Temple of The Roguelike Forums

Game Discussion => Early Dev => Topic started by: Slash on July 26, 2011, 11:36:36 PM

Title: Expedition Playtesting Thread
Post by: Slash on July 26, 2011, 11:36:36 PM
Hello everybody!

A new version of "Expedition: The New World" is getting closer to release; this is a call for playtesters, if you are interested on trying out this version in order to assure its quality and request enhancements, just contact me!

What is Expedition? Check http://slashware.net/blog/expedition-the-new-world/ for further info. You can also download and peruse the manual from there if you feel curious :)

This version comes with two groundbreaking changes: The full mouse UI, allowing people to play the game using the mouse alone, and the Globe World Map, one of the biggest components on doing an accurate simulating of the XV Century World.

Your critical feedback in this private version will be much appreciated, and will help make the public version as solid as it must be.

Check out some a sample gameplay video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Acwk1i47bMc

Thank you!
Title: Re: Expedition v0.3, Call for Playtesters
Post by: reaven on August 01, 2011, 08:20:05 PM
And where can one get said test version from?

Ups nevermind, didnt read the "contact me" part.
Title: Re: Expedition v0.3, Playtesting Thread
Post by: Slash on August 12, 2011, 05:22:26 PM
RC2, 3 and 4 have been released!

Here's a vid of the latest one: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JFC49cqflpQ

We still need yet even more testers! contact me if interested!
Title: Re: Expedition v0.3, Playtesting Thread
Post by: jocke the beast on August 12, 2011, 06:12:41 PM
I've just sat down and tried some of RC4 and I must say it's very powerfull and cool.
Right now I'm just playing around, without goal and mind so to speak, but I'll try more later on...more seriously playing  :)
Looks and feels very good so far!
Title: Re: Expedition v0.3, Playtesting Thread
Post by: a1s on August 18, 2011, 07:41:02 AM
expedition 0.4 alpha1 consistently crashes at sea. It happens both in the graphic and text version, and does not happen on land.
java.lang.RuntimeException: Item  not found
   at net.slashie.serf.game.SworeGame.crash(SworeGame.java:293)
   at net.slashie.expedition.item.ItemFactory.createItem(ItemFactory.java:20)
   at net.slashie.expedition.domain.Expedition.forageFood(Expedition.java:1558)
   at net.slashie.expedition.world.agents.ForageAgent$1.execute(ForageAgent.java:14)
   at net.slashie.serf.action.Actor.execute(Actor.java:87)
   at net.slashie.serf.action.Actor.act(Actor.java:127)
   at net.slashie.serf.game.SworeGame.run(SworeGame.java:101)
   at net.slashie.serf.game.SworeGame.newGame(SworeGame.java:160)
   at net.slashie.expedition.RunExpedition.newGame(RunExpedition.java:320)
   at net.slashie.expedition.RunExpedition.selectScenario(RunExpedition.java:279)
   at net.slashie.expedition.RunExpedition.title(RunExpedition.java:257)
   at net.slashie.expedition.RunExpedition.main(RunExpedition.java:453)

Also the transferring menu is a bit unintuitive for the keyboard user. I keep pressing left and ending up on a different page :) (you should press down)
Title: Re: Expedition v0.3, Playtesting Thread
Post by: Slash on August 18, 2011, 04:51:50 PM
Just released private alpha2, it fixes this bug so it should be playable!
Title: Re: Expedition v0.3, Playtesting Thread
Post by: a1s on August 18, 2011, 07:24:22 PM
Haven't managed to trade yet, but raiding definitely works.
Title: Re: Expedition v0.3, Playtesting Thread
Post by: a1s on August 20, 2011, 04:22:30 PM
Tested the trade offer feature. It's not in any way bidirectional...  ???
Title: Re: Expedition v0.3, Playtesting Thread
Post by: puke on August 20, 2011, 10:19:50 PM
Trading works for me.  You can ask what they want, tell them what you want, make an offer, and they will respond with the category of good you requested if they have it.

Ive only found hunter gatherers who want livestock, though I have not been near where larger native cities should be (pueblo, aztec, inca).

I have successfully traded livestock and colonists for other livestock (that I had previously given them) people, and goods.  I never asked for weapons, and was never able to get supplies.

Was able to raid and intimidate for same.  Was able to make friends through raiding.

Got no benefit from bringing natives back to Spain -- was able to sell goods and artifacts for a tidy profit, but there was no novelty to returning with the tribesmen.

Also, was unable to colonize Azores but was able to colonize Greenland.  I guess this is proper, as the Azores were settled just before Columbus sailed and Greenland wasnt rechristianized until the 1700s.  Nice touches.

Title: Re: Expedition v0.3, Playtesting Thread
Post by: a1s on August 21, 2011, 07:35:30 AM
Trading works for me.  You can ask what they want, tell them what you want, make an offer, and they will respond with the category of good you requested if they have it.
But that is the way it worked in 3.0, right? Aside from the sideways transfer of goods in the interface.
Title: Re: Expedition v0.3, Playtesting Thread
Post by: puke on August 22, 2011, 03:22:08 AM
well, this is .31a2 I'm talking about.  Was it different in the short lived .4 version?

There is no sideways transfer in the native trading, its a take-it-or-leave-it system.  sideways transfer is is most other transfer windows, like cache on ground, transfer to colony, or transfer to ship.

I actually ran into a couple named tribes that wouldnt tell me what they wanted, I'm guessing that information was just incomplete for those tribes.
Title: Re: Expedition v0.3, Playtesting Thread
Post by: a1s on August 22, 2011, 10:00:46 AM
So, I looked up the Obsidian "sword" (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Macuahuitl), and I retract my previous comment that the natives should be able to use swords. Turns out this sword was quite unlike the swords of Europe, and was in fact closer to a saw or a club, then to a sword, with, apparently, a very different technique of using it.
Title: Re: Expedition v0.3, Playtesting Thread
Post by: puke on August 22, 2011, 03:15:20 PM
Yeah. it was most like a large bat with nails in it, if I had to draw a modern analogy.  I would have said "club" except that Dwarf Fortress has conditioned me otherwise for the last 5 years.

On an unrelated topic, I'd like to see North American native population density increased a bit.  I know there are conflicting sources on what those densities were, but I think it's generally accepted that trade existed before colonization, and there were several early colonization attemts that failed because a beachhead was unobtainable.
Title: Re: Expedition v0.3, Playtesting Thread
Post by: puke on September 01, 2011, 03:51:25 AM
Has anyone successfully built large colonies?  Do they change name from "villiage" to something else as they grow?

I keep having problems that prevent my repeated return from the old world, so I have yet to see title increases and significantly sized colonies.

Also, it seems like on my first return to Palos, I am only named Hidalgo of the first colony that I founded on that trip, not any subsequent colonies.

I dont think there is presently a way to display your status and titles and things, so I dont know if the titles are not being assigned or if they are just not being displayed.

Anyone else have any experience with this?
Title: Re: Expedition v0.3, Playtesting Thread
Post by: chaoyun2k on September 20, 2011, 01:32:00 PM
I have another newbie question, should I be using the private version (RC4) or the new public version for testing or are they both the same?

Title: Re: Expedition v0.3, Playtesting Thread
Post by: Slash on September 20, 2011, 01:48:51 PM
Please use the latest public version (v0.3.1), its is newer than 0.3.1 RC4.

I'm about to embark into the "Colonization" facet! a new round of private versions will follow suit :)
Title: Re: Expedition v0.3, Playtesting Thread
Post by: chaoyun2k on September 28, 2011, 12:28:14 AM
This may be a problem with the way I have the settings on my computer, instead of an issue with Expedition.  When holding the left mouse button continuously while sailing and then letting go to pause or slow down, the ship sometimes turns completely around or partially around and may even sail into the area that I was trying to avoid.  Normally there may be a few clicks delay where the ship continues after I release the mouse button, but it seems the longer I've held the button the more likely it is that I will experience the ship reactions.  I thought that it might actually be the ship following the mouse when I let go, but that doesn't seem to be it and it doesn't do that if I have been single clicking.

It appears to be changing directions like a ship at anchor, but it doesn't happen every time.

Would this likely be some setting on my computer or is it possibly an issue with the game?
Title: Re: Expedition v0.3, Playtesting Thread
Post by: Slash on September 28, 2011, 12:34:00 AM
That sounds pretty weird... and seems to be an issue with the game. I'll take a look :)
Title: Re: Expedition Playtesting Thread
Post by: Slash on September 28, 2011, 03:25:30 AM
v0.4RC1 released! If you haven't received it, ping me :)
Title: Re: Expedition Playtesting Thread
Post by: chaoyun2k on September 28, 2011, 08:48:20 AM
Regarding the ship turning like it is anchored, I was able to trigger it by sliding the mouse to a new direction while continuing to hold the left mouse button. 

I was sailing NE for some time and slid the mouse button to go East without releasing or waiting for the clicks to catch up and then the ship started turning or rotating like it was anchored and as if you were adjusting the direction.  Waiting a second or two for the ship to stop and clicking in the direction I wanted to go seemed to take care of the issue, which seems like something trivial to me.

I just got the new release!
Title: Re: Expedition Playtesting Thread
Post by: Slash on September 28, 2011, 01:53:09 PM
Hi Chaoyun,

I'm a bit confused here... the game is designed so that ships don't turn immediately if you change direction abruptly, your ships are rotated automatically if using the mouse (risking to crash into land if you don't turn timely).

Is this what is happening? or does the ships continue rotating like crazy?
Title: Re: Expedition Playtesting Thread
Post by: chaoyun2k on September 28, 2011, 10:33:05 PM
I get a somewhat different reaction when I try to recreate the issue, but I would say it is a crazy rotation.  I apologize for my lack of descriptive skills and that is the reason that I try to have an image for you when I report an issue.

Today's attempt, on RC1, was a bit different and resulted in the ship doing a figure 8.  I wish I had a video of it because after changing directions from sailing NE to sailing E, and the ship was going in the new direction, I released the left mouse button and I watched the ship sail in a perfect figure 8 and return to the point where it started the figure 8 before stopping and pivoting a few points.

Maybe this is better:
1. Sailing NE holding the left mouse button for a few minutes.
2. Slide the mouse a little to change direction to E, still holding left mouse button (not clicking).
3. Ship sails east and then I released the left mouse button
4. Ship continues E a few spaces
5. Ship turns and sails SE, then S, then...until it sails in a figure 8
6. Ship stops sailing but pivots in a few directions before stopping completely.
7. Click in the direction I want to sail and things are normal again.
Title: Re: Expedition Playtesting Thread
Post by: chaoyun2k on September 28, 2011, 10:57:38 PM
Questions about RC1.

1. Did you intend for the rewards to be the same as before when now most things cost nearly 10 times as much? 

2. Did you intend for the third option from the king to be less than the other options?  I haven't figured the exact amount but it seems to be about 2500 less than choosing the other options.

General question, how many ranks are there?
Title: Re: Expedition Playtesting Thread
Post by: Slash on September 28, 2011, 11:45:17 PM
Regarding the crazy turning ships, I think there's a real issue there, thank you for the detailed description

1. Not really, gotta fix that http://slashie.net/mantis/view.php?id=2057
2. You mean the option to stock the expedition yourself using the maximum amount?

There are 8 royal titles right now, up to viceroy :)
Title: Re: Expedition Playtesting Thread
Post by: chaoyun2k on September 29, 2011, 06:25:19 AM
2. You mean the option to stock the expedition yourself using the maximum amount?

Yes.  I calculated the value of the first two options at 111,650 and the third option maximum is 103550, a difference of 8100.

3. The trade goods also have the same values as before, was that supposed to change?

There are 8 royal titles right now, up to viceroy
Wow, I've managed to get Senor and that took a long time (about 15 years game time).
Title: Re: Expedition Playtesting Thread
Post by: chaoyun2k on September 30, 2011, 12:01:27 AM
Ok, the second title requires a city and 3 villages, right?  What does the next level require?

Are the trade goods in native villages regenerated after some time or are they set at the start of the game? 

It pays to explore before building a village now, you need to see if there are too many native villages around that will limit the availability of wood if you start a village in a populated area.  It does help when searching for native villages though. ;)

Offering wood when trading with natives still seems to get a very high offer from the natives sometimes.  For instance, I offered 500 wood for trade goods and received 18 native artifacts.

Cows are too expensive.
Title: Re: Expedition Playtesting Thread
Post by: Slash on September 30, 2011, 10:14:31 PM
Added http://slashie.net/mantis/view.php?id=2060

The value of the trade good stayed the same to allow for more granularity

"Señor" title requires 1 town and 2 villages, "Vizconde" requires 1 city, 2 towns and 5 villages, "Conde" requires 2 cities, 5 towns and 10 villages. How does it look?

The trade goods on villages are set up at the start of the game, I'll think about regenerating them on the TRD facet http://slashie.net/mantis/view.php?id=2061

Also Added "0002062: Wood is still too highly valued" and "0002063: Cows are too expensive."
Title: Re: Expedition Playtesting Thread
Post by: chaoyun2k on October 01, 2011, 07:37:51 AM
"Señor" title requires 1 town and 2 villages, "Vizconde" requires 1 city, 2 towns and 5 villages, "Conde" requires 2 cities, 5 towns and 10 villages. How does it look?

That looks good, I guess I was close to the next two titles (after "Senor") before starting a new release and having to start over.

Also Added "0002062: Wood is still too highly valued" and "0002063: Cows are too expensive."

I can see where the type of goods they want would be valued more, but it doesn't seem to work that way in some cases.  If they wanted supplies then wood should be more valuable to them, but if they want livestock (or other type) then wood should get less than livestock would.  It would also make sense that regardless of the type of good, wood would have a value compared to other supplies for that "tribe".  That is, they would value wood more than beans or whatever supply they have an abundance of. 

Of course, they should want non-native goods more, the same as our expedition wants their goods more than the goods that we can easily buy.  To natives the artifacts would be everyday items and virtually worthless to them.  Furs and goods that they manufacture might be more valuable to them because those goods would be used for trade with other native tribes, so I guess that is another stage of values.

I seem to be rambling so I'll stop.

Is there a preferred way to record game events?  Is it possible to see what happened from a game save?  I'm thinking about how to present an event if it happens in 4RC2 so you don't have to rely on my descriptive abilities. :D  I normally use a little program called YouRecorder, but I think you can only view a video made using that if you have the same program.
Title: Re: Expedition Playtesting Thread
Post by: chaoyun2k on October 04, 2011, 12:16:13 AM
Wood is not the only thing that gets extra trade goods offered by the natives.  It seems that the natives that want livestock are offering almost all of their trade goods when offered 2 pigs.  I've gotten from 48-78 native artifacts for 2 pigs.

It has been helpful with the jump in costs, but I thought you might want to know about the unbalanced trades.
Title: Re: Expedition Playtesting Thread
Post by: Slash on October 04, 2011, 12:43:10 AM
I just released a new testing version :)

Yes, I think we'll have to remake and rebalance the whole trading part. It seems kind of weak now and I'd prefer to fully revamp it good instead of fix it at its current status.

If you want, you can record your game using camstudio, ( http://camstudio.org/ ) and then post it on youtube.
Title: Re: Expedition Playtesting Thread
Post by: chaoyun2k on October 05, 2011, 08:28:49 AM
More about trading, trading with natives that want "any goods" has never seemed worthwhile (in any of the releases that I've played).  Their offers are often less valuable than yours, but it seems especially so in the last two versions (4RC1 and 4RC2).

I have reported an issue about combat, but I also have a few questions about combat.
1) What do the attack numbers mean, like 3D2 or (1D3+2D3+2)?
2) Is the harquebus a ranged weapon or is it only used in melee?
3) Those equipped with a harquebus seem to be wounded more often that those equipped with steel swords, is there a reason for that?
Title: Re: Expedition Playtesting Thread
Post by: puke on October 06, 2011, 03:12:43 AM
there is now a full fog of war in Palos, whereas it used to remember places that you had seen previously.  was this an intentional change?
Title: Re: Expedition Playtesting Thread
Post by: chaoyun2k on October 08, 2011, 12:32:09 AM
I noticed that in Palos too.

Something I've encountered a few times and that I'm not sure of its purpose.  There is a message about being in a row of bad luck and then eventually a "Judas" is discovered and you are given a choice to defend the man or throw them overboard.  It seems that regardless of the choice you make the row of bad luck continues and you either defend the man or throw another overboard if you chose that option previously.  In one trip from Palos back to the village (about 50 days with all the storms) this occurred 5 times in the last 25 days of the trip.

In one case I kept defending the man and eventually made it to the village and after dealing with some natives I finally stopped getting the row of bad luck message.  In one case I kept choosing to throw them overboard, but there would just be a new message in a couple of days and another Judas would be discovered and he would be tossed. 

I guess I'm just wondering if that is the way it should work or what exactly is the purpose (is it simply another event to deal with)?
Title: Re: Expedition Playtesting Thread
Post by: chaoyun2k on October 12, 2011, 11:14:01 AM
I think I have a better handle on the combat issues and the answer to two of the questions I posted above, but I still don't understand the numbers displayed for attack...or defense for that matter.

1) I'm still curious about the situation with the "Judas" and how that is supposed to work?
2) I see numbers like 1+1D2, 1D2+1D2, 3D2, or 1D3+2D3+2 and I can only guess that a higher number is better, but then I see that clothes and studded vests seem to have the same benefit for defense and I wonder what do those numbers mean?
Title: Re: Expedition Playtesting Thread
Post by: Slash on October 13, 2011, 06:35:52 AM
Hello Chaoyun,

I'll check the "Judas" situation, it's not supposed to happen that often. It's all about the crew blaming one person for a row of bad luck.

The attack and defense stats follow the rollplaying convention of "xDy+z", this means the attack and defense values are calculated in a way similar to throwing x dices of y faces, and adding z to the result.

For example, 3D5+4 is like throwing a 5 sides dice three times, and adding 4 to the result. This gives the attack value (In this case it may range from 7 to 19)
Title: Re: Expedition Playtesting Thread
Post by: chaoyun2k on October 14, 2011, 07:59:31 PM
I think the game has found the limits of my computer.  It is an XP with 2.3 GHz and 1.93 GB ram AMD Sempron Processor.

There are a couple of things that may be issues, like there is no windowed option given when starting the game.  On my computer the music breaks up when I choose any action, so I switch the music off when I start the game.  Also, when I point the arrow at one of the icons it doesn't always respond so I have to use the hotkeys.

When I encounter a hostile tribe that sends out an expedition, the image appears as a native until there is an attack.  Once there has been a battle and there are still natives in the expedition that was sent out, the image of the native expedition then appears to be the same as shallow water.  I tried to get an image, but it seems that I will have to figure out how to get an image with full screen (the print screen key doesn't work).
Title: Re: Expedition Playtesting Thread
Post by: Slash on October 14, 2011, 08:07:21 PM
Hello chaoyun2k,

Are you using version v0.4 or v0.4.1 ? I enhanced some performance things.

Also, are you using the "Windows bundled version"? or the "Java version"? if you are using the java version you can access a windowed mode using the .bat files.
Title: Re: Expedition Playtesting Thread
Post by: chaoyun2k on October 14, 2011, 08:12:07 PM
I tried accessing using the bat files but they all loaded a full screen version.

I am using the version that doesn't include Java.

Yeah, my computer is pretty old...but I like it. :)  I am using the 4.1 version.

Ok, I just got the oryx windowed to load a windowed version. :oops:  The other denzi windowed loaded a full screen.
Title: Re: Expedition Playtesting Thread
Post by: chaoyun2k on October 14, 2011, 08:24:22 PM
I changed the screen resolution and got a windowed version using the other bat.  :-[

By the way, it's GORGEOUS!
Title: Re: Expedition Playtesting Thread
Post by: chaoyun2k on October 28, 2011, 01:09:12 AM
It appears that when you report back to the king for the fourth title with 2 cities, 5 towns, and 10 villages you need to make sure that one of your towns doesn't become a city or your villages don't become towns before you arrive in Palos.

In other words if you have 3 cities, 4 towns, and 10 villages because one of the towns became a city while you were traveling, the king doesn't give you a title.

Is this intentional?

And by the way what do the last 4 ranks require?
Title: Re: Expedition Playtesting Thread
Post by: chaoyun2k on October 30, 2011, 08:47:42 AM
Well, I have tried reducing the number of colonists to have the right number of villages, towns, and cities and I have tried building more villages, but the king still won't offer me the 4th title.  The current title is Vizconde and even when I cached the extra colonists and built more villages the king doesn't offer anything new.  I'd still like to know the requirements for the last four titles.  8)  Is there something else I should try?
Title: Re: Expedition Playtesting Thread
Post by: Slash on October 30, 2011, 02:52:26 PM
Hello Chaoyun!

Well, this sounds like a bug, doesn't make sense not to get the titles just because your settlements are bigger. I will fix this. http://slashie.net/mantis/view.php?id=2090

Also, the following are the rank requirements:

Conde: 2 cities, 5 towns, 10 villages
Marqués: 5 cities, 10 towns, 30 villages
Duque: 10 cities, 30 towns, 60 villages
Virrey: 30 cities, 60 towns, 90 villages (i.e. Populating a lot of america :P)

A new version is coming!
Title: Re: Expedition Playtesting Thread
Post by: chaoyun2k on October 30, 2011, 05:10:36 PM
(i.e. Populating a lot of america)

HAHA No kidding, more like poking a village into every possible space...and that doesn't include the viceroy title requirements!  I'm trying to get the conde title at around the 25th year.

A new version is coming!

Looks like a new strategy is called for too.  :o
Title: Re: Expedition Playtesting Thread
Post by: chaoyun2k on October 31, 2011, 11:12:57 AM
I took a guess that the last title is 60 cities, 90 towns, and 120 villages.  I did some rough calculations based on those numbers.

To build a city you need 80,000 wood for houses and say another 9,000 for farms and storage towers (assuming you put farms into every settlement).
Time to build settlement 14 days set.
Time to build storage and farms 14 days minimum set.
Time to build 2000 houses (guessing an average of 30 days)
Assuming you can chop around 1200 wood per day (includes movement time) 75days.
Total time to build a city will be roughly 5 months, times 60 cities is 25 years spent building the cities.

To build a town you need 20,000 wood for the houses and say another 6000 for farms and storage towers.
Time to build settlement 14 days set.
Time to build storage and farms 14 days minimum set.
Time to build 500 houses 7 days average assuming you have enough people in your expedition.
Same 1200 wood per day is another 21 days.
Time to build a town will be roughly 2 and a half months, times 90 is roughly 19 years additional.

To build a village you need with farms you will need around 5000 wood minimum.
Time to build settlement 14 days
Time to build farms and storage towers 14 days.
Assuming you don't build any more houses (or you build a few more with the farms and storage towers) no more time
Same 1200 wood per day is another 4 days roughly.
Time to build a village is a little more than a month, so you have another 10 years.

Minimum time spent just building would be 54 years, if my guess was close, and assuming you actually want someone to obtain all 8 titles.

I don't know what planned improvements will cut that time down, but you might want to consider reducing the requirements for the last two or three titles.  Before you posted the requirements, I had guessed that it was going to be:
Marqués: 5 cities, 10 towns, 20 villages
Duque: 10 cities, 20 towns, 30 villages
Virrey: 20 cities, 30 towns, 40 villages
and then 30 cities, 40 towns, and maybe 60 villages for the Viceroy title...but that was just a guess and I had guessed a minimum building time of about 30 years under current game conditions.

EDIT:  That doesn't even consider the population growth needed, but I thought that the growth would take care of itself once you had enough buildings.

One thing I should add though is that it is taking me nearly 20 years game time to get the first city, and most of that building would take place after that.  That would mean around 70 years of game time for the current requirements under the current conditions.  I focus on building the first settlement by making trips to Palos to "purchase" colonists and add those to the growth.  The twenty years does include building enough capital to purchase those colonists and the extra ships and the military needed to "encourage" trade with the natives to increase the capital.
Title: Re: Expedition Playtesting Thread
Post by: chaoyun2k on November 02, 2011, 08:03:02 PM
One consideration that I did not mention in my post above is that the expedition has to be big enough to carry enough of the wood and supplies for the building plan, but I think that has been addressed in an issue that suggested drawing from the settlement.  That may speed up the building of the houses a little.

I'm looking forward to the new version.  :D

Was I close on the viceroy guess?

Were my calculations useful? or were they confusing?
Title: Re: Expedition Playtesting Thread
Post by: Slash on November 03, 2011, 06:37:14 PM
Hello ChaoYun,

Thank you for taking the time to make these calculations!

Please note that "Virrey" is the same as "Viceroy", there are no titles past Virrey :)

Next version will revolution everything regarding settlements building and growth, including the city population building housing for themselves, your comments will be helpful to make everything balanced and fun!

Migration will also change a bit, with colonists actually paying you to transport them into the new world.

Also, when aging is added your expedition leader will age and die, so it's something to be aware of with those long building years :)

What rank have you been able to attain?
Title: Re: Expedition Playtesting Thread
Post by: chaoyun2k on November 03, 2011, 08:56:06 PM
Ah, I thought I remembered that there were 8 titles, (I hope those posts don't cause confusion).  So there is Hidalgo, Senor, Vizconde, Conde, Marqués, Duque, and Virrey.  So we are looking at about 35 years of just building under the current conditions.

Yeah, since you said that a new version was coming and I couldn't seem to get the Conde title I  stopped trying to get the titles and was just doing some exploring.  :-[

I'm curious how the proximity of native settlements will affect those that we establish in the new version.

It sounds like you have a lot of work ahead of you to implement those changes, so I might see if I can get one of the later titles.  I might see if I can get the Marqués title since I think I could meet those requirements in a few days.
Title: Re: Expedition Playtesting Thread
Post by: chaoyun2k on November 04, 2011, 03:49:13 PM
I'm curious how the proximity of native settlements will affect those that we establish in the new version.

For example, I have found a few places that had one tile that could be used by my expedition because of the location between two native settlements, and a number of locations where there were a limited number of tiles that could be used for settlements by my expedition.  If those types of locations are used for settlements, will that affect their growth and potential?
Title: Re: Expedition Playtesting Thread
Post by: chaoyun2k on November 08, 2011, 10:17:34 AM
Oh, I meant to tell you that I managed to get the Conde title once I built enough settlements with limited population (only enough houses for a certain number of people).  Apparently I underestimated the growth when I redistributed the people a couple of weeks ago.

Currently your towns need to stay towns and villages need to stay villages to get the titles.  A town that becomes a city or a village that becomes a town will mean that you don't meet the requirements.
Title: Re: Expedition Playtesting Thread
Post by: Slash on November 09, 2011, 12:22:03 PM
Yeah those are the titles (In addition to "Explorer", the first title)

Regarding location of settlements, closeness to other settlements is more of a political than an economic matter; it is on the crown's interest to expand on the new world, not to have a bunch of minisettlements glued together. As for native settlements, you can't place cities too near to them, in order to prevent conflict for the lands.

Growth and potential will relate more to the resources around the settlement, and the trade routes that go through it.

Gotta fix that bug regarding town size requirements...  the new version is almost ready but a display bug has prevented me from releasing :/

Thanks for your interest!
Title: Re: Expedition Playtesting Thread
Post by: chaoyun2k on November 11, 2011, 10:54:40 AM
Knowing the extent of the title requirements would make a difference in my early strategy, but not much.  Still, it has gotten a bit tedious trying to meet the requirements for the last couple of titles, but it sounds like some of the changes will improve that.  I'm guessing that there is an "end game" sequence/screen if you get that last title. 

You mentioned proximity to a native settlement, but I discovered that I was able to build a village a short distance from a native settlement, even though I couldn't harvest any wood nearby.  I did this by accident because it was in an open area and I couldn't see the native settlement and I didn't find it until after I had built the village.
Title: Re: Expedition Playtesting Thread
Post by: chaoyun2k on November 12, 2011, 08:09:22 PM
I reported a couple of issues for the new release 0.5Alpha1, but I thought I'd check here to see if it was just me.

There seems to be no population growth from colonists, even with 400 colonists residing for several months in the colony.

Also, when I used some of the supplies from the colony those supplies start decreasing and even going negative.  For example, when I used half the lumber that was in the colony to build more houses the lumber started decreasing instead of increasing with time.
Title: Re: Expedition Playtesting Thread
Post by: Slash on November 12, 2011, 08:17:13 PM
Hello chao!

Please refrain from testing the colonies functionalities on this version. It's meant only to test the new bigDenzi UI :)
Title: Re: Expedition Playtesting Thread
Post by: chaoyun2k on November 12, 2011, 08:55:14 PM
Ok, is there a recommended resolution when using that?

I noticed when I loaded the game using Big Denzi that the building plan screen was misaligned.  Also, when sailing the tiles(?) seem stretched from left to right and short from top to bottom.  Was the text supposed to appear in the ocean on the left and right of the screen when sailing?

Should I be using full screen?
Title: Re: Expedition Playtesting Thread
Post by: Slash on November 12, 2011, 09:06:02 PM
1024x768 is recommended for bigdenzi (and normal denzi as well) I'm thinking on doing a widescreen resolution version.

The building plan screen is probably bound to disappear with the new colony model.

In order to use the best portion of the screen, the map is presented wit a 1/2 perspective in BigDenzi, that's why tiles are half their height.

Can you please send me pictures for the other layout issues?

Thank you!
Title: Re: Expedition Playtesting Thread
Post by: chaoyun2k on November 12, 2011, 09:26:45 PM
First, when I use 1024x768 it is full screen on my pc.  :'( 

I switched to 1152x864 with 0.4.1 and I don't know where the text would go if not in the ocean, but I'll post an issue with an image, if that is ok.

I think that covered my questions, and I'm not sure what else I need to test with 0.5Alpha1 because it seems stable.  I have had to turn off the music since the last update because my system can't handle it without breaking up...and I miss those birds. :D
Title: Re: Expedition Playtesting Thread
Post by: Slash on November 12, 2011, 10:04:15 PM
Does the music work ok in this version?
Title: Re: Expedition Playtesting Thread
Post by: chaoyun2k on November 12, 2011, 10:47:10 PM
The music works fine as long as I'm not moving.  When the expedition is traveling or when sailing the music breaks up.  I haven't tried the music with non-Denzi to see if it works with that.

The Big Denzi seems fine for everything except the building plan screen.  Battles, trading, traveling all seem fine.  Using the resolution that I use I have about half an inch on each side of the window and less than that above and below the window.

I checked my sound in the control panel and everything is set at max there.  I just have a cheap computer, with nothing extra really.
Title: Re: Expedition Playtesting Thread
Post by: chaoyun2k on November 13, 2011, 01:15:23 AM
 :-[ Umm, how do you stop "Curses"?!  ;D
Title: Re: Expedition Playtesting Thread
Post by: chaoyun2k on November 14, 2011, 09:51:02 AM
This doesn't seem like an issue, just an observation, your expedition disappears when walking on the north side of mountains (because of the height).  That seems to be as it should be for the big-denzi, but I thought I'd mention it anyway.
Title: Re: Expedition Playtesting Thread
Post by: Slash on November 16, 2011, 03:01:58 PM
Hello ChaoYun,

So, the bigDenzi UI works ok, without any major glitches? Have you experienced a bug where almost all the screen goes black and it can only be fixed by restarting?
Title: Re: Expedition Playtesting Thread
Post by: chaoyun2k on November 16, 2011, 04:35:46 PM
No I haven't experienced that.  I have explored on land mostly, but I have only built a couple of colonies since there is no population growth.  I have fought hostile tribes and traded with them without any problems.

I played long enough to advance the game by a year and a half, but I couldn't think of anything else to do.  The wood, fruit, and fish were going negative so I only explored as long as the supplies lasted. 

Most of my time with the game has been from the same save which was after returning from Palos with more colonists and the Hidalgo title.  I kept building storage towers, farms, and houses until I ran out of food.  I could probably do more trading and finance food that way to keep the game going for a while if I time the trips to Palos right.
Title: Re: Expedition Playtesting Thread
Post by: Slash on November 16, 2011, 05:36:42 PM
Thank you for testing it!

I'll get working on a new version to make the colonies work again :)
Title: Re: Expedition Playtesting Thread
Post by: chaoyun2k on November 20, 2011, 11:56:04 AM
I've tried sailing a lot and I still haven't experienced
a bug where almost all the screen goes black and it can only be fixed by restarting
.  I've sailed as much as 200 days, with numerous stops to keep the crew happy.  There were a few flickers of darkness that I couldn't seem to recreate, and since I was holding the left mouse button I don't have any images because they only lasted for a second.

Were there some special conditions that might have caused the bug you mentioned?

I did experience the "out of bounds" critical issue again.  This time I was sailing near Alaska heading W and was at around 70N Lat and over 9000nl.  That must be near the point where the longitudes change from East to West...or whatever that change is.  :-\  The game simply disappears from the screen, or as I put it when I first reported the issue...it unceremoniously ends the game.

Title: Re: Expedition Playtesting Thread
Post by: chaoyun2k on December 20, 2011, 12:18:49 PM
I just thought I'd wish anyone and everyone a Happy Holidays!

Yes, I'm still playing.