Temple of The Roguelike Forums

Development => Programming => Topic started by: PaulBlay on May 29, 2009, 07:28:11 AM

Title: JBand development started (assistance welcome ;-)
Post by: PaulBlay on May 29, 2009, 07:28:11 AM
The JBand (Japanese Angband) (http://sourceforge.jp/projects/jband/) project is aimed at developing Unicode and Japanese language support for latest version of Angband (3.1.1).  As well as the Japanese users it should also be helpful for people developing Angband versions in other languages.

At present JBand compiles in C++ mode, and only in VC++ due to changes (ham-handed hacks) involved in supporting unicode text handling.  My policy is "worry about getting it to work first, worry about portability second".  That may not be a very sensible policy in the long run, but I'm a C/C++ novice so achieving the first half is likely to be hard enough.  ::)

There are much more details about current status, plans, and FAQs at the project wiki (http://sourceforge.jp/projects/jband/wiki/FrontPage).

P.S. I just want to link Angband SVN (http://trac.rephial.org/browser/trunk) here because it hardly ever turns up on Google searches.  :P
Title: Re: JBand development started (assistance welcome ;-)
Post by: PaulBlay on June 19, 2009, 01:58:15 PM
Well, here's a quick status update.

- Actual Japanese text seen on screen!


- Game playable (but buggy)

- Translation in progress ( ... and will be for a very long time)

If anyone is interested in assisting, or in having Angband in Unicode / another language, contact me and/or see the project page (http://sourceforge.jp/projects/jband/).