Temple of The Roguelike Forums
Announcements => Traditional Roguelikes (Turn Based) => Topic started by: alexs2112 on June 22, 2015, 02:03:35 AM
Sunstorm version 1.3.4 is out
More balance changes and a few bugfixes.
I added the python installer in the games folder so you don't need to do any unnecessary internet searching. This is a very small update but a useful one.
You can download it here:
Man, nobody want to install unnecessary for him program to playing one game. And adding the python's installer needlessly increases weight of archive. For the future better compile to binary (exe) file, and keep the source code for linux users.
To compile you need py2exe, and you have to write proper script. If you have problems with this, I can help you - teach you (it's easy) or send you setup script(s).
What you should add to archive/announcements/game site? CHANGELOG. I downloaded new version, and you write that there is release for bugfixing, but when I was playing i v134 I see nothing is fixed about I wrote in your previous topic.
Next thing - will be better if you start primary Sunstorm topic with announcements.
If someone is interesting in playing Sunstorm under Windows and doesn't want install python - here is binary (https://www.dropbox.com/s/8htuol2ua5famoo/Sunstorm134.rar?dl=0). I hope you don't mind, alexs.