Temple of The Roguelike Forums
Development => Programming => Topic started by: Perdurabo on March 09, 2009, 01:25:00 PM
(Edit: see below)
Shamed into action by the 7DRL folks, I've decided to release an alpha
version of the rewrite of Kharne this coming weekend or so.
Many features will be missing, and gameplay is non-existent yet (its
more of an interactive demo than anything else really), but it will give you an idea of what to expect when the game is finally finished (in the year 2112, probably).
Random screenshot:
It will be downloadable from the Kharne Devblog, http://kharne-rl.blogspot.com/ soon!
Feedback and criticism will be sought and most welcomed.
Will it run in fullscreen?
Not at the moment. Eventually, I hope so.
Anyway, I've released an Alpha version, more of an interactive demo really, and you can get it from here:
New version (Alpha 1b) available which fixes a few annoying bugs and boobs that people have had.
Get it via http://kharne-rl.blogspot.com/2009/03/kharne-alpha-1b-available.html
Shaping up nifty so far...keep up the good work! 8)
oh how those colorful icons do trigger the instinct for tiles one day
http://kharne-rl.blogspot.com/2009/03/progress-report-9-ai-mutterings.html has a video showing the initial development on pathfinding and monster AI.
I found this comment a little odd:
but for every monster that wants to move towards the @ (a later enhancement I'll add is moving them towards the last known position of the @) I need to recalculate the terrain costs of the entire level, and the only way for now to do that is to iterate through the entire level one tile at a time.
Is there any reason to do that more than once? preferably at level creation?
Otherwise this game looks like it will be really pretty cool!
You know, you're right. I was being an idiot.
Originally I wanted to have terrain being given different costs depending on the monster type (for example, Ice-based creatures might treat elemental fire as unwalkable), but indeed, there is no need to recalculate terrain costs for every single monster regardless of whither it is needed or not.
For a group of 30 monsters, only recalculating pathing info once at the start of the processmonsters() routine (as opposed to recalculating it for every monster) reduces the refresh from ~100 ms back down to under 1 ms!
I can add in pathing recalculations for specific monsters that need it later. Cheers
Anyway, Kharne Alpha Version 0.01d is now available from:
Changes in this refactoring and maintenance release:
- Spruced up some of the dungeons with additional terrain types and visual effects
- The Abyss is now a completely different map type.
- The Main Screen can now be resized and maximised.
- Clicking on the Main Screen is now handled more accurately.
- The colours of the Portals in the Nexus now correspond better to the Level Type
- Custom Fonts are now added to the system table using the non-blocking PostMessage API Call
- Fixed a bug in the Dungeon Generation code for the Mausoleum and the Keep that could lead to a morass of dead end passages in certain parts of the map.
- Smoothed the maps for the Elemental Plains to remove most freestanding isolated walls.
- Moved the Status Window to the bottom of the main panel.
- When waiting for a direction to dig in, a visual indicator will now be displayed
- You can no longer dig on the town level
Monster AI is actually mostly implemented, but has been switched off for now until I get combat working as well!
Well, I've been fiddling about with a new UI, to cut down on all the extraneous windows where possible:
Yes, its very Crawl-ey. I know.
Hey, whatever works and is intuitive! 8)
I like the "monster summary" in the bottom corner. That is very interesting approach. I do have a complaint though which is that, I could not remember what all the button syuymbols are. Is it possible, you can add a little word beneath each to remind what they are? Perhaps within the icon if you may not mix graphics and text on such controls.
Keep it up :)
Oh, there's already a standard windows hint that comes up whenever you hover over it for a second or so, but I'll look into what you suggest!
The new inventory GUI.
Full details at: http://kharne-rl.blogspot.com/2009/04/new-inventory.html
A first stab at a revamped magic selection UI:
Yep, its that time again.
Kharne v0.01e is now available at http://kharne-rl.blogspot.com/2009/04/kharne-alpha-001e-available.html
or direct from http://rapidshare.com/files/219045807/Kharne001e.zip
Its an interim release showing mainly the first iteration of melee combat, but its the first release where I actually feel there's a game underneath starting to peek though..
Here are the changes from the previous version:
* Melee-based Monsters now have basic AI (monsters that reply on Ranged Combat or Magic are still AI-less).
* The UI has been completely redesigned.
* The Town Level is now persistent.
* The Monster Display and the Minimap have been incorporated into the main window.
* The inventory, statistics and magic screens have been redesigned.
* The Combat system has now been implemented for Melee Attacks.
* A Death Screen has been added.
* A Character Dump has been added.
* Added a help screen in-game.
* There are now regularly re-stocked shops in The Nexus.
* Gold has been implemented and can be found through the various Dungeons.
* Version info can be displayed in-game.
* Characters are now equipped with class and skill-appropriate (mundane) starting equipment.
* Internal Monster Stats have been rebalanced.
* Some Monster Symbols (mainly types of demons) have been reallocated.
* Added additional lesser vaults, which can now occur occasionally at all levels.
* HP and MP now regenerate slowly. The rate of HP Regeneration is based upon Character Endurance and MP upon Intelligence.
* Resting has now been implemented (to rest for one turn or many, press 0 or 5 on the Keypad with Numlock on).
* The Monster Display now collates like-type monsters together.
* You can no longer access monster details via the Monster Display.
* Spell Details and Descriptions have now been added.
* Monsters can no longer be generated on top of stairs.
* The Character always starts the two lowest-level dungeons (The Keep and the Wilderlands) in a safe vault.
* Monsters are now displayed on the mini-map as red dots.
* The Character can no longer have negative abilities or characteristics.
* The Main Window will no longer be sensitive to key presses when it does not have focus (e.g. when it is minimised or in the background).
* Fixed a bug where you could pick up an infinite number of items.
* Picking up more items than there are Inventory slots free no longer corrupts the Inventory.
* You can now open adjacent doors by pressing 'o'.
* Visible squares are now recalculated properly when opening and closing doors.
* Dropping an item on top of another item no longer causes an error.
* Dropping an item successfully will now close the inventory window.
* Picking up items now takes time.
* Weapons now have Damage Ranges.
* Magic Items that give bonuses to Evasion are no longer as powerful.
* Item Locations are now displayed correctly in tooltips.
* Shields now give a bonus to Deflection and Blocking.
* There are two new brands added: Goblin Slaying and Outsider Slaying.
* The Character's current mana (as opposed to maximum mana) is now used to calculate which spells are available to cast.
Congrats on making it to this next step...keep up the good work! 8)
Very nice work! This game is coming along fantastically so far. I still remember when the old Kharne changed its name to Kharne, though I forget the old name... Anyway, great work, awesome to see Kharne so actively developed!
Very nice work! This game is coming along fantastically so far. I still remember when the old Kharne changed its name to Kharne, though I forget the old name... Anyway, great work, awesome to see Kharne so actively developed!
Shadowdale. And yes, that was back a bit. 1999 I think?
v0.02 of Kharne is now available via http://kharne-rl.blogspot.com or direct via http://rapidshare.com/files/222990944/Kharne002.zip
Here are the changes over the previous version (0.01e):
* Dungeon Levels are now persistent within each Branch - exiting a Branch entirely will generate new levels.
* Food & Hunger have been implemented. Whilst starving, HP and MP do not regenerate naturally.
* Ranged Combat has now been implemented (left click on a monster to fire a projectile at it - for now, ammunition is infinite).
* The amount of HP and MP that characters gain on level up is now also dependent upon Fighting and Magic Skill levels.
* Added a Wizard Mode (accessible by pressing W)
* Monsters can no longer be generated in the walls of Vaults.
* Monster HP and Damage has been rebalanced.
* The XP required to gain a level has been increased substantially.
* Level Feelings are no longer immediately generated if you have recently navigated more than one set of stairs.
* Reduced the amount of gold that is generated.
* The elapsed game time (in real terms) is now displayed at the top of the Main Game Window. This pauses whenever the Inventory or any other subscreen is shown.
* Character Dumps now display the correct version number.
* Character Dumps now show the elapsed game time (in real terms).
* Digging now updates the visible areas of the dungeon correctly..
* Turns elapsed is now displayed in a more appropriate colour.
* Fixed a few minor grammatical errors in the Combat Text.
A bugfix for 0.02, conveniently called 0.02a is now available at:
or directly via http://rapidshare.com/files/223762778/Kharne002a.zip
Fixes are:
* Item Anonymity and Identification has now been implemented (wear/wield an item to identify)
* Item stacking now works properly.
* Eating stacked food now only consumes one of the stack.
* Defense Skill is now listed properly in the Skill Screen.
* Food is now listed in the inventory in one colour. It remains colourful on the dungeon floor.
* The font size of the message window has been reduced.
* Wands are temporarily no longer generated in the dungeons (it makes no sense for them to be there whilst their functionality has not yet been implemented).
* The Inventory Screen has been redesigned slightly
v0.02b is now available.
See http://kharne-rl.blogspot.com/ for version information.
The direct download link is http://rapidshare.com/files/228826277/Kharne002b.zip
This is mainly a refactoring and bugfix version, with the only major change being the introductions of fountains found throughout most of the dungeons. The next version will be a big release with the implementation of proper ranged combat (complete with ammunition)
Finally got a v0.02c out the door. Get it at http://sites.google.com/site/kharneroguelike/Kharne002c.zip
Not a biggie in terms of changes (that will be the next few version), but it's nice to get something out (its been a while since the last release)
- Gold is now automatically picked up.
- Varying Radius FoV has been implemented - randarts with the 'alertness' property can increase and decrease (if cursed) the radius of the FoV.
- Moving the mouse over a creature or item in the dungeon now displays pertinent information on the main screen.
- Food found in the dungeon is no longer flagged as unidentified.
- Fountains that have been drunk from cannot be drunk from again.
- The player avatar ('@') is now transparent.
- The main menu has been given a graphical overhaul.
Alpha 0.03 now available.
Get it at http://sites.google.com/site/kharneroguelike/Kharne003.zip
Full change log is at http://kharne-rl.blogspot.com/2009/07/kharne-003-available.html, but to summarise:
New Front End
Monsters can wield items.
New Wizard Console
Many Atmospheric Touches added
Combat Balancing.
Awesome, keep on ascending the ladder! Roadmap looks good too---I shall dine upon eventual theoretical tile graphics mode methinks!
Very good improvements, and I'm happy that you got rid of the toolbar. It looks way better without. However, I very often get access violations after character creation (both in full and quick mode); I tried 8 times to play a human knight or warrior, but it did not work. I then had success starting a game with a half-orc mage.
Edit: And you should not use , and . to use portals and stairs ... it is confusing that < and > do not work on my QWERTZ keyboard.
Edit 2: Try to make consistent item names. "Rusted Silk Pantaloons" seem somehow strange ;-) LambdaRogue once had such random item name modifiers, but I removed it, because people got confused. Now I understand why.
Edit 3: When i died, I could neither press 'i' nor 'I' to view my inventory a last time.
Very good improvements, and I'm happy that you got rid of the toolbar. It looks way better without. However, I very often get access violations after character creation (both in full and quick mode); I tried 8 times to play a human knight or warrior, but it did not work. I then had success starting a game with a half-orc mage.
Edit: And you should not use , and . to use portals and stairs ... it is confusing that < and > do not work on my QWERTZ keyboard.
Edit 2: Try to make consistent item names. "Rusted Silk Pantaloons" seem somehow strange ;-) LambdaRogue once had such random item name modifiers, but I removed it, because people got confused. Now I understand why.
Edit 3: When i died, I could neither press 'i' nor 'I' to view my inventory a last time.
Cheers Mario, I'm going to release a version as soon as I can, with those fixes
0.03 is out:
Changes in this version are:
* Fixed the crash that occurs sometimes in character creation (hopefully!).
* The Main Window no longer accepts keyboard input when it is not active (for example, if the character creation window is active).
* The cursor is now positioned correctly when the main window is maximised.
* Non-magical items no longer have extraneous item descriptions (e.g. bloodstained, gashed, rusted or corroded).
* Monster speech is now coloured white in the Message Log.
* The Quit (Suicide) menu option now works.
* It is no longer possible to cause an error by pressing random keys whilst in the Hi Scores screen.
* Fixed an error that could occur when entering a level where no unique is present. As a result the "You feel a brooding presence..." message that displays whenever a unique is present on the level is no longer displayed.
* Starting a new game after finishing an old one will now clear the Message Log properly.
* A Welcome Message is displayed in the Message Log when you start or continue a game.
* The Player score calculated on the Farewell screen and the Player Score recorded in the hi-score table are now the same.
* Monsters listed as cause of death in the hiscore table are now prefixed properly.
* Removed the Show Inventory option on the Death Hiscore screen (Inventory Details can be viewed via the character dump opption instead).
v0.03b is now available from http://kharne-rl.blogspot.com/2009/07/kharne-003b-available.html
Or directly from: http://sites.google.com/site/kharneroguelike/Kharne003b.zip
Another version mainly consisting of bugfixes, the changes are as follows:
* Ranged Combat now works again.
* More monsters now have actions and speech.
* Using stairs now requires < and > instead of , and ;
* The particular set of stairs taken to go down and up levels in the dungeon are now remembered.
* The standard 0 and 5 keys now allow resting as well.
* Keyboard commands that previously were only responsive to capital letters (e.g. 'S') now work with lower-case letters as well (e.g. 's').
* Font size and typeface have been made consistent across all the main window interfaces.
* The Status Bar has been redesigned.
* Attributes are no longer displayed on the Status Bar.
* There is now a short pause after death and before the Character Summary is displayed.
* Skills that are 100% progressed to the next skill level no longer have their progress indicators clipped.
* Artifact Names are now prefixed correctly whilst unidentified.
0.03c is out.
Full info at: http://kharne-rl.blogspot.com/2009/08/kharne-003c-available.html
Changes in this version:
* Added milestones to the Character Log.
* Multiple Items can now exist on the same square.
* Firing a ranged combat weapon now correctly updates the turn count.
* The maximum damage a monster can do to a player in a single hit is now (Maximum Hit Points - 1).
* Piles of Silver and Bronze can now be found throughout the dungeons.
* Items have been reduced in cost by a factor of five.
* There is now a wider variety of entry vaults.
* Amulets can now be found in fountains.
* Combat Text is now much more descriptive.
* Monster attacks that hit you and cause damage are now displayed in a different colour.
* Co-ordinates are now only displayed if the Wizard Window is displayed.
* The number of hit points and magic points gained per level has been slightly increased.
* The effect on speed of carrying weights greater than maximum load has been reduced slightly.
* Monsters will use ranged attacks less often.
Another bug fix/incremental version out - 0.03d
List of changes:
* Bitstream Vera Sans Mono is now the only font used throughout the entire game.
* Ranged/magical attacks for monsters now use differening appropriate and meaningful ASCII symbols.
* Ranged/magical attacks for monsters now are described correctly (and differently from melee attacks).
* The status/info panel can now be hidden (F1/F2 to toggle).
* Grammar and punctuation has been corrected in various locations throughout the game.
* The Monster description window has been removed from the game.
* The Item popup window has been removed from the game.
* OOD Monsters and Uniques have had their stats adjusted.
* Wearing and removing magical items now produce additional atmospheric messages.
* The magnitudes of item enchantments have been modified.
* Attacking with a missile weapon now produces appropriate feedback in the message log.
* Monsters that haven't detected the player yet are grayed-out.
* Monsters can no longer critically hit the player.
* Skill levels now contribute to Game Score.
I'm going to have to start adding new features soon (i.e. potions/scrolls/magic) but I've been too busy with my part-time degree recently.
Keep at it! Degrees can be nifty things when they work out correctly.
Two versions out the door. 0.0.4 and 0.0.4a:
0.0.4 changes:
* Character Creation functionality has now been incorporated into the main window and no longer uses an external DLL.
* The inventory screen has been redesigned.
* Multidrop functionality via the keyboard has been implemented (press 'd').
* Eating functionality via the keyboard has been implemented (press 'e')
* Added PseudoIDing of items held in the inventory for a certain amount of time.
* Added key summaries to the bottom of each subscreen.
* Monsters have had their hit points and damage increased.
* The application should now exit correctly and not hang around in memory.
* Upon levelling, two appropriate skill categeories for each class are now increased by 1.
* The chance of cursed items appearing has been more than doubled.
* Added an item view to display detailed item information from the inventory.
* Characters that do not know any magic can no longer access the spell screen.
* The character dump now displays the monster kills for the character.
* Monsters that have special plurals should now be referred to correctly in the plural form.
* Fixed a few minor spelling mistakes in the character dump and a few layout mistakes on the high-score screen.
* Female characters should no longer be referred to as "he" in the character dump.
* When digging a reminder is now displayed of the keys used.
* Drinking from fountains now uses a turn up.
* Monsters in zones are now scaled more appropriately.
* Not wearing any armour at all will significantly increase the rate at which the defense skill is learned.
* The character 'back' slot which was never used in game has been removed.
* Sneak attacks are now flagged in the message log.
* Thieves now get extra sneak-attack damage when using ranged weapons.
* The thievery skill now grants a chance to open and close doors without allowing monsters to react.
* Monsters that are carrying items no longer have their items disappear on death when killed in ranged combat.
* The change in 0.03 to not display messages upon opening and closing doors has been reversed.
* Trying to open or close doors when there are no doors in range will produce an appropriate message in the message log.
* Opening doors as part of movement will now cause a turn to pass.
* Tunnelling now takes only half as long.
* Tunnelling now displays a message indicating if it has been aborted due to nearby monsters.
* Attempting to tunnel through impassable walls now doesn't use up any time.
* Trying to dig on the town level results in a warning message.
* Walking into walls now uses up a turn.
* The rate at which subterfuge skills are learned has been dramatically increased.
* The rate at which ranged combat skill is learned has been dramatically increased.
* Trying to pick up an item with a full inventory no longer gives the message that an item has been successfully picked up.
* The message log now reports that Undead monsters are 'destroyed'and Outsider creatures are 'banished' instead of 'killed'.
* Identified items that are cursed now have 'Cursed' as an integral part of their name, e.g. they are called "A Cursed Longbow [-1,-1]" instead of "A Longbow [1, -1] (Cursed)".
* Unidentified artifacts have now the correct prefix in their name.
* Fixed a bug where an error would occur when trying to write a Hiscore to the HiScore table if the table was empty.
* Special terrain tiles are now described correctly inside an elemental invasion zone.
and 0.0.4a changes:
* Blocked repetitive keypressing whilst in character creation to avoid selecting multiple options with the same keypress.
* The various character creation steps can now be undone.
* Pressing [CTRL] on the background tab in character creation will now generate a random background.
* Half-Orcs are now Orcs everywhere in the game.
* Character Dumps should no longer report dwarven characters as halfings.
* Character files which belong to characters who have died are now moved to the morgue subdirectory.
* Upon death, a copy of the character dump is written to to the morgue subdirectory.
* Common items can now be pseudo-ided.
* Fixed a minor spacing error in automatically generated backgrounds.
Some of the 0.0.4a changes were made in direct response to comments on the blog, so I am reading them and this thread.
Now I've got this out of the way, I'm going to have to start on potions and scrolls, magic and saving and loading.
Just a quick heads-up that the source code for the current alpha of Kharne will be released under the MPL in less than a week's time. I've finished the giant code refactor of doom that I was carrying out and as soon as I write up instructions for installing the necessary APIs and 3rd party VCL components that Kharne uses, I'll put the code up on Googlecode and put a message here.
As far as I'm aware, there aren't many other roguelikes out there written in Delphi and I've never come across the source code of any, so if you're interested in Delphi or even FreePascal check it out.
And then, onwards and upwards!
Did old Star Rogue not turn out to have anything useful to view then? T'was the only other Delpi one I found a ways back...
Yeah, source was never released, as far as I can tell.
Yeah, source was never released, as far as I can tell.
Drat...guess that'll make that one quite a ways harder to wrangle down the line within my longterm plans.
Yep, this'll be the standard bearer for the language then once all is where you want it to be---exciting!
Heh. That's probably deeply worrying...I still think the code, even after the refactor, is sub-optimal in many places.
I've just written the instructions for compiling that will accompany the source code so the only thing left to do is package and release it onto googlecode
And then I've got to look into setting up a repository and so on.
Just gotta keep at it bit by bit until it looks about right to ya. Perhaps some other Delphi folk will pop around once it is up and illuminate some bits on it.
Just gotta keep at it bit by bit until it looks about right to ya. Perhaps some other Delphi folk will pop around once it is up and illuminate some bits on it.
Eventually, I do want it to be cross-compilable with minimum effort on Lazarus/FPC.
Ok, Kharne is now officially open-source.
v0.0.5 has been released, and the source is also available under the MPL.
Details at: http://kharne-rl.blogspot.com/2009/10/kharne-005-and-source-code-released.html
Congratulations :)
As always,
I've set up a googlecode SVN:
Kharne Alpha 0.0.5b is now available
See http://kharne-rl.blogspot.com/2009/10/kharne-005b-now-available.html for full details (including source)
The big change in this version is the addition of Scrolls (press r to read them). There are currently nine different types of scrolls available, there will be many more added over forthcoming releases.
The full list of changes is:
* Scrolls have been implemented.
* Scrolls and potions are no longer PseudoIDed.
* Hunger is now increased by wearing magical items.
* Fixed a bug with cursed fountains not causing the character to hunger correctly when drinking from them.
Congrats on .5b---tis a good decimal and letter so it is fitting that it begets scrolls.
Kharne Alpha 0.0.5c is now available for download @ http://kharne-rl.blogspot.com/ (an archive of the source code will be available soon, but if you want the latest code it is already in the SVN).
Changes in this version as are follows:
* Some monsters now can poison.
* Some monsters now follow characters up and down stairs.
* Mineral nodes are now found on levels and can be dug out for extra gold or occasionally items.
* Classes now have different titles, dependent upon current character level.
* Only the just finished game will be now highlighted correctly in the hiscore list after character death.
* Spurious double quotes (") will no longer appear in automatically generated character names.
* When resting, there is chance of a monster appearing randomly near the character.
* Eating now restores all lost health points.
* When starting a 2nd game in the same session, the Character Background will be reset properly.
* On Character death, the Main Window Title will be reset properly.
* Elemental Intrusion Creatures no longer have as many hitpoints.
* Unidentified Scrolls are now identified properly on Character Death.
Hooray! 8) Keep at it.
Finally. After a year and more of real-life shit, and a complete loss of interest in coding, a new version of Kharne (v0.0.6) is now available - see http://kharne-rl.blogspot.com/2011/06/kharne-006-now-available.html for links to executable and source.
To summarise the big changes in this version: potions and stealth.
The full list of changes are below:
-Potions have been implemented.
-Added a stealth mode (entered and exited by pressing 's').
-Added NPCs to the Town level.
-Added a house for the character to the town level.
-Eating no longer restores any lost health points.
-Projectile Animation is now much smoother.
-Increased the number of monsters generated per level.
-Resting is no longer possible when starved.
-Additional Identify scrolls are now generated on each dungeon level.
-Right-clicking on a Creature will bring up Monster Memory for that creature.
-Elemental Intrusion Creatures have had their hitpoints reduced again.
-Reduced the rate at which certain skills are learned.
-Groups of Monsters can now have a slightly tougher leader monster accompanying them.
-The cursor now changes colour depending on LOS.
-Unique monsters now have their glyphs marked with a double-underline.
-OOD monsters now have their glyphs marked with an underline.
-Fixed an issue with certain vaults having impassable walls in error.
-Removed the extraneous buttons from the Inventory view.
I'm very happy about this release, not only because its been 10 months since the last, but because I'll be able to implement magic and ammunition in the next release, which I hope, as I've got my enthusiasm for coding back, will be soon.
In the meantime, please let me know either here or via the blog any bugs you find.
It's been good to see from your blog updates that you're back to work on this. Good luck with the magic implementation - there's usually lots of fun bugs to be found there :)
v0.06a is out, please check the Early Feedback forum for all future release announcements.