Now out in full on Steam and Gamersgate for $9.99
Greetings all. We are entering the field of Roguelike development for the first time, and thought we would start up a small thread in the Announcements forum of this site for those who might be interested.
Sword of the Stars: The Pit is a science fiction roguelike set in the Sword of the Stars universe. The game is currently in late Alpha phase, and will be entering Beta at the end of November.
We have a crowd-funding campaign currently running on Indiegogo, which will be on-line until November 14th, 2012. The page will always have a lot of information about the game as well as links to videos, screenshots, concept art and all sorts of other details:
There is also an official website for the game, which will continue to provide updates on development long after the campaign is over, answer questions, post screenshots and media for the game, etc:
We have forums for those who would care to speak directly to the developers, offer feedback or ask questions of the Sword of the Stars community:
For members of the press (including forum administrators and bloggers who enjoy rpgs and roguelikes in general, of course), we have an ftp site which will allow you to download the game's art, screenshots, gameplay trailer, tutorial trailer, and a playable demo of the Alpha Build. Please write to contact@kerberos-productions.com for access to that material.
We hope to have a playable demo for more public consumption available soon, preferably through Steam, which will provide distribution for the finished game in Q1 2013.
Thank you, and we hope to hear from you!
--Kerberos Productions
Welcome to the Temple of the Roguelike and best wishes on furthering the completion of The Pit----it looks to have style! 8)
From a brief look in the forum I should think it wise to let people know that, even if the funding target isn't reached in full, that all shall still be delivered upon and the game will indeed happen----a similar premise to the Grimoire IGG campaign:
Fair point: many crowd-funding campaigns are "all or nothing", but ours is not. We will move forward with the game and complete it regardless, and the completed game will be available early in 2013.
Excellent----the team's persistence bodes well for the future of the project. :) Flexible funding is an option exclusive to IGG, whereas what more people, in the US at least, are only moreso familiar with Kickstarter's "all or nothing".
Just dropping by to add some development updates and put in some easy links for anyone interested in the project.
Crowd-funding campaign is going well, with a small group of supporters stepping up to encourage the team. At this date we're about 22% toward our goal. :)
Here's the link to the ever-growing list of Frequently Asked Questions: http://sots-thepit.com/?p=1
Here's a brief list of all the Team Members and their credits: http://sots-thepit.com/?page_id=51
Link to the Gameplay Trailer: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4-yHSF3HsAg&feature=youtu.be
Link to the Tutorial Video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4-yHSF3HsAg&feature=youtu.be
Link to Our Page on RogueBasin, which includes screenshots from the Alpha build: http://roguebasin.roguelikedevelopment.org/index.php?title=Sword_of_the_Stars:_The_Pit
Lots of concept art, animation sequences, and some monster and weapon data are also available on the game's main website.
An Avatar Gallery Based on the Game's Monsters: http://sots-thepit.com/?page_id=219
Concept Art and Monster Data - Proteans: http://sots-thepit.com/?p=264
Concept Art and Monster Data - Service Robots: http://sots-thepit.com/?p=333
Concept Art - Death Animations and Cryptids: http://sots-thepit.com/?p=405
Weapon Data - Your First Pistol! : http://sots-thepit.com/?p=273
Announcement of Our Team-Up with Power-up Audio to Provide Sound for the Game: http://sots-thepit.com/?p=396
That's it for now, I think. :) More later!
Artist John Yakimow posts an update called "Monster of the Week" every week for the Pit.
This week's Monster: the DREADED MOON BEAR! Please check the link for concept art, animated images, stats and descriptions of these hairy denizens of the Feldspar Mountains. How did they end up in the Pit? Why do they keep trying to eat your face? HOW DID THAT BEAR GET A PLASMA CANNON!?
The Pit facility has been abandoned to the mercy of the elements for centuries. While the lowest levels remain intact, many of the upper levels have become exposed to a wide variety of indigenous wildlife. The most ferocious of these life forms is unquestionably the ‘moon bear’ – big as its Terran namesake, and twice as grumpy.
Moon Bears are highly territorial predators native to the Feldspar Mountain region of Arbuda IV. These omnivores are very fond of caverns and rock shelters and prey on everything from Stream Squids to Mountain Sloths. Many of these huge beasts have broken into the upper levels of the Pit and now use them as lairs and hunting grounds, attacking anything that trespasses into the areas they have claimed.
While an adult Moon Bear is already a serious threat, specimens that have penetrated into deeper levels of the Pit have become even more dangerous. They have been exposed to mutagens, weaponized plagues and malfunctioning cyber-surgery mechanisms. The result is a creature far deadlier than the average Moon Bear!
Moon Bear
Height = 2M
Weight = 400 Kg.
Armor = Low
Resilience = High
Speed = Avg.
Special notes: A large white bear-like creature who inhabits the mountains and takes over natural caves for shelter.
Diseased Moon Bear
Height = 2.2 M
Weight = 380 Kg.
Armor = low
Resilience = Very High
Speed = Low
Special notes: A native Moon Bear that has been exposed to radiation and bio-hazardous materials. It should now be considered a very dangerous bio-weapon.
Name: Cyberjaeger Bear
Height = 2.8 M
Weight = 700 Kg.
Armor = Very High
Resilience = Extreme
Speed = Low
Special notes: A native Moon Bear that has been captured and experimented on by insane surgery bots and automated augmentation bays. It is now a roving, heavy weapons platform programmed to destroy all intruders. Reports indicate the turreted weapon may be a plasma, or even fusion, cannon.
Thought I would add a few more Monster write-ups for those on the forum who are following the development of the game:
The Pit facility is filled with lifeforms taken from across the galaxy, many of them sentient beings who are extremely intelligent and clever in their own right. Nothing ruins a battery of tests like the specimen getting out of its cage, and so the Bloodweaver has installed extensive security throughout his lab in the form of an army of robotic drones.
Security Drones come in a multitude of configurations suited to dealing with the wide variety of hostile lifeforms kept in the Pit. Ranging from small, fast-moving fliers to hulking, tank-like killing machines, the drones maintain order in the Pit with lethal efficiency.
Security Bot (Light)
Height = 1.3 M
Weight = 50 Kg
Armor = Moderate
Resilience = Low
Speed = Above average
Special notes: This small, wheeled security bot uses to arms that mount small calibre weapons. The standard models use ballistics but there are rumors of a laser variant as well.
Security Bot (Fast Response)
Height = .8 M
Weight = 10 Kg
Armor = low
Resilience = low
Speed = Very High
Special notes: This very high tech, anti-grav security drone designed to respond quickly to alarms. It carries laser weaponry as well as a stun device in order to restrain subject till heavier and better armed security bots arrive.
Security Bot (Medium)
Height = 1.7 M
Weight = 150 Kg
Armor = Moderate
Resilience = High
Speed = Moderate
Special notes: This security bot mounts a heavy torso on tracks with a medium ranged weapon in one arm mount and a combat blade in the other. Rumors persist of a grenade launching variant but no one has survived long enough to confirm.
Those of you who have played Sword of the Stars 2 (http://"http://store.steampowered.com/app/42990/" title="Sword of the Stars 2 on Steam") have likely come across the Proteans before.
Amorphous, shapeshifting lifeforms of colossal size, the Proteans were genetically engineered by an alien race that has long-since vanished from the galaxy (three guesses why they aren't around anymore!).
Medium Protean
Height = 1.3 m
Weight = 85Kg
Armor = very light (thick skin)
Resilience = Moderate
Speed = Average
Special notes: Pseudopods are covered in an acidic, sticky layer. Danger to equipment and armor is quite likely, if Protean tentacles grab and hold. Also, upon death, a medium sized protean will divide into 2 small Proteans.
The Bloodweaver couldn't pass up the opportunity to study a genetic masterpiece like the Proteans. He appears to have captured one of the starship-sized lifeforms and carried it to the Pit for dissection.
The problem with cutting a Protean into pieces, however, is that you'll soon end up with lots of smaller Proteans to deal with. Do it enough, and you'll get Proteans small enough to lurk in an access tunnel, slurp through an air vent, or hide in the storage crate you just opened...
Happy looting!
The art style of the game really seems to be coming along, well done!
After the game is released, or around that time, perhaps you should try to get on an interview on Roguelike Radio? Gaslamp Games, of Dungeons of Dredmor fame, had a good time of it and I'd imagine Kerberos would as well.
Many thanks for the suggestion! We did send them a message, but they have not responded.
Just another quick post to keep everyone up to date. We have released a free Alpha Demo today, so I thought that you folks might like to check it out.
Download The Pit Alpha Demo (130M) from the following locations;
[mirror 1 (http://"http://www.gamefront.com/files/22610414/sots-thepit-alphademo.rar")]
[mirror 2 (http://"http://www.filedropper.com/sots-thepit-alphademo")]
[mirror 3 (http://"https://dl.dropbox.com/u/15609755/sots-thepit-alphademo.rar")]
[mirror 4 (http://"http://kerberos-productions.com/sots-thepit/sots-thepit-alphademo.rar")]
More links will be added regularly, as new hosts pick up the demo.
This Alpha demo of The Pit provides you with an introductory tutorial and a chance to fight your way down into the first 5 levels of the game! But there’s still a lot more of the game that will only be found in the full game;
- 2 More Characters to choose from… the Marine and the Pilot, each with their own unique advantages!
- Level your character up as you dive down into 25 more levels, each one bigger than the last!
- Dozens more enemies drawn from the SotSverse!
- Dozens and dozens of additional weapons and armors with a variety of special effects, including flamethrowers, rocket launchers, plasma cannons and powered Brawler armor!
- Randomized augmentation effects to make each game unique
- Crafting Mechanics, which let you make special items from bits and pieces of your enemies!
- 50 more items to discover, ranging from the familiar to the ancient exotic tech.
- Dozens of room types containing a host of exotic devices to help and hinder the player
- And while the demo will try and kill you in many fiendish ways, the final game will also include poisoning, disease, traps, radiation, and more!
If you run into any technical trouble or have any questions, please drop by our forums (http://"http://www.kerberos-productions.com/forums/viewforum.php?f=54").
Thanks everyone.
Congrats on reaching this public alpha demo milestone, and worry not on the Roguelike Radio fellows as they will very likely get to things in due time. :)
Thanks very much! We're very excited that people are downloading the game and playing it. We've already had the chance to make a few tweaks to improve performance, and one user discovered that the game ran easily in Linux, which was a treat to find out. :)
It's New Media Monday for the Pit campaign, which means that we have a ton of updates and images to share.
First things first, though: we got our first press coverage today! James Barrry over at Colony of Gamers (http://www.colonyofgamers.com/cogforums/showthread.php?p=1085050) did a full preview of our Alpha Demo, and even fired off a few questions to our Lead Designer, Martin Cirulis.
Upshot: "I had a blast with my time in The Pit, and highly encourage everyone to give it a shot."
Plus, screenshots!
Hey all! Just wanted to post another message to update our little announcement thread.
Since the Indiegogo portion of our crowdfunding campaign ended on November 14th, we have been frantically busy working on production of the game and fulfillment of all the Perks which were requested by our Supporters.
We're now winding down the first round of the fulfillment phase, and mailed off a ton of Concept Art Calendars, Ship Schematics, Mugs and other collectibles to our fans.
We've also been processing some player requests, and have developed a Digital Bundle for supporters who didn't want to have physical merchandise, but do like fancy wallpapers and illustrated fiction in .pdf format.
At any rate, we were informed today that we had made the list of Roguelikes in Development for 2012, and were totally thrilled to make the list. Yay!
As Roguelike purists, I thought the folks here might enjoy an Update on the game itself...
Got Items? Artist Ken Lee made us a little collage of some of the items. These are some of the goodies that you’ll be able to collect, use, and craft in the upcoming Beta.
We've also got stats and animations for many more monsters on the website, if you'd like to swing by and check their stats and lore.
Familiar Faces! (http://sots-thepit.com/monster-of-the-week-familiar-faces/)
Hopkinites! (http://sots-thepit.com/monster-of-the-week-hopkinites/)
More Mechanical Minions! (http://sots-thepit.com/monster-of-the-week-more-mechanical-minions/)
Hope everyone is having a wonderful holiday. :D
Excellent to hear things are proceeding smoothly, if frantically, on the project. Keep up the fine work and I should think 2013 will prove a good year indeed with yet another promising Roguelike in the commercial fray. 8)
Now out in full on Steam and Gamersgate for $9.99
A WTF is first impression video by TotalBiscuit:
Many thanks, getter77! Things have been crazy working on the game and getting it out on the market, but "The Pit" is doing very well. We are pleasantly surprised that so many people are enjoying it.
This game is quite good.
The graphics and atmosphere are very nice. The ranged combat is quite fun. I especially like the assault rifle.
I love how fast and smooth the character movement is. I almost forget I am playing a turn based game sometimes. I wish Dredmor was this fast.
I'm not too fond of the controls though.
A little annoying how when you use a crafting machine and try to make a recipe that fails, the machine is no longer usable. I don't see why trying to use a cooker to cook old bread and cheese would render the cooker useless afterwards.
It would also be nice to be able to actually name your character instead of having to play the same 3 pre-named characters.
The intro story text also goes by a bit too fast. It would be nice if there was a key press prompt to move along to the next bit of text instead of automatically going.
Aside from those couple complaints, It's all rather enjoyable.
Here's hoping the post-release support continues on strongly as it seemingly gets going with v1.0.2.0
New Additions
- Two new monsters
- Five new recipes
- Four new items
- Two new weapons
Critical Fixes
- Fixed Shrinking Inventory / Dropped Item crash
- Fixed Projectile crash
- Fixed equipping/dropped armor crash
Other Fixes
- Fixed various outlying issues
- Greek letters on key-card doors no longer display when door destroyed
- Characters wearing self-contained armor or who are immune to radiation no longer affected when in an irradiated room
- Play Again remembers Difficulty setting
- Fixed Hero Sotswich achievement unlocking prematurely
Other changes
- Added reload value to weapon stats
- Irradiated rooms now show effect for visual warning
- Tweaks to auto-save to make it more robust
- Three auto-save slots, one for each character class (meaning you can now have three different games on the go , one for each character)
- Added mouse targeting for weapons
- Increased force field belt duration
- Added access to SotSDex in main menu
- Decrypted recipes messages now unlock recipes in SotSDex automatically
An update for Easter as the game continues on successfully:
We are going to take a couple days off, enjoy the West Coast spring weather, eat way too much chocolate, but never fear, we have some treats for you. Sword of the Stars: The Pit has just been updated with;
- 7 new achievements!
- 3 new weapons!
- 2 new monsters!
- Basket-load of new Easter items!
- New recipes and messages!
- Plus a whole bunch of tweaks and additions by popular demand!
Have a great long weekend everyone! How deep can you get into The Pit over the break?
Couldn't find any easter baskets. :(
Critical fixes:
- Fixed rare keyboard crash a couple players reported.
Other fixes:
- Fixed (finally) bug: Burst-fire sometimes misfiring when poisoned/choked.
- Fixed bug: Level up sound playing when earning first experience in new game.
- Fixed attack animations holding last frame while shot travels to target.
- Fixed bug: Charge Hub infinite XP exploit.
- Fixed bug: Selection color in recipe list for crafting.
- Fixed bug: Enemies occupying the same square.
- Fixed visual issues with attack animations.
- Fixed bug: Interacting with devices while blind causing Outline to disappear.
- Fixed bug: Skill/Stat modifiers not showing descriptions when loading save game.
- Fixed bug: Extra ammo/items being discarded when picking up loot with full inventory.
Additions and changes:
- Enviromentally sealed armors now protect against gas attacks.
- Added notification if player equips a weapon they don't meet the requirements for.
- Added HUD toggle.
- Quantum Scan Helmet now reveals props.
- Adjusted monster variety on Floor 30 on Hard/Insane difficulty.
- Added dragging item onto another of the same size to swap positions in inventory.
- Added more info to SotsDex entries for weapons/armor/characters.
- Added moves remaining to HUD.
- Added grouping similar items when auto-sorting inventory.
- Added log entries in SotSDex for experience earned.
- Added context menu for shortcut items in Inventory.
- Auto-targeting will track last target.
- Skills now show stat contribution.
- Biomods/Keys grouped together in SotsDex, including post-identification.
- Energy Drink reduced speed increase from 2 to 1
- Changed recipe failure dialog colors. Green for success, yellow for valid but failed recipe, red for invalid recipe.
- New recipes and monsters.
Mind Games expansion is coming:
Kerberos Productions announces Mind Games (or do they?), an upcoming expansion for Sword of the Stars: The Pit that will add new characters and gameplay along with additional content to their sci-fi turn-based strategy game. They say this should launch in July after a beta in June, which players will be able to join if they preorder the game. Here's a feature list:
-2 New Playable Characters to choose from! In addition to the original game’ Marine, Pilot and Engineer characters, a new Human Psion is added and the first playable alien — the Tarka Ranger
-10 New Floors of ancient, evil science to beat — in addition to the original 30
-New Room Types, including Open Artificial Areas
-New traps, new weapons, new items, and new recipes
-New game mechanics, including Psionic Powers
-New Psionic monsters and enemies drawn from the Sword of the Stars universe
-2 New Play Modes, “Infinite” Mode and “Seriously?” Mode — a Level of Difficulty Beyond Insane
-Expanded Meta-Game aspects, including the Ability to “Bank” XP and spare items during one session and start the next run of the game on a deeper level, with your “Banked” starting equipment.
I've been playing this one a bit, just the demo, it's pretty solid.
Mindgames now available on GoG and probably elsewhere in short order:
Two New playable characters; the Human Psion and Tarka Ranger – the first playable alien character!
2 New Play Modes; “Infinite Mode” as well as “Seriously? Mode”, for those of you that find “Insane Mode” isn’t insane enough!
Ten new floors of ancient, evil science, including wide, multi-level biospheres, add to the challenge!
Expanded meta-game aspects, including the ability to “bank” XP and spare items from one session and start the next run of the game on a deeper level, using your “banked” equipment.
Have you found the cure to the plague yet? Even if you have, there’s more to The Pit than you at first thought, with lots of new areas to explore, items to find and new dangers! The Pit: MindGames gives you even more old-school dungeon-diving in the Sword of the Stars sci-fi universe, letting your test your skill against The Pit using the mysterious and gifted Solforce Psion officer or the Tarkan Ranger – the first playable alien character!
The Pit will only give up its secrets if you survive and to survive you need to explore the powerful and deadly potential of your mind! Mens agitat monstra!
Just in time to hear the new Roguelike Radio episode on the base game!
http://www.roguelikeradio.com/2013/06/episode-74-sword-of-stars-pit.html (http://www.roguelikeradio.com/2013/06/episode-74-sword-of-stars-pit.html)
Includes great tips from TorNis who has beat the game multiple times on the hardest difficulty!
Hey everyone. This is a VERY solid game.
It's now available from GOG in a special RPG bundle.
I bought it not just for The Pit but I was also liking the looks Anodyne and Evoland. The others could be good too.
- Biome levels optimized, monster spawning correct.
- All ally issues have been addressed. In theory. Smiley face.
- Imaginary grenades from imaginary crazy humans no longer do real damage.
- Psi-boosters are now consumed when used.
- Psi-war armour now increases Psi power regeneration.
- Use of Psi powers now increases hunger.
- Sound data corrected.
- Range issue with psionic attacks has been corrected.
- Issue with Psi attacks being automatically successful has been corrected.
- Ranger corrected, no longer able to equip heavy armour.
- Fixed floor transition issues.
- Bank locker issues addressed.
- Creature tooltip no longer showing when they are invisible.
- Lifesense reveal of invisible creatures fixed.
Other Changes and Additions
- Psionic Skills no longer receive bonus from Brain attribute HOWEVER all psionic skills are now only one point to increase at all times.
- Bonus recipes!
- Bonus Canada Day/Independence Day Long Weekend Armour/Armor)!
Thanks to everyone for your patience of the last two couple of days - we added in a few bonus items as a thank you. Have a great weekend!
Critical Fixes
- Fixed crash when starting Infinite Mode.
- Fixed crash when abilities targeted at empty space.
- Fixed cone fire weapons getting stuck in infinite loop.
- Interrogation Pods no longer booby-trapped indefinitely.
Other Fixes
- Mechasense animation now displaying properly.
- Chance to resist Paralyze optimized
- Duration of Psi Power Paralyze optimized
- Poison effects optimized.
- Split Biome levels into 3 floors.
- Fixed bug where wrong floor would sometimes load.
- Fixed bug with level up sound playing out-of-place after banking experience.
- MechaSense now displays at same time as LifeSense if used at same time.
- Manipulation now working properly on closed doors.
- Psi regen properly displays rest & normal regen.
- Fixed issues with Starlance.
- Temporal Ejector is now destroyed after use.
- Immunojolt now properly consumed after use.
- Fixed game effects for new traps not working all the time.
- Various UI tweaks
- Expanded tutorial.
- Various corrections to final level.
- 3 new monsters!
- Various Psionic ability adjustments.
- Notification of unlocked Psi abilities added.
- Fixed Cybergiganto not being marked a Cyborg.
- Fixed Lightning Spear.
- Fixed Tarka Warhammer.
- Fixed Pulsar Pistol using incorrect amount of energy cells.
- Corrected Infinite Mode issues.
- Meditation Chamber effects no longer persist indefinitely outside of chamber.
- Added auto-learning for using psi skills.
- Fixed some text errors.
- Fixed minor tutorial bugs
- Fixed a couple of issues with allies and their interacting with traps.
- Fixed JaegerC. It is no longer an unstoppable nightmare of death and pain that leaves whole cities wailing in despair.
- Fixed minor visual bug with Warhammer
- Fixed issue with Crazed Human
- Added 2 additional psi shortcuts
- New tutorial achievement fixed.
- Lightning Spear now takes wear and tear damage.
- Player character no longer responds to NPC Psi attacks not directed at them.
- Herbert can no longer be killed during tutorial. Now the most dangerous man alive.
- Fixed Ally ammo issue.
- Various tweaks and fixes to Psi abilities.
- Exo-Armor must now be equipped before it can be used as a tool in certain tasks.
- Various UI fixes and tweaks made.
- A couple of un-triggerable achievements now work as intended.
- Cryoid now has proper "cold" effect.
- Gloves now take corrosive damage. Will properly flash when they've taken too much damage.
- Bio-mods can no longer be stashed (due to their randomized effects per game).
- Armor damage no longer binary - lower end armors now more durable and higher end armors now less invulnerable.
- Disintegration Bay now deactivates after being booby-trapped.
- Duplication success odds tweaked.
- Added Message of the Day
Partial Big Picture compatibility! (screen text still refers to keyboard).
- Added controller support (Xbox 360 clones).
- Added border support for TVs (in options).
- Can no longer use Duplication ability on Bio-Mods.
- Increased max-health regeneration amount while resting.
- Hologram for Glamour/Image Inducer no longer gets stuck on after reloading.
- Can no longer remove items from Starting Rooms (purple rooms) lockers unless starting there.
- Various AI tweaks.
Other Changes
- Psion and Ranger now available in Easy by default.
- Added slider to XP donater in Starting Rooms.
- Donated XP now worth more.
- All skills when beginning in Starting Rooms only cost 1 point to increase, but have a maximum cap.
- New monsters!
- New weapons!
- New recipes!
Default Controller Scheme
LStick: - Move / windows Select (eg highlighting Lockpick Kit when interacting with Door)
A: - Interact / windows Select confirm (eg confirming use of Lockpick Kit)
LStick: - Next Tab/Panel/Section in UI (eg moving active area from inventory to cooker when in Crafting UI)
RTrigger: - Attack
RStick: - Target
X: - Reload
Y: - Pickup item
B: - Cancel / Menu
LTrigger: - Modifier (see "Modified:" below)
Guide: - Open Steam Community interface
RShoulder: - Modified: Next weapon
RStick: - Pressed: Skip Turn
- Pressed, Modified: Rest
LStick: - Modified: Facing (turn in place)
- Pressed: Zoom Out
- Pressed, Modified: Zoom In
Y: - Modified: Pickup multiple items
DPad: - Weapon Shortcut 1,2,3,4 (clockwise from top)
- Modified: Psionic Shortcut 5,6,7,8 (clockwise from top)
Start: - Open SotsDex
X: - Delete messages in SotsDex => Messages
Back: - Open Psionics
Character Stats
LShoulder: - Open Stats
RShoulder: - Open Inventory
LStick: - Modified: Move inventory item
To view map, press B (exit/cancel) and select Map from menu.
To select inventory filters, hold down LeftTrigger (modifier) and press LeftShoulder/RightShoulder (prev/next page)
Other examples include:
shortcuts when inventory is open
shortcuts when psionics are open
save/reload/reset for key bindings page
Fixed Bugs
- No longer able to view controlled characters inventory if player's inventory was open
when control switched.
- Dragging a BioMod from Tesseract Well onto a weapon/armor now consumes
the BioMod.
- Glamour would occasionally not turn off. Fixed. (no, really. fixed)
- Various sound fixes.
- Updated tutorial and Game HUD text for controllers. Big Picture Compliant!
- Added resolution settings so players can specify fullscreen resolution other than
their current desktop resolution. NOTE: These resolution settings are only for
fullscreen. In windowed mode, the user can resize the window as before.
- Key and Controller bindings are now saved automatically when exiting the options screen.
- Fixed bug: Once all messages have been decrypted, old messages could be unlocked, but still not decrypted.
- Fixed bug: SotSdex message viewer now clears its contents when the selected message is deleted.
- Added option to mute sounds when game is in background.
- ADDED EXTRA SHORTCUT SLOTS (Hold ALT to access them).
- Reduced damage from fire versus mecha/cyborg.
- Increased damage from acid versus mecha/cyborg.
- Characters with Fear cannot set or disarm traps.
- Added skill to recipe details in SotSdex.
- Hold CTRL to drag a 1 item from a stack (10 items if stack has 20 or more) with the mouse.
- Added new monster, weapon, recipe, and messages!
But far moreso, the new GOLD edition and upgrade DLC for existing players:
Since its first demo was released in the Fall of 2012, The Pit has become an indie hit with its blend of Roguelike action and sci-fi depth! Players were challenged to survive 30 floors of The Pit using one of three characters – the Marine, the Engineer, and the Scout – then in The Pit: MindGames players were given two new characters – the Psion and the alien Tarka Ranger – and ten more floors to survive through, as well as a wealth of new items, recipes, weapons, and nasty creatures to fight!
To celebrate the success of the series, we’re releasing this Gold edition, which not only gives you the game, the expansion, and all the free content we added along the way, but we’re adding three new playable characters – The Hiver Warrior, the Liir Seeker, and the Morrigi Striker! Now you can test yourself against The Pit using all the major races from the Sword of the Stars universe!
What's cool about it:
-Three new Character classes, each from a different previously unplayable alien race.
-Over 65 new items.
-Over 35 new monsters.
-Over 50 new messages which means lots of all new hidden recipes.
-30 new weapons, including new alien weapons.
-2 new biome levels - Snow and Desert.
-2 new play modes; Quick, which reduces the number of rooms per floor and Fast, which skips ever second floor!
-Controller support (this was put in during MindGames, but bears repeating).
-One secret unlockable character.
The GoG page though it is becoming available in all places as per the original and Mindgames Expansion:
Fixed rare starting/loading crash.
- Liir Medallion's immunity now works as intended.
- Hiver Queen stops spawning warriors when dead.
- Hiver Queen no longer rarely blocks doorway.
- Tholos Artifact now properly boosts Psi-Power
- [redacted] can now properly equip armor.
- Yoink! Thieving creatures can no longer steal equipped weapons.
- Havoc Drones can open doors properly. You've been warned.
- BioBlaster now properly powered by food exclusively.
- Liir/Morrigi players Psi leveling fixed.
- Helmets/Gloves no longer converting increased HP to armor.
- Radiation reducing issue fixed (NOTE: existing save games with radiation poisoning will still exhibit the error)
- Various tweaks and adjustments.
Changes & Additions
- Added icon to indicate unique items on info screens.
The Sword of the Stars: The Pit (not Gold Edition) is currently 99p on Steam for the next 6 hours or so.
New Pilgrim DLC for a buck or 2:
As word of the ancient Bloodweaver facility travels to the stars in hushed whispers and shadowy conversations, Enoch The Shepherd, a holy warrior, must investigate.
As one of a small, unique, but growing group of Zuul, determined to leave their savage birthright and terrible reputation behind, Enoch isn't descending into The Pit out of curiosity, but out of obligation.
Whatever evil is still down there, it is on him to witness it, record it...
...and then purify it with fire.
New Features!
1 new playable character, The Shepherd, a Zuul.
8 new monsters!
5 new armors!
19 new items!
13 new recipes!
13 new weapons!
With The Pit: Pilgrim DLC, players can now challenge The Pit with all the races of the Sword of the Stars Universe! You wanted to play as Zuul, and we heard you!
Also, patches up to v1.2.5
Changelog v1.2.5
Safeguards against losing unlocked messages, recipes, etc. added!
(the circumstances causing the losses can't be avoided, but losses automatically replaced now.)
Improved inventory item selection using controller/keyboard.
Improved variety for levels in Infinite mode.
Fixed: Can right-click to target.
Fixed: "Beware the Blob!" achievement was not being unlocked on Steam.
Fixed: Tally towards achieving "Jaynus: Robot Hunter" award now working properly.
Blandwich achievement fixed in demo.
Two new weapons!
Three new monsters!
More recipes and messages!
Play demo to level ten (hours of gameplay! Free!)
New character in Demo! Play as Psion!
Fixed Sol Force rations not being found in rot piles.
Prop activation and retaliations distances in response to being manipulated have been adjusted
TField issues corrected.
Recycler now affected by damage/psionics before activation.
Reprogrammed recyclers no longer interfere with resting.
Player movement is no longer paused by seismic boots effect.
When attacked by an enemy with a liquidator, weapons no longer take corrosive damage.
Player no longer able to force attack the tile they were occupying.
Added feedback for when Armor deteriorates.
Hiver Queen can no longer block the ladder going to the next floor.
AI now properly accounts for creatures changing sides.
Knockback now effects moving turrets.
Doohanulator not reducing task times for some tasks.
Changes and Additions
Coding Avatar must now be manually equipped.
Motheregg properly gives player control of target.
Added: New stuff(ing) for Thanksgiving.
Don't own Gold Edition? Well, we fixed a couple of issues in MindGames too.
"Win Trio" award fixed.
Potential crash loading final floor on some machines fixed.
The Juggernaut $1.99
In a simultaneous release, Kerberos Productions has unveiled new DLC for their two most recent games, Sword of the Stars: The Pit and Sword of the Stars: Ground Pounders. As both feature the alien Tarka race it was only natural to name this Tark Week!
The Pit: Juggernaut introduces Pit fans to a new playable character, the Tarka mercenary, Tor. The Juggernaut DLC adds new weapons and weapon variants, new items, new monsters, and over 50 new craft recipes, including ammo conversion recipes! Found lots of ammo, but for the wrong gun? There’s a recipe for that. The addition of Tor brings the number of player characters in the series to 11!
“After all the other characters we tossed into The Pit”, Said producer Christopher Stewart. “Fans were keen to play as a Tarkas changed male, one of the largest and most powerful characters in the SotSverse, and our loremaster Arinn Dembo was more than happy to oblige.”
Get the The Pit: Juggernaut here!
Note: The Juggernaut DLC requires The Pit: Gold to play. It does not require The Pilgrim DLC.
Mac and Linux depots builds will be available Friday, September 26th.
Filling out the alien character types found in the Sword of the Stars universe comes The Pit: Juggernaut - take control of a massive, changed Tarka male,Tor Makari, a clanless mercenary, born on the Tarka Freehold of Kor Daia. Summoned to Arbuda by the promise of a huge reward, he is here to rescue a kidnapped Human from a high-security alien facility and pull down the biggest bounty of his career. As a changed male, Tor is big, bad, and do not let his lumbering manner fool you - he is no dummy. He is a force to be reckoned with, nigh unstoppable. He is a... JUGGERNAUT!
New playable character, the Tarka male, Tor!
New recipes, including ammo conversion recipes!
New weapons and weapon variants!
New items!
New monsters!
New achievements!
- Added: Weapon comparison tool-tip now appears for items in Storage Lockers and Tesseract Wells.
- Added: Melee attack for Kheraizen.
- Added: Duration of psionic ability (before activation) to tool-tip.
- Fixed bug: Weapon comparison tool-tip was not taking racial penalties into account for the second weapon.
- Fixed bug: Some items not dropping from medium weapon lockers as expected.
- Fixed bug: Liir health medallion not regenerating health.
- Fixed bug: Spectres can now be damaged by Starlance.
- Fixed bug: Poison was preventing all health regen (eg such as from a healing salve), not just the character's natural health regen.
- Fixed bug: Madness not spawning hallucinations player changed floors.
- Fixed bug: Hiver / Morrigi can now use crafted claws.
- Fixed bug: Player no longer auto-targets reprogrammed Recycler.
- Fixed bug: Previously selected items in SotsDex remaining highlighted.
- Fixed bug: "Use" option in popup menu for tools. ()MORE INFO)
- Fixed bug: Props / Characters not initializing correctly when character teleports multiple floors. ()MORE INFO)
- Fixed typo: "Equipping Armor" text appeared even when equipping gloves / belts.
- Fixed typo: Glamor description.
The Necromancer 8) $1.99
Take control of Azraeus the Defiler, a servant of The Immortal, one of the ancient and mysterious Suul'ka! Raised from the dead and promised new life in a new body, Azraeus is determined to fulfill his mission: clear out The Pit and steal the cure to the Xombie plague. As dangerous as any Horde Zuul warrior, Azraeus is a unique Character with powers and abilities never before seen in the Pit.
New playable character, Azraeus the Defiler!
Raise undead minions to aid you!
Soul Crush your enemies as fuel for your psychic powers!
Enjoy immunity to poison, disease, even hunger! But keep an eye on your psionic power - when it's gone, you're gone!
New recipes!
New weapons!
New items!
New monsters!
New achievements!
The Healer $1.99
Brave the perils of the Pit as Astryd Jemison, a Sol Force Medic racing against time to save the people of Arbuda IV from a raging epidemic. Trained as both a medical doctor and an armed combatant, she has come to the Feldspar Mountains looking for the source of the deadly Xombie Plague.
Astryd Jemison wields the sharp wits and sharp blade of a surgeon and carries the latest hybrid technology, with the power both to mangle and to mend. As she plunges into the Pit on the trail of fellow Sol Force scientist Tamiko Hoshinara, she will sacrifice as many enemy lives as necessary to achieve her mission of mercy.
When the world is wounded, it calls for a Healer.
New playable character, SolForce Medic Astryd Jemison!
The Pit is a dangerous, filthy place, but Astryd comes prepared with a satchel of medical equipment and years of medical training.
New recipes!
New weapons!
New items!
New monsters!
New achievements!