Temple of The Roguelike Forums
Announcements => Traditional Roguelikes (Turn Based) => Topic started by: getter77 on January 02, 2013, 01:15:57 PM
"You emerge from the shelter into the dim light of an overcast day, and look around for the first time since the disaster.
The world as you knew it is gone. A ruined world stands in its place, full of nightmares come to life. Nothing can ever go back to the way it was, before the Cataclysm, but you have to be strong. You have to survive. You have to persevere. If you don't, death will be one of the better outcomes.
Above your head, storm clouds gather, and the rain stings and hisses against your skin. You shoulder your backpack, and start walking. The world has gone to hell, but you get the sinking feeling that there are darker days ahead."
The original Cataclysm was a great game, but it's developer, Whales, has moved on to new pastures. That leaves us to carry to the torch. Building on the original Cataclysm code base, we hope that DDA becomes the new standard moving forward, and helps push the game out to a wider audience.
I'm not one of the more important people here - I'm just the guy who set up the website and forums. The real masters behind this version are the many people who've contributed to the code base to bring it to the state it is today. Whales, obviously, but also the people who continue development despite the lack of any official capacity.
First, The Darkling Wolf - Without DW, this project wouldn't exist. The Darkling Wolf Mod managed to enhance the core Cataclysm game and pull together other amazing improvements from a wide variety of developers, leading to the original version of Dark Days Ahead. Fellow Administrator of the forums, and the offical "face" of the new project, DW is the person you should complain to if anything goes wrong, and the person you should laud (along with the other active devs) for the things you love. The Darkling Wolf will also be making the determination of what features end up included in the "official" and current version of Dark Days Ahead.
We also couldn't have pulled this together without a lot of hard work by Creidieki, Uzername, Kevingranade, HerbertJones, Gim, Shades and Origamiwolf. Hopefully, they'll all stop by sooner or later and introduce themselves, and continue making Cataclysm: Dark Days Ahead even better.
And thanks to everyone reading this, because YOU are the people we're doing this for!
If you're interested in contributing, put your ideas into practice and post in the modding forum! We look forward to seeing what you can do.
-Wooden Spears can be used to roast meat and veggy chunks.
-Fence posts, can be placed from the construction menu and (e)xamined to make an assortment of fences.
-Evac Shelters have a bit more life to them.
-Windows in houses have curtains which can be opened and closed, and may themselves be opened and closed.
-Garages which contain assorted mechanical tools and have a small chance of containing an intact vehicle.
-Planks may be placed over pits and spiked pits in order to make them safe to cross.
-Rubble, Wreckage and ash may be cleared up with a shovel.
-Metal bars (such as those found in police stations) can be cut away by (a)ctivating a hacksaw.
-Cots and Rollmats, which may be placed by (a)ctivating them, and make it easier to sleep on a tile.
-Some furniture may be shoved around on floors.
-Select Fire mode, weapon mods and guns can be loaded at the same time, meaning you can have a grenade in your M203 without needing to empty your magazine first. (To access this feature, press the ? key, press 2, scroll down the list and assign a letter to select fire)
-Small quantities of nails drop when furniture is smashed up.
-Ammunition may be deconstructed and crafted, via finding a kinetic bullet puller and die set in gun stores.
-Containers can hold multiple charges of liquid, such as jerrycans which hold 40 charges of water.
-Jackhammers can be used to drill up roads and floors.
-Walls and floors, when destroyed, have a chance of destroying any adjacent wall and floor tiles.
-Fitted versions of clothing, which have lower encumbrance than regular clothes.
So yes, a splinter group has come together to try and continue getting Cataclysm better situated overall. :)
could you guys please add a fullscreen mode? The game windows is not adjustable and way too small for my eyes to see.
On Windows, you can open the data folder and edit the fontdata file, resizing the text will also resize the window. It's not very pretty, but it works for now.
Oh, that's awesome, I wondered what happened to Cataclysm. Did Whales start working on a new game or did he just get sick of Cataclysm?
He's working on another project, Body and Soul (http://github.com/Whales/body-and-soul) and had generally gotten a little bit bored with the Post apoc setting.
I guess why people doesn't include game screenshots in their releases.
A lack of screenshots may deter many people to download the game.
And anyone programming a RL game knows how to take screenshots.
Jan 20 and such:
Item Disassembly - Press the ( key and select any item from your inventory to disassemble it. In most cases, this will require the same tools required to craft the item, and the game will tell you which tools you need. (Note, the game will only tell you the first tool on the list, but any will work. For example, an item which required either a Steak Knife or Combat Knife as a tool, the game will only tell you you need a Steak Knife, but will accept a Combat Knife) - Thanks to DinoCat for this entire feature
Chain Link Fences - These currently only spawn around basketball courts, and can be climbed over by (e)xamining them. There's a chance to fall down and lose 2 turns if you fail, but zombies can only bash through them and not climb them.
Innumerable small bugfixes, most notably water now has the correct charges when spawned in bottles.
Larger fix, shell casings now stack appropriately again, thanks to Kevingranade for the bugfix.
(Kevin Granade) - Added some cocktails and mixed drinks. Lots of various tent related fixes and improvements.
(Zack Hovatter) Added option for new world, some fixes for compiling on macs and code to make NPCs to move out of the way
(Williham Totland) Added a ton of various changes.
(Origamiwolf) - Ability to reload gasoline tools using (r) command,
Vegetarian changed to meat allergy to better synch up with ingame effects.
Chain Link Fences.
Gates for those fences.
Bolt cutters, used to open locked gates and cut wire from fences.
Military Outposts now have concrete walls, and the external fence is chain link with gates.
A bunch of other various fixes and minor tweaks.
Construction menu is even more broken.
This release is mostly bugfixes and behind the scenes changes, so there's no real changelog to post.
The Windows executable link on the page still refers to the January 3 build. When can we expect the January 20 build into a Windows executable to be available?
Thanks for your time.
Only one particular guy is updating the main page on that front, otherwise the current build and such is available in the forum there.
Got it. Many thanks.
Yeah, always check the announcement forum for the most up to date releases, I generally only do those once I have a decent amount of stuff though, my Github gets updates nearly every day.
Feb 24
-A ton of bugfixes, by our many talented people (not me) :P
-Also added picklocks, which are now used for silent entry, crowbars make some noise now. Picklocks can be used to open alarmed doors and chainlink gates too.
-Item Listing - You can now assign a key to list all visible items, pressing it brings up a list of items, with a cursor showing where each is if you tab over it. (OzoneH3)
-Item Comparing - You can now compare the stats of any two items, on the ground or in your inventory. (OzoneH3)
-Beginnings of item variation, some items will have moderately variable stats. Such as damage and to-hit. Currently exists on vehicle parts. (Zpmorgan)
-Container type items, such as fridges, don't show you their contents unless you (e)xamine them. (Kevingranade)
-Removing window panes is now handled via the 'Deconstruct Terrain' selection in the menu.
-Vehicle spawns are more common, but 50% of vehicles spawned are uncompleted chassis. (Spawn stuff by Zpmorgan, Chassis by me)
-Added ability to craft using water from the map. (Voker57)
-Temperature effects on player, including frostbite, inability to sleep, heastroke, tons of stuff. Also undergarments, such as socks and woolend underwear, doesn't count towards encumbrance, but provides warmth. (Shoes, some cleanup by Kevingranade)
-Bleeding damage from some mobs, will be fleshed out to be per-limb. Bandages and Rags can stop bleeding. Bloody rags can be cleaned with boiling water. (Written by Oddzball, merged by Kevingranade)
-View shifting commands, you can now shift your view in any direction and have it remain there, allowing you to focus on an area say, 10 tiles in front of the player, rather than the default 360 view. (Kevingranade)
-Skilling up via reading now gives a message popup. (Zack Hovatter)
-Graffiti can now be sprayed on the ground, spraypaint cans are found in hardware stores and some houses (Voker57)
-Human flesh is now recieved from butchering humans. Carries a very large morale penalty for consumption. (Kevingranade)
-Scent no longer travels perfectly through closed doors and windows. (Kevingranade)
-The view area can now be resized to as large as the player wants it (BurnZeZ)
-Dragged furniture now carries the items with it (OzoneH3)
-Bunch of new items added to houses. (Uzername)
-Save deleting fixed and improvde (Kevingranade, Oddzball)
-Much better vehicle collision physics. (Zpmorgan)
-Car seats function as containers (Kevingranade)
-Occasional weapon misfires (Oddzball)
-The usual imperial ton of bugfixes.
Probably a bunch of stuff I'm forgetting, it's a big release folks. Behind the scenes anyway.
We've started using a proper versioning system, for convenience.
Not a massive amount in this release, mostly bugfixes, but we've tossed a couple new things in.
-Palisade Walls and Gates - Pretty tough to bash down, and can be fired throguh
-Log Walls - Basically the same as wood walls, different construction methods.
-The ability to disassemble tshirts and tank tops by hand. - Handy for bleeding.
-Revolver Shotgun - Not much to say on this.
-A whole ton of misc fixes, to all kinds of stuff.
A bunch of new bugs for you to discover and yell at us about.
Mostly behind the scenes changes and fixes this release.
The biggest new thing is the reworked spawning option, you can now choose to use a static spawn system, wherein the game spawns all of the zombies as soon as the game starts, this means you can clear out a section of town and it will stay more or less cleared.
We also have a new inventory menu that allows you to do such things as unload items from your inventory, no more need to manually wield those hundred flashlights.
Also the beginning of a rework of input code, this has had the undesired side effect of breaking the use of the escape key to exit menus, you'll need to use space bar.
Finally, a new machine has been added to hospitals as a nice, if rather grisly, solution to losing limbs.
There's a changelog now. Which has the bulk of the changes in it.
Tons of bugfixes, going down stairs, walking around, breathing, should hopefully no longer cause crashes.
A bunch of survivalcrafts, you can be more or less self sufficient in the wilderness now (The system is still somewhat WIP, and will be balanced in future.
A few new monsters to discover and get killed by.
Don't use character templates from older versions of the game. They break things.
-Make the battery system bionic only consume as many batteries as necessary to fully power yourself
-Knives can also cauterize wounds now. Requires a lighter.
-Soldering irons (and hotplates, why not) can be used to cauterize wounds, causing pain and removing any bleeding or uninfected bite effects.
-Fixed crash bug in Windows when attacks hit something off-screen?
-Fixed precipitation animation with shifted viewport.
-Can now disassemble items from the examination screen.
-Added colored hinting to the item examination sidebar listing possible actions. e.g., "W" (for "wear") is grayed out if the item isn't wearable.
-Added ability to craft a recipe continuously (until out of materials, etc.).
-Reduce (maybe fully fix) wolf self-attacks.
-Power armor.
-More fitted gear, and a few more pieces made craftable.
-Vehicle-mountable water tanks and kitchen units, implied storage-battery-charging generators.
-Map tiles can now contain up to 64 items.
-Beer has been made weaker, and now appears in kegs in liquor stores and bars.
-Steel jerrycans.
-Any gun can now be used one-handed if you are strong enough.
-Hardcoded frostbite not to occur above freezing temperatures.
-Improved fire's ability to warm the player. Also, standing on fire and being on fire warm up the player.
-Fixed body temperature equalization.
-Sunny and clear weather no longer warm the player underground.
-Standing in water or sewage will increase the rate of heat loss (but not make the player colder)
-The head and torso now lose heat faster than other body parts.
-Body temperature drops as you lose HP.
-Encumberance menu's listing of warmth has been made more colorful.
-Mouth (face) now has appropriate cold and hot diseases.
-The ability to cauterize wounds to heal bites and stop bleeding. (a)ctivate a knife, requires a lighter.
-The ability to craft an item as many times as is possible. Defaults to the + key. (Linux and Mac users will need to assign a key)
-Added M72-LAW. Makes a large explosion and penetrates armour well. One shot only.
-Clothing can be made fitted by (a)pplying a sewing kit.
-Some foods can be heated, hot food grants a larger morale bonus than cold food.
-Ammunition explodes rather than burning.
-Lightstrips, function as weak light providers. Craftable.
-Bandages and First Aid kits no longer show uninjured bodyparts in the menu.
-Some basic professions, more to be added later.
Features - Check the changelog for a full list
-Many new details added to mapgen! New buildings, ruined vehicles on roads, and so on.
-Much more modding-friendly: MANY bits of data have been moved into data files, rather than being hardcoded in the source.
-A handful of recipes can be learned from sources other than just leveling your skills.
-Artifacts should save/load properly now!
-Assorted UI tweaks and improvements.
-Weather radio and directional antenna.
-Rain funnels - first step towards proper rain barrels.
-Robust Genetics and dodging have both been significantly rebalanced, and should actually be useful.
-Zombies wear damaged clothing.
-Tailoring is more important, and string is easier to acquire.
-New content all around!
-Numerous bugfixes.
Features - Check the changelog for a full list
-Zombies will revive after a time, if not butchered (or otherwise dealt with).
-Overkilled monsters now spray gibs around instead of disapearing.
-Smashing corpses renders them incapable of reviving. (smash action or overkill)
-Gasoline can be siphoned from vehicles. Requires a rubber hose for now - these are easier to acquire.
-Most kinds of clothing can be repaired now, using various different materials.
-Inventory management UI improvements, and a new screen to organize worn items.
-Reworked the learning system: replaced XP with Focus.
-Many new buildings.
-Many new multi-stage missions.
-Higher-performance (on windows) SDL-based rendering
-Significantly improved overall performance
-Vehicle physics significantly improved.
-Vehicle UI streamlined.
-Headlights extend much further now.
-Optionally you can switch to using trigonometric distance instead of rogurelike. In other words LOS, light, etc are circular instead of square.
-Sound indicator lets you know how much noise you're making.
-Turn cost indicator lets you know how long actions take.
-Mostly remove limits on how many items fit in a tile of ground.
-Big batch of new archery items, arrows, bows, crossbows, and associated crafting recipes.
-Numerous bugfixes.
These really are just the highlights, we incorporated literally hundreds of changes since 0.5.
The Kickstarter:
So how much do you want, and what are we getting for it?
Our initial goal is just $7,000 dollars, which allow Ethan to dedicate three months of effort to the project. Along with the "time", there are a few other feature obligations that are going to come along with this. The bulk of these three months are going to spent developing the following features:
Full Graphics Support - Cataclysm is a roguelike, and roguelike has traditionally meant the ASCII graphics you'll see in many of the examples above. To be honest, we love that stuff, and many Cataclysm fans do. But others don't - they like pictures, and animations, and things that actually look sort-a kind-a maybe like the objects their supposed to be representing. If you're one of those people, have no fear; full graphical support - for sprites, tilesets, conceivably other graphics things I can't think of - is something we're working on as I type, and Ethan is going to dedicate himself not just to fully implementing it, but doing it well. You'll be able to plug in and play with a variety of community provided graphics packs, many of which already exist and are ready to go. You'll always have the option to play with the traditional text-based interface, if you wish, but gorgeous pictures and adorable little animations will provide an equally enthralling experience.
Extreme Vertical - Right now, Cataclysm is a bit... flat. You can explore underground basement levels, but there are no skyscrapers to climb, no deadly mutant buzzards flying far above your head, and no kicking zombies out of third story windows into an alleyway before jumping across to the opposite roof and opening up on on the crowd in the parking lot below with your m249 light machine gun. You can't do any of that right now, and that's a damned shame! If we reach our goal, one of our priorities is going to be fixing that.
The World Factory and Mod Manager - Right now, you do generate a single basic world depending on the mode you've chosen, and that world exists until you destroy it - but we can do a whole lot more than that. With this tool, you'll be able to manage multiple worlds at the same time, and when you generate a world you'll be able to tweak settings, pull in mods created by other players, and share your world with others in a conveniently packaged form. How cool is that, right? Think zombies are dumb? Replace them all with dinosaurs. It's that simple.
And, of course...
More Monsters, More Locations, More Emergent Lore, and some Serious Bugfixing
Is that it?
No! Well, at least we hope not. Obviously, the other developers will still be putting in what time they can, and with you're help, we hope to manage far more than three months! What we really want is a full year, and we've got a lot we're hoping to accomplish in that time. Yes, that's right, we have... STRETCH GOALS!
Batches of stretch goals will be announced in full as soon as we think we'll hit our target, but here's an inkling of some things that will appear on the list:
Physical rewards! - We're hoping to actually print out and ship out some of the digital rewards as physical goods. Stretch goals will unlock first the physical reward tier itself, and then add more and more items to it as number of items we can afford grows larger!
Stealth - A full stealth system, along with an AI, light level, and notifications rewrite. It's gonna be so sweet.
Research - A knowledge gathering and learning/research system, that will allow you to study and experiment on enemies and objects, and keep journals of what you've found, for a variety of in-game benefits and a good deal of lore.
A Dynamic World - Survivor factions that grow and change, the ability for all of the different monstrous groups to fight amongst themselves and try to expand their territory, portal zones that form connections to other worlds and alter the reality around them in ours, and a whole bunch of other stuff. We're hoping to bring in lots of things to really bring the world of Cataclysm to life.
Improved NPCs - The NPCs in Cataclysm right now are a bit lackluster - they are a bit buggy, disabled by default, and have terrible AI. But we're planning to fix that, on way or another, and more dev time means better NPCs. Deeper dialogue, more complex player interactions, the formation of NPC factions and settlements, and the ability to the player to lead bands of NPCs and give them orders are all things we're hoping to accomplish.
Improved Infrastructure - You can already build houses and cars, but it's a fairly limited process for fixed structures. Vertical construction, excavation, and wiring up areas with power are all on the radar. I'm sure you've all been craving the ability to leave your own unique mark on the world, in the form of your own expansive, personal research lab, or, and this is more likely from my experience with the internets, a huge nuclear-powered light up phallic object. Either way, we want you to be able to make that happen.
More details to come!
I hope your Kickstarter comes out nicely, it would be great to see some massive progress in a short time!
Also, please don't make the physical rewards shirts or other clothing, they pretty much kill dev time and cost. Don't forget you'll have to pay taxes on that Kickstarter income!
game is completely open source and code is on GIT. modders are encouraged. Core coders try to work with modders to role your mods to the main branch.
so if you want to help out and add stuff your welcome to join. Most of the current mods have had most of their stuff roled to the main branch.
There are nightly builds so its in constant development.
so coders are welcome.
v0.7 with 4 days remaining in the successful Kickstarter with the first stretch goal already met!
The Lindqvist release is dominated by substantial support for i18n. Large swaths of the text strings are gettext annotated and ready for translation. Also this release brings unicode support for text messages, though unicode map rendering is still in progress. Other major new features include a plethora of new advanced bionics, an item autopickup feature, and moddable item spawn lists. See the changelog for the other awesome new features and bugfixes.
Use ncursesw and gettext for i18n support and expanded character palette.
Configurable Autopickup feature.
Configurable item spawning lists, now with more configurable spawn frequencies.
Probability Travel Bionic (walk through walls!)
Railgun Bionic (throw metal items at the speed of electricity!)
Flashbang bionic.
Shockwave Generator bionic.
Chain Lightning bionic.
Artificial Night bionic.
Streamlined lumberjacking tasks.
Splints are now craftable and (slowly!) heal broken limbs.
Recover CBMs from butchered player corpses
Small game arrow.
Spoiled (rotten) items will now be removed from the map after twice the time it takes to spoil.
Lit torches set enemies on fire.
Toggled Metabolic Interchange bionic, active power sources.
Changed Optimist to be more thematic and balanced.
Morale effects have more flexible durations.
Extensively reworked fire handling, e.g. campfires should last a more reasonable duration.
Preserve martial art style selection across wielding/unwielding weapons.
Simulate alt+number input for SDL version.
Quicksave command.
Added basic sludge crawler monster
More crafting recipes.
Stash knives in your boots.
Folding bicycle you can stash in a trunk.
New improvised guns.
More survival-ish foods.
Added some more heavy pistols and ammunition.
New Improvised lockpick!
Floatation Vest.
Added wine and a new shirt.
Fuzzy time display, and precise time with wristwatch item.
Multiple gates near one handle work correctly.
Made wild Jabberwocks much more rare.
Fix turrets shuffing around when off map.
Prevent gibbing from low-damage sources.
House generation fixes.
Allow deconstruction of refrigerators.
More consistent road placement.
Make mongroups die propperly, even if the queen dies at a distance
Monsters killed by wide attacks drop corpses/loot
Fix solar panel power production on vehicles.
Cleanup tire changing activity.
Fix stunlock caused by counterattacks.
Keep Jabberwocks from spawning in classic mode.
Fix turret drops.
Extensive text handling fixes.
Menu beautification.
Allow saving while in a vehicle.
Fix div0 on bad option setting.
Has Full Screen made it in yet?
I'm not sure what you mean by full screen, the default is ncursesw, so fullscreen your terminal program. Can you be more specific about what you mean?
In other news, the kickstarter is finished, even clearing the first stretch goal, so now, BACK TO WORK! :D
In honor of improved graphics (tile support) and the ability to generate a game with huge cities full of egregious numbers of zombies, Cataclysm: Dark Days Ahead version 0.8 is titled "Romero". This release also comes with complete or near-complete Russian and Chinese translations, a player memorial file, save compatibility moving forward, and probably the most frequently requested feature of the game, shopping carts.
Intelligence dependent skill rust option.
Uncanny Dodge CBM
Weight management rework, weight now in grams.
If the player is overloaded, the strain causes pain.
Display option for metric vs imperial vehicle speed.
Beanbag rounds for shotguns and grenade launchers.
Added headlights that can be aimed at installation time.
Active bionics.
Throw single items from stacks instead of whole stack.
Updated many menus to updated menu system that provides acrolling, filtering and more unified hotkeys.
Crafting overhaul, crafting no longer trains combat skills and vice versa.
Reworked rain protection, items now have waterproof flags.
Crafting recipes you can actually perform bubble to the top of the list.
New laser weapons.
Pneumatic weapons.
Narrow sidebar option.
Support unicode character names.
Aim-related gunmods.
Automatically adjust aim path if the default path is blocked by something.
Play Now game start for one-click game initiation.
Rework encumbrance to remove nonsensical negative encumbrance.
Loosen strictness of encumbrance in general.
Heated melee weapons.
Plastic item crafting.
Option overhaul with new tabbed menu.
Swimming now makes you wet.
Wetness can be a good thing when it's hot and you're properly attired.
Wetness effects asjusted by some mutations.
Portable Game system now usable, has playable games snake, sokoban, and robotfindskitten.
Vehicle components, vehicles, mutations and traits are moddable in json.
fruit bushes spawn in groups.
Significant rebalance of fire, emits less smoke, and small fires should burn longer.
Basic farming support.
Welding rig vehicle component.
When in a square with clothes and bedding, sleeping players will use them for warmth.
Corpse-filled pits cause less or no damage.
Adrenaline shot item.
Nerfed Adrenaline rush effect, no more bullettime.
Small vehicles are draggable and pushable. Added shopping carts.
Funnel now directs rain into container in the same square during rain.
Mutation dreams.
Siphon water out of vehicles with water tanks.
Ice labs.
Vehicle collisions based on SCIENCE!
Streamlined selecting same ammo over and over again.
Pickling and other food preservation techniques.
Re-enabled mouth encumbrance.
Caseless ammunition and guns.
New heavy weapons.
More features spawning in houses.
Significantly reduced map save size.
Lots of professions.
Many many items and crafting recipes.
Energy weapon special effects.
Scrollbars in many list menus.
Vehicles can spawn smashed into each other.
Mouse cursor hiding.
Terminal text display fixes.
Very significant performance improvements.
Removed input delay.
Allow exiting from long-term activities like wait.
All titlebars should use the correct version number.
Remove busywaitin WinGDI build. (caused 100% CPU usage)
No more "nothing" map tiles.
Hand out letters to bionics so more than a few are usable.
Monsters no longer attack themselves.
Fatal hunger/thirst/fatigue detected correctly.
Major monster handling performance improvements to make 50x zombies work.
Nerfed smoke inhalation.
Major performance increase in mapgen to make huge cities generate before the heat death of the universe.
Rain and acid rain doesn't bother you when underwater.
Batched raycasting optimization.
Fixed old inventory letter overlapping bug.
Use shadowcasting algorithm for fast and accurate fov calculation.
Vehicles no longer spawn floating above water.
Loaded ammo, such as nails in a nailgun can be used for crafting.
Light from items more consistent.
The website (http://en.cataclysmdda.com/) seems only to have up to version 0.7.1 posted. Can you tell us when to expect that 0.8 will be available? (Or am I simply looking in the wrong spot?)
Thanks for your time.
The link for "current" there above it may well do the trick, otherwise there tends to be a bit of a gap on frontpage updating still it would seem. Otherwise:
http://smf.cataclysmdda.com/index.php?topic=3254.0 should definitely have it all laid bare.
Hmm, experimental builds still say 0.7.1 eh? I'll have to look into the reason for that. The different -current binaries are in fact 0.8.
v0.9 Ma
The Ma release is characterized by polish and preparedness. We've put more effort into stabilizing Cataclysm than in any previous release, and taken the time to support saves from 0.8. There's loads of new content - items ranging from survivor suits to RPG-7s, new mutations and new vehicles, loads of recipes including the ability to smith your own tools from scratch, and a few new enemies to round it out.
World Factory: Multiple worlds managed at once.
New mutation categories.
Basic mouse support in SDL builds.
Vehicle construction system rework.
Backward compatibility with 0.8 saves.
Unbelievable amount of new content.
New mutation categories.
Blob drops are semi-useful.
World Factory: Multiple worlds managed at once.
Single keypress pulping.
Better Basements.
Dynamically swap between text and tiles, and among tilesets.
Funnels catch water when the player is far away.
Curvy roads.
V menu now lists monsters too.
Emergency vehicles.
Shia's back.
Doors tougher, but zombies can pile on when trying to bash through them.
Spawning monsters in packs.
Shopping carts are driveable.
Basic mouse support in SDL builds.
Food dehydrator.
Some clothes have hoods that are used automatically if there's no hat in the way.
Only prompt to confirm butchering if there are hostiles nearby.
Books have chapters.
Better furniture dragging interface with 'G'rab.
More cart types, hot dog, welding, luggage; swivel chairs.
Track more stuff for memorial file.
Basic tool quality support for more streamlined crafting recipes.
Fungaloid rework.
Vehicle workbench like components act like tools.
Huge pile o books.
Furniture and terrain definitions moved to json.
Survivor armor.
Large numbers of wild animals.
Power system for vehicles and battery components.
Reinforced vehicle components.
Vehicle construction system rework.
Multi-square vehicle doors.
Make vehicles more resilient to damage and better able to smash through obstacles.
Vehicle spawns have personality added in various ways.
Removed action interruption from drug cravings.
Ludicrous numbers of new foods.
Vehicle horns.
Backward compatibility with 0.8 saves.
Stylish trait.
Pickup partial stacks.
Flaming weapons.
Too many new professions to list.
Diseases can now be bodypart specific (bleeding, bites).
Reworked martial arts framework. Arts are no longer pseudo-items, and can be mostly defined in json.
Reworked and streamlined bionics failure chance and install UI.
Streamlined continuous reading.
Monsters that don't take damage no longer leave blood trails.
Broken gas tanks act broken.
Highlighting lines in tiles mode.
Show all sounds made by player.
Disassemble items with charges properly.
Suppress smoke warning when you have a gas mask.
Stims work again.
Menu cleanups all over.
Better in-city detection for roads.
Funnel filling.
Step on visible trap warning.
Vomiting lethality nerfed.
Better ignore monster for now feature.
Massive audit of item values by Rivet.
Prevent input overbuffering when it's raining.
Eating related bugs.
Hallucination fixes.
Vehicle mounted turrets.
Crafting consuming containers with contents.
Prevents many actions from passing through walls.
Weird handling of cancelled item use.
Gunmods with firing modes.
Stabilized monster coordinates.
Many fixes in defense mode.
Charge rifle charging.
We ran into a compiler bug affecting windows builds, it's sorted out now.
That's quick work there---nicely done. 8)
v0.A Kaufman
The Kaufman is named in honor of a huge expansion to Cataclysm's mutation system. The release, our largest yet also brings innumerable bugfixes, performance enhancements, new items, a long-awaited module manager, new monsters, fullscreen mode, better mouse support, new map tiles and an unheard-of level of stability.
Here's the changelog:
Module manager.
Fullscreen mode.
Many mutations, more refined mutation progression.
Improved view options for driving.
Improved item handling, including category views, partial stack handling.
Mouse move and mouselook.
Working Refrigerators.
View item on mouse hover in SDL.
Mouse move.
Basic LUA support.
Vehicles disintegrate into their constituent parts on impact.
Fuel tanks preserve their contents when removed/installed.
Vehicle construction and repair using duct tape.
More distinct mutation trees, including branch thresholds and post-threshold mutations.
Interact with monsters on stairs.
Guilt from killing monsters tapers off as you kill more of them.
Can track vehicles with a GPS module.
Allow filtering constructions by the ones you can do right now (can toggle).
Idling for vehicles, can effectively run as generators.
Minifridge that keeps food fresh longer.
Clothing pockets and hoods only activate when needed. (for warmth)
Inventory and crafting menus support listing items by category.
Expanded underwater combat.
Item spoilage rate varies based on temperature.
More info in list monsters menu.
Rechargeable battery pack mod for tools.
Gunmods are installed on rails now.
Better gender handling at character creation.
Expanded vehicle electrical system.
Can pick up or drop partial stacks.
Shove items out of the way when closing a door.
Radioactive items.
Mutation friendly clothing.
Remove prompt to resume task, of course you want to.
Vehicle facing indicator (option).
Fullscreen mode.
Show contents of grabbed vehicle (e.g. your shopping cart) in advanced inventory pane.
Fishing, find a pole!
Automatic view shifting when driving (option).
Zoom mode that dynamically resizes tiles (pretty slow when zoomed unfortunately).
Search known recipes by output, tool or component.
Overmap tiles moved to json.
Lots of warning cleanup.
More development of internal json library.
Mod manager.
Can define mapgen for tiles in json or LUA.
Traps moved to json.
Standalone json checker.
Refactored monsters and players to have a common parent class.
Retrieve items from inventory based on location instead of invlet.
Ammo types moved to json.
Blacklist and whitelist for including/excluding content.
Sleep increases rate of fatigue recovery and healing over time.
Remove automatic matches and poketknife from player spawn.
Add skintight flag for underwear-type clothing to negate layering penalties.
First Aid and bandages take time to apply now.
Increased city size variability.
Turrets have finite ammo.
Reduce rate of damage for "real armor" as opposed to "clothes".
Zombies spawn at last stand locations.
Burning ammo only throws shrapnel, no explosion.
Increased crafting distance to 6 to enable large workshops.
Progressive difficulty searching for lab notes.
Progressive difficulty searching for lab notes.
Large-scale vehicle rebalances.
Improved code that determines what body part is hit by an attack.
Water purification methods use one charge per unit of water.
Buffed water resistant clothing.
Removed acid puddles from acid rain. (no more melting items).
Buffed most zombie HP.
Large nerf to solar panels.
Effectively remove cap to starting points option (set to 1,000).
More interesting gun misfire/jam mechanics, guns can take damage now.
Varied rate of projectile breakage with a flag, more differentiation between arrow types.
Ammo with special effects (smoke, teargas, explosions) now go off when burned.
Atomic coffee, energy drink and hypospray, lawn darts, MOLLE pack, fingertip razors.
Too many mutations to list, including mutagen types and recipes.
Map types, ammo reloads, vehicle curtains, creepy doll, whiskey barrels.
Hibernation mutation, lots of cop and fireman gear, IV mutagen, piles of new traits.
Mutation-themed dreams, cowbell, atomic batteries, dojo and contents,
vending machines and bank cards.
Dinocataclysm added as a mod at long last!
Lots more terrain and furniture is now bashable.
Several new houses and other buildings.
Variations of vehicle condition (damaged, blood-splattered, engine running, etc)
Creatures fling around appropriate fluids and chunks when gibbed.
Several content packs that allow enabling/disabling different categories of content.
Prevent artifact swords from sticking all the time.
Royal jelly and blood filter heal dermatik infections.
Make active items (ticking bombs, rotting food) work in vehicle storage.
Prevent teleportation and stairclimbing from erasing monsters.
Lots of UI tweaks.
Fix bug where items couldn't be thrown over water.
Erase scentmap when we move between floors.
Handle adjacent overmaps better, including notes.
Lots of recipes moved fro auto-learn on skill thresholds to being learned from books.
Fixed vehicle rendering when dragging.
Can craft from items in vehicle storage.
Only count loudest vehicle engine for noise generation instead of adding them together.
Fix weird bug where being too strong made you bad at throwing things.
Fixed several related vehicle board/unboard bugs.
Player displayed in correct position when peeking.
Fixed lots of menu drawing glitches.
Height/width options make more sense, total instead of based on view width.
Limit indoor dimly lit areas to the same view distance as outside.
Fix bug where vehicles and windows projected light at dawn and dusk.
Targeting defaults to nearest enemy.
Toggling between enemies includes hostile NPCs.
Vehicle turrets no longer shoot player or their own vehicle.
Fixed issue where exploding items could destroy themselves and cause a segfault.
Check for errors when attempting to write files and take appropriate action.
Fixed some lab finale features.
Fixed vehicle workshops being usable as components in recipes.
Cruise control is now smooth, even the sportscar is driveable.
Sinkholes don't turn into pits after you step in them.
Can no longer block attacks in your sleep.
Translations build and ship with releases.
Many overmap generation performance improvements.
Stop updating scent if player hasn't moved for a while, makes waiting and sleeping go much faster.
Optimized bitflag methods for very frequently used flags.
Heavy refactor of crafting menu for more speed.
Heavy optimization of scent diffusion.
Declare strings as const to avoid reallocating them all the time.
Lots of caching of vehicle parts.
Vision calculation speedups.
Refactored map loading to chunk up map data into tiny (1KB or so) files, so save/load is nearly instantaneous.
*grins* already got it and enjoying it immensely.
V0.B Brin
The Brin release is named in honor of significant improvements to PC/NPC relations. This release, containing
over 9,000 commits (I counted)
brings an unheard-of amount of new features and content, most of which wants you dead.
Start your adventure in a wide variety of different locations, with a selection of different starting scenarios, now with unique character traits.
Explore new locations, some of which are ridiculously big (did somebody say 'mall'?), and some of which have inhabitants that don't want to eat you for a change. Vehicles have gotten some love, and now form a basis for an electrical network should you desire to build one. If you've ever wanted to strap a C4 pack onto an RC car and drive it under a Zombie Hulk, you got your chance.
A few more highlights:
You want speed? We brought the speed. You want more buildings? We have more buildings.
More configurable difficulty? got it. Better menus? Way better menus.
Mutation chains to explore? Tons of em. More guns? yep.
More things to bolt on your deathmobile? All over the place.
Random characters have professions applied.
Wearable tools.
Martial arts techniques can trigger when wielding appropriate weapons.
Wing mirrors for vehicles.
Prototype hordes.
Adjust zombie speed with mods.
Made butcher menu's first entry match the butcher hotkey, so you can just hold down the button to butcher all.
You can dig down stairs with proper equipment.
Scabbards, holsters and sheathable weapons.
At high skills you can quick draw/attack with weapons.
Fish spawn as distinct creatures, and they're used for fishing checks.
Quivers for arrows.
Furniture can act as a tool.
Corpses rot and eventually disappear.
Armor is assigned to a layer, and armor on different layers doesn't impose layering penalties.
Destroyed vehicle parts get ripped off the vehicle.
Player can start at various locations.
Special support for mapsharing installs:
lock down debug menu
lock players to their username
more configurable file placement
locks around map files
Language switch is dynamic now.
Guns such as revolvers no longer eject casings when fired, they're instead ejected on reload.
Internal furnace and Battery System CBMs are toggleable so you're less likely to eat random objects by accident.
Spending more time near traps has incremental chance of finding them, spotted traps are remembered.
Thrown items above a trap-defined threshold will trigger traps.
You can now peek through curtains and some doors.
Smashing a broken window again clears out the broken glass (relatively quietly).
Autopickup can get at anything you can reach, i.e. adjacent tiles.
Can set exclusion zones for autopickup, so you can avoid accidentally picking up all your stuff in your base.
Contents of books are unknown until first read (which is faster than usual).
Can craft recipes if you have a book in range that provides it.
Can learn recipes by practicing them.
Roof of the vehicle you're currently in is not drawn.
Faction hostility is back.
Kiln operates without player being nearby.
Radio operated items.
Switched to seed-based weather generation.
Options are only displayed when they are applicable to your build.
Can perform unspeakable acts upon zombies to turn them into your packmule slave thing.
Messages give feedback on melee misses.
Foraging is seasonal, fruits will grow each season, but once picked are gone until the next.
Pet menu to interact with friendly monsters.
Starting scenarios stitch together profession, traits, and starting location.
Picking up and dropping multiple items is now an interruptable activity.
Activatable mutations.
Heavily moddable gun platform.
Fire creates invisible hot air fields, which meander around in enclosed spaces and warm them up.
Factored windchill and humidity into body temperature calculations.
Vehicles smash items when they (wheels) run over them.
Refined vehicle/terrain collisions.
Hulks and Brutes now have a very damaging fling attack.
Jumper cables can be used to link together electrical systems of vehicles, including vehicles outside the reality bubble.
Crafting a large batch of items can apply a discount to the crafting time required.
Overhaul of "cut up" system:
Cannot cut up an item if it includes a material that can't be cut up (e.g. shotgun).
Cutting up returns items from each material that makes up the item.
Cuting up most items should respect the total volume of the item.
Most terrain can be smashed now, if you can hit it hard enough.
Can turn individual vehicle engines on and off.
Filling an item with water from e.g. a river is now an interruptable action.
Switched to SDL 2.0.
Made paths configurable for packaging and installation support.
Finished pushing martial art definitions out to json.
JSONized multi-tile building generation, leading to huger buildings.
Tilesets can provide a per-category fallback tile to handle new monsters/items/whatever.
Silenced all the warnings, now it's easier to keep new ones from cropping up.
Lots of string handling infrastructure, making translated string handling easier.
Missing tiles in tilesets can fall back to ASCII.
Saner glyph cache handling.
Components used to craft an item are stored in the item.
Debug overlay for hordes.
Improved window handling.
Generic iuse functors unify many types of iuse functions.
JSONized bullet pulling recipes.
Generic support for foldable vehicles, still need support for *crafting* them.
Encapsulation applied to map accessors.
JSONized monster drops.
Damaged fuel tanks leak fuel on the ground.
Most menus use input context now, and therefore have configurable keybindings.
Switched build to c++11.
Items can have a list of iuse methods instead of just one.
Drug effects can mostly be defined in JSON.
Scripts for querying json in tools_json_tools.
Beefed up utf-8 input handling.
JSONized NPC definitions.
Unified recipe requirements across constructions and crafting.
Better error handling when initializing SDL.
Recipes can have byproducts.
Added a standalone map layout utility.
Monsters are saved to the overmap instead of per-submap, clearing the way for horde support.
Hgamelaunch start script.
Items can spawn with variable amounts of charge.
Monster blacklists are applied consistently to all spawn code.
Different ammunition-bearing monsters (turrets, robots) have customized loadouts of their various ammo types.
Obsolete mods can be marked as such, preventing debug spam if a save containing them is loaded.
Give most starting professions decent starting equipment.
Nether spawns near corpse spawns.
Capped skill gain from many activities, especially crafting.
Melee weapons can take wear and tear damage based on their primary material.
Categorized CBMs you can get from butchering things.
Armor values nerfed.
Mutagen spawn rates slashed.
Overhauled mp3 player morale bonus to make micromanagement of it suboptimal.
Amount of damage blocked by a block technique based on strength and skill of blocker.
Removed acid rain until it can be made into a local event.
Nerfed speed of many zombie animals.
Starting professions supplied with cold-weather gear to match the expected climate.
Standing in a fire less likely to ignite clothes.
Lying in fire (when one or more legs is at 0HP) causes MUCH more damage.
New monster, Wraith.
Hops, barley, and molasses as brewing ingredients.
Yeast for fermenting brews and baking some bread foods.
Sugar beet as a renewable source of sugar.
Fruit wine and Brandy.
Moonshine and home-brewed beer.
Grappling hook.
Many new house layouts.
Wells and well digging.
CQB CBM that provides martial art style.
Warehouse building.
Decorative terrain and furniture.
Parasites and diseases from unsafe foods.
Curtains for vehicle doors and windshields, privacy please!
Foraging (in bushes, shrubs, trees).
Towel usable for many handy things (still not at HHGttG level).
hehe, honey.
Wearable rx12 auto-injector.
Motel locations.
Slime mutants can slip through tight spaces, spawn friendly slimes.
Some insect-like mutants can sip nectar from flowers (but at a cost...)
Mutagen gives you wings! (butterfly wings)
Bird mutations.
Killed bots drop (disassemblable) broken bot items instead of corpses.
Bear mutations.
Bio operator zombie.
Spider nest basements.
Nice looking road ends and roundabouts.
Exploding gasbag zombies.
Pizza parlor building.
Notes left by other survivors scattered all over.
Brain blob directs nearby blobs to move intelligently.
Mall location.
Several toolbox items to streamline carrying around your crafting needfulls.
Cotton and many cotton-based recipes and items.
Plant mutations.
Audit of all item prices to try and get a sensical baseline for them.
Supercharged military turrets.
Make Fedora activatable, m'ilady.
Road barricades.
Rollerblades and skates.
Evac center and piles of NPCs and missions.
Bandit camps.
RC car and remote-detonated bombs, and a remote controlled lamp.
Automated gas stations.
E-ink tablet and laptops can display recipes and act like books.
Can take pictures of monsters and view them on laptops or tablets.
Fish traps.
A "Thrilling" monster easter egg.
Riot control bot.
Extensive mutation chain culminating with player effectively joining the Marloss faction.
Extensive expansion of Marloss monsters/structures.
Various power substations, with new monsters.
Diesel added as a vehicle fuel.
Added craftable pontoon bridges.
Rat mutants can burrow, Cephalopod mutants can grow a large shell, lizards can regrow limbs.
Many new starting locations.
Curing hides and tanning leather.
Full coverage of tiles in Retrodays and MShock's tilesets!
Expanded armor layering window.
Added way to swap panes in AIM.
Animation and duration for smoking activity.
Action menu that displays all actions in a tree menu.
Highlight things you can interact with when 'e'xamining.
Many strings are properly pluralized and have support for doing so when translated as well.
Standardized overmap building colors.
Vehicle examine menu shows used/capacity of fuel tanks and cargo space.
SDL builds can play music.
Log messages colorized.
Books colorized by category.
Different weather types get their own animations.
Save/load log messages.
Fuzzy river borders.
Scrolling text animations when things are damaged and on some effects triggering.
Lots of menus now have sorting, categories, and search.
Animation delay option.
Player can write and read sign items.
Added a menu displaying martial art style characteristics.
Perishable and rotting items colorized.
UPS no longer activatable, now act as passive batteries.
Prompt to continue studying a book until all recipes learned.
Greatly sped up construction menu.
Overmap scrolling speed greatly improved.
Turn number added to calendar since it's called a gajillion times.
Switched a lot of large collections to use std::unordered_map() or std::unordered_set().
SDL framebuffer cache.
Extracted rain animation code from main drawing code.
Tile lookup speedups.
No bleeding effect if your armor absorbs all the damage.
Make game stop treating trees, walls, etc as hallucinatory with respect to vehicle collisions.
Prevent dragging furniture from hoovering up items.
Option to force software rendering to work around hardware support issues.
Players are ejected from vehicles when their seats are destroyed.
Contents of items destroyed by interacting with them are dumped instead of being deleted.
Restored function of area melee attacks.
Made various battery mods play nice together.
Prevent segfault in the unlikely case that you miss so badly that you shoot yourself.
Don't cause blood spatters when the attack does no damage.
Avoid crashing when loading a corrupted submap.
Avoid resetting creature speed to 100 when a creature is saved/loaded.
Option to disable joystick input in case you have a broken joystick.
Always practice at least one of the melee skill types when attacking.
Fixed off-by-one error that made 100% coverage armor 99% coverage.
Move critical multiplier calculaton after armor absorbs damage.
Added move cost for interacting with computers.
Use maximum heard sound for effects (such as deafness), not the sum.
Player graveyard works as intended, most recent player save is moved to the graveyard folder.
Factored weight of items in furniture into cost of dragging the furniture.
Gunmods with firing modes finally make correct sounds when fired.
Guns spawn with ammo when mapgen calls for it.
Fixed longstanding bug where displayed warmth would fluctuate wildly if your body temperature was optimal.
Prevent player from taking damage when driving over an acid puddle.
Taught zombies how to pick the right stairs.
Fixed bug where zombies can attack at range after a knockback.
Lots of window refresh cleanup.
Turrets and vehicle turrets now respect friendly status when burst firing.
Fixed a bug where monsters could see further than they should in circular distance mode (they still used square dist).
How do I enable fullscreen? I didn't see anything in the options menu or help file. Alt+enter doesn't seem to work either.
How do I enable fullscreen? I didn't see anything in the options menu or help file. Alt+enter doesn't seem to work either.
Are you sure you have SDL not console build?
How do I enable fullscreen? I didn't see anything in the options menu or help file. Alt+enter doesn't seem to work either.
Are you sure you have SDL not console build?
I was using the console version originally. Tried the sdl one. Had to put it into software render mode to work. How do I get all ascii display on the sdl version? the retroascii tiles seem to be partially ascii but also some graphical tiles.
No way to make console version ascii? sdl gets a little laggy on my xp laptop.
In SDL, switch Tiles to No in options. As for console, I don't know.
Console version is only ascii, there is no other choice.
SDL makes for a perfect console_emu, since WinXP (and later) doesn't have any support for native console.
Specific libraries offer a workaround and serve as yet another pseudo-shell for Win systems. CataDDA won't compile with those unless you make it work at your end.
v0.C Cooper
The Cooper release is named in honor of the new monster infighting system, now you can sit back and watch as your enemies tear each other to pieces. Don't get too close though, they're still out for your blood.
This release also brings the long-requested DeathCam system, which lets you see the aftermath of the glorious fireball or atrocious trainwreck that was your demise.
Gun users will notice a new aiming menu, you now spend time to steady your aim, do you take the shot now, or wait until the zombie gets a little closer?
Tailoring-oriented survivors (and who isn't?) will note the new tailor's kit item, which lets you add insulation or protective patches to your clothes.
Survivors with gigantic deathmobiles may appreciate the new turret options, including being able to enable/disable individual turrets, and being able to fire some turrets manually.
Finally, for survivors with, shall we say, "well-stocked" bases, there are massive improvements to performance when there are many thousands of items nearby.
Infighting! Monsters now have factions assigned and will attack other monsters from opposing factions.
Meteorology! Featuring all-new thermometer, barometer, and hygrometer, as well as an all-inclusive weather station.
Now we can finally talk about the weather, as we've always wanted. (disclaimer, you can't chat about the weather with NPCs)
You can warm yourself up from a nearby fire.
Change car batteries without any tools, truck batteries with just a wrench, or install swappable storage battery cases and add/remove storage batteries to your heart's content. Electric cars come with cases for their storage batteries by default now.
Many vehicle parts are now foldable, enabling you to have a more complete folding bicycle (or wheelchair).
Aiming! You can now spend time when aiming a ranged weapon to improve your accuracy with it.
The patented DeathCamâ„¢! You can now watch what happens after your epic death: is anything left of you after that massive fire burns itself out?
Rifle straps! Mount one on your gun and just wear it when you're not using it.
Some cars have alarms now, and you can try to bypass the alarm and unlock the controls.
Better interactions with worn items, such as auto-retrieving stowed items from them.
Toggle modes for each vehicle turret individually.
Manual fire turrets.
Cameras mountable on vehicles to extend view area.
New drive-by-wireless system for cars, remote-control full-sized cars!
Clothing modifications (padding and reinforcing).
An abandoned farmhouse may spawn in the forest from time to time, with a sad story behind it.
Tanning with trees! Blackjack oaks now spawn, and can provide tanbark.
Electric chainsaws and jackhammers now exist in the world.
Destructible bridges! They can be smashed, they have sidewalks, and are a source of rebar.
Straw! Get it from the hay in farm barns and make yourself a nice straw hat.
Battery mods (extended battery, rechargeable battery, etc.) can now be removed by applying a screwdriver.
Wool and felt are now usable materials.
Lots of clay and pottery recipes/items.
Diesel fuel/engines/pumps.
Lots of comestibles and recipes for them.
Buildable concrete and brick walls and roofs.
Flu shot that actually innoculates against flu.
Metal tank furniture similar to a keg, but easier to make.
Lots of new clothes and recipes for them.
Large amounts of chemical and metalurgy additions, lots of bombs and rockets.
Interior lights for vehicles.
Fire engine, with a water cannon!
Occasional mineral drops when tunneling (limestone so far).
Zombie technician gained a disarm attack.
Student professions.
Generic spiritualist content.
Craftable canned food and recipes.
More farming content and recipes to make use of them.
Even more houses!
Butchering can now be used to cut up items, too. Also, you can now salvage _all_ the things (in a tile) in one keypress.
Item descriptions now tell you what you know you can craft with them. No more wondering what those stupid copper tubes are good for.
You can now choose to ensure that items you pick up never get wielded, keeping your hands free -- useful when you want to be using a martial arts style that's primarily unarmed.
Foraging just... happens. Without prompting you (Y/N?) every (Y/N?) time.
You can now choose to re-roll a random scenario along with your other random character generation things.
New item action menu, trigger items without rooting around in your inventory!
Option to merge all cash card charges into one card at an ATM.
Laser-dot targeting now triggers safe mode.
Streamlined vehicle construction menu by adding a shape select menu to parts that have multiple symbols.
Added tabs to vehicle construction menu to help manage all the parts.
Sound symbols persist until the end of the player turn, and can be examined for a description.
Warning prompt about activated items when sleeping or waiting.
Item names now have HP bars displayed with them.
Add V-menu (nearby items/monsters) to peek command.
Add filters to advanced inventory.
Gun mods aren't just a free-for-all when reaching marksmanship level 1 anymore -- instead, they each have different skill requirements to install.
Canes, cudgels, and umbrellas now work as improvised fencing weapons.
Gunstores are all locked up.
Muscle-powered engines can run alternators now.
Muscle-powered engines cause thirst, hunger and fatigue.
Split out more layering locations and layers, but made layering penalties harsher.
Nerfed shrapnel from bombs in general, they are MUCH less effective against armored enemies.
Monsters with many weapons semi-intelligently choose which ones to use.
Tuned skilling progression for making archery items to allow bootstrapping.
Unfletched arrows no longer count as ammunition so they don't clutter your firing menu.
Some monsters have a small amount of nightvision, Now you will learn why you fear the night.
Enabled trading with starting NPC at game start.
Slowed tankbots down so you have a chance of running away from them.
Zombie master special now picks from every zombie, not just a small list.
Doors and windows no longer hold up the roof! Hopefully preventing collapses from zombies breaking into your shop.
Solar panels now _just work_ (as long as they're above-ground and it's sunny).
Fixed dark temple finale by enhancing the dark wyrms that it spawns.
Fix slow vehicles getting stuck in reverse.
Fixed free blocks when player had no block techniques.
Make effects that damage all player bodyparts use the same armor code as other attacks.
Scale damage to armor based on its coverage so e.g. power armor isn't ridiculously vulnerable to acid.
Fatigue can no longer go so negative that you don't need to sleep for days.
Unify vehicle fuel handling.
Game remembers which mutations you had activated.
Fixed turrets shooting through doors.
Fixed bug that was making gun recoil be too low.
Fixed bashing corpses with blunt objects.
MASSIVE improvement in performance when there are large numbers (thousands) of items nearby.
Added a clustering algorithm for monster hearing that improves performance when there are many (thousands) of monsters on-map and making noises.
Iterate across map structures in cache-friendly way.
Avoid saving/loading sections of map that aren't interesting (like solid rock).
Diseases are configurable from JSON and applied as relatively generic status effects.
Pedal/wheelchairs/paddles united as a "fuel type".
About half of the item types are now composable, for example you can easily make a "wearable gun", or "wearable tool" now.
Overhaul and simplification of map data handling.
Simplification of gun and gunmod handling.
Restored building under MSVC.
Build performance improvements via removing unecessary includes.
Simplify handling of vehicle coordinates.
Visibility checking API cleanup.
Unified filesystem API.
Extracted activity handlers from game.cpp
Sound processing moved to a dedicated module. (in-game hearing, not the game making sound)
Moved some shared logic from player to character.
Streamlined obsolete mod handling.