Temple of The Roguelike Forums
Game Discussion => 7DRLs => Topic started by: ondras on March 14, 2014, 08:03:17 PM
I am pleased to announce that my 7DRL game, the Goldfish, is done & ready for general consumption.
Play it in the browser: http://ondras.github.io/goldfish/ (http://ondras.github.io/goldfish/)
Or check its source code: https://github.com/ondras/goldfish (https://github.com/ondras/goldfish)
it is fairly fun.
Ahah, awesome theme.
The game is quite fun for a bit, and the "graphics" are very nice.
As a sidenote, the leftmost part of the game window is outside the boundary of my monitor (using firefox, on windows).
Played the game, actually completed it.
The game is fun, and it works fine. The pond area, the dungeons, the Inventory. Quite a lot of stuff is in there. I thought that at some point I will have to adjust my items to fight special enemies (very quick, oxygen draining, very tough but slow), but it was not the case. For example, in the beginning, I was really afraid of octopus, because the sea horse said so, but he was not that tough.
In general, the difficluty scales with levels, but so do items, so the gameplay feels a little repetitive after 3-4 dungeons. Still, the game is not very long, and it remains fun to play. Also, playing as a fish, and getting better jaws and scales is amusing. Very enjoyable. :)
So many "fish" games amongst 7drls this year :) Actually, this game looks very nice and fun, good work!
Nice job! The water effects look really good. I like the fact that your equipment is scales, fins and jaws. The theme is neat, very different from your standard roguelike, and a nice twist on the "magical wish-granting fish" story. It's a little weird that a goldfish has to have oxygen, but it adds to the game from a gameplay point of view.
I liked the game. I found that O2 was never an issue, and breathing equipment was useless. Similarly, vitality was less useful than defense because seaweed gives you 1 HP no matter what. The core premise is a lot of fun, though, and the game doesn't overstay its welcome.
I have never had such an easy time getting the Amulet of Yendor.
I love all the things the fishermen wish for
I completed this one, too, and I think it'd be a great introduction to ASCII roguelikes. Very nice work on the theme, polish, and humor!
Though I enjoyed the theme, it was also a bit strange to see a mixture of freshwater and saltwater organisms together. And I also didn't find much reason to increase my breathing. It didn't really matter, though, since I was giggling each time I upgraded my fish to a new color or chatted with the seahorses.
Great game!
The theme is funny and surprising. The game is intuitive and very engaging. And I love the way you've represented the inventory!
I was a little stuck at first, because I had a really hard time bringing myself to accept being caught by a fisherman :)
I had the same problem, I assumed that the fishermen's hooks were something to avoid, because for a fish they generally would be.
But before getting caught I couldn't really find anything else to do so I figured why not try it and see what happens.
One of those weird video game situations where the player has to do something that the character would never actually do and is actually directly harmful to the character, but I don't really know how to make it work more naturally.
Don't you guys ever read fairy tales? Getting caught and then released for wishes is all there is to life for a talking fish.
Don't you guys ever read fairy tales? Getting caught and then released for wishes is all there is to life for a talking fish.
Turns out that talking fish are somewhat specific to Slavic fairy tales (naturally, me living in .cz) and are virtually unknown to the outside world.
Turns out that talking fish are somewhat specific to Slavic fairy tales (naturally, me living in .cz) and are virtually unknown to the outside world.
I've heard the tale several times before, so it's not that exclusive. When playing the game it was instantly obvious what the reference was.
I ran around for all of 30 seconds before I decided to get caught and then the game really took off.
I liked it.
One must assume a bit of a learning curve with RLs. This one was not so bad, not at all.
My brother, "Skyrim is the best game ever", had no problem with it.