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Game Discussion => Classic Roguelikes => Topic started by: Anvilfolk on June 21, 2007, 04:16:26 PM

Title: ADOM - tips & strategies
Post by: Anvilfolk on June 21, 2007, 04:16:26 PM
Hey, so even though I'm Crawling a fair bit recently, I thought I'd post a couple of tips that have helped me finish up the quests in Terinyo, at least - with fighter blokes.

A very important thing: whatever class you pick, if you haven't got the healing skill, then choose the Mayor's quest in favour of the Druid's. Go into the Dungeon, and when you find the crazy lumberjack (or whatever he is) down in the last level, instead of killing him, set yourself on Coward tactics and make him follow you all the way to the Healer, about halfway or two-thirds down the dungeon. Let them get next to each other, and the healer'll heal him, and teach you the Healing skill if you ask him to.

The Druid quest is pretty hard because he's immunce to most magic, so I usually just go on that quest if I've got healing AND I'm a fighter.

For the doggie quest, skip the past few levels as fast as you can, especially the cave. It's got a very big monster spawn-rate. Don't forget the doggie will die if you take more than 3 days! You can come back later for more experience.

And finally (and most important, for me), here's the melee combo that's worked best for me: spear + shield.

The polearm skill, if you manage to train it enough, grants you a great DV bonus. Up to 22, if I'm not mistaken. You'll start getting DV at the first or second level of the skill. At the 5th or 6th, that rate increases, I think. If I remember correctly, the only weapon skill that gives you more DV is Staves (quarterstaff), but those are two-handed, and you can't get a shield then.

The shield skill works exactly the same way (increasing lots of DV every skill-level). Plus, if you're a regular fighter, your base class DV should be also getting higher every level. If you manage to survive, you'll easilly get around 40-50 DV after finishing up the quests.

Another good thing is that spears are not that hard to find, and because they're used in traps, you can get some for backup in case of rust or corrosion. Crude spears are orc spears, and they usually have a couple of bonuses, so don't be afraid to switch just because they're "crude".

And finally, if you find an altar with your alignment, you can simply drop stuff on it and it'll let you know whether it's cursed or not. This is extremely useful - so you know which rings you can try out safely, and experiment with weapons/armour to see which has the greatest bonus!

This is what has worked out for me a few times. I currently have severe problems with slugs, which corrode me into nothingness, and the dungeon on the northwest, where the enemies are much, much more experienced. I always die in the first few levels, mostly out of carelessness, I guess. There aren't many healing potions, so it's hard.

Someone else's turn now ;)
Title: Re: ADOM - tips & strategies
Post by: Slash on June 21, 2007, 04:39:33 PM
The Dungeon of the Northwest???? You mean that hellish place in which monsters get exponentially thougher everytime???

I think you are not supposed to hang around there if you are level 5 or higher :) it is a special dungeon designed as a challenge
Title: Re: ADOM - tips & strategies
Post by: Anvilfolk on June 21, 2007, 05:30:24 PM
Oooooooooh. That might explain it. ;D

See, now there's a good tip! Heheheh! So, after Terinyo, where to next?
Title: Re: ADOM - tips & strategies
Post by: Slash on June 21, 2007, 07:15:33 PM
A short trip to the infinity dungeon (south of the druid/carpenter dungeons)? Dive 10 levels or so... then back to the surface, go west, pray not to be caught in the swamp...

From there straight to the source of chaos itself (to the north, past the river, around the middle of the map IIRC)... for some training...probably down to the arena to get da sword....

Then you can choose... the pyramid or the tower of eternal flames. You will die either way :)

That's what I remember, long time no play.. I won't play any roguelike until I get the Amulet of Yendor :D
Title: Re: ADOM - tips & strategies
Post by: corremn on June 21, 2007, 11:46:25 PM

From there straight to the source of chaos itself (to the north, past the river, around the middle of the map IIRC)... for some training...probably down to the arena to get da sword....

IIRC the arena is a quest from the dwarfen leader, so you should not win until you get the quest, or other wise you will get another random monster kill, that will take forever to find ;)

That's what I remember, long time no play.. I won't play any roguelike until I get the Amulet of Yendor :D

Go Slash!
Title: Re: ADOM - tips & strategies
Post by: AgingMinotaur on June 24, 2007, 11:17:47 PM
Last part of post contains minor spoiler about altars (about the same spoiliness as leading the mad carpenter to the healer). Rest is just stray thoughts.

If I play a healing class, I´ll usually do the doggie quest and then head west to the caverns of chaos (a truly forboding place), where the real action is at. For non-healers, I go to help the insane lumberjack. I´ll usually try to descend as quickly as possible, to get the healing skill at a low level (and with some luck even have time to go raider hunting afterwards). If I feel adventurous, I´ll skip all the quests in Terinyo and enter the dangerous cave north west of the village while I´m still level 1, hoping to find the stairs down before I get slaughtered. Usually, though, I´ll wait with that particular dungeon until I have some means of invisibility. Magic mapping and teleportation doesn´t hurt, either. Same with the evil druid quest; since he is a pretty tough opponent, I´ll usually wait until I´m pretty powerful. I´ve never found the pyramid particularily hard (but I almost always play magic users, and mummies don´t like fire). The tower of eternal flames, on the other hand... has left me dead every time so far.

I like playing magic users, since they get it easier from the middle game onwards. Elven archers are also nice in that regard. Elves are good with magic, and archers have the concentration skill, which means they can become reasonable magic wielders later on. Lately I´ve played some gnomish weapon smiths, hoping for a similar result (with not so much luck, but I had some interesting characters, and some who developed a small repertoire of spells (Strength of Atlas is nice with weapon smiths)). I also like to play hurthling barbarians, but that´s just silly, I guess. My current character, with which I´ve had the luck to get pretty high up in the levels, is a hurthling wizard. It´s working out pretty well, but I´m preparing for the tower of eternal flames now, so I´m sure he´ll soon be french fried potatoes.

Altars are very handy -- if I find an altar not of my alignment, I seriously consider switching world view. Making repeated small donations (10 gp or so) slowly changes your alignment towards that of the god.

Kind regards from the aging minotaur
Title: Re: ADOM - tips & strategies
Post by: kazookazoo on June 25, 2007, 01:10:08 PM
I always play Grey Elf Wizard (normal finished once, cleared all temples except mana a few times), and here's my starting recipe:

A.  Talents:  Potent Aura, Strong Aura, Mighty Aura, Charged, then whatever else suits, usually Miser, Porter, depending on situation.
B.  Skills to raise, in this order:  Concentration, Herbalism, First Aid, then whatever.
1.  Obviously go to Terinyo, equip, learn spells, and buy as much food as you can carry (up to strained, not strained! for max strength training)
2.  Get the Druid's quest.  Make sure you don't talk to the town elder first -_-, and get the other two obvious quests.
3.  Fire your offensive spell a couple of times and regenerate your mana as you walk to the dungeon to the NW (yes, the evil one).  This has the effect of allowing you to raise Concentrate to 100 by level 3.  If you encounter the raiders at any point, take them on.  Wizards rock.  It's preferable to enter that dungeon at level 1, because then all the monsters initially generated are only level 2.
4.  Your goal here is to find the down stairs but then leave, although if you've explored a lot of it and get to level 4/5, leave so you don't get killed and so you can still kill the raiders.  Get the guaranteed blanket and the sometimes-eternium-2H-sword.
5.  Kill the raiders and get your cash.  Buy iron rations if possible.
6.  Decisions decisions.  If my character is kick-ass (possible but rare), I'll go to the ID and get the dog corpse. (getting the dog back alive is a huge waste of time, just don't bother).   If not, I'll go and do a bit of levelling in the Infinite Dungeon.
7.  By the time you've cleared the doggy dungeon, you'll be able to take on the Dark Druid, get your shiny prizes, then go back to that horrible, horrible dungeon from step 3 and 4.  Clear the dungeon and come out the other end.  Be sure to spend some time harvesting stomafillia.
8.  Check out the shop in the town, and sell your stuff, then leave.  There's a hidden staircase in the town if you didn't know that pops you out in the middle of the world map.
9.  If you're super-kickass, you might get away with jumping down the main dungeon (sw from here where the mountains sort of jut out), but I'll usually head back to the starting town to kill Hotzenplotz (pretty easy) and level a bit more.
10.  Take out the pyramid, then head into the main dungeon.  Enjoy...
Title: Re: ADOM - tips & strategies
Post by: Gamer_2k4 on July 02, 2007, 10:29:43 PM
Then you can choose... the pyramid or the tower of eternal flames. You will die either way :)

The pyramid is MUCH easier than the ToEF.  There are just a lot of traps.
Title: Re: ADOM - tips & strategies
Post by: mpa on August 04, 2007, 06:37:24 PM
I am also a big fan of Gray Elven Wizards but my strats are quite different. I usually use talents that maximize my chance of surviving, magical talents are for the most part useless, get Treasure Hunter (need Miser and Alert) instead and aim for Quick->Very Quick->Greased Lightning.

1. Go to Terinyo, equip, learn spell (and cast them from the book to waste PP) and get quests.

2. If you have weak spell like Magic Missile, you might also want to cast it against the wall so you get hurt a bit by the spell, regenerating health trains Healing skill.

3. Go to outlaw village south of Terinyo. Learn pick pocket from the thief. Check if the shop has anything good that will also be affordable once you get the 3000 gold from raider lord quest.

4. Go to SMC (dungeon NW of Terinyo), explore it a little bit to level up but dont stray too far away from the exit stair, this is a special dungeon where monsters are generated at twice your level it quickly gets very dangerous. Get level 4-5 and get out.

5. Kill Kranach the raider lord if the shop in Lawlitonel has something good.

6. After this the best bet is usually to scum the Infinite Dungeon a little bit to collect spellbooks and get a few level up. Otherwise you can try to kill the evil druid but it's usually too risky for wizards since he's immune to elemental spell and quite deadly both in melee and ranged combat (have at least level 10 before tackling him).

7. Go straight to main dungeon (CoC), the first 7-8 levels are pretty easy, ideal for leveling.
Title: Re: ADOM - tips & strategies
Post by: Archaalen on August 16, 2009, 08:45:11 AM
I love playing ADOM, but I don't usually get very far.  This is probably because I play as rather difficult characters (I like playing as a Troll, and only occasionally play as an elf or gnome).  My typical strategy is to go straight to the Small Cave (the one that gets harder exponentially as you level) to retrieve the one non-randomized item in there: a waterproof blanket, to protect my hard-won swag from rust or destruction by water.  Once I have the blanket, I run out of there as fast as I can, and head to Terinyo to stock up on food and get the puppy quest from the little girl, and hurry up to save it before it dies.  After that, I take one of the two other jobs in Terinyo.  I get bored with grinding through the Infinite Dungeon, so I usually avoid it and end up dying because my character is too low-level. 
Title: Re: ADOM - tips & strategies
Post by: Rabiat on August 17, 2009, 08:38:37 AM
I used to play lots of trolls; they're the easiest race to play in the early game. Their high food consumption and low intelligence/experience gain is a problem, but not before the middle game. The Small Cave isn't too hard if you avoid unnecessary killing, but this doesn't get you any experience. The Puppy Cave can be dangerous to any low level character, even a troll. If you don't like Infinite Dungeon grinding, try taking the Yrrigs quest first. The Village Dungeon is a safe place to level up and get Healing, before going to the Small Cave or the Puppy Cave. An advantage to grinding the Infinite Dungeon though, is that there's a probable source of Literacy. The upper levels of the Caverns of Chaos are also good for initial levelling, but I've lost more than a few low level characters to wilderness encounters on the way there.

The lesson I've learned from playing trolls is not to play trolls, if you want to get anywhere near the late game. They're great for getting the hang of survival, and for the occasional reckless beastfighter hooliganism. ;)

Title: Re: ADOM - tips & strategies
Post by: Archaalen on August 17, 2009, 09:43:15 PM
What's the "probable source of Literacy"?  Are there a lot of Dark Sages to eat in there?  However, it is fun to play as a Troll Bard, since you'll usually be literate already and you get a bear to do your killing for you in the Small Cave (since their xp doesn't cause the monster's level to rise).
Title: Re: ADOM - tips & strategies
Post by: Rabiat on August 18, 2009, 07:58:26 AM
What's the "probable source of Literacy"?  Are there a lot of Dark Sages to eat in there?
Yep. They occasionally pop up between ID:10 - 15. They're not very common though. I used to train Food Preservation early to increase the odds of a Dark Sage leaving a corpse.

However, it is fun to play as a Troll Bard, since you'll usually be literate already and you get a bear to do your killing for you in the Small Cave (since their xp doesn't cause the monster's level to rise).
I never played a bard of any race, but this is a silly enough reason to give it a try. :)
Title: Re: ADOM - tips & strategies
Post by: Archaalen on August 18, 2009, 10:55:05 PM
Bards are entertaining because you get a free animal companion, the ability to get more using the Music skill, a high Learning score which is good for anyone but especially for the dumber races (orcs and trolls), and a large number of randomized skills which makes every bard different (Only Music is guaranteed for Bards).  Even a Troll will usually start literate as a Bard, and if you get Concentration as a skill you set yourself up well for being a magic user later.
Title: Re: ADOM - tips & strategies
Post by: Vanguard on September 13, 2009, 11:38:41 PM
I haven't played ADOM very much.  The early game is such a meatgrinder, and there are so many spoilers you need to know to have a chance.

Anyway, when I did try to play it, I thought mindcrafters sounded like the coolest class, so I spent most of the time trying those.

My one piece of advice is this: Do not play as a mindcrafter.

Edit: While I'm here, I may as well ask for some advice.

Supposing I try to get into the game again (as a non-gimped class this time) in the future, what would you recommend I play?  I prefer having a wide variety of abilities over just sheer power (so I usually like to play wizards instead of fighters), but I don't like to grind or farm, which, from what I can understand of ADOM's magic system, you need to keep getting new spell books as you cast spells, or you'll forget the ones you know, and it sounds pretty lame to have to farm those.

I also pick human as my race in every game where they're even remotely viable.  Is playing as a human a bad idea in ADOM, or are they as good as anyone else?

So does anyone have something that might fit those guidelines to recommend for me?  I don't need something totally newbie friendly, just something interesting and versatile without being worthless like mindcrafters.
Title: Re: ADOM - tips & strategies
Post by: Archaalen on September 14, 2009, 04:42:45 AM
Humans are, as with most games like this, completely average in all respects.  They can be good at any class of character, but they will not be as good as another race which suits the class better.  Stats make a character what it is, and if you want a character who works well, it is a good idea to pick a race whose good stats are the ones that are important for the class (ie, Learning and Mana for Wizards.  Do you want specific class/race suggestions?
Title: Re: ADOM - tips & strategies
Post by: Vanguard on September 14, 2009, 08:50:03 PM
They can be good at any class of character, but they will not be as good as another race which suits the class better.

So in other words, human is never the worst choice for any class, but is also never actually a good choice either.  I don't like how so many games do that, because if you want to play seriously it means that they're useless.

Stats make a character what it is, and if you want a character who works well, it is a good idea to pick a race whose good stats are the ones that are important for the class (ie, Learning and Mana for Wizards.  Do you want specific class/race suggestions?

Okay, well I want something that's not just bumping into things for the whole game (like warriors 90% of the time) or that depends almost entirely on the RNG like stealth classes usually do (e.g. roll a 7 and you're spotted, roll a 15 and you get a free instant death backstab), so most of the time I end up playing magic using characters.

If fighters are more interesting and have more depth to them in this game then I'm totally willing to give them a shot.  I don't want to play an archer because, even though I know from experience that they're good, collecting arrows all the time is too much of a pain for me to want to deal with.

So basically what I want is a either a good mage or fighter (if they have more depth to them) class that has good long term potential, and is just fun to play.
Title: Re: ADOM - tips & strategies
Post by: AgingMinotaur on September 15, 2009, 12:59:31 AM
Grey elf wizard is the optimal choice for magic users, I think. Other combos I can think of, that I like: orcish priest, dwarven druid/wizard/priest (tougher than elves), hurthling/human/gnomish druid, drakeling druid/wizard, gnomish wizard/elementalist, trollish wizard (weirdly fun). I'm no big fan of elementalists or necromancers, but I like druids. Animals don't attack them, they tend to get good spells, and they're not as frail as wizards. Other interesting choices include elvish/drakish bards, and weaponsmiths (who have the needed skill (Concentration) to become good casters). As far as I gather, smithing is all about grinding, though, so it's up to you ...

Any magic user needs to get Concentration to 100% as soon as possible. Literacy is also very important. Important stats are Learning (how good do you memorize), Mana (amount/regeneration of mana) and Willpower (strength of magic). Choose the "Potent aura" talent as soon as possible.

As always,
Title: Re: ADOM - tips & strategies
Post by: Archaalen on September 15, 2009, 04:11:00 AM
The problem with the elves in general, especially when played as spellcasters, is that they are very fragile and easily killed since their hp is so very low.  Humans will actually work better in many circumstances, since they are a bit tougher and have a better chance of actually surviving long enough to gain a few levels and progress in the game.  Thieves and Assassins, while making good use of stealth, are not dependent upon them to survive.  Assassins start off quite skilled at fighting with and throwing knives, and can be quite deadly when using a dagger in each hand (they also begin with skill in two-weapon fighting) and a few daggers in the ammo slot as well (You will start with a good number of them).  I play humans as Assassins and Wizards, though they would probably make feasible Archers as well. 
Title: Re: ADOM - tips & strategies
Post by: corremn on September 15, 2009, 04:25:01 AM
Once a elf wizard has teleport control he does not have to worry about fighting anymore...  I have only won with grey elf wizards.
Title: Re: ADOM - tips & strategies
Post by: Vanguard on September 15, 2009, 06:11:38 AM
What are the best star signs, and what's a good strategy for starting out?  I remember going to the small cave and trying to get blankets for inventory protection, and then I'd go rescue that carpenter guy for the healing skill, and after that I'd head to the main dungeon and die.  Sometimes I'd stop by the infinite dungeon at some point along the way.  Is this a good way to start out, or is there something else I should do during/before these things?
Title: Re: ADOM - tips & strategies
Post by: corremn on September 16, 2009, 12:01:03 AM
Hmm, check the previous threads for answers on page 1.  I was going to answer but it seems someone has done the job for us 2 years ago.  ;)

Also I always choose a character that starts with healing so I do the other terinyo quest.
Title: Re: ADOM - tips & strategies
Post by: Vanguard on September 16, 2009, 04:37:59 AM
Which version should I download?  The newest windows version is "winbeta4," are there any crashing issues, or anything like that that mean it would be better to use the DOS version instead?
Title: Re: ADOM - tips & strategies
Post by: Archaalen on September 16, 2009, 04:47:07 AM
Sword, Cup, and Candle are my 3 favorites, all give useful all-around bonuses no matter what class you are.  Wand is good for Neutral spellcasters (like Gray Elves), and Salamander is good for non-neutral spellcasters (Especially Elementalists, because of their fire spells).  The only star sign I never play as is Tree, the +5 willpower does not seem so useful to me.

I just use the DOS version with DOSBox, I've never used the windows version because I think it is still a bit bugged. 
Title: Re: ADOM - tips & strategies
Post by: corremn on September 16, 2009, 10:08:19 AM
I used the latest windows version but I cant remember any major issues.
Title: Re: ADOM - tips & strategies
Post by: Z on September 18, 2009, 04:29:31 PM
IIRC the best way to play ADOM on Windows is the Linux version through ADOMSage (which also gives some additional features). But this might be hard to find nowadays.
Title: Re: ADOM - tips & strategies
Post by: Vanguard on September 18, 2009, 10:36:31 PM
IIRC the best way to play ADOM on Windows is the Linux version through ADOMSage (which also gives some additional features). But this might be hard to find nowadays.

It looks like you can download it from here:

http://kiserai.net/adom/sage/ (http://kiserai.net/adom/sage/)


Alright, so I've been playing wizards for a while, and now I'd like to try something different.  What's a fun/interesting fighter class.  I'm thinking monk maybe?
Title: Re: ADOM - tips & strategies
Post by: Vanguard on September 23, 2009, 03:35:57 AM
After playing ADOM for a while, I have to say that although I think the core gameplay is good and interesting, with lots of variety, and plenty of discoveries to make, it's deeply bogged down by a bunch of completely arbitrary, unfair, and annoying design decisions, like how a character who goes around killing cats can (with no way of knowing or suspecting this without spoilers) wind up fighting an unwinnable boss battle near the end of the game.

I like how there's an overworld map with multiple, unique dungeons and tons of interesting enemies, multiple solutions to quests, all that stuff, it's just the arbitrary and unreasonable way these things were executed that were the problem.  Things like random, fatal crits, the need to remember the first type of enemy you killed, and maybe worst of all, the bizarre set of actions you have to go through to get the best endings all just really diminish the game for me.
Title: Re: ADOM - tips & strategies
Post by: corremn on September 23, 2009, 10:27:47 AM
Winning the game with a standard win is still a great acomplishment, ignoring all that stuff about god endings, the game is quite good. It is just once you find out about the ultra endings you feel you must accomplish them, which means following the guidebook extensively. 

But I certainly get what you are talking about.

Also the whole cat thing is quite obvious because of the unique messages when you kill them.  Also you dont have to kill the cat lord at all. 
Title: Re: ADOM - tips & strategies
Post by: Vanguard on September 23, 2009, 09:33:42 PM
Winning the game with a standard win is still a great acomplishment, ignoring all that stuff about god endings, the game is quite good. It is just once you find out about the ultra endings you feel you must accomplish them, which means following the guidebook extensively.

But I certainly get what you are talking about.

Yeah, when I first heard about them I wanted to try it, but now that I have an actual idea of what random contradictory nonsense you have to do (murdering innocent farmers to become the ultimate champion of good?  Really?) and the difficulty/grinding/luck involved in the process (good luck finding that amulet of life saving you need, especially at that point in the game) I've just about lost all interest in it.  I'll just go for a regular win and be happy with that.

Also the whole cat thing is quite obvious because of the unique messages when you kill them.  Also you dont have to kill the cat lord at all. 

Fine, but an unspoiled character can still get annihilated if they kill hundreds of cats throughout their adventure, and then head down the stairs to find themselves next to a superpowered Cat Lord.
Title: Re: ADOM - tips & strategies
Post by: AgingMinotaur on September 23, 2009, 10:35:24 PM
I utterly agree with you Curseman. Having said that, ADOM is still one of my favourite RLs, and I think it's ironic that some of the game's strong points are also its weaknesses. Like the cat stuff -- I think it's a fun idea, and it gives a sense of an actual setting, as well as possible references to great writers like Poe and Lovecraft[1]. BUT it means that most unspoiled players will lose their first really good character to a pointless death, and probably abort a couple of promising characters, that get trapped between two cats or something like that. I can think of a few midgame encounters that are nearly guaranteed deadly unless you perform ritual X. You'll soon get into the habit of spoiling yourself or save scumming. The latter alternative may even result in the most enjoyable game.

I also like/dislike how herbs are done. If I find a level with good herbs, I think on the one hand: "Yay! Limitless food and healing, and I'll soon be crowned as the champion of my god", but on the other hand, it means I'll have to hang around to grind for herbs as long as my patience permits me.

And as you mention, trekking around the wilderness for a tolerable first kill, that you write down in an external editor ... not my idea of a good time.

I could go on and on. Come to think of it, there are so many things I dislike about ADOM, God knows why I even bother playing it. It has some ideas with real flair, executed in a really grindy way.

As always,

[1] Well, Lovecraft is maybe not that "great", in the classical sense, but still bloody fun and quite visionary. Anyway, I digress ;)
Title: Re: ADOM - tips & strategies
Post by: getter77 on September 23, 2009, 11:56:46 PM
One thing I've wondered for awhile now, and maybe not quite possible, but still:

What're the odds on some crack team manifesting to pretty well accurately "clone" ADOM via modding Elona?
Title: Re: ADOM - tips & strategies
Post by: Vanguard on September 24, 2009, 06:46:14 AM
I also like/dislike how herbs are done. If I find a level with good herbs, I think on the one hand: "Yay! Limitless food and healing, and I'll soon be crowned as the champion of my god"

Are herbs a good source of favor when you sacrifice them or something?

Also: mine are always cursed.  I assume this is normal, but should I be expending potions of holy water to improve them, or should I go ahead and use/sacrifice them in their cursed conditions?
Title: Re: ADOM - tips & strategies
Post by: corremn on September 24, 2009, 10:49:36 AM
Also: mine are always cursed.  I assume this is normal, but should I be expending potions of holy water to improve them, or should I go ahead and use/sacrifice them in their cursed conditions?

You need the Herbalism skill otherwise all herbs will be cursed, higher the better for getting blessed herbs. I never play a character without it.  Generally I choose the druid quest to get it.   This skill *may* also lessen your change of herbs withering and dying but I cant remember.
Title: Re: ADOM - tips & strategies
Post by: AgingMinotaur on September 24, 2009, 11:27:06 AM
Are herbs a good source of favor when you sacrifice them or something?

Gods love (preferrably blessed) stomafillia herbs. And as corrmemn pointed out, you want herbalism to farm herbs in the best way. In addition to giving you a better cursed/uncursed-ratio, you can apply the skill whilst standing on a patch of herbs to identify it. This will let you know before the bush withers and dies, making herb farming much more efficient.

It's definitely better to use uncursed/blessed herbs than cursed ones. Some herbs have adverse effects when cursed, and others have a much weaker effect.

As always,
Title: Re: ADOM - tips & strategies
Post by: Vanguard on September 24, 2009, 08:50:59 PM
I'm a level 14 monk with no spells, though I found a book store and could learn a few if I needed to.  Do you think I'm ready to go after the evil druid to get the herbalism skill, or if not, at what point do you think I would be ready to do that?


Nevermind, I just kicked his butt.
Title: Re: ADOM - tips & strategies
Post by: corremn on September 25, 2009, 12:44:48 AM
I'm a level 14 monk with no spells, though I found a book store and could learn a few if I needed to.  Do you think I'm ready to go after the evil druid to get the herbalism skill, or if not, at what point do you think I would be ready to do that?


Nevermind, I just kicked his butt.

Probably too late, but grab his corpse and give it back to the druid.  Get some spells too. 

Title: Re: ADOM - tips & strategies
Post by: Vanguard on September 25, 2009, 08:29:07 AM
Probably too late, but grab his corpse and give it back to the druid.  Get some spells too. 

I did do all of that, but I eventually died in an unfortunate incident of carelessness involving a barbarian emperor.  Oh well.

I wish ammunition weren't so annoying.  Archers are clearly ridiculously powerful, but collecting ammo all the time is such a pain that is isn't worth it to me.  Half of the reason I took up playing monks were because they're convenient - they need half the food, their super speed and ability to kick walls down let them get around efficiently, and if it ever actually generates spellbooks for them (it never does) they can cast competently as well.

I think I like the candle star sign the best.  The raven seems pretty awesome, but apparently a high speed rating lowers the amount of experience you get or something?  That's not cool.

Also, I've heard that the good learner talent is bugged and awards exorbitant amounts of experience.  I haven't been using it, but I'm wondering if I should.  What do you think, is it more honorable to avoid taking, because it's supposedly a bug, or is it okay to take it, because it's there in the game, or that the game comes as close as it can to cheating against the player without actually doing so, and a solid portion of your chance at success comes from exploiting game mechanics as much as possible?


Berserker Emperors do not mess around.  My two best characters were both one-rounded by them.
Title: Re: ADOM - tips & strategies
Post by: Omnivorous on September 29, 2009, 01:02:52 PM
This topic has been debated countless times and over and over on the adom.de forums, so lets not start here. Lets just put it plainly: Most ADOM players are divided in two groups when it comes to which skills to choose. One always play with "Treasure Hunter" the other group -never- do.

Play with TH: Convenience. Less scumming. Less "basic-supply" hunting.
Play without TH: A "perfect" character, as for skills and strenghts.

If you want Treasure Hunter, you -NEED- to choose Alert as your first skill. Then Miser. (I think, the one that give you increased gold-drops.) Also, if you are going this path, it's worth getting miser before killing the bandit-boss in the town south-west if you plan to spend some money early on in game.

And yes, that skill is bugged. As in, it's useless/make your game crash.

I personally always get TH. Convenience. Lots of ammo, lots of scrolls of identify, lots of holy water. I'm sure I suffer abit for it in tough fights, but.. *Shrug* I wouldn't be playing it as much as I do if I had to scum and grind for basic supplies.
Title: Re: ADOM - tips & strategies
Post by: Z on September 29, 2009, 03:31:18 PM
Herbalism is very good, if you have it at 100, most of your herbs will be blessed, and you will have lots of them. If you have no herbalism, you will have much less, and they will be cursed. That's why I never played without Herbalism (or at least a plan to get it from the druid), and I never considered herb farming boring :)

But if they are cursed, you can uncurse all of them easily with a (blessed) scroll of uncursing. If they are uncursed, you can bless a stack of them (i.e., all herbs of one kind) using a trick with two scrolls of repair, unholy water, and holy water.
Title: Re: ADOM - tips & strategies
Post by: Vanguard on September 29, 2009, 08:25:13 PM
The good learner talent is broken, and by far the best talent in the game.  It goes a long way towards dealing with the weirdness that comes from monsters getting stronger as you kill them.  Now, I understand this as an anti-grind measure.  I'm as anti-grind as they come, but in a game where, through no fault of your own, you sometimes find yourself faced with multiple summoners creating hundreds of the same type of creature, so you end up with superpowered enemies that offer virtually no exp, it's just not a good system.

One easy way to justify taking it if you feel it isn't "honorable" is that you can't take the "good book learner" talent, which caster and hybrid caster characters may want, without it.
Title: Re: ADOM - tips & strategies
Post by: Omnivorous on October 08, 2009, 04:18:39 AM
Ah I was mistaking it with "Skilled". That skill is just broken. Are you sure the 'Good learner' skill is broken? I don't think 2% xp sounds very much. Besides, in some points (and I -never- grind/scum either) of the game it's almoast a problem that you level up too quickly. (Not after pyramid though I guess)
Title: Re: ADOM - tips & strategies
Post by: Vanguard on October 08, 2009, 08:55:01 PM
I don't think 2% xp sounds very much.

2% isn't very much, but the description is wrong.  It actually give ~40% more experience.

I saw that online somewhere, and I've confirmed it with my own testing.  Try it out - make a character, kill a monster, and record how much experience you get.  Then make as close to an identical character as possible, but this time, take the good learner trait, and kill the same type of monster.  The difference will be a lot more than 2%.
Title: Re: ADOM - tips & strategies
Post by: Munxnip on October 18, 2009, 04:38:48 PM
I have an important question about the control layout of Ancient Domains of Mystery...

How, exactly, does one type a "/Co"? Those types of commands have evaded my understanding so far, and I would really like to try playing a Mindcrafter sometime.

Also, more generally, I made the mistake of playing a Rogue-like on a laptop computer with no numberpad. Is there some way I can change the controls so I can walk diagonally?
Title: Re: ADOM - tips & strategies
Post by: Omnivorous on October 18, 2009, 06:25:10 PM
I think "/C" just means hold down Ctrl.
Title: Re: ADOM - tips & strategies
Post by: Vanguard on October 18, 2009, 08:06:11 PM
Yeah, /C means hold control, and ctrl + i is use mindcraft powers.  I have to advise against the class unless you want a challenge though.  In my experience, a wizard is better in every way, with the one exception being slower weapon skill growths.
Title: Re: ADOM - tips & strategies
Post by: Omnivorous on October 18, 2009, 09:15:46 PM
Oh and playing roguelikes on laptops are cumbersome. ADoM however is one of the few roguelikes where I managed to use the numpad by turning on and off Fn-lock.

If not you can always do something I've considered doing, to buy a separate numpad that attaches through USB-port.

There's also the old HJKL-controls (or whatever letters they are) but I can't imagine this being very convenient.
Title: Re: ADOM - tips & strategies
Post by: AgingMinotaur on October 18, 2009, 11:15:53 PM
Re: diagonal movement. You can also move with the regular number keys (and thus diagonally with 1, 3, 7 and 9). Slightly cumbersome, but it works. And as humans, we can get used to anything, right?

As always,
Title: Re: ADOM - tips & strategies
Post by: Fenrir on October 18, 2009, 11:47:38 PM
And as humans, we can get used to anything, right?
But -- but, Minotauros, I thought you were a buffalo man. You lied to us?
Title: Re: ADOM - tips & strategies
Post by: Munxnip on October 19, 2009, 01:36:16 AM
Minotaur's got it half-right; for some reason, the regular number keys are upside-down. As in, 1 walks south-west
Title: Re: ADOM - tips & strategies
Post by: Munxnip on October 19, 2009, 01:42:48 AM
Sorry, I had Caps-lock on.

Also, why can't I quit during character creation? And why is it that when I Crtl-Alt-Delete out, the game permanently breaks?
Title: Re: ADOM - tips & strategies
Post by: AgingMinotaur on October 22, 2009, 12:21:40 PM
And as humans, we can get used to anything, right?
But -- but, Minotauros, I thought you were a buffalo man. You lied to us?
Well, being half-human, I can at least half get used to anything :P

As always,