Temple of The Roguelike Forums
Announcements => Other Announcements => Topic started by: Lord Blade on January 25, 2012, 04:28:01 PM
I've been itching for a game with a good system of item customization and creation.
I remember playing Alphaman way back when (when it was still new!) and having so much fun taking things apart and making new items.
And I always love games where I get lots of options when it comes to customizing and upgrading items (beyond just adding a +).
I was wondering what Roguelikes (and other games) are out there that give us that complex crafting system.
Extra points if it's a game where there's no "best" upgrade path or anything. I mean, something where you might get a dozen "end game" designs, instead of everything just building up to one final path.
Loves me my crafting. :)
Oh, and I tried... er... Xeno-something... where you're on a space ship and can build robots and such. That was kind of neat. But sadly very unfinished.
Unreal World has a crafting system which is interesting, as it strives for realism. You can make yourself weapons, cook various things and even make sauna! Lots of options there.
I think I tried a demo of that game... and failed miserably at it. :p
Dwarf Fortress?
Check out Caves of Qud. It's got a huge number of character creation options, and they all play differently.