Temple of The Roguelike Forums
Announcements => Traditional Roguelikes (Turn Based) => Topic started by: Elthari on July 22, 2013, 08:31:36 AM
Hello, fellow roguelikers!
I would love to announce my coffee-break - PonyRL.
Fair warning: it is about ponies. If consumption of ponies gives you seizures, migraines or any signs of anger please stop reading here.
About: fully written in JS (no obfuscation for now), partially based of famous Desctop Dungeons. No tiles for now as I am looking for a proper 2D artist. Game sessions intented to be short, not all content is released by now.
Reasons to post here: fame.. err.. I meant feedback. I badly need it. I may be a bit prejudiced when it comes to speak about my own game, so I need more opinions.
Anyway I hope you'll like it. Happy playing!
I died on my first turn of the normal game.
I tried again and died on my first turn of the normal game.
I tried again and died on my second turn of the normal game.
I guess that's progress, but the initial difficulty isn't what I'd expect form the pony theme or the amount of newbie-friendly help text.
Also, you can spend gold to buy items at any time?
I guess having some Desktop Dungeons experience help. Some monsters are just too strong. This is more of a puzzle game... keep exploring to find lower level monsters that you can take on. Eventually you level up and can tackle larger monsters. You also get health every time you explore an unexplored tile. If you mouseover an enemy it will tell you what happens if you attack it!
I died on my first turn of the normal game.
You can see mob level displayed as a small number under his letter. Try to find and beat several low-level (as in `level 1`) enemies, so you can levelup. Repeat with level 2 and so on.
Also, you can spend gold to buy items at any time?
I guess having some Desktop Dungeons experience help.
Even though you had some DD experience, was the tutorial of any assistance to you?
Sorry, I didn't actually end up playing that much :-[
I just tried it once or twice, though I can give you a couple of feelings I got from playing it.
- You really should implement pathfinding - right now it's easier to use the keyboard/numpad to move around, but then to understand what's going to happen during a fight it's easier to use the mouse. Switching between the two makes for a very awkward experience. Something like DesktopDungeons' system where you can click and go anywhere seems a lot better.
- If you are going to use the mouse, a larger interface would be a big help. It's kind of a chore to point to all the tiny little characters and figure out what's happening :)
Pathfinding is on the list now. Also a [l]ook button as well.
It's time to put ROGUE in this ROGUELIKE.
0.7.3 Going rogue (24.07.2013)
- New class: rogue
- New ability
- New achievement
- Changeling enchanters joined the fray
- Nightmare now has two bosses
- The Hive rebalanced
0.7.4 Know Thine Ancestors
Hall of fame added. This one keeps players attempts to beat the game.
0.7.5 Sweet Rewards!
- Wizards Cap buffed: now gives +40% mana
- Warrior exp bonus changed
- Slight mob rebalance
- New achievements
- Now there will be max two scrolls in shop (4 for alchemists)
- Slight layout fixes
- Leather Saddle is a Zebra Charm now
- A few custom names
A really small quick fix.
Champions are not affected by statuses anymore. Sorry, Rogues - killing boss on lv7 was too easy previously.
Gold rebalanced and made more flat around levels.
First and foremost, I enjoyed it.
Experience with Desktop Dungeons definitely helped. The understanding that exploration is your healing mechanic makes a big difference.
I did not use the store; things didn't get difficult enough that I had to, so I just ignored it.
I liked that there were multiple paths to the end, though one was based on player knowledge I in no way possessed.
Standout moments for me were when I stepped on a torch, and when a mummy ran away; I didn't expect either of these.
I'm on a laptop, so it was easy to switch back and forth between mouse and keyboard.
I did beat it on the first run, but like I said, DD experience helps a lot.
0.7.6 Quality of Life (30.07.2013)
- Adventurers that lasted less than 30 turns will not enter Hall of Fame
- New skill icons
- New skills & items
- Slight rebalance of existing skills
- Proper display of trait tooltips
- Proper display of achievements that unlock items
- Different fields now give different score multiplier
- Field and number of turns are now displayed
Hello, wire_hall_medic, and thank you greatly for your review!
First and foremost, I enjoyed it.
Best part for me =)
Experience with Desktop Dungeons definitely helped. The understanding that exploration is your healing mechanic makes a big difference.
I really tried to show it in a tutorial for those lacking this experience.
I did not use the store; things didn't get difficult enough that I had to, so I just ignored it.
Which mode were you playing? Have you tried harder ones? I guess you've played Ancient Pyramid - it differs a bit from pseudo-random usual dungeons. But I will definitely add more quest maps in future.
Standout moments for me were when I stepped on a torch, and when a mummy ran away; I didn't expect either of these.
Yes, I try to liven the game with such details. Anyway - I am glad that you liked it!
I walked into this with 0 XP in roguelikes. However, I found it quite easy to pick up, beating the tutorial on my second try after accidentally running into the boss the first time through.
Attempting the Postgraduate achievement (I really wanted to play as a unicorn) definitely gave me a feel for how to find the most effective path by the time I could use a unicorn wizard, which helped me through the normal adventure.
The item system is nice, and the random set of items for purchasing at any time is interesting most of the time, though I find it can be a bit frustrating in the tutorial, as it adds an element of luck into the careful planning needed for defeating the boss without taking the element.
(Also enjoyed the special items for getting the Postgrad achievement)
I love the sense of humor you've given the game. It doesn't take precedence over other, more important things, but it works alongside them, and makes for a fun, lighthearted tone.
Is Pink-Blink in-progress? I can't seem to use it.
Hello! Thank you for your review.
Attempting the Postgraduate achievement (I really wanted to play as a unicorn) definitely gave me a feel for how to find the most effective path by the time I could use a unicorn wizard, which helped me through the normal adventure.
Yes, Postgraduate is hard and you have to be lucky to get it. Though I am happy that people manage to beat tutorial with Postgrad on their own.
Is Pink-Blink in-progress? I can't seem to use it.
I believe it is working now. One note though - I've changed the hoster. Version in upper-left corner should be [0.7.6], not [0.7.6d]. If it is the latter case, this means DNS hadn't propagated yet and there might be an older version there.
I love the sense of humor you've given the game. It doesn't take precedence over other, more important things, but it works alongside them, and makes for a fun, lighthearted tone.
Thank you!
A small balancing release.
- Bosses buffed.
- No more lil hydra boss on Normal.
- Wizards nerfed a little - magic missile now costs 7 instead of 6.
- Fixed bugs with Voodoo doll.
- Game forum added at http://forum.ponyrl.com
0.7.7 Language Pack (03.08.2013)
- Added Q E Z C for diagonal movement
- Added localization possibilities, if you want to translate PonyRL - please contact me on forum.
Current localization thread:
0.7.8 Jedi Patch
- Healer class buffed
- Several objects are possible at one location
- Monsters can fall in traps
- Monsters can pick up different objects
- New achievement
- Pink Blink now substracts 5% of attack from enemies that see your arrival
- Alicorns!
- Corruption traps added in Hive
- Italian localization - thanks to Vanni!
Language pack changes can be seen at http://forum.ponyrl.com/viewtopic.php?id=5
I would be really grateful if someone dared to add these changes to current localizations.
Slight bug in the tutorial arising as a result of diagonal movement: http://gyazo.com/c162571cb5cfaf4f454223ca022dec87.png
0.8.0 - BigMac patch
- New custom fields
- New achievements
- New items
- New class: alchemist
- HJKL controls
- Bug fixes
> Slight bug in the tutorial arising as a result of diagonal movement: http://gyazo.com/c162571cb5cfaf4f454223ca022dec87.png
Thank you ! I will check it.
0.8.1 Victory Patch
- Now you can see your race-class victory combinations on different fields
- Small improvements and fixes
- Last Pony Standing made easier - caused too much frustruation
- Alchemist achievement is a Last Pony Standing now
Mostly bugfixes there to be honest.
Language pack changes can be seen at
P.S Still thinking of fixing Metool's bug. It is a bit more difficult than it seems to.
0.8.2 Alchemy Patch (09.10.2013)
- Some changes in interface. We hope you'll enjoy them!
- Alchemist reworked.
- Moon Scythe reworked.
- Moon field reworked a bit.
- Corruption plays bigger role in the game now.
- New items.
0.9.0 The Gods are Neigh! (08.01.2014)
- Lots of technical stuff
- Bugfixes
- New Year gods came to this land - Father Frost and Santa are ready to welcome their followers
- New godly powers, althars on maps and achievement
- Some graphics added
- Slight interface rework
- Slight balance changes
- Huge after-game log rework
0.9.1 Hypersonic! (10.01.2014)
- Scout class added
- New achievement
- Alchemist's unstable reagents are now properly displayed among abilities
- Althar lang file fixed
0.9.1b Archivarius (15.01.2014)
- Several bugs fixed
- After-game logs expanded
- New items added
0.9.2 Vamponies (10.02.2014)
- New achievements
- New items
- New goddesses
- Althar display reworked
- Beware of false gold in your dreams!
0.9.3 Stars and Stripes (23.03.2014)
- Zebras are available!
- New items
- New map: Everfree and achievement
- New map: Barn #2
- Options screen added
- Interface: skills & abilities display changes
- Interface: attack bonuses are properly described
- Interface: invocation icons reworked
- Minor bug fixes as usual
And we badly need a French-speaking person to move current localization up to date. If there is anyone interested.
0.9.4 Always dresses in style! (24.04.2014)
- Two new goddesses
- New field - meet the King of Unknown Kingdom!
- New achievements
- Bad end for some bad zebras
- Code refactoring, should run smoother on weak computers
- Replay mode added - please test and share!
- Many rebalancing things
- Hall of Fame limited to 60 ponies
- All technical replies moved to separate language file
- Many bugs fixed
I am really not into eh equestria but somehow ended up playing through most of ponyrl (all classes and races unlocked, not all maps though) nonetheless. Nice little roguelike you have there and comparing to desktopdungeons (which I haven't played) I guess ponyrl has cut out a lot of crap (shops, class tiers) and limited itself to choices that actually make a difference in gameplay. I like that.
The homepage would benefit from a manual or old-school introductory text.
The shop changes considerably between start where you have a reasonable chance to expect certain items and now. It is very random with all the unlocked stuff in the shop.
Made postgraduate mainly via sticker and melee (and intermediate level up + cider), follow the dash + almost a princess (by accident due to level up by boss kill) as pegasus wizard in the hive.
We are very aware of the shop problem. It won't be adressed in the current patch, but I hope we will be able to fix it in the next one. It is really too random now.
A small notice.
We've finally got a proper localization editor. It can be found here: http://ponyrl.com/language.html
I really hope it will help to mantain localizations. It shows missed keys and allows to make a lang file without struggling with quotation marks for an hour.
0.9.5 He who controls the herbs (20.08.2014)
- Alchemist class remade from scratch
- Alchemy added in-game
- Major interface changes
- Achievement icons added
- Skill icons changed
- Attack, health, mana pool and all types of armor display modifiers on hover
- Lots of code refactoring
- Bugfix: some skills failed to skip a turn previously
- Bugfix: import save doesn't save after import
- Bugfix: incorrect Dash ability representation
- Three new achievements
- Three new potions
- Cauldron can be unlocked for other classes
- Slight rebalance of 2nd level enemies
- Language files editor
0.9.6 D-drop the Tavi (25.12.2015)
- Experimental sound branch avalable at http://ponyrl.com/octavia
- Gods of Ye Olde Holidays return for the Christmas
- New race: Dragon
- New achievements
- New field: Old Castle
- Changed shop creation alghorythm
- Goddess of Rainbows buffed
- Small rebalances here and there
- Some NPCs are able to follow you, beware!
- Nightmare is 20% more nightmareish
- New traps
- Dozens of internal changes for performance improvement
- Alchemist no longer auto-disarms traps
- Death ward loss on Healer in certain circumstances
- First Strike + Slow interaction on mobs
- Problems with sacrificing certain items
- Broken Iron Will achievement
- Sacrificing same items lead to loss of abilities from the copy