Temple of The Roguelike Forums
Game Discussion => 7DRLs => Topic started by: Sina Mashek on March 07, 2015, 07:02:05 AM
This is my first 7DRL (and my first post here on this forum)!
My main goal with "Heartless" is to better understand libtcod, since I am using it in another project. For this challenge, I am going for the classic "retrieve an item to win" style.
You play as an animated corpse. After spending time as a lackey for the local Necromancer, you expressed desire to be among the living once more. The necromancer told you that if you could find your heart, you would be able to return to the land of the living! The thing is, your heart is located in a tomb below the necromancer's tower, and the necromancer doesn't really want to let you go.
There will be creatures that will impede your progress, items to aid you in your quest, and some sort of leveling system. I am going to be writing this in Python+libtcodpy and will be regularly checking to assure it works in Windows as well as Linux (and Mac, if I can convince a friend to test).
Welcome to the forum and good luck!
Glad I'm not the only one to join just to enter the jam :P Interesting storyline, looking forward to seeing the result!
Thank you both!
This is what I have so far: basic health meters, super-basic dungeon generation, a box on the bottom for messages, and character movement.
Current goal is adding items as well as FOV/fog of war.
Well, I failed magnificently at finishing this on time, but am still working on it!
Glad to know it :)