Temple of The Roguelike Forums

Game Discussion => Early Dev => Topic started by: oldteen on June 20, 2016, 07:00:00 PM

Title: Souls Rescue
Post by: oldteen on June 20, 2016, 07:00:00 PM

First of all, sorry for my poor english. We come from Switzerland and we speak french...
My wife and I are doing game prototypes since long time. But this time we decide to move our "ass" and to make a project A to Z. We start the BlackBones Family. This name will regroup our finished projects.

Souls Rescue is a roguelike. We don't try to make something original, we just want to have pleasure to do it.
Some features:

The game in 4 words :

The background ?
... We have to find one background to justify these ideas :

A vidéo of the alpha version
Trailer alpha version (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EsUVW0RLXv0)

Operating system

Souls Rescue is written in c# and monogame/fna. Sprites are drawed with Photoshop with love and with a mouse :)

commercial aspect
I work and we don't need more money to live. But if a day we can sell one or two copies to buy a pizza :)



Title: Re: Souls Rescue
Post by: Lord_Mork on June 20, 2016, 09:26:11 PM
Well it certainly looks very nice

When you say
I work and we don't need more money to live. But if a day we can sell one or two copies to buy a pizza
does this mean that the final version will cost money, or that it won't?
Title: Re: Souls Rescue
Post by: oldteen on June 21, 2016, 04:08:31 AM
I like what Pixel Dungeon does.

Title: Re: Souls Rescue
Post by: oldteen on June 30, 2016, 05:56:54 AM
first alpha version available on our itch.io (https://blackbones.itch.io/soulsrescue) page.

The main goal of this release is to test if the game run on your computer.
- actually, only windows
- instruction to install and to play on itch.io page
- 3/8 characters
- 4/7 environments
- craft basic item (heal potion, ...)
- you will find what is in the video
Title: Re: Souls Rescue
Post by: Legend on June 30, 2016, 07:28:40 AM
looks and sounds cool. Any chance of getting a winxp version though? I downloaded the alpha, but it wouldn't run because it was "not a win32 executable". Would be cool if it ran on winxp. For me at least.  :P
Title: Re: Souls Rescue
Post by: oldteen on June 30, 2016, 07:43:25 AM
Hi, thanks to have tested!

Ok, Tomorrow I will try to force the exe to be 32 bits. We don't need 64 bits.
The problem is monogame (the library that manage "pixels", input, audio, ...). Monogame remove 32 bits support since 2014. I have to investigate.

I write you back when I've got news.
Title: Re: Souls Rescue
Post by: oldteen on July 11, 2016, 06:04:37 AM
We release a new alpha (0.0.2) this week-end here (http://bit.ly/29tWHLb) :

This is still a release to test if it run on you computer or not.

In our tasklist for this week:


Title: Re: Souls Rescue
Post by: oldteen on August 06, 2016, 06:05:53 AM
A new version of Souls Rescue is released (alpha 0.0.4) on itch.io (https://blackbones.itch.io/soulsrescue).

"en vrac":

Thanks to all people who have downloaded the previous version and who will download this one.
For you

We still have much work.
Monsters are all close fighters. We have to change that. Give them spells and arrows :). We need to add bow and crossbow for the player too. We have to implement the pet system and give a real utility to the plant parts of the game.
Actually Souls Rescue has two categories of recipes, Witchery and Alchemy. We want to add Machinery.
For late August, we will release the first beta version. So we need to play again and again to ameliorate the difficulty management. We certainly need to add more items sprites to remove redundancy.
We have to think about a savegame system. Souls Rescue is a perma-death game but until you die you can save. If you die your savegame die too.

Title: Classic Mode
Post by: oldteen on August 07, 2016, 01:59:04 PM
Add a key to switch to a classic view. Any interest ?

Title: Re: Souls Rescue
Post by: Zireael on August 07, 2016, 03:32:28 PM
I like it, even though I don't prefer ASCII over tiles anyway. I just like the ability to choose :)
Title: Re: Souls Rescue
Post by: oldteen on August 07, 2016, 05:08:34 PM
Thank you for your opinion :). Other people say me the same thing and I agree.
Show the map, monsters, hero, chest, stairs, etc in ascii is not a hard task but I have to reflect about the user interface.
Title: Alpha 5 (14-15 august 2016)
Post by: oldteen on August 11, 2016, 12:10:22 PM
Between next sunday and monday we will release the Souls Rescue Alpha 5

What’s new:
Redesign the structure of the dungeon
Before the alpha 5, our dungeon was a stack of 1 map for the entrance, 3 maps of Crypt, 2 big maps of Tropic, 2 big maps of Ice and 3 maps of Void environment. When we tried the game I fell asleep. The game was too boring. We decide to redesign the dungeon : 1 map for entrance + 1 map per environment. The game is smaller, but more interesting.
Each map contains monsters of 3 different levels. Always check your life

New features

We look forward to delivering this new version.

Title: Re: Souls Rescue
Post by: Zireael on August 11, 2016, 12:37:44 PM
Are the maps static or randomized?
Title: Re: Souls Rescue
Post by: oldteen on August 11, 2016, 12:43:21 PM
The first map (The Entrance) is static, others are randomly generated.
Title: Re: Souls Rescue
Post by: Untrustedlife on August 11, 2016, 12:45:03 PM
Are the maps static or randomized?
The description of the game in the OP says "random dungeons" so I would think so.

Also, those tiles look Beautiful.
Nice job.

I actually do in fact prefer ascii in roguelikes for the most part though.
Title: Re: Souls Rescue
Post by: Gornova on August 11, 2016, 02:14:09 PM
I really like your style and like the option to go back to classic view. I'm also interested in craft system you mentioned, can you elaborate a little bit about it ?
Title: Re: Souls Rescue
Post by: oldteen on August 11, 2016, 02:19:18 PM
With pleasure, but not today, I have to go three days on vacation :) and I am already late.
I come back sunday and I will give you more explanation.
Title: Re: Souls Rescue
Post by: oldteen on August 14, 2016, 01:04:57 PM
As promised, a word about our "craft" system.
Actually I prefer name this feature "recipe system". You have recipes, you have ingredients and you can write a scroll, fill a bottle, make a bomb, etc.

For the alpha version, we don't think about how to get recipes. You start with 3 recipes already known (scroll of fireball, scroll of heal, heal potion)
To cast a spell, you have to consume a specific scroll and a magic scroll can't be looted.

Ingredient types:
- reagents (like ultima 7)
- seeds to plant
- (in future) metal scrap
- empty scroll
- something to write
- empty bottles
- ...

Currently, we have 2 categories of recipes, Witchery, Alchemy. We want to add "Machinery".

With the first alpha, you could mix ingredients and try to find a recipe. For the moment this window is disabled.
Title: Alpha 5
Post by: oldteen on August 15, 2016, 12:32:31 PM
We released the alpha 5 of Souls Rescue.

What's new:

available on
Title: Re: Souls Rescue
Post by: Gornova on August 16, 2016, 07:09:39 AM
hey thanks for answer!

I've tried the demo you provided (one before last) and find your game really well done in terms of graphics and gameplay. All seems to be in the correct way to build a solid roguelike experience. In my opinion, however, you should improve keybindings, because in roguelikes there are some "standard" or "common way"  to handle some actions. For example get actions in many roguelikes are do it with char 'g' not 'r'. I was able only one time to show character screen, with attributes, and after that lucky time in help there is no way to get it.
I've found the "scroll" writing with recipes really easy to do, but if use health scroll was not a problem for me, using fireball is a problem: I've assigned key 2 and then if I'm using in combat.. nothing happens!
And also player need a way to figure out what items are equipped and make a comparison with new items!
For the difficulty it's brutal, because I've found first two levels an introduction of your game, than third level I was killed by a rat :( I' missing something ?

Graphics is awesome.. maybe too dark for my taste, on my laptop is difficult to see traps, but I think is intended: about traps, why design them to act every time and not just first time ?

I've found lack of full screen options irritating, because on my laptop resolution (1600x900) cover taskbar, please add a full screen option!
Title: Re: Souls Rescue
Post by: oldteen on August 16, 2016, 08:08:23 AM
Thanks for your return  :-*

Key bindings
- Fortunately [G] is still free, we can switch [R] to [G] or just add [G] without any problem
- In next version (alpha 7 or 8 ) I want to add the classic HJKL too
- The key for hero attribute is [P]
- Maybe we have to make a keybinding configuration (a basic file or a window in game)

You have to select a target with [TAB] (you will see a target on the monster) and after press [1-8] shortcut. In the next version (alpha 6) if you don't select a monster I will add a "BEEP" and a message like "You have to select an enemy with TAB"

Item comparison
You can see equipped items above shortcut bar and you have a mouse tooltip to see what is it. I have to think if you play only with keyboard or gamepad.
In the alpha 5 (current new version) in your inventory, item with better stat than the equipped one has a green background. Actually it's easy only one attribute per item. With more attributes we have to redesign that one more time :)

In the current version we redesign the dungeon structure, so the difficulty is softer. With potion and good scrolls you can easily finish the 4 floors. Now my wife (who is pixel artist) think the game is too easy. Difficulty is a big theme for us. We already add details like when you get a level you get full life too.

Wall trap shoot every 4 or 5 turns. Maybe I have to set more turns or a random value but greater than 5. Some traps are very annoying, but the goal is to think before move. Floor traps (pikes) are not too deadly :) . Now we have added lave or acid hole. If you fall into it you directly die. I don't know if it's a good idea.

I have to add some basic option like fullscreen, sound and music volume. I was thinking that I don't need it in the alpha, but that 's wrong. Clearly a goal for the next version (certainly sunday 21 august)

I hope I have not forgotten anything.
Title: Re: Souls Rescue
Post by: Gornova on August 16, 2016, 11:22:55 AM
Thanks for your return  :-*


Key bindings
- Fortunately [G] is still free, we can switch [R] to [G] or just add [G] without any problem
- In next version (alpha 7 or 8 ) I want to add the classic HJKL too
- The key for hero attribute is [P]
- Maybe we have to make a keybinding configuration (a basic file or a window in game)

a keybinding configuration is a good idea for me

You have to select a target with [TAB] (you will see a target on the monster) and after press [1-8] shortcut. In the next version (alpha 6) if you don't select a monster I will add a "BEEP" and a message like "You have to select an enemy with TAB"


Item comparison
You can see equipped items above shortcut bar and you have a mouse tooltip to see what is it. I have to think if you play only with keyboard or gamepad.
In the alpha 5 (current new version) in your inventory, item with better stat than the equipped one has a green background. Actually it's easy only one attribute per item. With more attributes we have to redesign that one more time :)

I think most of the people here prefer keyboard only approach, but also a gamepad is a good idea!

In the current version we redesign the dungeon structure, so the difficulty is softer. With potion and good scrolls you can easily finish the 4 floors. Now my wife (who is pixel artist) think the game is too easy. Difficulty is a big theme for us. We already add details like when you get a level you get full life too.

okay, in my run was strange I was killed so easily by a rat

Wall trap shoot every 4 or 5 turns. Maybe I have to set more turns or a random value but greater than 5. Some traps are very annoying, but the goal is to think before move. Floor traps (pikes) are not too deadly :) . Now we have added lave or acid hole. If you fall into it you directly die. I don't know if it's a good idea.

I don't like a trap that kill me instantly, seems not so fair IMHO. I prefer also one-shot traps... and of course use traps as defensive weapons against monsters!

I have to add some basic option like fullscreen, sound and music volume. I was thinking that I don't need it in the alpha, but that 's wrong. Clearly a goal for the next version (certainly sunday 21 august)


I hope I have not forgotten anything.

Thanks! I like also graphics, kudso to your wife! If you have a good pixel artist on your side, invest more in building some sort of "lore" and "quest-like" systems, because can add a lot of fun and content on your game!
Title: Re: Souls Rescue
Post by: oldteen on August 16, 2016, 12:31:51 PM
okay, in my run was strange I was killed so easily by a rat

You are true, but you have tested the version 0.4 and since yesterday you can try 0.5. I think rats won't kill you again :) I hope so :)
Title: Re: Souls Rescue
Post by: oldteen on August 20, 2016, 08:59:13 PM
Souls Rescue Alpha 6 is out!

New spell scrolls:
patch 6.1:
itch.io (https://blackbones.itch.io/soulsrescue)
gamejolt.com (http://gamejolt.com/games/souls-rescue-roguelike/174252)