Temple of The Roguelike Forums

Development => Programming => Topic started by: guest509 on September 07, 2013, 05:42:55 AM

Title: 7DRL Ideas - It's never too soon!
Post by: guest509 on September 07, 2013, 05:42:55 AM
DreadRL - Peach Trees, a procedurally generated tower. One screen levels, 1-100. You can take the elevator to whatever floor you want. The higher levels are harder. You start each mission with a warrant to arrest someone in the tower. How many warrants can you serve before dying? Track your high score. Your last warrant to win the game is to go face Mama on level 100. Your gun has a variety of shot types. Flame, scatter, stun, pierce, etc...load up before each mission.

Thunderdome - Fight in the dome. Start near the center but the further toward the outside of the dome you get the further you can bungee jump toward the center. So moves to the outside of the dome are 1 space, moves toward the center depend on how close you are to the outside dome. Various weapons and such are scattered around the dome. Doing awesome shit wins you 'favors' which you can spend to get someone to throw a piece of gear to you (or near you). Variety of enemies to face off against with a myriad of strengths and weaknesses and behaviors will make or break this game.

Full ThrustRL - Using the Full Thrust system of space ship building. Build a star ship and go from star system to star system. Face the mother ship in the end. Min/Maxing your ship to start, then picking up new equipment and salvage during your progression are the main game play elements. Sort of a clone of Rogue, but with character building up front and you play a space ship. The game text will call you 'captain'.

I do these 'idea' threads a lot because I want someone to build these games and I'm too lazy. :-)
Title: Re: 7DRL Ideas - It's never too soon!
Post by: guest509 on September 07, 2013, 05:47:43 AM
LeprechaunRL? - I'd also love to see a game utilizing the motion sensor as a central mechanic. The baddies cannot see you unless you move. You could play a leprechaun making your way through packs of gnomes in search of your stolen pot of gold. Yep.
Title: Re: 7DRL Ideas - It's never too soon!
Post by: guest509 on September 07, 2013, 05:56:03 AM
ComicRL- Super hero RL. Fight baddies in Temple City. Track down your nemesis. Find a side kick (like the dog in Hack). Slashy can run the local church. Darran Gay can be the local radio disc jockey. Andrew Dull can be a local politician. Veteran Bullhead can be a local hero past his prime...Krise can be the local recluse that can sell you super tech gear and give you snippy game strategy advice. This can be an in-joke geek extravaganza! Just like real comics! Ripping off Champions and City of Heroes is a MUST.
Title: Re: 7DRL Ideas - It's never too soon!
Post by: Eben on September 08, 2013, 01:40:11 AM
KARL - Kanadian Action RogueLike

You can play as a Mountie, Lumberjack, or Fur Trader. You defeat your enemies by being very polite to them, or shooting/axing them if the polite thing doesn't work. All powerups are either beer or poutine. You beat the game by saving the queen and therefore become the "God" referred to when people say "God Save The Queen"
Title: Re: 7DRL Ideas - It's never too soon!
Post by: guest509 on September 08, 2013, 02:10:04 AM
Dude I love it!
Title: Re: 7DRL Ideas - It's never too soon!
Post by: Zireael on September 09, 2013, 08:56:34 AM
Throwing this out there in case anyone wants to do it:
GenesRL - Moar randomness, gene-based. All creatures (including the player) are created using pre-set genes, which affect their statistics. The creatures can then evolve and/or mutate.

P.S. I love ComicRL idea.
Title: Re: 7DRL Ideas - It's never too soon!
Post by: Quendus on September 09, 2013, 10:26:17 AM
My head was sideways and I misread your post:
GenresRL - Moar randomness, genre-based. All creatures (including the player) are created using pre-set genres, which affect their statistics and abilities. The genres can then can then combine and/or mutate.
Title: Re: 7DRL Ideas - It's never too soon!
Post by: Holsety on September 09, 2013, 11:21:29 AM
Roguelike? The temple of the Roguelike has sent you into the dungeon to retrieve the Berlin Interpretation, long since lost.
Every time you start a character the game turns off/toggles a mechanic. One character might be playing the game in real-time, the other has the game reference the @ as "a party of characters" instead of "lone hero". Your run might be with hexes instead of tiles. You might be playing in graphical mode instead of ASCII. Maybe for one character all the monsters will have morbid obesity and occupy 4 tiles each. One character might have all his stats be invisible (ie not shown to the player), or maybe he/she doesn't have a food clock.

tl;dr Trolling with the Berlin Interpretation
Title: Re: 7DRL Ideas - It's never too soon!
Post by: Zireael on September 09, 2013, 04:34:14 PM
My head was sideways and I misread your post:
GenresRL - Moar randomness, genre-based. All creatures (including the player) are created using pre-set genres, which affect their statistics and abilities. The genres can then can then combine and/or mutate.

That's a good idea, too! ;)
Title: Re: 7DRL Ideas - It's never too soon!
Post by: Xecutor on September 10, 2013, 03:01:03 AM
UndoRL - roguelike where you can literally undo several last turns. Undo count is limited and regenerates over time. And game mechanics that revolves around prepared moves, like charged attacks, multiturn attacks etc.
Title: Re: 7DRL Ideas - It's never too soon!
Post by: Trystan on September 10, 2013, 08:10:22 AM
Berlin interpolation. A generic berlin interpretation roguelike except each rule has an amulet that allows you to break that rule. For example, the Amulet Of Gridlessness means you move in sub-grid increments, the Amulet Of Undoing means you can Control-Z the last few turns, or the Amulet Of Tempa-death means you just lose some max hp when you die.

I'll have to add that to the growing list of ideas I have for next time....
Title: Re: 7DRL Ideas - It's never too soon!
Post by: Trystan on September 10, 2013, 08:13:51 AM
Plants Hate Roguelikes. You move once, everyone else moves 20 or more times. Learn to hate lumberjacks!
Title: Re: 7DRL Ideas - It's never too soon!
Post by: AgingMinotaur on September 10, 2013, 09:10:35 AM
Wasn't there a 7drl along the lines of this some years ago? I think it wass called Savescummer, but I'm too lazy to look it up atm.

Re Anti-Berlin-interpretation-RLs. Yeah, I like it. Maybe someone should make a Dogme 95 (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dogme_95)-inspired definition1 and try to make one or more games based on that!? :P The challenge for the developer would be to still come up with something that can actually pass as a RL.

As always,

1 Some points might include:
* You don't lose your progress in the game, even if you screw up.
* Time should not be organized in turns.
* Continuous space, or at least no grids (eg. a text adventure would still be passable)
* Modal play.
* Extensive use of fixed content.
* Etc.

Could be the basis of a whole game jam of itself, actually – not that I'm going to join :P ;D
Title: Re: 7DRL Ideas - It's never too soon!
Post by: Trystan on September 10, 2013, 09:41:19 AM
Oedipus X. You can't see mindless creatures. Or items. Or low weight/size/mass creatures. Or whatever.
Title: Re: 7DRL Ideas - It's never too soon!
Post by: Quendus on September 10, 2013, 09:43:20 AM
Cyclops X. You can't see mindless creatures. Or items. Or low weight/size/mass creatures. Or high weight/size/mass creatures. Or anything, any more. But you are sure going to kill Odysseus!
Title: Re: 7DRL Ideas - It's never too soon!
Post by: Trystan on September 10, 2013, 09:47:55 AM
Programmable loss. Instead of playing one turn at a time, every creature chooses the next few turns which are played at the same time. So you choose Move North, Move North East, Circle Attack, Defend. Your opponent chooses Heal, Magic Missile (vs nearest enemy), Defend, Defend. Repeat until dead or whatever.
Title: Re: 7DRL Ideas - It's never too soon!
Post by: Trystan on September 10, 2013, 09:54:36 AM
Cyclops X. You can't see mindless creatures. Or items. Or low weight/size/mass creatures. Or high weight/size/mass creatures. Or anything, any more. But you are sure going to kill Odysseus!

Yes! Choose between both factions. Is it the heroic Athenians versus the dim-witted children of Poseidon cyclopses or the misunderstood pastoral cyclopian shepherds versus the lying and warlike humans? HistoricalRelativismRL?
Title: Re: 7DRL Ideas - It's never too soon!
Post by: Trystan on September 10, 2013, 10:11:07 AM
Cavernvania: Orchestra of the Sunset. A metroidvania roguelike. Items, enemies, puzzles, bosses. This is actually one of the top game ideas on my list so you may see this in 2014. Unless you beat me to it.
Title: Re: 7DRL Ideas - It's never too soon!
Post by: malignatius on September 10, 2013, 01:25:11 PM
The Warriors Fight the street gangs of '79 in NYC to get back to Coney Island. You play with a party of characters and the game ends if all dies.
Title: Re: 7DRL Ideas - It's never too soon!
Post by: Vanguard on September 10, 2013, 01:28:12 PM

A lone adventurer has embarked on a perilous quest to destroy a great evil - and he won't stop bothering you!  Set the rules of conduct for your faith and smite or reward the hero as you deem appropriate.


Alright, what about this:

The hero is on autopilot, but you make all the strategic decisions for them.  The hero goes around earning piety which you can spend on miracles to help them out or destroy your enemies.  When the hero finds an artifact, you decide if they're going to use it themselves or offer it as a sacrifice for a bunch of piety.  If the hero has a choice between two ways to resolve a quest or needs to know which dungeon they should check out, you make the call.

Maybe there are multiple heroes and opposing gods and you need to make sure the hero who saves the day is your follower.  There are a lot of directions you could take this in.
Title: Re: 7DRL Ideas - It's never too soon!
Post by: Samildanach on September 10, 2013, 07:15:38 PM
Wasn't there a 7drl along the lines of this some years ago? I think it wass called Savescummer, but I'm too lazy to look it up atm.
Kind of, yeah. Except in Save Scummer you don't even control your character, you only control the undo and save/load functions. Fun idea, and pleasantly satirical, but very little actual playing involved. It reminded me of Progress Quest in that mostly you just sit with your finger on the right arrow and watch the game play itself.
Title: Re: 7DRL Ideas - It's never too soon!
Post by: guest509 on September 11, 2013, 03:20:23 AM
Roguelike? The temple of the Roguelike has sent you into the dungeon to retrieve the Berlin Interpretation, long since lost.

tl;dr Trolling with the Berlin Interpretation

This is brilliant.
Title: Re: 7DRL Ideas - It's never too soon!
Post by: guest509 on September 11, 2013, 03:22:41 AM
UndoRL - roguelike where you can literally undo several last turns. Undo count is limited and regenerates over time. And game mechanics that revolves around prepared moves, like charged attacks, multiturn attacks etc.

Time Lord! I dig this one too. Perfect for a 7DRL. One wacky mechanic you can really ride. I'm going to remember this one and when the time comes ask if you want to do it. If not I might give it a whack. You could name it after that guy in Heroes who could manipulate time.
Title: Re: 7DRL Ideas - It's never too soon!
Post by: guest509 on September 11, 2013, 03:25:46 AM
Wasn't there a 7drl along the lines of this some years ago? I think it wass called Savescummer, but I'm too lazy to look it up atm.

Re Anti-Berlin-interpretation-RLs. Yeah, I like it. Maybe someone should make a Dogme 95 (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dogme_95)-inspired definition1 and try to make one or more games based on that!? :P The challenge for the developer would be to still come up with something that can actually pass as a RL.

As always,

1 Some points might include:
* You don't lose your progress in the game, even if you screw up.
* Time should not be organized in turns.
* Continuous space, or at least no grids (eg. a text adventure would still be passable)
* Modal play.
* Extensive use of fixed content.
* Etc.

Could be the basis of a whole game jam of itself, actually – not that I'm going to join :P ;D

Just a thought on how to code this to make it easier to pull stuff out and add stuff in. Make the base engine a continuous movement engine like a couple of the games in the 7DRL this year. As in, if you are moving then the enemy is moving. Then you can set a grid interval (you can only move so many pixels before stopping) for grid movement. You can take away the necessity for the player to be moving to create real time movement.

Just a thought.
Title: Re: 7DRL Ideas - It's never too soon!
Post by: guest509 on September 11, 2013, 03:35:10 AM
Space StationRL
-Step 1: Program a basic Hit Point, Ordinance and Crew status bar for your space station. Name the base.
-Step 2: Watch DS9 and Babylon 5, front to back.
-Step 3: Play FTL.
-Step 4: Begin coding dozens of special events that can happen to your space station, and 3 responses to each action with results based on that action.

  Example: "The Centari attack."
               1) Fight back. [-5 ordinance. -5 Centari Friendliness.]
               2) Negotiate. [-5 hp in a brief skirmish before peace is negotiated. +5 Centari Friendliness.]
               3) Give hostages. [-5 crew, -5 reputation.]

Then add graphics via kickstarter and make millions...yep...that simple.
Title: Re: 7DRL Ideas - It's never too soon!
Post by: Quendus on September 11, 2013, 04:19:12 AM
You can't do that!
You have to obfuscate and randomise the consequences of the choices, otherwise it's not a trve FTLlike!
Title: Re: 7DRL Ideas - It's never too soon!
Post by: guest509 on September 12, 2013, 04:27:41 AM
No man! I'm IMPROVING on the design.  :-*
Title: Re: 7DRL Ideas - It's never too soon!
Post by: Quendus on September 12, 2013, 06:04:38 AM
But how can it possibly be an improvement if it means you don't need a wiki to make an informed decision? D:
Title: Re: 7DRL Ideas - It's never too soon!
Post by: guest509 on September 13, 2013, 03:39:49 AM
But how can it possibly be an improvement if it means you don't need a wiki to make an informed decision? D:

Gah! My pet peeve in games. Like in Terraria you pretty much HAVE to have a browser open to see what you can build. Lame. And has anyone ever beaten Nethack without spoilers? It's probably happened...
Title: Re: 7DRL Ideas - It's never too soon!
Post by: CubicPants on September 13, 2013, 05:14:52 AM
Gah! My pet peeve in games. Like in Terraria you pretty much HAVE to have a browser open to see what you can build. Lame. And has anyone ever beaten Nethack without spoilers? It's probably happened...

There are reports of people completing Nethack unspoiled.  I believe it involves extensive use of wizard mode to learn the ropes;  And lots of note-taking.

I've been playing unspoiled and haven't come close to winning in wizard-mode.  I think I once made it to medusa (~level 25), but not before dying at least 100 times.  I don't ever expect to win, but I'm happy to explore it for a lifetime.  :)
Title: Re: 7DRL Ideas - It's never too soon!
Post by: Vanguard on September 13, 2013, 01:00:11 PM
You can't do that!
You have to obfuscate and randomise the consequences of the choices, otherwise it's not a trve FTLlike!

Every game that has multiple choices with randomized results should do it Darklands-style.

In Darklands, you get multiple ways of dealing with basically anything that happens, and in most cases, the final result is a combination of your characters' stats and luck.  What makes Darklands better than other games that do that is Darklands tells you how likely you are to succeed before you make your choice.  So if your character is a weak old man and he tries to scare off some muggers, the game lets you know that it probably won't work.

There's still some degree of uncertainty, but it gives you enough to make informed decisions.
Title: Re: 7DRL Ideas - It's never too soon!
Post by: Azathotep on September 13, 2013, 07:17:11 PM

Title: Re: 7DRL Ideas - It's never too soon!
Post by: Samildanach on September 13, 2013, 08:10:09 PM
Gah! My pet peeve in games. Like in Terraria you pretty much HAVE to have a browser open to see what you can build. Lame. And has anyone ever beaten Nethack without spoilers? It's probably happened...
Agreed. I actually enjoy Terraria for the most part but my biggest criticism by far is the lack of transparency. I disapprove of games that don't include vital pieces of information anywhere within them. I'm fine with wiki use being advantageous but it really shouldn't be necessary just to progress through the game.
Title: Re: 7DRL Ideas - It's never too soon!
Post by: guest509 on September 14, 2013, 10:06:50 AM
I think sometimes games play Hide the Ball in order to create a sort of discovery mechanic. This can be done badly and simply result in frustration. Many item ID systems sorta fail for me on this.

I do like the strategic choice of 'try now' or wait until I can ID the item. I think Random Realms does this best. You try to ID your items when you level, and you can level your 'ID' skill. So basically the longer you hold on to an item the more likely you'll ID it. Gives an interesting choice without any fiddly mechanics.
Title: Re: 7DRL Ideas - It's never too soon!
Post by: Paul Jeffries on September 14, 2013, 05:47:53 PM
In Darklands, you get multiple ways of dealing with basically anything that happens, and in most cases, the final result is a combination of your characters' stats and luck.  What makes Darklands better than other games that do that is Darklands tells you how likely you are to succeed before you make your choice.  So if your character is a weak old man and he tries to scare off some muggers, the game lets you know that it probably won't work.

There's still some degree of uncertainty, but it gives you enough to make informed decisions.

It would be cool if your intelligence stat factored into how accurate the prediction was, so that if you're playing a dumb character the game would sometimes lie to you about the odds of success and trick you into doing stupid things.

Anyway, back on topic:

Beat 'em Up RL
Looks like a side-scrolling Streets of Rage style beat 'em up, plays like a turn-based roguelike.  Several different melee maneuvers to choose from (punch, kick, grab, duck etc.) which by performing on consecutive turns you can perform combos, special moves etc.

Lemmings RL (This is the one I might actually do next year, so IT'S MINE IT'S MINE YOU CAN'T HAVE IT IF YOU TAKE IT THEN I'M TELLING!)
As the name might suggest, a cross between lemmings and a roguelike.  You view the dungeon from a side on perspective - adventurers appear on the top floor of the dungeon and automatically begin a hapless wander down to the dungeon boss at the bottom.  You don't control them directly but can upgrade them into different classes (Warrior, Rogue, Wizard, Archer, Healer etc.) which gives them special abilities and makes them better at dealing with certain enemies/obstacles.
Title: Re: 7DRL Ideas - It's never too soon!
Post by: Krice on September 16, 2013, 09:13:08 AM
KickstarteRL. You promised people to create an epic RL, but you failed. People that have donated money turn to an angry mob and they are after you! You have to evade them while you try to escape the city.
Title: Re: 7DRL Ideas - It's never too soon!
Post by: Quendus on September 16, 2013, 09:34:30 AM
That would make a good two-stage game - in the first phase you explore some abstract kickstarter-dungeon collecting donations and answering questions in an effort to get funded, and in the second phase angry-mob city-escape action.
Title: Re: 7DRL Ideas - It's never too soon!
Post by: Vanguard on September 16, 2013, 03:29:16 PM
KickstarteRL. You promised people to create an epic RL, but you failed. People that have donated money turn to an angry mob and they are after you! You have to evade them while you try to escape the city.

Title: Re: 7DRL Ideas - It's never too soon!
Post by: guest509 on September 17, 2013, 06:09:43 AM
Lol, and when you are escaping you can use your money as a resource, like mana, for your abilities.

Abilities like
-Bullshit excuse
-Here's a t-shirt
-Twitter post (the mob pauses for a moment to check their eye phones, the first twitter stops them for 3 turns, then 2, then 1 then is ineffective)

I like it.
Title: Re: 7DRL Ideas - It's never too soon!
Post by: Azathotep on September 19, 2013, 12:32:09 AM
KickstarteRL. You promised people to create an epic RL, but you failed. People that have donated money turn to an angry mob and they are after you! You have to evade them while you try to escape the city.

It would be funny to create an actual Kickstarter project for this game. I would donate so that I could be part of the angry mob when it failed.
Title: Re: 7DRL Ideas - It's never too soon!
Post by: guest509 on September 19, 2013, 02:15:41 AM
Phase one of that game can be like a nice in depth character creation screen, only instead you are making kickstarter 'promises'. The more promises the more money you have for 'perks' that you can use during the 'run from the mob' phase of the game to placate angry people.

Title: Re: 7DRL Ideas - It's never too soon!
Post by: Xecutor on September 19, 2013, 03:33:55 AM
CrashlandingRL - You are a space courier. While delivering some strange big box you was attacked by pirates and had to try to perform emergency landing that turned into crashlanding.
While trying to maintain shields on maximum you burned all the fuel, which is uranium, and burned all the ship's plating, which is titanium.
Basically you are doomed. There are no hypernet relays on this planet. And there is no sentient life.
Before giving up you decided to examine the cargo. The box contained experimental multimaterial 3d printer.
You connected the printer to ship's computer and found that printer is loaded with blueprints of interchangable robotic parts!
Another piece of good news is that you have the matter scanner - it can show direction of more or less big deposit of given matter.
Here starts the game. You print your first robot with metal garbage found in the ship. Robots are dumb. You can only program them to move by given route
and perform basic tasks, like mining or gathering.
Your tasks are:
1. setup routes to gather metals required to build more robots
2. take care of your food and water supplies
3. protect your robots and yourself from the hostile local lifeforms
4. setup routes to gather an uranium and a titanium
5. repair and refuel the ship and leave the planet!

p.s. may be a little too big for a 7drl, but 7drl can be a good start :)
Title: Re: 7DRL Ideas - It's never too soon!
Post by: Quendus on September 19, 2013, 08:11:37 AM
A party roguelike (multiple characters) where one of your allies is a mole working for the Big Bad. You can try to ferret them out before you reach the boss fight, but is it worth the risk of killing a genuine ally?
Title: Re: 7DRL Ideas - It's never too soon!
Post by: Quendus on September 26, 2013, 08:06:51 AM
fRLeemium - a slightly streamlined but extremely unfair roguelike, possibly not even winnable with perfect play. Fortunately you can pay Real Monies to get items, unlock locks, dispatch enemies, etc. The challenge is to win the game with a minimum of Real Monies spent, or to get as far as you can with a set amount of RM.
(Obviously Real Monies aren't real, just Real)
Title: Re: 7DRL Ideas - It's never too soon!
Post by: guest509 on September 27, 2013, 03:31:03 AM
Sweet! So your score in game would be how much money you have left in the end? I very much like this.

Start with 1000 Real Monies, pay 100 for a respawn. 50 for a + to sword or armor or whatever.

Like you can beat it without too much problem if you spend all you monies, but your score will suck.
Title: Re: 7DRL Ideas - It's never too soon!
Post by: Trystan on October 01, 2013, 03:03:20 AM
Bard of the electric bass - You run around with an electric bass and play kick-ass rock riffs that affect everyone who hears it. Play Ironman for +999 armor, In-A-Gadda-Da-Vida for ... uh ... something, Dazed and Confused for mass confusion, Another One Bites The Dust to make someone at random drop to 1 hp, etc.

A plaything of Xom - Based on the DCSS god of chaos Xom (see http://crawl.chaosforge.org/Xom). Everything is random. Your starting character, the world gen algorithms, the creatures, the magic system, the items, even the graphics and colors. Everything. Xom randomly changes things up too.

Kobold explorer - You play a lowly kobold with poor stats trying to turn more powerful factions against each other so you can explore your neighborhood.

How I play roguelikes - You are guaranteed to die within 5d20 turns.
Title: Re: 7DRL Ideas - It's never too soon!
Post by: Xecutor on October 04, 2013, 04:22:50 AM
Inner Voice - standard dungeon crawler, but time to time inner voice will give you advices. Sometimes useful, sometimes not. For example: you can turn to the left or to the right. To the left is some items that is required to beat monster to the left. Suggestions of inner voice are decorated with random flavours (like 'may be', 'probably', 'perhaps' etc). Correct suggestions have one set of flavour words and incorrect other. So your task is to learn when inner voice is right and use this to your advantage.
Title: Re: 7DRL Ideas - It's never too soon!
Post by: Kevin Granade on October 28, 2013, 07:26:33 PM
Scout - You're an advance scout for an army, with minimal combat ability and resources.  Your task is to find and blaze a trail for your army to follow that minimizes chance of discovery and maximizes speed.
(horrendously, ludicrously over-scoped)