Temple of The Roguelike Forums

Announcements => Traditional Roguelikes (Turn Based) => Topic started by: getter77 on November 27, 2013, 01:07:24 PM

Title: Gatecrashers (now at beta v1.02)
Post by: getter77 on November 27, 2013, 01:07:24 PM
http://forums.te4.org/viewtopic.php?f=40&t=39055  Download links

As a T-Engine game, Gatecrashers can also be downloaded as a standalone or in module format from te4.org.

Gatecrashers is an old-school dungeon crawler with new-school visuals, interface, and design principles. In the vein of the Brogue/Shiren/Rogue style of gameplay, the items you pick up in the dungeon play a heavy role in progression.

This game is an entry into the 2013 T-Engine module contest. Read more here: http://te4.org/module-contest-2013


- Sound!
- Music!
- Large monster/level re-balance!
- New monsters!
- Shiren-style leveling monsters. Skeletons now level up when they kill stuff! The Skeleton Butcher searches for anything to kill so it can get more powerful. The Skeleton Archer, if it kills a monster with friendly fire, levels up, eventually becoming a Lich. The Lich can also level up - if you see a Dread Lich or an Archlich, run for the exit.
- Item highlights and a new crosshair!
Title: Re: Gatecrashers (now at v0.5.1)
Post by: getter77 on November 28, 2013, 09:28:30 PM
Stealth updated to:

Updated the links to fix a bug with the shaders! This update also contains new content, including rings and monster changes!
Title: Re: Gatecrashers (now at beta)
Post by: getter77 on December 01, 2013, 01:05:24 PM
Updated to Beta for the big T-Engine Contest:

Concluding a very fun couple of months, here is the beta for Gatecrashers! The main changes are mostly under the hood - this version has a lot of bugfixes from previous versions. There is a new zone, the Graveyard, to explore (try digging up graves - or luring digging monsters on to graves - for extra fun!) Previous zones have had various changes and improvements made, as well. There's also a win condition (make it to level 25 and escape alive!) and a tally of loot with wins/deaths.

But Gatecrashers is by no means a finished project! In the works:

- New items and monsters.
- Two completely new zones (Ice and Lava) and two variations on the dungeon zone.
- Shops and shopkeepers, of the "you can try to steal items and incur the shopkeeper's wrath" variety.
- Improvements and updates to existing systems, like stealth and polymorphing.
- Many more!

Music versions are also up from the links in the OP
Title: Re: Gatecrashers (now at beta v1.01)
Post by: getter77 on December 21, 2013, 11:00:57 PM
beta v1.01

More Gatecrashers!

This version is compatible with the latest TOME version (1.1.0) and features:
- Animated water!
- One new zone type, and double the number of zones!

I'm getting this out ASAP so people can play it with the new T-Engine version - please let me know if there are any bugs I missed, and stay tuned for new content coming out in the near future! (Bombs! Vaults! Combat changes!)


The music version (some new tracks in there!) will be up about 5 minutes after I post this, and the standalone will probably be up sometime tomorrow AM. I'm done with finals and have my life back, so expect lots of content updates in the near future :D
Title: Re: Gatecrashers (now at beta v1.02)
Post by: getter77 on December 25, 2013, 02:41:44 AM
beta v1.02

Should be up to date with the latest t-engine version, and features some of the next wave of content updates: bombs and vaults. Bombs are a limited resource that offer both a solution to particularly dangerous monsters and a way to knock down dungeon walls. Vaults are full of loot and monsters, but you'll need to bomb your way in.

Next in line, but not ready for release right now: updates to the weapon and shield mechanics, including enchantments!