Temple of The Roguelike Forums

Development => Programming => Topic started by: NeonCorridor on August 17, 2013, 12:16:45 AM

Title: Music & Sound For Your Rougelike!
Post by: NeonCorridor on August 17, 2013, 12:16:45 AM
Hey guys!

I'm Shawn and I run Neon Corridor Sound, an up and coming music and sound production studio located in the woods of the Adirondack Mountains of NY. I want to collaborate with independent game developers to create deep and immersive soundtracks for their projects. I want to make unique and colorful sound effects that add just the right mood to their games. So if you are a developer, take a minute to listen to my diverse portfolio at www.neoncorridor.com  (http://"http://www.neoncorridor.com") and if you like what you hear, please contact me there, here, or at my email neoncorridor@gmail.com

Thank you for listening!
Title: Re: Music & Sound For Your Rougelike!
Post by: Kyzrati on August 17, 2013, 01:57:51 AM
Just some friendly advice: 1) Your site link is dead, and 2) this is not a forum about games resembling makeup.
Title: Re: Music & Sound For Your Rougelike!
Post by: guest509 on August 17, 2013, 03:11:26 AM
Rouge. Classic.  :-[

I'll remember this for when I need sound.
Title: Re: Music & Sound For Your Rougelike!
Post by: AgingMinotaur on August 17, 2013, 06:35:08 PM
Your site link is dead
No, it's not, it's the interface to add external links to messages in the Temple, that is a hassle to use and honestly broken. :)

As always,
Title: Re: Music & Sound For Your Rougelike!
Post by: Endorya on August 17, 2013, 07:30:52 PM
Sounds more like spam. Prove me wrong NeonCorridor. Do you have some drone sound tracks? It would help if the link you provided was working.  ::)
Title: Re: Music & Sound For Your Rougelike!
Post by: guest509 on August 17, 2013, 09:13:11 PM
It's not spam, you can go to neoncorridor.com no problem. His link is just formatted wrong.

His site is pretty sparse but it has some sounds and what not, and a short blog post.
Title: Re: Music & Sound For Your Rougelike!
Post by: Endorya on August 17, 2013, 10:44:17 PM
Ah! Thanks for letting me know it Jo. Yeah, now that I look at the address on the browser I can see the formatting mistake.
Title: Re: Music & Sound For Your Rougelike!
Post by: mrrstark on August 18, 2013, 01:21:23 PM
You guys are way too negative sometimes.

Listen to a couple of his tracks, pretty cool, pretty game-appropriate.

Just listening to "and they drink until they see in threes" now. Reminds me of amiga-era stuff I used to play back in the day.
I think someone could use these to great effect.

Thanks for the heads up!
Title: Re: Music & Sound For Your Rougelike!
Post by: Endorya on August 18, 2013, 01:24:56 PM
You guys are way too negative sometimes.

Listen to a couple of his tracks, pretty cool, pretty game-appropriate.

Just listening to "and they drink until they see in threes" now. Reminds me of amiga-era stuff I used to play back in the day.
I think someone could use these to great effect.

Thanks for the heads up!
Please, always write Amiga with a capital 'A'. Show some respect ;)
Title: Re: Music & Sound For Your Roguelike!
Post by: NeonCorridor on August 20, 2013, 02:14:56 AM
Ahhh, haha! That's funny. I, umm, missed that one there. Very embarrassing... :-X Though probably not as embarrassing as the time I printed "We play tunes from James Brown to Micheal Jackson to Chromeo!" on over 500 business cards for my funk cover band. My bass player was like "Who is Micheal Jackson!?" Boy, that was a good one!!

Does this link work?
http://www.neoncorridor.com (http://www.neoncorridor.com)

Yes, its sparse. I just set it up last week. No, its not reeeally spam... I AM looking to collaborate with game devs. Not a real fan of drone music, haha, though I did one track for February Album Writing Month... it was quite boring.
Title: Re: Music & Sound For Your Rougelike!
Post by: magikmw on August 20, 2013, 02:40:51 PM
Do you consider working on free projects? What's your idea of licensing music and sound effects if the game were free and open source?
What would you consider a starting point in pricing for your work? Would you collaborate for free if the game wasn't supposed to bring any income to the dev?
It's cool that you're here. I don't think there is any excuse to not have proper music and sound effects in the game these days, unless of course money is the barrier. [And that does not mean I think you should work for free, just some of us make games as a hobby and don't really consider puting money into it. Or out for that matter].

Also, please consider using something less white for your site background, the text is bit difficult to read.
Title: Re: Music & Sound For Your Rougelike!
Post by: NeonCorridor on August 21, 2013, 05:16:45 AM
Do I want to work on free projects? That's a tough one. I've tried over the past two months to work with some hobby developers for free, naturally, because to be honest, my portfolio of actual games shipped is currently zero. Teams have fallen apart. Developers have stopped responding after I give them music, so I'm left in the dark as for when/if the game will be finished. Eventually, I'd like to get paid for my work. But its hard to get paid when you don't have work to show, the whole chicken/egg thing. So, for now, I guess I'm working for free. But, my conditions for free are: a strong GDD, a history of shipping work, rev-share if more than say... 4 tunes.

As far as pricing goes. For fully produced and polished tunes I'd charge $50 per minute of music for exclusive rights, with up to 3 revisions. I can usually finish a 3 minute tune in about a day or two depending on the complexity required. All of the tracks in my portfolio, except the dubstep ones, were made in two days or less.
Title: Re: Music & Sound For Your Rougelike!
Post by: magikmw on August 21, 2013, 11:43:24 AM
But, my conditions for free are: a strong GDD, a history of shipping work, rev-share if more than say... 4 tunes.

It's fair to require some stability, though I doubt you'll find it here :)
Most of the games here are fully hobby open-source projects, and hardly anyone bothers with 'strong GDDs'. Not to mention the revenue is usualy $0. Unless someone is lucky enough to get awesome fans that are willing to donate.

As far as pricing goes. For fully produced and polished tunes I'd charge $50 per minute of music for exclusive rights, with up to 3 revisions. I can usually finish a 3 minute tune in about a day or two depending on the complexity required. All of the tracks in my portfolio, except the dubstep ones, were made in two days or less.

Good to know what's the base we've got here. See above :]
Title: Re: Music & Sound For Your Rougelike!
Post by: AgingMinotaur on August 21, 2013, 11:59:15 AM
On the other hand, there are a bunch of games already in a playable/finished state, which however lack music. If your immediate goal is to build a portfolio, not minding the dough so much at the current moment, you might try to dump some music on such a project. For my own part, if ever I come to the point where I want music for a project, I'd probably record it myself, relying heavily on my kids' toy instruments – that ought to give an appropriately creepy, goblinoid feel :)

Best of luck, in any case.

As always,
Title: Re: Music & Sound For Your Rougelike!
Post by: Z on August 21, 2013, 12:14:59 PM
HyperRogue needs a tune for each of its 11 worlds (Icy Lands, Living Caves, Desert, Jungle, Crossroads, Land of Eternal Motion, Alchemist's Lab, Land of Mirrors, Graveyard, R'Lyeh, Hell). But I would not want to invest any funds myself. So either for free, or via crowd-funding (or via a separately paid soundtrack, but I do not like this option anyway).