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Game Discussion => Classic Roguelikes => Topic started by: Pueo on August 20, 2012, 09:02:29 PM

Title: Major, Open-World Roguelikes
Post by: Pueo on August 20, 2012, 09:02:29 PM
I'm looking for examples of roguelikes where you can either do whatever it is you want or proceed towards the end goal.  I think ADOM is a little like this, but are there any others?
Title: Re: Major, Open-World Roguelikes
Post by: kraflab on August 20, 2012, 10:09:30 PM
In terms of open-world go-where-you-want: rogue survivor, cataclysm, dwarf fortress, Tome4 come to mind.
Title: Re: Major, Open-World Roguelikes
Post by: getter77 on August 20, 2012, 10:17:50 PM
Rayel....man I hope dev continues on this again.


Elona as well, Elona+ nowadays.

Solstice. ADOM II, and Legend of Siegfried as well when they get further on...ditto for Middlecrest as well in an even longer haul not unlike Fallow World.
Title: Re: Major, Open-World Roguelikes
Post by: Ancient on August 21, 2012, 05:07:50 AM
I heard GearHead is like that.
Title: Re: Major, Open-World Roguelikes
Post by: Krice on August 21, 2012, 09:11:32 AM
I think someone needs to do one. ADOM 2 seems to be quite close, it has some kind of big overworld map, although if food consumption is as fast as in ADOM it's not that kind of open world.
Title: Re: Major, Open-World Roguelikes
Post by: Pueo on August 21, 2012, 05:21:39 PM
I think someone needs to do one. ADOM 2 seems to be quite close, it has some kind of big overworld map, although if food consumption is as fast as in ADOM it's not that kind of open world.
   I'm trying to do one, where you're in a post-apocalyptic USA and you're trying to reach a supposed safe haven (Book of Eli-esque, without the Bible), but I did come across the whole food thing.  Food is supposed to be a limiting system on how long you can stay in an area; in order to prevent grinding, but I guess there needs to be some kind of other limiter, since food in an open world quickly gets unrealistic.  Traveling between towns would maybe take 10 turns (real-time), but a couple weeks (game-time), meaning you have to eat some 15-20 times in an extremely short span, if you're going for realism (which I am).
Title: Re: Major, Open-World Roguelikes
Post by: guest509 on August 21, 2012, 09:55:04 PM
  There is a survivor style game I played once that was about managing 3-4 resources. Food, Water, Clothing and something else, health? You were on a boat and had to stop on islands to refill your supplies.

  It had bars showing how much food, water, etc...so you don't need to actually press a button to eat. You can just make 'food' a slowly decreasing resource bar that refills a bit when you find more. Automate the process.
Title: Re: Major, Open-World Roguelikes
Post by: Pueo on August 21, 2012, 10:32:09 PM
  There is a survivor style game I played once that was about managing 3-4 resources. Food, Water, Clothing and something else, health? You were on a boat and had to stop on islands to refill your supplies.

  It had bars showing how much food, water, etc...so you don't need to actually press a button to eat. You can just make 'food' a slowly decreasing resource bar that refills a bit when you find more. Automate the process.
    That seems like a good idea.  I was also thinking about maybe removing limiters on time and introducing limiters on levels able to be gained.  Because I want the game to be about exploration, maybe have there be a limit to how much defense, life, etc you can gain.
Title: Re: Major, Open-World Roguelikes
Post by: Krice on August 22, 2012, 11:22:28 AM
Traveling between towns would maybe take 10 turns (real-time), but a couple weeks (game-time), meaning you have to eat some 15-20 times in an extremely short span, if you're going for realism (which I am).

Weeks? How long are the distances? I think that kind of food consumption is stupid and not even realistic. You can travel to next city without eating.
Title: Re: Major, Open-World Roguelikes
Post by: Quendus on August 22, 2012, 01:28:09 PM
Traveling between towns would maybe take 10 turns (real-time), but a couple weeks (game-time), meaning you have to eat some 15-20 times in an extremely short span, if you're going for realism (which I am).

Weeks? How long are the distances? I think that kind of food consumption is stupid and not even realistic. You can travel to next city without eating.
Walking 20-30 miles in a day is not at all difficult, it just takes preparation (as in lunch and a bottle or two of water), time, and another hearty meal afterwards. In a post-apocalyptic environment this would be even easier because people would be used to walking rather than taking the SUV everywhere.

If the apocalypse doesn't make all the bicycles rust, one can go those distances in a fraction of the time or go 2-3 times as far in the same time.
Title: Re: Major, Open-World Roguelikes
Post by: Pueo on August 22, 2012, 08:59:44 PM
Weeks? How long are the distances? I think that kind of food consumption is stupid and not even realistic. You can travel to next city without eating.
Well, maybe I should have been more descriptive, by towns I mean major towns, more like cities, which will be widely dispersed, in between those cities will be smaller towns.  The game "world" is going to be the continental US, which is about 3,000,000 square miles.

Walking 20-30 miles in a day is not at all difficult, it just takes preparation (as in lunch and a bottle or two of water), time, and another hearty meal afterwards. In a post-apocalyptic environment this would be even easier because people would be used to walking rather than taking the SUV everywhere.
That's what I figured, walking 20-30 miles a day from New York City to the LA, California area (the general path one would take in my game) should take around 4-5 months.

If the apocalypse doesn't make all the bicycles rust, one can go those distances in a fraction of the time or go 2-3 times as far in the same time.
    I thought of this too; I noticed that in almost all the post-apocalyptic settings, it seems that bikes have vanished, maybe because no one ever looks cool on a bike.  I'm trying to figure out if it would be worth it to include bikes.
Title: Re: Major, Open-World Roguelikes
Post by: Quendus on August 22, 2012, 09:39:29 PM
   I thought of this too; I noticed that in almost all the post-apocalyptic settings, it seems that bikes have vanished, maybe because no one ever looks cool on a bike.  I'm trying to figure out if it would be worth it to include bikes.

Everyone looks cool on a bike, all the PA authors just like their cars too much to realise it ;)
Main problem with bikes and vehicles in general in roguelikes is whether and how to account for inertia - acceleration isn't too difficult (decrease time to move if you move in the same direction a lot), but stopping time and turning circle are not easy or necessarily desirable in a grid-based turn-based game.
There was a thread recently where someone implemented cars, I wonder how they approached the problem.
Title: Re: Major, Open-World Roguelikes
Post by: Pueo on August 22, 2012, 09:56:57 PM
Everyone looks cool on a bike, all the PA authors just like their cars too much to realise it ;)
Main problem with bikes and vehicles in general in roguelikes is whether and how to account for inertia - acceleration isn't too difficult (decrease time to move if you move in the same direction a lot), but stopping time and turning circle are not easy or necessarily desirable in a grid-based turn-based game.
There was a thread recently where someone implemented cars, I wonder how they approached the problem.
   I just realized after I finished writing up that last post someone's making a totally awesome bike courier movie, and there's always the Poke'mon* games.  I think the simplest thing is to just increase your movement speed, but ignore inertia (sorry Newton!).

*Can we access those letters with the little accents on top (like for the word Pokemon) on Rogue Temple?
Title: Re: Major, Open-World Roguelikes
Post by: Ancient on August 24, 2012, 07:01:40 AM
Test: Pokémon

If you can type (or paste) it the forum software will handle it. Nowadays most things are Unicode enabled. That way I can carry my name with proper Polish letters in signature and have it display right.
Title: Re: Major, Open-World Roguelikes
Post by: Psiweapon on August 30, 2012, 05:04:36 PM
Title: Re: Major, Open-World Roguelikes
Post by: dweller on September 23, 2012, 01:09:50 PM
Test: Pokémon

If you can type (or paste) it the forum software will handle it. Nowadays most things are Unicode enabled. That way I can carry my name with proper Polish letters in signature and have it display right.

I will try mine Slovak weird characters: áéíóúěľščťžýäôňľďĎŇŤČŠĽ, for example.
If it can handle ž, then it should be ok.
Title: Re: Major, Open-World Roguelikes
Post by: Psiweapon on September 24, 2012, 08:08:14 AM
That uppercase D is not only frowning but also discreetly giving us the finger. What an ill-mannered dragon.
Title: Re: Major, Open-World Roguelikes
Post by: youtoo on June 28, 2013, 05:05:02 PM
Cataclysm Dark Days Ahead: zombie survival. tons of crafting. lots of stuff besides zombies. in regular development and open sourced. you can basicaly do what ever you want.
