Temple of The Roguelike Forums

Game Discussion => 7DRLs => Topic started by: kostatus on April 21, 2015, 08:43:51 AM

Title: Dig Deep - (not-quite 7DRL) browser-based
Post by: kostatus on April 21, 2015, 08:43:51 AM
Oooooh, my first post in this community for many years! I used to be an addicted member around 2004-2006.

Anyway, the game link: https://ktchernov.github.io/Dig-Deep-RL/ (https://ktchernov.github.io/Dig-Deep-RL/)

Simple: dig as deep as you can and collect as much gold as you can without getting killed!

I wrote this as something for GitHub's Game Off https://github.com/blog/1972-the-game-has-changed (https://github.com/blog/1972-the-game-has-changed) Where the challenge was to fork an existing game and modify it. This was based on the 7DRL "Lyon's Den" by Lion.

I had about a month in total, but I have not had too much time to devote to this, so I reckon this is only slightly more time than a traditional 7DRL. Thoroughly enjoyed the project. I don't do much web dev, so got to practice that a bit more with CoffeeScript and SASS (first time using either one of those, neat tools).

From Lion's original, I made quite a few game play changes, added music and sound-effects. (Music might not be to everyone's liking, it is to mine, there are mute / pause buttons though, and it will remember your setting).

A key feature of the game was added - digging. Inspired by my old favourite, Moria (and Angband). You can dig through any wall. Loose rubble is easier to dig through. Digging makes a lot of noise and attracts enemies. Certain enemies can float through rubble (such as Vampires and Catfolk).

The goal is to go as deep as you can and collect as much gold as you can. There is no ending, but your high score is recorded (browser cookie).

Game is geared to be on the hard side intentionally, you probably won't last very long. Because there is no end and not too much game play variety (items, interesting characters, etc.) I thought it would be best to focus on quick energetic bursts and to try to beat your own previous high score. Have a play and see what you all think!