Temple of The Roguelike Forums

Announcements => Traditional Roguelikes (Turn Based) => Topic started by: 7h30n on September 22, 2013, 02:14:45 PM

Title: Into the Dungeon++ 0.9.2: OMG This project is alive!
Post by: 7h30n on September 22, 2013, 02:14:45 PM
Hello everyone. It's been far too long since I've been around here and since my work on ITD++ began.
I've been really busy with Computer Sciency stuff at college and I even landed a couple of part time jobs.
This all boring stuff reinvigorated my motivation for finishing ITD++ and as you all know finishing a game is really the hardest part.

So without further ado, I present you new version of Into the Dungeon++:

My site: http://studio7.guru-gaming.org

Download page: http://studio7.guru-gaming.org/download/

Code: [Select]
Version Beta 0.9, 22.09.2013.
# Disabled features:
- At the moment highscore tracking, saving and loading the game is disabled
- Using mouse in game is also disabled
- Chain lightning may now chain on player
- Changed behaviour and skills of boss
- Boss monster may now select any of his skills and perform them in one turn
- Boss's AOE skills are reduced to single missile that deals damage in 2x2 area
- Smoother fog of war and line of sight effect
- New player animations
- Teleport animation
- Damage indicators now properly disappear in arrival order after 2 seconds
- The game is now licensed under GNU GPL
- Refactored the game engine design to be entity-system based (instead of OO)

Unfortunately the changes aren't that significant, they might even feel like a step back. Should have this been ITD++ 0.7? Perhaps, perhaps not. The reason for that is, I've done most of my work on re factoring the code. Most of the game data can now be accessed through .XML files so the game is easier to mod and add new content... And there will be more content! Psiweapon is enthusiastically drawing new animations into the late hours and I'm designing a skill system. That's right, this game will have a sort of a skill tree in order to provide more tactical and strategical options to the player!
Expect more updates in shorter time periods!
Oh and the game is now open source. I haven't hosted the code yet, so if anyone is interested send me an e-mail.
When I clean up the old code and system I'll put it on github or something.
Title: Re: Into the Dungeon++ 0.9 (ARRP 2013): OMG This project is alive!
Post by: getter77 on September 22, 2013, 06:46:17 PM
Fantastic to see this livening up with big plans again---well done!   8)
Title: Re: Into the Dungeon++ 0.9.2: OMG This project is alive!
Post by: getter77 on October 22, 2014, 11:47:38 PM
Yep, v0.9.2

This is a minor update which reintroduces saving and loading the game.
fixes game breaking bug with boss level

Unsure what happened to the prospective monthly update plan of attack since the last big release, but I'm just glad to see this in action again.   :)