Temple of The Roguelike Forums
Websites => Off-topic (Locked) => Topic started by: Aristarh Smertin on August 03, 2009, 07:34:38 PM
Sorry for my poor English- it's not native for me.
Little introduction: Hello from cold Russia, comrades! 3 weeks ago i discovered roguelike genre and it was FANTASTIC! Now i can't stop playing ADOM and Dungeon Crawl-Stone Soup (Demonspawn-Chaos Knight of Xom-this is real way to FUN). And DoomRL-ohhh...amazing...double shotgun my favorite (as always 8))
Main part: Now my head overflowed with most craziest ideas, classes,quests e.t.c. So it mean what i must realized as soon as possible (or my head will blow up :'( ). Nope, i know what programming is HARD JOB (i coding some little games in Blitz3D, using tutors of course ). And i don't wanna create Nethack Killer No 666, my task is humble - train my programming skills and have fun.
So this My Step One-Choosing a Programming Language( why not design document?cos without knowledge of Any programming language - you can't scale your possibility to create all what you desire).
Which is best-old good Pascal or something new?
Step Two-Small, easy start. Create a map (a String array), place a Dude(@),make him walk around this, then try something hard.
Step Three-educate and learn. Improve yours skills and make primitive monster Ai , FoV e.t.c. Try tutors and sources listen to the forums.
Step 10k- make it coolest game 4ever)
My problem-step One and Three i can't find good tutors. And i known only Pascal (but find Python nice) l need adwise.
You should have a look at RogueBasin (http://roguebasin.roguelikedevelopment.org/index.php?title=Main_Page). It has a lot of info that address your list of info.
My suggestion is that if you know Pascal, you should start with that to get the basics down on creating a project. There are several Pascal-based roguelikes. That way you don't need to learn a language and try to design a game at the same time. You can always move on to C or C++ (or whatever) later once you get a good idea on the process.
Have you looked at FreePascal (http://www.freepascal.org/)? It is an excellent Pascal compiler; I use it quite a bit. There is also a GUI version, Lazarus (http://www.lazarus.freepascal.org/) if you want to go that route.
Welcome to the community! Always nice to get a new member :D I'm also addicted to Dungeon Crawl and love DoomRL. Anyway, I completely agree with rdc, pascal is a fine language and if that's the one you know, use it! Some versions of the original Rogue were written in pascal even. Freepascal is indeed an excellent compiler, and I'd definitely recommend looking into it. I would strongly recommend using the language you're most comfortable in.
Roguebasin has a lot of very useful information for roguelike development, so if you get stuck on something you can always check there. Or you can ask here :)
Good luck!
As others have said, Pascal is a fine language to code a roguelike in. I'm using Delphi for my own roguelike, but FreePascal/Lazarus is just tickety-boo as well.
Hmmm... anybody know there i can download some rulebooks or something like that of D&D or GURPS (or something similar). Just for example.
You get get the D20 rules here (http://www.d20srd.org/). Gurps lite is here (http://www.sjgames.com/gurps/lite/). There is also a plethora of free rule sets here (http://www.homebrew.net/games/).
Spasibo! (Thanks!).
Spasibo! (Thanks!).
I hope they help. I also learned a new word. :)
Oh i find something original- roguelike called Incursion-Halls of the Goblin 's King.
It uses rules of D20 system and do it NICE. Bad thing- it's not complete (some prestige classes, some uses of skills) and seems abandoned (site has'nt changed since 2007) and has some bugs too. But in General it really addivtive and i think best roguelike uses d20. Check www.incursion-roguelike.net if interested.
P.S. orc barbarian/priest of Knarash with double blessed orcish axe of undead bane - clean your garden from evil undead. Paid: 2 humans heads per hour.Call 888-888.
Incursion has a new revision coming on Oct 31st, 2009---still very alive!
oh sorry, it's my mistake last news is dated May14 2009.Anyway it's GREAT.
Ok i don't waste time and do some usefull work:
1) Read all articles on Roguebasin & roguedevelopment pages.
2)Choose universe, write some plot(my own: no phantasy, no elves, orcks, magic from fingers etc)
3)write desing doc for some basics of my game-what player can do and what not, fundamets of magic system (not ordinary),attributes etc (not complete-i just begin, it's hard to create something original)
4)choose development language - it will be free pascal(easy to learn, paid free) .
So main question is - where i can find tutorials (from niewbie level to imidient) for free pascal and examples? i heard about Valcyrie library for freepascal (used in DoomRL,AlienRL&Berserk RL as i heard) and as i think it will be useful, but again i need some tutors and examples (not for copy -paste this is bad way of learning).
Please help. Thanks for your's pation. You can call me "lame russian newbie", i understand that i'm really annoing dude with bad knowledge of English language.
P.S. this post dated 07:42:53 but in my local time it's 17: 44 (5:44 PM) - so don't be shock by that i'm normal guy, not a freak (mayby just i little ;D)
You can find info on the Valkyrie lib here (http://valkyrie.chaosforge.org/). There are some tutorials on the Documentation page (http://valkyrie.chaosforge.org/index.php?sect=docs). There is a forum (http://forum.chaosforge.org/) as well that will probably be helpful.
I am going to look at this myself since I do quite a bit of FreePascal coding.
Don't worry about your english skills. If I can figure out what you are writing, then anyone can. (I'm from Texas, USA, so no one understand me either. :) )