Temple of The Roguelike Forums
Game Discussion => Traditional Roguelikes (Turn-based) => Topic started by: owen on March 30, 2016, 08:44:07 AM
Are there some good roguelikes, preferably with a sci-fi theme, in which you shoot at your enemies rather than clubbing them to death? I've seen X@COM, but I was looking for something where you just control one character, not an entire squad.
Excuse my self promotion but thats exactly what my 7drl entry is https://lyeeedar.itch.io/quaestum-facere (https://lyeeedar.itch.io/quaestum-facere)
DoomRL (http://doom.chaosforge.org/) seems like the obvious answer.
There's Cogmind (http://www.gridsagegames.com/cogmind/) by the same guy who made X@COM.
Thanks for the suggestions.
Infra Arcana and Slimy Lich Mummy are two very good roguelikes with a big focus on ranged combat as well. My favorites.
Xenomarine seems to fit the bill, definitely sci-fi focused. I've only played it for a couple of hours so far but there seems to be a good variety of ranged weapons and the ability to specialise in them.
(hope it's not incorrect to bump a thread from 2016...it's still on the first page of the forum. Am I looking at the right forum for traditional roguelikes?)
Yup, Xenomarine would fit, as would Jupiter Hell, basically a successor to DoomRL which was mentioned earlier in the thread, but only came out just last year.
(hope it's not incorrect to bump a thread from 2016...it's still on the first page of the forum. Am I looking at the right forum for traditional roguelikes?)
Yup, it's ok to necromance threads, we need to revive discussion :)
Do spells count as ranged combat? Because in my latest 7DRL, Found Magic (https://ekolis.itch.io/found-magic), melee attack is a last resort and the bulk of combat is done using spells.
I have the same question, will someone answer us?
I have the same question, will someone answer us?
Jupiter Hell. It's almost exclusively ranged combat.
Are there some good roguelikes, preferably with a sci-fi theme, in which you shoot at your enemies rather than clubbing them to death? I've seen X@COM, but I was looking for something where you just control one character, not an entire squad.
No Sci-fi themes, but in Dungeon Crawl Stone Soup it is viable to play characters speciallized in ranged combat. Just play a Halfling with a sling and there you go.
I know, probablky not what you were looking for.
Necromancing a bit to start off :P
Sci-Fi Theme and ranged Combat?
Here you go: