they were originally sent to kill
Upper Crusters, Cops, Supercops, and people in gangs will not become hostile toward other people who have Ideological Clash
Fix for NPCs sometimes continuing to dance after being Tased
Ghosts no longer flee Zombies or other types of danger
Fix for people sometimes saying their “annoyed” speech after the player uses Hypnotizer Mark I on them
Soldiers are always aligned with one another
Zombies will not refuse orders to attack someone due to low health
Fix for Zombies getting Annoyed when player started Cannibalizing, using Vampire bite, or Possessing someone nearby
Fix for Prisoners not becoming Loyal to the player if they were Friendly when released from prison
Fix for NPCs permanently attacking thin air when commanded to attack an open door or other object that could not be hit with melee attacks
If the player uses DNA Connection on someone, then dies and resurrects as a Ghost, and then the other person dies, that person will not follow the Ghost
NPCs stop dead in their tracks when the player begins Arresting or Biting them, rather than continuing to slide for a split second, to avoid them sliding out of the player’s interaction bounds
Fix for NPC Dizzy movement continuing when the NPC is being Arrested or Bitten
Fix for people with custom character trait “Zombiism” not speaking the same language as full-on Zombies
Fix for Gorilla being able to understand Comedian’s jokes without a translator
Fix for Zombies being hostile toward a player with Zombiism if they started a new multiplayer game with zombies in that stage
Fix for Mobsters attempting to do gang/mugging stuff after becoming Zombies
Thief no longer steals Tranquilizer Gun from the player
NPCs can no longer “bump” other NPCs who the player has commanded to stand in place
Edited Pacifist description to indicate that not all types of Thrown weapons can be thrown (such as Bear Trap)
Created new Show Floor version of the game
Alpha 38b (November 17)
Added extra safeguards for errors occuring when loading save files
A few localization fixes
Fix for some menu text not loading properly when starting the game in Fan Translations mode
Fix for all syringes being Invisible
Fix for wreckage sometimes appearing the wrong color initially
Flesh Feast description now reads accurately
Fix for dead people’s arms sometimes appearing to hover above their body on multiplayer client
Potential fixes for a few weird/inconsistently appearing multiplayer issues
Goodie Dispenser will not give you items that you already have in your inventory
Fix for NPCs not avoiding Slime Puddle
Fix for players not being able to give certain starting items to other characters when playing as custom character
Alpha 38c (November 19)
Fix for Zombie on Character Select sometimes appearing with incorrectly colored legs
Fix for Hacking not functioning properly in 2-player split-screen mode
No longer possible to Steal from, Bite, or Chloroform other players when PVP mode is turned off
Placed limit on the speed at which a person can be knocked back
Charismatic characters will still be hated by the appropriate character classes when they have Blahd Basher, Crepe Crusher, Specist and Scientist Slayer
Water hitting people and objects on multiplayer client no longer causes them to flash
Fix for Shapeshifter losing Invincible effects when Depossessing
Giants can no longer fall down small holes like Manholes, since they can’t fit
Fix for Refrigerators sometimes containing only money when certain mutators were active
Sharp Lunge is no longer selectable as a Special Ability for custom characters. I got a lot of people telling me how OP this is, and it was really just intended as a Werewolf-mode ability anyways
Cops are no longer seen as Innocent when the player is assigned missions that take place in Police Stations
Fix for Jock sometimes being able to phase through walls after using the Charge ability to jump out of water
Fixed text issues that were supposed to be fixed in the previous build.
Potential fix for in-game menu selections occasionally not working properly with the gamepad. Let me know if there are still issues with this
Alpha 39
New Features
Traits and Reward Items can be removed from their respective in-game pools, so they will no longer appear if you don’t want them to once they’re unlocked. There is a minimum number of items/traits that you must have in the pool, which increases the more you unlock.
Trackpad Mode - Attack in the direction you're facing, rather than the cursor position. Added this because trackpad aiming is near impossible. You can finally play on an airplane. Can be toggled in the control settings menu.
Added optional on-screen timer, which can be turned on from Gameplay Settings. Good for speedrunning.
Added option in Gameplay Settings to place Player Identifier circle underneath the player in single-player mode
UI / Controls
Another attempt at fixing the “can’t scroll through in-game menus” issue that pops up occasionally with the gamepad. Let me know if this still happens. I’m not talking about the main menu, just the in-game menus like the buttons that appear when you interact with something, and the end-of-level Trait selection
In Couch Coop mode, each player’s targeting crosshair has a different color
Game should do a better job of figuring out which gamepad should be assigned to which player without the user having to manually go in and assign them
Gamepads 2 through 4 can no longer press the Accept button on the main menu, to avoid confusion when the gamepads configurations are not set up for the game itself
Health bars appear over people’s heads when the player holds Space
If the player accepts a “Retrieve Item” mission, then picks up and drops the item, it will have an arrow above it, where it did not before
Fix for missions 1, 2 and 3 not appearing greyed out when talking to an NPC about an optional mission
Fix for optional mission arrow and line not appearing on the map screen when talking to an NPC to accept the mission
Fix for mission-giver icon not appearing on the map for all types of missions on multiplayer client
Fix for game sometimes believing the player is still holding down Special Ability when they enter and return from menus
Fix for Character Sheet Scroll Bar appearing oddly if the player scrolled to the bottom and then removed a large number of Traits
Fix for Quick-Health button displaying incorrect messaging when used at full health with “Low Health For All” mutator turned on
Fix for Page-Up and Page-Down-assigned gamepad buttons not working properly on other menus after the player viewed a Scrolling Menu
Fix for player being able to combine items in their inventory by dragging and dropping, rather than right-clicking first
Pressing Cancel or Esc on the title screen causes the Quit Game prompt to appear
Multiplayer information that the player enters from the title screen (like IP Address) is saved between sessions
Fix for pathfinding issues in one of the Arcade buildings
Water Puddles and Oil appear beneath floor decals like Blood and Slime puddles
Fix for gun appearing in both hands when the player performs Primal Lunge
Fix for client players not appearing to die properly on host when they were knocked out and killed while on the ground
Fix for Dizzy Stars not appearing if a person became Knocked Out while Invisible
Fix for Walls not changing color properly when screen turns red from Werewolf
Fix for checkered floor not always appearing in correct position in Home Base
Fixed certain instances where the player could appear with a consistently east-facing mustache
Playfield Objects
Player cannot start Arena fights if one of the Laser Emitters has been destroyed
Took extra steps to ensure that people cannot be knocked through Arena’s Glass Walls
Kill Ammunizer gives the player less ammo per kill with “Low Health for All” and “Everyone Hates You” mutators active
Fix for player sometimes having an item count of 0 if they choose a Loadout item that is already one of their starting items
Fix for NPCs with Resurrect not dropping their items when they are Knocked Out
Fix for player sometimes not being able to properly interact with items on the ground when their inventory is full
Status Effects / Traits / Special Abilities
Fix for Jock sometimes changing Charge direction after being knocked back
Fix for NPCs sometimes emitting sleep Z’s while walking around while Invisible
“Friend of the Common Folk” cancels out “The Law” and “Fair Game” in the Character Creator
Bloody Mess and Cannibalize cancel each other
Jugularious and Medical Professional cancel each other
Naked and Suspicious cancel each other
Naked’s point value is -5 instead of -3
Fix for NPCs losing the “Guilty” tag if a player Possessed and then Depossessed them
Fix for Possessed Thief sometimes ending up with a permanent Sticky Glove icon above their head
Class Solidarity no longer prevents the player from attacking people they need to kill for missions
Fix for No In-Fighting not always working when used player-vs-player
No In-Fighting is applied to when melee weapons hit other melee weapons, so that they will not hit each other
Potential to Not Suck functions on skill levels past 12, if you somehow get that far
Class Solidarity allows players to attack Hostile NPCs, and allows Hostile NPCs to attack the player
Fix for Fair Game, when applied to NPCs, not scaring other NPCs away
Fix for in-game sounds stopping during the next game after player fails Hidden Bombs disaster
Fix for not all sounds stopping when giant explosion occurs at the end of Hidden Bombs disaster
Fix for Equip Weapon sound effect repeatedly playing when NPCs were commanded to destroy certain objects
Fix for issue where coop players would not respawn as a Ghost if they died shortly before another player who died with Resurrect
Stats / Unlocks
Players with Zombiism cannot gain Skill Points for killing NPCs with Zombiism since those NPCs cannot become Hostile
If the player purchases a Loadout item and then leaves the Home Base without starting a new game, their Nuggets will be returned to them
If the player reaches the game’s nugget limit of 50, they will receive items for optional missions instead of nuggets
On missions where a Prisoner needs to be killed, owners in the building are properly marked as Guilty
Fix for New Character Every Level not working properly when the player chooses to start with a Custom character
Level Generation
Fix for Trash Cans and Vending Machines sometimes spawning not directly next to a wall
Artificial Intelligence
If the player Bites or Cannibalizes someone, NPCs who are already Annoyed will turn Hostile
Questgivers become Friendly toward the player upon completing a Mission (results in lower shop prices amongst other benefits)
Hidden NPCs (Bushes, Manholes) will no longer talk to the player under various circumstances
Fix for NPCs not pathing properly around Refrigerator
Fix for NPCs “trembling/twitching” around certain objects
NPCs that the player must neutralize for missions will not get scared and run away players with Zombiism
Fix for Zombies with Resurrect not being Hostile toward anyone upon resurrection
NPCs will attack most locked wooden doors when commanded
Fix for Mobsters ceasing to Mug a Comedian when they don’t like his Joke
Fix for only one of the Mobsters listening to a Joke actually reacting to the Joke
Fix for player being able to offer Mobsters money if they became Friendly, Loyal or Aligned
Fix for non-owner NPCs sometimes having difficulty navigating their way out of buildings
Fix for Zombies sometimes remaining Aligned with NPCs who owned the same building as them post-Zombification
Fix for Zombies being initially hostile toward Security Cams, Turrets, etc.
Fix for NPC followers who come to the next level with the player not always having proper initial relationships with everyone on the next level
Fix for DNA Connected Prisoners not following the player when they are released from prison
Followers will follow the player into buildings with Gas
If the player wins an Arena fight, spectators will become Friendly
Fix for Arena spectators sometimes appearing to get scared during a fight
Arena payout is multiplied by the number of NPCs the player fights
NPCs no longer run away from dangerous NPCs who have exited the level
Fix for owners not reacting if they see you open a Do Not Enter door
When someone joins your party, they will always become Loyal toward other players and the other people in your party, unless they are already Aligned. If they are dismissed from the party, they will go back to being Neutral, or whatever their initial relationship was
If players join a game late, the other agents’ party members will be Loyal to the new player
Improved Paralyzed description
Changed Mysterious Elevator description text to make it more obvious how to see the different floor requirement
Made it slightly more obvious that you can load characters from the hard disks
When attempting to quit, text explicitly states that the game is saved at the end of levels
Changed Loadout instructions to be a bit more clear
No longer possible to get past the first laser without being injured
No longer possible to get stuck with the Rock not spawning
Banana is no longer available from the shop
Potential fix for memory leak issue
Alpha 39b
Fix for buttons in Home Base sometimes being highlighted in grey when they weren’t supposed to be
Fix for Filter text sometimes appearing incorrectly on Join Internet Game screen
Fixed multiplayer issue where end-of-level elevator could bring up character select. May have fixed other bugs in the process, such as the bug where objects appear the wrong spots on the client, or level is generated incorrectly on the client.
(This one’s for the Unity coders out there) Fixed a bunch of instances where static variables changes were inadvertently sticking around after the scene was changed, which will probably fix a few random issues.
Alpha 39c (December 2)
It is now possible to shut off Gas Vents that are constantly spewing by using the Computer
Fix for gamepad players being able to see text from moving the cursor over icons on the small minimap while on the Missions Screen
Fix for minimap not disappearing in 2-player coop when one player becomes a ghost and the screen becomes fullscreen
Fixed some screen transition issues when a player dies and becomes a ghost in 2-player coop mode
Fix for game remaining in slow motion if player was dragging an item with the mouse when the inventory was forced to close due to falling into a Hole, becoming Dizzy, etc.
Fix for minimap not updating properly when walls are destroyed
Trait display on left-hand side of the screen cannot spill onto multiple lines
Players cannot type /invite while playing LAN games, since these do not support Steam matchmaking
Health bars do not appear over NPCs’ heads when player holds the Extra Info button while in the Home Base
Gamepad Cursor movement speed on Missions Screen is no longer tied to frame rate and screen resolution
Fix for players getting a choice of 4 traits at the end of levels, it’s supposed to be 3 unless you have Jack of Extra Trades
Increased trait choices with Jack of Extra Trades from 4 to 5
Fix for player not being to add Syringes of the same type to their inventory when the inventory is full
Fix for certain character classes saying error messages when they refuse to join your party
When Player 1 is set to Keyboard, Player 1 Gamepad bindings no longer appear on the Gamepad Setup screen
Fix for controllers continuing to vibrate when the player enters menus where the game is paused
Normal cursor appears on the main menu when Esc is pressed rather than Target
Alpha 39d (December 3)
Fix for bug that was causing the game to freeze for some players when the player was meant to select a Trait at the end of levels
Alpha 40
Trading cards are FINALLY available! So get collecting!
I also made a rather large number of balance-oriented changes this update. If you’ve been playing the game on a regular basis, I’d recommend skimming through the whole list.
The next update will be on the “light” side, as I’ll be spending a week traveling for the holidays. I’ll be starting work on the Level 5 at the beginning of next year, so now’s the time to start making suggestions in this week’s Fortnight Discussion: Level 5 - Uptown!
Alpha 40
Big New Features and Content
(Though a lot of the bullet points further down could probably qualify as well!)
Steam Trading Cards added
Loadout-O-Matic appears in levels. Player can purchase any of their starting items, including loadout items. Note that this may not work properly with saved games from previous versions
Vendor Stand appears in Park levels. Player can purchase items from Bartenders or Shopkeepers.
New Trait: “Honor Among Thieves” given to the Thief at the start of the game. Allows him to purchase discounted tools from other Thieves, and also prevents Thieves from stealing from him
Medical Professional has completely changed. Rather than giving a health bonus for using first aid kits, it allows the player to restore the health of their followers, once per follower per floor
Accuracy is now known as Firearms, Strength is now known as Melee
Firearms (formerly Accuracy) now affects damage, spread of rapid-fire weapons, and cooldown for non-rapid fire weapons, in addition to the percentage of time auto-aim is triggered
Fix for multiple televisions spawning on top of each other in one of the hotels
Fixed a case where Sawblade movement could potentially go in the wrong direction
Fixed a case where a tube in a factory was spewing gibs in a slightly incorrect position
Fix for a Goon in one of the Banks facing the wrong direction sometimes
Fixed an instance where a Crusher could push its way into a window
Fixed instances where certain buildings had 2 locked doors and no computer, since this could result in cases where the door would be impossible to get open without the right items
Changed placement of a number of Gas Vents
Lakes that are poisoned when the level loads can no longer contain Enraged
Playfield Objects
Fix for player or NPCs sometimes being blamed when Alarm Buttons were destroyed due to natural causes
Laser Emitters can be disabled with the Wrench
Slightly more difficult to destroy Fire Spewers
Fewer Trash Cans are spawned in levels, but they are never empty
Reduced size of Gas collider
Cost to hire NPCs is a bit less
Cost to hire people is dependent on your floor
Cost for Doctor to heal you is dependent on your floor
Cost to purchase Slaves is lower when they are not being rescued for a mission
Fix for cost of muggings from Mobsters being a bit higher than intended
UI / Controls
Auto-Aim can be disabled from the Control Setup menu
When the player moves the cursor over an NPC or holds the space bar, status effects are shown
Fix for health bars of other players not appearing above their heads in online multiplayer mode when the player holds space bar
People can no longer Jump while in a Trip animation
Item cost is affected by the current floor. As the player progresses, items become more expensive and can be sold for more money
Player can get better deals on items from Shopkeepers and Drug Dealers after enslaving them
Reduced base extra cost of cloning items in Clone Machine
Increased base price of Giantizer pills from $50 to $80
Bartender is capable of selling more than 2 drinks
Tranquilizer Gun costs more and has a smaller initial ammo count
Shopkeeper no longer starts the game with Kill Profiter
Doctor now starts the game with the Tranquilizer Gun
Scientist starts with the Leafblower instead of the Tranquilizer Gun
Bartender NPCs now serve Cocktails, which will give you a completely random positive status effect
Fix for player being able to use multiple Hacking Tools on the same object, and only losing the first Hacking Tool
Fix for items sometimes remaining for sale after multiplayer client had purchased them
Fix for player not saying “I can’t pick that up” when inventory is full, after gibbing someone in very close proximity
Fix for items sometimes making a noise that could attract people nearby, if two items were spilled at the same time in close proximity to one another
Fix for never being able to see the contents of Cocktails that you clone
Status Effects / Traits / Special Abilities
Hacker has a 50% chance for their hack to cause an alarm, rather than 100%
Hacker can hack Slave Helmets being worn by Slaves
Hacker can hack the Killer Robot
Always Crit effect time reduced to 20 seconds
Giant effect time reduced to 20 seconds
Shrewd Negotiatiator benefits improved a bit
Crepe Crusher Blahd Basher, Scientist Slayer and Specist give the player more skill points for killing members of the opposing class
Cannibal receives extra health for eating people who have been “cooked” by fire
Wrestler’s Toss move does more damage
Backstabs are easier to perform - The player will always attack in a forward motion when they have the Backstab trait and are in the proper position
Sleep Killer is now completely silent
Sleep Killer does not gib people anymore
Soldier starting Endurance is now 2 instead of 3
Investment Banker’s Speed, Strength and Accuracy stats are higher
Withdrawal causes reduced strength, speed and accuracy
Nicotine lasts for 30 seconds, freezes the timer on Feelin’ Alright, and freezes the effects of Withdrawal
Clumsiness Accepted now allows you to break people’s walls without them becoming Hostile
Modern Warfarer regenerates health to 15 instead of 20 when Low Health mutator is active
When Werewolf is running low on time before transforming back into a human, numbers will appear over his head. The same goes for Assassin’s Camouflage
Fair Game cancels Suspicious, Charismatic and Malodorous in character customization
Bite cancels Strict Cannibal, and Cannibalize cancels Jugularious
Bite has a chance to give 2 health instead of 1, with a slightly greater chance of the number being 1
Bite costs 10 points in character customization instead of 5
Fair Game gives a 10 point benefit in character customization instead of 7
Assassin’s Accuracy stat reduced from 3 to 2
People are knocked back a proper amount when blocking hits from Primal Lunge and Sharp Lunge
Flesh Feast no longer works on dead people, it was functionally too similar to Cannibalize. However, it now restores 3 health instead of 2.
People turn into Zombies after dying more quickly. The amount of time had previously been extended to allow for more Flesh Feast hits
Zombie Phlegm charge time has been reduced
Darts can no longer randomly cause Paralyze, since this could make the player a sitting duck if it occurs near a turret
Players with Tech Expert have a 100% chance to turn off Security Cams and disarm Door Detonators when interacting directly
When NPCs laugh at the Comedian’s jokes, the chance that they will join their party is less predictable
Fix for Traits not being removed properly on New Character Every Level for clients in multiplayer games
Stats / Unlocks
Fix for only the server player in multiplayer games receiving nuggets when someone completes a mission where nuggets are the reward. Now, all players will receive the nuggets.
For Neutralize missions, it is now possible to threaten people to leave town (or ask them nicely if you have a good relationship)
Added 30 seconds to the “Find Bombs” disaster
Fixed crash when loading saved games with “New Character Every Level”
Level Generation
Cops are no longer spawned near Power Boxes if the Radiation Blast disaster is occurring
Varying number of cops is spawned near Power Boxes, rather than the number always being 2
Artificial Intelligence
If an NPC is Hostile toward a player, they will no longer immediately become hostile toward another player upon seeing both players at the same time
Fix for NPCs standing at the exact same spot as one another when “All Stand Guard” command is used
Added “All Follow” command for when the player has told more than one party member to Stand Guard
Prices for services are now properly affected by the player’s relationship with the seller in all cases
NPCs in combat are not as scared of large groups of players
Fix for NPCs who are Submissive to the player not always having the correct relationship with other players
Cops react properly when the Power Box that they are guarding is hacked
Normal Cops become Hostile if you destroy an Alarm Button
Fix for Thief not being able to steal from player when the PVP was turned off in Settings
Fix for Thief sometimes trying to steal from players who are dead or had disappeared
Fix for property owners becoming Hostile if the player takes something from one of their owned chests (Safes, etc.) after the player has purchased a Key or Safe Combination from them
Fix for Ghosts not always acting properly if Gravestones were destroyed by natural causes rather than a specific person
Fix for issue where NPCs in buildings where quests are taking place are aligned with the player for no reason
Added proper descriptions for Strength and Accurate status effects
It is now possible to revive other players from the dead using money
30 second timer for players to get the the elevator instead of 60 seconds. The same goes for the other timer that appears when everyone has reached the elevator
Unity engine updated from 2017.2.0 to 2017.2.1
Updated Rewired plugin from to
Updated 2D Toolkit plugin from to
Alpha 44
Game is now playable through 5-2
New Track “Floor 5-2 Gonna Bust a Blood Vessel” added to soundtrack owners’ libraries
Fixed shadow for Loadout-O-Matic when it is facing West
UI / Controls
Fix for player 2’s Skill Bar text not appearing when player gained XP in coop mode
Playfield Objects
More difficult for people to become stuck in Lockdown Walls
Fix for EMP Grenades blowing holes in walls if they hit a Cop Bot or Killer Robot
Fix for Oil Container subtracting 2 ammo per tile instead of 1
Status Effects / Traits / Special Abilities
Certain Cop Bots can now rob the player of “non-Uptown-approved” weapons
Cop Bots’ security cam beam colors changed (yellow = Upper-Cruster check, purple = Drug/Alcohol check, Cyan = Weapon check)
Fix for Addict trait for Investment Banker not appearing on Character Select screen
Fix for player not gaining Upper Crusty when Possessing residents of Uptown
Fix for player retaining Withdrawal and Feelin’ Good after depossessing from Investment Banker
Fix for Cops sometimes not getting missions on a level
Level Generation
Fix for early-floor Hooligans not spawning in Uptown prison cells
Artificial Intelligence
Cop Bot no longer gets scared of people with Fair Game
Fix for Office Drone and Clerk not getting Annoyed at people with Malodorous or Naked
Clerks in Deportation Center do not get Annoyed at people with Suspicious, Malodorous or Naked
Fix for Cops not being Aligned with custom characters with The Law
When Comedian successfully tells a Joke to a Bouncer or Clerk at a Deportation Center, the effect is the same as if the Comedian had bribed them, so other people in the building will leave
the player alone
NPCs are better at using Flamethrower
Modified “Promise I’ll Return It” text to clarify that it does not work with Pickpocket
Load times between levels improved by around 40%-50%, primarily due to the points below
Unity “scene” does not switch when player enters new levels, so certain elements like the interface are no longer regenerated
Walls are now pooled instead of being generated fresh each level
Higher frame rate during parts of the level load (though you won’t notice this)
Updated Rewired plugin from to
Added a new and better method for loading level chunks into the game, though it’s not currently used yet
Got another console version up and running. Still can’t say which one it is yet!
Game is now playable through 5-1
New Track “Floor 5-1 I'm Too Arousing For My Turtleneck” added to soundtrack owners’ libraries
Unlock Elevator Access - Uptown
New wall and floor art for Uptown levels
Non-Playable Characters
Cop Bot
Gated Community
Uptown House
“Zoo” (features zombies, cannibals, and those filthy, uncouth Slum Dwellers)
Private Club
Deportation Center
Confiscation Center
Police Outpost
New Bank varieties
New Music Hall varieties
New Mall varieties
New City Park varieties
Lockdown Wall (barricades that go up when Uptown goes into Lockdown)
Everything Else
Fixed a hole in one of the Hideout buildings not being the correct size
Internal fixes to characters’ facial features, hats etc. are determined, could potentially fix a few small things
Fix for swimming NPCs on multiplayer client not appearing to be underwater at the start of a game
Playfield Objects
Certain doors have been given “Panic Room” behavior for particular buildings like Mansions
Fix for Ghosts and Holograms being poisoned by Slime Puddles
Fix for player sometimes being teleported behind vending machines and trash cans
Items that were missing from Item Teleporter were now available
Fix for Thief NPCs being able to steal quest items from player
Status Effects / Traits / Special Abilities
Investment Banker NPCs do not start with Addict
Level Generation
Fix for cases where buildings may not have been generated at proper difficulty levels on higher floors
Artificial Intelligence
Supercops are no longer Aligned with player cops, they are Friendly instead
Supercops will enter private property to investigate noises
Clerk in Deportation Center can be paid off
Fix for Goons sometimes not patrolling correctly
Fix for people sometimes observing Shelves against walls from the wrong side of the wall
Non-owners no longer take interest in objects outside of the building that they occupy, such as Air Conditioners
Fix for NPCs sometimes having difficulty navigating Crushers
Fixed pathfinding issues directly after an NPC jumps out of water
Fix for player not being able to ask Slaves to leave town after they are freed
Player can ask Slaves to leave town when they are in captivity, but they will always refuse due to the fact that their helmet would blow up
When player pays a bouncer, not all NPC owners in the building will become Friendly -- only the ones that would have become angry with the player immediately upon seeing them
Potential fix for multiplayer issue where host can enter the game as the incorrect player and start at the bottom-left corner of the map
Removed /teleport function from multiplayer games, this was meant to help with issues in earlier builds
Alpha 43b (January 27)
Fix for quests sometimes not appearing properly when due to reward item not being chosen
Fix for music not looping properly in 5-1
Cop Bots can be killed by EMP Grenades
Fix for gamepad players not being able to properly target a position to make their followers stand guard
Fix for Investment Banker dropping items that were never programmed into the game
Fix for cases where NPCs would still attempt to attack the player while in different “lockdown zones”
Fair Game and Charismatic traits cancel each other out properly
Improvements to when Lockdown is triggered
Fix for cases where player could teleport behind fences in new buildings
Clerks say dialogue all the time when the player interacts
Fix for audience members laughing at NPC Comedian’s jokes when they have Hearing Blocked
Added door to Gorilla cage in one of the Zoos that should have been there
Fix for player being able to lose a mission at the start of the game to free a Cannibal from the Zoo
Fix for followers from previous levels not transforming into Zombie properly
Fix for particle effects attached to people sometimes appearing at the incorrect angle
If one of the players is a Cop, you will not receive missions that take place in Police Stations
(For real this time) Fix for player sometimes being teleported behind vending machines and trash cans
Fix for player not being able to command followers to stand guard on top of hidden objects
Cop Bots no longer flee when their health gets low
Fix for player’s head not appearing properly as Ghost when player chooses the new Cop Bot head for their custom character
When players add custom characters to bottom row of character select screen, shadows no longer appear behind the characters
Fix for Trash Cans sometimes spawning next to level border near City Parks
Players who Can’t Speak English can still comply with Cop Bots
Alpha 43c
Fix for Can't Speak English not working properly as a result of a change in 43b
Alpha 43d (January 28)
Fix for lighting appearing weird at non-16:9 resolutions as a result of some internal screwing-around I did for console versions in 43c
UI / Controls
On the LAN screen, client IP address is automatically detected
Fix for camera sometimes not focusing in the correct spot when interacting with objects in three- or four-player mode when only one player is alive
Fix for camera focusing on wrong player in three- or four-player mode when the only living player chooses a throwable item
Fix for second target image that appears when aiming on gamepad with guns/throwables appearing too dark in split-screen modes
Fix for game freezing when starting Daily Run after turning Fan Translations on
Fix for Twitch voting sometimes ending early before votes were cast in online multiplayer mode
Fix for charge-up attacks being cancelled on freeze frames
Supercop speed reduced from 4 to 3
Fix for NPCs’ bodies and arms sometimes looking weird for a bit after teleportation
Playfield Objects
Fix for steel doors not blocking explosions properly
Fix for Loadout-O-Matics sometimes not getting items properly after loading saved games
Fix for line-of-sight issues when two objects are directly adjacent to one another, including explosions occasionally not hitting objects they were supposed to
Potential fix for player falling into trap door and then spawning on an adjacent trap door, causing a loop of falls. Same goes for Manholes.
Potential fix for items sometimes not appearing on multiplayer client
Status Effects / Traits / Special Abilities
Fix for instances where the player could not use Camouflage despite not being in NPCs’ vision
Fix for NPCs not always being Zombified when hit with melee attacks from multiplayer clients
Fix for player being able to hack Killer Robot after its death, which could cause interface errors
Level Generation
Better randomization of level start and end points
Fix for NPCs in gas-spewing buildings sometimes starting without a Gas Mask
Artificial Intelligence
Fix for Supercops sometimes getting stuck near the Police Box and not disappearing
Fix for some instances where NPCs would pause to let Fire Spewers finish when the fire was blocked by a wall
Added proper description for Perfumorous
Created new Show Floor version of the game for PAX
Big Stuff
Major improvement in performance on multiplayer clients. Please let me know if this has negative side effects on your connection, causes disconnects where this did not occur before, etc.
People can now be knocked through Glass Walls, with the exception of the ones surrounding the arena, specifically during the battle. It’s a bit of a hack. In the process, fixed issue with people getting knocked through the Glass during arena battles without it breaking.
Fix for Vendor Stand not having correct shadow
Fix for white squares sometimes appearing for a split second in place of state indicators above characters’ heads
UI / Controls
Potential fix for issue with items sometimes not appearing properly in inventory unless in interfaces for Sell-O-Matic, Clone Machine etc.
Fix for character creation menu not showing the character’s name at the right side of the screen when first creating the character
Fix for issue where a player in Home Base would open the Character Creation screen or the Mysterious Elevator menu, and other players’ personal menus would not close
Fix for issue with Trackpad Mode where the player would sometimes aim toward the mouse’s position
Fix for player not being able to interact with Zombie immediately if Zombie resurrected while player was within range
Playfield Objects
Fix for doors sometimes not opening and closing properly on multiplayer client when they are opened and closed by NPCs
Fix for players on multiplayer client not stopping their interactions with doors when an NPC opens the door
Fix for Cocktails from Bartender sometimes having negative effects
Fix for Hypnotizer not working properly on NPCs who are Hostile
Status Effects / Traits / Special Abilities
Fix for issue where quest-related NPCs would become hostile toward custom characters who were Zombified but did not have Fair Game
Fix for multiplayer client being able to talk to Zombies that have turned in the current level when they should not have the ability to understand each other
Fixed issue where “Chaaaarge” ability could sometimes result in the player charging into an object infinitely without being knocked to the ground
Fix for players not being able to Enslave anyone when they have the Antisocial trait
Death sound effect does not play when NPCs are knocked into holes
Fix for Security Camera rotating sound effect not playing on multiplayer client
Stats / Unlocks
Fix for kills counting twice for XP and stats when a dead body is knocked into a hole
Artificial Intelligence
Fix for NPCs not always having correct initial relationships to multiplayer client players
Fix for NPCs not always responding to noises properly, particularly knocks on doors and windows
Fix for multiplayer client sometimes being able to interact with NPCs who had moved out of range
Fix for host player in multiplayer games being able to press End Game and gib themselves after dying
Unity engine updated from 2017.2.1 to 2017.3
Updated Rewired plugin from to
Alpha 41b
Some of the changes from this changelog may have been omitted somehow in 41. This should be corrected now.
Unity engine updated from 2017.3 to 2017.3.0p1
Alpha 41c
Reverted engine back to Unity 2017.2.1, the newer version was causing a bunch of crappy performance issues.
Mac version updated to 41c. I had previously had to revert this from 41a to 40c because presumably Unity 2017.3 was causing the game to not work for some users. Let me know if the game does not run.
Alpha 41d (December 30)
Performance fixes for online multiplayer host
Fix for issue in online games where Zombies and Cannibals would sometimes stand still and not attack anyone
Fix for inventory items not appearing in certain interfaces (Ammo Dispenser, Clone Machine, etc.) when Auto-Sort was turned off
Fix for game freezing when player attempts to return to the menu in multiplayer mode when not connected to Steam
Fix for incorrect “points gained” message appearing when player disables a Laser Emitter with a Wrench
Fix for Traits appearing in-game if the player disables them immediately after unlocking
Alpha 41e
Fix for traits menu not appearing properly at the end of levels if the player recently unlocked a new trait.
Fixed internal errors occurring in multiplayer games when canceling a character selection.
Alpha 45
Well, 16 new mutators to be more accurate, but 5 of them are basically the same thing.
I actually spent the bulk of this update working on the level loading improvements that I started during the last update cycle, but most of my changes weren’t ready for public consumption, so I left them out of this build. I’ll start drip-feeding these changes slowly over future builds, since there is lots of potential for these to cause new bugs, and I don’t want to break TOO much at one time.
More Uptown content is still coming. I’ll be away for a few days over the weekend visiting my grandmother for her 100th (!) birthday, but hopefully I’ll get to spend most of the next update cycle focused on Uptown.
Also, speaking of mutators -- that is the topic of this week’s Fortnight Discussion!
Alpha 45
Added “Remove Levels” mutators for Slums, Industrial, Park, Downtown, and Uptown. These will remove the specified level theme from the game.
Added “Random Level Themes” which randomizes each level variety you enter (Slums, Industrial, etc.)
Added “Exploding Bodies”, which causes people to explode shortly after dying or being otherwise neutralized.
Added “No Cops”, which removes patrolling Cops, Supercops and Cop Bots from the game. Cops can still be found in Police Stations, and Supercops can still be called via Alarm Button.
Added “Full Health For All”, which calculates health for players and NPCs the same, rather than reducing NPC health by comparison
Added “Infinite Melee Durability”, which does what it says.
Added “Infinite Ammo”, which again, does what it says
Added “Infinite Ammo for Common Weapons”, which encompasses mostly bullet-based weapons like Pistol, Shotgun, etc.
Added “Random Mutators” where each level contains a new set of mutators
Added “Continue?”, which gives the player 2 Continues. This means that if the player dies, they can start at the beginning of that level, with everything reset to its original state. On the third death, the game is over. This doesn’t work in online multiplayer yet.
Added “Mixed-Up Environments”, which can result in Lakes appearing in the Slums, Manholes appearing in Industrial, Upper-Crusters appearing in the Park, etc.
Added “Quick Game” which makes the game 10 levels long instead of 15.
Extreme Time Limit renamed to Time Limit EXTREME to make it easier to find alphabetically amongst similar mutators
Fix for bug in New Character Every Level where the character’s special ability from the previous level could remain on the screen
In Rogue Vision mode, player can no longer use the cursor to highlight items that are not visible to the camera
Fix for shadows appearing under certain objects in Rogue Vision mode when they were not supposed to
Fix for pink objects appearing on multiplayer client in Rogue Vision mode
Fix for shadows caused by walls near doors occasionally appearing in the wrong spot
UI / Controls
Fix for countdown timers not appearing on multiplayer client
Fix for multiplayer client not being able to auto-teleport to the Exit using the Ctrl key when all missions are completed
Fix for multiplayer chat log sometimes disappearing if it became too long. Older text is now removed manually if the log gets too big.
Playfield Objects
Fix for Mine Cart tracks sometime spawning in the wrong position on multiplayer client
Fix for Turret sometimes not activating when Security Cameras spotted the player when there were multiple Security Cams
Cocaine is now known as Sugar, and Steroids are now known as Muscly Pills. These were the only real-world drug references in the game (except for cigarettes/nicotine, which is bad for you in the game), and I decided to replace these due to A. Parents finding these references a little jarring, B. ME finding them a little jarring since they don’t quite fit with the weird nonsense world of Streets of Rogue, and C. I feel like something like that could take the game from a T rating to an M rating when the ESRB eventually does its thing. Overall, it didn’t seem worth keeping this stuff in the game. Also, the idea that drug dealers sell bags of sugar to willing customers is pretty funny.
Musician no longer carries items that do not exist in the game code
Status Effects / Traits / Special Abilities
Modern Warfarer now works on NPCs
Fix for music not fading out properly at the end of levels
Fix for music sometimes not playing when reaching a new level
Soldier players will not receive missions that take place in Military Outposts
Level Generation
Various fixes to the new level loading system from the last build that should result in an overall decrease in weird bugs
Lockdown Walls can now be placed next to Fences
Changed text descriptions for No Guns mutator to mention that all guns would be replaced with equivalent melee weapons. Did the same for No Melee mutator.
Added notification to “End Game” prompt that saved progress will be destroyed
Lots more work on level-loading performance, though most of these efforts aren’t bug-tested enough for me to activate them in a public build
Alpha 46
I went into this update with the intention of doing a bunch of Uptown-exclusive content, and while there’s some of that in here, I also ended up spending like 5 days making functional Firefighters (non-playable for now!). Also, fixing a whole bunch of bugs.
My general rule is that if I catch a bug during development and it’s not necessarily easy to reproduce, I drop what I’m doing to try and fix it. This is often the case with AI bugs, which are notoriously frustrating to try and replicate from user reports. Fortunately for me, I encountered a lot of these elusive AI bugs while getting Firefighters to do their thing. So that was a nice surprise.
Though Uptown didn't get as much attention as I was planning this week, I've still made the game playable through 5-3. Expect a drip-feed of level-specific updates to Uptown and other levels throughout the game's Early Access development.
For next week, my primary focus will be on creating new Disasters -- an area of the game that hasn’t gotten much love in awhile.
In other news, March 10 marks Streets of Rogue’s 1-year anniversary in Early Access. While there’s no way to really quantify the work that’s been done in this period, the number of personally-written lines in my code base increased by about 40%. For a game with a 4+ year development time, that’s pretty hefty. (And for those interested, the final line tally was like 200,000, with 80,000 written in the past year.)
For this week’s Fortnight Discussion, I’m looking for input on how certain things in the game should function. Specifically: Fountain, Well, Satellite Dish, Arcade Game, Barbecue, Fireplace, Gravestone, ATM machine, of course, Toilet.
Alpha 46
Game is now playable through 5-3
New Track “Floor 5-3 Tell It To My Cardiologist, Why Dontcha” added to soundtrack owners’ libraries
Uptown Upper-Cruster achievement can be earned
Non-Playable Characters
Firefighter - Yes, they will actually come and put out fires. In the future, I’ll likely be giving them some sort of water cannon bionic arm, because right now they use Fire Extinguishers, which is lame.
Alien - Sorta hidden right now and not very fleshed out, but can you find him????
New Environments
Fire Station
Broadcasting Station
Outdoor pits surrounded by fences
New Objects
ATM Machine - Not fully functional, but check out this week’s Fortnight Discussion!
Fountain - Also see this week’s Fortnight Discussion!
Satellite Dish - Same deal!
Desk - Finally, office buildings have proper desks instead of home/bar tables
New Items
Fire Extinguisher
Player can borrow money from any Bank, even if they are not an Investment Banker.
Debt money can no longer be paid back to Drug Dealers, Shopkeepers, etc. It must be transferred through either an ATM Machine, or the Clerk at the Bank.
Pieces of Wreckage will disappear when they move over Holes or Conveyor Belt
Fix for Fire particle effects sometimes appearing to face the wrong direction
Fix for items sometimes having extremely bright lighting as the player progressed further into the game
Fix for people becoming too bright when bunched up together in a group
UI / Controls
Fix for text “E_ObjectAgent” appearing on cursor
Playfield Objects
Sign appears at the beginning of Level 5-1
Power Box hit points reduced from 50 to 30
When Fires in objects like Flaming Barrels are extinguished, fire no longer returns if the player goes away and comes back
Fires in objects like Flaming Barrels being extinguished is displayed properly on multiplayer client
Fix for Fires continuing to spread after being extinguished
Extinguishing a Fire no longer causes the object or wall to be destroyed
Fix for Fireplace appearing inside walls on multiplayer client
Fix for Fires not being destroyed properly internally when they are destroyed by being extinguished in some way
Taking damage from status effects no longer causes the player to become un-hidden from Bushes
Player is more likely to auto-aim at Exploding Barrel
Fix for situations where Gas would continue spewing from vents permanently when it was not supposed to
Potential fix for people being teleported on top of manholes
Fix for player Cops being able to go through blue Lasers without setting off the metal detector
Fix for Hypnotizer not working properly on gamepad after first level
Fix for Flamethrower causing knockback on dead bodies on multiplayer client
Fix for Wall Break sound not playing on multiplayer client when Fire destroyed a wall
Fix for not being able to exit Arena if opponents are Zombified rather than completely neutralized
Player may receive missions to Neutralize a person roaming the streets, typically with armed guards or a gang
Random Mutators mutator now keeps all the initial mutators you select and does not replace them with new ones
Random Mutators now works properly when you disable certain level themes
Fix for incorrect music tracks playing during Quick Game mutator
Fix for Disasters not always appearing on the correct levels in Endless mode when Quick Game is activated
Fix for bodies not being destroyed properly in the Exploding Bodies mutator if the player was very far away when the body exploded
Fix for recently-added mutators causing the Home Base to have non-standard “level themes”
Level Generation
Gangsters may be seen roaming the streets in gangs of 3 or 4
Musician may be seen roaming the streets with armed Goons
Uptown mansions may be filled with Vampires or Mobsters
Wood walls appear more frequently
Fix for Bouncers not spawning next to Mine Cart/Train Tracks
Fix for Water sometimes appearing where Ice was supposed to during Mixed-Up Levels mutator
Fix for lights above Lakes not spawning on multiplayer client
Fix for Door, Window and other objects occasionally facing the wrong direction in certain buildings
Artificial Intelligence
Added lots of AI revolving around extinguishing fires
Better pathfinding around Fire Hydrant sprays
Fix for property owners becoming Hostile toward Invisible people who open doors in their presence
Fix for Bouncer requesting money from the player upon talking to him after completing Arena fight
Fix for NPCs in roving gangs sometimes not fighting the player when they were too far away from their starting position
Fix for NPCs sometimes appearing to run back to the object they were observing when they come into the player’s view
Fix for NPCs with only one object to observe repeatedly walking away from that object for a split second and then returning to it
Fix for instance where NPCs could get confused on what to do next while battling the player, as a result of paying too much attention to certain noises where the player destroyed their property
Fix for NPCs running away from fire that had spawned in a different building
Fix for NPCs continuing to gather around Television long after it had been hacked to produce High Volume
After being hearing the hacking noise, NPCs no longer continue to search for the player for as long as the hacking interface is on the screen -- rather, they only perform one search
Fix for certain situations where NPCs could become stuck in place while searching for the player during combat
Fix for certain situations where pathfinding and movement for NPCs would stop working
NPCs are slightly better at using the Flamethrower
NPCs no longer have difficulty attacking objects that block their view, like Trees and Shelves
NPCs are less likely to walk on Train and Mine Cart Tracks
Supercops no longer become Hostile toward normal Cops who attack or arrest Guilty people in their presence
Fix for NPCs sometimes not running out of buildings when the building is gassed
Bunch of Russian Language fixes and additions (thanks to the Russian Streets of Rogue community on vk)
Added clarification in Super Studious description that this trait results in fewer Chicken Nuggets per level-up
Flesh Feast description changed to highlight the fact that it only works on non-neutralized people
Updated 2D Toolkit plugin from to
Alpha 47
As promised, I did a bunch of work on new Disasters this week, nearly doubling the current Disaster count! Check the changelog for the full list, and let me know what you think of them -- too easy, too hard, too dull, whatever.
There are still more disasters to come in the future, but for next update, I’ll probably be doing a big bugfix pass, because the list of bugs that y’all have reported is getting dangerously close to toppling over at this point.
For this week’s Fortnight Discussion, I’m looking for some input on new temporary status effects you’d like to see in the game...
Alpha 47
Ooze - Dangerous Ooze is spreading through the level...
War Zone - There’s a war going on between Cannibals and Soldiers, who spawn infinitely while you complete your missions.
Bounty - There’s a bounty on your head, and random people with concealed weapons will attack you when you get close
Lockdown - All doors are locked, and no one will let you in. Also, the Cops are Hostile.
Shifting Status Effects - Everyone in the level receives a new, randomized status effect every 10 seconds
Non-Playable Characters
Butler Bot - Appears during the War Zone disaster to clean up bodies and items and save your frame rate. To be honest, your frame rate might still get killed. I’ll be doing more performance work soonish.
Screen no longer shakes when an NPC kills another NPC
Fix for NPC lighting not adjusting properly after the NPC had died
Fix for “falling down hole” animation becoming frozen on rare occasion
Fix for light and shadow remaining when people fall down holes on multiplayer client
UI / Controls
Exclamation marks and sound effects no longer appear for rioters
Playfield Objects
Mysterious Elevator in Home Base now has a sign over it to indicate its function and avoid confusion
Status Effects / Traits / Special Abilities
“Increase All Stats” effect from Cocktails lasts 60 seconds (as intended) instead of forever
Being hidden in Bushes no longer protects the player from Radiation Blasts
Fix for Dizzy not going away when the person is hit and loses health
Level Generation
Fix for Bathhouse bathroom door triggering NPCs to become Hostile
Fix for bathroom in one of the Movie Theaters counting as “outdoors”
Artificial Intelligence
Added “Retreat Indoors” AI behavior, and other stuff for Ooze disaster
Fix for NPCs not properly determining their objects of interest during disasters that made them want to stay indoors
Fix for owner NPCs sometimes wandering into buildings that were not theirs
Supercops are now Friendly toward custom classes with The Law
Fix for Cop Bots and Supercops becoming Hostile toward players who arrested Guilty people
Fix for Upper-Crusters not becoming hostile toward the player immediately when the player attacks them as a Cop
Fix in Supercop’s Investigate behavior (after spawning through a Police Box) - After reaching their investigation location, they investigate the surrounding area, rather than returning to investigate the area near the Police Box
Cannibals are now Aligned with all other Cannibals
Fixed issue with gang pathfinding where gangs could occasionally become stuck
When Hacker makes Television explode, NPCs will not become Hostile
When NPCs are injured by Fires set by the player, they will only become Hostile if the player is within their line of vision at the time
Fixed Fan Translation issue that could prevent levels from being loaded
Added font with Polish characters for Fan Translations, see “How to make translations.txt” file for how to implement this
Alpha 48
My main focus for this update was on whittling down my extremely lengthy list of bug reports. I’m happy to say that I made a dent in it, though there are plenty more where these came from.
For the next update, I’ll FINALLY be starting work on Big Quests. That’ll be my main focus, though I might end up dividing my time between between that and some behind-the-scenes technical stuff.
This week’s Fortnight Discussion is dedicated to online multiplayer. What new features would you like to see added to this mode?
Alpha 48
Added proper Wreckage sprites for a number of objects and walls
Fix for incorrect Wreckage sprites sometimes appearing when destroying unique wall types like Hedges and Glass
Fix for electrocution animation continuing when the game is paused
Fix for some instances where people could be running while facing the wrong direction
Fix for floor sometimes appearing green after exiting a level with the Radiation disaster
Fixed an instance where a Panic Room was counted as outdoors, which was no good during the Radiation Blasts disaster
UI / Controls
Fix for Status Effects not displaying on the interface if the player stood in a Lake while the counter ran down, and received the Status Effect a second time
Fix for question marks and other state indicators appearing above NPCs’ heads after they are Frozen
Health bars appear over NPCs’ heads if you mouse over them and their health is less than max
Fix for gamepad icons on Character Select not appearing for the first frame or two when the interface pops up
Fix for Clone Machine showing the wrong money costs for Thrown items
Fix for Missions Screen getting stuck if the player opened it on a specific frame following completion of a mission
Potential fix for question mark appearing permanently above someone’s head
Trait description at right of trait menu cannot be changed once an end-level trait is chosen
Hacking is not canceled if the player is scrolled off-camera
Item Teleporter interface now causes gameplay to slow down in single-player mode
Added larger mouse collision boxes to some of the larger objects
Fix for Armor display sometimes remaining on-screen when it should not after player chooses to Continue when dying
NPC Info (from when you hold space bar) disappears when the person becomes invisible
Fix for Twitch Reward Vote appearing after the game had ended
Playfield Objects
Thrown items like Grenades and Shurikens are sold in more appropriate amounts in Loadout-O-Matics
Fix for cases where Wall Fires would remain if the Wall was destroyed through some other means
When refilling guns at the Ammo Dispenser, the cost must always be at least $1
Lockdown Walls no longer go up during Riots
Flamethrower no longer damages Fire Hydrant
Bushes cannot be picked up by Wrestler
Fix for certain instances where the player could be teleported on top of Lasers
Flame Grates spawn slightly further from the player’s starting position
Potential fix for instances where player could tap on windows from indoors
If Supercop that player received from Alarm Button is killed, Alarm Button can be used again
Potential fix for Crushers, Fire Spewers and other objects not being destroyed when the wall they are attached to is destroyed
Fix for items like Syringes and Guns not retaining additional properties after being stolen by Thief
Fix for “glitch item” remaining in Wrestler’s hand if he picked up an object, then died after taking Resurrection Shampoo
Oil Container is now affected by the Infinite Ammo mutator
Cigarette Lighter is no longer confiscated by Cop Bots
Potential fix for players being teleported onto Bear Traps
Created fail-safe for rare cases of items becoming stuck in walls
Bear Trap no longer causes NPCs to become Hostile toward the player when they get near it -- rather, they must actually step in it
NPCs are not as good at avoiding Bear Traps thrown by player
Fix for Paralyzer Trap not making NPCs Hostile
Identify Wand can now be used to identify Cocktails
When a Thief steals items for someone, items will be stolen first before money
Kill Profiter, Kill Ammunizer, etc. do not trigger when the player hits and kills someone who has already been knocked out, arrested etc.
Oil Container no longer disappears from the player’s inventory when it runs out of fuel
Fix for Oil Container sound effect not playing on multiplayer client
Fix for Oil Container’s out-of-ammo status text not appearing on multiplayer client
Fix for issue where Wrestler would sometimes equip a weapon that had been destroyed in a
Food Processor or Sell-O-Matic after picking up an tossing an environmental object
Cardboard Box can now be used to walk around town free of harrassment from Hostile people, provided they are not aware that you are under the box
Ammo Stealer no longer refills Water Pistol and Oil Container
Fix for weapon remaining in player’s hand if player Possessed someone who had a weapon equipped, and then immediately dropped that weapon
Changed Slave Helmet Remover description to explain how the item can be used
Fix for Workers in buildings with constantly spewing Gas Vents sometimes not starting with Gas Masks equipped
Ammo Stealer can no longer be used on other players
Fix for Ghost Gibber and other weapons pausing very briefly in the middle of rapid fire
Fix for Ghost Gibber particles not appearing for other players during online games
Fix for Leafblower not working very well in tight alleys and confined spaces
Status Effects / Traits / Special Abilities
Poison no longer interrupts Dizzy and other similar status effects
Supercops who are Possessed by Shapeshifter now have the ability to Arrest people
Durabilitacious no longer appears in games where the Infinite Melee Durability mutator is active
Fix for Clumsiness Accepted not working when Doors are broken
Ghosts that spawn do not become angry when player has Clumsiness Accepted
Fix for Tranquilize numbers above people’s heads going below zero into the negatives if they were Invincible when the counter hit 0
Clumsiness Accepted no longer covers Hacking, messing with Air Conditioners, etc.
Dizzy no longer removes Withdrawal
Fix for multiplayer client not receiving Upper-Crusty trait after purchasing
Fix for mission-related NPCs who were meant to be neutral towards the player having an Ideological Clash
Players who have the Camouflage special ability and Backstab will do camouflage-level backstab damage when they gain Invisible status effect
Fix for player not losing health when they revive another player while they have Invincible
Fix for Fires altering the direction of Jock’s Charge ability
Fix for Conveyor Belt stopping Jock’s Charge ability
Player can no longer use Bite on Zombies
Fix for Explosions not always gibbing NPCs on death when they are Aligned or Loyal to the player
Fix for Resurrection sometimes restoring the player to 0 health during Shifting Status Effects disaster
Fix for clients not being able to start multiplayer games if their custom characters have more than 50 traits
Bloody Mess trait does not appear in-game when Blood is turned off in Settings
Fix for clones of Custom characters not always having the correct traits during multiplayer games
Ghosts can no longer step on Shrunk people
Ghosts can never get Resurrection Status Effect (not sure how it’s possible for ghosts to get ANY status effect, but people reported it happening and causing problems)
Teleport sound effect no longer pauses when “Mission Complete” appears, because it felt weird when the sound effect continued playing after the notification disappeared
Stats / Unlocks
Fix for “Angered” stat not including NPCs who were initially hostile toward the player (such as Cannibals) who spot the player during gameplay
No longer possible to receive missions that involve rescuing Zombie
Fix for Neutralize All missions sometimes being completed early if the player turned one of the targets into a Zombie and then killed that Zombie
Fix for issue where “Rescue” quests given by questgivers could be completed while the victim was still in prison if the questgiver was close enough to the prison
Optional missions are failed if the questgiver is Annoyed or Hostile toward all players in the game, rather than just a single player
Rescue and Free Slave missions are failed if the prisoner is Hostile toward all players in the game, rather than just a single player
Fix for not all objects appearing on multiplayer client’s map for “Destroy All” missions
Fix for Shifting Status Effects disaster ending prematurely
Fix for cases where Find Bombs disaster had no bombs to find
Fix for “Continue” sometimes allowing people to continue Continue when they should not be able to
Level Generation
Potential fix for levels loading past 100% and then failing to load
Added some failsafes for cases of levels not loading
Fix for instance in one of the Hideouts where two objects could spawn in the same spot
Fix for objects sometimes spawning on top of Frozen Lakes
No longer possible to get past the holes at the edge of the map if you are moving fast enough
Fix for certain doors not appearing Locked from the correct direction during Lockdown
Vendor Carts are much less likely to spawn in Bushes
Vendor Carts will not spawn too close to Water
Artificial Intelligence
Arena Wrestlers will not be affected by an Ideological Clash
Arena Wrestlers cannot be Bounty Hunters
Fix for NPCs with the Bite ability getting Annoyed when they see someone else bite someone
When an NPC steps in a Land Mine placed by the player, they will not become Hostile unless the player is within view at the time. The same goes for Bear Traps and Paralyzer Traps
Bounty Hunters who attack the player are considered Guilty
Supercops address the player properly as a “fellow peacekeeper” if the player has The Law
Fix for Cop Bot refusing to talk to the player if they were Annoyed with them while asking them for something
Fix for NPCs sometimes declaring when they are Annoyed with the player while hidden
Mobsters who mug the player are classified as Guilty
Fix for NPCs not being removed from the player’s party properly when the player tells them to leave town
Cops no longer become Annoyed or Hostile toward the player if they see the player Biting or Cannibalizing while they have Above the Law
Zombies can no longer talk to people who are scared/hostile while the person’s back is turned
Player can no longer talk to people who are Annoyed while their back is turned
When you attempt to talk to people who are Annoyed and they tell you to go away, the Annoyed sound effect will play
Fix for Slaves not being properly removed from player’s party if they die from their helmet blowing up due to being out of range of player
Gorillas who reside in the Park will not follow the player between levels
Fix for non-owners in a building becoming Friendly toward the player when the player purchases a Key or Safe Combination from a Clerk
Fix for Slavemaster players being able to free Slaves walking around the level that are not their own
Fix for NPCs becoming Friendly toward the player when they are already Aligned or Loyal after the player obtains a Key, Safe Combination, or Quest Item from them
Slavemasters will prioritize selling a slave that must be Neutralized for a mission
Fix for Supercops called by the player through Alarm Buttons sometimes returning to their
Police Box before attacking someone that the player had requested they attack
Fix for Scientist saying the wrong dialogue when an item is purchased from him
Player can no longer ask Zombified people to leave town if there was once a mission to neutralize that person
Fix for Slaves leaving the player’s party if the player asks them to leave town, and they refuse due to having a helmet on
Fix for NPCs sometimes not becoming Hostile when the player when the player threatens them
If NPCs are neutralized from Poison or Tranquilizing over time via the player, or similar status effects, other NPCs will not assume that the player was responsible
If the player is invisible while killing someone, NPCs who see the body will not assume the player was responsible
Fix for Cops all over the level being notified when the player caused a huge explosion
NPCs will not detect the player if they do things that bring up the “operating bar” interface while under a Cardboard Box
Cannibals no longer pop out of Bushes and Manholes when the nearby player is Aligned
Werewolf (when transformed) hates Vampire, and vice versa
Bounty Hunters no longer ignore the player if they are Friendly or Loyal
If the player attacks an Aligned NPC who is meant to be Neutralized for a mission, the NPC will become Hostile more quickly than they would normally
Fix for NPCs not leaving their “Hidden” state if the Bush they were hiding in was destroyed (possibly by fire) while the player was not in close proximity
Fix for Cops and Slavemasters becoming Hostile toward each other if the player hacks a Slave Helmet and blows it up
If the player has a mission to neutralize a Slave, his Slavemasters will be classed as Guilty
Slaves will fight on the player’s behalf without the player explicitly telling them to do so
Slaves become Loyal instead of Friendly when the player removes their Slave Helmet
Butler Bot is capable of knocking down doors, much like Killer Robot
If Butler Bot gets stuck somehow and spends too long standing in the same spot, another Butler Bot will be spawned as a fail-safe
Fix for Cannibals attacking burning Bushes
Spelling corrections in various languages
“End Game” changed to “End Run” to avoid confusion
Fix for instances where client joining at the exact time the host was switching levels could cause the host player to spawn at the bottom left corner of the map
Updated G2U plugin to version 2.1.13
Updated Rewired plugin to version
Alpha #49 8)
Finally, the long-gestating character-specific “Big Quests” are finally in the game!... in Beta form! For a full set of details on the current state of Big Quests, check out this week’s Fortnight Discussion, in which I humbly ask for your suggestions on this fledgling aspect of the game.
For the next batch of bi-weekly updates, I’ll be splitting my time between the usual content/bug fixes/etc. and behind-the-scenes stuff like optimization, work on console versions, engine improvements, and other things that I’d frankly rather not be doing if I had the choice :D While this may result in a lower volume of obvious output in these updates, I’ll be making an effort to stick some meaningful additions into to each one.
Alpha 48
Big Quests
Set up a whole bunch of infrastructure on which Big Quests will hang
Added Big Quests for:
Investment Banker
Fix for mission status not changing in real time if the missions screen is left up in multiplayer mode
Fixed some code relating to Disasters in Sandbox Mode, though I’m not sure exactly what impact this was having
Artificial Intelligence
Fix for NPCs that that were meant to be Neutralized for missions becoming Hostile toward each other too easily
Cop Bots come after the player when they are being hacked
Fix for NPCs sometimes not patrolling properly in multiplayer mode
Altered ShapeShifter back story a bit
Fix for Game Over screen sometimes appearing if the player teleported twice in rapid succession toward the start of a level
Bunch of boring behind-the-scenes stuff that you won't notice or care about