Temple of The Roguelike Forums

Announcements => Traditional Roguelikes (Turn Based) => Topic started by: Pender on February 08, 2012, 10:56:31 PM

Title: Announcing Brogue v1.6.1
Post by: Pender on February 08, 2012, 10:56:31 PM
It is my pleasure to announce the release of Brogue v1.6.1 for Mac OS X, Windows and Linux. Downloads, screenshots and a forum can be found here:


New with 1.6.1:
   ⁃   New main menu screen, new file selection dialog box when loading games and saved recordings, and other miscellaneous interface improvements.
   ⁃   Bug fixes.
   ⁃   Monsters with the “magical fear” status effect will no longer attack when cornered (though monsters fleeing for other reasons may still do so).
   ⁃   The curve by which the “darkness” status effect wears off is more back-loaded.
Title: Re: Announcing Brogue v1.6.1
Post by: getter77 on February 09, 2012, 12:31:45 PM
Nice to see a main menu screen at long last, should make keeping track of things much more intuitive.   8)

Congrats on yet another release!
Title: Re: Announcing Brogue v1.6.1
Post by: Legend on February 12, 2012, 08:04:26 AM
The title screen is fantastic.

Plays very well with the mouse interface.

One thing that I think would be really great would be some sort of quick throw command. A command that would automatically throw a dart, some sort of predesignated ammo, or that chooses the most likely item to be thrown.

Both as a keyboard command, and a mouse command button at the bottom. It gets a little annoying when using the mouse to click inventory, the darts, then throw, then the target when you want to throw several darts at an enemy. Being able to click a quick throw type command, then the target would be much smoother in my opinion. 
Title: Re: Announcing Brogue v1.6.1
Post by: guest509 on February 12, 2012, 01:55:05 PM
  There was a certain charm in starting the game and just being in the dungeon.