Temple of The Roguelike Forums
Game Discussion => Early Dev => Topic started by: corremn on July 15, 2011, 01:40:22 AM
I have been toying with the idea of doing a new roguelike (possibly my last) and I keep coming up with the following settings.
- Warhammer,
- WH40k,
- and Forgotten Realms Underdark based on Drizzt Underdark trilogy.
Essentially the game would feature a stock standard dungeon crawler and a couple of extra game modes depending on the setting, like an arena, tower defence or adventure mode (wander around the surface and do quests and stuff).
Basically what I would like from you guys is an indication of which setting would people like to play the most???
I am currently more in favour of WH40k because it is more original (in roguelikes) and you can have guns, alien technology, psychic abilities, mutations, chainsaws, flame-throwers and sorcery in one game. Which is cool. And Space marines are the perfect protagonist for a roguelike. If there is anyone who could walk into a room and kill 20 crazed cultists with their bare hands it is a member of the fabled Adeptus Astartes.
I really like the dark oppressive nature of the Warhammer universes, especially 40k where death, suffering and war is the norm. If you have not read any of the Black Library novels and you like dark fantasy, what the hell are you waiting for.
R.A.A Salvatores Underdark is a more "darker" setting than the usual Forgotten Realms settings, where usually everyone just loves to hold hands and sing as they slay orcs and goblins or the many novels about elven high society politics! Blah! Give me death, misery, suffering and futility anyway. Hell that the key to good roguelikes anyday :)
I will release something for the ARRP and hopefully down the track I will be asking for collaboration.
Given the legality issues with almost all of those choices in some shape of form, I say an Underdark'ish jaunt that hews close to the D20 OGL rules so it doesn't get shut down...
But if I may be so bold....you could be the first to do something direct with Pathfinder's OGL as the skeleton...given that there's no legal way to go anything with 4th ed...
Too be honest I dont really care about legal issues, if I do get cracked down, which I highly doubt it, all I have to do is change a few names and voila, a Roguelike "inspired" by warhammer/Forgotten Realms. And I am going to use my own rules. I am not going to use d&d mechanics. Just the settings/races and item flavours.
A consistent Underdark setting would be very nice
Yeah, I thought that would be popular and I find it strange that only one failed attempt has been done before.
However Mr Rogue Wombat, Ryan Szrama, has been putting some thought into it but has not done anything about it for quite some time. http://roguewombat.wordpress.com/
If I were to do a Underdark game I might try and find someone to do a lot of the content design for me...
Waha40r looks really cool,
but I have two, hmm, notes against it.
1. Workshop are known to be really paranoid copyrighters. I am no sure about roguelike, but it is possible.
2. The most important part of waha40r is EPIC PATHOS BRUTALITY. Srsly, how it can be implemented to roguelike?
Waha40r looks really cool,
but I have two, hmm, notes against it.
1. Workshop are known to be really paranoid copyrighters. I am no sure about roguelike, but it is possible.
2. The most important part of waha40r is EPIC PATHOS BRUTALITY. Srsly, how it can be implemented to roguelike?
I'd go for 40k too. But I agree with the first point: Those guys would have no qualms over teleporting a squad of veteran CC terminators into your house as you sleep to rip you, your sister, her little lamb and your bystanding neighbors to shreds with their lightning claws, all the while they yell BURN THIS FALSE HERETIC CULT TO THE GROUND!!!
As for Jolly Roger's second point, in order to implement that... well, first I'd go for overly elaborate message lines, expressed in subjective terms. Example:
The filthy mutant dares to rise his hand against the ranks of the Imperium of Man!
He seals his fate as he pulls the trigger!
The bullet ricochets off your MkVIII Errant's right shoulderpad, and your faith.
Death is the only suitable answer for this insult!
Translation: Some random mutant psyker/cultists aims, shoots at you but fails.
Write everything in epic subjective terms, throwing insults here and there. Add "imperium morale sentences" after every action. Describe player and friendlies actions in overly bombastic terms, while downplaying / insulting hostiles' actions.
Also, make blood and dismemberment a huge point of the game. You don't hit a nob for 36 damage, you Shove the eviscerator inside the barbarous alien's abdomen, blood and innards spraying everywhere.
If the character is going to return his geneseed to the chapter, be over-dramatic and last-standish about it.
I highly doubt it that I roguelike would stir their wrath but if GW burst though my door it would mean I was doing something right! We will see :)
Yeah, the feel of 40k is going to be tough. The combat I can do - gore, arms/heads/tentacles going flying etc. I was thinking about adding may different "fatalities" that can happen, so when the something dies it gets an explanation of what happened as well as a graphical effect. E.g corpse splattering to a million pieces or been flung across the room sliding down the wall.
Obviously I can add quotes when the player sees an enemy after not encountering one for a while or when he clears a room/area. "Die heretic scum", "Prepare to be judged" etc
But for normal play I have to be more verbose, or the player will get lost in a deluge of righteous sermons and blasphemous screaming.
You mean less verbose? And what's all this talk about 40k RL as a certainty when the current state of the poll (3:2 for underdark) clearly says you must do Underdark to please the majority? :P
Oh, c'mon, WH40k is awesome (http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/RatedMForManly), who cares about the poll? :D
Corremn, I'm one of your biggest lurker fans, and I know that wherever you take your game, it's going to be a blast.
Underdark is sort of inbred in terms of fanbase, but really is quite striking.
WH40k is cool, but the sheer brutality of the setting is usually overshadowed by giant warships and min-maxing.
I guess if there's something I want to see from you, it's a game that makes the player feel something beyond stats, weapons, armor, shinies, and even graphical effects. The subtext of your games is what I enjoy the most. You have a wonderful grasp of the culture and themes of your chosen settings.
You mean less verbose? And what's all this talk about 40k RL as a certainty when the current state of the poll (3:2 for underdark) clearly says you must do Underdark to please the majority? :P
I think he means he'd have to give the non-combat messages an equal amount of detail, or they would pale in comparison.
I think the same criterion would apply, the scenery itself should be "in character":
It's not a webway gate, it's an asymmetric contraption of xenotechnology, bleeding off immaterium energies, it's very principles contradicting the decrees of the Omnissiah.
It's not a mere servitor, it's a formerly misguided individual, rehabilitated by the Techpriests of Mars so he may know the glory of faithful servitude.
I know all these samples are waaaaaay cheap but you get the idea. All in all, imperial talk is all about euphemism inside a twisted, sadistic and unquestioning frame of political correctness, a kind of bloody, riveted newspeak (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Newspeak) All this, assuming the game would be 40k AND from an imperial perspective, both of which it might just as well not be. I myself am partial to xenos scum, I must confess :D
Also, it's a tie now ;)
Then does that mean we'll get to play both? :D
thanks for you kind words, really pepped up my morning :), I guess the feeling I attempt to put into my games are usually based on my own experience with the sub-context of the genre I am drawing from.
40k would be a hard one, it certainly has its own feeling already, which I would draw from the books rather than the game. I find my logic\analysis part of my brain takes over with some tabletop games where winning is important. Drawing from the background material and books I can let my imagination take over. Not sure if I could win over die hard fans though and people that understand it more than me. People have their own views about just what 40k is. I love the fact that, to me, the Imperium draws so heavily from our past and human beliefs and twists them in a way that makes them appear on the surface so right and just.
Obviously from my first post I was leaning towards wh40k but I just wanted to know what other people thought.
As for Underdark it definitely deserves to be made, its the perfect setting, it would be somewhat simpler...
It's not a webway gate, it's an asymmetric contraption of xenotechnology, bleeding off immaterium energies, it's very principles contradicting the decrees of the Omnissiah.
It's not a mere servitor, it's a formerly misguided individual, rehabilitated by the Techpriests of Mars so he may know the glory of faithful servitude.
I know all these samples are waaaaaay cheap but you get the idea.
Did you make these up or did you get them from somewhere? Because they are good.
Wow, thanks. I'm making them up on the spot ;D
thanks for you kind words, really pepped up my morning :), I guess the feeling I attempt to put into my games are usually based on my own experience with the sub-context of the genre I am drawing from.
40k would be a hard one, it certainly has its own feeling already, which I would draw from the books rather than the game. I find my logic\analysis part of my brain takes over with some tabletop games where winning is important. Drawing from the background material and books I can let my imagination take over. Not sure if I could win over die hard fans though and people that understand it more than me. People have their own views about just what 40k is. I love the fact that, to me, the Imperium draws so heavily from our past and human beliefs and twists them in a way that makes them appear on the surface so right and just.
Obviously from my first post I was leaning towards wh40k but I just wanted to know what other people thought.
Did you make these up or did you get them from somewhere? Because they are good.
Thanks, I'm making them up on the spot.
I've actually played 40k very few times, I'm more of a fluff & minis guy.
Choosing a chapter at the start of the game would be awesome, that way we could play with @, @, @, @, @, @, etc... ;D
Just for the record. I already said I'm partial to xenos scum, but if we're talking marines, it's Salamanders what I dig. Fiery weapons, noble temperament, and no second founding succesor chapters!
And a little extra just in case...
Hehe your fluff sounds authentic enough for me. I would love to have lots of that for my game rather than just steal it from the lexicanum.
Yeah chapters are what I have in mind. They would effect starting stats, equipment and maybe add a special ability, like the Space Wolves berserk, or Blood Angel's rage/thrist, ultramarines may just have better skills. I have not thought about Salamanders will look into them. I dont know about playing xenos yet. Although I do like a good Waaagh!! now and again.
Maybe add them latter or unlock them.
Cool artwork once again. Unique artwork would make this game really stand out. I think I am nearly settled on the idea of 40k. It will be damn hard.
Hehe your fluff sounds authentic enough for me. I would love to have lots of that for my game rather than just steal it from the lexicanum.
Well, I'd have to refresh my fluff sources, since I can't possibly remember every single nuance in the 40k universe, but I could make descriptions and other similar strings of text for you if you want.
Yeah chapters are what I have in mind. They would effect starting stats, equipment and maybe add a special ability, like the Space Wolves berserk, or Blood Angel's rage/thrist, ultramarines may just have better skills. I have not thought about Salamanders will look into them. I dont know about playing xenos yet. Although I do like a good Waaagh!! now and again.
Maybe add them latter or unlock them.
Because of their early training as blacksmiths, all Salamanders are fully capable of maintaining and performing moderate repair on their weapons and armour, leaving the Chapter's artificers with the free time necessary to create great works of technology and metallurgy. As a result, the Salamanders Chapter has an unusually high number of Master-Crafted Weapons and Artificer Armour.
Looking at this, things that would fit Salamanders could be a random starting piece of equipment of better than average quality, better chances at equipment not breaking, and repairing (if that even applies, which I guess it wouldn't).
Better skill with hammers and short-ranged high-temperature weapons would also be fitting, as would be a somewhat reduced speed/reactions (they're kind of slow compared to other marines, they have not so good reflexes)
Cool artwork once again. Unique artwork would make this game really stand out. I think I am nearly settled on the idea of 40k. It will be damn hard.
As you may easily guess, I'd love to do that 8), but *right now* I have plenty of work, still, PM me about this whenever you feel like, I'd OF FUCKING COURSE take time to develop 40k-related pixel art. I'm only doing fantasy stuff right now, I'd LOVE to do some sci-fi-ish stuff finally.
Salamanders sound cool, but I have had no exposure to them, but flame weapons will definitely be in. As for graphics etc, that would be awesomely cool, but I would have to spend some time on the ascii version first, so that would be a long time away. Although the ARRP is coming up :) I might chase you up some time later if you like :)
Hopefully I will get a beta out sometime soon to test out concepts and things. I will leave the back story to develop by its self.
Thanks for the input, I am now very excited about this.
Yeah, no need to hurry, as I told you I have already plenty of work. The art needs for Fall From Heaven the RL, as I understand, are covered for the next version, but I still have a LOT to do for the ARRP release of Into the Dungeon++.
Unlockable xenos for future versions after the game has consolidated a bit would be awesome, but I know that's farseeing ::).
Making it marine-centered at first really seems like a good idea to get the framework and feeling of the game to stand on it's own feet, and when all that is pretty solid you can start thinking about expanding the scope of the game. Truth be told, that's probably the scheme GW has always followed. After the system, and core mechanics and features are consolidated, the rest is "adding content".
First generic marines (or your pet chapter if that drives you to release better and fasta ;) ), then keep adding chapters, which I think would probably be this game's equivalent to character classes, since you said they would affect starting skills, stats and such.
Being able to become a specialist marine when far into the game, being able to play with a librarian, technomarine, chaplain, etc. would be awesome, but don't take me too seriously because this project is getting me so excited I'm boiling with crazy hopes and ideas.
When the moment comes that you want some text strings like the ones before, be sure to drop me a line and I'll cook something up. To make more sense, descriptions could come from some encyclopaedia-like gizmo, or be presented as quotes from the marine's lore. If you want to depict very specific places, characters or items, point me at the relevant fluff sources, but as long as it's generic (armories, xenos, mythical backstory) I should be able to stand on my own feet. Difficulties should only arise (save exceptions) when getting to the level of specific battles or characters, i.e. I'll probably don't know about any specific chaplain of any given chapter, but that's a matter of getting documented.
What language/other programming resources are you using for this? I only know a little bit of computer stuff but still I'd like to know, if you want to disclose that info of course.
Edit: I'm reading about your other games and what tools you use :)
I'm aching to see a release. :)
Right, I can picture it. "Field Guide to the Forces of Darkness and Other Scum" would probably be the title in the WH40K Universe. And I bet the entries would be written in over-the-top language too.
Or a chapter serf relaying tactical information on request through the helmet's communications link
Data can be permanently entered into the brain of the marine as he is "maturing", he just has to remember its there.
But I have to come up with a basic backstory first, e.g. his ship crashed into a lost world after entering a warp storm during a routine training drill and he is the only survivor or is he part of an advance recon group infiltrating what is thought to be a simple chaos cult, or sent to a "mundane" world for guard duties after pissing off his seniors and discovers the world is rife with chaos influence, etc etc.
I like the idea that he is only newly "created" and has not come into his powers yet, that would make leveling up make sense.
Too much to think about at the moment. Also do I make him find and equip new armour as he goes along (like normal RLs) or do I make him keep his armour and give it upgrades alone the way. Since Space Marine armour is so revered it does not make sense for him to drop it and pick up a discarded, unblessed suit along the way.
As for what tools I use, I program in c++ and use a hybrid engine of OpenGL and SDL, mostly platform independent but I have not built a non-windows build yet. My images are in bitmap format where I load them up and add an alpha channel. Obviously I can use any image format with the appropriate loader. My engine currently handles my ascii bitmaps and 32x32 tiles and 40x40 tiles that overlay onto the 32x32 tiles. (used for big monsters). But since I use openGl as my rendering engine I can pretty much handle anything. I would love 3D looking (2d+) terrain tiles but I am getting ahead of my self.
Time to set up a blog or wiki page somewhere...
Yes, Upgrading the armor, rather than changing it, would make more sense. . IIRC, the available armors for marines were:
Power armor marks II through VIII
(Mark I was not airtight back in it's day, so any Mark I still in service would automatically be Artificer Armor)
Scout armor (It's a special kind of carapace armor right?)
Artificer armor
Terminator armor
Is this going to be dungeon-based or mission-based?
Awesome weapons!!! I love chainswords, but bolter and plasma guns are a must too. Bloody fantastic!!
I think dungeon based, but I am still thinking on it. Mission based would be easier to upgrade between missions. Or maybe at a tech-shrine you can spend experience points to upgrade equipment, or at a shrine to the emperor spend points to upgrade stats. Hmm then what would chaos shrines do??? Too much to work out for now..
I have at least started. I am currently working on a one level cave-like area currently filled with pitiful humans. Purge the Unclean!! Thankfully the TrollSlayer/IOC engine will work well for this.
Tech Shrine (Omnissiah): repair/upgrade normal gear, shouldn't "awesome" gear (like iron auras, combi-things, whatever badass items you implement) be harder to come by / upgrade? Like only once per shrine or something else. Or perhaps their point cost is enough limitation?
Imperial Shrine (Living God of Mankind): Repair and upgrade your body and soul.
Chaos Shrine (Chaos Pantheon): Corrupts gear and yourself. Blast them for bonus points!!
What about psychic powers? And chapter ranking / specialty?
Also, perhaps some items should be purchased in a shrine other than tech.
WH40k about Imperial Guard please! Maybe as an alternative gameplay to Space Marines:
If you die as a single Guardsman, you respawn as another one from you squad at the start of the level (Squad size is limited). So while you're much weaker than a Space Marine, you can compensate this by weakening strong enemy with a two suicidal Guardsmen, then finish him with a third one.
At a certain level you can become either a Sergeant (summoner, you can summon regular Guardsmen to serve as a meatshield) or a Priest (stronger in melee than a regular Guardsman, have more hp, resistant to corruption, have some basic spells).
Than sergeant can become a Commissar (you can summon more Guardsmen and you get the ability to execute any of your Guardsmen to buff yourself and everyone under your command).
A high level Commissar can become a Lord Commander and get some tasty abilities like "Call Artillery Fire" as well as increase in a maximum of summoned units.
The Priest can advance to Fanatic (higher melee stats, speed and hp, damage bonus to corrupted creatures, maybe some buff abilities/spells).
High level Fanatic can become Inquisitor - with even higher melee and defense stats and some great resistances/bonus damage against demons).
Also show the number of Guardsmen(both from your squad and summoned) that died in the single game session somewhere in statistics.
Now this is what i call a real men's gameplay, not some covered-in-powerarmor-superheroes who can beat the game without dieing once.
delete this, doublepost by accident.
Well Goodsir, i concur with the Imperial Guard. They are indeed worthy of their own game. Have you seen Warp Rogue at all? Essentially a imperial based game with advancement trees. Unfortunately copx never really let it reach its potential.
I do intend to have some sort of squad gameplay, based on the leadership attribute of the main character, as a different style of gameplay. However your squad idea is really quite original.
Keep up the ideas.
I tried to try WarpRogue and i was utterly lost :'(
Hello, I come to vote my support for WH40k universe. A game in that setting would surely be tons of fun to play. Please make it available for Linux though or else I will not get to play it.
Played Warp Rogue for a bit but lots more its predecessor "Tower of Doom". Managed to finish the latter a few times. Doombreed, prince of Khorne was one tough cookie. WR while still fun had less appeal for some reason.
edit:misspelled the name of Khorne! shame...
Hi Ancient,
I plan on a Linux build, I now have a working ubuntu image to play with, but for the first few releases you will have to rely on Wine (again ;))
I have the same experience with Warp Rogue/Tower Of Doom. I really enjoyed ToD but WR was a bit lacking. I think WR felt a bit empty compared to the more "contained" Tower. It was a shame because the game structure behind Warp Rogue was good.
Well Goodsir, i concur with the Imperial Guard. They are indeed worthy of their own game. Have you seen Warp Rogue at all?
Yes! That game rocked. Shame it was left unfinished though.
I am thinking I should start emailing people who make obscure unfinished games, to let them know that at least someone out there played and enjoyed it. Maybe I might encourage devs to keep at it.
Maybe you can learn how to program in obfuscated C and finish it.
Have you seen Warp Rogue at all?
I wanted to play that recently, but the homepage is down (it would seem permanently). Does anyone know where I could get it?
Hmm, looks like the todoom (warp rogue) has been deleted of sourceforge. Maybe it has been renamed? Surely copx would not delete it.
Hey how's that dev going?
yeah its coming along a bit slower than I would like. I am trying to get in at least one hour a weekday. I am solely working on combat at the moment. Trying to figure out how combat with superhuman strength would work. Currently I am adding body parts and coup de graces. Of course that results in some really bloody combat. I will probably put some screenshots or vids on my blog when I have something to show. I am currently leaning towards delimbing of enemies only, as limbs are not currently part of the greater plan, but with a tech priest nearby who can make a new limb for you that may change.
Then I will add all the weapons I want, and combine them with the combat effects. I.e critical hits wont just be a message saying you "You hit the orc. It was a great hit!" but rather you will see the orc be knocked back, with a spray of blood. Or see its arm and weapon, or head go flying across the room and be temporarily blinded by a spray of blood across your visor, etc.
I am probably biting off more than I can devour at the moment, but I have no doubt that I will release something soon. I already have a working game, where you walk around and kill cultists, but it has no real flavour yet.
I'd like to make a request, if I may. I've played some of your other RLs today, and I'd like to ask you to add the ability to use either the (non-numpad) number keys or the Home-PgUp-PgDown-End keys for movement, as some people (such as me) might be playing on a notebook and won't have a numpad.
I wholeheartedly second that petition.
I don't own any keyboard with a proper keypad right now.
Give it vikeys, or user remappable key bindings, or whatever, but oh pl0x do it.
Ok done. easy pesy. With my latest games you should be able to remap anything to non special ASCII characterd I.e keys that represent a single ascii character, a-Z ~+? etc, not home, insert. Just because no one has ever requested it.
I though non-numpad number keys worked but I am guessing they dont :)
Blood for the Blood God!!!
Are you thinking straight 40k or are you going more Space Hulk?
Skulls for the Skull Throne!!!
Mostly straight 40k themed but rules will initially be my own. I have not really defined a setting yet. A space hulk would work fine, as would an mined-out asteroid where suddenly the miners have dissapeared, as would a planet recently released from a warp storm, or though lost to the warp for a millenia suddenly re-appearing, a settlement not responding to contact... etc etc.
A space hulk would probably be easiest but it has been done. Well not exactly as a roguelike but...
I am looking at doing a arena style game first to get the balance of combat. Hopefully I will get the arena and standard roguelike gameplay out in my first release.
Hmmmm..... Thousands of years ago, the capital ship Rhiannon was fitted with an Experimental Warp drive, and engaged it while in orbit around Abraxis IV. It turned out that instead of neutralizing the destabilizing effects of a gravitational field on warp generators, the E-drive amplified the instability, with disastrous effects. Both Rhiannon and Abraxis IV (yes, the whole planet) were sucked into warp space and presumed to be lost forever.
But, last Thursday, a warp instability was detected near an old asteroid mining base, and early on Friday morning, a planet which appears to be Abraxis IV was ejected from warp. Rapid-deployment scout robots have confirmed the locations of major cities, roads, etc -- and also spotted the ship Rhiannon, downed on the planet and apparently mostly-intact.
It is not known how much subjective time has elapsed on the planet, nor whether it has been colonized by creatures native to the warp-space environment or whether any humans (or their mutated thousandth-generation descendants) might still survive there. You were dispatched with a crack team of troubleshooters (people who shoot trouble with REALLY BIG GUNS) with this mission: First, assess, report, and if necessary neutralize any threat to the empire. Second, get to the Rhiannon, board it, and dismantle the E-Drive before the local warp instabilities recharge its core and it throw the planet back into warp.
Something like that maybe?
I guess you get a great fanbase by making a wh40k roguelike. I had stopped all my wh40k 'fangame' efforts (star-quest and space-hulk, for gp2x http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ImSdcIhbbZg ) since some trouble of fellow gamedevs which were forced to stop their games - though i had always wh40k inspired roguelikes in mind :-(
Anyway, i hope to see a release and i hope noone from games workshop forces you to stop it.
;D ;D ;D ;D
I SURE HOPE THEY DON'T (http://ilovemakingtiles.blogspot.com/2011/08/forty-key-kick-ass-goodness.html)
But if they do, we'll take it underground 8)
Now you are just showing off ;) Seriously I will now have to put a lot more effort in to get these sprites together. Those sprites are easily enough to start the marines with. Yeehar!, to paraphrase Barney Stinson, Your "Awesome"!!
I dont know how far further we could take a roguelike underground considering we already started far from the daylight :)
I have read the GW licenses and they did not seem as harsh as I though they would. They have a lot of IP and it is well worth protecting that, but as long as I give credit to GW and don't infringe (too much) on there IP I should be safe. They do encourage their fans to spread the word far and wide, as long as their trademarks remain intact and IP are not challenged. We will be safe as long as they don't intend on making a tile-based roguelike at any stage in the near or grim dark future distance future, that is!
And if things go pear-shaped GW summed it up nicely, "...there will be no peace among the stars...there is ONLY WAR...
Well, the sprites more or less work by themselves...
you just have to overlap a selection of:
1 head
1 torso
1 rifle + free hand / 1 pistol + 1 CCweapon / 1 heavy weapon
2 legs
1 backpack (regular / jump pack / hvy wpnz)
I'm now working on the chaos cultists ;D ;D ;D
Oh well. I think that's enough for today.
You've got an Mk4 marine kit and Mk1 chaos cultist kit at the usual place.
Beautiful, I love the direction your art is going. That's more than enough to get me started.
On to purge out that filthy chaos cult.
I have read the GW licenses and they did not seem as harsh as I though they would. They have a lot of IP and it is well worth protecting that, but as long as I give credit to GW and don't infringe (too much) on there IP I should be safe. They do encourage their fans to spread the word far and wide, as long as their trademarks remain intact and IP are not challenged. We will be safe as long as they don't intend on making a tile-based roguelike at any stage in the near or grim dark future distance future, that is!
Thats one side; the other side are big companies which have baught a license from GW. The people at "teardown" e.g. surely met the dark side of ip, and i've not seen any space hulk games lately. Maybe you are lucky.
Dark Angels 1st company is ready to kick ass any troublemakers ;-)
Hmm, maybe if I give it a generic enough name it wont stand out. Something like "Warhammer 40,000: Space Marine" might be a good choice ;D
you could call it Forty Key.
Or Forty Keys to make it even more obscure.
But I guess any of thesse would be way over the top.
For best obfuscation whilst preserving ties, I propose “Conflictmallet 0x9C40: Cosmos Trooper”.
F. Genius !!
First laugh of my day!
That sounds almost like BATTLETOADS.
Conflictmallet 0x9C40 is awesome. I was looking at Latin translations but that is better ;D
If I ever do a parody of wh40k I am stealing this name, in your face Games Workshop!
"Bend from your waist directly before me minor bipedal humanoid, to prevent my own person from misappropriating your unproductive sentience with my conflictmallet, for did you not perceive that I am a cosmos trooper of the 0x9C40 millennium."