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Game Discussion => 7DRLs => Topic started by: thesleeve on March 04, 2016, 07:30:30 PM

Title: Helix [7DRL 2016 - Success]
Post by: thesleeve on March 04, 2016, 07:30:30 PM

Well, I finished. I'd call this a partial success. The game is playable but not as polished as I'd like. If you somehow manage to beat the last level, level, the game might crash. But, at that point, the game is over anyway! Hopefully there aren't any other glaring bugs.

Here's a quick tutorial video: https://youtu.be/TwJN8a8Kymg

Here's the download link: https://thesleeve.itch.io/helix

What follows below is my original post:


Last year, I made Rogue Space Marine (https://thesleeve.itch.io/rogue-space-marine) for the 2015 7DRL Challenge.

For this year's challenge, I'm planning on doing another game, tentatively called Helix. The general idea is that the player has a limited number of moves which are "jumps" that form a particular shape. To get an idea of what I'm talking about, think about the knight in a game of chess. The knight can move two squares forward and one to the side, for example. Similarly, Helix will feature a collection of randomly-generated multi-jump moves and attacks that can be rotated 90, 180, or 270 degrees.

A few other notes:
Title: Re: Helix [7DRL 2016]
Post by: thesleeve on March 07, 2016, 04:48:04 AM
I started working a few hours ago. I had a lot of trouble trying to figure out how to approach this game. Here are the approaches I considered:

After a long, painful period of indecisiveness, I decided that I'll just make something from scratch in Unity. As such, I doubt this year's entry will have anywhere near the level of polish that the game I made last year did. In any case, the goal for me is to have fun and learn something. So, I'm going to try to get proficient at Unity, regardless of if the game turns out well or not.

After just a few hours, here's what I have so far:

Quick video showing how the attack square (red) rotates based on the facing direction of the character:
Title: Re: Helix [7DRL 2016]
Post by: thesleeve on March 08, 2016, 05:16:14 AM
Note - I started working late Sunday night, so that was kind of Day 0. Today is the real Day 1.

Day 1: Worked at the office from 8:00 to 18:00, went jogging, finally sat down to code from 21:00 until 00:10.
I have no real progress to show today. I ripped out all of my code from yesterday and basically started from scratch... AGAIN.
I now have a game controller singleton with a state machine. It tracks the player's turns and enemy turns, as well as other active objects in the scene like projectiles or traps.
I also have pseudo code for most of the basic behavior of the game, and now it's just a matter of translating that into C#, a new language for me, and getting it to run in Unity.

Since I'm focusing primarily on learning a new language and engine this year, I doubt my game will be all that great, but I'm having fun and learning a lot, so, mission accomplished (so far).
Still planning on pulling an LD48-style weekend from Friday evening until Sunday late night, so maybe I'll pull off something great in the 11th hour. We shall see.
Title: Re: Helix [7DRL 2016]
Post by: Gornova on March 08, 2016, 07:31:50 AM
hi! I'm looking for your game, nice concept, keep going!
Title: Re: Helix [7DRL 2016]
Post by: thesleeve on March 09, 2016, 05:02:59 AM
Thanks, Gornova.

Day 2:
I was able to spend another 3 hours coding tonight. I made some small progress:

So, the turn system I want is now in place and running.  No, it's not a lot of progress, but it's something.

I got hung up when trying to implement generic lists to track the types of moves the player can execute. C# is a language I haven't used very much, so part of the problem is trying to wrap my head around new ways of creating data structures. I'm going to open my C# reference tonight before I go to bed and see if I can find some insight there.
Title: Re: Helix [7DRL 2016]
Post by: thesleeve on March 10, 2016, 04:48:25 AM
Day 3:
Again, very little progress to actually show. Most of the progress came from improvements "under the hood" in the framework. Players and enemies are now aware of each other and will move in a somewhat intelligent fashion, being blocked by walls and other actors.

Here's a quick video showing very simple movement going on.
Title: Re: Helix [7DRL 2016]
Post by: Gornova on March 10, 2016, 09:37:49 AM
I have a suggestion: let player be aware of enemies movements in some way. Like player can move using a "knight move" in many ways, same can do enemies, so you can show to player when next move will be ?
Title: Re: Helix [7DRL 2016]
Post by: thesleeve on March 11, 2016, 02:44:56 PM
Day 4:
OK, now a few more things are taking form. Collision detection is working, and players can generate projectiles (fireballs for now) that can collide with enemies and cause damage. The bare bones of an actual game are starting to come into focus.

Quick demo here: https://twitter.com/TheSleevePSU/status/708152640421634048

My deadline for finishing is basically late night on Sunday, so I have the whole weekend to work on this project. It's a little disheartening that I am still working on very basic concepts like movement and attacks, but hopefully I can pick up the pace and get a real game in place this weekend.

Thanks for the suggestion Gornova. I'll think about it. Right now, I'm trying to get the basic systems in place, but I'll consider that as the game gets more fleshed out.
Title: Re: Helix [7DRL 2016]
Post by: thesleeve on March 13, 2016, 05:43:44 AM
Day 5+6: OK, here's what I have working now:

I still don't have level generation, which is the last big thing remaining. That, and difficulty progression.

Due to the fact that I had to spend so much time coding the basic game systems, it left me very little time to actually create a game. I'm OK with that. My real goal, as I've stated before, was to learn C# and Unity.

In any case, since I have very little time left, I'm going to make this a single-screen, arena style game where the goal is to defeat all enemies. After defeating the enemies, the screen clears and a new level is generated with more difficult enemies. This is what I will work to implement tomorrow up until the deadline. More enemies, some basic level generation, and some sense of difficulty progression.

Here's a screenshot showing the current state of the game:
Title: Re: Helix [7DRL 2016 - Success]
Post by: thesleeve on March 13, 2016, 11:58:10 PM
OK, I finished up a few hours before the deadline. Man, I'm tired. The game is OK, a bit buggy, but OK. I achieved the following personal goals:

So, if you consider those goals, then it was a great success!

Some regrets:

Well, I guess that's what you sign up for with one of these challenges. It was a good experience anyway.
Title: Re: Helix [7DRL 2016 - Success]
Post by: thesleeve on March 15, 2016, 03:36:19 AM
I just recorded a quick tutorial video showing how the game is played. Also added it to the top post. Check it out!

Title: Re: Helix [7DRL 2016 - Success]
Post by: kipar on March 17, 2016, 12:59:30 PM
Nice game, i liked a nonstop action with barrel explosions and teleporting into crowd of enemies. Not much tactical, but funny. But sadly it always crashes after first level (on a first turn on a second level) - are the more difficulty or something interesting on next levels or they are all the same?
Title: Re: Helix [7DRL 2016 - Success]
Post by: thesleeve on March 21, 2016, 06:18:41 PM
Thanks kipar,

Unfortunately, I haven't had much luck tracking down the bug that causes it to crash when loading a new level. It crashes sometimes, and not other times. This is my first time using Unity, so I'm sure I'm missing some small thing that is causing this bug.

The later levels step up the difficulty quite a bit, but the basic concept of the game doesn't change. The level generation stays the same, and there are no new abilities or power-ups for the player. It just gets harder. I didn't have time to make an interesting progression as the player completes each level, sorry.

Maybe I will work on a post-7DRL update that addresses some of these problems.