Temple of The Roguelike Forums
Announcements => Traditional Roguelikes (Turn Based) => Topic started by: getter77 on April 30, 2012, 07:53:51 PM
The Light of Amber (TLoA) is fantasy roleplaying game that plays much like the classic first-person roleplaying games of yesteryear like Dungeon Master and Black Crypt (And the newer "Legend of Grimrock"), while still utilising roguelike elements, such as randomly generated dungeons. It also has a storyline.
For Windows
Alpha 0.3.4
-First public release
-In the last days I did a lot of small things that were still missing. Mostly graphic and sound effects.
-MINIMAP RADAR - added a minimap radar - ( it's more integrating in the gameplay than the screenfilling mapwindow. )
-DIALOG SYSTEM - wrote a dialogue interface that uses and interprets a xml conversation tree file
Alpha 0.3.5
Time passed since the alpha release. So to keep you up to date :
-music tracks - two so far - one you can hear in the gameplay video on the main page
-more sfx
-changed and new tile gfx
-monsters have now different behaviour patterns
-fixed some bugs
-improved menu system - choose by alphabet or directly with cursor and highlightning
-new inventory menu
- new monsters
- new tiles
- auto tiling: changed autotiling for walls and made autotiling system for floors
- more sfx
- music
- monster with different behavior.
- new menu system
- inventory with icons and selecting by cursor
- now you can drink the potions!!! - and you can press F1 for Help
And with a spiffy little demo play video onsite----really pleased to see this continue on along in this direction! 8)