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Game Discussion => Classic Roguelikes => Topic started by: Zambaku on October 23, 2013, 05:13:28 PM

Title: Roguelikes with 16x16 tilesets?
Post by: Zambaku on October 23, 2013, 05:13:28 PM
I enjoy playing roguelikes with tilesets that can be modified. I used to play POWDER a lot and I enjoyed making tilesets to get a fresh feel for it now and then. What other roguelikes are there that have easely moddable tilesets?  :)
Title: Re: Roguelikes with 16x16 tilesets?
Post by: Zireael on October 23, 2013, 05:25:00 PM
Cataclysm DDA.
Title: Re: Roguelikes with 16x16 tilesets?
Post by: guest509 on October 24, 2013, 01:56:59 AM
Hey, I don't know about 16x16, but many many roguelikes allow modding.

Some I've modded myself include Brogue (there's a build where Oryx added tiles, and you can use that build and mod Oryx's tiles), Slimey Lich Mummy (PNG file if I remember right) and Infra Arcana.

Most are going to allow modding. Tome4 I'm pretty sure does, Crawl does most certainly, so does Nethack. Most all open source games have a simple bitmap or PNG file you can fiddle with.

I had the most fun modding Slimey and Infra. Infra because it's just a fun game period, and Slimey because the tile resolution looks great on screen. It's tough to find one that produces pixels on a 4 to 1 ration when displaying on screen. Pixel art, to me, looks best when it's AT LEAST blown up double, so 1 pixel becomes a 2x2 block.

Also Slimey is about the size you are looking for, 20x20 I think.

I've never done an entire set but I've had a lot of fun with what I've been able to do.

Here's a link to me yammering on even more about it and some pics of what I did:

Title: Re: Roguelikes with 16x16 tilesets?
Post by: edendbland on December 14, 2013, 05:46:47 AM
Hey, I don't know about 16x16, but many many roguelikes allow modding.

Some I've modded myself include Brogue (there's a build where Oryx added tiles, and you can use that build and mod Oryx's tiles), Slimey Lich Mummy (PNG file if I remember right) and Infra Arcana.

Most are going to allow modding. Tome4 I'm pretty sure does, Crawl does most certainly, so does Nethack. Most all open source games have a simple bitmap or PNG file you can fiddle with.

I had the most fun modding Slimey and Infra. Infra because it's just a fun game period, and Slimey because the tile resolution looks great on screen. It's tough to find one that produces pixels on a 4 to 1 ration when displaying on screen. Pixel art, to me, looks best when it's AT LEAST blown up double, so 1 pixel becomes a 2x2 block.

Also Slimey is about the size you are looking for, 20x20 I think.

I've never done an entire set but I've had a lot of fun with what I've been able to do.

Here's a link to me yammering on even more about it and some pics of what I did:


Love how you did this!
Title: Re: Roguelikes with 16x16 tilesets?
Post by: guest509 on December 14, 2013, 07:17:08 AM
Well thank you Eden.
Title: Re: Roguelikes with 16x16 tilesets?
Post by: stellahensem on February 22, 2014, 09:34:26 AM
Cataclysm DDA.

Where can I get this?