Temple of The Roguelike Forums

Announcements => Traditional Roguelikes (Turn Based) => Topic started by: IBOL on September 22, 2013, 08:50:41 PM

Title: Approaching Infinity (now at Beta 01 + Demo) $
Post by: IBOL on September 22, 2013, 08:50:41 PM
Approaching Infinity, A Space Adventure Roguelike .   $7.50-$75.00, various things at each level

http://ibol17.wordpress.com/the-game/ (http://ibol17.wordpress.com/the-game/)

Pilot a spaceship of your choice through an infinite sci-fi universe, exploring planets, gathering resources and technology, battling space pirates, and picking sides in an interstellar war that's been developing for millenia.

most important commands:
 numpad or hjklyubn to move
 right & left arrow keys scroll helpful menus
 [F] to fire, [ + ] to cycle targets
 [D] to dock, land, or leave

now with mouse support!

What's planned for the game?
 - a randomized crafting system for components and devices
 - Random Officers with individual skills to help you
 - More Devices with more powers
 - unlockable ship classes
 - elemental monsters(!)
 - more alien races (Gruff, Tentaculons, Limoquee, Vordalene, Firaxughinians)
 - unique monster powers, and more monsters.
 - several major quest lines (at least 1 for each of the alien races.)
 - 3-5 different ways to end the game, and countless ways to just keep playing.
 - any great ideas from players and supporters!

Here's what the game is looking like these days, thanks to David Gervais.

Title: Re: Approaching Infinity, v0.0.2 [ARRP 2013]
Post by: getter77 on September 22, 2013, 08:58:36 PM
Congrats on making it in time for ARRP---cheers to the start of a very ambitious project that I hope has a bright future ahead indeed IBOL!   8)
Title: Re: Approaching Infinity, v0.0.2 [ARRP 2013]
Post by: Zireael on September 24, 2013, 05:28:32 PM
I just realized this is the 'infinite sci-fi roguelike' being bandied about in Development, so I guess it's time to try this out!
Title: Re: Approaching Infinity, v0.0.2 [ARRP 2013]
Post by: chooseusername on September 24, 2013, 11:13:09 PM
When I am docked at a planet, the hjkl movement keys stop working.   The number keys still work, but as I am on a laptop these are not really practical for real use.  When I undock, the hjkl keys work again.

Looks good so far.
Title: Re: Approaching Infinity, v0.0.2 [ARRP 2013]
Post by: IBOL on October 02, 2013, 03:50:02 AM
I just realized this is the 'infinite sci-fi roguelike' being bandied about in Development, so I guess it's time to try this out!
I didn't realize I bandied. Don't tell my wife.

anyway, feedbacks please,
and I plan on a v0.0.3 release this Thursday, with movement issues fixed, mouse control, a major-ish quest line, and more.

Title: Re: Approaching Infinity, v0.0.2 [ARRP 2013]
Post by: akeley on October 02, 2013, 12:29:14 PM
It`s really hard backing feeds on this project. Reason being your releases are too smooth - there`s not much to point out really  8) 

It just needs more features implemented - or rather, those already in to be fully realised. Perhaps then, once we have a bigger picture, some more constructive comments could be made.

To be honest, while I was very impressed with the first release on the tech level, I had doubts if a project of this scope and theme could really work well while being fun gameplay wise. Now, messing about with the latest build I`m relieved to see  that I was wrong. It all starts making sense- the interplay between exploration, combat, quests and generally staying alive is working - I caught myself actually playing the thing, not just test-riding some alpha release. Of course balancing the bigger picture is what might make/break this project, but let`s be optimistic ;)

Some - rather forced, since it`s hard to find any real issues, and you`re probably aware of  them anyway - comments here:

-when I pick up a mission and then instantly dock again, mission is declared a failure - it`d be nice to have some time buffer in between
-some bonus for mapping out entire planet/sector?
-Boxes of Boxes and "ship attitude: bored" do raise a smile. This is my kinda humour, unforced & offhand.
-equipped hand weapons don`t show on the "installed" list, making it hard to compare while buying
-some indication which commodities are worth buying-to-sell would be helpful - though this was a tricky issue for me since Pirates! - too helpful=too easy, total lack of info = annoying note-taking. Hmph. Maybe a stranger at the space bar with a (sometimes deceiving) hint?
-"explore Terran planet at x/y" prompt is meaningless since I cant` see the x/y on any display (maybe missed it)
-is there a "strafe" mode? Seems I might`ve pressed something and can`t turn properly now? (still can move about fine though)
-I think mining asteroids should only yield raw resources, ship components are a bit unrealistic (the old "rat dropping a two-handed sword" thingy ;)
-I know it`s super early, but Save feature is needed. Hate abandoning game in progress, even if it`s just a test.

Looking forward to 0.0.3!

Title: Re: Approaching Infinity (now at v0.0.3)
Post by: getter77 on October 05, 2013, 06:25:46 PM


With tons of bugfixes, mouse support, and a major quest.

And now is a good time for another announcement:

I intend to do a Kickstarter in November so I can really get behind this project.

Planned rewards include having your name added to the list of officer’s names,
submitting names for planets, designing a side quest, several special kickstarter-only
devices, 10 million credits in pay it forward funds, source code access,
original signed paper game design documents, and of course, copies of the game
and your name in the credits.

Here are some things that are planned for the game:

      a randomized crafting system for components and devices
      Random Officers with individual skills
      More Devices with more powers
      unlockable ship classes
      elemental monsters(!)
      flesh out more alien races (Gruff, Tentaculons, Limoquee, Vordalene, Firaxughinians)
      several major quest lines (at least 1 for each of the alien races.)
      3-5 different ways to end the game, and countless ways to just keep playing.
      any great ideas from players and supporters!
      diseases that can be caught on planets & shipwrecks, and must be cured.
      more random quests that you can find in deep space.
      4 more races beyond the planned ones. (yes, i have plans for the unplanned.)

More to come…

Here are the planned reward tiers. Feedback is appreciated as always.

    $1 thank you!
    $5 name a planet
    $10 copy of game for windows, your name in the credits
    $15 alpha/beta access
    $20 your name as an officer (first and last go into files for random selection)
    $25 start games with double credits
    $30 submit a ship name
    $37 name a random quest target
    $50 unlock a device called “the kickstarter”
    $75 all devices available immediately, 1 million ‘pay it forward’ credits
    $100 unlock all ships, 10 million ‘pay it forward’ credits
    $133 have your face pixelated as a captain’s portrait
    $167 receive a signed paper game design document
    $200 your name appears in rotation on the splash screen
    $300 access to the source code of version 1.0.0
    $400 design a major quest
    $500 help design a major race and everything about them including their quest


Programming Progress:

     added “out of range” indicator for selected enemy. now you know.
     in the commodities exchange, you can now see in which sector you have seen the best buying and selling price for each item.
     fixed the gruff quest loop.
    added a new kind of banker quest: trade beacon recovery.
     started spawning ‘coordinate clues’ for the Firaxughinian quest.
    I know that in some situations, the keys are not responsive. Will Fix…
Title: Re: Approaching Infinity (now at v0.0.3)
Post by: guest509 on October 09, 2013, 03:00:01 AM
sweet deal with the kickstarter.

Also the main link above is all wonky, but the one in the previous post works.
Title: Re: Approaching Infinity (now at v0.0.4b)
Post by: getter77 on October 22, 2013, 12:03:10 PM
v0.0.4b  I think amounts to:

-Animated Explosions
-Tool tips with full explanations for components
-Colored Bars for your most important stats (hull/shield/supplies , or HP/Oxygen)
-More and better screen backgrounds
-Added particles to show different types of environmental damage on planets
-A tutorial level with pop-ups that explain how to do just about everything.

What can you do in Approaching Infinity right now?

    explore space and explore planets
    fight enemy ships and monsters
    collect, buy, and sell items and resources
    install better equipment
    accept and complete randomly generated quests
    get lots of in-game help and instructions
    search for clues to hidden areas and find powerful artifacts
    travel through an infinite universe (until you die!)

What is still to come?

    Five(!) fully fleshed out ways to win the game, and countless ways to keep playing as long as you want.
    Twelve intelligent alien races with their own goals and full quest lines.
    A randomized crafting system for components and devices
    Skilled officers for more bonuses
    more monsters, planet types, and quest types
    a second source of near-endless random quests: S.O.S. Beacons
    At least twice as many ship devices, with many new effects
    Unlockable ship classes
    An achievement system?!
    And great ideas from players and supporters…

IBOL has been hard at work!   8)
Title: Re: Approaching Infinity (now at v0.0.4b)
Post by: IBOL on November 01, 2013, 03:01:12 AM
Here it is, with tons of improvements and fixes, thanks to playtesters and collaborators alike!

Download Approaching Infinity v0.0.5 (http://forumfiles.thegamecreators.com/download/2493914)

•Updated UI
•New planet tiles
•Animated explosions
•Color-coded messages
•New splash screen
•A Tutorial!
•3 new commands: {A}bandon, {R}est, {S}afety

And a contest:

Find a Firaxughinian Artifact, send me a screenshot, and i'll put your name & chosen link in a special credits section of the game called

"The Xeno-Archaeologists".   You have one week so start looking!

Title: Re: Approaching Infinity (now at v0.0.5)
Post by: Samildanach on November 01, 2013, 01:09:12 PM
Thanks for the heads up! Approaching Infinity is one of my favourites that I've played recently. I was using v0.0.3 so I'm looking foward to seeing the new version.
Title: Re: Approaching Infinity (now at v0.0.5)
Post by: Rickton on November 02, 2013, 09:44:14 PM
This is shaping up to be a great game. I've actually been tossing ideas around in my head for a space exploration roguelike for a while, now it looks like I'll be able to play it without actually having to put the work in to make it!

Only issue I saw so far is that on the sell commodities screen sometimes the sell shortcut for one of the commodities is Q. Pressing Q sells the item no problem, but it also brings up the quest screen.
Title: Re: Approaching Infinity (now at v0.0.5)
Post by: IBOL on November 03, 2013, 12:33:21 AM
thanks for pointing that out. I just found a different bug myself, and was checking to see who else might have found it.
no one yet...fixing now...
Title: Re: Approaching Infinity (now at v0.0.5)
Post by: IBOL on November 12, 2013, 04:11:02 AM
And The Kickstarter Is Live! (http://www.kickstarter.com/projects/181428952/approaching-infinity-a-space-adventure-roguelike)

Help Approaching Infinity become the game it is meant to be, and add your own unique personality at the same time.
Name a planet, add your name to the officer's pool, name a quest item, submit a piece of small abstract art or short writing that will be found in the game (like an easter egg), all the way up to design a ship class or major race.

And don't worry; Approaching Infinity is a classical roguelike. It's not 'like-like' or 'lite' or 'ftl-like', what have you.
There's perma-death, an identify system, procedural space and planets, major quests, randarts, 2D grid, turn based movement and combat, etc.

So please, take a look. I've been working hard. There's already a playable alpha.
And with David Gervais  (http://pousse.rapiere.free.fr/tome/tiles/AngbandTk/tome-angbandtkmonsterstiles.htm) on graphics and ectogemia (https://soundcloud.com/ectogemia) writing an original soundtrack, it's going to be a great game! (http://www.kickstarter.com/projects/181428952/approaching-infinity-a-space-adventure-roguelike)

And for you sticklers, i'll throw in an ascii tileset at $10,000
Title: Re: Approaching Infinity (now at v0.0.6 KICKSTARTING!)
Post by: getter77 on November 16, 2013, 01:09:36 PM

Improvements Include:

    -Awesome “New Game” screen where you customize your captain and choose your ship
    -Your custom captain is then rendered in-game
    -Animation of planet monsters, explosions, asteroid mining, and “breeders”
    -Fixed vim keys (hjkl) to the correct arrangement (sorry!)
    -Landing parties opening helmets on planets can now catch diseases (DoT)
    -New “fog of war” presentation, more ‘nebulous’
    -Tons of small fixes
    -Part of ectogemia’s first original track for the game!

What? Wait, why are 'diseases' listed under 'improvements'? It's the consequence of not paying attention to your oxygen supply on a terran planet!

Thank you all so much for your encouragement! The kickstarter is going strong, but still needs more support. The sooner this thing gets funded (and stretched!), the sooner I can stop worrying about it and get on with actually making the game.

So if you enjoy Approaching Infinity, or just think it’s a great concept, please send a link to your friends, followers, readers, viewers, whatever you've got!

Thanks again, Back to work!


(& David, & Nathan)
Title: Re: Approaching Infinity (now at v0.0.6 KICKSTARTING!)
Post by: IBOL on November 16, 2013, 10:43:16 PM
Thanks, Getter!

Dig these crazy pixels:

Title: Re: Approaching Infinity (now at v0.0.6j Final Kickstarter stretching!)
Post by: getter77 on December 04, 2013, 01:01:24 PM


Exclusive IndieDB release! Lots of small readability improvements, some major visual improvements, some balancing, and the ability to toggle sound on and off, with the [Z] key. Some of these changes are inspired by my participation in live streams of other people playing the game and commenting. Very helpful! There is a full in-game tutorial. Just download, unzip, and double click "App Inf".

One week remaining and closing in on the first stretch goal
Title: Re: Approaching Infinity (now at v0.0.6j Final Kickstarter stretching!)
Post by: Amnekian on December 04, 2013, 04:50:39 PM
Wait, so there are ways to end this game? Great! I didn't backed the game because I thought it was another sandbox roguelike with no endgame/endboss
Title: Re: Approaching Infinity (now at v0.0.6j Final Kickstarter stretching!)
Post by: guest509 on December 05, 2013, 05:01:37 AM
Yeah man. Looks like you can beat it. But you can also keep going forever if I'm not mistaken.
Title: Re: Approaching Infinity (now at v0.0.6j Final Kickstarter stretching!)
Post by: Amnekian on December 05, 2013, 07:06:34 AM
There is nothing wrong with sandbox roguelikes, mind you. It is just not my cup of tea. And logically I would not support a game that I have no intention of getting it. But this is life changer!
Title: Re: Approaching Infinity (now at v0.0.8public final) $
Post by: getter77 on December 12, 2013, 05:25:16 PM
Stretched in victory to good measure, last public version ahoy with v0.0.8

Approaching Infinity was 160% funded about 21 hours ago!

It still hasn’t really sunk in, but I’m already gearing up for the next round of coding.

YAVP means “Yet Another Victory Post”, and is the compliment to “Yet Another Stupid Death”.

The same download link that provided version 0.0.6 will now give you version 0.0.8, which is the final public release. If you missed the kickstarter, and still wish to contribute, get great rewards, and get the updated game with save function and no sector limit, you can pledge via Paypal.

Here are some of the things backers will get (and non-backers will miss!), just  in the next few weeks:

    Caves on planets, where you can explore infinitely deep, as long as you have enough oxygen!
    Crystal Weavers, a kind of space-borne monster that weaves crystalline webs
    Wormholes that take you to a random sector. Enter at your own risk!
    Implementation of the Pay It Forward system. You may have noticed that your credits are saved, you just can’t access them. That will change!
    New kinds of random quests, including “Bring our boys home” (thanks, Simon!)
    New sector and planet generator types
    Oscillating Energy Fields, an exotic type of space terrain.
    The editor for the level design Re-Tweet rewards
    More alien shipsets
    Ideas based on your feedback!
    More awesome original tracks by ectogemia!

I will also return to more actual game development related articles here :)

So thanks everyone for believing in me & Approaching Infinity!
Title: Re: Approaching Infinity (now at v0.0.8 Beta + Demo) $
Post by: getter77 on January 31, 2014, 09:59:41 PM
Now available for Early Access Beta purchase from $7.50 on up, with a free public demo enhanced with the likes of Officers, Crafting, Speed, Shipyard, Identify, Victory---5 sectors strong so folks can get a taste of how things are shaking out and shaping up.   8)