Temple of The Roguelike Forums
Announcements => Traditional Roguelikes (Turn Based) => Topic started by: getter77 on August 13, 2013, 07:50:16 PM
The latest official site: http://www.prospector.at/forum/about.php
A roguelike in space
In an unexplored sector of space humanity is trying to establish a permanent presence. Megacorporations employ freelance prospectors to find exploitable resources and map unknown planets for them. The player commands one of those scoutships, trying to become filthy rich as a prospector.
http://prospector.freeforums.org/prospector-r132-t372.html <<The DL is here, not the older GoogleCode page
Change log
+ Major and Minor bugs fixed
+ New quests, proceduraly generated
+ New backgroundpics and updated tiles made by David Gervais
+ variable fuel prices open new business opportunities
+ changed formula for biodata yield (Bigger animals pay exponentially more)
+ Robots can carry 2 crewmembers without jetpacks. 2 Crewmembers with jetpacks can carry a 3rd without
+ closed doors now stop vacuum
+ 2 new artifacts
+ New algorithm for gasclouds & anomalies (anomalies have a link to wormholes now)
+ you can now play poker at the casino
+ Doublebunking allows carrying more personel, but is bad for morale
+ Piracy now includes threats
+ You can escort merchant convoys
+ Space stations have more HPs and fewer weapons
+ Mudd has added appropriate merchandise
+ Use bottom right corner to display commands
+ variate missile damage by changing warehead loadouts, energy weapons heave variable damage
+ New options for stronger shiparmor
+ more "terrain" in spacecombat, and it blocks fire.
+ energy weapons now draw engine power, slowing you down when you fire them. So does shield regeneration
+ Strong engines and explosions in space battle can be detected beyond sensor range
+ New shipweapon: drones
+ weather effects now only happen underneath clouds
+ Fewer predators (Need a number of omni- and herbivoures already on the planet) Omni, herbivoures and scavengers have a chance to run away when they notice awayteams
+ some monsters can now regenerate wounds
Ah, so nice to see yet another promising project resurrect moreso! 8)
Wow that's great news! It always bummed me out this one died.
Oh man, Prospector was great!
yet more R 134-138 8)
R134 address saving images as png, savefile compression, summary folder instead of junk the game dir,and in-game display of crew skills and augments
Then R 138 via Magellan himself!
-Adds new player icon to show helmet status, male/female player sprites, and some new artifacts.
Hopefully they get all of this revival coordinated in full before too long.
R 142a
Known bugs:
Setting some skills is slow
Some of the overlays are bugged during radio fire target select and examine.
Included the correct freetype6.dll file so if you have the other R142 from the forum just grab this and update that dll.
*I think I have nipped the auto explore CTD bug in the butt. The fix will be in the next release.
R143: Nothing fancy just a fix for auto explore CTD
Please post if you manage to get a auto explore CTD
Just put a fix in for "0.3 Error #6 in 4096:SPACE_RADIO F:\Prospector\rlprospector\prospector.bas" this should be taken care of in R144
Savegames are not compatible!
Cursor wierdness should be fixed.
Minor bugfixes.
You can now hunt animals for food or luxury items!
+ Major and Minor bugs fixed
+ new speed system
+ additional eye candy by david gervais
Main known Issues:
Rovers are still buggy
generated quests are still buggy
Aside from bug fixes and the new speed system it's mainly eyecandy. I hope I will find time next week to give the rovers and finally the quests a good debugging run.
Friday Happy Hour Bug Fix Release!
Also now available in a version lacking any sound.
It's mainly bugfixes
Hello fellow space-explorers!
There are still things to be done, but the current build is better than the one that came before it. Less crashes, less bugs, some polish. And this time I even have a changelog!
Lets take a look at it:
+ Major and minor bugs fixed
+ If your ship has a hot weapon it will be shown in the sidebar on a planet
+ reversed the order of choose weapon and choose target when firing on a planet
+ fixed some rover pathfinding bugs
+ new quest: Patrol
+ Apollo bug fixed and some details improved in apollo interaction
+ Changed shipfire on surface (smaller radius, damage calculated differently, ignores playerarmor now too)
+ releasing a key held down now registers instantly
+ lowererd poker game bets
New version out. Changelog reads rather boring, but these things are important:
+ Minor changes to goods supply should make price development more interesting
+ Minor and not so minor bugs fixed, one of them concerning apollo interaction
+ Minor UI improvements
+ minor bugfixes
+ mainly fixing minor bugs and cosmetics
+ critters no longer sleepwalk
+ turning in derelicts at spacestations now works, tractor beams don't break down as often anymore.
+ turns are now displayed as days, hours:minutes (If you play more than 8200 years it *will* roll over to 0)
+ Balancing: Snipers take longer to shoot
R 181
Savegames not compatible!
+ Balancing: Beefed up ancient alien ships, Bladebots are now slightly slower
+ Balancing: Character build points are worth more in money, talents cost 2 points instead of one
+ Balancing: Stockmarket unbroken
+ Balancing: New formula for weapons prices (Ship, ranged and closecombat)
+ more B5 ship names
+ New system to place pirate bases (It makes sense now)
+ UI: If you know where shops are on a planet/map and there are more than 3, you get a menu, as in the big spacestations.
+ People at the casino now might teach talents
+ Bug fix: Breeding monsters now breed their own sort
+ Rovers fixed
+ Oxygen inconsistency found and fixed. Higher grade armor now also has more oxygen storage
+ new "rooms" for underground caves
+ new starting option: junk ship
+ slightly updated manual
+ some more minor bugfixes
R 184
+ Spacesuits get holes if you take damage. Corrosion can cause holes too. These holes leak oxygen.
+ Probes fixed
+ Rovers fixed (again)
+ Error handling by sopissd
+ polish: Item stats (Needs more work, but the infrastructure is there now)
+ polish: no more +0 or +-5 when showing skillrolls
Also to answer HunterZs question what he can do to get linux sound back on track: Nothing, thanks, i got this. As evidence I present Linux sound version
+ Balancing: Lower grade Armor has more oxygen
+ new command: optimize (e)quipment allows you to decide if you want autoequip to go for max oxygen or max armor.
+ Mapsize, number of wormholes and starsystems now can be changed in config.txt
+ Custom hull shop works now
+ Fixed 2 bugs that could cause a crash
+ Goodbye Lag: Optimized internal Item lookup
+ Planet side menu triggers fixed
+ some minor bug fixes
for save the game?
Not sure as the changelogs didn't explicitly say otherwise like with R 181.
R 185
Hi folks!
The last few weeks at work where quite hectic (I got promoted of sorts), and I didn't have as much time to work on prospector as I would have liked.
So all in all a lot less happened than I would have liked, but here it is:
+ New Item: Spacesuit repair kit (Usable by hitting either the (h)eal or (i)nspect key)
+ Removed another trigger for planetside menu that wasn't supposed to be there.
+ used ships and custom ships work now
+ No more looping maps that shouldn't loop
+ polish: Switched no spacsuit question so you now have to confirm if you want to land without spacesuits.
+ Some crash bugs fixed (Firing grenades towards map border, spacecombat sound version)
Also, this post further down in the release topic by another member over there would seem....good?
Good timing.
Its a new month and I've updated my repo with a month's worth of changes to prospector's fundamentals. there are no game play changes and you'll need to be at least as smart and handsome as m to be able to compile the new branch into a working game. but everything is there. flickerfree full screen mechanics. menus (shops etc are all menu) that work, remember and scroll properly, tons and tons of unrecognized defects were made right, dependencies were eliminated to the degree that one can almost build just the bits that one's working on; the sources were refactored and named so that people new to the code can track what's happening. all global vars/types/consts/enums were eliminated and put into their proper places .. and on and on and on.
the new branch's history is quite a mess due to all the changes and renames but with a decent editor and diff tool it should not take much to merge the deltas now that the heavy lifting has been done.
i was going to do a few more things and call the branch 'edible' since the code is so much more consumable now - check the github stats just to see how much work that actually took! but that's all for now.
pm me here if you have gotten the everything to compile and have questions on how to make it all work together. the link to the repo is in my profile.
R 187
Hello again. A new version is availiable.
+ Changed file layout
+ More types of shops possible in small space stations
+ Ordering Items in shops works now
+ Damage for teams with mixed spacesuit-status works now
+ Fixed a bug causing you to attack creatures after putting them in cages
+ Fixed exit crash
+ Spacecombat sound crash & heal disease crash fixed
+ lamps now do something and space is darker
+ some more polishing
Have fun!
In other news I am at the start of a 2 week vacation, and hope to get a lot of work done on prospector, and be a bit more active on the forum again.
Let's cross our collective fingers for a massive flurry of progress to indeed take place in these next 2 weeks! 8)
R 189
So, here we are, at the end of my vacation.
Didn't get as much done as I would have hoped, But some things happened none the less. Enjoy
+ Ship inspections now may fix structural damage
+ Monsters on high grav worlds have more hps and are slower.
+ Mining stations now have mines again
+ No more unlimited supplies in shops
+ Space is still as dark, but suns are a bit brighter
+ Slight changes in retiring crewmembers
+ Added a list of star trek shipnames with 268 names (and found another B5 name: Ares)
+ minor bugs and continued polishing
+ Savegame versioning
+ Refracturing
I'm not sure why I didn't really play Prospector before but I've started on it this week and I'm enjoying it so far.
New version here, this time without debugging flag on, and some neat new stuff:
+ All Shops now have their own inventory
+ New items: Nonlethal weapons
+ New items: Stims
+ teleporters now have different ranges
+ teleporting monsters
+ Drugs now have names
+ UI improvement: Fire on planet and in spacecombat now use the same interface
+ Trees no longer have bios
+ found and fixed an inventory bug
+ more minor bughunting and polishing
Any idea if the money's been fixed? That was the big issue with R189. (I'll try it later.)
Another small one, just what I got done over the weekend. Hopefully next week will be as productive as this one was (Though I doubt it)
!Savegames are not compatible!
+ new type of shop
+ Some planetside shops where missing inventory
+ Ordering items works again
+ Fixed another bar-crash bug
+ Creatures in space no longer prevent you from taking over a ship
+ Stations no longer pay for towed ships, but Used Ship Shop does
+ UI improvement: (I)nspecting in space does the same as scanning
+ UI improvement: You can now use arrow keys to choose your landing pad
!Savegames are not compatible!
+ Quick Bugfix for planetside fire
+ savegame fixed
+ Fixed a crash bug at the bar
+ Some more minor bugfixes
Another weekend of bugsquishing. Found the orbital splash thingy, still no sign concerning empty shops and flooding though.
!savegames not compatible!
+ No more orbital splash damage
+ changed to hit formula (Very interested on feedback for this. Is the game too deadly now? let me know)
+ Beefed up robot invasions
+ AIs are now crew members who don't fight, don't take damage and don't need space or oxygen
+ Customizing piles of items works now
+ Minor bug squishing
+ Robot ships no longer attack each other, stranded robot ships now show the correct tile
+ Fixed stim crashes
+ Hospitals now get a planetside menu entry
+ Suffocating no longer damages your suit
+ New ships were not supposed to start cursed (Used ships were)
+ Minor bug fixes
Known and important issues are
+ Empty shops
So yet another weekend of bugsquishing
+ fixed the empty shops
+ fixed a bugged quest
+ Assigning piles of items works now
+ Dividing fire works again
+ Some attempts at balancing
+ Minor bugsquishing
Known issues:
Looks like I actually didn't solve the orbital splashing damage bug. Will have to look into that again
Mysterious flooding still unsolved.
These are rolling in quickly these days!
So i haven't had much time lately, but managed to get a little bit of stuff done.
+ Orbital splashing finally fixed
+ cage traps didn't empty: fixed
+ Gambling no longer counts as piracy. New mission type: Gambler
+ more attempts at balancing
+ competent talent works differently now (A competent captain gets 1 skill point in a random officer type skill)
+ some more minor bug squishing and quite a bit of polishing
Despite the warning savegames should be compatible.
I don't think I will be able to do much next week, but the week after that should work better.
So, here we go again, very propably for the last time this year. Savegames are not compatible.
Here is what I managed to get done:
!Savegames not compatible!
+ you can change map sizes when you start the game. Size will now be saved with the savegame
+ Aliens who can pick up items now also may be able to open doors
+ Balancing: Artifacts and robot ships appear later
+ Certain RNG-extremness in universe creation alleviated
+ Other assorted balancing attempts
+ Planet rotation now accurately maps to day-night cycle
+ Game now knows if it can load a savegame or not
+ minor polishing
R200 8)
!Savegames not compatible!
+ 2 artifacts (one inspired by no mans sky, but mine is better :) )
+ new hiring system
+ new shop
+ bugfix: creatures that can shoot shoot again
+ rewrote space combat code
+ beam weapons have reduced damage at longer ranges.
+ missiles are now missilier
+ If you manage to destroy a space station now you get to loot the place
+ Balancing: toned down enemy ship speed
+ Balancing: Patrol quests no longer pay ridiculous amonts of money
+ Balancing: Bonuses toned down
+ Balancing: slightly higher chance for aliens
+ Generally a lot of balancing and turning knobs one way or the other
+ New Tutorial mode
+ Polish: first time starting you get asked where you prefer your system maps (Another hint that they exist for new players)
+ Polish: Optional animated moves
+ Polish: No more false duplicate key warnings
There are still some issues, and I haven't polished and played as much in the last week as I would have wanted to, but I still think it's the best version so far. Linux sound version will be published as soon as I remember how to compile that :) Since next weekend is another 3 day one (at least in my neck of the woods) I hope to bring another minor update soon. In the meantime have fun!
+ spawning crash fixed
+ Friendly unfriendlies fixed
+ New shipbuilding options: Aerodynamic and landing gear
+ Halucinations now have percentage chances depending on how many team members are infected, and are generally more confusing
+ Minimap scrolls now for maps bigger than 75x50
+ You can jump now in low gravity environments
+ Bioreport and dimnishing returns on biodata shold work now
+ some mid to late game crashes solved
+ Checking savegame compatibility works now
+ Attempt at stock market balancing
+ Toned down Merc shop academy
+ Some more minor bugs fixed
Finally managed to relase a new version. Still a lot of things to do, but also a lot done and improved. Hoping to get back to a higher frequency of releases again.
!Savegames not compatible!
+ Ion storms and black holes added
+ Better engines now use fuel more efficiently
+ Crash landing no longer means instadeath
+ Adaptive bodyarmor has now additional advantages (And one again it used to have)
+ Air rushing out of ships now works even if done from the outside!
+ Rocket launchers now work
+ fixed a display error regarding wages in config
+ No more wierd behaviour when docking with more than one ship in one field
+ Setting wage to low number before hiring now affects morale (thanks to HisShadow forpointing out this loophole)
+ Mouselook and you can now use the mouse for menues,clicking on the map on planets makesyou walk to that place
+ Some balancing, polishing and minor bugfixes
+ Tile mixup fixed
+ Selling towed ships should work again
+ Hallucinations work as intended now
+ fixed a bug in ship landing
+ Spacecombat targeting now works with arrow keys too
+ you can now set standard wage in config
Some quick fixes, and linux versions.
+ Quick Fix: Crash in map generation fixed
+ Filter added to ordering items
+ Character creation bugs fixed
(Well, i thought I was rather quick at least...)
Didn't manage to fix all the issues pointed out by our ever busy spacehamster, but some of them
+ Explosion bug fixed
+ negative ship prices fixed
+ toned down passenger reward
+ Planet switching fixed
+ some crashes fixed
+ New Item: Decoy
+ changed cargo sizes
+ Random positions for main space stations (There are 4 possibilities now)
+ Finally found and fixed flooding bug (For real this time)
+ Black holes are slightly more dangerous
+ Fixed autoequip bug
+ Fixed fuel efficiency bug
+ ASCII mode no longer tries to load tiles
+ Some minor bugs and glitches fixed