Temple of The Roguelike Forums
Websites => Off-topic (Locked) => Topic started by: akeley on December 24, 2015, 02:14:39 PM
Yes, the Grandmaster is back. Next to Sid Meier, my all-time game design hero.
His Laser Squad on ZX Spectrum got me infected with turn-based bug, UFO: Enemy Unknown was a complete, forever replayable universe. Two decades later, it still has not been bettered.
Chaos Reborn is a remake of his earlier classic Chaos: The Battle Of Wizards (cover art byline: "Magic & Death On The Plane Of Limbo"...wow :) where sorcerers duke it out in turn-based (surprise) fashion...Single player, co-op, tournaments etc. It`s 50% off full price as an introductory offer now on GOG, worth getting even just to pay respects to the man himself, in a "Honk If You Turn Based!" fashion.
http://www.gog.com/game/chaos_reborn (http://www.gog.com/game/chaos_reborn)
I liked Laser Squad too.
The problem for me was when you needed to control 20 guys, just too many.
I like how these old farts return to get more money from their old brands. It's like fucking disgrace to human race.
The problem for me was when you needed to control 20 guys, just too many.
20? Not in Laser Squad...I think 10 men was the maximum there and only in one mission. UFO had big squads...but that was part of the fun ;)
Surprisingly! It’s like you understand my mind! You seem to know a lot about this, like you wrote the book in it or something. I think that you could do with some images to drive the message home a bit, but other than that, this is wonderful forum. A good read. I’ll certainly be back.
Best bot in this forum!
They did say they'd be back...
On topic: I've been playing this a bit recently and it's nice but I don't like how chance-dependent it is. All spells, attacks etc. have a % chance to work and outcomes are entirely binary (i.e. you either kill something or you don't, there's no hitpoints), which means that a run of bad luck can be absolutely catastrophic because there's no incremental success or failure to average out the vagaries of fortune. I never played the original Chaos so I don't know whether that's just in the spirit of the original, however.