Temple of The Roguelike Forums

Announcements => Traditional Roguelikes (Turn Based) => Topic started by: Aukustus on December 01, 2014, 07:15:24 AM

Title: The Temple of Torment (Now at Stable 19.0)
Post by: Aukustus on December 01, 2014, 07:15:24 AM
The Temple of Torment is a open world Roguelike with stronger focus on roleplaying, good and evil choices and dialogues. Set on a fantasy world inhabitated only by humans invaded by forces of Hell.

I'd describe The Temple of Torment as mixture of Diablo 1, Baldur's Gates and ADOM.

As this turned from Beta to Stable game Early Dev forum was not enough.

Some things about the game

Screenshots here: http://www.thetempleoftorment.net/screenshots/

Downloads here: http://www.thetempleoftorment.net/downloads/
Title: Re: The Temple of Torment (Now at Stable 1)
Post by: getter77 on December 01, 2014, 01:03:41 PM
Congrats once again!   8)

Now that you've hit an initial Stable release, what does the general roadmap of emphasis and timeline on hopeful further development look like from here?
Title: Re: The Temple of Torment (Now at Stable 1)
Post by: Aukustus on December 01, 2014, 01:28:42 PM
I plan to

-add multiple new villages with unlockable quests and initial quests
-add alternative endings
-add droppable unique items

Stable 2 should have at least one new village and droppable uniques.

Evil ending I'd do right away but I can't figure out the path to it. The plot would divide to two paths when player enters Hell and meets The Bad Guy with the options of joining his cause or fighting against it which is the current plot. But it's the evil quests that come after that gives me headache.
Title: Re: The Temple of Torment (Now at Stable 1)
Post by: Zireael on December 01, 2014, 04:31:30 PM
Congrats Aukustus! Downloaded and will definitely give some feedback.
I wish I could call VotE stable already, but there's too much content missing (mostly spells) to do so :(
Title: Re: The Temple of Torment (Now at Stable 1)
Post by: Aukustus on December 01, 2014, 05:44:04 PM
Congrats Aukustus! Downloaded and will definitely give some feedback.
I wish I could call VotE stable already, but there's too much content missing (mostly spells) to do so :(

Hopefully VotE is stable soon too :)
Title: Re: The Temple of Torment (Now at Stable 1)
Post by: Legend on December 02, 2014, 05:26:25 AM
Have a mirror for the download? For some reason, I can't seem to get it. Tried several times tonight and last night. Keeps saying download failed. Network error.
Title: Re: The Temple of Torment (Now at Stable 1)
Post by: Aukustus on December 02, 2014, 01:22:46 PM
Have a mirror for the download? For some reason, I can't seem to get it. Tried several times tonight and last night. Keeps saying download failed. Network error.

Try this one: https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/95372567/TToTd20_Stable01.zip
Title: Re: The Temple of Torment (Now at Stable 1)
Post by: Legend on December 02, 2014, 04:47:45 PM
Have a mirror for the download? For some reason, I can't seem to get it. Tried several times tonight and last night. Keeps saying download failed. Network error.

Try this one: https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/95372567/TToTd20_Stable01.zip

Thanks.  That worked.
Title: Re: The Temple of Torment (Now at Stable 1)
Post by: Aukustus on December 02, 2014, 05:21:47 PM
I discovered some issues and made Stable 1.1 Release. Previous saves do work. Just copy them to this release's Saves folder.

Code: [Select]
- No more Config program, all changes are made within the main game

-----Full log:-----
Bugs and Mistakes
* Fixed crashes if dying in the Witch Coven
- Some minor fixes

* Config options are changed within main menu instead of config program
- Amount of saves is limited to 25
- Graveyard list can be cleared

Mirror: https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/95372567/TToTd20_Stable011.zip
Title: Re: The Temple of Torment (Now at Stable 1.1)
Post by: Aukustus on January 18, 2015, 02:13:51 PM
Hoping for a release soon: a lot has happened after the last stable release:
Title: Re: The Temple of Torment (Now at Stable 1.1)
Post by: getter77 on January 18, 2015, 08:56:45 PM
That's awesome!  8)
Title: Re: The Temple of Torment (Now at Stable 1.1)
Post by: Aukustus on January 21, 2015, 11:36:19 AM
Stable 2 Released!

Change log:
Code: [Select]
- Dual-wielding!
- New village with 5 new quests
- 6 new areas
- Prettier ASCII grass
- Items have weights; being overencumbered prevents moving
- Redesigned Hell
- Droppable Unique Items that only drop once
- Polearms implemented
- Updated unique item descriptions
- Simple screen fade effects

-----Full log:-----
Bugs and Mistakes
* Fixed a crash with Zombies being killed by Damage over Time spells such as Poison Cloud
* Fixed Ranger's +100 Life on Hit starting Dagger
* Fixed some bows that couldn't fire
* Fixed countless rendering problems in special cases
* Fixed a major bug when buying multiple times same equipment
* Basic melee attack did not receive bonus from Skills
- Fixed bought items that are dropped being not visible when out of fov
- Some melee Talents erroneously did not receive proficiency bonus from two-handed weapons
- Some melee Talents erroneously did not receive proficiency bonus
- Non-magical Great Flail was erroneously one-handed
- Many minor and major undocumented bug fixes

* Dual-wielding is implemented; dual shields and dual one-handed weapons. For dual-wielding wear weapons or shields in both off-hand and main hand, normal combat only works when player has a weapon in MAIN HAND
* Shops restock at 08:00 instead of when leveling
* Inn meals are more filling
- Latest saved game is now the first in load menu
- Death from overeating does not happen so early
- Shops have sign posts outside
- Save games can be deleted in-game
- Sell all -option for items with count of one removed

* Droppable uniques implemented: 25 Unique Items that can be dropped only once
* New weapon proficiency: Polearms
* New weapon: Sickle; one-handed polearm
* New weapon: Trident; one-handed polearm
* New weapon: Spear; two-handed polearm
* New weapon: Voulge; two-handed polearm
* Item description displays category
* Item description displays weight
- Halberd becomes a polearm instead of a axe
- Magical items are colored blue in ASCII
- Unique items are colored purple in ASCII

Players / Talents / Such
* New Skill: Dual-Wield
* Active Effects on Character Screen shows now the bonuses and penalties of each effects
* Overpower is +1 damage for 50 turns instead of +2 for the next 6 hits

* New Quest: Retrieve farmer's savings from his destroyed farm
* New Quest: Investigate the chants heard at nearby ruins of a village
* New Quest: Kill the hydra at the sewers of Laketown
* New Quest: Retrieve an artifact from ruins of an extinct civilization
* New Quest: Hunt an escaped murderer
* Players will meet The Bad Guy when entering the Hell; this interaction will have in the future the chance to divide plot in two different paths
* To be able to kill The Bad Guy players must clear 4 Elemental Towers in Hell and pick 4 orbs of element to enter the last area
- 3 new effects from purified well
- Undead archcleric quest is no longer doable without being spoken with Silywyn

* New village: Laketown
* New area: Sewers of Laketown
* New area: Relgadur's Farm
* New area: Darkwind Caves
* New area: Ruins of Fairhaven
* New area: Black Forest
* Some areas relocated to make room for upcoming content
* Fortress of Hell is now 16 procedurally generated levels and 4 boss areas
* Hell contains now own waypoint system
* Removed content: Dragon areas in Hell, wardstones
- Eastdale renamed to Westdale

* Elementals can now be found in Hell too
* 4 new bosses in Hell
* 4 new bosses elsewhere
- Air elementals become immune to lightning spells
- New monsters: Sewer Rat, Carrion Crawler, Worshipper, Worshipper Mage, Clay Golem, Iron Golem, Wasp, Bear, Hawk, Snake, Sword Spider, Huge Snake, Scorpion
Title: Re: The Temple of Torment (Now at Stable 2.0)
Post by: getter77 on January 21, 2015, 12:56:07 PM
Definitely looks like a strong release indeed to kick off 2015---gonna be a big year for this project at this rate!   8)
Title: Re: The Temple of Torment (Now at Stable 2.0)
Post by: Aukustus on January 28, 2015, 06:47:04 PM
It's surprising to find a lets play video of own game, and even a little bit amusing it being in Russian and having no idea what's going on :)
Title: Re: The Temple of Torment (Now at Stable 2.0)
Post by: Aukustus on February 23, 2015, 09:10:51 AM
Stable 3.0 Released!

Code: [Select]

- Rest until healed command: 'R'
- Level Cap Raised From 18 To 24
- 11 New Active Talents
- 11 New Passive Talents
- Vaults Implemented
- Improved Door Placement
- Help System in Main Menu

-----Full log:-----

Bugs and Mistakes
* Fixed the crash with in-game clock
* Fixed the crash when returning the murderer's head
* Rottus Infernum MAX HP bug fixed
* Fixed a bug where Full Plate Armor's did not spawn at all
* Fixed off-hand hits receiving main hand's Life on Hit and Mana on Hit bonuses
* Fixed off-hand hits receiving main hand's To Hit Bonuses
* Fixed many issues with door placement
* Fixed an issue where a monster enters an explored area and stands on an item causing the item to disappear from the map
* Fixed a quest marker that appeared before correct time
- Paladin's Smite Demon tooltip incorrectly mentioned a Charisma bonus to damage
- Fixed some issues with weapon descriptions
- Polearm proficieny was not shown in character screen
- Fixed a bug in the name entering where the last two letters were not printed if the name was at maximum length
- Some other stuff fixed I can't remember

* New command: 'R'; rest until full. 'r' still works too
* New command: 'N'; change player name
* Help system in Main Menu; contains useful stuff
* Catacombs have coffins in every room
* Temple has pillar rooms randomly
* Double width corridors have double doors
* Vaults implemented: Temple contains Temple Treasuries, Catacombs contain Tombs, Ruins contain Shrines and Hell contains Hellish Altars
* Improved death screens

* Scroll of Visibility no longer reveals monsters
- Removed Potion of Mystery from the game
- All equippable items display category in description

Players / Talents / Such
* New Fighter Active Talent: Execute; critical hits slay the target
* New Fighter Passive Talent: Melee Mastery II
* New Paladin Active Talent: Holy Frenzy; double melee attack
* New Paladin Passive Talent: Aura of Zealotry; +1 Damage Reduction
* New Monk Active Talent: Knockbacking Kick; knock enemies back
* New Monk Passive Talent: Unarmed Mastery II
* New Barbarian Active Talent: Leap Attack; jump to any location within 5 tiles and attack nearest target
* New Barbarian Passive Talent: Melee Mastery II
* New Ranger Active Talent: Volley; arrows/bolts hit everything within 2 tiles
* New Ranger Passive Talent: Ranged Mastery II
* New Rogue Active Talent: Vault; jump to any location within 5 tiles
* New Rogue Passive Talent: Ambidextrous; Dual-Wield penalties become -10 and -10 instead of -10 and -20
* New Bard Active Talent: Song of Turning; turn monsters against each other
* New Bard Passive Talent: Jack of All Trades II
* New Cleric Active Talent: Silence; prevent monsters from casting spells
* New Cleric Passive Talent: Spell Mastery
* New Mage Active Talent: Teleport; mage's class reward changed to talent
* New Mage Passive Talent: Spell Mastery
* New Druid Active Talent: Tornado; spiraling tornado centered on the player
* New Druid Passive Talent: Spell Mastery
* New Warlock Active Talent: Corpse Explosion; explode corpses to deal damage to other monsters
* New Warlock Passive Talent: Spell Mastery
* Invisibility becomes 25 turns long instead of 10
* Dual-Wield Penalty increased to -10 to main hand and -20 to off-hand from -5 and -15 respectively
* Power Attack, Smite Demon and Aimed Shot do 150% damage instead of double damage
* Song of Demoralize lasts 50 turns instead of 25
- Players cannot target themselves anymore with other than area of effect spells to prevent weird situations
- New Status Effect: Web

* Immolation and Poison Cloud have their damages randomized to 1d12 instead of straight 12
* Banish now prevents from moving too
* New Spell: Wall of Fire; becomes the class reward of Mage instead of Teleport

* Spiders are capable of casting Web; immobilizes the player for couple of turns
- New Monster: Possessed Guard; can be found inside the Temple Vaults
- New Monster: Undead Hero; can be found inside the Catacombs Vaults
- New Monster: Cultist Ritualist; can be found inside the Ruins Vaults
- New Monster: Demon of Altars; can be found inside the Hell Vaults
- Monsters and bosses in Hell buffed
Title: Re: The Temple of Torment (Now at Stable 3.0)
Post by: getter77 on February 23, 2015, 01:26:34 PM
Awesome, more skills and all else should surely spice things up.  Reckoning on more of this as far as level cap boosting and such in the future?
Title: Re: The Temple of Torment (Now at Stable 3.0)
Post by: Aukustus on February 23, 2015, 01:37:28 PM
More side quests in the future means that max level is reached sooner so yeah.

I'll focus now on bringing gods and goddesses and having a once per day deity talent if player alignment matches her god's. Atheism will be included too with some passive bonuses.

Maybe even meeting the deity upon death and bargaining for resurrection if player has enough piety. Only how to make it look not like a TOME ripoff.

Edit: there'll be more alignment options in dialogues, for example doing good with an evil attitude
Title: Re: The Temple of Torment (Now at Stable 3.0)
Post by: Aukustus on March 16, 2015, 10:32:46 PM
Some status update on stuff I've been working on:

Title: Re: The Temple of Torment (Now at Stable 3.0)
Post by: getter77 on March 17, 2015, 12:26:43 PM
Title: Re: The Temple of Torment (Now at Stable 3.0)
Post by: Aukustus on March 22, 2015, 06:17:10 PM

Gif displaying a part of the new village, UI that has the chains surrounding the whole screen and now the day/night cycle changes how bright everything is.
Title: Re: The Temple of Torment (Now at Stable 3.0)
Post by: Aukustus on March 23, 2015, 01:37:05 PM
A new alternative action rpg style UI: https://www.dropbox.com/s/83jgkd0snzhpeg0/New_UI_RPG.png?dl=0

Can be changed from the options. Old UI is still a choice too.
Title: Re: The Temple of Torment (Now at Stable 3.0)
Post by: Aukustus on April 21, 2015, 10:57:43 PM
Stable Release 4.0 Released! http://www.thetempleoftorment.net/downloads/

Pretty huge update, and it took really long to make compared to other releases.

Code: [Select]
* New Village with 5 new quests
* 4 New Maps
* Deities & Sacrificing & Praying
* Gambling
* Banks
* Firearms & Gunsmiths
* Extra dialogue options
* UI enhancements & Alternative User Interface
* Day/Night cycle changes how gradient fov looks

-----Full log:-----
Bugs and Mistakes
* Updated to libtcod 1.5.2; this should bring end to some keyboard wackiness in menus
* Fixed a crash with selecting something that is not a monster as a target and accepting it
* Fixed Song of Turning's duration
* Some weights were erroneus in item descriptions
* Fixed renting a room at inn without enough gold
* Fixed Teleport's range
* Numerous stuff fixed that I cannot recall
- Full rest now takes into account mana
- Fixed a minor bug with pressing ESC when returning to main menu when dead

* New Option: User Interface; the game offers two different main interfaces
* New Command: p; Pray for help from the deity
* New Weapon Category: Firearms; muskets that require one turn of reloading before firing
* Gambling implemented; new NPCs at Inns
* Religions added: there are now 3 deities to choose from
* Sacrificing added: players can sacrifice items to their deities
* Banks added: players can store gold in there
* New option: turn off colored messages
* New Character Screen
* UI chains now surround the screen
* Room reservations at inns last for week instead of forever, stuffs in stashes aren't lost when reservation ends
- Journal displays also number of days
- Stones of Recall are blue on Earth and red in Hell
- Pressing ESC in-game has the choice of canceling the main menu

Players / Talents / Such
* Hunger values adjusted into making more sense realistically
* Deity Powers; requires player to be of the same alignment as their deities and can be cast once per day
* Deity Power: Renewal; completely heal, feed and cure the player
* Deity Power: Hammer of Justce; stun the target for 7 turns
* Deity Power: The Hand of Azanath; move the target to another location
* New stat: Piety; grows from doing stuff the deity likes
* Death when having highest rank of piety will result in resurrection once
* Hunger levels print a message when hunger level changes

- Holy Pillar of Fire renamed to Holy Fire

* New weapon: Matchlock Pistol
* New weapon: Matchlock Musket
* New item: Pistol Bullets
* New item: Musket Bullets
* New item: Gunpowder

* New monster: Royal Musketeer
* New monster: Dark One Shaman
* Some AI updates

* New Village: Riverthrough
* New Area: Mount Dragon's Rest
* New Area: The Crossroads
* New Area: The Wolf Cave
* Marwal and Laketown have banks
* Marwal and Laketown have Gunsmiths
* Outdoor maps excluding friendly villages are no longer automatically revealed
* Improved caverns in the main dungeon: No more stairs looking stairs, and the "stairs" are placed realistically
* Improved bridge in the main dungeon: the caverns now link to the bridge in a more realistically looking way
- Walls in towns are now castle texture instead of brick texture
- Tower has a new tile instead of using the castle tile

* 5 New Quests: All in the new town Riverthrough
* Added many, many extra dialogue options to further change alignments
- Wounded man quest improved: he rewards with 3 healing potions instead of 2 and there is an extra path

Title: Re: The Temple of Torment (Now at Stable 4.0)
Post by: getter77 on April 21, 2015, 11:44:06 PM
Awesome looking new release---truly a download captcha page well worth proving my humanity to!   8)

Aiming to continue on with super-jumbo sized releases like this that take a bit longer to craft up or break things back down into just the usual jumbo sized ones?
Title: Re: The Temple of Torment (Now at Stable 4.0)
Post by: Aukustus on April 22, 2015, 12:04:21 AM
Awesome looking new release---truly a download captcha page well worth proving my humanity to!   8)

Aiming to continue on with super-jumbo sized releases like this that take a bit longer to craft up or break things back down into just the usual jumbo sized ones?

I have issues with creating too big updates :). If I want to lets say create only 5 new quests for the next patch and nothing else, I invent 3 quests and then I get writer's block. Then I get other ideas in the meantime of inventing the rest of the quests, lets say a new talent for each class, then I invent 7 talents and again there comes writer's block. And this cycle continues on and on. And then months later I've come up with rest of every unfinished stuff :).

I'm creating at the moment a large city, not just small village for the next release: a 3x3 screens sized city instead of 2x2 screens sized village. I'm planning to add there many quests. I'm soon having the game longer than standard fps game :), now I think it takes around 7 hours for complete playthrough.
Title: Re: The Temple of Torment (Now at Stable 4.0)
Post by: Aukustus on April 22, 2015, 12:12:20 AM
A screenshot of a new quest: https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/95372567/DarkStuff.png

Pretty dark stuff compared to the rest of the game. Players will witness a morally ambiguous witch trial.
Title: Re: The Temple of Torment (Now at Stable 4.0)
Post by: getter77 on April 22, 2015, 12:24:06 AM
That's awesome---mega-cities are unfortunately a very rarely seen thing in Roguelikes for some reason( some *BANDS and not a tremendous assortment otherwise...Larn and Omega sort of setting the "classic" standards such as they are I guess),  though what somewhat sizable ones there are at least tend to be dense with quests, intrigue, and such packed into them.   Long live the sprawling development tangents that contribute to bolstering and improving many elements and content that adds more potential time to the game.   8)
Title: Re: The Temple of Torment (Now at Stable 4.0)
Post by: Aukustus on April 22, 2015, 01:06:44 AM
WiP Map of the city of Westerfall: https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/95372567/Westerfall.png

It isn't a URR-level megacity but a lot larger than other ones in my game :).

I'm planning to re-locate many of locations of the world map and "divide" the world into two parts: western and eastern Faywyn. All the ruins would be in the eastern part and everything else in the western part. This way also the civil war that is talked in the lore would be plausible if the civil war was between the two parts of the world map. That city will be the capital of western Faywyn and Undershire that's in ruins is the capital of eastern Faywyn.

I'd transform the Mayor of Marwal that gives the main quest into the King of Westerfall. This would also bring a pretty awesome Evil Path questline: capturing Westerfall. Because players wouldn't be able to storm the Fortress of Hell if playing evil side, evil side would need an equally awesome quest line.
Title: Re: The Temple of Torment (Now at Stable 4.0)
Post by: getter77 on April 22, 2015, 01:23:03 AM
Good stuff all---interesting that it takes on a rectangular style as opposed to a giant square or something mainly top/bottom scrolling like in Omega.   Planning on circular orientations down the line and whatnot?   Of course I'd also imagine much of this could well have to do with any present or future areas of interest beneath said megalopolises, castles, etc...

I'm guessing (discovered) points of interest will have some sort of fast travel mechanism applied to help keep the pace going on repeat visits and such?
Title: Re: The Temple of Torment (Now at Stable 4.0)
Post by: Aukustus on April 22, 2015, 01:48:53 AM
I'm not a big fan of other shapes than rectangled. But I'll see what will happen in the future. I was planning a circular city like Imperial City in Oblivion at some point.

There's no fast travel, yet at least. I'm having an idea of horse carriages like in Skyrim to travel between cities and villages, but I'm missing the guy who can do the graphics for the horsestuff. Fast traveling to quest locations is pointless because there's no need to visit them twice. Unless needing supplies in the middle of a quest.

Easiest way would be like Mages Guild teleporting in Morrowind, of course using it would cost. Similar to the stone of recall in the main dungeon.

But I'm not sure yet what to do with everything.
Title: Re: The Temple of Torment (Now at Stable 4.0)
Post by: Aukustus on April 22, 2015, 07:24:27 PM
The release I first uploaded contains a lone demon inside the Ruins of Undershire, that was actually a mistake and I uploaded another version that doesn't have it.

What's interesting is that it was a part of a party AI testing. Companions and hirelings and such are something I'm interested in creating. But the whole game is balanced towards solo playing so balancing player + companion would be hard. I'd love to implement a choice of having a single companion, for example recruitable at random locations similar to D&D CRPGs and dismissing them with them returning to a random inn.
Title: Re: The Temple of Torment (Now at Stable 4.0)
Post by: Aukustus on April 27, 2015, 02:29:49 PM
I figured out the way to make the menus usable by arrow keys: https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/95372567/ArrowMenu.png

I'm not sure should I keep the menus usable with key characters too. Then I'd miss the awesome pentagram selector.
Title: Re: The Temple of Torment (Now at Stable 4.0)
Post by: Samildanach on April 27, 2015, 04:48:55 PM
Just downloaded the newest version. How in the hell do I pick things up? I'm sure it used to be , but I've just tried every key on my keyboard (I think) including accidentally praying and I just can't pick up items. Also, no help text? No keybindings? ???

Edit: Ok, the help is on the title screen. Enter to pick things up? That really needs to be clearer, since it's a non-standard key for the genre. You also really, really need to have the help text available in-game. Having to exit to the title screen to look up keybindings is ridiculous.

Still, it's good to see the game progressing. :)
Title: Re: The Temple of Torment (Now at Stable 4.0)
Post by: Aukustus on April 27, 2015, 05:33:04 PM
Just downloaded the newest version. How in the hell do I pick things up? I'm sure it used to be , but I've just tried every key on my keyboard (I think) including accidentally praying and I just can't pick up items. Also, no help text? No keybindings? ???

Edit: Ok, the help is on the title screen. Enter to pick things up? That really needs to be clearer, since it's a non-standard key for the genre. You also really, really need to have the help text available in-game. Having to exit to the title screen to look up keybindings is ridiculous.

Still, it's good to see the game progressing. :)

I simplified stuff to make every action usable with Enter. I kind of disagree with having each key on keyboard used.

Do you think having help menu binded to '?' would do the trick?

Edit: Thing is, I'm really open to suggestions, but it's I'm not getting any. There probably are a lot of stuff broken or whatever unintuitive but feedback like yours helps me out.
Title: Re: The Temple of Torment (Now at Stable 4.0)
Post by: Samildanach on April 27, 2015, 07:27:29 PM
Just downloaded the newest version. How in the hell do I pick things up? I'm sure it used to be , but I've just tried every key on my keyboard (I think) including accidentally praying and I just can't pick up items. Also, no help text? No keybindings? ???

Edit: Ok, the help is on the title screen. Enter to pick things up? That really needs to be clearer, since it's a non-standard key for the genre. You also really, really need to have the help text available in-game. Having to exit to the title screen to look up keybindings is ridiculous.

Still, it's good to see the game progressing. :)

I simplified stuff to make every action usable with Enter. I kind of disagree with having each key on keyboard used.

Do you think having help menu binded to '?' would do the trick?

Edit: Thing is, I'm really open to suggestions, but it's I'm not getting any. There probably are a lot of stuff broken or whatever unintuitive but feedback like yours helps me out.

It's fine to have unorthodox controls, and I agree with cutting out all the overwhelming different keys, but when a genre has certain 'standard' controls, you need an easily accessible help text if yours are different. It's like if a first person shooter used the mouse to walk around and WASD to aim - you'd expect the game to say so somewhere because it's so unusual. By all means use enter if you wish, but have a help text right there in the game. Using ? is standard for roguelikes, of course, but some games use h (for 'help') or just offer controls as an option in the Esc menu.

As to the decision to use Enter, to my mind it's a little odd. Think about how a player's hands sit on the keyboard. If movement is with numpad, then the right hand will be over there on the numpad. Enter is also on the right hand side of the keyboard. No one naturally sits with both hands on the right hand side, so it feels a little awkward. To hit Enter with my left hand, I have to swing my left arm right across my body. Bleh! To my mind, it makes more sense to have everything except movement set over to the left, so it can comfortably be used with the left hand. My suggestion for a general 'use' key would be Space. Large button, prominently positioned, easy to reach with the left hand.

While we're on the topic of usability, the shop menus are a little awkward. You buy an item and get booted right back to the beginning dialogue again, which means if you want to buy, say, 3 health potions, you have far too many key presses because you're going through the "I want to buy something" etc dialogue from the beginning for every single one of those potions.

All of this is just my opinion, of course. I can speak for no one but myself.
Title: Re: The Temple of Torment (Now at Stable 4.0)
Post by: Aukustus on April 27, 2015, 07:45:06 PM
Just downloaded the newest version. How in the hell do I pick things up? I'm sure it used to be , but I've just tried every key on my keyboard (I think) including accidentally praying and I just can't pick up items. Also, no help text? No keybindings? ???

Edit: Ok, the help is on the title screen. Enter to pick things up? That really needs to be clearer, since it's a non-standard key for the genre. You also really, really need to have the help text available in-game. Having to exit to the title screen to look up keybindings is ridiculous.

Still, it's good to see the game progressing. :)

I simplified stuff to make every action usable with Enter. I kind of disagree with having each key on keyboard used.

Do you think having help menu binded to '?' would do the trick?

Edit: Thing is, I'm really open to suggestions, but it's I'm not getting any. There probably are a lot of stuff broken or whatever unintuitive but feedback like yours helps me out.

It's fine to have unorthodox controls, and I agree with cutting out all the overwhelming different keys, but when a genre has certain 'standard' controls, you need an easily accessible help text if yours are different. It's like if a first person shooter used the mouse to walk around and WASD to aim - you'd expect the game to say so somewhere because it's so unusual. By all means use enter if you wish, but have a help text right there in the game. Using ? is standard for roguelikes, of course, but some games use h (for 'help') or just offer controls as an option in the Esc menu.

As to the decision to use Enter, to my mind it's a little odd. Think about how a player's hands sit on the keyboard. If movement is with numpad, then the right hand will be over there on the numpad. Enter is also on the right hand side of the keyboard. No one naturally sits with both hands on the right hand side, so it feels a little awkward. To hit Enter with my left hand, I have to swing my left arm right across my body. Bleh! To my mind, it makes more sense to have everything except movement set over to the left, so it can comfortably be used with the left hand. My suggestion for a general 'use' key would be Space. Large button, prominently positioned, easy to reach with the left hand.

While we're on the topic of usability, the shop menus are a little awkward. You buy an item and get booted right back to the beginning dialogue again, which means if you want to buy, say, 3 health potions, you have far too many key presses because you're going through the "I want to buy something" etc dialogue from the beginning for every single one of those potions.

All of this is just my opinion, of course. I can speak for no one but myself.

Numpad's enter works as an action key too. At least my pinky rests on it, and index finger is literally 0.5 cm away from regular enter. But I get your point. I could have the action key both on enter and space.

The shop is something that could have lets say "buy 2 buy 3" etc. choices.

Now that I today finished the menus usable with arrow keys, they work too with 8 and 2 on numpad, it feels very natural with using 8 and 2 and then pinky on enter accepting the selected line on dialogues/whateversimilarstuff.
Title: Re: The Temple of Torment (Now at Stable 4.0)
Post by: akeley on April 27, 2015, 10:32:58 PM
I agree about help screen - it needs to be "inside" the game. I was fine with the controls though - the numpad movement+wait on num5+kpd enter for action works great.
Of course the ideal would be fully redefinable keys but that`s another story. One thing thats bit weird thou is to have Esc for both quitting menus/conversations and also to quit the game. Think once or twice i actually did quit by mistake (I know there`s y/n but absent minded folk like me will press it as a kneejerk reaction sometime)

I was about to post something since v 2.0 but somehow got delayed...probably being busy moaning/requesting on other RL dev threads. I like the old school feel of your game and wanted to play around but had a big problem from the start - where is that bleedin` Temple itself? This is probably something silly but...I go talk to the mayor, he says "I will mark the location on your map", I go outside and there`s nothing. Then I start looking "south east of the village" and usually die form hunger (btw having a character die from starvation because pressing Inventory to get to a food ration counts as a turn is a bit too hardcore methinks :P)

Now I remember that few times I actually found some ruins SE and got into a dungeon - but mostly there`s nothing. Have I not met some condition or doing something wrong in general?

Other thing is the quest givers are scattered bit too much - a gripe in a roguelike if you have to go the same long route to visit them after dying again and again.

And a real bug: game crashes when trying to get a quest in Laketown (after pressing a in conversation)

Title: Re: The Temple of Torment (Now at Stable 4.0)
Post by: Aukustus on April 27, 2015, 10:48:30 PM

I was about to post something since v 2.0 but somehow got delayed...probably being busy moaning/requesting on other RL dev threads. I like the old school feel of your game and wanted to play around but had a big problem from the start - where is that bleedin` Temple itself? This is probably something silly but...I go talk to the mayor, he says "I will mark the location on your map", I go outside and there`s nothing. Then I start looking "south east of the village" and usually die form hunger (btw having a character die from starvation because pressing Inventory to get to a food ration counts as a turn is a bit too hardcore methinks :P)

Now I remember that few times I actually found some ruins SE and got into a dungeon - but mostly there`s nothing. Have I not met some condition or doing something wrong in general?

I like the idea that opening an inventory counts as a turn because in real-life you would need to use time to open your backpack :).

You should find a location called the Ruins of Undershire, it's added to your map after talking to the mayor and is actually on the other side of the river than the Village of Marwal. The Temple is the dungeon starting from the church building in the Ruins of Undershire.

Location after revealed on the map: https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/95372567/UndershireLocation.png

Other thing is the quest givers are scattered bit too much - a gripe in a roguelike if you have to go the same long route to visit them after dying again and again.

And a real bug: game crashes when trying to get a quest in Laketown (after pressing a in conversation)

I'm going for a full CRPG route for my game, so it should feel like a old school rpg, thus having long walks :). But I get the idea of the issue.

That bug bothers me. Where is it actually?
Title: Re: The Temple of Torment (Now at Stable 4.0)
Post by: Samildanach on April 27, 2015, 11:07:59 PM
This is probably something silly but...I go talk to the mayor, he says "I will mark the location on your map", I go outside and there`s nothing.

It's there, it's just very hard to see. It was a lot more conspicuous in earlier versions. In the current version the temple/Undershire looks like a patch of grass. It's on the east/northeast-ish bank of the water and you have to make a pretty long trek around the south side to get there. It seems a good idea to pick up a scroll of recall in Marwal so you can get back without starving to death on the way.

It's a bit of a nuisance having to go into town and talk to people at the start of every single game. I tend to think that if you're replaying a lot, then the beginning of the game should be the least repetitive part since it's the one you'll replay the most. Still, that's just my impatience. The same sort of thing annoys me about ADOM, Angband and various others.

Numpad's enter works as an action key too. At least my pinky rests on it, and index finger is literally 0.5 cm away from regular enter.

Interesting. I can see how that would work. I've literally never used numpad Enter for anything, ever, so I tend to forget it's even there. I'll try using that and see how it feels. As to main Enter being not too far from the index finger, that may be true but in my view there should be nothing that requires me to move my right hand off the numpad. I hate having to move my hand back and forth. It's one of the reasons I have considerable distaste for games which include partial mouse control - if I have to move my hand back and forth between the numpad and something else, I'll get cross. Pet peeve, I guess.

It struck me while playing today that I really like the aesthetic of the game. It reminds me a little of Lord of the Rings on the SNES (not a good game but I liked the atmosphere) and a little of the Fighting Fantasy gamebooks. I also like the way ranged combat works - f and Space, nice and neat. I find the ranger is by far my most effective class. Load up on arrows at Marwal and shoot my way through! I still don't get far though. ;D
Title: Re: The Temple of Torment (Now at Stable 4.0)
Post by: Aukustus on April 27, 2015, 11:18:51 PM

It's a bit of a nuisance having to go into town and talk to people at the start of every single game. I tend to think that if you're replaying a lot, then the beginning of the game should be the least repetitive part since it's the one you'll replay the most. Still, that's just my impatience. The same sort of thing annoys me about ADOM, Angband and various others.

My design background lies more in the D&D RPGs around 1997-2002 than roguelike genre so it will definitively be repetitive if starting over and over again often, however, none of those RPGs had permadeath, so plot-wise my RPG is designed to be played without permadeath. Hardcore (permadeath) is then there for extra challenge.

It struck me while playing today that I really like the aesthetic of the game. It reminds me a little of Lord of the Rings on the SNES (not a good game but I liked the atmosphere) and a little of the Fighting Fantasy gamebooks. I also like the way ranged combat works - f and Space, nice and neat. I find the ranger is by far my most effective class. Load up on arrows at Marwal and shoot my way through! I still don't get far though. ;D

I'm really trying to make the game really accessible in every way, not just in key commands. I'm really staying far from open-door-get-crushed-by-it-collapsing situations and such :).
Title: Re: The Temple of Torment (Now at Stable 4.0)
Post by: Aukustus on April 27, 2015, 11:22:48 PM
And a real bug: game crashes when trying to get a quest in Laketown (after pressing a in conversation)

Found and fixed for the next release.
Title: Re: The Temple of Torment (Now at Stable 4.0)
Post by: Samildanach on April 28, 2015, 10:56:27 AM
...plot-wise my RPG is designed to be played without permadeath.

Ah, I see. I was playing it as a roguelike.
Title: Re: The Temple of Torment (Now at Stable 4.0)
Post by: Aukustus on April 28, 2015, 12:40:36 PM
...plot-wise my RPG is designed to be played without permadeath.

Ah, I see. I was playing it as a roguelike.

It is/will be a full RPG experience in a roguelike engine.
Title: Re: The Temple of Torment (Now at Stable 4.0)
Post by: Aukustus on May 12, 2015, 07:47:29 PM
Figured out how to create a mouse movement:

Title: Re: The Temple of Torment (Now at Stable 4.0)
Post by: Aukustus on May 13, 2015, 12:41:54 AM
I managed to implement a fully mouse compatible UI:

So simply pointing a item on the ground somewhere far away and pressing continuously the left button will cause the character to move towards it and when standing over it pressing right button will pick it up. Also melee combat works by clicking the target.

Of course mouse will be optional, not mandatory way of playing the game.
Title: Re: The Temple of Torment (Now at Stable 4.0)
Post by: Aukustus on May 17, 2015, 06:38:01 PM
Beginning of a mouse based GUI (obviously system cursor is hidden in screenshot):

Path highlighting (optional), only the last pentagram is drawn as a in-game cursor if path highlight is disabled.
Buttons at the top right corner
Object names appear next to cursor when placing mouse above them
Title: Re: The Temple of Torment (Now at Stable 4.0)
Post by: Aukustus on May 21, 2015, 03:27:13 PM
The Temple of Torment is now 99% playable with only a mouse. Finishing stuff for a release in the following days.

New GUI:
Title: Re: The Temple of Torment (Now at Stable 4.0)
Post by: Aukustus on May 23, 2015, 12:05:13 AM
Stable 5.0 Released!

Not much new content, but more importantly a full mouse support: apart from couple of confirmation dialogues it's 100% playable with only a mouse. And Samildanach's suggestions of a help key and ability to buy multiple items.

Code: [Select]
- Full mouse support (targeting, menus, movement, etc)
- Ability to buy multiple items
- Every in-game menu is now usable with up/down arrows and numpad 8/2 keys and enter
- 4 new monsters
- General polishing

-----Full log:-----
Bugs and Mistakes and other wrong stuff
* Fixed crash when selecting good dialogue option with the farmer in Laketown
* Fixed some issues with wolfs
* Fixed crash with Bard's Song of Bravery
* Every spell and talent is fixed to have spell failure checks and mana costs at the same point
- Some random issues which I cannot remember fixed

* Mouse support: hold left click to move, right click to do action, wheel up/down and left click to use menus
* All menus are navigated with up and down arrows or 8 and 2 on keypad instead of a-z and so on
* Unusable items are now listed with red color instead of having prefix (Unusable)
* Some stackable items have now option to "buy three" and "buy five" instead of just buying one
* Help is also accessed through '?' key
* Overencumberment no longer limits completely movement; 10% excess weight has 10% chance of prevent moving, 20% excess weight has 20% chance and so on
* Removed support for smaller fonts
- Using the journal no longer spends a turn

Players, talents, spells, such
* Health Potion is green if player is poisoned
* Health Potion is brown if player is diseased
* Every spell contains a flavor text
* Every spell, missile weapon and talent fixed to have casting failure / invisibility removal / stealth removal at the same points
* Casting Failure no longer costs mana

* New monster: Familiar; flying monster capable of casting Lightning Bolt
* New monster: Maggots; twice per turn attacking monster
* New monster: Slug; a slow moving gastropod
* New monster: Medusa; twice per turn attacking monster that can stun player
Title: Re: The Temple of Torment (Now at Stable 5.0)
Post by: getter77 on May 23, 2015, 12:03:05 PM
Good deal, having these sorts of U/I improvements and whatnot squared away sooner than later should definitely help to clear the path for all the content yet to come.
Title: Re: The Temple of Torment (Now at Stable 5.0)
Post by: Aukustus on May 23, 2015, 01:04:24 PM
Sound effects are something I'm interested in too. I could compose music myself as I've been making music in a one man band for a long time, but effects such as sword clashes etc are really hard to find without having to pay for them. If the game had any commercial viability it wouldn't be hard decision to buy sound packs.
Title: Re: The Temple of Torment (Now at Stable 5.0)
Post by: getter77 on May 24, 2015, 11:58:03 AM
Odds are there'll be some solid sound packs you'll be able to find for free online eventually given the general growing momentum for such things---I'd definitely say an original musical score is something worthwhile to shoot for in the interim to that part getting sorted!
Title: Re: The Temple of Torment (Now at Stable 5.0)
Post by: Aukustus on July 24, 2015, 02:56:38 PM
After two months of slow development because of becoming employed, the 6.0 is finally here. http://www.thetempleoftorment.net/downloads/

Code: [Select]
- New Village (Large City)
- 6 new side quests
- Horse
- Gore

-----Full log:-----
Bugs and mistakes
* Fixed a problem in character generation where player would end up with paladin class in wrong situations
* Fixed the crash in the Ankheg Nest
* Fixed being able to use every talent regardless of player level
* Fixed entering into the elemental towers without talking to Lemouchi
* Fixed pathfinding problems with vaults and some other situations
- Fixed some lines that were still colored even with colored messages off
- Fixed multiple small issues

* World Map updated: most of the action happens in the western part of Faywyn for lore reasons, eastern part contains the ruins and the Temple
* Increased the scale of the world map a little, each tile is 20 minutes instead of 15 minutes
* Added gore: blood stains from taking damage
* Ability to own a horse; this lowers the food and time consumption in the world map by 50%
- Improved patches of forests

Players, talents, spells, such
* Paladins, Monks and Clerics cannot be Faithless any more
* Walking on roads on the World Map has a 25% lower food consumption rate than elsewhere
* Long Trek becomes 33% instead of 25%
* Starvation is much slower but still an inevitable death

* Main quest relocated into Westerfall, the new City
* The quests Undead Archcleric, Borantir's Journal, Arabeth's Husband and Ulf'thad's Mushrooms relocated into Westerfall, the new City
* New side quest: Acquire 3 demon body parts
* New side quest: Deliver the supplies
* New side quest: Kill the creature preying on the horses
* New side quest: Meet a bounty hunter who's after player's head
* New side quest: Retrieve a sword from a fortress
* New side quest: Retrieve a poem from a monastery

* New village: The City of Westerfall
* New area: The Royal Stables
* New area: Fort Rosehold
* New area: Soulsearch Monastery

* Added many unique items to boss monsters that previously did not drop anything
- Removed Arcane Book of Wall of Fire from shops, because it's a Mage quest reward

- New monster: Corrupted Paladin
- New monster: Cultist Martyr
- New monster: Undead Monk
- New monster: Revenant
Title: Re: The Temple of Torment (Now at Stable 6.0)
Post by: getter77 on July 24, 2015, 08:58:26 PM
Congrats---looks like yet another that adds to or improves on pretty much all fronts.   8)
Title: Re: The Temple of Torment (Now at Stable 6.0)
Post by: Aukustus on July 25, 2015, 02:16:06 AM
I guess I could share a image of the new gore mechanics: a new monster, Cultist Martyr, that suicide bombs the player leaving blood everywhere:
Title: Re: The Temple of Torment (Now at Stable 6.0)
Post by: Aukustus on August 08, 2015, 07:53:50 PM
I updated the monster AI to use A*, to open doors and to be not tied into player's fov. Now they can truly surprise the player by going alternative routes through other rooms to get behind the player.
Title: Re: The Temple of Torment (Now at Stable 6.0)
Post by: Aukustus on August 31, 2015, 07:36:34 PM
Another huge change:


I rewrote the whole rendering engine, it uses scrolling maps, 2x sized tiles and edge scrolling with mouse.

That picture is somewhat older and had accidentally reversed bottle colors.
Title: Re: The Temple of Torment (Now at Stable 6.0)
Post by: Avagart on August 31, 2015, 10:24:46 PM
Looks good, despite fact I very liked old system. It was original and conveniant. Btw, you site is down now?
Title: Re: The Temple of Torment (Now at Stable 6.0)
Post by: Aukustus on September 01, 2015, 05:48:04 AM
Looks good, despite fact I very liked old system. It was original and conveniant. Btw, you site is down now?

The old system did indeed work. It bothered me a long time though. Given that resolutions improve all the time it would have become too small at some point for letter-sized tiles. I just finally managed to get it right code-wise.

The hosting is just really unreliable. It should work always later.
Title: Re: The Temple of Torment (Now at Stable 6.0)
Post by: Avagart on September 06, 2015, 12:18:43 AM
I don't know which bugs are fixed now - more than a month after releasing version 6, but I want to write some feelings and noticed bugs.

Game is generally well-balanced - I remember that a few versions earlier this was a big problem, there was hard to survive first levels. Now it's a lot better. Unfortunely, the main problem at beginning is food, not enemies. The best choice in early game is buying horse. Otherwise player can have problem with travelling in wilderness. I would suggest one of severals possibilities: less price of food rations; more food rations in starting equipment; more... nutritions? rations; or, simply, a bit less consumption energy on world map (maybe 25% less?).
I think that enemies - maybe only in special locations (like Old Mines, Farm) - doesn't act (move, or so) unless not see the player first time.
Maybe I am in mistake, but I think that when I first time come to Altar Room, the 'left arrow' was thin. Thinner than other symbols.

There is one thing to fix in level-up screen. Order of descriptions (INT after WIS) isn't same as order of options (WIS after INT). This is annoying. I was reading skill's descriptions and wanted to raise my wisnes. Description of WIS was fourth in order, so I pressed 'd' key. INT increased.

One more thing about in-game texts. The journal is... a bit unhelpful. Maybe this is intentional, dont't know, but the number of cities, NPCs and quest in your game is large. When I see in journal that, for example... 'I met strange woman, she want to obtain black rose'. When I have 12 quests and 5 pages in journal... It's hard to remember where was this woman. And what is her name. You know, will be good if journal have more specific info.
"quest symbols" (I mean yellow '!' and '?') need... upgrades? IF journal is rather vague should be nice to make additional symbols (maybe violet/blue '?' ?) to NPC which quest are done, but not, hm, 'returned' - I hope I write understandable...

edit: Why you removed possibility to change font size? :(

e2: I play as monk. At character level 9, except gaining passive talent 'unarmed proficiency I', I have to choose weapon proficiency. Looks a bit weird for monk, and this is not mentioned in choosing class menu.

e3: If I want to use magic, I must have book equipped? And I can have only one book prepared? A bit strange, if there is not a lot space in eq.
Title: Re: The Temple of Torment (Now at Stable 6.0)
Post by: Aukustus on September 06, 2015, 01:40:57 PM
Cool, finally some good feedback!

Unfortunely, the main problem at beginning is food, not enemies. The best choice in early game is buying horse. Otherwise player can have problem with travelling in wilderness. I would suggest one of severals possibilities: less price of food rations; more food rations in starting equipment; more... nutritions? rations; or, simply, a bit less consumption energy on world map (maybe 25% less?).

Can do. Probably decreasing the food price is the best option.

I think that enemies - maybe only in special locations (like Old Mines, Farm) - doesn't act (move, or so) unless not see the player first time.
Maybe I am in mistake, but I think that when I first time come to Altar Room, the 'left arrow' was thin. Thinner than other symbols.

Both times you are mistaken. At least should be :). The enemy AI is the same in those locations than in the other locations.
There's no reason that the left arrow should be different.

There is one thing to fix in level-up screen. Order of descriptions (INT after WIS) isn't same as order of options (WIS after INT). This is annoying. I was reading skill's descriptions and wanted to raise my wisnes. Description of WIS was fourth in order, so I pressed 'd' key. INT increased.

Whoops. That's a mistake clearly, thanks for finding that.

One more thing about in-game texts. The journal is... a bit unhelpful. Maybe this is intentional, dont't know, but the number of cities, NPCs and quest in your game is large. When I see in journal that, for example... 'I met strange woman, she want to obtain black rose'. When I have 12 quests and 5 pages in journal... It's hard to remember where was this woman. And what is her name. You know, will be good if journal have more specific info.
"quest symbols" (I mean yellow '!' and '?') need... upgrades? IF journal is rather vague should be nice to make additional symbols (maybe violet/blue '?' ?) to NPC which quest are done, but not, hm, 'returned' - I hope I write understandable...

Yeah, it's a bit unreliable journal, I can make the entries a lot clearer.

edit: Why you removed possibility to change font size? :(

It was a bit tedious to maintain multiple fonts. I can think about making it a feature again though.

e2: I play as monk. At character level 9, except gaining passive talent 'unarmed proficiency I', I have to choose weapon proficiency. Looks a bit weird for monk, and this is not mentioned in choosing class menu.

That's weird yeah, I can remove that choice.

e3: If I want to use magic, I must have book equipped? And I can have only one book prepared? A bit strange, if there is not a lot space in eq.

Yeah, you have to equip the book. I can't recall any real reason why I made it like that. It's just the way the magic works in the world I guess  :).
Title: Re: The Temple of Torment (Now at Stable 6.0)
Post by: Avagart on September 06, 2015, 03:45:27 PM
Can do. Probably decreasing the food price is the best option.
Hm, I played next two characters, and I think that best option is reducing food consumption in wilderness. Food rations are quite cheap, and is relative frequent loot. However, first what I buy in TToT is horse ;)

Both times you are mistaken. At least should be
Good :D

The enemy AI is the same in those locations than in the other locations.
And observation that enemies cannot act unless notice player is true?
Seems to be trigger - when player appears in enemy FOV first time.

It was a bit tedious to maintain multiple fonts. I can think about making it a feature again though.

I very like good, old 8x12 font ;) But if it's big problem, I can play on 16x16 :)

+ a few new observations.

Is possible to sell equipped, cursed items. I think this is not intentional - wearing cursed stuff is form of penalty and in most cases player don't want to keep these items. So, it is not dilemma what to do with cursed item. Simple - sell it.

Colouring nutrition messages. If I see red colour, I treat it as warning. And when I see warning that 'you are feeling not hungry' this is a bit odd. You know, as 'oh man, it's, terrible, you are not hungry!'.
What do you think about colouring neutral food messages (from bloated to not hungry) on, for example, grey colour, and lower levels ( < not hungry) on red?
Title: Re: The Temple of Torment (Now at Stable 6.0)
Post by: Aukustus on September 06, 2015, 05:10:47 PM
And observation that enemies cannot act unless notice player is true?
Seems to be trigger - when player appears in enemy FOV first time.

The AI is in general as following:
- Sees player
    - Registers player's location into its memory
    - Does whatever attack it should do
- Doesn't see player
    - If has seen player but doesn't see currently
         - Go toward the location it last saw player
    - Else wanders around     

Is possible to sell equipped, cursed items. I think this is not intentional

Definitely not intended.

Colouring nutrition messages. If I see red colour, I treat it as warning. And when I see warning that 'you are feeling not hungry' this is a bit odd. You know, as 'oh man, it's, terrible, you are not hungry!'.
What do you think about colouring neutral food messages (from bloated to not hungry) on, for example, grey colour, and lower levels ( < not hungry) on red?

Definitely doable., especially the coloring.

The current list of fixed stuff is

Code: [Select]
* Fixed being able to enter some locations through the map coordinates without having the location known
* Song of Piercing Pain no longer damages the player
- Undetected traps are no longer drawn on top of closed doors
- Prevented the exploit with multiple poisoned weapons with Rogue
- Added missing location names in the death screen and in the old UI
- Fixed ASCII trees
- Houses in Westerfall are locked as they should
- Fixed pathfinding bug in the Throne Room
- Familiar had wrong death function, it could drop weapons previously
- Added Westerfall as a possible destination in deity's dialogues
- Fixed the order of attribute texts in level-up screen to match the order of choices

Title: Re: The Temple of Torment (Now at Stable 6.0)
Post by: Avagart on September 06, 2015, 08:56:26 PM
New things. Seem that when there is more than one corpse in tile, they 'pass through' each other. So, in my case, there was two corpses in one tile - dark one warrior (red) and dark one stalker (dark red). Every turn displayed corpse was changed. It looks like blinking red colour ;)
It affects text returned by look command - once 'remains of dark one stalker' are above 'remains of dark one warrior', once conversely.

Information about expired skill. For example, I activate 'overpower' (50 turns) and start 'R'esting for >50 turn. After rest, info that overpower expires are not shown. I have to take a turn to 'activate' this message.

I was very surprised when I saw that traps can be spawn at/under stairs :D

Are you planning make more complex pick-up system? If I have less free slots in inventory than a number of items on one tile, and want only one - which is on bottom of pile of junk - I have to drop items, get all stuff from floor, drop unwanted items and grab previously dropped items. Boooring ;)

'?' symbol in mayor of Laketown is displayed in wronga place. It's not directly above mayor, but two tiles to right.
Title: Re: The Temple of Torment (Now at Stable 6.0)
Post by: Aukustus on September 06, 2015, 09:22:02 PM
New things. Seem that when there is more than one corpse in tile, they 'pass through' each other. So, in my case, there was two corpses in one tile - dark one warrior (red) and dark one stalker (dark red). Every turn displayed corpse was changed. It looks like blinking red colour ;)
It affects text returned by look command - once 'remains of dark one stalker' are above 'remains of dark one warrior', once conversely.

This is something I need to look into, I know where the bug comes from but I have to think about how to fix it, I've never seen it yet because I do all the development with tiles enabled. It is related to making sure the corpses are at the bottom of the tiles if there are multiple objects at the same tile. It then accidentally rotates the tiles making one on the top and the other on the bottom and then again.

Information about expired skill. For example, I activate 'overpower' (50 turns) and start 'R'esting for >50 turn. After rest, info that overpower expires are not shown. I have to take a turn to 'activate' this message.

This is just something related to at which point the messages are printed. Talents expire at the beginning of turn, so it's whole 50 turns and then on the 51st turn and at the beginning it deactivates. It is awkward though, I should rewrite the whole resting mechanics to fix it.

Are you planning make more complex pick-up system? If I have less free slots in inventory than a number of items on one tile, and want only one - which is on bottom of pile of junk - I have to drop items, get all stuff from floor, drop unwanted items and grab previously dropped items. Boooring ;)

Hmm, I could definitely do this, a menu for picking if there are more items on the ground at the same tile.

'?' symbol in mayor of Laketown is displayed in wronga place. It's not directly above mayor, but two tiles to right.

Thanks and it's fixed now.
Title: Re: The Temple of Torment (Now at Stable 6.0)
Post by: Avagart on September 06, 2015, 10:45:37 PM
Good to know :)

Unfortunately, I found major bug, which stopped my game. I was in wolf cave, for 'very special rabbit'. I was trying catch the rabbit (and this small tease bite/scratch me) several times. Suddenly rabbit disappears. IIRC he bites me, but after this doesn't appears on another tile. I checked under wolves corpses, I checked my inventory and equipment - nope, rabbit is not here. Now, I cannot leave the cave, because "You cannot leave the area without necessary items.'

Title: Re: The Temple of Torment (Now at Stable 6.0)
Post by: Aukustus on September 06, 2015, 10:55:32 PM
Good to know :)

Unfortunately, I found major bug, which stopped my game. I was in wolf cave, for 'very special rabbit'. I was trying catch the rabbit (and this small tease bite/scratch me) several times. Suddenly rabbit disappears. IIRC he bites me, but after this doesn't appears on another tile. I checked under wolves corpses, I checked my inventory and equipment - nope, rabbit is not here. Now, I cannot leave the cave, because "You cannot leave the area without necessary items.'


#*$#@. I guess it ran outside the map somehow. I can propably fix the save though.
Title: Re: The Temple of Torment (Now at Stable 6.0)
Post by: Avagart on September 06, 2015, 11:02:51 PM
Ok, there is very strange. In first time, before loading game, I cannot leave area. Only mentioned text was displayed. After loading game, when I tried leave area, screen became dark (as always when player changes location), game was saved and only after that - message "You cannot leave the area" are displayed. And rabbit has been spawned again.

Is possible that whole level, including rabbit, is drawn again when loading?

I guess it ran outside the map somehow.
I don't think so. Rabbit always re-appears on tile adjacent to player, and I stood near centre of chamber.
It is possible that rabbit appears under corpse, but I'm sure I checked every corpse-tile...

edit: Ok, another bug. There is man who want the mooshrooms. I had this quest, but I didn't remember that this '@' is this man ;) I started conversation with him, and he ask me, if I have mooshroom. I replied that not yet. Screen backs to the city and '?' symbol disappears. When I try to talk with this man again, game crashes.
Code: [Select]
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "TheTempleofTorment.py", line 76452, in <module>
  File "TheTempleofTorment.py", line 76313, in main_menu
  File "TheTempleofTorment.py", line 75766, in load_menu
  File "TheTempleofTorment.py", line 75689, in play_game
  File "TheTempleofTorment.py", line 40511, in handle_keys
  File "TheTempleofTorment.py", line 9662, in wizard
ValueError: list.remove(x): x not in list
Title: Re: The Temple of Torment (Now at Stable 6.0)
Post by: Aukustus on September 07, 2015, 04:54:37 AM
The screen flash actually triggers before it checks if there are any quest items on the ground. I have to change it. It's extremely weird the rabbit spawns or appears again then because it doesn't load anything at that point.

The mushroom guy thing is a bug and I've found the fix for it. It's unfixable though currently in the current release and the only way it can be fixed in your save is that if I edit it.

Edit: you can actually compensate the quest reward for the mushroom quest by giving yourself a level up through cheats and then forget about the mushrooms. Or I'll fix the missing quest flag that is giving problems. You can PM me for that.
Title: Re: The Temple of Torment (Now at Stable 6.0)
Post by: Avagart on September 07, 2015, 12:20:53 PM
Bless you for saving game when player changes location :) I loaded game before I lost mushroom quest, then I went to caves, get mushrooms, kill Cuvern, back to Westerfall and finish quest.

How can I check time of day? I know that this affects tone of colours, but this effect is not visible on World Map. Maybe making it visible on wilderness would be good idea? Or provide more detailed info in UI or as message (under a specific key?).
Title: Re: The Temple of Torment (Now at Stable 6.0)
Post by: Aukustus on September 07, 2015, 01:19:29 PM
Bless you for saving game when player changes location :) I loaded game before I lost mushroom quest, then I went to caves, get mushrooms, kill Cuvern, back to Westerfall and finish quest.

How can I check time of day? I know that this affects tone of colours, but this effect is not visible on World Map. Maybe making it visible on wilderness would be good idea? Or provide more detailed info in UI or as message (under a specific key?).

Journal menu displays it. It's not visible in the wilderness as it's a map actually.
Title: Re: The Temple of Torment (Now at Stable 6.0)
Post by: Avagart on September 07, 2015, 01:48:54 PM
Thanks :)

Eh, my fighter is dead :( There is no time/other limit of being poisoned? I was healthy fighter, and snake poison me. I though this problem gone after some time, but no. I used potion of rejuvenation and three potions of healing over time, but this didn't help.

However, game became too easy. Very early game - with first levels of temple, with bandit's lair - is moderately difficult. Then there is sudden increase of difficult - Crypt can be hard, sometimes I have to use healing potions. Unfortunely, later game is very easy. I passed caves without healing, without risk. And every special location is without danger - Curvin is weak, hydra is weak, headhunter is weak, and so on. Only ruins are a bit harder, but boss of Ancient Temple is lame :P
Fights with headhunter or Zidir's deamon should be difficult, but... Just nope.

Next problem is balance of weapons. At the beginning I obtained Needle - guarantee artifact. Until the Blaid I didn't found ANY better weapon. One item was more interesting than others - magical halaberd +1STR.

Next thoughts... Rubonite walls are too garish, too bright. I know, 'rubonite', so 'ruby', so red colour, but I feels that I should *search* for rubonite veins.
When player meets with Zidir on crossroads, more logical will be make 'stairs' on road, not in forest. It's more probable if player will be walk by road, not forest-near-road.
If I stand near two persons, game decide which whom I will talk. Would be nice if player can choose target of talk. Or simply move Zidir a little further from bartender ;)

What's about Hodir's quest? I was in mid-late game, though, and I didn't find fragments which Hodirs want.

Magical Plate Armor of Life  [+25 AC, +5 MP]. Life suffix suggests that this armour gives bonus for HP, not MP.

At the end: there is problem with corpses outside FOV. When monster stand on it, corpse are not displayed, so we can 'track' enemies. I don't know if it affects other objects.
Title: Re: The Temple of Torment (Now at Stable 6.0)
Post by: Aukustus on September 07, 2015, 02:42:46 PM
This is some very good feedback.

The power curve is a lot off it seems. Balancing is the hardest part. I've designed special locations to be a little weaker than the dungeon section that unlocks it. Cavern is easy because of the algorithm can place multiple monsters next to you. Far more than other areas do, when it doesn't place  it's very easy.

Poison is infinite at this point. Hodir stuff is only found inside Hell. The armor is a typo. It does give mana but displays still "of Life".

Corpses outside FOV should display even though a monster is on top. I have to check it. If monsters are on top of an item it works.

Item progression is quite bad. I have to balance it somehow.

Do you think you hit too often or do the monsters not have enough hit points?
Title: Re: The Temple of Torment (Now at Stable 6.0)
Post by: Avagart on September 07, 2015, 03:44:32 PM
The power curve is a lot off it seems. Balancing is the hardest part. I've designed special locations to be a little weaker than the dungeon section that unlocks it. Cavern is easy because of the algorithm can place multiple monsters next to you. Far more than other areas do, when it doesn't place  it's very easy.
Seems that power of player progress much faster than danger of places. Don't know how about other classes. I'm pretty sure that bosses needs buff.

Poison is infinite at this point.
So bad. Player without potion of cure poison are dead already.

The armor is a typo. I believe it gives HP still even though it says MP.
No. I checked it earlier and this armour gives MP.

Corpses outside FOV should display even though a monster is on top. I have to check it. If monsters are on top of an item it works.
I can be more specific - even if it seems to be 'global' effect. I was in Ruins, corpse was blue (not light blue), and enemy was blue (sorry, I don't remember their names :( )

Do you think you hit too often or do the monsters not have enough hit points?
This is not a problem. Fights are well-balanced - sometimes easy, sometimes harder. The source of ease is something else.
I can rest until healed always, after every fight. Strengh of enemy is less important. One can almost kill me, for example, I can have 10/100HP. Seems dangerous? Nope. I can simply press 'R' and spend 900 turns for healing. No one bothers me.* Also food is not a problem for healing time - maybe on World Map food consumption is too high, but in locations/dungeons is a bit too low.
So, you know. Balance of combat is good, but what's hard, if I can rest until healed after every fight?

*I don't know why. In caverns type dungeon in Temple I didn't need to rest, and in caverns in special levels (Ankheg, Old Mine, etc.) enemies are spawn widely. So I don't know... Maybe monsters cannot walk around while PC is resting. Maybe monsters are not able to pass closed (not locked) doors. Anyway, I never spot any monster while resting.

Bosses definitely needs more HP and maybe better attack, but that was mentioned at the beginning of this post.
Title: Re: The Temple of Torment (Now at Stable 6.0)
Post by: Aukustus on September 07, 2015, 03:48:54 PM
Maybe monsters cannot walk around while PC is resting. Maybe monsters are not able to pass closed (not locked) doors. Anyway, I never spot any monster while resting.

They do walk, but slowly. I have a new pathfinding system in my development version which allows monsters to walk around the dungeons. Also open doors. Then they can more likely chance upon player while resting.

A long time ago I toyed with the idea of having a random chance for a monster to spawn when player rests. Perhaps that would be a good idea.
Title: Re: The Temple of Torment (Now at Stable 6.0)
Post by: Aukustus on September 12, 2015, 04:26:38 PM
Stable 7.0 Released!

Code: [Select]
- Rewritten rendering, 2x sized tiles, scrolling maps
- Difficulty settings
- Greatly improved monster AI
- 3 Party members
- Summoning spells
- Smart item picking
- Balancing, mainly harder end-game

-----Full log:-----
Bugs, mistakes and missing things
* Fixed crash with Ulf'thad's mushroom quest
* Fixed being able to sell cursed and equipped items
* Fixed being able to enter some locations through the map coordinates without having the location known
* Song of Piercing Pain no longer damages the player
- The Rabbit can no longer disappear behind a wolf corpse
- Undetected traps are no longer drawn on top of closed doors
- Prevented the exploit with multiple poisoned weapons with Rogue
- Added missing location names in the death screen and in the old UI
- Fixed ASCII trees
- Houses in Westerfall are locked as they should
- Fixed pathfinding bug in the Throne Room
- Familiar had wrong death function, it could drop weapons previously
- Added Westerfall as a possible destination in deity's dialogues
- Fixed the order of attribute texts in level-up screen to match the order of choices
- Updated some texts that talked of the king being a mayor or some village names were wrong
- Some random minor fixes

* Added 3 difficulty settings
* Whole rendering engine rewritten to use 2x sized tiles
* Scrolling maps; With mouse enabled: edge scrolling, with mouse disabled: centered on the player
* Hunger messages are colored based on severity
* Added concept of party members: they aid players in combat, and are also perma-deathed
* Ability to select which item to pick up from a stack of items
* Many of the journal entries are slightly improved

Players, talents, spells, such
* Changed the outdoor FOV to be 7 tiles instead of 15 tiles to make it fit the new screen vertically
* Poisoning changed: there's a 10% chance each turn for the immune system to cure the poison
* New Divine Spell: Summon Deva
* New Arcane Spell: Summon Golem
* New Demonic Spell: Summon Daemon
* New Druidic Spell: Summon Treant
* Monks cannot pick weapon proficiency any more

- Marwal renamed to Summerdale

* Muskets are now generally less accurate
* Lowered the price of food, light sources and tools
* Doubled the chance of finding unique loot
* New Item: Divine Book of Summon Deva
* New Item: Arcane Book of Summon Golem
* New Item: Demonic Book of Summon Daemon
* New Item: Druidic Book of Summon Treant
* Lowered AC of all armors other than leather armor

* Monster AI updated: uses A* pathfinding, can use doors, no longer tied into player's field of vision
* General balancing
Title: Re: The Temple of Torment (Now at Stable 7.0)
Post by: getter77 on September 12, 2015, 08:30:45 PM
Congrats on another meaty release!   8)
Title: Re: The Temple of Torment (Now at Stable 7.0)
Post by: Avagart on September 13, 2015, 10:09:01 PM
I'm going to play it tomorrow. I'm glad to see major bugs fixed :)

Oh, man. Sorry, but... nope. New system of display is very uncomfortable. Maybe it's good for tiles (because look, not ease of use), but it's bad for ascii for several reasons. First - aesthetics. Letters are too big and blurred. Second - comfort of use. I very liked old ASCII look, especially when I could use fonts smaller than 16x16. I seen whole map - all shops, NPCs, questgivers. I could move 'smart'. Now? Now the FOV of player are silly small.
Title: Re: The Temple of Torment (Now at Stable 7.0)
Post by: Aukustus on September 14, 2015, 05:24:17 AM
No need for sorries.

I'll make the letters better when I find a decent 32x32 letters. In theory, the way I coded the larger tiles it's not hard at all to add other rendering for normal sized ascii. The FOV is small to make the light sources not expand the FOV larger than the screen. With torches the FOV is 7 tiles compared to previous 6 tiles without a light source. I'll add at some point a unique item to give a permanent light source.

Either way, I'm going to make the screen taller to give more room for the map display. Then I can increase the FOV a little.

I get the usability of the previous system, but this is the direction I'm going. Then I can only make the current system better.
Title: Re: The Temple of Torment (Now at Stable 7.0)
Post by: Avagart on September 14, 2015, 09:26:31 AM
If so I suggest to use smaller font - even if old 16x16. I don't know how your system works, but it should double FOV and probably increase ease of orientation and movement.
Title: Re: The Temple of Torment (Now at Stable 7.0)
Post by: Aukustus on September 14, 2015, 10:33:27 AM
It actually just changes the window size since libtcod window is tied into character cell size.
Title: Re: The Temple of Torment (Now at Stable 7.0)
Post by: Aukustus on September 14, 2015, 07:14:10 PM
I created a quick patch 7.1 that increases the fov inside dungeons by 2 and in the outdoor maps by 1. Also game window is a little bit larget so that it displays 2 tiles more in the vertical axis.

Full log
Code: [Select]
Bugs, mistakes and missing things
* Fixed a crash with one spell effect

* 2 tiles taller Map screen
- Added flavor journal entries inside the main dungeon

Players, talents, spells, such
* Increased the FOV while in dungeon by 2

- Reduced the radius of light sources by 1
Title: Re: The Temple of Torment (Now at Stable 7.1)
Post by: Aukustus on September 15, 2015, 06:12:28 PM
With inspiration from Avagart's 8x12 font size I'm developing another ASCII font for use:


I have though absolutely no idea what to do with the button images.
Title: Re: The Temple of Torment (Now at Stable 7.1)
Post by: Tzan on September 15, 2015, 07:55:31 PM
I like the fat font.

Since you are experimenting you might want to try this:
Make things in FAT FONT that are intended to be foreground, like walls, creatures, items on the ground.
Then make some characters in that font less fat, for things that are in the background, like grass and roads.
Title: Re: The Temple of Torment (Now at Stable 7.1)
Post by: Aukustus on September 15, 2015, 09:05:53 PM
That's a good idea but it's a little bit hard because I have a bitmap font and with libtcod it means that every character must be physically in the font file. Now all the double sized fonts are just sized up from the text font and pasted into the same file and accessed through an index.
Title: Re: The Temple of Torment (Now at Stable 7.1)
Post by: Tzan on September 15, 2015, 10:17:50 PM
To do it any way you would need to hand edit pixels on an actual image file, after it was scaled in an art program.
Or scaled and saved from your program, not sure it can do that.
Title: Re: The Temple of Torment (Now at Stable 7.1)
Post by: Avagart on September 16, 2015, 12:12:59 AM
Ouh, I very like that font :D This is not greyscale so looks much better when they are enlarged.

I tested 7.1 for a while.
And yes, now it looks a bit better (I mean display system now, not font size/type), especially in cities. Greater ease of exploration and orientation in the area. However, I have some issues for. First - when mouse is enabled, 'camera' doesn't follow player; I can walk PC out of view, I must... (sorry for my poor english, I lack good words or terms in this moment) I must change the location of camera by mouse. Maybe it's intended, but *necessity* of mouse-scrolling is boring. You know, scrolling as 'scrolling map'. It's very annoying. Second - 'fast travelling'. Without visible causes, PC stops every two tiles.

One more thing - game window is a little bit too big for 768px height screen.

edit: please, tell me, how exacly works your new system? I mean, this 'zoomed' view? Maybe is possible to making options for scaling this zoom?
Title: Re: The Temple of Torment (Now at Stable 7.1)
Post by: Aukustus on September 16, 2015, 05:23:51 AM
It's intentional the camera doesn't follow the player. There were some issues with mouse movement when it followed: the target coordinates always moved when camera moved. Also plenty of CRPGs have a camera like this.

It's not too large when played with full screen. Without full screen I think it's partly below the taskbar.

It's a very stone age era trick with the scaling: each object knows which *four* 16x16 tiles in the font image belong to it instead of one. Then it prints all four characters to x, y; x+1, y; x, y+1; x+1, y+1 coordinates. Because it's tied to the cell size, no scalings like 150% are supported. Only 2x, 3x etc. that fit evenly with the cells.

Title: Re: The Temple of Torment (Now at Stable 7.1)
Post by: Avagart on September 16, 2015, 11:22:21 PM
1) in cRPGs yes. But in these games you usually operate with mouse. In TToT, with mouse support enabled, I still prefer keyboard to walking/acting. Mouse movement should be great for greater distance, like in towns, 'cleaned' dungeons, etc. because it could speed up movement; *but* player character stops every two steps, so this is not very efficient and comfortable. Consequently, i think that actually, with existing problems, playing with mouse support seems to be... problematic.

2) Yup, I know that everything should be (and yes, is) good in full screen, but I prefer to playing in window. I have taskbar in right, and TToT window slightly does not fit. TToT 7.1 have. ( http://i.imgur.com/lX7Kjn3.png ) Maybe is possible to make third option, compromise between strict window and full screen? So, miximized window, which fits self for screen as in full screen, but remains a window?
Title: Re: The Temple of Torment (Now at Stable 7.1)
Post by: Aukustus on September 17, 2015, 06:12:52 AM
1) Now that I think I can easily add a centered camera on player when player uses movement buttons even though mouse is enabled.

2) I have honestly no idea about this.

Edit: What do you mean by character stopping every 2 tiles?
Title: Re: The Temple of Torment (Now at Stable 7.1)
Post by: Avagart on September 17, 2015, 03:44:33 PM
Exacly what it means ;) For example - in Summerdale I have 27 steps from starting location to well. So, I place cursor over the well, and the path from player character to well is drawn. I click. Player - on empty road, without obstacles, items, NPC etc. - make 2 (or 3, as I noticed now) and stops. Just this. Click again - 2 steps. Again - three steps. This is gif for... visualization ;) http://i.imgur.com/Mz8yP6N.gifv
Title: Re: The Temple of Torment (Now at Stable 7.1)
Post by: Aukustus on September 17, 2015, 04:00:04 PM
Are you telling me you don't have a perfectly smooth movement when mouse moving left button down all the way to the cursor location? It's not intended to be a single click movement though if that's what you are trying.
Title: Re: The Temple of Torment (Now at Stable 7.1)
Post by: Aukustus on September 20, 2015, 04:20:53 PM
Stable 7.2 released for the ARRP! A small release but some important fixes and the all-new ASCII mode.

Code: [Select]
* New smaller alternative ASCII mode

-----Full log:-----
Bugs, mistakes and missing things
* Fixed a FOV bug when opening one door of double doors
* Fixed the broken menu in name selection
- Fixed a bug with ASCII water
- Fixed a bug with cursor printing character names behind the UI

* New 8x12 sized alternative ASCII mode
* Camera moves with player if keyboard movement is used when mouse is enabled too
* Door opening now costs a turn
Title: Re: The Temple of Torment (Now at Stable 7.1)
Post by: Avagart on September 20, 2015, 05:14:02 PM
* New smaller alternative ASCII mode
Thank you very much, mr Aukustus :)

And this:
* Camera moves with player if keyboard movement is used when mouse is enabled too
makes playing with mouse movemente a lot better experience.

I'm very glad seeing changes from version 7.0 to 7.2 :)

I though that new display system could de-balance food/nutrition system (because I have to make more steps (so more turns) to explore city, or in dungeon looking for already discovered stairs), but seems that everything is ok.

When player have possibility to quest-related interaction, yellow '?' is displaying next to '@'. Maybe would be good to add these symbols to quartermasters, while we have supplies for they?
Title: Re: The Temple of Torment (Now at Stable 7.1)
Post by: Aukustus on September 20, 2015, 05:45:36 PM
I though that new display system could de-balance food/nutrition system (because I have to make more steps (so more turns) to explore city, or in dungeon looking for already discovered stairs), but seems that everything is ok.

The food system in entirely tied into the internal game clock. One turn is 6 seconds and one turn spends one food point. Essentially one food ration gives enough fuel for around 6 hours of exploration.

You talked about the food consumption in the wilderness at one point: One turn in the world map is 20 minutes. This would cause 600 food points per turn but there I have balanced it to 200 points per turn (because player could eat berries or whatever behind the scenes). Roads in the world map reduce the food point cost by 25% and horse by 50% points. And Ranger talent could reduce it by further 33%.

I think it should be a fairly balanced and realistic system.

Edit: regarding the quartermasters. I think that's a slight on my part. I'll add them.
Title: Re: The Temple of Torment (Now at Stable 7.2 ARRP)
Post by: getter77 on September 20, 2015, 08:47:00 PM
Congrats on the timely v7.2 for ARRP 2015!  8)
Title: Re: The Temple of Torment (Now at Stable 7.1)
Post by: Avagart on September 23, 2015, 11:52:35 AM
I think it should be a fairly balanced and realistic system.
I think you're right.

I have one more suggestion related to new display system.
Every city is divided into 'districts'. It was very good thing while every district area fits to the screen, you know: one board - one screen. Now, when screen is zoomed and camera follows player, greatest benefit of splitting city area is less, hm, sensible. You thought about merging city areas into one board?

It's not intended to be a single click movement though if that's what you are trying.
So how the game decides how many tiles player character moves by single click? It looks totally random for me, like random.randint(1, 3) ;) so it's a bit confusing.

edit: Ouh, man, I know that I usually report bugs, write critical observations and etc., but seriously, you are making great game :)
Title: Re: The Temple of Torment (Now at Stable 7.2 ARRP)
Post by: Aukustus on September 23, 2015, 01:14:15 PM
I've definitely thought about merging some of the areas. It's a huge task though but definitely it would look awesome. Many stuff are hard coded with coordinates so I'd have to fix them all.

The tiles moved by single click depends on how long you've pressed the button. A button click works as actually holding down the button a veryvery short time as the movement code checks if the button is down. It's not logical but it fixed a larger problem which was clicking 78 times to go through a map when movement was tied to click event. And long distance moving with a single click like in Brogue had other undesired outcomes that I was unable to fix at the time, now, I don't think I'll change much of the mouse code.

Feedback like all this helps out a lot :). I as the only developer miss out a lot of stuff and every possible use cases.
Title: Re: The Temple of Torment (Now at Stable 7.2 ARRP)
Post by: Avagart on September 23, 2015, 01:46:44 PM
---about mouse-movement---

I didn't know :< In that case, controlling character by mouse is easy and comfortable. I expected mouse controls like in Brogue ( ;) ) so I was confused by two-three tiles movement by single click. And it's my fault, because I didn't read help/mouse text.
Title: Re: The Temple of Torment (Now at Stable 7.2 ARRP)
Post by: Aukustus on September 23, 2015, 02:08:57 PM
I feel like the mouse actually controls the character instead of pointing directions. You can cancel the movement easily or change directions on the fly. Holding left button on monsters will repeatedly melee attack too.
Title: Re: The Temple of Torment (Now at Stable 7.2 ARRP)
Post by: Aukustus on September 25, 2015, 08:08:54 AM
I'm also taking suggestions for any new content. Class quests are on some priority though they are on hold until I've figured out quests for all the classes. Evil main quest path is coming also at some point.

Now I'm working on adding stuff into the main dungeon, for example a unique pool that generates only once which I've named Pool of Radiance which will do something I'm not sure yet.
Title: Re: The Temple of Torment (Now at Stable 7.2 ARRP)
Post by: Avagart on September 25, 2015, 12:54:34 PM
I'm also taking suggestions for any new content. Class quests are on some priority though they are on hold until I've figured out quests for all the classes.

I know a little about class quests, but I try to take a look in future. This sound as interesting (and original/rare for roguelikes, I think) idea. If I understand correctly - you have some class quests already designed, but you are waiting with implementation until all classes will have their own classes?

I played only melee oriented classes so far. I'm playing as ranger now and I have some thoughts. Arrows outwears (I don't know if it's good word... 'outwears' as 'to spent' or 'to consume') very fast. They never can be recovered. Ammo in shops are quite cheap, but carrying 500 arrows is a bit odd. Would be good if some used arrows (% of missed shots?) would remains on floor. Or just give archers special conditions for loot generation (high chances for few arrows per bandit archer / skeleton archer / etc. corpse?).

Hm, autoaim works oddly in Maida's cellar, but I think that is because rat is not hostile at start?

Good to see that you made journal entries much clearer :) Can you make same think for 'quest' menu? For example:
Code: [Select]
quest_type: quest_objective (location_of_employer)


Quest: Destroy Elinmyr and return her amulet for Silywyn (Waterfall)
Title: Re: The Temple of Torment (Now at Stable 7.2 ARRP)
Post by: Aukustus on September 25, 2015, 01:05:19 PM
If I understand correctly - you have some class quests already designed, but you are waiting with implementation until all classes will have their own classes?

Exactly. Rogue quest will have a stealth quest, druid quest will feature some treants and a corrupted druid and a forest, and I think paladin quest will feature some awesome 1-handed sword. I'll also add one side quest for each party member, I already know what Melisath's will be.

I played only melee oriented classes so far. I'm playing as ranger now and I have some thoughts. Arrows outwears (I don't know if it's good word... 'outwears' as 'to spent' or 'to consume') very fast. They never can be recovered. Ammo in shops are quite cheap, but carrying 500 arrows is a bit odd. Would be good if some used arrows (% of missed shots?) would remains on floor. Or just give archers special conditions for loot generation (high chances for few arrows per bandit archer / skeleton archer / etc. corpse?).

This is something I thought about at some point but forgot it completely, I think arrow recovery was supposed to be a passive talent at some point.

When I get enough ideas for new active talents for each class, I'll swap the talent buttons and the hunger/xp bars around in the UI so I'll have 9 UI slots reserved for talents. Ranger will definitely by then have an arrow recovery talent since I need to add passive talents too in between the active ones.

I'll definitely add ammo to loot generation for ranged monsters.

Edit: Yes, the quest features you killing a completely innocent rat :).

I can make them definitely clearer.
Title: Re: The Temple of Torment (Now at Stable 7.2 ARRP)
Post by: Avagart on September 25, 2015, 02:09:26 PM
So, you have class quests for rogue, druid and paladin? Ie other classes are waiting for you ideas and player's suggestions? ;)

I think that after adding ammos to loot generation, their price in shops should be higher or their quantity should be limited; collecting arrows as loot must make sense and player must have a reason to not to buy hundreds/thousands ammos.

You made menu for picking more items from one tile, yay! :D

Very subjectively, but 'Q' letter in titles/headers (you know, 'QUIT GAME', 'QUESTS', 'DIARY') looks unfinished due to 'empty' top layer.

I encountered problem with comapnion's AI. When I'm not in monster's FOV but companion is, he is standing like a fool and this is only what he 'do'. He can be shooted (?) be enemy, but he cannot move (or act, I don't know how it works with melee enemy)

How can I check companion's HP?
Title: Re: The Temple of Torment (Now at Stable 7.2 ARRP)
Post by: Aukustus on September 25, 2015, 02:20:44 PM
So, you have class quests for rogue, druid and paladin? Ie other classes are waiting for you ideas and player's suggestions? ;)

Yep :). I think I have one for barbarian too, but I don't know how to add a barbarian village that makes sense in the late medieval world.

I think that after adding ammos to loot generation, their price in shops should be higher or their quantity should be limited; collecting arrows as loot must make sense and player must have a reason to not to buy hundreds/thousands ammos.

Yeah, it has to be balanced then.

I encountered problem with comapnion's AI. When I'm not in monster's FOV but companion is, he is standing like a fool and this is only what he 'do'. He can be shooted (?) be enemy, but he cannot move (or act, I don't know how it works with melee enemy)

There are some issues with the NPC AI but I'll tend to them, mostly the problems are related to the companions FOV. And in some cases pathfinding, I found one problem too with full party in cramped situations.

How can I check companion's HP?

There's no way yet since I forgot to add that :), I'll add the same tags as with monsters that describe the general health status.
Title: Re: The Temple of Torment (Now at Stable 7.2 ARRP)
Post by: Avagart on September 25, 2015, 02:54:45 PM
In 7.2 companions are immortal? :D e: They're mortal... ;)

Projectiles seems to penetrate walls.

It's only example, I don't know where was 'h', but it looks like this:
Code: [Select]
base position:
#    @   #
# ########
#        #

animation of ammo's flight:
#    @   #
# #|######
#        #

When player steps on stun trap, sometimes message is not displayed. I mean that violet text, seems it is shown only when player try to move. But 'stunned' condition applies not only to moving, but also to shooting. Would be good if message like 'Not while stunned!' was shown.

Companion ascii-tile should vary to player character (maybe a bit darker?). Positioning in dungeon fights would be easier.

Barbarian village ALWAYS make sense :D I'm not joking. Even now subneolithic (pottery + hunter-gathering) tribes exist. So, barbarian village in late medieval isn't very controversial imo. Place this location in most isolated... hm, *place*, make it difficult to reach (maybe in 'black marks' on east? And special condition to discover that village? Dunno, maybe very small island in the sea/ocean, raft is necessary?).

edit: Ouch.
Code: [Select]
Bug: Error drawing Dark One StalkerAll the time there are new lines with this message. Should I sent save file to you? To help bug-hunting?

e2: Hm, I save Arabeth's husband. His symbol '@' gone, but tile still is blocked.
Title: Re: The Temple of Torment (Now at Stable 7.2 ARRP)
Post by: Aukustus on September 25, 2015, 03:13:22 PM
They aren't immortal but are without any way to inspect their stats.

The projectiles don't go through the walls. They are drawn to do so in some cases because it draws the line inbetween the end and start points. The problem is that FOV algorithm is calculated differently from the line drawing. They aren't identical. If FOV and lines both used Bresenham it would be correct.

I can change the companion ASCIIs and the status condition messages into something better.

That error message is actually enough. I added those to show bugs with the new rendering engine. It has wrong ascii tile. Essentially I think it has the old 'u' as a string instead of the index int of the larger 'u' in the font file.

Edit: I'll fix the blocked tile.
Title: Re: The Temple of Torment (Now at Stable 7.2 ARRP)
Post by: Avagart on September 25, 2015, 03:39:41 PM
After rescue Eremadas, Arabeth still asks 'Have you found my husband yet?'.

I thought about save system. In roguelikes you have to pay for your mistakes. So, when you want to exit game, you have to save game. In TToT is possible to exit game, without saving, and don't lose the character. And then is possible to load game and make different decisions. It's ok for me, especially if standard mode don't have permadeath, but... What do you think about changing save system for hardcore mode?
Title: Re: The Temple of Torment (Now at Stable 7.2 ARRP)
Post by: Aukustus on September 25, 2015, 03:57:19 PM
After rescue Eremadas, Arabeth still asks 'Have you found my husband yet?'.

I thought about save system. In roguelikes you have to pay for your mistakes. So, when you want to exit game, you have to save game. In TToT is possible to exit game, without saving, and don't lose the character. And then is possible to load game and make different decisions. It's ok for me, especially if standard mode don't have permadeath, but... What do you think about changing save system for hardcore mode?

Bug fixed.

Regarding save system, I can definitely do that, but since it's still possible to exploit also by killing process or closing window, and then loading again I think exiting without saving is just a simplified way of doing the same thing, but I'll add it.
Title: Re: The Temple of Torment (Now at Stable 7.2 ARRP)
Post by: Avagart on September 25, 2015, 04:15:20 PM
Great :)
Title: Re: The Temple of Torment (Now at Stable 7.2 ARRP)
Post by: Avagart on September 25, 2015, 07:47:50 PM
Strange thing. When player is in the city, closing character sheet always moves player into World Map. Seems that this works for every type of non-wilderness location (I check village and Ankheg Nest).
To make matters worse, this 'action' takes turn!
So, I checked my stats, close charsheet, and... was immediately attacked by enemy. I had only few HPs, and my character died :<

Bug: Error drawing Ankheg

One more thing. Probably I mentioned it earlier, but I think you didn't answer this question. This time I'm not sure, this is only my memory, but maybe you should check it? Anyway, Shephard Dagarig who gives Ankheg quest tells about 'grandfather's magical boots' as a reward, and if I remember correctly Shephard gives magical book instead of boots...

Do you remember how I wrote about covering some tiles (items on floor) by enemies, when area was out of FOV? Yet another clue. I was on first special level in temple (5 level deep) and I noticed that sometimes floor tile is replaced by empty tile (black space, without dot); I think this was caused by presence of monster.
Title: Re: The Temple of Torment (Now at Stable 7.2 ARRP)
Post by: Aukustus on September 25, 2015, 08:11:04 PM
Ankheg bug fixed.

Strange thing. When player is in the city, closing character sheet always moves player into World Map. Seems that this works for every type of non-wilderness location (I check village and Ankheg Nest).
To make matters worse, this 'action' takes turn!
So, I checked my stats, close charsheet, and... was immediately attacked by enemy. I had only few HPs, and my character died :<

Regarding closing the sheet inside cities, I guess you are closing the menu while standing on an area transition tile?

Yeah, it's a bug, the Enter key passes the command accidentally also outside of the function where it takes key commands for menus and it takes the command as an in-game action and also as a turn-spending one, so if you press enter to close the menu while standing on an item it will actually pick the item also. It seems to work if you use mouse to get out of the menu. I have to figure out how to fix it.

Edit: It's fixed now. It was a simple thing.

One more thing. Probably I mentioned it earlier, but I think you didn't answer this question. This time I'm not sure, this is only my memory, but maybe you should check it? Anyway, Shephard Dagarig who gives Ankheg quest tells about 'grandfather's magical boots' as a reward, and if I remember correctly Shephard gives magical book instead of boots...

There's no mention about book, the quest is as it should be only about boots.

Do you remember how I wrote about covering some tiles (items on floor) by enemies, when area was out of FOV? Yet another clue. I was on first special level in temple (5 level deep) and I noticed that sometimes floor tile is replaced by empty tile (black space, without dot); I think this was caused by presence of monster.

I can't seem to be able to recreate it in the special Altar Room, I know about the issue yeah, the code checks if there's an visible item in the same tile with an outside-of-fov-monster, it should draw the item. I have to look into this.
Title: Re: The Temple of Torment (Now at Stable 7.2 ARRP)
Post by: Avagart on September 25, 2015, 09:21:19 PM
Regarding closing the sheet inside cities, I guess you are closing the menu while standing on an area transition tile?
I'm not sure, but probably yes. I cannot replicate this bug when I'm standing on another tile.

Yeah, it's a bug, the Enter key passes the command accidentally also outside of the function where it takes key commands for menus and it takes the command as an in-game action and also as a turn-spending one, so if you press enter to close the menu while standing on an item it will actually pick the item also.
I have another one question about this (good to know it's fixed now) bug. This turns which is taken by [enter] is spent BEFORE location changes? I don't see any other reason for death after closing charsheet.

There's no mention about book, the quest is as it should be only about boots.
You're right, I checked it just now. I must remember incorrectly ;)

I can't seem to be able to recreate it in the special Altar Room, I know about the issue yeah, the code checks if there's an visible item in the same tile with an outside-of-fov-monster, it should draw the item. I have to look into this.
Hm, to be precise - instead of item (or plain floor tile, as in mentioned situation) nothing is drawn. Empty, black space.
Title: Re: The Temple of Torment (Now at Stable 7.2 ARRP)
Post by: Aukustus on September 25, 2015, 09:40:43 PM
I have another one question about this (good to know it's fixed now) bug. This turns which is taken by [enter] is spent BEFORE location changes? I don't see any other reason for death after closing charsheet.

I'm not sure about it how it worked, there was a missing return statement to stop the code. The code which handles enter while in-game was just below the code which handles using character sheet. So it was supposed to directly go into the level change code before it calls all the AI's. Anyway, it now works as it should in every situation I think.

Hm, to be precise - instead of item (or plain floor tile, as in mentioned situation) nothing is drawn. Empty, black space.

I was able to fix a bug in a situation where the player tries to use a Stone of Recall that is not activated. It caused the turn to be spent as it should, but it didn't update the screen and the monsters moved leaving a black trail, pressing enter for a long time would actually draw the route it traveled during it. I guess this was it.
Title: Re: The Temple of Torment (Now at Stable 7.2 ARRP)
Post by: Aukustus on October 03, 2015, 04:54:31 PM
I popped out 7.3 release because the stuff I'll be making will take so much time so I release this smaller release containing multiple bug fixes that cannot wait:

Code: [Select]
* Improved AI
* Improved Party members
* New additional name generators

-----Full log:-----
Bugs, mistakes and missing things
* Fixed some issues with party members in cramped locations
* Fixed a bug with closing some menus
* Teleport traps teleport allies too
* Fixed drawing bug with Dark One Stalkers and Ankhegs
* Enemy's Healing Auras no longer heal allies
- Fixed blocked tile left by Eremadas after releasing him
- Fixed multiple minor bugs
- Fixed Fire Aura's not damaging allies
- Added "?" symbols to quartermasters during the supply quest

* Additional name generators
* Removed the ability to quit to menu without saving in Hardcore mode

* A new Trap type: Phase Trap; teleports the player to another dungeon floor

Player, Party members, Talents etc.
* Ability to see party member's approximated Health Points
* Party members are colored in ASCII mode
* Party members are capable of disagreeing with the player's choices and can leave the party

* Monsters and Party members are capable of fighting outside of player's FOV
Title: Re: The Temple of Torment (Now at Stable 7.3)
Post by: Avagart on October 03, 2015, 05:21:36 PM
Just wondering if you release new mini-version with these bugfixes or if you are going to wait to proper 8.0 stable version :)
Title: Re: The Temple of Torment (Now at Stable 7.3)
Post by: Aukustus on October 03, 2015, 05:48:12 PM
Just wondering if you release new mini-version with these bugfixes or if you are going to wait to proper 8.0 stable version :)

I believe the next release will contain a new village with 5 new quests so doing that much work will take a lot of time. I figured it's best to roll out mini patches if there are any critical bugs :). If there'll be found critical bugs I'll just comment out the new features.
Title: Re: The Temple of Torment (Now at Stable 7.3)
Post by: Avagart on October 06, 2015, 08:07:26 PM
Recently thought about new village and earlier mentioned merging city areas... That new village will be one big area, or dividen into districts? And what's about barbarian quest? Did you estimate my thoughts about sense of barbarian village in medieval times?
Title: Re: The Temple of Torment (Now at Stable 7.3)
Post by: Aukustus on October 06, 2015, 08:16:28 PM
Recently thought about new village and earlier mentioned merging city areas... That new village will be one big area, or dividen into districts? And what's about barbarian quest? Did you estimate my thoughts about sense of barbarian village in medieval times?

There'll definitely be a barbarian village :). The new village will be same size as the other small villages, that is 4 districts separated. The merging thing would need a lot of rewriting because of all the hard-coded stuff.
Title: Re: The Temple of Torment (Now at Stable 7.3)
Post by: Avagart on October 08, 2015, 05:20:38 PM
Chrome crashed and my whole post gone :F So - briefly.

Bug. In Waterfall is possible to hire companions. I can have more than one follower same time. I spoke with S... (green) and M... (red) and both followed me. Unfortunately, after speaking with captain about supplies (quest), 'earlier' companion (green) disappears :F
Title: Re: The Temple of Torment (Now at Stable 7.3)
Post by: Aukustus on October 08, 2015, 07:22:10 PM
Chrome crashed and my whole post gone :F So - briefly.

Bug. In Waterfall is possible to hire companions. I can have more than one follower same time. I spoke with S... (green) and M... (red) and both followed me. Unfortunately, after speaking with captain about supplies (quest), 'earlier' companion (green) disappears :F

I believe Sylwan disappears because of your alignment, acting nice changes your alignment, Sylwan is evil so she leaves if you act good.

Arthan is good, Melisath is good but for lore reasons she doesn't care about your alignment.
Title: Re: The Temple of Torment (Now at Stable 7.3)
Post by: Aukustus on October 11, 2015, 05:27:03 PM
Stuff I'm currently working on:

Title: Re: The Temple of Torment (Now at Stable 7.3)
Post by: Aukustus on December 23, 2015, 07:25:05 PM
It's been a while since the last update, but I'm still working on this. There's a saying in Finnish that's translated into something like "Hunger grows from eating" meaning that I'm getting derailed and adding a lot of more stuff than intended, for example there's Thirst now in addition to Hunger. It's just missing a couple of quests before a release.

Here's what the current change log looks like:
Code: [Select]
* Thirst
* Map feature
* Three New Deities with 3 new Deity Powers
* New Village
* 3 new areas
* 3 new quests
* New party member
* Increased Level Cap
* Quest Experience added
* 12 new Active Talents
* 10 new Passive Talents
* Keyboard aiming with mouse

-----Full log:-----

Bugs, mistakes and missing things
* Allied non-demons and non-undead no longer take damage from Aura of Holiness
* Fixed some boss Nova spells not hurting party members
* Fixed Song of Turning finally
* Fixed a bug with muskets
* Enabled Hunger and XP UI tooltips
- Fixed a bug with Firearms skill increase text
- Fixed a bug with musket shop
- Fixed a typo in Quest Help
- Fixed minor bugs in the animations
- Fixed a minor bug in regenerating hit points when resting
- Fixed multiple other minor bugs

* Thirst added: need to drink to prevent dehydration damage, water can be drinked from refillable waterskins and wells
* Wells quench thirst
* New Option: Ability to enable keyboard targeting when mouse is enabled
* Level ups are now accepted manually by either clicking the bar or pressing 'X'
* Options menu is rewritten, it no longer jumps to the beginning after selecting an option and is more intuitive
* Map feature: accessed through the UI button: shows the explored areas in a single screen
* The game saves now if the game window is closed from the Close button
* Map can be scrolled with Home, End, Del and Page Down buttons
* Shops offer now only 3 unique items instead of 5
- Pressing buttons don't spend a turn if the action cannot be done
- Talents and XP/Hunger Bars are switched around in the UI
- Wells cannot be walked over anymore, they still can be used

* Heavy classes alternate between 3 and 2 Hit Points per level instead of 3 Hit Points per level
* Ranged classes get 2 Hit Points per level instead of alternating between 3 and 2 Hit Points per level
* Caster classes alternate between 2 and 1 Hit Points per level instead of 2 Hit Points per level

* New Deity Power: Flip of a Coin: either a harmful, a helpful or an annoying effect will ensue from 20 different effects
* New Deity Power: Blinding Light: blinds all targets within range
* New Deity Power: Watery Lungs: causes drowning damage to a creature with lungs
* New Fighter Active Talent: Battle Stance: Either a defensive or a offensive stance with different stat changes
* New Paladin Active Talent: Convert: Turns the target into an ally for 12 turns
* New Paladin Passive Talent: Aura of Purification: Immunity to diseases and poison
* New Monk Active Talent: Peace of Mind: Removes all negative status effects
* New Monk Passive Talent: Enlightement: +1 Damage Reduction
* New Barbarian Active Talent: Savage Strike: A guaranteed hit with 2x damage
* New Barbarian Passive Talent: Iron Will: +10 Resistance
* New Ranger Active Talent: Animal Companion: Summon a permanent ally that is counted as a party member
* New Ranger Passive Talent: Arrow Recovery: 25% chance to retrieve a missed arrow/bolt
* New Rogue Active Talent: Vanish: Enter Stealth even in combat
* New Rogue Passive Talent: Quiet Step: Increased Stealth length
* New Bard Active Talent: Song of Heroes: Increase all Damage by 2 for 50 turns
* New Bard Passive Talent: Bardic Lore: Reduces target's Resistance by 5
* New Cleric Active Talent: Armor of Faith: +5 Armor Class for 50 turns
* New Cleric Active Talent: Cleansing Fire: Area of Effect spell that causes damage over time
* New Cleric Passive Talent: Holy Power: +1 All Damage
* New Mage Active Talent: Time Stop: Gives 6 free turns
* New Mage Passive Talent: Spell Penetration: Reduces target's Resistance by 5
* New Druid Active Talent: Volcano: Area of Effect Spell that leaves some lava for a while
* New Druid Passive Talent: One with Nature: +50% Healing Rate
* New Warlock Active Talent: Apocalypse: Area of Effect Spell that spawns three meteors to strike the ground
* New Warlock Passive Talent: Corruption: Nearby enemies take 1 damage each turn
* Lay on Hands becomes a targeted Talent that can heal anything
* Talents now use different amounts of mana depending on its level
* Switched the order of some of the Fighter's Talents
* Overpower is +2 DMG instead of +1 DMG now
* Cleric loses Turn Undead but gains Armor of Faith
* Switched the order of some of the Ranger's Talents
* Switched the order of some of the Monk's Talents
* Switched the order of some of the Rogue's Talents
* Increased Song of Turning's duration by 3 turns
- Vault has a new image
- Stealth duration reduced to 30 from 50, but is increased back to 50 with the new Passive Talent at level 27
- Multiple Shot has a new image

* Healing spell becomes a targeted spell that can heal anything

Party members
* Added a limit of two party members
* New party member: Dog, that doesn't spend a party slot
* Party member Hit Points carry on to other areas
- Melisath spell Cleansing Fire renamed to Purify

* Added Quest Experience: Experience that is gained from completing quests
* New quest: Save the dying dog
* New quest:
* New quest: Test a new musket design
* New quest:
* New quest: Return an idol to a temple

* New item: Waterskin; can hold water to quench thirst, also refillable from Wells

* New boss: Nymph
* New boss: High Priest of Dagon
* New monster: Poisonous Frog
* New monster: Deep One
* Lemouchi can now see through Stealth and Invisibility
- Wolf tile changed

* Updated deity descriptions
* New Deity: Auros: the good god of light and fire: likes sacrifices, hates evil acts
* New Deity: Jinxia: the neutral god of luck and randomness: likes gambling
* New Deity: Ca'thul: the evil of god the seas: likes sacrifices, hates good acts

* New village: Port Victory
* New area: The Enchanted Wood
* New area: Demon's Fall Bridge
* New area: Sunken Temple
* All deities now have distinct realms
* Removed banks from other towns than Westerfall
Title: Re: The Temple of Torment (Now at Stable 7.3)
Post by: Aukustus on January 11, 2016, 12:59:49 AM
Stable 8.0 Released!

Code: [Select]
* Thirst
* Map
* Three New Deities with 3 new Deity Powers
* New Village
* 5 new areas
* 6 new quests
* 2 new party members
* Increased Level Cap
* Quest Experience added
* Talent overhaul
* 12 new Active Talents
* 10 new Passive Talents
* Keyboard aiming with mouse

--Full log:--

Bugs, mistakes and missing things
* Allied non-demons and non-undead no longer take damage from Aura of Holiness
* Fixed some boss Nova spells not hurting party members
* Fixed Song of Turning finally
* Fixed a bug with muskets
* Enabled Hunger and XP UI tooltips
* Fixed the ability to cast some talents in the world map
- Fixed a bug with Firearms skill increase text
- Fixed a bug with musket shop
- Fixed a typo in Quest Help
- Fixed minor bugs in the animations
- Fixed a minor bug in regenerating hit points when resting
- Fixed multiple other minor bugs

* Removed the traditional UI
* Thirst added: need to drink to prevent dehydration damage/death, water can be drinked from refillable waterskins and wells
* Wells quench thirst
* Added fountains to temples, waterskins can be filled from them
* UI bars now align with the status messages
* New Option: Ability to enable keyboard targeting when mouse is enabled
* Level ups are now accepted manually by either clicking the bar or pressing 'X'
* Options menu is rewritten, it no longer jumps to the beginning after selecting an option and is more intuitive
* Map feature: accessed through the UI button: shows the explored areas in a single screen
* The game saves now if the game window is closed from the Close button
* Map can be scrolled with Home, End, Del and Page Down buttons
* Shops offer now only 3 unique items instead of 5
- Pressing buttons don't spend a turn if the action cannot be done
- Talents and XP/Hunger Bars are switched around in the UI
- Wells cannot be walked over anymore, they still can be used

* Heavy classes alternate between 3 and 2 Hit Points per level instead of 3 Hit Points per level
* Ranged classes get 2 Hit Points per level instead of alternating between 3 and 2 Hit Points per level
* Caster classes alternate between 2 and 1 Hit Points per level instead of 2 Hit Points per level

* Talents are now used once (LVL18/24/30 Talents) or twice (LVL1/6/12 Talents) per rest to prevent spamming powerful Talents
* Talent buttons are colored red if they cannot be casted
* New Deity Power: Flip of a Coin: either a harmful, a helpful or an annoying effect will ensue from 20 different effects
* New Deity Power: Blinding Light: blinds all targets within range
* New Deity Power: Watery Lungs: causes drowning damage to a creature with lungs
* New Fighter Active Talent: Battle Stance: Either a defensive or a offensive stance with different stat changes
* New Paladin Active Talent: Convert: Turns the target into an ally for 12 turns
* New Paladin Passive Talent: Aura of Purification: Immunity to diseases and poison
* New Monk Active Talent: Peace of Mind: Removes all negative status effects
* New Monk Passive Talent: Enlightement: +1 Damage Reduction
* New Barbarian Active Talent: Savage Strike: A guaranteed hit with 2x damage
* New Barbarian Passive Talent: Iron Will: +10 Resistance
* New Ranger Active Talent: Animal Companion: Summon a permanent ally that is counted as a party member
* New Ranger Passive Talent: Arrow Recovery: 25% chance to retrieve a missed arrow/bolt
* New Rogue Active Talent: Vanish: Enter Stealth even in combat
* New Rogue Passive Talent: Quiet Step: Increased Stealth length
* New Bard Active Talent: Song of Heroes: Increase all Damage by 2 for 50 turns
* New Bard Passive Talent: Bardic Lore: Reduces target's Resistance by 5
* New Cleric Active Talent: Armor of Faith: +5 Armor Class for 50 turns
* New Cleric Active Talent: Cleansing Fire: Area of Effect spell that causes damage over time
* New Cleric Passive Talent: Holy Power: +1 All Damage
* New Mage Active Talent: Time Stop: Gives 6 free turns
* New Mage Passive Talent: Spell Penetration: Reduces target's Resistance by 5
* New Druid Active Talent: Volcano: Area of Effect Spell that leaves some lava for a while
* New Druid Passive Talent: One with Nature: +50% Healing Rate
* New Warlock Active Talent: Apocalypse: Area of Effect Spell that spawns three meteors to strike the ground
* New Warlock Passive Talent: Corruption: Nearby enemies take 1 damage each turn
* Lay on Hands becomes a targeted Talent that can heal anything
* Talents now use different amounts of mana depending on its level
* Switched the order of some of the Fighter's Talents
* Overpower is +2 DMG instead of +1 DMG now
* Cleric loses Turn Undead but gains Armor of Faith
* Switched the order of some of the Ranger's Talents
* Switched the order of some of the Monk's Talents
* Switched the order of some of the Rogue's Talents
* Increased Song of Turning's duration by 3 turns
- Vault has a new image
- Stealth duration reduced to 30 from 50, but is increased back to 50 with the new Passive Talent at level 27
- Multiple Shot has a new image

* Healing spell becomes a targeted spell that can heal anything

Party members
* Added a limit of two party members
* New party member: Gann, a dual-wielding mercenary that costs 5 gold per day
* New party member: Dog, that doesn't spend a party slot
* Party member Hit Points carry on to other areas
- Melisath spell Cleansing Fire renamed to Purify

* Added Quest Experience: Experience that is gained from completing quests
* New quest: Save the dying dog
* New quest: Escort an old man to his wife's grave
* New quest: Test a new musket design
* New quest: Find a rare Larnroot
* New quest: Return an idol to a temple

* New item: Waterskin; can hold water to quench thirst, also refillable from Wells

* New boss: Nymph
* New boss: High Priest of Dagon
* New monster: Poisonous Frog
* New monster: Deep One
* Lemouchi can now see through Stealth and Invisibility
- Wolf tile changed

* Updated deity descriptions
* New Deity: Auros: the good god of light and fire: likes sacrifices, hates evil acts
* New Deity: Jinxia: the neutral god of luck and randomness: likes gambling
* New Deity: Ca'thul: the evil of goddess the seas: likes sacrifices, hates good acts

* New village: Port Victory
* New area: Enchanted Wood
* New area: Demon's Fall Bridge
* New area: Sunken Temple
* New area: Flowing Cavern
* New area: Undershire Graveyard
* All deities now have distinct realms
* Removed banks from other towns than Westerfall
Title: Re: The Temple of Torment (Now at Stable 8.0)
Post by: getter77 on January 11, 2016, 03:37:37 AM
Nice---that's definitely a hearty update to kick off 2016 strong for this project!   8)
Title: Re: The Temple of Torment (Now at Stable 8.0)
Post by: Aukustus on January 11, 2016, 03:41:22 PM
There was a bug that caused crashes when buying magical items, it's fixed now without changing the version number, and is reuploaded.
Title: Re: The Temple of Torment (Now at Stable 8.0)
Post by: Aukustus on January 14, 2016, 01:56:57 PM
Released 8.01 that contains a fix for another game crash.
Title: Re: The Temple of Torment (Now at Stable 8.01)
Post by: Aukustus on January 14, 2016, 05:16:29 PM
Yet another bug fixed in 8.02.
Title: Re: The Temple of Torment (Now at Stable 8.02)
Post by: Aukustus on January 18, 2016, 11:03:30 PM
8.1 Released!

There's a new 16x16 non-anti-aliased font that's the default font (the old one is alternative too), it's also used for the ASCII mode. Should be better now with 2x sized ASCII tiles.

Screenshots of the font are here: http://www.thetempleoftorment.net/screenshots/

Code: [Select]
* Optimizations
* Fixed memory leaks
* New font (old still exists as an alternative)
* Improved Sell and Inventory menus

--Full log--
Bugs, mistakes and missing things
* Fixed multiple memory leaks
* Optimizations: far less CPU heavy
* Gold weight was wrong in its description
- Shooting a sling bullet into the ground spends the bullet now

* A new 16x16 font for both tiles and ASCII versions
* Sell menu now displays the value of a item
* Item menu now displays the weight of a item (stack in case there are many)
* Items without use functions do not have "Use item" option
* Items that cannot be dropped do not have "Drop item" option
* Trying to sell Gold or Quest items no longer jumps out of the menu
* It's no longer possible to sell 0 value items

* Quest items now have weights
Title: Re: The Temple of Torment (Now at Stable 8.1)
Post by: Aukustus on January 26, 2016, 09:28:52 PM
8.2 Released!

Code: [Select]

!!!!Saves from previous versions are not usable!!!!

* Further memory leak fixes
* Named shops
* Quest items separated from other items

--Full log--
Bugs, mistakes and missing things
* Multiple memory leaks fixed
* Fixed multiple companion placement bugs when entering an area
* Fixed a bug with stash when retrieving a stack of items
* Fixed a bug with Holy Nova damaging the player
* Song of Demoralize no longer affects party members
* Fixed a crash with a Talent animation near the map borders
* Fixed a bug when exiting the game without saving and it still saves
- Animal companions cannot open doors any more
- Summoned monsters should no longer spawn on top of enemies
- Fixed not being able to summon another ally in the same map
- Deva no longer takes damage from Aura of Holiness
- Removed pillars being marked as Area Transitions in Mount Dragon's Rest

* All shops, temples and inns have names

* Quest items are now in their own menu and don't use inventory slots

* Summoned monsters from spellbooks are more powerful

Title: Re: The Temple of Torment (Now at Stable 8.2)
Post by: Aukustus on January 30, 2016, 07:55:49 PM
Stable 8.3 Released! I hope this is the final bug fix release before the next content release.

Code: [Select]
--Full log--
Bugs, mistakes and missing things
* Fixed stashing equipment

* Clicking the player no longer spends a turn, useful when not wanting to spend needless turns when arrived at mouse target

Title: Re: The Temple of Torment (Now at Stable 8.3)
Post by: Avagart on February 03, 2016, 07:16:47 PM
I tried to change setting for ASCII small and game crashes:
Code: [Select]
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "TheTempleofTorment.py", line 83376, in <module>
NameError: name 'HOVERCOLOR' is not defined
I had to change setting manually because game won't start. Seems be general ASCII problem - ASCII big triggers same crash.

It's nice that you changed save system for permadeath mode, but would be good if additional option will be added - for quitting game and deleting saves; just 'abandon character' or something similar.
Title: Re: The Temple of Torment (Now at Stable 8.3)
Post by: Aukustus on February 03, 2016, 09:54:36 PM
I tried to change setting for ASCII small and game crashes:
Code: [Select]
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "TheTempleofTorment.py", line 83376, in <module>
NameError: name 'HOVERCOLOR' is not defined
I had to change setting manually because game won't start. Seems be general ASCII problem - ASCII big triggers same crash.

It's nice that you changed save system for permadeath mode, but would be good if additional option will be added - for quitting game and deleting saves; just 'abandon character' or something similar.

Oops. I reordered some of the functions that handle reading the options. Now HOVERCOLOR, that is the color that's used when a menu option is selected, is declared too late.

The abandon character is a great idea. I'll probably add it when player attempts to exit the world map from the starting point.

I guess I'll release soon 8.4 that contains a couple of the upcoming 9.0 features.
Title: Re: The Temple of Torment (Now at Stable 8.3)
Post by: Aukustus on February 04, 2016, 02:04:29 AM
Stable 8.4 Released!

Link: http://www.thetempleoftorment.net/download/TToTd20_Stable084.zip

Contains multiple bug fixes and that abandon game feature and some other stuff.


Code: [Select]
!!!!Saves from previous versions are not usable!!!!

* Critical Hit Chances become stats
* Age: Player Characters can die of old age (don't worry, it won't happen from in-game days)
* Ability to abandon game

--Full log--
Bugs, mistakes and missing things
* Fixed the ASCII start crash
* Fixed the Stone of Recall system in the main dungeon
* Wolfs no longer can enter the same tile
- Fixed a bug with the Mage save filename
- Fixed saving correctly explored areas when entering the Cellar in Fairhaven
- Fixed a bug with displayed musket damage in Character menu
- Added thirst to the Character menu

* Game can be abandoned when exiting to main menu, it will delete the character save
* Game can be abandoned using the exit in the world, it will delete the character save
* There is now a prompt when leaving the world either by victory or by abandoning
* New Stat: Melee Critical Bonus; affects the critical hit chance in melee combat
* New Stat: Ranged Critical Bonus; affects the critical hit chance in ranged combat
* New Stat: Age

* New Item: Elixir of Youth; cures magical aging
* Magical items are slightly more expensive

* New Monster: Lost Soul; can cast Decaying Touch; magically ages player
Title: Re: The Temple of Torment (Now at Stable 8.4)
Post by: Avagart on February 04, 2016, 08:08:41 PM
Yay! I have another minor suggestion. Think is about character creation screens. You almost always forces player to additional confirmation for his choices. And it's very good (at least for this style menu) and I think that would be good to add confirmation for both mode and difficulty.

There is still issue about ranged combat. It looks weird... You know, bolts penetrating walls, etc. Seems that visuality of ranged attack is only... ekhm, visual effect. And possibility to perform ranged attack is determined by (enemy) FOV. Sometimes it looks very weird. What do you think about checking possibility of ranged attack by script used to showing bolts?
edit: Or it's determined by distance? Fire

I gained level and, without spending points or something similar, I was 'R'esting. Effect?
Flood of "You've gained a level!" messages. (http://i.imgur.com/G98tlWZ.png)
Unfortunately, before resting this message doesn't appears.
Title: Re: The Temple of Torment (Now at Stable 8.4)
Post by: Aukustus on February 04, 2016, 08:18:56 PM
Yay! I have another minor suggestion. Think is about character creation screens. You almost always forces player to additional confirmation for his choices. And it's very good (at least for this style menu) and I think that would be good to add confirmation for both mode and difficulty.

There is still issue about ranged combat. It looks weird... You know, bolts penetrating walls, etc. Seems that visuality of ranged attack is only... ekhm, visual effect. And possibility to perform ranged attack is determined by (enemy) FOV. Sometimes it looks very weird. What do you think about checking possibility of ranged attack by script used to showing bolts?

I gained level and, without spending points or something similar, I was 'R'esting. Effect?
Flood of "You've gained a level!" messages. (http://i.imgur.com/G98tlWZ.png)

Menus like that could totally work.

The ranged combat is pretty weird technically because the drawn line is made with Bresenham, what monsters are displayed is made with libtcod's fov module, and the fov's are asymmetrical. There's bound to be some weird situations with them. Using ranged targeting with Bresenham could result in a situation where you can see a monster through the libtcod fov but cannot fire to it because Bresenham is blocked by a wall. There should be a better way to do this all.

The level up messages are displayed once every in-game minute, it's a reminder that a level up is possible because it's a manual level up (by clicking the XP bar) now instead of automatic.
Title: Re: The Temple of Torment (Now at Stable 8.4)
Post by: Avagart on February 04, 2016, 08:42:39 PM
About level up messages - ok, I understand. But maybe it's a good idea to disable appearing this message while 'R'esting? In this case it looks weird - rather like bug, not feature. Player press one key and a large number of same message appears in one moment... One reminder should be enough.

Maybe could you let player moving with minimap displayed? It would be nice feature.

I love new design of UI and new XP-bar! Looks amazing.

One more suggestion about minimap. Now, locations are divided into several parts. In some locations these parts are rather similar - for example in Enchanted Forest. What do you think about additional, less detailed minimap (standard under 'm', this one under 'M') of whole location? Or 'minimap' with scheme of parts of current location? Or another system to notify player in which part he is currently and what are other parts of location? Probably it should show only already visited / explored 'boards'...

edit: I'm not sure, because I cannot check previous messages, but... I'm rather certain that Nature's Rings auto-id's as +3 +1, but later is inscribed (and works) as +3 +3.
And I don't know if it is intentional but after unequpping this ring only max-hp and max-mp lowers to 'standard' values. Current-HP and Current-MP remains boosted (http://i.imgur.com/sINM7qX.png)

edit2: Hunger decreases faster than thirst. A bit strange. edit4: Not now. It's a bit random, or so? Maybe it's about drinking water and eating in tavern... But at starting game, I didn't eat and drink long time, and thirst decreases faster than hunger.

edit3: Sacrificing items - nice idea, I like this. But why temple sing looks like sign of alchemy shop?

edit5: Negotiation about price of service (bandit's quest) is count as 'evil deed'? Why?

edit6: 'Take all' option would improve picking loot :)

edit7: After buying a horse same message as in earlier versions appears: "Time and food consumption lowered...". What about thirst?
Title: Re: The Temple of Torment (Now at Stable 8.4)
Post by: Aukustus on February 04, 2016, 10:52:20 PM
I did miss your good criticisms :).

But maybe it's a good idea to disable appearing this message while 'R'esting? I

I'll try this.

Maybe could you let player moving with minimap displayed? It would be nice feature.

I'm not sure about this because I want it to be a just a visualization of the area.

What do you think about additional, less detailed minimap (standard under 'm', this one under 'M') of whole location? Or 'minimap' with scheme of parts of current location?

This is hard because the areas do not know into which areas they are connected, they are all hard-coded depending on the internal area number.

I'm rather certain that Nature's Rings auto-id's as +3 +1, but later is inscribed (and works) as +3 +3.
And I don't know if it is intentional but after unequpping this ring only max-hp and max-mp lowers to 'standard' values. Current-HP and Current-MP remains boosted (http://i.imgur.com/sINM7qX.png)

It does auto-identify correctly, however that is a bug that only maximum values are lowered, the current values are lowered when regenerating happens, I'll change it so that it corrects the current value when unequipping.

edit2: Hunger decreases faster than thirst. A bit strange. edit4: Not now. It's a bit random, or so? Maybe it's about drinking water and eating in tavern... But at starting game, I didn't eat and drink long time, and thirst decreases faster than hunger.

I thought about this when I added thirst, in reality surviving is much more water dependent than food dependent, that's why I want players to drink more often.

edit3: But why temple sing looks like sign of alchemy shop?

Because Temples sell potions, and I couldn't figure out another symbol that fits better, I'm taking suggestions though.

edit5: Negotiation about price of service (bandit's quest) is count as 'evil deed'? Why?

Because you know there's a real bandit problem, but you refuse to help unless they pay you more, that's evil in my opinion. The dialogue could be better though.

edit6: 'Take all' option would improve picking loot :)

I'll probably do this, it's a good idea.

edit7: After buying a horse same message as in earlier versions appears: "Time and food consumption lowered...". What about thirst?

It's lowered too, but I forgot to update that message :)
Title: Re: The Temple of Torment (Now at Stable 8.4)
Post by: Avagart on February 05, 2016, 03:04:33 AM
My pleasure! :)

I thought about this when I added thirst, in reality surviving is much more water dependent than food dependent, that's why I want players to drink more often.
I know, but it works... conversely? You know, *satiation*, *food* level decreases faster. I'm able to replicate it. At first I was exploring Enchanted Forest and I used to rest after every fight. Maybe it is cause? Just try to enter Forest and press 'r' key. Actually, I 'spent' three 'food icons' and no 'drink' icons - seems that resting act consumes only satiation, not thirst.

Because you know there's a real bandit problem, but you refuse to help unless they pay you more, that's evil in my opinion. The dialogue could be better though.
I understand your statement and... I knew that ;) But - please let me explain. You (as player in TToT, ofc) are not charity service. You are wandering fighter, probably sort of mercenary. Anyway, this 'bandit problem' is this sort of thing which *should be* solved by militia / guard / army / something similar. And what? These guys, guards, want to put their job on you. So, just business. They want to hire you. Negotiations are something... natural in that case. Not good, not evil.

This is hard because the areas do not know into which areas they are connected, they are all hard-coded depending on the internal area number.
So maybe just simple, hardcoded scheme? Or as part of UI? Not exactly minimap, just... info about whereabouts. I thought about something like this (http://i.imgur.com/2TUtMyb.png) (Sorry for the 'quality' :D )
IIRC in old UI was info about location - 'Faiwyn 1', 'Faiwyn 2', etc. - it was helpful, because it was... schematic. And it was easy to remember. Now, if I forgot in which part I am, I have to change location to localize myself.
Title: Re: The Temple of Torment (Now at Stable 8.4)
Post by: Aukustus on February 05, 2016, 07:17:43 AM
I thought about this when I added thirst, in reality surviving is much more water dependent than food dependent, that's why I want players to drink more often.
I know, but it works... conversely? You know, *satiation*, *food* level decreases faster. I'm able to replicate it. At first I was exploring Enchanted Forest and I used to rest after every fight. Maybe it is cause? Just try to enter Forest and press 'r' key. Actually, I 'spent' three 'food icons' and no 'drink' icons - seems that resting act consumes only satiation, not thirst.

God damn it how did I miss this. Resting doesn't decrease thirst for the amount of ten turns (as a single rest turn is) as it should but just one turn.

You (as player in TToT, ofc) are not charity service. You are wandering fighter, probably sort of mercenary. Anyway, this 'bandit problem' is this sort of thing which *should be* solved by militia / guard / army / something similar. And what? These guys, guards, want to put their job on you. So, just business. They want to hire you. Negotiations are something... natural in that case. Not good, not evil.

That's true too :). Perhaps I could add a true Evil option. However, regarding charity service, that's up to the player how the character is played :).

This is hard because the areas do not know into which areas they are connected, they are all hard-coded depending on the internal area number.
So maybe just simple, hardcoded scheme? Or as part of UI? Not exactly minimap, just... info about whereabouts. I thought about something like this (http://i.imgur.com/2TUtMyb.png) (Sorry for the 'quality' :D )
IIRC in old UI was info about location - 'Faiwyn 1', 'Faiwyn 2', etc. - it was helpful, because it was... schematic. And it was easy to remember. Now, if I forgot in which part I am, I have to change location to localize myself.

How about making the old UI info sort of a header for the map view? "Enchanted Forest 6" text above the map.
Title: Re: The Temple of Torment (Now at Stable 8.4)
Post by: Avagart on February 05, 2016, 03:19:50 PM
How about making the old UI info sort of a header for the map view? "Enchanted Forest 6" text above the map.

It should works good. Now I see that my 'minimap' idea was too complex for that small thing. But I have another one suggestion... What do you think about additional 'numeric' info in specific place? Maybe on UI, maybe on minimap... Just very-schematic-mini-map which would show 'where' is this specific district. Something similar to:

Enchanted Forest 6

1 2
3 4
5 6




Westerfall 5

1 2 3
4 5 6
7 8 9


It still worth considering because player may have some concerns about count system. So, it starts from the northest district? Or from district with 'gate' to wilderness? And how much districts are here?

edit: About temple sign... Temples in TToT looks like christian temple, so maybe sort of cross would be more suggestive? Maybe even not crux ordinaria, rather greek or jerusalem (if it's possible to make it clear) cross?

edit2: What about that small thing (http://i.imgur.com/fXzRovx.png) (-3, 4 from the player)? I cannot recognize it, it exists only in wilderness so I cannot look ('x') at this. I didn't see it playing ASCII version.
Title: Re: The Temple of Torment (Now at Stable 8.4)
Post by: Aukustus on February 05, 2016, 04:34:46 PM
It should works good. Now I see that my 'minimap' idea was too complex for that small thing. But I have another one suggestion... What do you think about additional 'numeric' info in specific place? Maybe on UI, maybe on minimap... Just very-schematic-mini-map which would show 'where' is this specific district. Something similar to:

It is a good idea. Though there are some obvious problems when some of the areas are on top of each other and some are next to each other.  I'd say using NW, SW, E and so on with the districts. "Westerfall South District". I wouldn't extend this into other areas than towns.

edit: About temple sign... Temples in TToT looks like christian temple, so maybe sort of cross would be more suggestive? Maybe even not crux ordinaria, rather greek or jerusalem (if it's possible to make it clear) cross?

A stylized cross would work. Since I'm probably adding alchemy to the game I'll reserve the potion tile for that.

edit2: What about that small thing (http://i.imgur.com/fXzRovx.png) (-3, 4 from the player)? I cannot recognize it, it exists only in wilderness so I cannot look ('x') at this. I didn't see it playing ASCII version.

I have no idea why that is there, it's part of the player with horse tile, actually it's the first quarter of the tile. I have to look into this. I was able to replicate it.

Edit: Fixed it, it was a leftover line from an earlier drawing function.
Title: Re: The Temple of Torment (Now at Stable 8.4)
Post by: Avagart on February 05, 2016, 08:44:26 PM
I'd say using NW, SW, E and so on with the districts. "Westerfall South District". I wouldn't extend this into other areas than towns.
Sounds good :) What about 'central' districts, like '4', '5' and '6' in Waterfall? Just W(est), C(entral), E(ast)?

One more thing - I'm unable to download some older versions of TToT - after solving captcha I see something like this. (http://i.imgur.com/7ZdjHjh.png) Download doesn't start.

edit: One more suggestion... When mouse support is disabled, icons of abilities and these interface's icons on right side vanishes. These black blocks are not very aestethic... I have no idea (ok, I have, but... underdeveloped, vague) about this right panel. But I think that left panel could remain even with mouse support disables. For informational purposes. When I see icons I gain knowledge about owned, ready abilities and this would be helpful even if I cannot 'click' on that icon. In ASCII mode these icons could be replaced by digits.
Title: Re: The Temple of Torment (Now at Stable 8.4)
Post by: Aukustus on February 05, 2016, 09:48:45 PM
Sounds good :) What about 'central' districts, like '4', '5' and '6' in Waterfall? Just W(est), C(entral), E(ast)?


One more thing - I'm unable to download some older versions of TToT - after solving captcha I see something like this. (http://i.imgur.com/7ZdjHjh.png) Download doesn't start.

I'd say this is related to the browser that tries to open a rar file inside the browser instead of downloading it.

Here's all the releases: http://www.thetempleoftorment.net/wp-content/downloads/

edit: One more suggestion... When mouse support is disabled, icons of abilities and these interface's icons on right side vanishes. These black blocks are not very aestethic... I have no idea (ok, I have, but... underdeveloped, vague) about this right panel. But I think that left panel could remain even with mouse support disables. For informational purposes. When I see icons I gain knowledge about owned, ready abilities and this would be helpful even if I cannot 'click' on that icon. In ASCII mode these icons could be replaced by digits.

I did think about digits at some point but I figured it wouldn't make much sense to someone new to the game. I'd probably change all the icons to be visible always, even in ASCII.
Title: Re: The Temple of Torment (Now at Stable 8.4)
Post by: Avagart on February 06, 2016, 01:29:20 AM
I'd say this is related to the browser that tries to open a rar file inside the browser instead of downloading it
Maybe it is true. But it occurs only on your website. Meh, good for me ;)

I did think about digits at some point but I figured it wouldn't make much sense to someone new to the game. I'd probably change all the icons to be visible always, even in ASCII
Great! But I'm affraid that these icons - after scaling down - would be unclear in ASCII-Small.
Title: Re: The Temple of Torment (Now at Stable 8.4)
Post by: Aukustus on February 06, 2016, 08:39:20 AM
Great! But I'm affraid that these icons - after scaling down - would be unclear in ASCII-Small.

There are already icons in ASCII-Small when mouse is enabled, they'd be that clear.
Title: Re: The Temple of Torment (Now at Stable 8.4)
Post by: Avagart on February 06, 2016, 07:57:28 PM
Ouh, I didn't figure out... Another minor thing - about changelog. Wolves, not wolfs :)
Title: Re: The Temple of Torment (Now at Stable 8.4)
Post by: Aukustus on February 06, 2016, 08:22:25 PM
Ouh, I didn't figure out... Another minor thing - about changelog. Wolves, not wolfs :)

I actually fought internally about this :). I decided to go with wolfs without checking which one is correct.
Title: Re: The Temple of Torment (Now at Stable 8.4)
Post by: Aukustus on April 04, 2016, 06:07:13 AM
Quick update on stuff that's coming:

Title: Re: The Temple of Torment (Now at Stable 8.4)
Post by: Avagart on May 02, 2016, 09:05:17 PM
So, when do you suppose to release new version on TToT, Mr Aukustus?
Title: Re: The Temple of Torment (Now at Stable 8.4)
Post by: Aukustus on May 03, 2016, 07:13:30 AM
So, when do you suppose to release new version on TToT, Mr Aukustus?

Hopefully soon, I'm working on the Alchemy feature currently, which is the last thing that's not completed for the next release. It will allow creating potions from herbs using recipes.
Title: Re: The Temple of Torment (Now at Stable 8.4)
Post by: Aukustus on May 07, 2016, 11:06:53 PM
Stable 9.0 Released! http://www.thetempleoftorment.net/download/TToTd20_Stable090.zip


Code: [Select]

!!!!Saves from previous versions are not usable!!!!

* Alchemy Feature
* Extended Main Quest
* New Character Class: Gunslinger
* 3 new Backgrounds
* Weapons overhauled
* Difficulty settings overhauled
* Backgrounds overhauled
* Ability to take all ground items instantly

--Full log--
Bugs, mistakes and missing things
* Fixed Hamstring's slowing
* Fixed bug with Scroll of Recall after the main quest
* Resting decreases Thirst as it should
* Fixed a bug when teleporting to god realm through prayer leaves quest items on the floor and forever gone
- Fixed Vault's targeting
- Added a mention of the chance to slow the target with Hamstring
- Fixed a bug with resting
- Fixed a missing location text when dying in the Enchanted Forest
- Fixed a bug with unequipping items that boost hit and mana points and the values not correctly negating the amount right away
- Fixed a bug when stepping into a teleport trap and doesn't move the camera to the player
- Added a mention of thirst reduction when buying a horse
- Fixed a small graphical bug when using a horse
- Oathbreaker sword now properly gives +2 STR
- Fixed missing shop names in signs

* Alchemy is added: potions can be brewed using recipes
* New Merchant type: Alchemist
* Health and Mana potion effects are over time on Hardcore instead of instantaneous
* Random character now selects difficulty at random too
* Ability to leave some areas without picking up quest item
* Start gold is randomized to 100 + 5d20
* Added "Take all" option when picking items from a stack of multiple different items
* Backgrounds have more distinctive bonuses
* 3 new Backgrounds: Romanthia, Taoquria and Aqkadia
* Penalty of firing into an adjacent tile increased by 5
- Map displays now the area name
- Difficulty settings are explained better

* New Class: Gunslinger: ranged musket focused class

* Additional quest in the main quest line

* New area: Mount Devil's Mouth
* Added plants that can be harvested for alchemical ingredients

* Point Blank Shot no longer affects firearms

* Adjusted the stat requirements of spellbooks
* Muskets have a small chance to misfire
* Unique weapons become +3 damage instead of +2
* Magical weapons become +2 damage instead of +1
* New Potion: Elixir of Levitation; only through alchemy
* New Item: Mortar and Pestle
* New Item: Distilled Water
* New Items: 6 different alchemical ingredients
* New Items: Alchemical Recipes
Title: Re: The Temple of Torment (Now at Stable 8.4)
Post by: Legend on May 08, 2016, 04:25:05 AM
Leaving towns can kinda be a a bit of a chore. Most seem to be rather large and kinda empty. So far anyways. It would be nice if there was some sort of command to allow exiting towns quickly rather than having to back track and find the way back out.  Or at least have multiple exits out of the towns.
Title: Re: The Temple of Torment (Now at Stable 8.4)
Post by: Aukustus on May 08, 2016, 07:56:39 PM
Yeah, I totally understand that. I'd add that if there was a simple way to exit the area without making it weird, out of place, or unintuitive in-game.
Title: Re: The Temple of Torment (Now at Stable 9.0)
Post by: Aukustus on June 05, 2016, 09:14:10 PM
9.1 Released! A mini patch to fix some things:

Bugs, mistakes and missing things
* Fixed memory issues when starting a new game after death
- Barracks are consistently made of castle wall

* New Item: Scroll of Identify Item
* Unique items must be identified before using, this does not apply to magical items
- Scroll of Uncurse Item uncurses a random item instead of the first cursed item in inventory
Title: Re: The Temple of Torment (Now at Stable 9.1)
Post by: Aukustus on June 13, 2016, 07:07:05 AM
Just posting two things that will be in the next release:

Autoexplore: toggle on/off to explore the current area.

Single click mouse movement: Click the tile you want to move into. Fairly similar to the one in Brogue.
Title: Re: The Temple of Torment (Now at Stable 9.1)
Post by: Aukustus on July 08, 2016, 08:37:22 PM
Tenth Stable Release is here! http://www.thetempleoftorment.net/downloads/


Code: [Select]
* Autoexplore
* Single mouse click movement
* Online Features       
* Traits       
* Ranged combat improved with balances and new missiles and ranged weapons

--Full log--
Bugs, mistakes and missing things
* Rewritten Gold handling, fixed multiple wrong price calculations
* Fixed a crash when firing the last crossbow bolt
* Magical weapons found in the dungeon are too +2
* Fixed some targeting crashes when playing without mouse support
- Fixed a bug where time advanced too fast while passed out from beer or waiting during a certain quest
- Fixed a bug where recovered bolts were found at player's coordinates
- Added a missing dialogue with the Alchemist
- Fixed a bug with some monster spawns in the Flowing Cavern

* New Merchant: Fletcher that sells ranged ammunition
* Autoexplore; press 'e' to toggle on/off, toggles off also when seeing a monster
* Single mouse click movement over long paths instead of holding mouse button down
* No fast mouse movement if monsters are in FOV, movement must be done with single clicks
* Monsters in the path will be attacked if they block the path when clicking on other tile than monster
* Lowered all the gold amounts and prices by 66%, everything is roughly the same relative price but amounts of money in circulation are lower
* Months are added, each month is 28 days, this has no effect on game, but immersion
* Smith and Captain Shop prices fluctuate with possibly a different price each day if the same item is on sale
* If item is equipped, it weighs less when counting towards being overencumbered
* External Help .txt file
- Less loot in the Caverns
- Traps are triggered only once
- Ranged ammo must be equipped before using, excluding special ammo

Online Features
* Upload a victorious Hardcore character to the Hall of Fame at the website       
* Upload a dead Hardcore character to the Hall of Fame at the website
* Main dungeon contains graves based on other player's Hardcore deaths
* These can be toggled off in Options

* New Missile: Stunning Bolt; -1d4 damage, but can stun enemies
* New Missile: Acid Bolt; +1d6 damage
* New Missile: Frost Arrow; +1d6 damage and in addition deals 150% damage to fire monsters
* New Missile: Leafblade Arrow; general bow ammo, +1 damage
* New Missile: Broadhead Arrow; general bow ammo, +2 damage
* New Missile: Barbed Bolt; general crossbow ammo, +1 damage
* New Missile: Diamondhead Bolt; general crossbow ammo, +2 damage
* New Weapon: Arbalest; 1d12 damage dealing ranged weapon
* Recovering arrows: Everybody can recover missed arrows with 33% chance, but Ranger talent allows recovering hit arrows too       
- Muskets are no longer -5 To Hit Bonus because of misfire system
- Start arrows reduced to 48 from 100, start sling bullets reduced to 40, and start pistol bullets to 48
- Arrows are renamed to Bodkin Arrows
- Bolts are renamed to Bodkin Bolts
- Bullets are renamed to Lead Bullets

* Added 10 different Traits, that give different bonuses, upon character creation

* Arrow Recovery now applies to hit arrows too
* Arrow Recovery now applies only to normal shooting instead of also Multiple Shot
* Arrow Recovery has now 33% chance instead of 25%

Title: Re: The Temple of Torment (Now at Stable 10.0)
Post by: getter77 on July 08, 2016, 10:42:02 PM
A fine assortment!   8)
Title: Re: The Temple of Torment (Now at Stable 10.0)
Post by: Aukustus on July 28, 2016, 03:51:59 PM
Some news for ASCII fans: I've designed a new dark fantasy color palette for all the colors:

NEW: https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/95372567/NewColor2.png

OLD: https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/95372567/OldColor.png
Title: Re: The Temple of Torment (Now at Stable 10.0)
Post by: Tzan on July 28, 2016, 05:54:09 PM
Ah, good color choices.
Title: Re: The Temple of Torment (Now at Stable 10.0)
Post by: Aukustus on July 29, 2016, 09:35:55 PM
Stable 10.1 Released!

Code: [Select]
* Balancing
* New color scheme

--Full log--
Bugs, mistakes and missing things   
* Removed the save when closing the game from the window close; this caused some weirdness when it saved upon crashing
* Monster ASCIIs W and V & w and v were switched
* Removed the mention of the upcoming class Shaman in the level up screen
- Character screen displays now Dexterity bonus with musket damage
- Removed mention of non-firearm weapons with Dexterity description   
- Multiple minor bugs fixed

* New color scheme: all colors are changed, mostly in ASCII Mode
* Added an explanation for the Attribute system to the Help
* Inn food is 2 GP instead of 3 GP to make it more desireable
- Game Modes renamed to Rules to make way for the upcoming content   

* Increased the rate of gradual potion effects greatly

* Bees are slightly weaker
* Fire Ants are slightly weaker

Title: Re: The Temple of Torment (Now at Stable 10.1)
Post by: Legend on July 30, 2016, 04:46:58 AM
Any chance of adding an alternate mouse based control method for scrolling/choosing menu options other than using a scroll wheel? Like maybe just clicking on the options in menus or right clicking to cycle through them?

Believe it or not, I don't have a scroll wheel so it makes trying to play with the mouse kinda fumbly.
Title: Re: The Temple of Torment (Now at Stable 10.1)
Post by: Aukustus on July 30, 2016, 11:08:31 AM
Any chance of adding an alternate mouse based control method for scrolling/choosing menu options other than using a scroll wheel? Like maybe just clicking on the options in menus or right clicking to cycle through them?

Believe it or not, I don't have a scroll wheel so it makes trying to play with the mouse kinda fumbly.

I can absolutely make them scrollable with right click. Clicking the option rows actually is very hard to do since the y-coordinates of the options are too dynamic. There's too much moving parts :).
Title: Re: The Temple of Torment (Now at Stable 10.1)
Post by: Aukustus on July 30, 2016, 01:07:27 PM
Stable 10.2 Released!

Fixed couple of gamebreaking bugs and of course there's now the right mouse click scroll.

Code: [Select]
Bugs, mistakes and missing things   
* Fixed a crash with Drain Life, Pain and Curse

* Ability to scroll the menus with right mouse click
Title: Re: The Temple of Torment (Now at Stable 10.2)
Post by: Legend on July 31, 2016, 05:25:49 AM
Thanks for the menu alternative.

I was giving it a go and I think the quartermaster quest is bugged. I delivered a package to summerdale, then returned. The quartermaster asked me if I had done what he asked, but I'm only left with the option to "return". Am I missing a step?

Also, how do I manage my party members? can i equip them, heal them, give orders, etc? How so? It seems like they don't heal when I rest if my character is at full health.

Where do I find the king?

The towns are still kinda getting in the way of my enjoyment of the game. navigating them is quite tedious and they seem needlessly large for the amount of content within.
Title: Re: The Temple of Torment (Now at Stable 10.2)
Post by: Aukustus on July 31, 2016, 12:20:20 PM
I was giving it a go and I think the quartermaster quest is bugged. I delivered a package to summerdale, then returned. The quartermaster asked me if I had done what he asked, but I'm only left with the option to "return". Am I missing a step?

Works for me, I delivered all three packages and it worked.

Also, how do I manage my party members? can i equip them, heal them, give orders, etc? How so? It seems like they don't heal when I rest if my character is at full health.

You can heal them with the Healing spellbook. I believe I'll add Scrolls of Healing though that can be targeted. Yeah, they don't heal to full if you're already at full. Perhaps I should change the Rest until Healed so it'd take into account party members too. You can though press 'r' to do regular waiting and they heal.

There's no ordering and equipping. They are level scaled, their Damage/HP/all attributes are increased when you gain levels. For example Gann's HP is 30 + player's level * 1.5 and melee damage is 1d(6+player.level / 4) + 2 + player.level / 8 + player.level / 8. So they can become very powerful.

Where do I find the king?

The middle area of Westerfall.

The towns are still kinda getting in the way of my enjoyment of the game. navigating them is quite tedious and they seem needlessly large for the amount of content within.

I get that. My reasoning for that is realism, not everybody in the cities/villages need help. I'll add over the course of time more quests though.
Title: Re: The Temple of Torment (Now at Stable 10.2)
Post by: Legend on July 31, 2016, 06:48:33 PM
I was giving it a go and I think the quartermaster quest is bugged. I delivered a package to summerdale, then returned. The quartermaster asked me if I had done what he asked, but I'm only left with the option to "return". Am I missing a step?

Works for me, I delivered all three packages and it worked.

that's why I asked if I am missing something. I deliver summerdale package first. then when I go back to the guy who gave me the quest, my quest item is gone, but he just asks me if I finished. The other packages are no longer on the floor. How am I supposed to finish it?
Title: Re: The Temple of Torment (Now at Stable 10.2)
Post by: Aukustus on July 31, 2016, 07:06:08 PM
I was giving it a go and I think the quartermaster quest is bugged. I delivered a package to summerdale, then returned. The quartermaster asked me if I had done what he asked, but I'm only left with the option to "return". Am I missing a step?

Works for me, I delivered all three packages and it worked.

that's why I asked if I am missing something. I deliver summerdale package first. then when I go back to the guy who gave me the quest, my quest item is gone, but he just asks me if I finished. The other packages are no longer on the floor. How am I supposed to finish it?

You were able to leave the district without picking all three packages?
Title: Re: The Temple of Torment (Now at Stable 10.2)
Post by: Legend on July 31, 2016, 08:20:35 PM
I only picked up one in that town/building where the quest was first given. I thought I could only pick up one at a time?
Title: Re: The Temple of Torment (Now at Stable 10.2)
Post by: Aukustus on July 31, 2016, 08:23:52 PM
I only picked up one in that town/building where the quest was first given. I thought I could only pick up one at a time?

You can pick all, but anyway, it's worrying that you could leave without picking all three since it's supposed to be restricted.

Edit: I did find the bug actually, you can leave to the center district without picking any of them.
Title: Re: The Temple of Torment (Now at Stable 10.2)
Post by: Zireael on August 10, 2016, 09:30:03 AM
I've had the game freeze on me twice in Catacombs when resting. I think it's related to getting Regeneris Prohib :(
Title: Re: The Temple of Torment (Now at Stable 10.2)
Post by: Aukustus on August 10, 2016, 10:39:09 AM
I've had the game freeze on me twice in Catacombs when resting. I think it's related to getting Regeneris Prohib :(

I was able to get this now once too, after getting that disease. I've got no idea where the freezing comes from yet. I haven't seen that freezing ever before and now I cannot repeat the freezing either, I can fix your save probably though if you want. PM me and I'll fix it. You can alternatively pray for getting a cure.

That is if it still bothers you.
Title: Re: The Temple of Torment (Now at Stable 10.2)
Post by: Aukustus on August 18, 2016, 01:46:33 PM
I finally found the reason for this bug, there was a neverending loop because of the rest until healed waited until hit points were full and with the regeneration disease it never went to full because of another little issue.

In the mean time until the next release, it's safe to use the regular 'r'est instead of the full rest 'R' or the UI button.
Title: Re: The Temple of Torment (Now at Stable 10.2)
Post by: Aukustus on August 21, 2016, 08:43:30 PM
I've been making changes to the light system and FOV; FOV depends on the time of day when in outdoors, and a light source is required to make indoor tiles explored when they are no longer in FOV.  Light sources also affect outdoor FOV, for example at night the FOV is 4 (previously 8 at every time of day) and with lantern it can be increased to 6. Torches will give +1 FOV, and lanterns +2 FOV. I'll figure out a way for rogues to have tiles explored without a light source since they cannot enter stealth if a light is on.
Title: Re: The Temple of Torment (Now at Stable 10.2)
Post by: Aleksanderus on August 22, 2016, 08:24:34 AM
So I played the newest version of this game and it's good but I have one question: How does the Cthulhu-like god work?
Title: Re: The Temple of Torment (Now at Stable 10.2)
Post by: Aukustus on August 22, 2016, 08:32:33 AM
So I played the newest version of this game and it's good but I have one question: How does the Cthulhu-like god work?

If you mean Ca'thul you have to sacrifice stuff at altars to gain piety. Being nice and having good roleplaying choices instead of evil choices lose piety. You need an Evil alignment to use the deity power.
Title: Re: The Temple of Torment (Now at Stable 10.2)
Post by: Aukustus on August 27, 2016, 11:49:53 PM
I'm experimenting with allowing to use again regular size ASCII graphics: https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/95372567/MiniGraphics.png
Title: Re: The Temple of Torment (Now at Stable 10.2)
Post by: boatie on September 12, 2016, 04:15:43 PM
Just discovered this game recently. Very nice to look at and fun to play!
Title: Re: The Temple of Torment (Now at Stable 10.2)
Post by: Aukustus on September 12, 2016, 04:17:37 PM
Awesome :).
Title: Re: The Temple of Torment (Now at Stable 10.2)
Post by: Aukustus on September 16, 2016, 09:58:01 PM
Stable 11 ARRP released! http://www.thetempleoftorment.net/

Huge changelog:

Code: [Select]
    * New Class: Shaman
    * 4 Main Dungeon Branches
    * New Spellbooks
    * New Scrolls
    * New Monsters
    * Monster overhaul
    * Language system for Spellbooks
    * New light/FOV system
    * Level 1 Passive Talents
    * Improved Class screen
    * Customizable Color Palette
    * Upload Standard mode victories and deaths

    Bugs, mistakes and missing things
    * Fixed a freeze with the Regeneris Prohib Disease
    * Fixed a bug where one could leave the supplies of the supply quest to the ground without picking them by exiting the west exit
    * Camera no longer scrolls if the mouse is outside the window (fixed by newer libtcod wrapper)
    * Fixed a crash with the Hawk Companion
    * Fixed some prices being 0
    * Fixed a weird bug with any cursed spellbook leading to casting the Warlock spell Curse
    * Fixed a bug with Curse and Insect Swarm permanently lowering enemy stats
    * Renaming the character renames the save file now too prevent an exploit with changing a name before dying to preserve saves in hardcore mode
    - Fixed some shop UI misalignments
    - Camera scroll region in the bottom of the window was one tile too small
    - Fixed some bugs in Character screen
    - Multiple minor bugs fixed
    - Fixed Nature's Ring's displayed category

    * New Class: Shaman; a caster class
    * Branch system: the main dungeon contains one branch in each of the settings
    * Languages added; you must know the language related to the spellbook, for example Divine Language
    * A light source is required to make tiles explored indoors (does not apply to rogues because of the new Level 1 Passive Talent)
    * FOV is dependent in outdoors on the time of day
    * Customizable Color Palette; colors are loaded from an XML file that can be edited, possibility to have everything also as single color
    * New Merchant; Linguist; sells dictionaries for learning languages
    * Weapon Proficiency moved to Level 15 from Level 9
    * Added a prompt to abandoning the character
    - Improved Class description screens

    * Regeneris Prohib completely prevents natural healing now

    Online Features
    * Ability to upload victories and deaths also in the standard mode
    - Equipped items are shown as "(Equipped)"

    * Each Class receives level 1 Passive Talent, either a new one or moved from another level replaced by new
    * Fighter Level 1 Passive Talent: Armor Mastery; -5 Armor Penalty
    * Paladin Level 1 Passive Talent: Aura of Resistance; +5 Resistance
    * Barbarian Level 1 Passive Talent: Melee Mastery; +1 Melee Damage
    * Monk Level 1 Passive Talent: Flagellation; +1 Damage Reduction
    * Ranger Level 1 Passive Talent: Ranged Mastery; +1 Ranged Damage
    * Rogue Level 1 Passive Talent: Dark Adaptation; ability to see in the dark without a light source
    * Bard Level 1 Passive Talent: Jack of All Trades; +1 All Damage
    * Cleric/Mage/Druid/Warlock Level 1 Passive Talent: Spell Accuracy; +5 accuracy to bolt spells
    * New Level 21 Passive Talent for Paladin; Aura of Blessing; +5 To Hit Bonus
    * New Level 9 Passive Talent for Gunslinger; Uncanny Accuracy; Bullets cannot be blocked
    - Changed some Passive Talent levels

    * New Area: The Ruined Archives; entrance in the Temple level 3, contains 4 levels + boss level
    * New Area: The Forgotten Halls; entrance in the Catacombs level 3, contains 4 levels + boss level
    * New Area: The Spider Caves; entrance in the Caverns level 3, contains 4 levels + boss level
    * New Area: The Ancient Gardens; entrance in the Ruins level 3, contains 4 levels + boss level

    * Monster overhaul: now monsters can have multiple conditions such as both flying and vampiric etc. compared to having just one previously
    * New Monster: Possessed Archivist
    * New Monster: Black Ooze
    * New Monster: Shambling Dead
    * New Monster: Overgrown Maggot
    * New Monster: Huge Tick
    * New Monster: Spiderling
    * New Monster: Mushroom Patch
    * New Monster: Venus Thorner
    * Vampiric Bats drain only 1 HP instead of 3 HP
    * Ghostly Miners can age the player
    * All creatures that logically are hovering or flying are now considered flying in terms of traps and ground spells
    - Monsters with a unique name no longer have also their normal name

    * New Scroll: Scroll of Phase Door; teleport to random location in the current map
    * New Scroll: Scroll of Healing; heals the target by 50% of the maximum Hit Points
    * New spellbooks: Shamanic books
    * New spellbook: Arcane Book of Magic Missile; replaces mage's Chain Lightning
    * Chain Lightning becomes a Shaman spell
    * All spellbooks of the same magic school have the same tile and ASCII color
    * Characters start with one Lantern
    * Characters start with one Scroll of Recall
    * Lanterns and torches now work outdoors with giving a larger FOV at night
    * Torches and lanterns have now different radiuses; Torch is +1 and Lantern is +2 to FOV radius
    - Lanterns and torches last much longer
    - Fireball becomes a 1d10 spell from 1d12
    - Holy Nova becomes a 1d10 spell from 1d12
    - Immolation becomes a 1d10 spell from 1d12
    - Poison Cloud becomes a 1d10 spell from 1d12

Title: Re: The Temple of Torment (Now at Stable 11.0 ARRP release!)
Post by: getter77 on September 17, 2016, 12:38:25 AM
Awesome----looks like you went in hard and rather timely for the Celebration!  Congrats!   8)

Definite starting contender for the meatiest of ARRP 2016 Updates to manifest from the mists~  :)
Title: Re: The Temple of Torment (Now at Stable 11.0 ARRP release!)
Post by: Aukustus on September 18, 2016, 03:09:55 AM

Stable 11.1 Released!

Many important bug fixes:

Code: [Select]
Bugs, mistakes and missing things
* Fixed a crash with the enemy curse spell
* Fixed a crash with the enemy resurrect spell
* Fixed a crash in the Black Forest
* Fixed the bug with the inquisitor quest
* Fixed a freeze with full rest
* Fixed Peaceful Mind belt
* Fixed the crash with Barons of Hell and Lemouchi

* Enemies cast confusion less often
* Named monsters chance increased from 1% to 2%
Title: Re: The Temple of Torment (Now at Stable 11.1 ARRP release!)
Post by: Aukustus on September 19, 2016, 09:39:31 PM
Stable 11.2 Released!

I was able to beat the game (for the first time) with this release, so it should be pretty good now  :).

Code: [Select]
Previous saves will not work!

Bugs, mistakes and missing things
* Fixed the single missing rubonite ore
* Fixed a crash with the Ranger trap
* Fixed a crash with Apocalypse
* Fixed a crash when inserting an Amethyst into a ranged weapon
- Fixed linguist shop UI
- Moved Port Victory's stash's room

* Gold Pieces no longer use an inventory slot

* Spells take into account 50% of Damage Reduction compared to previous ignore, typically monsters have low DR, so this aids mostly the player

* Hit points are no longer randomized, they are now roughly the average of the previous minimum and maximum hit points
* Adjusted some Damage Reductions
Title: Re: The Temple of Torment (Now at Stable 11.3 release!)
Post by: Aukustus on September 29, 2016, 07:45:40 PM
Stable 11.3 Released! http://www.thetempleoftorment.net/downloads/
Code: [Select]
Previous saves will not work!

* More intuitive Attribute system
* Better monster target selection
* New Unique Items

Bugs, mistakes and missing things
* Fixed crash with spiders
* Fixed a bug with ranged monsters preferring to shoot at the player even behind walls if they saw an ally but not the player
* Higher level enemy casters can target allies too
- Fixed Ranged and Firearm skill increase messages
- No more damages with decimals
- Encumbrance no longer has ridiculous amounts of digits

* Attribute points are given only every three levels, but each of them gives a +1 bonus instead of previously it being +1 bonus for every 3 points
* Attribute point limit lowered from 15 to 6

* Adjusted every item's Attribute requirements
* Unique unidentified equipment are identified upon Hardcore death
* Used lanterns become refillable, so only one will be required, this will save precious inventory space
* New Item: Lantern Oil; fills Lanterns and are stackable
* Removed Torches
* 4 New Unique Items at shops and monster drop tables

* Starting alignment is the deity's alignment, if there's one

* Fire Ants and Bees become slightly easier and no longer spread diseases
Title: Re: The Temple of Torment (Now at Stable 11.3 release!)
Post by: Aukustus on October 04, 2016, 04:05:02 PM
Stable 11.4 Released!

Code: [Select]
Previous saves will not work!

* Improved Skill system

Bugs, mistakes and missing things
* Removed again the messages from standing on a door
* Fixed at least three crashes
* Fixed multiple situations where attack rolls were compared "greater" than armor class instead of "greater or equal"
- Corrected the tooltips

* Constitution now affects Resistance too with 1 Constitution being 5 Resistance
* Dexterity is now capable of avoiding traps   
* Character screen shows now Passive Talents with effects
* Skills have been compressed to 0-5 from 1-9 with levels 1,3 & 5 giving a bonus to damage and 2 & 4 giving a bonus to accuracy
* Progress of how much of the character generation is complete is shown at the bottom of the character generation

* Alchemical ingredients (herbs, distilled waters) now go into their own menu and no longer use inventory slots

* Thorns becomes 1d3 instead of 1

- Rogue's Stealth minimum duration is 50 turns instead of 30
- Rogue's Light Step reveals traps instead of ignoring
- Cleric's Aura of Holiness damages 1d3 instead of 1
- Warlock's Corruption damages 1d3 instead of 1   
- Paladin's Aura of Regeneration renamed to Aura of Life
- Mage's Spell Penetration renamed to Focused Mind
- Druid's One with Nature renamed to Nature Bond
- Shaman's Guided by the Spirits renamed to Spirit Guide
Title: Re: The Temple of Torment (Now at Stable 11.4)
Post by: bellakieu on October 05, 2016, 09:40:57 AM
oh surprise... ;D
Title: Re: The Temple of Torment (Now at Stable 11.4)
Post by: Aukustus on October 16, 2016, 08:33:27 PM
Stable 12.0 Released!

Code: [Select]
Previous saves will not work!

* Turns are not spent in many situations, for example when just browsing an inventory, cancelling actions or not having requirements met with spells
* Spellbooks have complete descriptions of the spells
* Balancings
* Console feature; powerful debugger

Bugs, mistakes and missing things
* Traps cannot be generated at tiles containing area transitions or doors any more
* Fixed diseases being cured when changing the level
* Mimics are no longer revealed by the cursor
* Fixed players being frozen from allies getting Frost Bolted
* Monsters capable of resurrecting will no longer resurrect player's allies
* Fixed Bard songs affecting the player
* Fixed the Arcane Book of Confusion's Intelligence requirement
* Shapeshifted Druids can no longer block, cast spells or shoot missiles (see below at Talents)
* It is no longer possible to rest inside Mount Devil's Mouth, it could cause deaths
* Fixed every monster's strength amount, they were too high since I changed the system from 0-15 to 0-6
* Phase Door can no longer teleport the player into areas without walkable exit such as locked houses
- Fixed Jinxia's Talent's gold remove
- Arrows/Bolts can no longer be fired into a wall so that a recoverable missile will spawn
- Fixed Time Stop's graphics
- Druid and Shaman start with their quarterstaffs equipped
- Blood Magic's description was fairly unclear
- Removed debug message when Curse ends

* Just browsing the inventory no longer spends a turn
* Cancelling targeting no longer spends a turn
* Resistance is gained every 6 levels instead of every 3 levels
* If there's an enemy/companion in a cursor targeted tile that has other objects, its name is always drawn instead of the underlying things
* Added Console feature that can manipulate objects, fix bugs etc. It's use is undocumented since it can also break stuff
* Changing tiles with a party member no longer cancels automove

* Strength bonus now depends on the weapon, it's 1.5x when wielding a two-handed weapon and 0.5x when dual-wielding
* Intelligence allows the learning of new languages

* Shields have Armor Penalty now, Small Shields have none, Kite Shields have 5, and Tower Shields have 10
* Increased the prices of the goods at the captain's shop
* Missiles are more expensive

* Increased slightly the Armor Class of monsters in the Ancient Ruins and in Hell

* Increased the amount of actions needed to increase Skills a little, previously reaching the maximum Skill level was fairly quick

* Adjusted all mana costs (mostly increased)
* All Area of Effect spells can be targeted at the player's location
* A turn is not spent if all necessary requirements are not met to cast the Spell
* Immolation is renamed to Decay, and undead will be immune to it

* All Area of Effect talents can be targeted at the player's location
* A turn is not spent if all necessary requirements are not met to use the Talent
* Shapeshift's damage is increased at levels 9 and 18, instead of 6 and 12
* Light Step renamed to Careful Step
* Backstab Mastery gives +10 THB instead of +5
* Unarmed Parry gives +10 BC instead of +5
* Magical Armor, Armor of Faith, and Shadow Armor give +10 AC instead of +5
* Holy Shield gives +10 BC instead of +5
* Shapeshift can be cancelled by casting it again to allow again spellcasting / missile shooting

* Deity Talents can be resisted
* Hammer of Justice has slightly lower duration

Title: Re: The Temple of Torment (Now at Stable 12.0)
Post by: Avagart on October 25, 2016, 11:26:29 PM
I think that decision about spending turns is right. I know why you wanted to spending turn on almost every action. It was interesting concept, but it had some flaws - like lack of warning messages in specific situations. I remember when I was fighting with frozen mage (or something similar, just magician with freeze spell) and I had small HP. So, I was trying to open inventory, and it fails every time - I didn't notice that I'm freezed and using *i* key was spending turn. Just thought that something broke and try to run inventory again and again... Then, I died. I was fricking free frag :D
Not the big complain (especially if you changed this), just small story which your post reminds me :)
Title: Re: The Temple of Torment (Now at Stable 12.0)
Post by: Aukustus on October 26, 2016, 05:31:06 AM
I think that decision about spending turns is right. I know why you wanted to spending turn on almost every action. It was interesting concept, but it had some flaws - like lack of warning messages in specific situations. I remember when I was fighting with frozen mage (or something similar, just magician with freeze spell) and I had small HP. So, I was trying to open inventory, and it fails every time - I didn't notice that I'm freezed and using *i* key was spending turn. Just thought that something broke and try to run inventory again and again... Then, I died. I was fricking free frag :D
Not the big complain (especially if you changed this), just small story which your post reminds me :)

That actually still spends a turn, since you're frozen you cannot do anything so every action will spend turns until the effect fades. But there isn't a message about this when acting fails because of some status effect. There's just a general "You are frozen" or something like that but not a message when something fails. I'll add that
Title: Re: The Temple of Torment (Now at Stable 12.0)
Post by: Krice on December 17, 2016, 01:31:48 PM
Why does Windows 10 smartscreen stop running this game?
Title: Re: The Temple of Torment (Now at Stable 12.0)
Post by: Aukustus on December 17, 2016, 07:29:12 PM
Why does Windows 10 smartscreen stop running this game?

Because it isn't smart enough.
Title: Re: The Temple of Torment (Now at Stable 12.0)
Post by: Krice on December 18, 2016, 02:15:48 PM
Because it isn't smart enough.

So the ToT .exe doesn't have any viruses? I'm hesitating to run it. The reason I wanted to try was that ToT is I think the only existing roguelike written in python. URR is also, but it's not yet a game I think? Anyway I had thought that it was impossible to write a roguelike in python, but I guess everything is possible.
Title: Re: The Temple of Torment (Now at Stable 12.0)
Post by: Avagart on December 18, 2016, 02:50:50 PM
TToT is safe. I'm playing since alpha builds and I never get AV notification. Also, virustotal analysis. (https://virustotal.com/en/file/b9d5011820e84da2a29eb07df4362d126fab85b4e088f790438e197ff7d4bbf7/analysis/) Seems Aukustus is right about SmartScreen smartness ;)

Just curious, why did you think it's impossible to write a roguelike in python?
Title: Re: The Temple of Torment (Now at Stable 12.0)
Post by: Aukustus on December 18, 2016, 09:43:26 PM
Because it isn't smart enough.

So the ToT .exe doesn't have any viruses? I'm hesitating to run it. The reason I wanted to try was that ToT is I think the only existing roguelike written in python. URR is also, but it's not yet a game I think? Anyway I had thought that it was impossible to write a roguelike in python, but I guess everything is possible.

It's definitely safe. It isn't only roguelike in Python, but I guess it's the most successful so far. How much of a game URR will be is to be seen.
Title: Re: The Temple of Torment (Now at Stable 12.0)
Post by: Krice on December 19, 2016, 10:51:31 AM
Just curious, why did you think it's impossible to write a roguelike in python?

For no reason. I played ToT, went to some kind of forest and in ruins met a pixie which required me to use both of my healing potions, but I still died after that fighting a.. bee, I think it was a bee or ant? I didn't like menus, because select is Return key. It should be Space obviously, or both of them as select. The game feels 90's old school in a good and bad way, mainly bad as tacky UI. The game is also a bit slow in my 5 year old low cost dual core PC, but it was expected from python which is super slow language. I'm probably going to play it more, it wasn't that bad.
Title: Re: The Temple of Torment (Now at Stable 12.0)
Post by: Aukustus on December 19, 2016, 01:13:45 PM
Just curious, why did you think it's impossible to write a roguelike in python?

For no reason. I played ToT, went to some kind of forest and in ruins met a pixie which required me to use both of my healing potions, but I still died after that fighting a.. bee, I think it was a bee or ant? I didn't like menus, because select is Return key. It should be Space obviously, or both of them as select. The game feels 90's old school in a good and bad way, mainly bad as tacky UI. The game is also a bit slow in my 5 year old low cost dual core PC, but it was expected from python which is super slow language. I'm probably going to play it more, it wasn't that bad.

I can definitely enable space as a select key too. The 90's old school feel is definitely intended. I'm aware of some performance issues in lower-end computers, though how much of the slowness is from my code or Python, I've got no idea.
Title: Re: The Temple of Torment (Now at Stable 12.0)
Post by: Aukustus on December 25, 2016, 09:33:00 PM
Just created a subreddit for this: https://www.reddit.com/r/TToT/

Still pretty dead but hopefully it'll launch some discussions regarding the game!
Title: Re: The Temple of Torment (Now at Stable 12.0)
Post by: Aukustus on January 31, 2017, 09:21:19 PM
Stable 13 Released! http://www.thetempleoftorment.net

Code: [Select]
Previous saves will not work!

* New Class: Warlord: melee class
* New Class: Alchemist: ranged class
* Alternative Ending
* Thrown Weapons
* Improved Manual
* Ability to convert from Hardcore to Standard upon death and continue
* Sleeping
* Improved Party Members
* Mercenaries
* Automatic Bug Reporting

Bugs, mistakes and missing things
* Spell Penetration no longer affects Deity Talents since they are not actually cast by the *player*
* It is no longer possible to sell an equipped cursed item to smiths to get rid of it
* Cursed items are properly renamed to display (Cursed) before the name when identifying cursedness with altars
* Fixed Poison Cloud's Damage and Resist chances
* Fixed Poison Cloud's effect on the player
* Ranged Accuracy from skills didn't work at all
* It is no longer possible to die of starvation/dehydration when passing out from alcohol
* Fixed bugs with Sylwan's and Melisath's Armor Class being lower than intended
* Fixed party placement crashes
* Fixed a bug in Monk' Peace of Mind
* Fixed bug where difficulty levels did not affect at all the monster Damage Reductions
* Fixed a crash with Sylwan's death
- Smiths no longer recognize cursed unequipped unidentified items
- Fixed the turn description of the Monk's Pain Tolerance
- Fixed a bug in the character screen when non-compatible ammo increases displayed damage
- Fixed some missing "You are about to exit" messages
- Fixed a bug when too many doors spawned around vaults

* New Class: Warlord; a melee class
* New Class: Alchemist; a ranged class
* New Ending: this one's slightly hidden and tricky to achieve
* To Hit Bonus is gained every 10 levels instead of every 6
* Ability to sleep at inns (with half the regular food/water consumption rate) to gain a time limited "Well Rested" bonus that gives +25% XP
* It's possible to convert a dead Hardcore character to a Standard character and continue playing upon death
* Added automatic bug reporting if Online Features are enabled
- Overencumberment prevents movement at 150% of carrying limit instead of 200%
- Base carrying limit is 40 kg instead of 50 kg
- A message is shown when trying to do something when confused/stunned/frozen

Party Members
* Allies are capable of using their own healing potions to heal themselves
* Added mercenaries that function like the "normal" party members, minus all the dialogues

* Side quests are added by killing bosses instead of entering the next section

* Added details about character generation
* Added Tips

* Dual Attribute weapons: currently used in Thrown weapons by requiring both Strength and Dexterity and both increasing damage
* Throwing Dagger: a 1d4 thrown weapon
* Throwing Axe: a 1d8 thrown weapon
* Javelin: a 1d12 thrown weapon

* Healing Powder is instantly used instead of being an item for later use
- Paladin's Holy Shield has a different tile

* Intelligence affects potion brew chance

* Brewing potions can also fail, there's 65% base chance to succeed, with every point in Intelligence giving additional 5%
* More reagents from plants

* Monsters capable of cursing items now curse only equipped items

* Praying quenches thirst if dehydrating
Title: Re: The Temple of Torment (Now at Stable 13.0)
Post by: Avagart on February 01, 2017, 11:38:45 AM
Nice changelog, congrats for releasing new version!
Title: Re: The Temple of Torment (Now at Stable 13.0)
Post by: Aukustus on May 24, 2017, 07:42:21 PM
Stable 14 released! http://www.thetempleoftorment.net/


Code: [Select]
    Previous saves will not work!

        Talent and Deity Talent keys are moved to F1-F6 and F12 respectively
        Resting is changed so that 'r' does the full rest and there's no short rest anymore
    ! = major
    * = minor
    - = less than minor
    ! Different Game Modes; ability to play the game without any open world RPG features
    ! Improved shops
    ! Improved keyboard targeting
    ! Improved Talent/Deity Talent prompt confirmations
    ! Improved party members
    ! Larger inventory
    ! Improved weapon Quality system
    ! Furniture for inns and temples
    ! Upgraded libtcod to 1.6.3 from 1.5.2
    Bugs, mistakes and missing things
    ! Fixed a bug where a monster could be found in an unexplored area with cursor
    ! Fixed a bug in the console where moving across rows cleared the command
    * Fixed a bug where the menu row selector tile was missing in the smallest ASCII font
    * Moved Relgadur's Farm to the other side of the river since demons west of the river doesn't make sense
    * Warlord was missing mounted graphic, the horse did work though
    * Gloves of Expertise from the shops now increases ranged accuracy too
    * Fixed chainmails dropping twice
    * Fixed a bug with melee distance targeting going out of reach
    * Fixed erroneus text when buying firearms that referred them being -5 THB when they really aren't
    * Fixed multiple missing ASCII spell effects
    * Fixed traps being displayed with wrong color with ASCII mode, giving them away
    * Fixed ASCII mode UI mana bottle interior color when not at full mana
    - Fixed a minor harmless bug when praying inside a deity's realm
    - Multiple minor non-serious bug fixes

    ! Game Modes are added: Open World Mode is the same as previous games, but added Single Dungeon mode which is only the main dungeon from the game
    ! Inventory slots increased to 28 from 25
    ! Keyboard targeting can be accepted also with the initiated key: for example press 'f' to begin targeting an arrow, and 'f' again to accept the target
    ! Vi keys are supported for keyboard targeting
    ! Removed Phase Traps that send deeper into the dungeon
    ! Wells and Fountains open a dialog instead of starting the action immediately
    ! Removed short rest, the full rest is now used by 'r' key
    ! Improved Error Reporting
    ! Ability to fill waterskins also from the Corrupted Well, it's stupid, but implemented for interactivity reasons
    ! Ability to accept targeting with 'f' when firing missiles
    ! Added tables and chairs to inns and temples
    ! Upgraded libtcod to 1.6.3 from 1.5.2
    * Selecting "No" when prompted to abandon the hero will save the game also
    * Players start with also 2 Lantern oils
    * Autoexplore is optimized to be literally 100x faster
    - Items are grouped by 7 instead of 5 to fit the 28 limit in the inventory
    ! Moved Talent keys from 1-6 to F1-F6 to fix numpad movement regardless of what the numlock is set to 
    ! Moved Deity Talent key from 0 to F12
    ! Talents casting can be confirmed with the Talent key too   
    ! Deity Talents can be confirmed with the Deity Talent key too   
    ! Ability to disable talent confirmations, pressing the talent key directly starts using the talent
    - Cleaned the configuration file   

    * Nerfed Curwen slightly
    * Nerfed Witches slightly

    * Freeze effects last one turn less

    * Piety fades slower

    * Ability to decide the distance the party members keep from the players

    * Doubled the amount of Gold received from the Noble trait
    ! Equipment bought from a shop now disappears from its selection, in the case of unique items, they can be bought only once, and will never reappear in the shops
    ! Smiths no longer sell unique items, instead a single merchant in Westerfall does it
    ! New Shop in Westerfall: Timeless Relics, sells unique items
    ! Shops refresh their stocks once a week on "mondays" at 8 am instead of every day at 8 am
    * New unique items added for sale for the captain's shop

    ! All unique weapons are +4
    ! Items have "Broken", "Damaged", "Fine", and "Superior" Qualities instead of just "Damaged" and "Superior", and they range from -2 to +2 instead of -1 to +1
    ! Firearms can spawn inside the main dungeon
    ! Firearms become Constitution based; Muskets require 3 Constitution, Pistols 0 Constitution
    ! Filling Waterskins is done through wells/fountains instead of using the Empty Waterskin
    ! Added Dictionaries to the loot table in the main dungeon
    * Firearms have qualities too
    * Item Qualities affect the sell values more than previously
    * Spears become one-handed
    - Missiles spawn more often inside the main dungeon

    * Added a fountain to Undershire, mostly for getting water
Title: Re: The Temple of Torment (Now at Stable 14.0)
Post by: getter77 on May 24, 2017, 09:45:26 PM
Wow, that's definitely a big update.   8)
Title: Re: The Temple of Torment (Now at Stable 14.0)
Post by: Zireael on June 15, 2017, 08:54:41 AM
Aukustus, I've had the wantings to remake my Veins in Python, what did you use to compile the .exe? That was the part that utterly baffled me a couple months ago when I first attempted it...
Title: Re: The Temple of Torment (Now at Stable 14.0)
Post by: Aukustus on June 15, 2017, 03:44:08 PM
Aukustus, I've had the wantings to remake my Veins in Python, what did you use to compile the .exe? That was the part that utterly baffled me a couple months ago when I first attempted it...

I use py2exe, it works very nicely out of the box. You have to set up a separate python script that uses py2exe functions to compile it. I can share the script if you wish to try it yourself.
Title: Re: The Temple of Torment (Now at Stable 14.0)
Post by: Avagart on June 15, 2017, 08:17:56 PM
Different options is pyinstaller. Making exe is as simple as writing pyinstaller --onefile main.py in most cases. Works pretty well on windows and linux, didn't test it on osx yet.
Title: Re: The Temple of Torment (Now at Stable 14.0)
Post by: Aukustus on June 15, 2017, 09:46:51 PM
My experience with pyinstaller on linux has also been positive, though with libtcod at least it requires that the player has sdl installed separately.
Title: Re: The Temple of Torment (Now at Stable 14.0)
Post by: Avagart on June 16, 2017, 08:49:11 AM
Sounds strange. Fraternities is built on the top of classic python+libtcod architecture. Personally I don't have SDL installed on my linux distro and I didn't encounter any SDL problems...
Title: Re: The Temple of Torment (Now at Stable 14.0)
Post by: Aukustus on June 16, 2017, 12:58:07 PM
It might be related to libtcod using sdl2 nowadays. I wonder if the original sdl is preinstalled but not that one.
Title: Re: The Temple of Torment (Now at Stable 14.0)
Post by: Avagart on June 16, 2017, 01:36:33 PM
I'm using Lubuntu, small-ish Ubuntu-related distribution. It's safe to assume that if library is preinstalled on lubuntu, it comes with *normal* Ubuntu as well. Seems that SDL is preinstalled as full dev package (libsdl-mixer1.2, libsdl-mixer1.2-dev, libsdl1.2-dev, libsdl1.2debian), but I see only one SDL2 package - libsdl2-2.0-0.

But I thought that I don't need *installed* SDL libraries if I'm using dynamic library?
Title: Re: The Temple of Torment (Now at Stable 14.0)
Post by: Aukustus on June 17, 2017, 09:07:01 PM
Hmm, I need to test this again with a new virtual machine since I plan to release a native linux build at some point.

I recall there was a runtime error (which was fixed by installing sdl2-dev) when I tried to run the game on another linux installation.
Title: Re: The Temple of Torment (Now at Stable 15.0)
Post by: Aukustus on August 30, 2017, 05:01:50 PM
Stable 15.0 Released!


Code: [Select]
    Previous saves will not work!

    ! = major
    * = minor
    - = less than minor
    ! Greatly optimized performance
    ! Cultural Talents
    ! Stronghold
    ! 5 New Quests
    ! 7 new Spells
    ! Rewritten Quest mechanics
    ! 1 new Background
    ! Bank is useful once again
    ! Named Currency
    ! UI improvements

    Bugs, mistakes and missing things
    ! Fixed a bug when casting Steady Aim Talent
    ! Fixed a small memory leak with pathfinding when somebody other than player opens a door
    ! Fixed a small memory leak when summoning from spellbooks
    ! Fixed some dual-wield issues
    ! Fixed a bug with unequipping a CON bonus item and it not unequipping an item that depended on that bonus
    ! Updated libtcod to prevent some crashes when quitting
    ! Fixed dehydration damage not happening if starving too at the same time
    * Fixed a bug with level memory that stored multiple times the explored tiles when leaving areas
    * Fixed a bug where casting scroll of recall didn't store a level in Eastdale
    * Added missing "Dehydrated" status effect to the Character screen when dehydrated
    - Fixed Port Victory's ASCII arrows that indicate area transitions
    - Multiple minor bugs fixed

    ! Removed generic fantasy name generation from character generation, only background specific names exist now
    ! The currency is called "Golden Duc" instead of just "Gold Pieces"
    ! Foreign Coins can be exchanged at the bank
    ! Stronghold Taxes are paid to the bank
    ! One tile of travel in the world map lasts 30 minutes instead of 20 minutes, with horse 15 minutes instead of 10 minutes, no changes to food though
    ! Removed buttons for Map and Character, they are accessed through the journal instead
    ! Removed empty spaces from the button rows
    * Renamed Background to Culture
    * Currency is informally called "Duc" or "Ducs" when it makes sense in the dialogues
    * Changed Westerfall Cleric's dialogue tree to be similar to others related to the Eilinmyr quest

    Cultures (Backgrounds)
    ! New Background: Zlavgardia, a musket bonus culture
    ! Background's Ranged bonus no longer affects muskets, instead a new Firearm bonus that's given at background selection does it
    ! Added Cultural Talents; one Talent for each Culture, can be used once per day

    ! Weapon cannot be equipped in off-hand if main hand is empty
    ! Shield cannot be equipped in main hand if off-hand is empty
    ! Unequipping a weapon in main hand and having a weapon in off-hand will switch the weapon in off-hand to main hand
    ! Unequipping a shield in off-hand and having a shield in main hand will switch the shield in main hand to off-hand
    ! Gold Pieces are renamed to Golden Ducs
    ! Added Foreign Coins items to loot that can be exchanged into regular coins at the bank
    * Small Shield renamed into Rondache

    ! 5 new quests, related to the Stronghold
    ! Shaman quest reward from the main quest is changed into a new, more satisfying spell, the previous Seer spell is available otherwise
    ! Mushrooms become quest items, are added into quest items instead of regular inventory, and no longer spawn after picking once
    ! Quests can now be opened from the quest log to see more details
    ! Quests are named

    ! New feature: a player owned castle

    ! New Divine Spellbook: Summon Skeleton
    ! New Divine Spellbook: Light; a magical lantern
    ! New Arcane Spellbook: Summon Blade
    ! New Arcane Spellbook: Recall; a spellbook version of the scroll
    ! New Druidic Spellbook: Summon Wisp
    ! New Demonic Spellbook: Summon Shadowhound
    ! New Shamanic Spellbook: Ice Storm; the main quest reward for Shaman
    ! New Shamanic Spellbook: Scrying; the previous quest reward (renamed Seer)
    * Scroll of Recall (and the book now) can be cancelled when going from a town to a dungeon

    ! New Monster: Fruit Bat
    ! New Monster: Rat

    ! New Area: Castle of Amon (3 floors)
    ! New Area: Dungeons of the Castle of Amon (5 floors)
    ! New Area: Abandoned Sawmill
    ! New Area: Pond
Title: Re: The Temple of Torment (Now at Stable 15.0)
Post by: getter77 on August 30, 2017, 07:37:08 PM
Well done on another solid update.   :)
Title: Re: The Temple of Torment (Now at Stable 15.1)
Post by: Aukustus on September 05, 2017, 05:27:57 PM
Stable 15.1 Released!

This is a smaller release containing some bug fixes and balances by making Talents level scaling somewhat.

Code: [Select]
    ! = major
    * = minor
    - = less than minor

    Bugs, mistakes and missing things
    ! Fixed when choosing weapon proficiency that thrown proficiency option increases firearm damage and vice versa
    ! Fixed buying 5 scrolls of recall
    ! Fixed Demon Parts quest when playing a female character
    ! Fixed War Cry increasing damage by only 1 causing it to permanently lower damage when the Talent ends
    * Fixed Overpower's description that indicated the damage increase is 1 instead of 2
    * Fixed Exorcism's description that indicated there was no Wisdom bonus to damage
    ( Fixed earlier with reupload: XP bar reacts to click throughout its length )
    ( Fixed earlier with reupload: Removing Quest items upon completing a quest no longer crashes )
    * Holy Barrier increases Damage Reduction by 2 instead of 1
    * Poisonous Gas receives a damage bonus of Level / 6
    * Shield Bash receives a damage bonus of Level / 6
    * Drain Life receives a damage bonus of Level / 6
    * Exorcism receives Wisdom bonus to damage but Level bonus is reduced from Level / 3 to Level / 6
    * Holy Pillar of Fire receives a damage bonus of Level / 6
    * Lightning Storm receives a damage bonus of Level / 6
    * Corpse Explosion receives a damage bonus of Level / 6
    * Tornado receives a damage bonus of Level / 6
    * Death Coil receives a damage bonus of Level / 6
    * Cleansing Fire receives a damage bonus of Level / 6
    * Volcano receives a damage bonus of Level / 6
    * Apocalypse receives a damage bonus of Level / 6
    * Demonic Grasp receives Charisma bonus to damage but Level bonus is reduced from Level / 3 to Level / 6
    * Fire Shield damages by 2 instead of 1
Title: Re: The Temple of Torment (Now at Stable 15.1)
Post by: Aukustus on December 02, 2017, 12:17:29 AM
Stable 15.5 Released!
The development is stalling a bit so I decided to release the halfway 16.0 version as 15.5 for the time being.

Code: [Select]
    Previous saves will not work!
    ! = major
    * = minor
    - = less than minor

    ! Multi-socket items
    ! Runes
    ! Runewords
    ! Ability to send feedback from in-game
    Bugs, mistakes and missing things
    ! Fixed a bug in autoexplore that caused the player to run between two tiles if there are two unseen tiles at the same distance
    ! Fixed Gunslinger Talents not removing Bullet or Gunpowder items from inventory if the Talent spends the last Bullet or Gunpowder
    ! Fixed a crash on identifying cursedness status of missiles if it was cursed
    ! Fixed a bug where a shield was accidentally placed in main hand if it was in off-hand and main hand weapon was unequipped
    ! Fixed Mayor of Laketown Tyrant quest giving repeatedly gold if spoken again and again after completing the quest
    ! Added Feedback option to Main Menu; allows players to send feedback from in-game
    ! Added Runes in addition to Gems
    ! Items can have up to two sockets instead of just one
    ! Shields can have sockets
    ! Added Runewords that add extra bonuses to equipment in addition to regular bonuses if the Runes inserted form a Runeword
    * Studded Leather Armor is renamed into Brigandine
    * Increased the chance of finding gems
    * Missiles cannot be cursed any more
    ! Added Thet Rune, adds +6 HP to any socketed equipment
    ! Added Yu Rune, adds +12 MP to any socketed equipment
    ! Added Ved Rune, adds +1 DR to any socketed equipment
    ! Added Es Rune, adds +3 AC to any socketed equipment
    ! Added Sha Rune, adds +5 RES to any socketed equipment
    ! Added Runeword "Deliverance"; adds +5 Crit Chance to a weapon if the runes Thet and Ved are inserted in this order
    ! Added Runeword "Damnation"; adds +5 To Hit Bonus to a weapon if the runes Ved and Yu are inserted in this order
    ! Added Runeword "Guardian Angel"; adds +10 Block Chance to a shield if the runes Yu and Sha are inserted in this order
    ! Added Runeword "Flesh"; adds +2 Life on Hit to an armor if the runes Es and Thet are inserted in this order
    ! Added Runeword "Spirit"; adds +2 Mana on Hit to an armor if the runes Sha and Es are inserted in this order
    * Sacrificing items gains 1.5 piety instead of 0.5 per item
Title: Re: The Temple of Torment (Now at Stable 15.5)
Post by: getter77 on December 02, 2017, 01:29:34 AM
Good stuff   8)
Title: Re: The Temple of Torment (Now at Stable 15.6)
Post by: Aukustus on January 05, 2018, 11:06:09 PM
Stable 15.6!

Code: [Select]
   Previous saves will not work!
    ! = major
    * = minor
    - = less than minor

    ! Dual rings
    ! Branch boss rooms connected to the Main Dungeon
    ! Cook in Stronghold
    * XP adjustments
    * Longer Message Log visible in the Journal (last 30 entries)
    Bugs, mistakes and missing things
    ! Fixed items dropped on certain things being hidden from sight
    * Fixed a bug in level transitions that happened after the final Stronghold quest
    * Fixed finally the targeting issue on the northern and the western border of the map
    * Fixed found and the starting lanterns having different price than bought ones
    * Fixed the double digit input problem in the Bank
    - Fixed a small typo in Dagodin's Musket
    ! Two rings can be worn at the same time instead of one
    * XP is adjusted so that the maximum Level is reached later in the game
    * Added a longer Message Log to Journal
    - Boots renamed to Feet in character screen
    - Ammo renamed to Missile in character screen
    * 1 new item for the Port Victory ship merchant
    ! Added exits back to the dungeon to the branch boss rooms, works two ways but is locked until the respective boss is killed
    ! Added a Cook to the Stronghold, gives one special food ration each day
    * Added a well to the first area of Westerfall
    * Toned down slightly some of the late game boss resistances

    ! Switched Python's xml.etree.ElementTree XML parser to self-written one
    ! Added support for upcoming lore notes
Title: Re: The Temple of Torment (Now at Stable 16.0)
Post by: Aukustus on February 14, 2018, 10:56:25 PM
Stable 16.0 Released!

Code: [Select]
    Previous saves will not work!

    ! = major
    * = minor
    - = less than minor

    ! Lore notes
    ! Increased Talent Damage
    ! Firearm changes

    Bugs, mistakes and missing things
    ! Fixed the crash with thrown weapons
    ! Fixed the crash when buying Scrolls of Phase Door from the stronghold temple
    ! Fixed a bug that allowed equipping items without meeting attribute requirements if the previous item in the same slot had attribute boosts that allowed to meet the new item's attribute requirement
    ! Fixed Fire Shield damaging 1 instead of 2 as described
    ! Fixed a keyboard targeting bug by centering the camera
    ! Fixed curing diseases only curing one disease if you have multiple diseases
    ! Cursed items are no longer unequipped if unequipping an item reduces the attribute the cursed item depends on but will be unequipped if it becomes uncursed again
    ! Fixed a bug in which bolts that increase damage were counted in thrown weapon damage
    * Fixed a bug in month changing after a couple of months
    * Fixed bullets given in the gunsmith quest being automatically equipped if you don't have any bullets

    ! Added Lore section to the journal
    ! Weapon Proficiency gives +3 Damage instead of +1
    * Year changes after the last month
    * Character has a birthday which causes the age to go up by 1 each birthday (in-game time passes so slowly that death by old age won't happen but I just wanted to implement this)

    * Changed the ascii symbols of the Ancient Garden stairs to more clear
    * Switched temple altars and clerics around to make access to clerical services easier
    * Added a boss to the Darkwind Caves

    * Added loot to a certain escort quest
    * Changed slightly Port Victory gunsmith dialogue to fit the firearm changes

    * Monsters that can age player will age player by 3d3 instead of 1d6

    ! Added 5 Lore notes that explain the backstory inside the main dungeon
    ! Removed Gunpowder and Musket/Pistol Bullets, replaced with a historical "Paper Cartridge" that fits both musket types and contains gunpowder and bullet in a single item
    ! Talent's bonus damage based on character level is up to 10 instead of 5
    * Bard's Song of Heroes increases damage by 3 instead of 2
    * Alchemist's Heighten Senses increases damage by 3 instead of 2
Title: Re: The Temple of Torment (Now at Stable 17.0)
Post by: Aukustus on April 09, 2018, 10:15:31 PM
Stable 17.0 Released!

Code: [Select]
    Previous saves will not work!
    ! = major
    * = minor
    - = less than minor
    ! Beginner's Guide written by one of the players
    ! Restart previous characters
    ! Injuries from receiving critical hits
    ! New Light Sources
    ! Return of the unzoomed ASCII mode
    ! Multi-tile world map villages
    ! Disease improvements
    ! Talent improvements
    ! Companion epilogues
    ! New Lore
    ! Single Dungeon Mode improvements
    Bugs, mistakes and missing things
    ! Fixed a tricky bug that could cause autoexplore to stop working
    ! Fixed Lava ASCII tiles from green '.' to red '=' or '~'
    ! Summoned monsters from spellbooks are properly labeled as allies in the context of monsters resurrecting player's enemies
    ! Rottus Infernum disease properly worsens every six hours instead of every two hours
    ! Fixed Warlock's Corpse Explosion dealing 1d12 damage instead of 2d8
    ! Fixed Shaman's Evil Eye slow chance not being tied to player's Level
    * Fixed Praying to cure all diseases if there are more than one
    * Fixed a smallissue with talent use count related to regenerating mana fully without resting and not being able to rest to gain Talent uses
    * Bard song activation messages now display the real duration if the player has Songblade
    * Fixed a bug with resurrected monsters that could leave them be visually behind terrain features
    * Fixed a bug with the placement of summoned monsters
    * Fixed being teleported to Deity Realm when in a quest that cannot be escaped
    * Dismissing party members through dialogue or them leaving due to no money will now properly scale enemies down
    * Fixed a minor graphical bug in the Demon's Fall Gate
    * Fixed Port Victory temple area ASCII area transition symbols
    * Fixed stacking "poisoned" conditions where curing removed only one of the conditions leaving the player still poisoned
    * Fixed archcleric quest's wrong question mark icon location
    * Fixed archaeologist quest's wrong question mark icon location

    ! Added a beginner's guide that was written by one of the players
    ! Ability to restart a previous character again; every new character is saved into a template that can be used to start it again
    ! Added Injuries as an effect from receiving a critical hit
    ! Added an option to play the ASCII mode without 2x sized text so the screen won't scroll and will display everything in one screen
    ! Villages are multi-tiled in the world map, with the ability to enter a specific district from the world map
    * Increased in-game feedback character limit to 300
    * Map window can be both opened and closed with 'm'
    * Biography window can be both opened and closed with 'c'

    ! Added "All-Seeing Eye [+2 FOV]" to the ship merchant, an amulet that works as a light source that also allows rogues to stealth
    ! Added "Shield of Light [+15 BC, +2 FOV]" to the unique shop in Westerfall (Undershire in Single Dungeon Mode), a shield that works as a light source
    ! Added "Magical Lantern [+2 FOV]" to possible loot in the main dungeon, requires no oil to work
    Single Dungeon Mode
    ! Shops refresh daily instead of weekly
    * Removed lore notes from Single Dungeon mode
    * Foreign Coins no longer spawn; instead it spawns gold
    ! Changed Regeneris Prohib from no regeneration to 33% chance to miss regenerating HP
    * Changed Rottus Infernum to reduce Max HP by 3 instead of 1, with the bug fix this is as much as it was in the earlier versions
    - Added word "Disease" in the beginning of the disease contract message
    ! Each companion that survives the fight against the end boss (provided they don't die after it to something else) receive an ending epilogue
    ! Resting now takes into account if there are hurt companions also
    ! Melisath's Purify deals 2 damage each turn instead of 1
    * Added diary entries when meeting the companions for the first time
    ! Decay deals 2 damage each turn instead of 1
    ! Reduced Talent Mana costs from 35, 40, 45, 50, 55, 60 to 20, 25, 30, 35, 40, 45 respectively
    ! Battle Orders increases ally Armor Class by 10 instead of 5
    ! Evasion increases Armor Class by 10 instead of 5
    ! Song of Demoralize lowers Armor Class by 10 instead of 5
    ! Place Trap is 1d12 damage instead of 1d6
    ! Rend is 2 damage each turn instead of 1
    ! Poison Weapon is 2 damage each turn instead of 1
    ! Cleansing Fire is 2 damage each turn instead of 1
    * Rogue Stealth activation message now displays the duration
    * Added some clarification dialogue to the quest Lover's End
    ! Added Concussion, reduces To Hit Bonuses by 10 for 12 hours
    ! Added Winded, reduces Armor Class by 10 for 3 hours
    ! Added Dislocated Shoulder, reduces Block Chance by 10 for 6 hours
    ! Added Sprained Ankle, small chance of movement being prevented when attempting to move for 2 hours
    ! Added 2 new tiles that transition from grass to water to make shores look better
    ! Added 24 new village tiles making each village in the world map unique in looks
    ! Added 3 new Lore entries
Title: Re: The Temple of Torment (Now at Stable 17.3)
Post by: Aukustus on May 26, 2018, 07:57:43 PM
Stable 17.3 Released!

Code: [Select]
    ! = major
    * = minor
    - = less than minor
    Bugs, mistakes and missing things
    ! Fixed the crash when winning the game
    ! Fixed Chain Lightning to check Shamanic Language instead of Arcane Language
    ! Fixed Evasion having wrong name (Dodge) and AC bonus in character screen
    ! Fixed Temple shop selling two same spellbooks which broke the menu
    ! Fixed casting Battle Orders twice to give double AC bonus
    ! Fixed Thorns spell bug
    ! Fixed casting Rally twice to give double damage bonus
    * Fixed Abandoned Sawmill having two exits
    * Fixed Unending Singularity quest '?' icon being placed in the wrong location initially
Title: Re: The Temple of Torment (Now at Stable 18.0)
Post by: Aukustus on August 31, 2018, 11:54:29 PM
Stable 18.0 Released!

Code: [Select]
    Previous saves will not work!
    ! = major
    * = minor
    - = less than minor
    ! Real Mouse support in menus
    ! New Traits
    ! New Companion
    ! New Difficulties
    ! "Path of Torment" Hall of Fame ranking
    ! Equipped items no longer spend inventory slots
    ! Inventory improvements
    ! Firearm improvements
    ! Monster improvements
    ! General polishing
    Bugs, mistakes and missing things
    ! Fixed the crash with Gunslinger's Ricocheting Shot
    ! Fixed summoned companions scaling up an extra 1.5 times the monster HPs when summoned
    ! Fixed Eastdale Tower boss respawning after death when revisiting the area
    ! Fixed reloading leaving 0 bullets when reloading the rotating pistol with 5 bullets in inventory
    ! Fixed two-handed weapons being unequipped when equipping something else
    ! Fixed Unarmed skill being trained by also having a shield in off-hand and no weapon in main hand
    * Fixed Songblade giving bonus to Song of Turning without being equipped
    * Fixed Aimed Shot not benefitting from Bows proficiency
    * Fixed Blunderbuss not benefitting from Firearms proficiency
    * Added mention of Constitution being required for firearms in the Attribute descriptions
    * Fixed Ricochet's Ricochet not critting
    * Fixed Off-hand attack not having the correct proficiency damage bonus
    * Added Damage Reduction to Arthudin
    * Fixed Shaman's starting Quarterstaff not having a weight
    - Fixed Prodigy's slightly wrong bonus description
    - Fixed a rounding error when scaling down monsters when a party member dies
    - Fixed a very small memory leak in menus
    ! Some dialogue enhancements, grammar fixes, typo fixes
    ! Ability to hover menu options with mouse and click them directly, if mouse menus are enabled in the options
    ! Talents that are active are drawn with gold color in the UI
    * Added a lot of titles to dialogues
    * Added UI Health and Mana tooltips when hovering the globes with mouse
    ! Equipped items no longer spend inventory slots
    ! Equipped items are displayed in a different menu than unequipped
    ! New Difficulty levels: Story, Easy, and Torment
    ! Random characters are always with Normal Difficulty
    * Adjusted Nightmare and Hell Difficulties

    ! New Trait: Heir; gives class specific unique starting item
    ! New Trait: Observant; gives +5% Critical Hit Chance
    ! New Monster: Blood Knight; a monster that can heal itself from critical hits by the same amount as the damage dealt
    ! Monsters can spawn up to 3 monsters in a room (chances are 20% for 0, 30% for 1, 40% for 2, 10% for 3)
    ! Improved Eilinmyr boss fight summon mechanics
    * Reduced the chance of having a room without monsters from 33% to 20%
    * More possible random names for unique monsters
    * Improved End boss fight's end
    - Renamed Hellknight to Hell Knight
    - Used unique monster names won't generate again

    ! New Companion: Iris; a pistol firing bard that can buff self, player, and allies
    ! Added Attribute explanations

    Online Features
    ! Difficulty mode is also uploaded upon victory/death
    ! Special "Path of Torment" Hall of Fame for Torment/Hardcore/Open World combination winners

    ! Option to disable or enable the new mouse menus
    ! Alchemist shop sells ingredients now
    * Base cost increased for all potions
    * Lowered some ingrendient requirements for crafting
    ! New Lore: Fragmented God Theory

    ! Added an alternative reward to the Quest "New Firearm Design"
    ! 15 new uniques; a class specific heirloom item given by Heir Trait
    ! Added "Deadfire [1d20+4]" to the Captain merchant selection; a twin barrel musket that can be fired twice before reloading
    ! Added "Flintlock Revolver [1d12+4, +5 THB]" as a quest reward; a pistol that can be fired five times before reloading
    * Rotating pistol can be reloaded still if there are less bullets remaining than it's clip can hold
    * Matchlocks become Flintlocks
    * Items that provide a light source are labeled with [LIGHT] instead of [+2 FOV]
    ! More than one summoned ally is possible if they are cast from different spellbooks

    * Circular Kick requires now being unarmed

    Hardcore Mode
    ! Potions replenish 5 HP and 5 MP each turn instead of 2 HP and 3 MP
Title: Re: The Temple of Torment (Now at Stable 19.0)
Post by: Aukustus on December 01, 2018, 01:04:05 PM
Stable 19.0 Released!

Code: [Select]
    Previous saves will not work!
    ! = major
    * = minor
    - = less than minor
    ! Great Spells
    ! Manually Open and Close doors
    ! Spell and Talent balances
    Bugs, mistakes and missing things
    ! Fixed Evil Alignment calculation
    ! Fixed summoned monsters having some problems with attacking
    ! Pressing ESC or the Main Menu button, and then returning to the game will not spend a turn
    ! Fixed Decanter of Wonder having a totally wrong graphical tile
    ! Fixed Poison Weapon bug with backstabbing
    * Fixed 6th Talent icon being drawn slighly lighter than others
    * Fixed dropping projectiles causing a harmless error message

    ! Ability to open doors manually with Enter/Right Click
    ! Ability to close doors as well the same way
    ! Dialogue choices that affect Alignment are labeled with [Good] or [Evil]
    ! Spells take into account target's Damage Reduction fully instead of only half of it
    * Negative damage numbers have been changed to display 0 in the message log
    * Added "Last Page" choice to Biography's first page that'll jump directly to Equipment page
    * Added "First Page" choice to Biography's last page that'll jump directly to first page
    * Changed the message that appears when a level up is possible

    ! New Potion: Vial of Health; increases permanently Hit Points by 1
    ! New Potion: Vial of Magic; increases permanently Mana Points by 2
    ! Spellbook descriptions now have the info if its damage is immediate or over time
    ! Increased the level based bonus damage from Level / 3 to Level / 2
    ! Switched Paladin's Turn Undead and Holy Shield around; Turn Undead is useless in the earliest game
    ! Moved Warlock's Apocalypse from 6th to 5th Talent, removed Death Coil from Talents, it's a spellbook now instead
    ! New Warlock Talent for 6th Talent: Infernal Might, +3 All Damage for 50 turns
    * Volcano deals 2d8 base damage instead of 1d8
    * Lightning Storm deals 2d10 base damage instead of 1d12
    * Holy Pillar of Fire deals 2d10 base damage instead of 1d12
    * Grenade deals 2d8 base damage instead of 1d12
    * Exorcism deals 2d8 base damage instead of 1d10
    * Song of Piercing Pain deals 2d8 base damage instead of 1d10
    * Place Trap Deals 2d8 base damage instead of 1d12
    * Shield Bash deals 1d8 base damage instead of 1d6
    * Poisonous Gas deals 1d12 base damage instead of 1d8
    * Turn Undead deals 1d12 base damage instead of 1d8
    * Apocalypse deals 2d12 base damage in total instead of 3d12
    - Improved animation for Tornado

    ! Added Great Spells that require attributes from equipment as well as the requirements are higher than what can be gained naturally
    ! New Great Spell: Haste; Arcane Spell, grants two actions in one turn for its duration
    ! New Great Spell: Death Coil; Demonic Spell, previous 6th Warlock Talent, deals 3d12 damage with 5% chance to instantly kill the target
    ! New Great Spell: Sacred Hammer; Divine Spell, a spiraling hammer that deals 3d12 damage to all targets in its path
    ! New Great Spell: Plague; Druidic Spell, a damage over time spell that deals 2 damage for 3d12 turns
    ! New Great Spell: Devouring Swarm; Shamanic Spell, a damage over time spell that deals 2 damage for 3d12 turns
    * Fireball deals 2d8 base damage instead of 1d10
    * Frozen Orb deals 2d10 base damage instead of 1d12
    * Holy Strike deals 2d10 base damage instead of 1d12
    * Pain deals deals 2d8 base damage instead of 1d12
    * Earthquake deals 2d12 base damage instead of 1d12
    * Poison Cloud deals 2d8 base damage instead of 1d10
    * Decay deals 2d8 base damage instead of 1d10
    * Fire Rain deals 2d10 base damage instead of 1d10
    * Blight deals 2d10 base damage instead of 1d10
    * Chain Lightning deals 2d12 base damage instead of 1d12
    * Ice Storm deals 2d12 base damage instead of 1d12
    * Insect Swarm reduces target's AC and THB by 10 instead of 5
Title: Re: The Temple of Torment (Now at Stable 19.0)
Post by: Troubler on December 02, 2018, 01:16:54 AM
looks interesting, but it keeps crashing in wine for me during the character creation
Title: Re: The Temple of Torment (Now at Stable 19.0)
Post by: Aukustus on December 07, 2018, 11:27:53 PM
That's very weird. It worked for me with Wine at some point in Debian 64bit and 32bit.
Title: Re: The Temple of Torment (Now at Stable 19.0)
Post by: Krice on December 12, 2018, 10:00:28 AM
As a side note it's annoying that you need vcruntime140.dll to run a program and I guess it's not possible to include it with the game like for example SDL2.dll and others, because it has to be installed. I'm not saying this, but sometimes some people try these games at work and you can't often install anything by yourself.
Title: Re: The Temple of Torment (Now at Stable 19.0)
Post by: Aukustus on December 12, 2018, 10:06:31 PM
As a side note it's annoying that you need vcruntime140.dll to run a program and I guess it's not possible to include it with the game like for example SDL2.dll and others, because it has to be installed. I'm not saying this, but sometimes some people try these games at work and you can't often install anything by yourself.

Yeah, from what I've gathered, it's not possible. It needs that library because of libtcod.
Title: Re: The Temple of Torment (Now at Stable 19.0)
Post by: Krice on December 13, 2018, 07:25:42 AM
It needs that library because of libtcod.

Libtcod sucks so hard.