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Announcements => Traditional Roguelikes (Turn Based) => Topic started by: Cruiser1 on August 15, 2013, 09:53:38 PM
Download page: http://www.astrolog.org/labyrnth/daedalus/hunger.htm (http://www.astrolog.org/labyrnth/daedalus/hunger.htm)
Wiki page: http://roguebasin.roguelikedevelopment.org/index.php?title=Hunger_Games (http://roguebasin.roguelikedevelopment.org/index.php?title=Hunger_Games)
I've created a Hunger Games theme roguelike, inspired by "The Hunger Games" book trilogy and movie. As expected, you're one of 24 tributes forced to fight to the death until only one remains standing. Personally, I really enjoyed the novels, and wanted a video game simulating you playing in the arena. As a long time fan of roguelikes, I felt that genre is an effective way to represent arena exploration and combat with fellow tributes (potentially large group combats like in the opening "Bloodbath"). The Hunger Games is free software for Windows, with full source code available. In addition to the Hunger Games theme, it also features 3D first person perspective graphics (similar to Dragonslayer (http://roguebasin.roguelikedevelopment.org/index.php?title=Dragonslayer), my other roguelike).
This screenshot is a 3rd person overview of the randomly generated arena, showing the 24 tributes in a semicircle, the central "Cornucopia" containing a concentration of the best gear, and the surrounding woods.
This screenshot shows the early game Bloodbath battle. The "Career tribute" alliance of Districts 1, 2, and 4 is guarding the mouth of the Cornucopia against the girls from Districts 6, 7, and 3.
This screenshot shows an example of winning, in which you nicely avoided killing your District alliance partner until you were the final two remaining.
This looks really awesome. I was commenting in another topic how I'd love to play a rl based on Battle Royale, and this is the next best thing, lol.
A picture can be worth 1000 words, and a video can be worth 1000 pictures. Here's a video of somebody playing "The Hunger Games" Roguelike, using the simple but effective strategy of "let others fight each other first then come in and finish off the wounded": http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=E1rAAeDNhGE (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=E1rAAeDNhGE) :)
This is really cool. A couple of suggestions:
- The escape key instantly quits the game with no warning. This is a bad thing, because so many people are used to the escape key backing out of a menu or bringing up an options menu. I'm especially prone to doing this after using the inventory and wanting to get it off the screen. Is this a limitation in Daedalus, or something that can be fixed in the script?
- I have some trouble using ranged weapons. A tribute may be pretty close to the centre of the display, but not in the firing line. As a game of strategy rather than skill, it would be nice to have a way of confirming whether someone is in the firing line.
Anyway, good work!
Thanks for trying out The Hunger Games and posting your feedback! :)
The escape key instantly quits the game with no warning. I'm especially prone to doing this after using the inventory and wanting to get it off the screen. Is this a limitation in Daedalus, or something that can be fixed in the script?
Both! Daedalus has "Escape" as a hotkey for "File / Exit". However, keys can be redefined so it can be fixed in the script. I've updated the next version to have "Escape" bring up a confirmation dialog before exiting. Note the inventory list is just a text dump appended to the text displayed at the top of the screen, and not a modal dialog you can cancel. (That's different from selecting an item from inventory to use, throw, or give, which is a special mode, in which hitting spacebar or selecting an illegal option will make it go away.) As getting a long inventory list off the screen is something people want to do, I've also updated "spacebar" to refresh the screen and remove most text (which is useful if you want to redisplay useful game information like "there is an X here" that was replaced by the inventory).
I have some trouble using ranged weapons. A tribute may be pretty close to the centre of the display, but not in the firing line. As a game of strategy rather than skill, it would be nice to have a way of confirming whether someone is in the firing line.
Use the chat command for this ("c" hotkey). Chatting has the exact same distance limit as ranged weapons, meaning a ranged weapon will hit them if and only if chatting with them works. Chatting (like displaying inventory) is a free action that doesn't end your turn. I've updated the documentation to ensure this use of the chat command is clear.
I've been updating the Hunger Games Roguelike, with the following features implemented in what will be the next version:
- 3D: The 3D view makes it easier to perceive 3D movement. You can now climb trees, mountains, and even the Cornucopia. Enemies may climb up after you, chop the tree down, attack with ranged weapons, or just wait you out at the bottom.
- Mutts: The other tributes aren't the only dangers in the arena. There are also hungry "muttation" monsters. Yes, there's an option to play as a mutt if you want! ;)
- Scenery: There are now mountains to climb, and water to swim or fish (or drown) in. Track tributes or mutts by following their footprints!
- New items: Nets can be used to entangle other tributes. Picks can be used to dig up things, including the landmines around the starting platforms, which can be reset to lay traps for your opponents. ;D
Above is the new "burning desert" arena. Notice the cactus plants, hills, and even an oasis or two in the background. Yes, you lose health if you poke yourself on a cactus. :D
Above is the new "frozen mountains" arena. Present are mountains, a creek weaving among them, and if you look carefully some Nets in the Cornucopia.
Below are a couple more screenshots from the upcoming next version of the Hunger Games Roguelike. It wasn't finished in time to make this year's Annual Roguelike Release Party (ARRP), but it should be available in the next few weeks. You can pick your basic arena type (and arena size) or have them randomly chosen for you, resulting in a proper Hunger Games experience in which tributes don't know what environment they'll be thrust into.
Above is the new "gooey swamp" arena, which is largely water and thick clumps of trees. Being able to swim and/or fish is of course a significant advantage here.
Above is the new "giant Maze" arena, which as expected is composed of numerous walls. The Maze is generated with few dead ends, to prevent tributes from hiding in them, so one needs to always watch their back.
A new version of the Hunger Games Roguelike has been released! :) Version 2.5 is described here (http://www.astrolog.org/labyrnth/daedalus/hunger.htm) and directly downloadable here (http://www.astrolog.org/labyrnth/daedalus/dae25zip.exe). A summary of new features in it:
- New Arenas: In addition to Forest like before, you also can play in Mountain, Desert, Plains, Swamp, and Maze arenas (see the four pictures above). Choose your arena type and size, or have them randomly chosen for you. In additon to trees like before, you can also encounter rivers, lakes, hills, and meadows in whatever arena.
- New Actions: Climb trees (and potentially fall out of them), chop down trees with Axes, wade or swim in water (and potentially drown in it), catch fish in water, and track tributes and Mutts by following their footprints/pawprints.
- New Items: Nets can be used to entangle other tributes. Picks can be used to chisel away cliffs or dig up things, including the landmines around the starting platforms, which can be reset to lay explosive traps for your opponents.
- New Enemies: In addition to other tributes, aggressive "muttation" monsters are roaming the arena.
Here's a new YouTube video, this time of the new version of "The Hunger Games" Roguelike, which demonstrates both good gameplay (successfully taking stuff from the Cornucopia without getting injured in the process), and mistakes (accidentally posioning yourself with Nightlock berries): http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FWTjkraKv4g :)
Seems really interesting, I'll definitely give it a go.
Here's another video of the new version of "The Hunger Games" Roguelike, demoing the computer tribute AI. The computer is controlling all tributes from start to finish of the Games, and the camera is manually flying around observing the action. For example, you can see the "Career" tribute alliance members take control of the Cornucopia and then hunt as a pack, before turning on each other at the end. See the District 4 Boy defeat all 23 other tributes, winning with full health: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1No6yuHnxW0 8)
Even single player Roguelikes can have multiplayer elements if you compete with others to see who does better. In this new video somebody made of "The Hunger Games" Roguelike, two people play the game in sequence, competing to see who finishes higher. The first runs toward the Cornucopia at the beginning, while the second runs away. Sometimes the best defense is a good offense: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IZd2mQMG-RE ;D
I really ought to find time to play this...
Here's the latest video of "The Hunger Games" Roguelike. GameBot reviews a first time playthrough in the longest video anybody's made of it so far (he plays it three times in a row): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ot5UADZZRC4 :D
Holy crap. This is off topic but I love Daedalus. First downloaded it probably 10 or more years ago and that website transformed me into the maze obsessed lunatic I am today.
This is off topic but I love Daedalus. First downloaded it probably 10 or more years ago and that website transformed me into the maze obsessed lunatic I am today.
That's cool you were already aware of "Daedalus" before this thread. :) Daedalus is the engine which runs the Hunger Games Roguelike. Yes, Daedalus has been downloadable since 2001, although its programming language and the Roguelike games that use it (such as Dragonslayer (http://www.astrolog.org/labyrnth/daedalus/dragon.htm)) didn't appear until a couple years later. Daedalus actually comes with 26 different games (mostly Maze simulations since it's a Maze generation program), although the Hunger Games is its best Roguelike.
A new version of the Hunger Games Roguelike has been released! :) The new version 3.0 is described here (http://www.astrolog.org/labyrnth/daedalus/hunger.htm) and downloadable here (http://www.indiedb.com/games/hunger-games-simulation-daedalus/downloads/hunger-games-simulation-daedalus-30), and includes the following additions:
- New Landscapes: Play in a "Catching Fire" style clock arena (seen above). Climb over rolling hills, and experience a gradual day/night cycle. Head downhill or dig deep enough and you can find water. Play in mixed terrain arenas, such as half sandy desert and half rocky wasteland.
- New Customizations: Set number of Districts (1-13), and number of tributes per District (e.g. play games with over 200 opponents). Assign names to tributes (e.g. "Katniss" instead of "District 12 Female"), and select hairstyles. Try out a special wraparound surface-of-torus arena that goes on forever.
- New Items: Blowtorch weapon can be used to dismantle the Cornucopia walls, burn down trees, or melt unwanted items. Guns and grenades are powerful weapons very rarely available from sponsors. Armor reduces damage from enemy hits, and nightvision goggles allow seeing in darkness. You can even use sponsor gift parachutes to glide through the air.
- New Enemies: Some trees contain "tracker jacker" wasp nests. Chop down the tree and they'll sting whoever's nearby making them hallucinate! Periodic "Feast" events draw remaining tributes back together to fight. You can even rebel against the Capitol, and escape from the arena (if you can figure out how. ;))
This is my first video of the newest version of "The Hunger Games" Roguelike, demoing the updated computer tribute AI. The computer is controlling all tributes from start to finish of the Games, and I'm manually flying the camera around observing the action. In this game you can see the six member "Career" tribute alliance successfully gang up on and defeat everybody else, before turning on each other at the final 6, with the District 1 Boy the final winner: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NJSQXIy6fsI :)
This quality video of "The Hunger Games" Roguelike is in German, the first video of the game narrated in a non-English language. See the narrator demo a few arenas, before proceeding to win as the District 4 boy over the next 19 minutes: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VUuS3bCEmXM 8)
This video of "The Hunger Games" Roguelike is the longest one made to date, consisting of four parts and covering 13 game days or 2875 turns total. After all their effort, will they be able to become victor? Watch the first video at: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4u4AlWeS-E8 ;)
This is the first video I've made of actually playing "The Hunger Games" Roguelike myself. As the District 10 Male tribute, I ally with the "Career" pack at the beginning, grab the best gear from the Cornucopia, receive a bunch of gifts from sponsors, turn on my allies, and finally hunt down the remaining tributes to become victor: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2gvjfldW3A4 ;D
A new version of the Hunger Games Roguelike has been released! :) The new version 3.1 is described here (http://www.astrolog.org/labyrnth/daedalus/hunger.htm) and downloadable here (http://www.indiedb.com/games/hunger-games-simulation-daedalus/downloads/hunger-games-simulation-daedalus-31), and includes the following additions:
- New Arenas: Play in tropical island arenas, ruined city arenas, and even compose your own custom arena bitmaps (sample arena of the 12 Districts seen above). Beware the moving firewall of lava that forces remaining tributes together.
- New Actions: New commands to propose an alliance (which may or may not be accepted), and free fellow tributes from Nets. New map which only shows other tribute locations. Net objects can be set on the ground as traps.
- New Visuals: Movie of each day's fallen tributes is projected into the sky at night. Your movement in game smoothly animates showing intermediate frames. Tribute graphics show item worn when looking at them. Nine times as many chat responses, depending on personality and relative strength.
- New Settings: 26 new options for customizing the play environment, such as number of Mutts and when they're released into the arena, difficulty levels that don't indicate who died when the cannon fires, and option to automatically give tributes random District appropriate names.
Newest video somebody made playing "The Hunger Games" Roguelike. :) From a design standpoint, it's interesting to see somebody's initial impressions of a semi-complex game, and how they get used to its interface: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Stqm4kZ-NHM
Latest video somebody made playing the latest version of "The Hunger Games" Roguelike. ;D They play it 6 times in a row demoing a variety of arena environments: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dddNpk09mwM
A new version of the Hunger Games Roguelike has been released! :D The new version 3.2 is described here (http://www.astrolog.org/labyrnth/daedalus/hunger.htm) and downloadable here (http://www.indiedb.com/games/hunger-games-simulation-daedalus/downloads/hunger-games-simulation-daedalus-32), and includes the following additions:
- New Effects: Sound effects added for everything from cannon firings to receiving a sponsor gift. More detailed textures for landscape features and items on the ground.
- New Actions: Display most recent events that scrolled off the top of the screen. Take or give leadership with respect to allies, so they tend to follow or not follow you around.
- New Behaviors: Tributes have different customizable heights (with Careers tending to be taller). Tributes occasionally backstab allies even before all enemies are dead, especially if the ally is weak and effectively dead weight, so beware!
- New Settings: More options for customizing the play environment, such as water depth, fog effects, Mutt behavior (whether they can swim or climb trees), and special scenarios like dead tributes automatically rising as Mutts to create a zombie apocalypse! >:(
A new version of the Hunger Games Roguelike has been released! :) The new version 3.4 is described here (http://www.astrolog.org/labyrnth/daedalus/hunger.htm) and downloadable here (https://www.indiedb.com/games/hunger-games-simulation-daedalus/downloads/hunger-games-simulation-daedalus-34).
This is a minor update, and the first change in several years. It aligns with the recent release of the movie "The Ballad of Songbirds and Snakes". It introduces a stadium arena type which can be used to simulate the 10th Hunger Games from the movie, along with tribute names from it such as "Lucy Gray". (To play in this arena, press Shift+F2 and enter "9" for the arena type.)