Temple of The Roguelike Forums

Game Discussion => Early Dev => Topic started by: Gornova on November 07, 2015, 02:45:40 PM

Title: CryptoRL2
Post by: Gornova on November 07, 2015, 02:45:40 PM
Hi! I'm here with a small roguelike I've made, done with slick2d and marteEngine:

CryptoRL 2

Play CryptoRL2 now! (https://dl.orangedox.com/irdZdADQwFDHVp8aWa?dl=1)



It's a "classic" roguelike with permadeath, monsters and simple objective: find an exit for next level. Could you please give me some feedback about it? I really appreciate it!


For more information, please go to my blog: http://randomtower.blogspot.it/2016/04/cryptorl-version-10-is-out.html

Again, any feedback is appreciated!

version 1.0
* add new items: sword (+1 attack) and shield (+1 defense)
* From Archifenix: put in menu screen that using F2 you can go fullscreen
* BUG From Archifenix: the text at the top is blocked from view until you repeat the same action a few times (fighting an aberration for example resulted in health being lost but the text only scrolling into view after the third or so hit)
* BUG from Pavel Provotorov: Sounds when the player/monster recieves damage   
* BUG from Pavel Provotorov: Adding health bars to mosters. The combat is hard without those
* added new monsters: Fungus, Shade, Ring, Formian, RedFlame, BlueFlame
* level balancing for new monsters
Title: Re: CryptoRL2
Post by: Gornova on November 26, 2015, 08:08:17 PM
Hello everybody, quick update for my roguelike, CryptoRl2!

Play CryptoRL2 now! (https://dl.orangedox.com/rIXgc3TyppObwqaDKu/CryptoRL2.zip)




version 0.8
* added fullscreen option (F2)
* add logo in main page, add images for buttons
* add random blood pool around level (1%, from 1 to 10)
* add monster rat, random wander around, weak
* add monster snake, random wander around, weak
* improved interface
* improved instructions
* added basic sound effects
* added music by jonhillman

Play CryptoRL2 now! (https://dl.orangedox.com/rIXgc3TyppObwqaDKu/CryptoRL2.zip)
Title: Re: CryptoRL2
Post by: Gornova on February 24, 2016, 10:33:36 PM
Hello everybody, another update for my roguelike, CryptoRl2!

Play CryptoRL2 now! (https://dl.orangedox.com/S7QUquw4oAa1XeIne1?dl=1)


version 0.9
   * added darker effect for already seen tiles
   * in game now it's possibile to exit using ESC
   * BUG solved impassable trap after activating it
   * first hand made tileset and automatic tileset handling
   * added transitions between states
   * BUG   hide welcome message after first level
   * BUG   fix blood pool rendering
   * BUG fix double click on menu buttons
   * BUG fixed bug on start button
   * BUG fix objects layer (now same as entities)
   * first draft of lighting system
   * added squared alpha blend
   * BUG fix camera bug
   * BUG   avoid traps too near during generation

Play CryptoRL2 now! (https://dl.orangedox.com/S7QUquw4oAa1XeIne1?dl=1)

And write some feedback :P
Title: Re: CryptoRL2
Post by: Pavel Provotorov on February 26, 2016, 04:07:30 PM
Hey there !

Pretty good game. I enjoy it so far and hope to see new updates )

Some suggestions:
- Adding health bars to mosters. The combat is hard without those
- Sounds when the player/monster recieves damage
- More items and monsters

Thanks )
Title: Re: CryptoRL2
Post by: Gornova on March 13, 2016, 10:46:46 AM
Hello everybody, another update for my roguelike, CryptoRL2!

Play CryptoRL2 now! (https://dl.orangedox.com/bt7lGJT38oaDpi2Y4Z?dl=1)


version 0.10
 * BUG   avoid monsters next to the player on dungeon generation
 * BUG   by Archifenix: "Players pick up and feels a lot better (+10 HP)" does not actually give you the 10 HP. There was not even a visual health bar change.
 *   BUG      Found a bug by Archifenix: Finally, the README is incomplete. "CryptoRl 2 is a cave-dungeon roguelike based on Crypto setting [1], setting in a dark underterrain world full of monsters." Footnote [1] is never provided. And the word "setting" appears twice in a row.
 * added efffect support and shake effect suggested by ArchRylen
 * when torch is used, updated alphamap
 * removed block trap
 * added step indicator
 * updated tileset following Saltgames tutorial: http://www.saltgames.com/article/awareTiles/

Play CryptoRL2 now! (https://dl.orangedox.com/bt7lGJT38oaDpi2Y4Z?dl=1)

And if you have some time, send a line of feedback!
Title: Re: CryptoRL2
Post by: Gornova on March 13, 2016, 10:47:58 AM
Hey there !

Pretty good game. I enjoy it so far and hope to see new updates )

Some suggestions:
- Adding health bars to mosters. The combat is hard without those
- Sounds when the player/monster recieves damage
- More items and monsters

Thanks )

thanks for feedback! I'll work on your suggestions for next release!
Title: Re: CryptoRL2
Post by: Gornova on April 04, 2016, 08:10:50 PM
Hello everybody, another update for my roguelike, CryptoRL2!

Play CryptoRL2 now! (https://dl.orangedox.com/irdZdADQwFDHVp8aWa?dl=1)



version 1.0
* add new items: sword (+1 attack) and shield (+1 defense)
* From Archifenix: put in menu screen that using F2 you can go fullscreen
* BUG From Archifenix: the text at the top is blocked from view until you repeat the same action a few times (fighting an aberration for example resulted in health being lost but the text only scrolling into view after the third or so hit)
* BUG from Pavel Provotorov: Sounds when the player/monster recieves damage   
* BUG from Pavel Provotorov: Adding health bars to mosters. The combat is hard without those
* added new monsters: Fungus, Shade, Ring, Formian, RedFlame, BlueFlame
* level balancing for new monsters

Play CryptoRL2 now! (https://dl.orangedox.com/irdZdADQwFDHVp8aWa?dl=1)

And if you have some time, send a line of feedback!
Title: Re: CryptoRL2
Post by: Gornova on June 22, 2016, 07:17:48 PM
I have released source code for CryptoRL2 here (https://github.com/Gornova/CryptoRl2), if you are interested!