Temple of The Roguelike Forums

Game Discussion => Early Dev => Topic started by: iamagiantnerd on September 03, 2013, 12:33:34 PM

Title: Fury: A roguelike with poker-esque card battle mechanics (iOS/Web)
Post by: iamagiantnerd on September 03, 2013, 12:33:34 PM
We're looking for some folks to help do some testing for our roguelike (iOS and web versions available).  The game is playable but needs polish and balance, which is where you come in!  We'd love feedback on how the game progresses, relative power of the heros, etc.

Some information on the game on a woefully out of date site: http://wwflgames.com/fury
Some more information on the game's facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/furygame

Anyone that helps test will get a free copy of the game on release.

To sign up, join our forums here http://wwflgames.com/forums and we'll grant to access to download the game (via testflight).

Title: Re: Fury: A roguelike with poker-esque card battle mechanics (iOS)
Post by: iamagiantnerd on September 03, 2013, 03:03:21 PM
I'd forgotten that I had posted about this a really really long time ago.  It's amusing to go back and look at these old screenshots :)

Title: Re: Fury: A roguelike with poker-esque card battle mechanics (iOS)
Post by: Samildanach on September 09, 2013, 12:42:06 PM
Is this still something you're working on? I like the idea. I'm a sucker for hybrids.
Title: Re: Fury: A roguelike with poker-esque card battle mechanics (iOS)
Post by: iamagiantnerd on September 14, 2013, 10:02:23 PM
Yup, still actively working on it, in fact I just uploaded a new build to Test flight for the alpha testers.  If you have an iOS device, hit the link at the top of this thread to sign up for our forums and get access to the alpha.

Here are the patch notes for the version just uploaded:

0.9.3 Patch Notes


Title: Re: Fury: A roguelike with poker-esque card battle mechanics (iOS)
Post by: Legend on September 16, 2013, 04:15:00 AM
any chance you would make a pc port? This really interests me, but don't have an ios device and far off from ever getting one. Just curious.
Title: Re: Fury: A roguelike with poker-esque card battle mechanics (iOS)
Post by: iamagiantnerd on September 16, 2013, 11:52:26 AM
We're making the game in Unity, so a PC port is definitely possible, but the UI is currently optimized for mobile.  It will take some re-work to look good on a PC, add keyboard controls, etc.  Certainly in the realm of possibility, but we're targeting mobile first, so if we have any level of success there, we'll likely turn next to a PC port.
Title: Re: Fury: A roguelike with poker-esque card battle mechanics (iOS)
Post by: iamagiantnerd on September 23, 2013, 03:30:34 AM
Just posted a new build to TestFlight, patch notes below:

Patch Notes, Version 0.9.5


*** Note, this version will reset any progress and you'll need to go through the tutorials again ***
The rebalancing of card combo damage and monsters may have been drastic, I need feedback on how this effects gameplay, please
share anything you notice on the forums.

Thanks for playing!
Title: Re: Fury: A roguelike with poker-esque card battle mechanics (iOS)
Post by: iamagiantnerd on October 06, 2013, 09:33:52 PM
Just posted a new patch. Also, we have a web version available now, so if you don't have an iOS device you can still help!  Sign up on our forums to get in the alpha:  http://wwflgames.com/forums (http://wwflgames.com/forums)

Version 0.9.6 Patch Notes

Saved dungeons, maps and academies will be wiped with this patch due to rebalancing of monsters.



Title: Re: Fury: A roguelike with poker-esque card battle mechanics (iOS)
Post by: iamagiantnerd on October 21, 2013, 12:37:07 AM
0.9.7 Patch Notes

This patch upgrades to Unity 4 and Xcode 5, so the game is now build for iOS7, but should work
on previous version.  Testers using iOS devices should let us know right away about any weirdness
running on the devices.

FYI, this version also resets saved progress.



Still looking for alpha testers, more info available here: http://bit.ly/1gwutAt
Title: Re: Fury: A roguelike with poker-esque card battle mechanics (iOS)
Post by: iamagiantnerd on December 16, 2013, 01:52:45 PM
Patch 0.9.9 Release Notes

This is a major patch, and introduces the first of the all new profession-specific card sets.  Also, there
has been significant work done on dungeon generation and monster placement (still work left to do though).

As of this patch, the only playable profession is the Wizard.  Two main reasons: the other profession-specific
cards still need to be implemented, and I wanted to get some feedback on the new card system and do some
balancing before too much work is done on other professions.

The Wizard's new cards are explained in more detail in this blog post:


Dungeons have also gotten an overhaul.  The character starts in an empty room at the edge of the dungeon now,
and dungeons are a bit shorter with some larger rooms to give the player more room to manuever.  Hopefully
dungeons are more interesting as well, and some of the annoyances (like doors right next to each other) have
been addressed.

Finally, there are the beginnings of new images in place, working toward full-retina capable images.  We're not
there yet, so only the low-res versions are currently available, but we're making underlying changes that will
allow us to make the change once all of the images have been re-done.  Along with this change comes a new style for
the art as well; we'll be rolling more of this out over time.  We have decided also to make the images generally
bigger, so more detail can be shown.

Other Changes


Given the extensive nature of these changes, we're hoping for lots of feedback, so please play and let us know
what you think!

Still looking for more alpha testers; both web and ios versions are available for testing:

Title: Re: Fury: A roguelike with poker-esque card battle mechanics (iOS/Web)
Post by: iamagiantnerd on December 23, 2013, 05:10:46 AM
Patch Notes 0.9.10

This patch is a lot of balancing; the game is significantly harder, and it really matters now how you play.  Since the Wizard is the only playable class currently, you need to remember that wizards do best when attacking from range, and the cards the wizard have been given give them many changes to stay well away from monsters.

Some highlights of the rebalancing:

Other items in this patch:

Still looking for more alpha testers; both web and ios versions are available for testing:

Title: Re: Fury: A roguelike with poker-esque card battle mechanics (iOS/Web)
Post by: Z on December 25, 2013, 11:33:35 PM
Why would you call a game "Fury"? I have played two games with a very similar name, "Fury of the Furries" and "Fury3", and by googling for "Fury game" I have found yet another, with a page on Wikipedia (and all of them are completely different). I think that such generic names are bad for many reasons, maybe it would be better to abbreviate to "Fury Academy".
Title: Re: Fury: A roguelike with poker-esque card battle mechanics (iOS/Web)
Post by: iamagiantnerd on December 26, 2013, 03:47:06 AM
When I originally made Fury for a 7DRL contest back in 2010, it was just the first thing that came to me, and it stuck.

I agree it may not be so great, in terms of uniqueness.  The idea of "Fury" was added as a gameplay mechanic, but I have been giving serious thought to just ditching it, so that would be another reason to think about changing the name.

I'll kick it around with the rest of the folks that are helping, see what they think.
Title: Re: Fury: A roguelike with poker-esque card battle mechanics (iOS/Web)
Post by: Zireael on December 30, 2013, 01:37:02 PM
Signed up for the forums (and alpha testing) since it shows great promise.
Title: Re: Fury: A roguelike with poker-esque card battle mechanics (iOS/Web)
Post by: iamagiantnerd on December 30, 2013, 02:30:36 PM
Thanks!  Look for a PM over on our forums for more information.

Signed up for the forums (and alpha testing) since it shows great promise.
Title: Re: Fury: A roguelike with poker-esque card battle mechanics (iOS/Web)
Post by: Samildanach on December 30, 2013, 04:10:04 PM
I'll head over and sign up for the web version when I get chance (sadly no iOS device available). I think Fury does suffer from not bearing in mind the Google Rule problem (i.e. your title should be distinctive enough that if it's Googled, your game should be in the top few results) but I suppose search optimisation isn't your main concern when you have a week to make the game.
Title: Re: Fury: A roguelike with poker-esque card battle mechanics (iOS/Web)
Post by: iamagiantnerd on January 06, 2014, 02:58:35 AM
Posted patch 0.9.12 today.  As always, we still welcome new folks that want to help test (http://wwflgames.com/index.php/fury-alpha-testing/)

