Temple of The Roguelike Forums
Announcements => Traditional Roguelikes (Turn Based) => Topic started by: getter77 on January 04, 2012, 02:34:13 PM
This is a special release, because finally DoomRL’s world has gotten the shape it was intended to have. While the number of levels got reduced to 24, they are divided into three separate “episodes”, with the grand finale in Dis, against the boss you’ve all asked about!
Apart from the new layout, the AI got its revamp finished — most of the beings now have a new (hopefully smarter) AI! Also present in this version are two new Challenges and a lot of tweaks to the Badge system, new powerup and a ton of tweaks and fixes!
Grab it while it’s hot in the downloads section!
However, before you do, please take a moment and Like! our brand new Offical Facebook Page , and if you didn’t before, follow ChaosForge and my humble self on Twitter to stay fully informed of the next GRAPHICAL release!
Yes, the graphical version you all waited for is almost ready. Even more! ChaosForge Supporters have already been granted access to graphical version beta. So if you can’t wait, donate now, become a Supporter and enjoy the graphical beta! Even if ASCII is your game, take a moment and Support us, for DoomRL is happening only thanks to you!
Downloads for Windows, Linux (both 32 and 64 bit) and 64 bit MacOS X are provided (the last one should be still considered a bit unstable). All versions include sound, no-sound versions (if requested) will appear with the next version.
Download the new version to jump into the fun, read the announcement on the Forums, join us on IRC ( #chaosforge on QuakeNet ) to celebrate, or read more for detailed info!
· · ·
Stay tuned for more action — DoomRL work has begun, and a great release it will be! The next version will be the first with graphics support, with an epic tileset from Derek Yu. DoomRL will be released earlier than the usual release schedule — expect it before March, maybe even in the middle of February! Or if you can’t wait head up to the Treasury, donate, and see the future now!
Keep your eyes open also for a new version of every ChaosForge roguelike — while there have been no official releases, a lot of work went into AliensRL, DiabloRL and Berserk!. Each of them will have a breakthrough release in the first half of this year — no one shall be left behind!
Happy New Year to everyone, the Forge will be strongly with you in 2012!
[new] -- TR#---: 3*8 levels, Phobos Anomaly, Tower of Babel and Dis as "episode" end levels
[new] -- TR#---: New BOSS!
[new] -- TR#---: New Arch-Vile AI, also damage changed to 20 fire-based
[new] -- TR#---: New Mancubus AI
[new] -- TR#---: The Brick Song by Simon Volpert added as Wall soundtrack!
[new] -- TR#---: new config option "MorePrompt" allowing to turn off confirm on too many msg (kornel)
[new] -- TR#---: Angel of Confidence and Angel of Overconfidence (Angel of Haste removed) (game_hunter)
[new] -- TR#039: New PowerUp! (kornel)
[new] -- TR#025: New AI for formers, barons, teleporting bosses, and spawners (game_hunter)
[new] -- TR#---: Exotic weapon: combat pistol (game_hunter)
[mod] -- TR#---: All special levels now guaranteed (unless locked out by ITYTD)
[mod] -- TR#---: Cancelling mods on AoI no longer consumes the mod (tehtmi)
[mod] -- TR#---: rapid fire shotguns now benefit from Trigger Happy (kornel)
[mod] -- TR#---: monsters are now subject to normal (variable) firing times (kornel)
[mod] -- TR#---: tweaks in level rewards for very good completion, UE now possible without lucky drops (kornel)
[mod] -- TR#---: Difficult medals give you easier medals of the same series if you haven't already received them (game_hunter)
[mod] -- TR#---: Changes medals that were previously both exclusive and inclusive of each other (game_hunter)
[mod] -- TR#---: All current assemblies have fixed bonuses (regardless of mod order) (game_hunter)
[mod] -- TR#---: main screen detects beta state (kornel)
[mod] -- TR#---: combat, assault and tactical shotgun reload time set to 1.0 (game_hunter)
[mod] -- TR#---: player sight is calculated also after his turn - looks better (kornel)
[mod] -- TR#---: lots of AI optimization - please report any slowdowns (kornel)
[mod] -- TR#---: New rewards in Hell's Arena for Berserk, Impatience, Red Alert, Purity, Masochism, Humanity (game_hunter)
[mod] -- TR#---: Armorer badges require 12/24/36/48/all specials, up from 10/20/30/40/all (game_hunter)
[mod] -- TR#---: Shorter powerup status names (kornel)
[fix] -- TR#---: Using fists on AoB with a weapon equipped no longer gives an inappropriate message (tehtmi)
[fix] -- TR#---: Using Angel Arm can no longer remove stairs (tehtmi)
[fix] -- TR#---: JC spawns fixed
[fix] -- TR#---: Sleep timer precision (add)
[fix] -- TR#---: Ballistic armor now gives melee resistance (tehtmi)
[fix] -- TR#229: Fixed full reload with ammo pack crash (tehtmi)
[fix] -- TR#---: Trying to fire with not enough (but non-zero) ammo is now instant (tehtmi)
[fix] -- TR#145: double shotgun and derivative uniques display x2 modifier (kornel)
[fix] -- TR#203: OnRemove is now correctly ran if armor is destroyed on player (bug with set armors) (kornel)
[fix] -- TR#---: rare bug with possibility to destroy level edge walls fixed (kornel)
[fix] -- TR#---: mortem name fixes (game_hunter)
2012 is going to be the biggest year yet for the Chaosforge stable from the looks of things! 8)
Damn, I just remembered where I stole my hexagon ground tile from... while watching the graphics version on Youtube.
Totally love the light effect. Something I will also have to "steal".
The tiles definitely look cool, but at the same time, they look even more cartooney than the originals. Kinda detracts from the charm of ascii in my opinion. Definitely one of the better tile sets out there though.
I dunno if I'll switch to tiles or not. But the youtube link you sent out was pretty cool. My imagination created much nastier creatures than the tiles show. The guy playing in the vid though was an excellent player.
I'll not switch to tiles because I'm an ascii-hardcore but I must say they did a great job!
Now arriving at a fantastic v0.9.9.7....but somehow the last .6 slipped through the cracks!
This release may be the most important release yet — for finally after many years, the awesome tiles of Derek Yu are in the game… This moment marks the first public GRAPHICAL release!
To make better use of the graphics, the interface has been upgraded, and mouse support has been introduced. The interface has been streamlined in many places, and will be streamlined even more in the near future.
To celebrate the graphical release, DoomRL has also received a significant upgrade in the Audio department, with a MP3 music soundtrack consisting of Sonic Clang’s Classic Doom renditions as well as Simon Volperts DoomRL tracks in MP3 quality. Sound effects have been substituted with high quality versions created by Per Kristian Risvik.
Additionally several balance changes and important fixes have been made.
[new] — TR#249: Universal executable — runs with different sound engines, or tiles vs console without loading libraries it doesn’t need
[new] — TR#260: G-version – fullscreen support (ALT-Enter or Ctrl-F12)!
[new] — TR#274: G-version – fullscreen resolution autodetection and startup query
[new] — TR#264: G-version – different floors and doors for Hell
[new] — TR#263: G-version – liquid edges unblockified and animated
[new] — TR#261: G-version – full mouse support (smart LMB/RMB on map, menus and mousescroll)!
[new] — TR#259: G-version – Variable resolution and x2 mode for text and sprites!
[new] — TR#278: G-version – minimap added and grid overlay (SPACE)
[new] — TR#—-: G-version – Epic background and logo by Derek Yu!
[new] — TR#249: Graphics and SoundEngine in config.lua
[new] — TR#249: -graphics, -console, -nosound and -fullscreen command line override options
[new] — TR#—-: hint system serving as a crude tutorial
[new] — TR#—-: all menus/screen rewritten/redesigned
[new] — TR#—-: new keybinding system – you can bind any key, and any CTRL/SHIFT/ALT combination but the syntax is different
[new] — TR#—-: anytime screenshot possible (hardcoded for F10/F9), also in graphics
[mod] — TR#240: recharge mechanic revamp. (tehtmi, game_hunter)
[mod] — TR#246: lots and lots of assembly changes (game_hunter)
[mod] — TR#293: resistances now degrade with durability (game_hunter)
[mod] — TR#—-: configuration entries are optional, defaults will be used if not present
[mod] — TR#—-: FRONTAL option removed – all games start frontal
[mod] — TR#—-: Shottyman pulls from equipped ammo pack when no ammo is in inventory. (tehtmi)
[mod] — TR#—-: two equipped pistols can be quickswapped with Dualgunner.
[mod] — TR#—-: level 24 experience requirement dropped to be more in line. (25 unchanged) (tehtmi)
[mod] — TR#—-: Mastermind melee damage increased (game_hunter)
[mod] — TR#—-: Badass changed to two-level trait. (tehtmi, game_hunter)
[mod] — TR#—-: the player now has the customary grace period upon enter level 1. (tehtmi)
[mod] — TR#—-: different barrel types accept differnt sound bindings. (tehtmi)
[mod] — TR#—-: weapons that don’t use ammo don’t display it, can’t be unloaded, etc. (tehtmi)
[mod] — TR#—-: added dodgebonus being property and dodgemod item property (game_hunter)
[mod] — TR#—-: added IF_FARHIT (attack ignores dinstance penalty) (game_hunter)
[mod] — TR#—-: added IF_UNSEENHIT (attack ignoares visibility penalty) (game_hunter)
[mod] — TR#—-: sniper weapon pack grants IF_FARHIT/IF_UNSEENHIT for 1/2 mods added to weapon (game_hunter)
[mod] — TR#—-: blue armor gives 20% plasma resistance instead of fire (game_hunter)
[mod] — TR#—-: all mod packs are now exotic, have higher weights, and uniquely colored (game_hunter)
[mod] — TR#—-: Vampyre gives scaling amount of HP (game_hunter)
[mod] — TR#270: a lot better and readable crash handling
[mod] — TR#271: SaveOnCrash now in config.lua, may be turned off
[fix] — TR#151: trait screen escape fixed
[fix] — TR#—-: message coloring doesn’t break on newline
[fix] — TR#—-: combat pistol has dualreload. (tehtmi)
[fix] — TR#—-: tactical and assault shotties only get single reload with shottyman. (tehtmi)
[fix] — TR#—-: teleboss AI bug fixed. (tehtmi)
[fix] — TR#—-: full inventory AI bug fixed. (game_hunter)
[fix] — TR#—-: Ao100 level 100 fix. (game_hunter)
[fix] — TR#—-: fixed minor issue with target line coloring. (tehtmi)
[fix] — TR#—-: grammaton Cleric Cross fixed to work with new mastermind. (tehtmi)
[fix] — TR#—-: JC AI bug fixed. (tehtmi)
[fix] — TR#—-: fixed chainfiring on Tower of Babel. (tehtmi)
[fix] — TR#—-: fixed large health globe on Angel of Berserk. (tehtmi)
[fix] — TR#—-: fixed scout’s stair sense briefly showing stairs in a certain unintended case. (tehtmi)
[fix] — TR#—-: barrels can once again be pushed into acid & lava (though it isn’t advised). (tehtmi)
[fix] — TR#—-: teleboss_ai attack fix (game_hunter)
[fix] — TR#—-: enemy pursuing AI fix (game_hunter)
[fix] — TR#168: proper error messages if missing files
[fix] — TR#—-: no more cannot resume dead coroutine on program error
[fix] — TR#265: error and assert can be normally used in modules
[fix] — TR#105: DoomRL will give now a meaningfull error if console is too small
[fix] — TR#—-: error reports will properly report params passed
[fix] — TR#—-: Linux 64 and Mac OS X player.wad fix
And for the Big Show:
This release is dedicated to NEW content. There are several new special levels paired with the old ones for greater randomness! Visit the Military Base, find Mt. Erebus or feel the dread of Limbo. Along with new special levels, there are new level generators and enhancements to the old ones.
For the pro-players, we have brand-new Dual-Angel and Archangel challenges (with a corresponding hidden Badge level), and Custom challenges for everyone. Be sure to also check out Gunrunner, the new Scout master trait!
And if that isn’t enough, we’ll give you more content soon, this time easier than ever, for DoomRL comes equipped with a connection to the ChaosForge ModServer! Expect new mods, new challenge maps (for which you can gain badges!) to appear on a regular basis!
Apart from the aforementioned major changes, there are tweaks and bugfixes galore — check out the full version.txt below. Additionally, for the first time, we have a more-or-less working Mac OS X package made as a regular OS X dmg — you might need to manually allow it’s execution after installation.
Modding is now easier than ever, so if you are technically inclined, why not consider writing a mod? In the days ahead, all relevant changes to the Modding API will appear on the DoomRL Wiki, and the Modding sub-forum will probably get to see a lot more action!
This is a content-focused release. The next release will upgrade the UI and graphics, and introduce balance changes and tweaks that will inevitably pop up after such a huge boost in content. Expect to see it a lot sooner than the former, work has already began!
[new] — TR#194: online Mod Server added!
[new] — TR#194: online MOTD, Alerts and Version Check added!
[new] — TR#273: Custom Challenges (Mods with awards) enabled!
[new] — TR#—-: Dual-Angel challenges!
[new] — TR#228: Archangel challenges!
[new] — TR#—-: Hidden badge level!
[new] — TR#—-: custom award system for mods added
[new] — TR#194: 3 old mods available for download (more will follow), all with awards
[new] — TR#235: Gunrunner as new Scout master trait ( removed Running Man )
[new] — TR#—-: new special level – Containment Area (paired with The Wall)
[new] — TR#—-: new special level – Phobos Lab (paired with Military Base)
[new] — TR#—-: new special level – Mt. Erebus (paired with Lava Pits)
[new] — TR#—-: new special level – Limbo (paired with The Mortuary)
[new] — TR#—-: new special level – Deimos Lab (paired with Hells Armory)
[new] — TR#—-: new special level – Abyssal Plains
[new] — TR#243: new special level – Military Base (game_hunter)
[new] — TR#—-: music tracks by Simon Volpert for The Vaults and (un)Chained Court added!
[new] — TR#—-: 6 new uniques, dedicated to Supporters, one of them as a set item!
[new] — TR#—-: new cave-city generator type
[new] — TR#—-: alternative layout for fluid rooms
[new] — TR#—-: new level type added
[new] — TR#—-: two new higher-tier level events added!
[new] — TR#—-: special crates that might have loot inside
[new] — TR#—-: elite versions of former humans (mostly in Ao100 or N!)
[new] — TR#—-: new lostsoul_ai for Lost Souls, increased stats to compensate (game_hunter)
[new] — TR#—-: new mastermind_ai for Spider Mastermind, lowered damage to compensate (game_hunter)
[mod] — TR#296: all BFG weapons now have insane gibbing and armor chew capabilities, no damage drop on radius and lower damage/radius
[mod] — TR#295: Shottyman works for rocket launchers too (and their exotic/unique versions)
[mod] — TR#—-: tacboots loose dodge bonus
[mod] — TR#—-: added dedicated entry messages to all of the special levels
[mod] — TR#—-: HoCarnage made harder, moved to L14 (D6) and paired with Spider’s Lair (which also has BFG9k now)
[mod] — TR#—-: special levels reordered
[mod] — TR#—-: some unique armors were added resistances
[mod] — TR#—-: cleaned up and added a few skill ranks
[mod] — TR#—-: corridors will no longer be valid fluid rooms
[mod] — TR#—-: Hells Armory has a guaranteed Exotic or Unique
[mod] — TR#—-: main reward for Hells Armory might not be random
[mod] — TR#—-: added eligible supporter names to the random names database
[mod] — TR#—-: added a message when an ammo box runs out.
[mod] — TR#—-: G-version – cave levels use different wall/floor sets
[mod] — TR#—-: more variety in the composition of monsters in cave levels
[mod] — TR#—-: some level events and level generators won’t appear on ITYTD
[mod] — TR#—-: level types, level events and special rooms made more evenly distributed (+ tweaks)
[mod] — TR#—-: Allow long character name entry (26 characters)
[mod] — TR#—-: Sleep time for loops changed from 1ms to 10ms (should significantly reduce processor load)
[mod] — TR#—-: a few uniques have been added set mods they disassemble to
[mod] — TR#—-: various minor tweaks with the existing special levels (often random enemy placement)
[mod] — TR#—-: variety in hells arena layout
[mod] — TR#—-: arena levels have more interesting architecture
[mod] — TR#—-: Hell’s Armory is surrounded by lava instead of wall
[mod] — TR#—-: rank info shows progress toward requirement
[mod] — TR#281: unique/exotic earlygame generation block (depending on diff-level)
[mod] — TR#—-: new variation added to an old level generator
[mod] — TR#—-: various item tweaks on special levels (game_hunter)
[mod] — TR#—-: new map design to Spider’s Lair (game_hunter)
[mod] — TR#286: player info screen displays more pertinent info (game_hunter)
[fix] — TR#—-: Fireangel fixed (game_hunter)
[fix] — TR#—-: fixed crash in which kills were registered to equipped armor (game_hunter)
[fix] — TR#—-: piercing blade correctly maintains damage amount (game_hunter)
[fix] — TR#—-: failing to equip from the ground takes no time, plays no sound
[fix] — TR#—-: fixed sound coming from far away when player uses teleporter
[fix] — TR#—-: fixed barrel sound bindings in low-quality version
[fix] — TR#—-: G-version – Hell’s Armory had wrong style value
[fix] — TR#—-: fixed arena level visual looks
[fix] — TR#—-: sound for boss explosions restored
[fix] — TR#—-: linebreaks of plot screens fixed
[fix] — TR#—-: plasma and acid were supposed to be better with gibbing corpses on ground, not worse
[fix] — TR#—-: fixed possible access violation with IF_SPREAD (mancubi)
[fix] — TR#—-: Choose direction prompts now accept mouse input
[fix] — TR#—-: All ways of acquiring special items should contribute to stats
[fix] — TR#—-: Canceling mods takes no time
[fix] — TR#—-: assembling the same assembly more than once will get properly counted
[fix] — TR#—-: fixed Full Win detection on non-25 level maps
[fix] — TR#—-: fixed deadly chill event
[fix] — TR#—-: fixed an edge case of SoaG 5 + Bullet dance timing
[fix] — TR#—-: fixed Destroyer Diamond Badge.
[fix] — TR#—-: player will no longer start a special level on a monster
[fix] — TR#—-: overcharged plasma rifle can’t be chainfired
[fix] — TR#—-: fixed Reaper Diamond badge
[fix] — TR#—-: explicit level styles on all special levels – should fix fluid edge glitches