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Game Discussion => Player's Plaza => Topic started by: King_of_Baboons on November 29, 2015, 07:54:34 PM
Hi,I like stealth games a lot and I want to know if there are any roguelikes with strong stealthy gameplay but I can't seem to find one that has good stealth so far.Any recommendations?
ThiefRL (https://sites.google.com/site/mcneja/thiefrl) is good one.
You can check Mujahid and Fida'i. Eventually underdeveloped Rogue Assassin by Numeron - excellent tutorial and great potential, but no real gameplay.
Gruesome is another one worth recommending.
I believe Sil (http://www.amirrorclear.net/flowers/game/sil/) and Forays into Norrendrin (http://forays.github.io/) both have strong (optional) stealth gameplay.
It's not free (or even cheap, though the price will come down eventually) or something that is strongly advertised since the average player just wants to blow things up :P, but Cogmind (http://www.gridsagegames.com/cogmind/) has a strong emphasis on tactical stealth play, with many tools to aid in that approach. The best stealth players have won the game without killing almost anything at all.
It's not a stealth game, but playing as a thief in Cardinal Quest 2 has a pretty big stealth aspect.
How in the fuck have I never seen TheifRL before?It's a great fucking game!
I also liked Sil a lot.The stealth is also great and I think it may become one of my favorite roguelikes.
Tho I'm still open for more games so feel free to keep going.
How in the fuck have I never seen TheifRL before?It's a great fucking game!
This game does not exist on roguebasin :)
Not played it myself yet but Kunoichi (http://www.roguebasin.com/index.php?title=Kunoichi) claims to be stealthy.
Brogue has a well-developed stealth element... It also works (as in "makes real difference") in Linley`s Crawl.
I cannot agree with your Brogue recommendation. Stealth mechanics in this game is rather simple and check-based (not very good thing to really stealthy gameplay). Moreover, you can play stealthy only when certain conditions are met - so, most important, when you find ring of stealth early.
Liney's Crawl is good for stealth playing, earlier versions of DCSS (say, to 0.10?) also are worth to mention.
You might be right about Brogue - admittedly I`ve never played stealth-wise so won`t argue about that. Still, it`s surprising to hear since the mechanic looks rather well designed and signaled there.
It's rather well designed, yes. But it's hard to make stealth mechanics as good as should be for stealth-centric playing. Brogue? Yes, it has good stealth mechanics, but it isn't... 'worthwile' in comparison to other style of play in Brogue. But it still can provide a lot of fun.
One more thing to DCSS proposal - it has good stealth to version... 11? Maybe 12, I'm not sure, I have to check changelogs. But in later versions devteam screwed stealth and it isn't viable anymore.
One more thing to DCSS proposal - it has good stealth to version... 11? Maybe 12, I'm not sure, I have to check changelogs. But in later versions devteam screwed stealth and it isn't viable anymore.
That's a shame...one of my favorite builds was vampire assassin, putting all my XP in stealth and stabbing and stalking around almost undetected and instakilling (or at least doing serious damage) to most things.
I really like ThiefRl a good attempt on roguelike and thief genre, without combat, just run, hide and steal, awesome. And the simple "find combination mini-game" is better than many AAA games
"Rouge (http://roguelikeeducation.org/3.html) is a modeless, stealth-based roguelike. Taking place during the Inquisition, play as a heretic escaping from inquisitors."
Sounds amazing! I have had this game on my hdd once, but I lost it and I forgot about this game. I never test Rouge.
Hi guys, there is new version of brilliant ThiefRL! It's called ThiefRL 2... Not very surprising, huh? ;) Download here (https://s3.amazonaws.com/james-mcneill-scratch-area/ThiefRL2-3.zip)
Ah, that's good to hear! ThiefRL was a fun little game.
I miss the lockpicking feature from 'original' ThiefRL. And if ThiefRL2 has sort of campaign, save/load system would be nice...
but I can't seem to find one that has good stealth so far.Any recommendations?
That is one of my many beefs with exp/levels, at least with the traditional unquestioned exp-for-killing-things bummed from D&D games.
A good stealth player fails to level up.
I really like Sil's concession of half xp for studying monsters without killing them, and xpxp sorta works but I think Brogue's loot-based stat gains are more visceral.
Infra Arcana has some rather nice stealth gameplay. Especially if you play as a Rogue class. I know NON put a lot of work into the stealth mechanics. A new version was just released too.