Temple of The Roguelike Forums
Announcements => Traditional Roguelikes (Turn Based) => Topic started by: Pender on February 08, 2012, 10:56:31 PM
It is my pleasure to announce the release of Brogue v1.6.1 for Mac OS X, Windows and Linux. Downloads, screenshots and a forum can be found here:
New with 1.6.1:
⁃ New main menu screen, new file selection dialog box when loading games and saved recordings, and other miscellaneous interface improvements.
⁃ Bug fixes.
⁃ Monsters with the “magical fear” status effect will no longer attack when cornered (though monsters fleeing for other reasons may still do so).
⁃ The curve by which the “darkness” status effect wears off is more back-loaded.
Nice to see a main menu screen at long last, should make keeping track of things much more intuitive. 8)
Congrats on yet another release!
The title screen is fantastic.
Plays very well with the mouse interface.
One thing that I think would be really great would be some sort of quick throw command. A command that would automatically throw a dart, some sort of predesignated ammo, or that chooses the most likely item to be thrown.
Both as a keyboard command, and a mouse command button at the bottom. It gets a little annoying when using the mouse to click inventory, the darts, then throw, then the target when you want to throw several darts at an enemy. Being able to click a quick throw type command, then the target would be much smoother in my opinion.
There was a certain charm in starting the game and just being in the dungeon.